PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 0+]5)7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK (PEHGGHG&RPSDWLEOH 0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG,QSXW%LW$'& )($785(6 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Q5)( $33/,&$7,216 nRF905 433/868/915 MHz transceiver 8051 compatible microcontroller 4 input, 10bit 80ksps ADC Single 1.9V to 3.6V supply Small 32 pin QFN (5x5 mm) package Extremely low cost Bill of Material (BOM) Internal VDD monitoring 2.5A standby with wakeup on timer or external pin Adjustable output power up to 10dBm Channel switching time less than 650s Low TX supply current, typical 11mA @-10dBm Low RX supply current typical 12.5mA peak Low MCU supply current, typ. 1mA at 4MHz @3volt Suitable for frequency hopping Carrier Detect for "listen before transmit protocol" * * * * * * * * * Sports and leisure equipment Alarm and security system Industrial sensors Remote control Surveillance Automotive Telemetry Keyless entry Toys *(1(5$/'(6&5,37,21 nRF9E5 is a true single chip system with fully integrated RF transceiver, 8051 compatible microcontroller and a 4 input 10bit 80ksps AD converter. The transceiver of the system supports all the features available in the nRF905 chip including ShockburstTM, which automatically handles preamble, address and CRC. The circuit has embedded voltage regulators, which provides maximum noise immunity and allows operation on a single 1.9V to 3.6V supply. nRF9E5 is compatible with FCC standard CFR47 part 15 and ETSI EN 300 220-1. 48,&.5()(5(1&('$7$ 3DUDPHWHU Minimum supply voltage Temperature range Supply current in transmit @ -10dBm output power Supply current in receive mode Supply current for -controller 4MHz @ 3volt Supply current for ADC Maximum transmit output power Transmitted data rate (Manchester-encoder embedded) Sensitivity Supply current in power down mode 9DOXH 1.9 -40 to +85 11 12.5 1 0.9 10 100 -100 2.5 8QLW V C mA mA mA mA dBm kbps dBm Table 1 nRF9E5 quick reference data. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 1 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 25'(5,1*,1)250$7,21 7\SHQXPEHU nRF9E5 IC nRF9E5-EVKIT 433 nRF9E5-EVKIT 868/915 'HVFULSWLRQ 32L QFN 5x5 mm Evaluation kit 433MHz Evaluation kit 868/915MHz 9HUVLRQ 1.0 1.0 Table 2 nRF9E5 ordering information. %/2&.',$*5$0 4k byte RAM AIN3 (26) AIN2 (27) Boot loader 256 byte RAM 7-channel interrupt UART0 Timer 0 Timer 1 Timer 2 AIN1 (28) AIN0 (29) AREF (30) $' FRQYHUWHU ANT1 (20) ANT2 (21) VDD_PA (19) nRF905 433/868/ 915 MHz 5DGLR 7UDQFHLYHU IREF (23) BIAS &38 XC2 (15) 8051 compatible Microcontroller XTAL oscillator XC1 (14) VSS (5) PWM VSS (16) Low power RC Oscillator SPI VSS (18) VSS (22) VSS (24) VDD (4) WATCHDOG RTC timer Power mgmt Reset Regulators VDD (17) 8. Ch programmable Wakeup Port logic CSN SCK (12) EECSN (13) SCK MISO (11) MOSI (10) SDI SDO P07 (9) P06 (8) P05 (7) P04 (6) P03 (3) P02 (2) P01 (1) P00 (32) DVDD_1V2 (31) VDD (25) 25320 EEPROM Figure 1 nRF9E5 block diagram. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 2 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 7$%/(2)&217(176 1 Architectural Overview ......................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Microcontroller ................................................................................................................. 5 1.2 PWM ................................................................................................................................. 6 1.3 SPI..................................................................................................................................... 6 1.4 Port Logic.......................................................................................................................... 6 1.5 Power Management........................................................................................................... 7 1.6 LF Clock, RTC Wakeup Timer, GPIO Wakeup and Watchdog....................................... 7 1.7 XTAL Oscillator ............................................................................................................... 7 1.8 AD Converter.................................................................................................................... 8 1.9 Radio Transceiver ............................................................................................................. 8 2 Eletrical Specification ........................................................................................................... 9 2.1 Detailed Current Information.......................................................................................... 10 3 Pin Assignment.................................................................................................................... 11 4 Pin Function ........................................................................................................................ 12 5 System Clock....................................................................................................................... 13 6 Digital I/O Ports .................................................................................................................. 14 6.1 I/O Port Behavior During RESET .................................................................................. 14 6.2 Port 0 (P0) ....................................................................................................................... 14 6.3 Port 1 (P1 or SPI port)..................................................................................................... 15 7 Analog Interface .................................................................................................................. 17 7.1 Crystal Specification ....................................................................................................... 17 7.2 Antenna Output ............................................................................................................... 17 7.3 ADC Inputs ..................................................................................................................... 17 7.4 Current Reference ........................................................................................................... 17 7.5 Digital Power De-Coupling ............................................................................................ 17 8 Internal Interface AD Converter and Transceiver ............................................................... 18 8.1 P2 - Radio General Purpose IO Port ............................................................................... 18 9 Tranceiver Subsystem (nRF905)......................................................................................... 20 9.1 RF Modes of Operation................................................................................................... 20 9.2 nRF ShockBurstTM Mode................................................................................................ 20 9.3 Standby Mode ................................................................................................................. 25 9.4 Output Power Adjustment............................................................................................... 25 9.5 Modulation...................................................................................................................... 25 9.6 Output Frequency............................................................................................................ 26 9.7 Carrier Detect.................................................................................................................. 26 9.8 Address Match ................................................................................................................ 27 9.9 Data Ready...................................................................................................................... 27 9.10 Auto Retransmit.......................................................................................................... 27 9.11 RX Reduced Power Mode .......................................................................................... 27 10 AD Converter subsystem..................................................................................................... 28 10.1 AD Converter ............................................................................................................. 28 10.2 AD Converter Usage................................................................................................... 29 10.3 AD Converter Sampling and Timing.......................................................................... 30 11 Tranceiver and AD Converter Configuration...................................................................... 32 11.1 Internal SPI Register Configuration ........................................................................... 32 11.2 SPI - Instruction Set ................................................................................................... 34 11.3 SPI Timing.................................................................................................................. 35 11.4 RF Configuration - Register Description ................................................................... 36 11.5 ADC - Configuration Register Description ................................................................ 37 11.6 Status-Register Description ........................................................................................ 37 11.7 RF - Register Contents................................................................................................ 38 Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 3 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 11.8 ADC Configuration Register Contents ....................................................................... 39 11.9 ADC Data Register Contents...................................................................................... 39 11.10 Status Register Contents ............................................................................................. 39 12 Tranceiver Subsytem Timing .............................................................................................. 40 12.1 Device Switching Times............................................................................................. 40 12.2 ShockBurstTM TX Timing........................................................................................... 40 12.3 ShockBurstTM RX Timing........................................................................................... 41 13 SPI ....................................................................................................................................... 42 14 PWM ................................................................................................................................... 43 15 Interrupts ............................................................................................................................. 44 15.1 Interrupt SFRs............................................................................................................. 44 15.2 Interrupt Processing .................................................................................................... 47 15.3 Interrupt Masking ....................................................................................................... 47 15.4 Interrupt Priorities....................................................................................................... 47 15.5 Interrupt Sampling ...................................................................................................... 48 15.6 Interrupt Latency ........................................................................................................ 49 15.7 Interrupt Latency from Power Down State................................................................. 49 15.8 Single-Step Operation................................................................................................. 49 16 LF Clock Wakeup Functions and Watchdog....................................................................... 50 16.1 The LF Clock.............................................................................................................. 50 16.2 Tick Calibration .......................................................................................................... 50 16.3 RTC Wakeup Timer ................................................................................................... 51 16.4 Programmable GPIO Wakeup Function ..................................................................... 51 16.5 Watchdog.................................................................................................................... 52 16.6 Programming Interface to Watchdog and Wakeup Functions.................................... 52 16.7 Reset ........................................................................................................................... 54 17 Power Saving Modes........................................................................................................... 56 17.1 Standard 8051 Power Saving Modes .......................................................................... 56 17.2 Additional Power Down Modes ................................................................................. 57 18 Microcontroller.................................................................................................................... 59 18.1 Memory Organization................................................................................................. 59 18.2 Program Format in External EEPROM ...................................................................... 60 18.3 Instruction Set............................................................................................................. 61 18.4 Instruction Timing ...................................................................................................... 67 18.5 Dual Data Pointers...................................................................................................... 67 18.6 Special Function Registers ......................................................................................... 68 18.7 SFR Registers Unique to nRF9E5 .............................................................................. 72 18.8 Timers/Counters ......................................................................................................... 73 18.9 Serial Interface............................................................................................................ 80 19 Package Outline................................................................................................................... 91 20 PCB Layout and Decoupling Guidelines ............................................................................ 92 21 Application Examples ......................................................................................................... 93 21.1 Differential Connection to a Loop Antenna ............................................................... 93 21.2 PCB Layout Example, Differential Connection to a Loop Antenna .......................... 95 21.3 Single Ended Connection to 50 Antenna................................................................. 96 21.4 PCB Layout Example, Single Ended Connection to 50 Antenna............................ 98 21.5 Configure the Chip as nRF905. .................................................................................. 98 22 Absolute Maximum Ratings................................................................................................ 99 23 Glossery of Terms ............................................................................................................. 100 24 Definitions ......................................................................................................................... 101 25 Your Notes ........................................................................................................................ 102 Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 4 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& $5&+,7(&785$/29(59,(: This section will give a brief overview of each of the blocks in the block diagram in Figure 1. 1.1 Microcontroller The nRF9E5 microcontroller is instruction set compatible with the industry standard 8051. Instruction timing is slightly different from the industry standard, typically each instruction will use from 4 to 20 clock cycles, compared with 12 to 48 for the "standard". The interrupt controller is extended to support 5 additional interrupt sources; ADC, SPI, 2 for the radio and a wakeup function. There are also 3 timers that are 8052 compatible, plus some extensions, in the microcontroller core. An 8051 compatible UART that can use timer1 or timer2 for baud rate generation in the traditional asynchronous modes is included. The CPU is equipped with 2 data pointers to facilitate easier moving of data in the XRAM area, which is a common 8051 extension. The microcontroller clock is derived from the crystal oscillator. 1.1.1 Memory Configuration The microcontroller has a 256-byte data ram (8052 compatible, with the upper half only addressable by register indirect addressing). A small ROM of 512 bytes contains a bootstrap loader that is executed automatically after power on reset or if initiated by software later. The user program is normally loaded into a 4k byte RAM1 from an external serial EEPROM by the bootstrap loader. The 4k byte RAM may also (partially) be used for data storage in some applications. 1.1.2 Boot EEPROM/FLASH The program code for the device must be loaded from an external non-volatile memory. The default boot loader expects this to be a "generic 25320" EEPROM with SPI interface. These memories are available from several vendors with supply ranges down to 1.8V. The SPI interface uses the pins MISO (from EEPROM SDO), SCK (to EEPROM SCK), MOSI (to EEPROM SDI) and EECSN (to EEPROM CSN). When the boot is completed, the MISO (P1.2), MOSI (P1.0) and SCK (P1.1) pins may be used for other purposes such as other SPI devices or GPIO (General Purpose Input Output). 1.1.3 Register Map The SFR (Special Function Registers) control several of the features of the nRF9E5. Most of the nRF9E5 SFRs are identical to the standard 8051 SFRs. However, there are additional SFRs that control features that are not available in the standard 8051. The SFR map is shown in Table 3. The registers with grey background are registers with industry standard 8051 behavior. Note that the function of P0, P1 and P2 are somewhat different from the "standard" even if the conventional addresses (0x80, 0x90 and 0xA0) are used. 1 Optionally this 4k block of memory can be configured as 2k mask ROM and 2k RAM or 4 k mask ROM Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 5 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& ) ) ( ( ' ' & & % ; ; EIP B EIE ACC EICON PSW T2CON ; ; ; ; ; ; HWREV RCAP2L RCAP2H TL2 TH2 IP % $ IE $ P2 SCON P1 TCON P0 RSTREA S PWM CON SPI _DATA PWM DUTY SPI _CTRL REGX _MSB SPI CLK REGX _LSB TICK_ DV REGX _CTRL CK_ CTRL CKLF CON TEST_ MODE SBUF EXIF TMOD SP MPAGE TL0 DPL0 P0_DRV TL1 DPH0 P0_DIR TH0 DPL1 P0_ALT TH1 DPH1 P1_DIR CKCON DPS P1_ALT SPC_FNC PCON Table 3 SFR Register map. 1.2 PWM The nRF9E5 has one programmable PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation) output, which is the alternate function of P0.7. The resolution of the PWM is software programmable to 6, 7 or 8 bits. The frequency of the PWM signal is programmable via a 6 bit prescaler from the XTAL oscillator. The duty cycle is programmable between 0% and 100% via one 8-bit register. 1.3 SPI nRF9E5 features a simple single buffered SPI (Serial Programmable Interface) master. The 3 data lines of the SPI bus (MISO, SCK and MOSI) are multiplexed (by writing to register SPI_CTRL) between the GPIO pins (lower 3 bits of P1) and the RF transceiver and AD subsystems. The SPI hardware does not generate any chip select signal. The programmer will typically use GPIO bits (from port P0) to act as chip selects for one or more external SPI devices. The EECSN pin is a general purpose IO dedicated as chip select for the boot EEPROM. When the SPI interfaces the RF transceiver, the chip selects are available in an internal GPIO port, P2. 1.4 Port Logic The device has 8 general-purpose bi-directional pins (the P0 port). Additionally the 4 SPI data pins may be used as general purpose IO (the P1). Most of the GPIO pins can be used for multiple purposes under program control. The alternate functions include two external interrupts, UART RXD and TXD, a SPI master port, three enable/count signals for the timers and the PWM output and a slow programmable timer. Each pin in the P0 port can be programmed for high sink or source current. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 6 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 1.5 Power Management The nRF9E5 can be placed into several low power modes under program control, and also the ADC and RF subsystems can be turned on or off under program control. The CPU will stop, but all RAM's and registers maintain their values. The watchdog, RTC (Real Time Clock) wakeup timer and the GPIO wakeup function are always active during power down. The current consumption is typically 2.5A when running with the crystal oscillator off. The device can exit the power down modes by an external pin, an event on any of the P0 GPIO pins, by the wakeup timer if enabled or by a watchdog reset. 1.6 LF Clock, RTC Wakeup Timer, GPIO Wakeup and Watchdog The nRF9E5 contains an internal low frequency clock CKLF that is always on. When the crystal oscillator clocks the circuit, the CKLF is a 4kHz clock derived from the crystal oscillator. When no crystal oscillator clock is available, the CKLF is a low power RC oscillator that cannot be disabled, so it will run continuously as long as VDD 1.8V. The RTC Wakeup timer, the GPIO wakeup and watchdog all run on the CKLF to ensure these vital functions will work during all power down modes. RTC Wakeup timer is a 24 bit programmable down counter and the Watchdog is a 16 bit programmable down counter. The resolution of the watchdog and wakeup timer is programmable (with prescaler TICK_DV) from approximately 300s to approximately 80ms. By default the resolution is 1ms. The wakeup timer can be started and stopped by user software. The watchdog is disabled after a reset, but if activated it cannot be disabled again, except by another reset. An RTC Wakeup timer timeout also provides a programmable pulse (GTIMER) that can be an output on a GPIO pin. The GPIO wakeup function lets the software enable wakeup on one or more pins from the P0 GPIO port. The edge sensitivity (rising, falling or both) and de-bouncing filter is individually programmable for each pin. 1.7 XTAL Oscillator The microcontroller, AD converter and transceiver run on the same crystal oscillator generated clock. A range of crystals frequencies from 4 to 20 MHz may be utilized. For details, please see chapter 7.1 on page 17. The oscillator may be started and stopped as requested by software. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 7 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 1.8 AD Converter The nRF9E5 AD converter has up to 10-bit dynamic range and linearity with a conversion rate of 80 ksps used at the Nyquist rate. The reference for the AD converter is software selectable between the AREF input and an internal 1.22V bandgap reference. The converter has 5 inputs selectable by software. Selecting one of the inputs 0 to 3 will convert the voltage on the respective AIN0 to AIN3 pin. Input 4 enables software to monitor the nRF9E5 supply voltage by converting an internal input that is VDD/3 with the 1.22V internal reference selected. The AD converter is typically used in a start/stop mode. The sampling time is then under software control. The converter is by default configured as 10 bits. For special requirements, the AD converter can be configured by software to perform 6, 8 or 12 bit conversions. The converter may also be used in differential mode with AIN0 used as negative input and one of the other 3 external inputs used as noninverting input. 1.9 Radio Transceiver The transceiver part of the circuit has identical functionality to the nRF905 single chip RF transceiver. It is accessed through an internal parallel port and / or an internal SPI. The data ready, carrier-detect and address match signals can be programmed as interrupts to the microcontroller or polled via a GPIO port. The nRF905 is a radio transceiver for the 433/868/915 MHz ISM bands. The transceiver consists of a fully integrated frequency synthesizer, a power amplifier, a modulator and a receiver unit. Output power and frequency channels and other RF parameters are easily programmable by use of the on chip SPI interface to the nRF905 core. RF current consumption is only 11 mA in TX mode (output power -10dBm) and 12.5 mA in RX mode. For power saving the transceiver can be turned on / off under software control. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 8 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& (/(75,&$/63(&,),&$7,21 6\PERO 3DUDPHWHUFRQGLWLRQ VDD TEMP Supply voltage Operating temperature 1RWHV 0LQ 7\S 0D[ 8QLWV 1.9 -40 3.0 27 3.6 85 V C VDD-0.3 VSS VDD 0.3 V V VDD-0.3 VSS VDD 0.3 V V 2SHUDWLQJFRQGLWLRQV 'LJLWDOLQSXWSLQ VIH VIL HIGH level input voltage LOW level input voltage 'LJLWDORXWSXWSLQ VOH VOL HIGH level input voltage (IOH=-0.5mA) LOW level input voltage (IOL=0.5mA) *HQHUDOHOHFWULFDOVSHFLILFDWLRQ IPD Supply current in power down mode 2.5 A 1 mA *HQHUDOPLFURFRQWUROOHUFRQGLWLRQV IVDD_MCU IOL_HD IOH_HD fLP_OSC Supply current @4MHz @3V High drive sink current for P06, P04, P02 and P00 @ VOL = 0.4V High drive source current for P07, P05, P03 and P01 @ VOH = VDD-0.4V Low power RC oscillator frequency 1) 10 mA 1 10 5.5 mA KHz 430 4 42 928 20 58 MHz MHz kHz kbps kHz kHz 11 9 2 -6 dBm dBm dBm dBm kHz dBc dBc mA mA 1) *HQHUDO5)FRQGLWLRQV fOP fXTAL f RGFSK fCH_433 fCH_868 Operating frequency Crystal frequency Frequency deviation GFSK data rate, Manchester-encoded Channel spacing @ 433MHz Channel spacing @ 868 and 915 MHz 2) 3) 50 100 100 200 7UDQVPLWWHURSHUDWLRQ PRF10 PRF6 PRF-2 PRF-10 PBW PRF1 PRF2 ITX10dBm ITX-14dBm Output power 10dBm setting Output power 6dBm setting Output power -2dBm setting Output power -10dBm setting 20dB bandwidth for modulated carrier 1st adjacent channel transmit power 2nd adjacent channel transmit power Supply current @ 10dBm output power Supply current @ -10dBm output power 4) 4) 4) 4) 7 3 -6 -14 5) 5) 10 6 -2 -10 190 -27 -54 30 11 5HFHLYHURSHUDWLRQ IRX RXSENS RXMAX C/ICO C/I1ST C/I2ND C/IIM Supply current in receive mode Sensitivity at 0.1%BER Maximum received signal C/I Co-channel 1st adjacent channel selectivity C/I 200kHz 2nd adjacent channel selectivity C/I 400kHz Image rejection 12.5 -100 0 6) 6) 6) 6) 13 -7 -16 -30 mA dBm dBm dB dB dB dB Table 4 nRF9E5 electrical specification. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 9 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 6\PERO 3DUDPHWHUFRQGLWLRQ 1RWHV 0LQ 7\S 53 0.5 0.75 59 1 1 58 0D[ 8QLWV ADC operation DNL INL SNR VOS G SNR SFDR VBG VFS fS IADC tNPD Differential Nonlinearity fIN = 0.9991 kHz Integral Nonlinearity fIN = 0.9991 kHz Signal to Noise Ratio (DC input) Midscale offset Gain Error Signal to Noise Ratio (without harmonics) fIN = 10 kHz Spurious Free Dynamic Range fIN = 10 kHz Internal reference Internal reference voltage drift Reference voltage input (external ref) Conversion rate Supply current ADC operation Start-up time from ADC Power down 1.1 65 1.22 100 0.8 LSB LSB dBFS %FS %FS dBFS 1.3 1.5 125 7) 1 15 dB V ppm/C V ksps mA s Table 5 nRF9E5 AD converter electrical specifications. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Higher sink/source current is possible if increased voltage changes on ports are accepted. Operates in the 433, 868 and 915 MHz ISM band. The crystal frequency may be chosen from 5 different values (4, 8, 12, 16, and 20MHz) which are specified in the configuration word. Please see Table 22 on page 36. De-embedded Antenna load impedance = 400 . Channel width and channel spacing is 200kHz. Channel Level +3dB over sensitivity, interfering signal a standard carrier wave. Conversion rate is dependant on resolution, Please see chapter 10.3 page 30. 2.1 Detailed Current Information 02'( Light power down Moderate Power down Standby mode Deep Power Down MCU @0.5M 3 volt MCU @1M 3 volt MCU @2M 3 volt MCU @4M 3 volt MCU @8M 3 volt MCU @12M 3 volt MCU @16M 3 volt MCU @20M 3 volt Rx @ 433 Rx @ 868/915 Reduced Rx Tx @ 10dBm Tx @ 6dBm Tx @ -2dBm Tx @ -10dBm 7<3,&$/&855(17 0.4 mA 125 uA 25 uA 2.5 uA 0.125 mA 0.25 mA 0.5 mA 1 mA 2 mA 3 mA 4 mA 5 mA 12.2 mA 12.8 mA 10.5 mA 30 mA 20 mA 14 mA 11 mA Table 6 Detailed current information Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 10 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 3,1$66,*10(17 P00 32 DVDD_1V2 AREF 31 30 AIN0 AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 VDD 29 28 27 26 25 24 VSS 23 IREF 22 VSS 4 21 ANT2 VSS 5 20 ANT1 P04 6 19 VDD_PA P05 7 18 VSS P06 8 17 VDD P01 1 P02 2 P03 3 VDD Q5)( 32L QFN 5x5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 P07 MOSI MISO SCK EECSN XC1 XC2 VSS Figure 2 Pin assignment nRF9E5. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 11 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 3,1)81&7,21 3LQ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1DPH P01 P02 P03 VDD VSS P04 P05 P06 P07 MOSI MISO SCK EECSN XC1 XC2 VSS VDD VSS VDD_PA ANT1 ANT2 VSS IREF VSS VDD AIN3 AIN2 AIN1 AIN0 AREF DVDD_1V2 P00 3LQIXQFWLRQ Digital IN/OUT Digital IN/OUT Digital IN/OUT Power Power Digital IN/OUT Digital IN/OUT Digital IN/OUT Digital IN/OUT SPI-Interface SPI-Interface SPI-clock SPI-enable Analog Input Analog Output Power Power Power Power Output RF - port RF - port Power Analog Input Power Power Analog Input Analog Input Analog Input Analog Input Analog Input Power Output Digital IN/OUT 'HVFULSWLRQ uP Bi-directional digital pin uP Bi-directional digital pin uP Bi-directional digital pin Power supply (+3V DC) Ground (0V) uP Bi-directional digital pin uP Bi-directional digital pin uP Bi-directional digital pin uP Bi-directional digital pin SPI output SPI input SPI clock SPI enable, active low Crystal Pin 1/ External clock reference pin Crystal Pin 2 Ground (0V) Power supply (+3V DC) Ground (0V) Regulated positive supply (1.8V) to nRF905 power amplifier Antenna interface 1 Antenna interface 2 Ground (0V) Reference current Ground (0V) Power supply (+3V DC) ADC Input 3 ADC Input 2 ADC Input 1 ADC Input 0 ADC Reference Voltage Low voltage positive digital supply output for de-coupling uP Bi-directional digital pin Table 7 nRF9E5 pin function. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 12 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 6<67(0&/2&. The Microcontroller clock, CPU_CLK, is generated from the on chip crystal oscillator. CPU_CLK frequency is configured in the RF-configuration register (see chapter 11) and could be set to 0.5, 1, 2 or 4MHz. CPU_CLK could in addition be set equal to the crystal oscillator frequency itself. The CPU_CLK generation is illustrated in Figure 3. It is important to always set XOF equal to the actual crystal selected for the application. XO fXO UP_CLK_FREQ 0.5 - 4MHz 4MHz Divide 1 to 5 Divide 1 to 4 XOF UP_CLK _FREQ MUX fCPU_CLK 0.5 to 20MHz UP_CLK_EN Figure 3 CPU_CLK generation in nRF9E5. The chip has an internal low frequency clock that is always active. This clock ensure proper operation of vital function when the chip is in power down mode and the crystal oscillator is turned off, please see chapter 16 on page 50. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 13 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& ',*,7$/,232576 The nRF9E5 has two IO ports located at the default locations for P0 and P1 in standard 8051, but the ports are fully bi-directional CMOS and the direction of each pin is controlled by a _DIR and an _ALT bit for each bit as shown in the table below. 3LQ EECSN MISO SCK MOSI P00 P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 'HIDXOWIXQFWLRQ P1.3 SPI.datain SPI.clock SPI.dataout P0.0 P0.1 P0.2 P0.3 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 $OWHUQDWH T2 (timer2 input) 63,B&75/ P1.3 P1.2 P1.0 P1.1 GTIMER RXD (UART) TXD (UART) INT0_N (interrupt) INT1_N (interrupt) T0 (timer0 input) T1 (timer1 input) PWM Table 8 Port functions. 6.1 I/O Port Behavior During RESET During this period the internal reset is active (regardless of whether or not the clock is running), all the port pins related to P0 are configured as inputs, whereas the inputs related to P1 are configured as required for an SPI master. When program execution starts, all ports are still configured as during reset, and the program will need to set the _ALT and/or the _DIR register for the pins that need another direction. 6.2 Port 0 (P0) P0_ALT and P0_DIR control the P0 port function in that order of priority. If the alternate function for port P0.n is set (by P0_ALT.n = 1) the pin will be input or output as required by the alternate function (UART, external interrupt, timer inputs or PWM output), except that the UART RXD direction will still depend on P0_DIR.1. To use INT0_N or INT1_N as interrupts, the corresponding alternate function must be activated, P0_ALT.3 / P0_ALT.4. When the P0_ALT.n is not set, bit `n' of the port is a GPIO function with the direction controlled by P0_DIR.n. 3LQ P00 P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 GTIMER RXD TXD INT0_N INT1_N T0 T1 PWM Out Out Out In In In In Out 'DWDLQ3B$/7Q3B',5Q GTIMER Out P0.0 Out RXD In P0.1 Out TXD Out P0.2 Out INT0_N In P0.3 Out INT1_N In P0.4 Out T0 In P0.5 Out T1 In P0.6 Out PWM Out P0.7 Out P0.0 P0.1 P0.2 P0.3 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 In In In In In In In In Table 9 Port 0 (P0) functions. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 14 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& Port 0 is controlled by SFR-registers 0x80, 0x93, 0x94 and 0x95 listed in the table below. $GGU 6)5 KH[ 80 93 5: ELW R/W R/W 8 8 ,QLW YDOXH KH[ FF 00 1DPH )XQFWLRQ P0 P0_DRV Port 0, pins P07 to P00 High drive strength for each bit of Port 0 0: Enable, 1: Disable (See 6.2.1 below for a description) Direction for each bit of Port 0 0: Output, 1: Input Direction is overridden if alternate function is selected for a pin. Select alternate functions for each pin of P0, if corresponding bit in P0_ALT is set, as listed in Table 9 Port 0 (P0) functions. 94 R/W 8 FF P0_DIR 95 R/W 8 00 P0_ALT Table 10 Port 0 control and data SFR-registers. 6.2.1 High Current Drive Capability Odd numbered bits will source high current when the corresponding bit in P0_DRV is set, where as even number bits will sink high current when the corresponding bit in P0_DRV is set. 6.3 Port 1 (P1 or SPI port) The P1 port consists of 4 pins, one of which is a hardwired input. The primary function of the P1 port (when SPI_CTRL is 01) is a SPI master port. The pin EECSN is used as a chip select for the boot EEPROM, the GPIO bits in port P0 may be used as chip select(s) for other SPI devices. When not used as SPI port, P1_ALT.0 will force SCK (P1.0) to be the timer T2 input; MOSI (P1.1) is now a GPIO. When P0_ALT.0 is 0, also SCK (P1.0) is a GPIO. MISO (P1.2) is always an input. That is P1_DIR.2 and P1_ALT.2 are ignored. EECSN (P1.3) is always a GPIO. It will be activated by the default boot loader after reset and should be connected to the CSN of the boot flash. 3LQ SCK MOSI MISO EECSN 63,B&75/ SPI.clock SPI.dataout SPI.datain P1.3 3B$/7Q Out Out In Out T2 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 In I/O2 In I/O2 63,B&75/ 3B$/7Q 3B',5Q 3B',5Q P1.0 In P1.0 P1.1 In P1.1 P1.2 In P1.2 P1.3 In P1.3 Out Out In Out Table 11 Port 1 (P1) functions. 2 P1.1 and P1.3 are actually under control of P1_DIR.1 and P1_DIR.3 even when P1_ALT.1 or P1_ALT.3 are 1, since there are no alternate functions for these pins. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 15 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& Port 1 is controlled by SFR-registers 0x90, 0x96 and 0x97, and only the 4 lower bits of the registers are used. $GGU 6)5 KH[ 90 5: ELW R/W 4 ,QLW YDOXH KH[ F 1DPH )XQFWLRQ P1 Port 1, pins SPI_SCK, SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO and SPI_CSN Direction for each bit of Port 1 0: Output, 1: Input Direction is overridden if alternate function is selected for a pin, or if SPI_CTRL=01. SPI_MISO is always input. Select alternate functions for each pin of P1 if corresponding bit in P1_ALT is set, as listed in Table 11 Port 1 (P1) functions 96 R/W 4 4 P1_DIR 97 R/W 4 0 P1_ALT Table 12 Port 1 control and data SFR-registers. P1 is by default configured as a SPI master port. In this case, it is then controlled by the 3 SFR registers 0xB2, 0xB3 and 0xB4 as shown in Table 33 on page 42. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 16 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& $1$/2*,17(5)$&( 7.1 Crystal Specification Tolerance includes initially accuracy and tolerance over temperature and aging. )UHTXHQF\ &/ (65 &PD[ 4MHz 8MHz 12MHz 16MHz 20MHz 12pF 12pF 12pF 12pF 12pF 150 100 100 100 100 7.0pF 7.0pF 7.0pF 7.0pF 7.0pF 7ROHUDQFH# 0+] 30ppm 30ppm 30ppm 30ppm 30ppm 7ROHUDQFH# 0+] 60ppm 60ppm 60ppm 60ppm 60ppm Table 13 Crystal specification of nRF9E5. To achieve a crystal oscillator solution with low power consumption and fast start-up time, it is recommended to specify the crystal with a low value of crystal load capacitance. Specifying CL =12pF is acceptable, but it is possible to use up to 16pF. Specifying a lower value of crystal parallel equivalent capacitance, Co=1.5pF is also good, but this can increase the price of the crystal itself. Typically Co=1.5pF at a crystal specified for Co_max=7.0pF. 7.2 Antenna Output The "ANT1 & ANT2" output pins provide a balanced RF output to the antenna. The pins must have a DC path to VDD_PA, either via a RF choke or via the center point in a dipole antenna. The load impedance seen between the ANT1/ANT2 outputs should be in the range 200-700. A low load impedance (for instance 50) can be obtained by fitting a simple matching network or a RF transformer (balun). Further information regarding balun structures and matching networks may be found in the Application Examples chapter. 7.3 ADC Inputs The Analog to digital converter has four analog input channels and one reference voltage input. Analog input is selected with CHSEL in the ADC_CONFIG_REG. 7.4 Current Reference To get accurate internal biasing, an external low tolerance resistor is used. A resistor of 22k and 1% accuracy should be connected between the pin IREF and ground for proper operation of nRF9E5. 7.5 Digital Power De-Coupling nRF9E5 has internal regulator used for optimum performance and minimum power dissipation in digital part of the system. De-coupling of the regulated power is needed for proper operation of the chip. A capacitor of 10nF should be connected between DVDD_1V2 and ground as close to the chip as possible. Please see PCB layout and decoupling guidelines for further information regarding layout. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 17 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& ,17(51$/,17(5)$&($'&219(57(5$1' 75$16&(,9(5 8.1 P2 - Radio General Purpose IO Port The P2 port controls the transceiver. The P2 port uses the address normally used by port P2 in standard 8051. However since the radio transceiver is on chip, the port is not bidirectional. The power on default values in the port "latch" also differs from traditional 8051 to match the requirements of the radio transceiver subsystem. Operation of the transceiver is controlled by SFR registers P2 and SPI_CTRL: 1DPH 8 ,QLW YDOXH KH[ 04 2 0 SPI_CTRL $GGU 6)5 KH[ A0 5: ELW R/W B3 R/W P2 )XQFWLRQ General purpose IO for interface to nRF905 radio transceiver and AD converter subsystems 00 -> SPI not used 01 -> SPI connected to port P1 (boot) 1x -> SPI connected to nRF905/AD Table 14 nRF905 433/868/915 MHz transceiver subsystem control registers - SFR 0xA0 and 0xB3. The bits of the P2 register correspond to similar pins of the nRF905 single chip, as shown in Table 15 P2 (RADIO) register . In the documentation the pin names are used, so please note that setting or reading any of these nRF905 pins, means to write or read the P2 SFR register accordingly. 3UHJLVWHUELW)XQFWLRQ 5HDG 7: nRF905 Transceiver address match 6: nRF905 Transceiver carrier detect 5: nRF905 Transceiver data ready 4: ADC end of conversion 3: 0 (not used) 2: nrF905 Transceiver and ADC SPI data out (SBMISO) 1: 0 (not used) 0: 0 (not used) :ULWH 7: Not used 6: Not used 5: nRF905 Transceiver enable receiver function 4: nRF905 Transceiver transmit/receive selection 3: nrF905 Transceiver and ADC SPI Chip select (SBCSN) 2: Not used 1: nrF905 Transceiver and ADC SPI data in (SBMOSI) 0: nrF905 Transceiver and ADC SPI clock (SBSCK) &RUUHVSRQGLQJQ5) 7UDQVFHLYHUSLQQDPH AM CD DR EOC MISO TRX_CE TX_EN CSN MOSI SCK Table 15 P2 (RADIO) register - SFR 0xA0, default initial data value is 0x08. Note : Some of the pins are overridden when SPI_CTRL=1x, see Table 14. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 18 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 8.1.1 Controlling the Transceiver via SPI Interface. Normally the SPI hardware interface rather than GPIO programming will do the data transfers to the transceiver. Please see Table 33 SPI control and data SFR-registers for use of SPI interface. When SPI_CTRL is `0x', all radio pins are connected directly to their respective port pins and the SPI functionality may be implemented in software. P2 register Read AM CD DR EOC SBMISO bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SPI_CTRL==1x nRF905/AD Write TRX_CE TX_EN CSN TRX_CE TX_EN SBCSN SBMOSI SBSCK EOC AM CD DR 1 MUX MOSI MUX SCK 0 1 0 SPI Hardware datain dataout clock MISO 0 MUX from IO-pin 1 Figure 4 Transceiver interface. 8.1.2 P2 Port Behavior During RESET During the period the internal reset is active (regardless of whether or not the clock is running), the P2 outputs that control the nRF905 transceiver subsystem are forced to their respective default values. When program execution starts, these ports will remain at those default levels until the programmer actively changes them by writing to the P2 register. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 19 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 75$1&(,9(568%6<67(0Q5) 9.1 RF Modes of Operation The Transceiver has two active (RX/TX) modes and one power-saving mode when the microcontroller is running. 9.1.1 Active Modes * ShockBurstTM RX * ShockBurstTM TX 9.1.2 Power Saving Mode * Standby and SPI - programming The transceiver mode is decided by the settings of TRX_CE, TX_EN 75;B&( 0 1 1 7;B(1 X 0 1 2SHUDWLQJ0RGH Standby and SPI - programming Radio Enabled - ShockBurstTM RX Radio Enabled - ShockBurstTM TX Table 16 transceiver operational modes. 9.2 nRF ShockBurstTM Mode The nRF9E5 uses the Nordic VLSI ShockBurstTM feature. ShockBurstTM makes it possible to use the high data rate offered by the nRF905. By embedding all high speed signal processing related to RF protocol in the transceiver, the nRF905 offers the micro controller a simple SPI interface. Data rate is decided by the interface-speed the micro controller itself sets up. By allowing the digital part of the application to run at low speed, while maximizing the data rate on the RF link, the nRF905 ShockBurstTM mode reduces the average current consumption in applications. In ShockBurstTM RX, Address Match (AM) and Data Ready (DR) notifies the MCU when a valid address and payload is received respectively. In ShockBurstTM TX, the nRF905 automatically generates preamble and CRC. Data Ready (DR) notifies the MCU that the transmission is completed. All together, this means reduced memory demand and more available resources in the MCU, as well as reduced software development time. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 20 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 7\SLFDO6KRFN%XUVW 7; 70 1. When the application MCU has data for a remote node, the address of the receiving node (TX-address) and payload data (TX-payload) are clocked into nRF905 via the SPI interface. The application protocol or MCU sets the speed of the interface. 2. MCU sets TRX_CE and TX_EN high, this activates a nRF905 ShockBurstTM transmission. 3. nRF905 ShockBurstTM: * Radio is automatically powered up. * Data package is completed (preamble added, CRC calculated). * Data package is transmitted (100kbps, GFSK, Manchester-encoded). * Data Ready is set high when transmission is completed. 4. If AUTO_RETRAN is set high, the nRF905 continuously retransmits the package until TRX_CE is set low. 5. When TRX_CE is set low, the nRF905 finishes transmitting the outgoing package and then sets itself into standby mode. The ShockBurstTM mode ensures that a transmitted package that has started always finishes regardless of what TRX_EN and TX_EN is set to during transmission. The new mode is activated when the transmission is completed. Please see subsequent chapters for detailed timing For test purposes such as antenna tuning and measuring output power it is possible to set the transmitter so that a constant carrier is produced. To do this TRX_CE must be maintained high instead of being pulsed. In addition Auto Retransmit should be switched off. After the burst of data has been sent then the device will continue to send the unmodulated carrier. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 21 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& Radio in Standby TX_EN = HI PWR_UP = HI TRX_CE = LO 'DWD3DFNDJH SPI - programming uController loading ADDR and PAYLOAD data (Configuration register if changes since last TX/RX) TRX_CE = HI ? ADDR PAYLOAD NO YES Transmitter is powered up nRF ShockBurst TX Generate CRC and preamble Sending package DR is set high when completed DR is set low after preamble Preamble ADDR PAYLOAD CRC NO NO TRX_CE = HI ? YES AUTO_ RETRAN = HI ? YES Bit in configuration register NB: DR is set low under the following conditions after it has been set high: * If TX_EN is set low Figure 5 Flowchart ShockBurstTM transmit of nRF905. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 22 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 7\SLFDO6KRFN%XUVW 5; 70 1. ShockBurstTM RX is selected by setting TRX_CE high and TX_EN low. 2. After 650s nRF905 is monitoring the air for incoming communication. 3. When the nRF905 senses a carrier at the receiving frequency, Carrier Detect (CD) pin is set high. 4. When a valid address is received, Address Match (AM) pin is set high. 5. When a valid package has been received (correct CRC found), nRF905 removes the preamble, address and CRC bits, and the Data Ready (DR) pin is set high. 6. MCU sets the TRX_CE low to enter standby mode (low current mode). 7. MCU can clock out the payload data at a suitable rate via the SPI interface. 8. When all payload data is retrieved, nRF905 sets Data Ready (DR) and Address Match (AM) low again. 9. The chip is now ready for entering ShockBurstTM RX, ShockBurstTM TX or power down mode. If TRX_CE or TX_EN is changed during an incoming package, the nRF905 changes mode immediately and the package is lost. However, if the MCU is sensing the Address Match (AM) pin, it knows when the chip is receiving an incoming package and can therefore decide wheather to wait for the Data Ready (DR) signal or enter a different mode. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 23 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& Radio in Standby TX_EN = LO PWR_UP = HI TRX_CE = HI ? NO YES Receiver is powered up Receiver Sensing for incomming data CD is set high if carrier 'DWD3DFNDJH NO Correct ADDR? Preamble ADDR PAYLOAD CRC YES AM is set high Receiving data AM is set low NO Correct CRC? DR and AM are set low YES DR high is set high YES TRX_CE = HI ? MCU clocks out payload via the SPI interface NO PAYLOAD Radio enters STBY Figure 6 Flowchart ShockBurstTM receive of nRF905. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 24 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 9.3 Standby Mode Standby mode is used to minimize average current consumption while not transmitting or receiving and still maintaining short start up times to ShockBurstTM RX and ShockBurstTM TX. In this mode the crystal oscillator have to be active. The configuration word content is maintained during standby. 9.4 Output Power Adjustment The power amplifier in nRF905 can be programmed to four different output power settings by the configuration register. By reducing output power, the total TX current is reduced. 3RZHUVHWWLQJ 5)RXWSXWSRZHU '&FXUUHQWFRQVXPSWLRQ 00 -10 dBm 11.0 mA 01 -2 dBm 14.0 mA 10 6 dBm 20.0 mA 11 10 dBm 30.0 mA Conditions: VDD = 3.0V, VSS = 0V, TA = 27C, Load impedance = 400 . Table 17 RF output power setting for the nRF905. 9.5 Modulation The modulation of nRF905 is Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying (GFSK) with a data-rate of 100kbps. Deviation is 50kHz. GFSK modulation results in a more bandwidth effective transmission-link compared with ordinary FSK modulation. The data is internally Manchester encoded (TX) and Manchester decoded (RX). That is, the effective symbol-rate of the link is 50kbps. By using internally Manchester encoding, no scrambling in the u-controller is needed. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 25 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 9.6 Output Frequency The operating RF-frequency of nRF905 is set in the configuration register by CH_NO and HFREQ_PLL. The operating frequency is given by: I 23 = (422.4 + (&+ _ 12 / 10)) (1 + +)5(4 _ 3//) 0+] When HFREQ_PLL is `0' the frequency resolution is 100kHz and when it is `1' the resolution is 200kHz. The application operating frequency has to be chosen to apply with the Short Range Devise regulation in the area of operation. 2SHUDWLQJIUHTXHQF\ 430.0 MHz 433.1 MHz 433.2 MHz 434.7 MHz +)5(4B3// [0] [0] [0] [0] &+B12 [001001100] [001101011] [001101100] [001111011] 862.0 MHz 868.2 MHz 868.4 MHz 869.8 MHz [1] [1] [1] [1] [001010110] [001110101] [001110110] [001111101] 902.2 MHz 902.4 MHz 927.8 MHz [1] [1] [1] [100011111] [100100000] [110011111] Table 18 Examples of real operating frequencies. 9.7 Carrier Detect. When the nRF905 is in ShockBurst TM RX, the Carrier Detect (CD) pin is set high if a RF carrier is present at the channel the device is programmed to. This feature is very effective to avoid collision of packages from different transmitters operating at the same frequency. Whenever a device is ready to transmit it could first be set into receive mode and sense whether or not the wanted channel is available for outgoing data. This forms a very simple listen before transmit protocol. Operating Carrier Detect (CD) with Reduced RX Power mode is an extremely power efficient RF system. Typical Carrier Detect level (CD) is typically 5dB lower than sensitivity, i.e. if sensitivity is -100dBm then the Carrier Detect function will sense a carrier wave as low as -105dBm. Below -105dBm the Carrier Detect signal will be low, i.e. 0V. Above -95dBm the Carrier Detect signal will be high, i.e. Vdd. Between -105 to 106 the Carrier Detect Signal will toggle. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 26 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 9.8 Address Match When the nRF905 is in ShockBurst TM RX mode, the Address Match (AM) pin is set high as soon as an incoming package with an address that is identical with the device's own identity is received. With the Address Match pin the controller is alerted that the nRF905 is receiving data actually before the Data Ready (DR) signal is set high. If the Data Ready (DR) pin is not set high i.e. the CRC is incorrect then the Address Match (AM) pin is reset to low at the end of the received data packet. This function can be very useful for an MCU. If Address Match (AM) is high then the MCU can make a decision to wait and see if Data Ready (DR) will be set high indicating a valid data package has been received or ignore that a possible package is being received and switch modes. 9.9 Data Ready The Data Ready (DR) signal makes it possible to largely reduce the complexity of the MCU software program. In ShockBurst TM TX, the Data Ready (DR) signal is set high when a complete package is transmitted, telling the MCU that the nRF905 is ready for new actions. It is reset to low at the start of a new package transmission or when switched to a different mode i.e. receive mode or standby mode. In ShockBurst TM TX Auto Retransmit the Data Ready (DR) signal is set high at the beginning of the pre-amble and is set low at the end of the preamble. The Data Ready (DR) signal therefore pulses at the beginning of each transmitted data packet. In ShockBurst TM RX, the signal is set high when nRF905 has received a valid package, i.e. a valid address, package length and correct CRC. The MCU can then retrieve the payload via the SPI interface. The Data Ready (DR) pin is reset to low once the data has been clocked out of the data buffer or the device is switched to transmit mode. 9.10 Auto Retransmit One way to increase system reliability in a noisy environment or in a system without collision control is to transmit a package several times. This is easily accomplished with the Auto Retransmit feature in nRF905. By setting the AUTO_RETRAN bit to "1" in the configuration register, the circuit keeps sending the same data package as long as TRX_CE and TX_EN is high. As soon as TRX_CE is set low the device will finish sending the packet it is currently transmitting and then return to standby mode. 9.11 RX Reduced Power Mode To maximize battery lifetime in application where the nRF905 high sensitivity is not necessary; nRF905 offers a built in reduced power mode. In this mode, the receive current consumption reduces from 12.5mA to only 10.5mA. The sensitivity is reduced to typical -85dBm, 10dB. Some degradation of the nRF905 blocking performance should be expected in this mode. The reduced power mode is an excellent option when using Carrier Detect to sense if the wanted channel is available for outgoing data. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 27 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& $'&219(57(568%6<67(0 10.1 AD Converter The nRFE5 AD converter has 10 bit dynamic range and linearity when used at the Nyquist rate. With lower signal frequencies and post filtering, up to 12 bits resolution is possible. The reference for the AD converter is selectable between the AREF input and an internal 1.22V bandgap reference. The converter default SPI setting is 10 bits. For special requirements, the AD converter can be configured to perform 6, 8, 10 or 12 bit conversions. The converter may also be used in differential mode with AIN0 used as inverting input and one of the other 3 external inputs used as noninverting input. Two registers interface the AD converter, ADC_CONFIG_REG and ADC_DATA_REG. AD converter status bit are available in the STATUS_REGISTER. Registers are described in detail in chapter 11. Selection of input channel is directly embedded in the START_ADC_CONV command, alternatively it is set by CHSEL in the ADC_CONFIG_REG. Values of CHSEL from 0 to 3 would select AIN0 to AIN3 respectively. Setting CHSEL to [1xxx] will monitor the nRF9E5 supply voltage by converting an internal input that is VDD/3 with the 1.22V internal reference. The AD conversion result is available as ADCDATA in ADC_DATA_REG at the end of conversion. The data in ADC_DATA_REG is stored according to Table 19 with left or right justified data selected by ADC_RL_JUST. $'&B 5/B-867 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 $'& B5(6&75/ 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 ELW 6 8 10 12 6 8 10 12 $'&B'$7$B5(*>@ +LJKE\WH>@ ADCDATA[5:0] ADCDATA[7:0] ADCDATA[9:0] ADCDATA[11:0] `0' /RZE\WH>@ `0' ADCDATA[5:0] ADCDATA[7:0] ADCDATA[9:0] ADCDATA[11:0] Table 19 ADC_DATA_REGISTER justified data. Overflow status is stored as ADC_RFLAG in the STATUS_REGISTER after each conversion. The complete subsystem is switched off by clearing bit ADC_PWR_UP. Instructions for the AD converter are given in Table 21 on page 34. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 28 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 10.2 AD Converter Usage 10.2.1 Measurements with External Reference When VFSSEL is set to 1 and CHSEL selects an input AINi (i.e. AIN0 to AIN3), the result in ADCDATA is directly proportional to the ratio between the voltage on the selected input, and the voltage on pin AREF: 9 $,1L = 9 $5() $'&'$7$ 21 and for differential measurements a similar equation apply: 9 $,1L - 9 $,1 0 = 9 $5() $'&'$7$ - 2 ( 1 -1) 21 Where N is the number of bits set in RESCTRL This mode of operation is normally selected for sources where the voltage is depending on the supply voltage (or another variable voltage), as shown in Figure 7 below. The resistor R1 is selected to keep AREF 9IRUWKHPD[LPXP9''YROWDJH SUPPLY R1 VDD AREF Q5)( R2 AIN0 R3 AIN1 Figure 7 Typical use of AD with 2 ratiometric inputs. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 29 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 10.2.2 Measurements with Internal Reference When VFSSEL is set to 0 and CHSEL selects an input AINI (i.e. AIN0 to AIN3), the result in ADCDATA is directly proportional to the ratio between the voltage on the selected input and the internal bandgap reference (nominally 1.22V): 9 $,1L = 1.22 $'&'$7$ 21 and for differential measurements a similar equation apply: 9 $,1L - 9 $,1 0 = 1.22 $'&'$7$ - 2 ( 1 -1) 21 Where N is the number of bits set in RESCTRL This mode of operation is normally selected for sources where the voltage is not depending on the supply voltage. 10.2.3 Supply Voltage Measurement When CHSEL is set to [1xxx], the ADC will use the internal bandgap reference (nominally 1.22V). The input to the converter is 1/3 of the voltage on the VDD pins. The result in ADCDATA is thus directly proportional to the VDD voltage. 99'' = 3.66 $'&'$7$ 21 Where N is the number of bits set in RESCTRL 10.3 AD Converter Sampling and Timing An AD conversion is initialized after a low to high transition on CSTASRT in ADC_CONFIG_REG or by using the instruction START_ADC_CONV. In both cases the conversion itself would start at the first positive edge of ADCCLK after SBCSN is set high after instruction is issued. When ADCRUN is low, a single conversion would be performed and a pulse on EOC is generated when the converted value is available in ADC_DATA_REG. If CSTARTN is set low or a new START_ADC_CONV command is issued, the previous conversion will be aborted. Conversion time, tconv, depends on resolution. WFRQY = 1 + 3 $'&&/. F\FOHV 2 Where N is the number of resolution bit. In Figure 8 a 10-bit conversion is shown. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 30 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& ADCCLK SBCSN analog sampled t CONV EOC ADCDATA Figure 8 Timing diagram single step conversion. When ADCRUN is high the ADC is running continuously. Cycle time tcycle is the time between each conversion. EOC indicates every time a new conversion value is stored in ADC_DATA_REG. WF\FOH = 1 + 1 $'&&/. F\FOHV 2 where N is number of resolution bits. Figure 9 shows 10-bit conversion where ADCRUN is set high. analog sample n n+1 n+2 ADCCLK t Conv EOC t Cycle sample n-1 ADCDATA sample n Figure 9 Timing diagram continuous mode conversion. A 500 kHz clock (ADCCLK) clocks the ADC converter. Table 20 shows tcycles as function of resolution. 5HVROXWLRQ >1XPEHURIELWV@ 6 8 10 12 WF\FOHV >PV@ 8 10 12 14 6DPSOLQJUDWH >NVSOV@ 125 100 83.3 71.4 Table 20 ADC resolution and maximum sampling rate. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 31 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 75$1&(,9(5$1'$'&219(57(5&21),*85$7,21 All configuration of the transceiver and AD converter subsystem is done via an internal SPI -interface of the two systems. The interface consists of 7 registers, a SPI instructions set is used to decide which operation shall be performed. The SPI-interface can only be activated when the transceiver is in standby mode. All references to the SPI interface in this chapter refer to the internal SPI interface of the transceiver and AD converter subsystem. 11.1 Internal SPI Register Configuration The SPI-interface consists of seven internal registers. A register read-back mode is implemented to allow verification of the register contents MISO MOSI EN SCK ,2UHJ 67$7865(*,67(5 CSN CLK EN DTA $'&&21),*85$7,21 5(*,67(5 CLK EN DTA $'&'$7$ 5(*,67(5 CLK EN DTA 5)&21),*85$7,21 5(*,67(5 CLK EN DTA 7;$''5(66 CLK EN DTA 7;3$@06% ELW>@ CH_NO[7:0] bit[7:6] not used, AUTO_RETRAN, RX_RED_PWR, PA_PWR[1:0], HFREQ_PLL, CH_NO[8] bit[7] not used, TX_AFW[2:0] , bit[3] not used, RX_AFW[2:0] bit[7:6] not used, RX_PW[5:0] bit[7:6] not used, TX_PW[5:0] RX_ADDRESS (device identity) byte 0 RX_ADDRESS (device identity) byte 1 RX_ADDRESS (device identity) byte 2 RX_ADDRESS (device identity) byte 3 CRC_MODE,CRC_EN, XOF[2:0], UP_CLK_EN, UP_CLK_FREQ[1:0] ,QLWYDOXH 0110_1100 0000_0000 0100_0100 0010_0000 0010_0000 E7 E7 E7 E7 1110_0111 Table 25 RF config register contents. %\WH 0 1 30 31 7;B3$@06% ELW>@ TX_PAYLOAD[7:0] TX_PAYLOAD[15:8] TX_PAYLOAD[247:240] TX_PAYLOAD[255:248] ,QLWYDOXH X X X X X X Table 26 TX payload register contents. %\WH 0 1 2 3 7;B$''5(665: &RQWHQWELW>@06% ELW>@ TX_ADDRESS[7:0] TX_ADDRESS[15:8] TX_ADDRESS[23:16] TX_ADDRESS[31:24] ,QLWYDOXH E7 E7 E7 E7 Table 27 TX address register contents. %\WH 0 1 30 31 5;B3$@06% ELW>@ RX_PAYLOAD[7:0] RX_PAYLOAD[15:8] RX_PAYLOAD[247:240] RX_PAYLOAD[255:248] ,QLWYDOXH X X X X X X Table 28 RX payload register contents. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 38 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 11.8 ADC Configuration Register Contents %\WH 0 1 $'&B&21),*B5(*5: &RQWHQWELW>@06% ELW>@ Control: CHSEL[7:4], VFSSEL, PWR_UP, ADCRUN, CSTARTN Static: bit[7:4] not used, ADC_RL_JUST, DIFFMODE, RESCTRL[1:0] ,QLWYDOXH 0000_0001 0000_0010 Table 29 ADC Configuration Register contents. 11.9 ADC Data Register Contents %\WH 0 1 $'&B'$7$B5(*5 &RQWHQWELW>@06% ELW>@ Left or right justified data from ADC Left or right justified data from ADC ,QLWYDOXH X X Table 30 ADC DATA Register contents. 11.10Status Register Contents %\WH 67$786B5(*,67(55 &RQWHQWELW>@06% ELW>@ ,QLWYDOXH 0 AM, CD, DR, EOC, ADC_RFLAG[2:0], Even parity X Table 31 Status Register contents. The length of all registers is fixed. However, the bytes in TX_PAYLOAD, RX_PAYLOAD, TX_ADDRESS and RX_ADDRESS used in ShockBurst TM RX/TX are set in the configuration register. Register content is not lost when the device enters one of the power saving modes. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 39 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 75$1&(,9(568%6<7(07,0,1* The following timing must be obeyed during nRF905 operation. 12.1 Device Switching Times Q5)WLPLQJ STBY I TX Shock BurstTM STBY I RX Shock BurstTM RX Shock BurstTM I TX Shock BurstTM TX Shock BurstTM I RX Shock BurstTM Notes to table: 1) 0D[ 650 s 650 s 550 1s 550 1s RX to TX or TX to RX switching is available without re-programming of the RF configuration register. The same frequency channel is maintained. Table 32 Switching times for nRF905. 12.2 ShockBurstTM TX Timing MOSI CSN PWR_UP TX_EN TRX_CE TX DATA TIME Programming of Configuration Register and TX Data Register T0 T1 T2 T3 = = = = T0 T1 T2 Transmitted Data 100kbps Manchester Encoded T3 Radio Enabled T0+10uS Minimum TRX_CE pulse T0 + 650uS.Start of TX Data transmission End of Data Packet, enter Standby mode Figure 13 Timing diagram for standby to transmit. After a data packet has finished transmitting the device will automatically enter Standby mode and wait for the next pulse of TRX_CE. If the Auto Re-Transmit function is enabled the data packet will continue re-sending the same data packet until TRX_CE is set low. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 40 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 12.3 ShockBurstTM RX Timing PWR_UP TX_EN TRX_CE RX DATA CD AM DR TIME 650uS 650uS to enter RX mode from TRX_CE being set high. T0 T1 T0 T1 T2 T3 = = = = T2 T3 Receiver Enabled -Listening for Data Carrier Detect finds a carrier AM - Correct Address Found DR - Data packet with correct Address/CRC Figure 14 Timing diagram for standby to receiving. After the Data Ready (DR) has been set high a valid data packet is available in the RX data register. This may be clocked out in Standby mode. After the data has been clocked out via the SPI interface the Data Ready (DR) and Address Match (AM) signals are reset to low. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 41 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 63, nRF9E5 SPI is a simple single buffered master. The 3 data lines of the SPI bus (MISO, SCK and MOSI) are multiplexed (by writing to register SPI_CTRL) between the GPIO pins (lower 3 bits of P1) and the RF transceiver and AD converter subsystems. The SPI hardware does not generate any chip select signal. The bootstrap loader uses EECSN (GPIO P0.3) as chip select for the boot EEPROM. On-chip GPIO P2.3 is dedicated as chip select for the RF transceiver and AD converter subsystems. GPIO pins from port 0 may be used as chip selects for other external SPI slaves. The SPI hardware is controlled by SFR's SPI_DATA (0xb2), SPI_CTRL (0xb3) and SPICLK (0xb4) as explained in Table 33 below. $GGU 6)5 KH[ B2 B3 5: ELW R/W R/W 8 2 B4 R/W 4 ,QLW KH[ 1DPH )XQFWLRQ 0 0 SPI_DATA SPI_CTRL 0 SPICLK SPI data input/output 00 -> SPI not used no clock generated 01 -> SPI connected to port P1 (as for booting) (see also Table 11 Port 1 (P1) functions) 10 -> SPI connected to the nRF905 transceiver (see Table 15 P2 (RADIO) register ) Divider factor from CPU clock to SPI clock 0000: 1/2 of CPU clock frequency 0001: 1/2 of CPU clock frequency 0010: 1/4 of CPU clock frequency 0011: 1/8 of CPU clock frequency 0100: 1/16 of CPU clock frequency 0101: 1/32 of CPU clock frequency 0110: 1/64 of CPU clock frequency other: 1/64 of CPU clock frequency Table 33 SPI control and data SFR-registers. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 42 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 3:0 The nRF9E5 PWM output is a one-channel PWM with a 2 register interface. The first register, PWMCON, enables PWM function and PWM period length, which is the number of clock cycles for one PWM period, as shown in the table below. The other register, PWMDUTY, controls the duty cycle of the PWM output signal. When this register is written, the PWM signal will change immediately to the new value. This can result in 4 transitions within one PWM period, but the transition period will always have a "DC value" between the "old" sample and the "new" sample. The table shows how PWM frequency (or period length) and PWM duty cycle are controlled by the settings in the two PWM SFR-registers. For a crystal frequency of 16 MHz, PWM frequency range will be about 1-253 kHz. 3:0&21>@ 1XPEHURIELWV 00 (0) 01 (6) 10 (7) 11 (8) 3:0IUHTXHQF\ 3:0'87< GXW\F\FOH 0 (PWM module inactive) 0 1 63 (3:0&21 [5 : 0]+ 1) 1 I ;2 127 (3:0&21 [5 : 0]+ 1) 1 I ;2 255 (3:0&21 [5 : 0]+ 1) 3:0'87< [5 : 0] 63 3:0'87< [6 : 0] 127 3:0'87< 255 I ;2 Table 34 PWM frequency and duty-cucle. PWM is controlled by SFR 0xA9 and 0xAA. $GGU 6)5 KH[ A9 5: ELW ,QLW KH[ 1DPH R/W 8 0 PWMCON AA R/W 8 0 PWMDUTY )XQFWLRQ PWM control register 7-6: Enable / period length select 00: Disable PWM 01: Period length is 6 bit 10: Period length is 7 bit 11: Period length is 8 bit 5-0: PWM frequency prescale factor (see table above) PWM duty cycle (6 to 8 bits according to period length) Table 35 PWM control registers - SFR 0xA9 and 0xAA. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 43 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& ,17(558376 nRF9E5 supports the following interrupt sources: ,QWHUUXSW VLJQDO INT0_N 1DWXUDO 3ULRULW\ 1 ,QWHUXSW 9HFWRU 0x03 )ODJ (QDEOH &RQWURO 'HVFULSWLRQ TCON.1 IE.0 IP.0 TF0 INT1_N 2 3 0x0B 0x13 TCON.5 TCON.3 IE.1 IE.2 IP.1 IP.2 TF1 TI or RI 4 5 0x1B 0x23 IE.3 IE.4 IP.3 IP.4 TF2 or EXF2 6 0x2B IE.5 IP.5 Timer 2 interrupt int2 8 0x43 TCON.7 SCON.0 (RI), SCON.1 (TI) T2CON.7 (TF2), T2CON.6 (EXF2) EXIF.4 External interrupt, active low, configurable as edgesensitive or level-sensitive, at Port P0.3 Timer 0 interrupt External interrupt, active low, configurable as edgesensitive or level-sensitive, at Port P0.4 Timer 1 interrupt Receive/transmit interrupt from Serial Port EIE.0 EIP.0 int3 9 0x4B EXIF.5 EIE.1 EIP.1 int4 10 0x53 EXIF.6 EIE.2 EIP.2 int5 11 0x5B EXIF.7 EIE.3 EIP.3 wdti 12 0x63 EICON.3 EIE.4 EIP.4 Internal ADC EOC (end of AD conversion) interrupt Internal SPI READY interrupt Internal Radio Data Ready (DR) interrupt Internal Radio Address Match (AM) interrupt Internal Wakeup (GPIO wakeup and RTC timer) interrupt Table 36 nRF9E5 interrupt sources. 15.1 Interrupt SFRs The following SFRs are associated with interrupt control: - IE - SFR 0xA8 (Table 37) - IP - SFR 0xB8 (Table 38) - EXIF - SFR 0x91 (Table 39) - EICON - SFR 0xD8 (Table 40) - EIE - SFR 0xE8 (Table 41) - EIP - SFR 0xF8 (Table 42) The IE and IP SFRs provide interrupt enable and priority control for the standard interrupt unit, as with industry standard 8051. The EXIF, EICON, EIE, and EIP registers provide flags, enable control, and priority control for the extended interrupt unit. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 44 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& Table 37 explains the bit functions of the IE register. %LW IE.7 IE.6 IE.5 IE.4 IE.3 IE.2 IE.1 IE.0 )XQFWLRQ EA - Global interrupt enable. Controls masking of all interrupts. EA = 0 disables all interrupts (EA overrides individual interrupt enable bits). When EA = 1, each interrupt is enabled or masked by its individual enable bit. Reserved. Read as 0. ET2 - Enable Timer 2 interrupt. ET2 = 0 disables Timer 2 interrupt (TF2). ET2 = 1 enables interrupts generated by the TF2 or EXF2 flag. ES - Enable Serial Port interrupt. ES = 0 disables Serial Port interrupts (TI and RI). ES = 1 enables interrupts generated by the TI or RI flag. ET1 - Enable Timer 1 interrupt. ET1 = 0 disables Timer 1 interrupt (TF1). ET1 = 1 enables interrupts generated by the TF1 flag. EX1 - Enable external interrupt 1. EX1 = 0 disables external interrupt 1 (INT1_N). EX1 = 1 enables interrupts generated by the INT1_N pin. ET0 - Enable Timer 0 interrupt. ET0 = 0 disables Timer 0 interrupt (TF0). ET0 = 1 enables interrupts generated by the TF0 flag. EX0 - Enable external interrupt 0. EX0 = 0 disables external interrupt 0 (INT0_N). EX0 = 1 enables interrupts generated by the INT0_N pin. Table 37 IE Register - SFR 0xA8. Table 38 explains the bit functions of the IP register. %LW IP.7 IP.6 IP.5 IP.4 IP.3 IP.2 IP.1 IP.0 )XQFWLRQ Reserved. Read as 1. Reserved. Read as 0. PT2 - Timer 2 interrupt priority control. PT2 = 0 sets Timer 2 interrupt (TF2) to low priority. PT2 = 1 sets Timer 2 interrupt to high priority. PS - Serial Port interrupt priority control. PS = 0 sets Serial Port interrupt (TI or RI) to low priority. PS = 1 sets Serial Port interrupt to high priority. PT1 - Timer 1 interrupt priority control. PT1 = 0 sets Timer 1 interrupt (TF1) to low priority. PT1 = 1 sets Timer 1 interrupt to high priority. PX1 - External interrupt 1 priority control. PX1 = 0 sets external interrupt 1 (INT1_N) to low priority. PT1 = 1 sets external interrupt 1 to high priority. PT0 - Timer 0 interrupt priority control. PT0 = 0 sets Timer 0 interrupt (TF0) to low priority. PT0 = 1 sets Timer 0 interrupt to high priority. PX0 - External interrupt 0 priority control. PX0 = 0 sets external interrupt 0 (INT0_N) to low priority. PT0 = 1 sets external interrupt 0 to high priority. Table 38 IP Register - SFR 0xB8. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 45 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& Table 39 explains the bit functions of the EXIF register. %LW EXIF.7 EXIF.6 EXIF.5 EXIF.4 EXIF.3 EXIF.2-0 )XQFWLRQ IE5 - Interrupt 5 flag. IE5 = 1 indicates that a rising edge was detected on the radio AM signal (see P2). IE5 must be cleared by software. Setting IE5 in software generates an interrupt, if enabled. IE4 - Interrupt 4 flag. IE4 = 1 indicates that a rising edge was detected on the radio DR signal (see P2). IE4 must be cleared by software. Setting IE4 in software generates an interrupt, if enabled. IE3 - Interrupt 3 flag. IE3 = 1 indicates that the internal SPI module has sent or received 8 bits, and is ready for a new command. IE3 must be cleared by software. Setting IE3 in software generates an interrupt, if enabled. IE2 - Interrupt 2 flag. IE2 = 1 indicates that a rising edge was detected on the ADC's EOC signal (see chapter 10 ). IE2 must be cleared by software. Setting IE2 in software generates an interrupt, if enabled. Reserved. Read as 1. Reserved. Read as 0. Table 39 EXIF Register - SFR 0x91. Table 40 explains the bit functions of the EICON register. %LW EICON.7 EICON.6 EICON.5 EICON.4 EICON.3 EICON.2-0 )XQFWLRQ Not used. Reserved. Read as 1. Reserved. Read as 0. Reserved. Read as 0. WDTI - Wakeup (GPIO wakeup and RTC timer) interrupt flag. WDTI = 1 indicates a wakeup event interrupt was detected. WDTI must be cleared by software before exiting the interrupt service routine. Otherwise, the interrupt occurs again. Setting WDTI in software generates a wakeup event interrupt, if enabled. Reserved. Read as 0. Table 40 EICON Register - SFR 0xD8. Table 41 explains the bit functions of the EIE register. %LW EIE.7-5 EIE.4 EIE.3 EIE.2 EIE.1 EIE.0 )XQFWLRQ Reserved. Read as 1. EWDI - Enable RTC wakeup timer interrupt. EWDI = 0 disables wakeup timer interrupt (wdti). EWDI = 1 enables interrupts generated by wakeup. EX5 - Enable interrupt 5. EX5 = 0 disables interrupt 5 (radio AM (address match)). EX5 = 1 enables interrupts generated by the radio AM signal. EX4 - Enable interrupt 4. EX4 = 0 disables interrupt 4 (radio DR (data ready)). EX4 = 1 enables interrupts generated by the radio DR signal. EX3 - Enable interrupt 3. EX3 = 0 disables interrupt 3 (SPI READY). EX3 = 1 enables interrupts generated by the SPI READY signal. EX2 - Enable interrupt 2. EX2 = 0 disables interrupt 2 (ADC EOC). EX2 = 1 enables interrupts generated by the ADC EOC signal. Table 41 EIE Register - SFR 0xE8. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 46 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& Table 42 explains the bit functions of the EIP register. %LW EIP.7-5 EIP.4 EIP.3 EIP.2 EIP.1 EIP.0 )XQFWLRQ Reserved. Read as 1. PWDI - Wakeup interrupt priority control. WDPI = 0 sets the wakeup interrupt (wdti) to low priority. PS = 1 sets wakeup timer interrupt to high priority. PX5 - interrupt 5 priority control. PX5 = 0 sets interrupt 5 (radio AM) to low priority. PX5 = 1 sets interrupt 5 to high priority. PX4 - interrupt 4 priority control. PX4 = 0 sets interrupt 4 (radio DR) to low priority. PX4 = 1 sets interrupt 4 to high priority. PX3 - interrupt 3 priority control. PX3 = 0 sets interrupt 3 (SPI READY) to low priority. PX3 = 1 sets interrupt 3 to high priority. PX2 - interrupt 2 priority control. PX2 = 0 sets interrupt 2 (ADC EOC) to low priority. PX2 = 1 sets interrupt 2 to high priority. Table 42 EIP Register - SFR 0xF8. 15.2 Interrupt Processing When an enabled interrupt occurs, the CPU vectors to the address of the interrupt service routine (ISR) associated with that interrupt, as listed in Table 36. The CPU executes the ISR to completion unless another interrupt of higher priority occurs. Each ISR ends with an RETI (return from interrupt) instruction. After executing the RETI, the CPU returns to the next instruction that would have been executed if the interrupt had not occurred. An ISR can only be interrupted by a higher priority interrupt. That is, an ISR for a lowlevel interrupt can be interrupted only by a high-level interrupt. The CPU always completes the instruction in progress before servicing an interrupt. If the instruction in progress is RETI, or a write access to any of the IP, IE, EIP, or EIE SFRs, the CPU completes one additional instruction before servicing the interrupt. 15.3 Interrupt Masking The EA bit in the IE SFR (IE.7) is a global enable for all interrupts. When EA = 1, each interrupt is enabled/masked by its individual enable bit. When EA = 0, all interrupts are masked. Table 36 provides a summary of interrupt sources, flags, enables, and priorities. 15.4 Interrupt Priorities There are two stages of interrupt priority assignment: interrupt level and natural priority. The interrupt level (high, or low) takes precedence over natural priority. All interrupts can be assigned either high or low priority. In addition to an assigned priority level (high or low), each interrupt has a natural priority, as listed in Table 36. Simultaneous interrupts with the same priority level (for example, both high) are resolved according to their natural priority. For example, if INT0_N and int2 are both programmed as high priority, INT0_N takes precedence. Once an interrupt is being serviced, only an interrupt of higher priority level can interrupt the service routine of the interrupt currently being serviced. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 47 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 15.5 Interrupt Sampling The internal timers and serial port generate interrupts by setting their respective SFR interrupt flag bits. The CPU samples external interrupts once per instruction cycle, at the rising edge of CPU_clk at the end of cycle C4. The INT0_N and INT1_N signals are both active low and can be programmed through the IT0 and IT1 bits in the TCON SFR to be either edge-sensitive or level-sensitive. For example, when IT0 = 0, INT0_N is level-sensitive and the CPU sets the IE0 flag when the INT0_N pin is sampled low. When IT0 = 1, INT0_N is edge-sensitive and the CPU sets the IE0 flag when the INT0_N pin is sampled high then low on consecutive samples. To ensure that edge-sensitive interrupts are detected, the corresponding ports should be held high for four clock cycles and then low for four clock cycles. Levelsensitive interrupts are not latched and must remain active until serviced. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 48 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 15.6 Interrupt Latency Interrupt response time depends on the current state of the CPU. The fastest response time is five instruction cycles: one to detect the interrupt, and four to perform the LCALL to the ISR. The maximum latency (thirteen instruction cycles) occurs when the CPU is currently executing an RETI instruction followed by a MUL or DIV instruction. The thirteen instruction cycles in this case are: one to detect the interrupt, three to complete the RETI, five to execute the DIV or MUL, and four to execute the LCALL to the ISR. For the maximum latency case, the response time is 13 x 4 = 52clock cycles. 15.7 Interrupt Latency from Power Down State. The nRF9E5 may be set into Power Down state by writing a non zero value to SFR 0xB6, register CK_CTRL. The CPU will then perform a controlled shutdown of clock and power regulator depending on what mode was selected. The system can only be restarted from an RTC wakeup, a GPIO wakeup or a Watchdog reset. If a wakeup interrupt is enabled, the startup time for regulators and clocks will be added to the interrupt latency. See 17.2.1 Startup Time From Reset 15.8 Single-Step Operation The nRF9E5 interrupt structure provides a way to perform single-step program execution. When exiting an ISR with an RETI instruction, the CPU will always execute at least one instruction of the task program. Therefore, once an ISR is entered, it cannot be re-entered until at least one program instruction is executed. To perform single-step execution, program one of the external interrupts (for example, INT0_N) to be level sensitive and write an ISR for that interrupt that terminates as follows: JNB TCON.1,$ ; JB TCON.1,$ ; RETI ; wait for high on INT0_N wait for low on INT0_N return for ISR The CPU enters the ISR when INT0_N goes low, then waits for a pulse on INT0_N. Each time INT0_N is pulsed, the CPU exits the ISR, executes one program instruction, then re-enters the ISR. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 49 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& /)&/2&.:$.(83)81&7,216$1':$7&+'2* 16.1 The LF Clock The nRF9E5 contains has an internal low frequency clock CKLF that is always active. When the crystal oscillator clocks the circuit, the CKLF is a 4kHz clock derived from the crystal oscillator (provided the CKLFCON register is set according to crystal frequency and prescaler. XOF and UP_CLK_FREQ respectively, see Table 22). When no crystal oscillator clock is available, the CKLF is a low power RC oscillator (LP_OSC) that cannot be disabled, so it will run continuously as long as VDD 9 The microprocessor can determine the phase of the CKLF clock by reading CK_CTRL SFR 0xB6, see Table 50. 16.2 Tick Calibration The "TICK" is an interval (in CKLF periods) that determines the resolution of the watchdog and the RTC wakeup timer. The tick is nominally 1ms (4 CKLF cycles). When the CPU is active and in power down modes where the chip still has crystal clock, the "TICK" will be as accurate as the crystal oscillator. When the CKLF switches to the RC oscillator (LP_OSC) in deep power down modes, the tick will no longer be accurate. The LP_OSC clock source is very inaccurate, and may vary from 0.5ms to 3ms depending production lot, temperature and supply voltage. That means that Watchdog and RTC wakeup may not be used for any accurate timing functions if these power down modes are used. The accuracy can be improved by calibrating the TICK value at regular intervals. The register TICK_DV controls how many LP_OSC periods elapse between each TICK. The frequency of the LP_OSC (between 1 kHz and 5 kHz) can be measured by timer2 in capture mode with t2ex enabled (EXEN2=1). The signal connected to t2ex has exactly half the frequency of LP_OSC. The 16-bit difference between two consecutive captures in SFR-registers{RCAP2H,RCAP2L} is proportional to the LP_OSC period. For details about timer2 see ch. 18.8.3 and Figure 21 Timer 2 - Timer/Counter with Capture TICK is controlled by SFRs 0xB5 and 0xBF $GGU 6)5 B5 5: ELW 1DPH )XQFWLRQ 8 ,QLW +H[ 03 R/W TICK_DV 6 27 CKLFCON Divider that's used in generating TICK from CKLF frequency. TTICK = (1 + TICK_DV) / fCKLF The default value gives a TICK of 1ms nominal as default (with CKLF derived from crystal oscillator). Configure CKLF generation with crystal frequency and prescaler value. Note this register only controls the generation of CKLF, not the actual prescaler values. 5-3: Should be set equal to XOF, Table 22 2: Should be set equal to UP_CLK_EN, Table 22 1-0: Should be set equal to UP_CLK_FREQ, Table 22 BF R/W Table 43 TICK control register - SFR 0xB5. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 50 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 16.3 RTC Wakeup Timer The RTC is a simple 24 bit down counter that produces an optional interrupt and reloads automatically when the count reaches zero. This process is initially disabled, and will be enabled with the first write to the lower 16 bit of the timer latch. Writing the lower 16 bits of the timer latch will always be followed by a reload of the counter. Writing the upper 8 bit of the timer latch should only be done when the timer is disabled. The counter may be disabled again by writing a disable opcode to the control register. Both the latch and the counter value may be read by giving the respective codes in the control register, see description in Table 45. This counter is used for a wakeup sometime in the future (a relative time wakeup call). If `N' is written to the counter, the first wakeup will happen from somewhere between `N+1' and `N+2' "TICK" from the completion of the write, thereafter a new wakeup is issued every "N+1" "TICK" until the unit is disabled or another value is written to the latch. The wakeup timer is one of the sources that can generate a WDTI interrupt to the CPU. The programmer may poll the EICON.3 flag or enable the interrupt. If the device is in a power down state, the wakeup will force the device to exit power down regardless of the state of EIE.4 interrupt enable. The nRF9E5 do not provide any "absolute time functions". Absolute time functions in nRF9E5 can well be handled in software since the RAM is continuously powered even when in sleep mode. 16.4 Programmable GPIO Wakeup Function Any number of the pins in port 0 may be used as wakeup signals for the nRF9E5. The device may be programmed to react on either rising or falling or both edges of each pin individually. Additionally each pin is equipped with a programmable "filter" that can be used for glitch suppression. CKLF P0x DEBOUNCE [1:0] EDGE Wakeup P0x [3:2] WWCON Figure 15 Wakeup filter, each pin for GPIO wakeup function. The debounce act as a low pass filter. The input has to be stable for a number of clock pulses given for the corresponding change to appear on the output. Edge triggers on either positive, negative or both edges. The edge delay is 2 clock cycles. Please see Table 44 and Table 47 for filter configuration. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 51 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& )LOWHUVHOHFWLRQ'HERXQFH :&21>@ 1XPEHURIFORFNSXOVHV 00 0 01 2 10 8 11 64 (GJHGHWHFWRUVHOHFWLRQ :&21>@ SRVQHJWULJJHU 00 Off 01 Pos 10 Neg 11 Both Table 44 GPIO wakeup filter configuration. 16.5 Watchdog The watchdog is activated on the first write to its control register SFR 0xAD. It can not be disabled by any other means than a reset. The watchdog register is loaded by writing a 16-bit value to the two 8-bit data registers (SFR 0xAB and 0xAC) and then the writing the correct opcode to the control register. The watchdog will then count down towards 0 and when 0 is reached the complete microcontroller will be reset To avoid the reset, the software must load new values into the watchdog register sufficiently often. 16.6 Programming Interface to Watchdog and Wakeup Functions Figure 16 shows how the blocks that are always active are connected to the CPU. RTC timer GPIO wakeup and Watchdog are controlled via SFRs 0xAB, 0xAC and 0xAD. These 3 registers REGX_MSB, REGX_LSB and REGX_CTRL are used to interface the blocks running on the slow CKLF clock. The 16-bit register {REGX_MSB, REGX_LSB} can be written or read as two bytes from the CPU. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 52 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& Typical sequences are: :ULWH Wait until REGX_CRTL.4 == 0 (i.e. not busy) Write REGX_MSB, Write REGX_LSB, Write REGX_CTRL 5HDG Wait until REGX_CRTL.4 == 0 (i.e. not busy) Write REGX_CTRL, Wait until REGX_CRTL.4 == 0 (i.e. not busy) Read REGX_MSB, Read REGX_LSB Note : Please wait until not busy before accessing SFR 0xB6 CK_CTRL (page 57) 8-bit CPU register REGX_CTRL 8-bit CPU register REGX_MSB 8-bit CPU register REGX_LSB Clocked on CPU clock 16-BIT BUS Clocked on CKLF Load Load CE 16-BIT DOWN COUNTER Load CE Zero 8+16-BIT REGISTER TIMER_LATCH 24-BIT DOWN COUNTER Load Zero GPIO WAKEUP RTC IO P1 GPIO INT WAKEUP INT TICK WATCHDOG_RESET Figure 16 Block diagram of wakeup and watchdog function. Table 45 below describe the functions of the SFR registers that control these blocks, and Table 46 and Table 47 explains the contents of the individual control registers for watchdog and wakeup functions. $GGU 6)5 KH[ AB 5: ELW R/W 8 AC R/W AD R/W ,QLW +H[ 1DPH )XQFWLRQ 00 REGX_MSB 8 00 REGX_LSB 5 00 REGX_CTRL Most significant part of 16 bit register for interface to Watchdog, RTC timer and GPIO wakeup Least significant part of 16 bit register for interface to Watchdog, RTC timer and GPIO wakeup Control for 16 bit register for transfers to and from Watchdog, RTC timer and GPIO wakeup. 4: REGX interface busy (read only). 3: Read (0) / Write (1) 2-0: Indirect address, see leftmost column in Table 46 Table 45 Wakeup, RTC timer and Watchdog SFR-registers. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 53 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& $GGU &WUO >@ 0 1 2 3 5: &WUO >@ 0 1 ELW ,QLW +H[ 1DPH )XQFWLRQ 16 16 0000 0000 RWD WWD Watchdog register (count) Watchdog register (count) 0 16 0000 RGTIMER 1 12 000 WGTIMER 0 1 0 1 16 16 16 0 0000 0000 0000 - RRTCLAT WRTCLAT RRTC WRTCDIS 15-8: MSB part of RTC counter 7-0: MSB part of RTC latch 11-8: GTIMER latch 7-0: MSB part of RTC latch Least significant part of RTC latch Least significant part of RTC latch RTC counter value Disable RTC (data not used) 0 9 000 RWSTA0 Wakeup status Bit 8: RTC timer status 7-0: Wakeup status for pins P07-P00 1 16 0000 WWCON0 0 1 9 16 000 0000 RWSTA1 WWCON1 GPIO wakeup configuration for P03-P00. See Table 47. Wakeup status (Identical to WSTA0) GPIO wakeup configuration for P07-P04. See Table 47. 4 5 Table 46 Indirect addresses and functions. %LWV 15:14 13:12 11:10 9:8 7:6 5:4 3:2 1:0 ::&21IXQFWLRQ Edge selection for P07 Edge filter for P07 Edge selection for P06 Edge filter for P06 Edge selection for P05 Edge filter for P05 Edge selection for P04 Edge filter for P04 ::&21XQFWLRQ Edge selection for P03 Edge filter for P03 Edge selection for P02 Edge filter for P02 Edge selection for P01 Edge filter for P01 Edge selection for P00 Edge filter for P00 Table 47 Bit fields in register WWCON1 and WWCON0. 16.7 Reset The nRF9E5 can be reset either by the on-chip power-on reset circuitry or by the onchip watchdog counter. 16.7.1 Power-on Reset The power-on reset circuitry keeps the chip in power-on-reset state until the supply voltage reaches VDDmin (a voltage, less than 1.9V sufficiently high for digital operation). At this point the internal voltage generators and oscillators start up, the SFRs are initialized to their reset values, as listed in Table 62, and thereafter the CPU begins program execution at the standard reset vector address 0x0000. The startup time from power-on reset is normally determined by both the crystal oscillator startup time and the frequency of the low power oscillator (LP_OSC). This total may vary from 1 to 3 ms depending on processing, temperature and supply voltage. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 54 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 16.7.2 Watchdog Reset If the Watchdog reset signal goes active, nRF9E5 enters the same reset sequence as for power-on reset. That is, the internal voltage generators and oscillators start up, the SFRs are initialized to their reset values, as listed in Table 62, and thereafter the CPU begins program execution at the standard reset vector address 0x0000. The startup time from watchdog reset is somewhat shorter; expect a variation from 0.4 to 2ms depending on processing, temperature and supply voltage. 16.7.3 Program Reset Address The program reset address is controlled by the RSTREAS register, SFR 0xB1, see Table 48This register shows which reset source that caused the last reset, and provides a choice of two different program start addresses. The default value is power-on reset, which starts the boot loader, while a watchdog reset does not reboot and restarts at address 0 of the already loaded program. $GGU 6)5 KH[ B1 5: ELW ,QLW KH[ R/W 2 02 1DPH )XQFWLRQ RSTREAS bit 0: Reason for last reset 0: POR 1: Any other reset source Clear this bit in software to force a reboot after jump to zero (boot loader will load code RAM if this bit is 0) bit 1: Use IROM for reset vector 0: Reset vectors to 0x0000. 1: Reset vectors to 0x8000. Table 48 Reset control register - SFR 0xB1. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 55 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 32:(56$9,1*02'(6 nRF9E5 provides the two industry standard 8051 power saving modes: idle mode and stop mode. To Achieve more power saving several additional power-down modes are provided, where both oscillator and internal power regulators may be turned off. The bits that control entry into idle and stop modes are in the PCON register at SFR address 0x87, listed in Table 49. The bits that control entry into power down mode are in the CK_CTRL register at SFR address 0xB6, listed in Table 51. %LW PCON.7 PCON.6-4 PCON.3 PCON.2 PCON.1 PCON.0 )XQFWLRQ SMOD - Serial Port baud-rate doubler enable. When SMOD = 1, the baud rate for Serial Port is doubled. Reserved. GF1 - General purpose flag 1. Bit-addressable, general purpose flag for software control. GF0 - General purpose flag 0. Bit-addressable, general purpose flag for software control. STOP - Stop mode select. Setting the STOP bit places the nRF9E5 in stop mode. IDLE - Idle mode select. Setting the IDLE bit places the nRF9E5 in idle mode. Table 49 PCON Register - SFR 0x87. 17.1 Standard 8051 Power Saving Modes 17.1.1 Idle Mode An instruction that sets the IDLE bit (PCON.0) causes the nRF9E5 to enter idle mode when that instruction completes. In idle mode, CPU processing is suspended and internal registers and memory maintain their current data. However, unlike the standard 8051, the CPU clock is not disabled internally, thus not much power is saved. There are two ways to exit idle mode: activate any enabled interrupt or watchdog reset. Activation of any enabled interrupt causes the hardware to clear the IDLE bit and terminate idle mode. The CPU executes the ISR associated with the received interrupt. The RETI instruction at the end of the ISR returns the CPU to the instruction following the one that put the nRF9E5 into idle mode. A watchdog reset causes the nRF9E5 to exit idle mode, reset internal registers, execute its reset sequence and begin program execution at the standard reset vector address 0x0000. 17.1.2 Stop Mode An instruction that sets the STOP bit (PCON.1) causes the nRF9E5 to enter stop mode when that instruction completes. Stop mode is identical to idle mode, except that the only way to exit stop mode is by watchdog reset Since there is little power saving, stop mode is not recommended, as it is more efficient to use power down mode. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 56 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 17.2 Additional Power Down Modes An instruction that sets the CK_CTRL (SFR 0xB6) to a non zero value causes the nRF9E5 to enter power down mode when that instruction completes. In power down mode, CPU processing is suspended, while internal registers and memories maintain their current data. The CPU will perform a controlled shutdown of clock and power regulators as requested by CK_CTRL. The device can only be restarted from an event on a P0 GPIO pin, an RTC wakeup or a Watchdog reset. Activation of any enabled wakeup source causes the hardware to clear the CK_CTRL bit and terminate power down mode. If there is an enabled interrupt associated with the wakeup even, the CPU executes the ISR associated with that interrupt immediately after power and clocks are restored. The RETI instruction at the end of the ISR returns the CPU to the instruction following the one that put the nRF9E5 into power down mode. A watchdog reset causes the nRF9E5 to exit power down mode, reset internal registers, execute its reset sequence and begin program execution at the standard reset vector address 0x0000. $GGU 6)5 B6 5: W R ELW 3 1 ,QLW +H[ 0 - 1DPH )XQFWLRQ CK_CTRL CK_CTRL Set power down according to Table 51. Read LFCK clock in LSB. Other bits are unpredictable. Table 50 CK_CTRL register - SFR 0xB6. Note: Before writing the CK_CTRL register, make sure that the busy bit of RTC/Watchdog SFR 0xAD, bit 4 (page 53) is not set Note: When using power down modes where the CKLF source is LP_OSC, the startup time may be so long that the CPU may loose the corresponding RTC interrupt. &.B&75/ ZULWH 000 001 010 011 1-- )XQFWLRQ Normal operation, active Light power down Moderate power down Standby mode Deep power down &./) VRXUFH XTAL XTAL XTAL LP_OSC LP_OSC ;7$/ 2VF On On On On Off 7\SLFDO &XUUHQW 1 mA 0.4 mA 125 A 25 A 2.5 A 7\SLFDO 6WDUWXS 2.5 s 7 s 150 s 1000 s Table 51 Power down modes. The table above shows typical startup time from RTC interrupt. For GPIO the debounce time must be added, but during debounce the device is still in power down. 17.2.1 Startup Time From Reset Startup time consists of a number of LP_OSC cycles + a number of XTAL clock cycles. fLP_OSC may vary from 1 to 5.5kHz over voltage and temperature. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 57 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& Startup times are summarized in the table below: 5HDVRQRIVWDUWXS 3KDVH, SRZHUDQG&ORFN Power on XO start-up time (3ms max) Watchdog XO start-up time if not already running 3KDVH,, ,QLWLDOL]DWLRQDQG V\QFKURQL]DWLRQ The longest of: 2500 fXTAL cycles 0-1 LP_OSC cycles The longest of: 2500 fCPU cycles 0-1 LP_OSC cycles Table 52 Startup times from Power down mode. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 58 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 0,&52&21752//(5 The embedded microcontroller is the DW8051 MacroCell from Synopsys which is similar to the Dallas DS80C320 in terms of hardware features and instruction-cycle timing. 18.1 Memory Organization FFFFh 81FFh Boot loader 8000h IRAM SFR FFh Upper 128 bytes. FFh Accessible by indirect addressing only. Accessible by direct addressing only. 80h 7Fh 0FFFh Program/data memory. Accessible with movc and movx. 0000h Lower 128 bytes. 80h Accessible by direct and indirect addressing. Special Function Registers 00h Program memory/Data Memory (ERAM) Internal Data Memory Figure 17 Memory Map and Organization. 18.1.1 Program Memory/Data Memory The nRF9E5 has 4KB of program memory available for user programs located at the bottom of the address space as shown in Figure 17. This memory also function as a random access memory and can be accessed with the movx and movc instructions. After power on reset the boot loader loads the user program from the external serial EEPROM and stores it from address 0 in this memory. 18.1.2 Internal Data Memory The Internal Data Memory, illustrated in Figure 17, consists of: * * * 128 bytes of registers and scratchpad memory accessible through direct or indirect addressing (addresses 0x00-0x7F). 128 bytes of scratchpad memory accessible through indirect addressing (0x80- 0xFF). 128 special function registers (SFRs) accessible through direct addressing. The lower 32 bytes form four banks of eight registers (R0-R7). Two bits on the program status word (PSW) select which bank is in use. The next sixteen bytes form a block of bit-addressable memory space at bit addresses 0x00-0x7F. All of the bytes in the lower 128 bytes are accessible through direct or indirect addressing. The SFRs and the upper 128 bytes of RAM share the same address range (0x80-0xFF). However, the actual address space is separate and is differentiated by the type of addressing. Direct Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 59 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& addressing accesses the SFRs, while indirect addressing accesses the upper 128 bytes of RAM. Most SFRs are reserved for specific functions, as described in 18.6 Special Function Registers on page 68. SFR addresses ending in 0h or 8h are bit-addressable. 18.2 Program Format in External EEPROM The table below shows the layout of the first few bytes of the EEPROM image. 0: 1: 2: ... ... N: N+1: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Version Reserved SPEED XO_FREQ (now 00) (now 00) Offset to start of user program (N) Number of 256 byte blocks in user program (includes block 0 that is not full) Optional User data, not interpreted by boot loader ... First byte of user program, goes into ERAM at 0x0000 Second byte of user program, goes into ERAM at 0x0001 ... 0 Table 53 EEPROM layout. The contents of the 4 lowest bits in the first byte is used by the boot loader to set the correct SPI frequency. These fields are encoded as shown below: SPEED (bit 3): EEPROM max speed 0 = 1MHz 1 = 0.5MHz XO_FREQ (bits 2,1 and 0): Crystal oscillator frequency 000 = 4MHz, 001 = 8MHz, 010 = 12MHz, 011 = 16MHz, 100 = 20MHz The program eeprep1 can be used to add this header to a program file. Command format: eeprep [options] is the output file of an assembler or compiler is a file suitable for programming the EEPROM (above format with no user data). Both files are "Intelhex" format. The options available for eeprep are: -c n Set crystal frequency in MHz. -i Ignore checksums -p n Set program memory size (default 4096 bytes) -s Select slow EEPROM clock (500KHz) 1 Available on Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 60 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 18.3 Instruction Set All nRF9E5 instructions are binary-code-compatible and perform the same functions that they do in the industry standard 8051. The effects of these instructions on bits, flags, and other status functions is identical to the industry-standard 8051. However, the timing of the instructions is different, both in terms of number of clock cycles per instruction cycle and timing within the instruction cycle. Table 55 to Table 60 lists the nRF9E5 instruction set and the number of instruction cycles required to complete each instruction. 6\PERO A Rn direct @Ri rel bit #data #data 16 addr 16 addr 11 )XQFWLRQ Accumulator Register R0-R7 Internal register address Internal register pointed to by R0 or R1 (except MOVX) Two's complement offset byte Direct bit address 8-bit constant 16-bit constant 16-bit destination address 11-bit destination address Table 54 Legend for Instruction Set Table. Table 55 to Table 60 define the symbols and mnemonics used in Table 54. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 61 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& $ULWKPHWLF,QVWUXFWLRQV 0QHPRQLF 'HVFULSWLRQ ADD A, Rn ADD A, direct ADD A, @Ri ADD A, #data ADDC A, Rn ADDC A, direct ADDC A, @Ri ADDC A, #data SUBB A, Rn SUBB A, direct SUBB A, @Ri SUBB A, #data INC A INC Rn INC direct INC @Ri DEC A DEC Rn DEC direct DEC @Ri INC DPTR MUL AB DIV AB DA A %\WH ,QVWU &\FOHV 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Add register to A 1 Add direct byte to A 2 Add data memory to A 1 Add immediate to A 2 Add register to A with carry 1 Add direct byte to A with carry 2 Add data memory to A with carry 1 Add immediate to A with carry 2 Subtract register from A with 1 borrow Subtract direct byte from A with 2 2 borrow Subtract data memory from A with 1 1 borrow Subtract immediate from A with 2 2 borrow Increment A 1 1 Increment register 1 1 Increment direct byte 2 2 Increment data memory 1 1 Decrement A 1 1 Decrement register 1 1 Decrement direct byte 2 2 Decrement data memory 1 1 Increment data pointer 1 3 Multiply A by B 1 5 Divide A by B 1 5 Decimal adjust A 1 1 All mnemonics are copyright (c) Intel Corporation 1980. +H[ &RGH 28-2F 25 26-27 24 38-3F 35 36-37 34 98-9F 95 96-97 94 04 08-0F 05 06-07 14 18-1F 15 16-17 A3 A4 84 D4 Table 55 nRF9E5 Instruction Set, Arithmetic Instructions. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 62 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& /RJLFDO,QVWUXFWLRQV 0QHPRQLF 'HVFULSWLRQ ANL A, Rn ANL A, direct ANL A, @Ri ANL A, #data ANL direct, A ANL direct, #data ORL A, Rn ORL A, direct ORL A, @Ri ORL A, #data ORL direct, A ORL direct, #data XRL A, Rn XRL A, direct XRL A, @Ri XRL A, #data XRL direct, A XRL direct, #data CLR A CPL A SWAP A RL A RLC A RR A RRC A %\WH ,QVWU &\FOHV 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 AND register to A 1 AND direct byte to A 2 AND data memory to A 1 AND immediate to A 2 AND A to direct byte 2 AND immediate data to direct byte 3 OR register to A 1 OR direct byte to A 2 OR data memory to A 1 OR immediate to A 2 OR A to direct byte 2 OR immediate data to direct byte 3 Exclusive-OR register to A 1 Exclusive-OR direct byte to A 2 Exclusive-OR data memory to A 1 Exclusive-OR immediate to A 2 Exclusive-OR A to direct byte 2 Exclusive-OR immediate to direct 3 byte Clear A 1 1 Complement A 1 1 Swap nibbles of A 1 1 Rotate A left 1 1 Rotate A left through carry 1 1 Rotate A right 1 1 Rotate A right through carry 1 1 All mnemonics are copyright (c) Intel Corporation 1980. +H[ &RGH 58-5F 55 56-57 54 52 53 48-4F 45 46-47 44 42 43 68-6F 65 66-67 64 62 63 E4 F4 C4 23 33 03 13 Table 56 nRF9E5 Instruction Set, Logical Instructions. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 63 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& %RROHDQ,QVWUXFWLRQV 0QHPRQLF CLR C CLR bit SETB C SETB bit CPL C CPL bit ANL C, bit ANL C, /bit ORL C, bit ORL C, /bit MOV C, bit MOV bit, C 'HVFULSWLRQ %\WH ,QVWU &\FOHV Clear carry 1 1 Clear direct bit 2 2 Set carry 1 1 Set direct bit 2 2 Complement carry 1 1 Complement direct bit 2 2 AND direct bit to carry 2 2 AND direct bit inverse to carry 2 2 OR direct bit to carry 2 2 OR direct bit inverse to carry 2 2 Move direct bit to carry 2 2 Move carry to direct bit 2 2 All mnemonics are copyright (c) Intel Corporation 1980. +H[ &RGH C3 C2 D3 D2 B3 B2 82 B0 72 A0 A2 92 Table 57 nRF9E5 Instruction Set, Boolean Instructions. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 64 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 0QHPRQLF MOV A, Rn MOV A, direct MOV A, @Ri MOV A, #data MOV Rn, A MOV Rn, direct MOV Rn, #data MOV direct, A MOV direct, Rn MOV direct, direct MOV direct, @Ri MOV direct, #data MOV @Ri, A MOV @Ri, direct MOV @Ri, #data MOV DPTR, #data MOVC A, @A+DPTR MOVC A, @A+PC MOVX A, @Ri MOVX A, @DPTR MOVX @Ri, A MOVX @DPTR, A PUSH direct POP direct XCH A, Rn XCH A, direct XCH A, @Ri XCHD A, @Ri 'DWD7UDQVIHU,QVWUXFWLRQV 'HVFULSWLRQ %\WH Move register to A Move direct byte to A Move data memory to A Move immediate to A Move A to register Move direct byte to register Move immediate to register Move A to direct byte Move register to direct byte Move direct byte to direct byte Move data memory to direct byte Move immediate to direct byte Move A to data memory Move direct byte to data memory Move immediate to data memory Move immediate to data pointer Move code byte relative DPTR to A 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 ,QVWU &\FOHV 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 Move code byte relative PC to A Move external data (A8) to A Move external data (A16) to A 1 1 1 3 2-9* 2-9* 83 E2-E3 E0 Move A to external data (A8) Move A to external data (A16) 1 1 2-9* 2-9* F2-F3 F0 Push direct byte onto stack 2 2 Pop direct byte from stack 2 2 Exchange A and register 1 1 Exchange A and direct byte 2 2 Exchange A and data memory 1 1 Exchange A and data memory 1 1 nibble All mnemonics are copyright (c) Intel Corporation 1980. +H[ &RGH E8-EF E5 E6-E7 74 F8-FF A8-AF 78-7F F5 88-8F 85 86-87 75 F6-F7 A6-A7 76-77 90 93 C0 D0 C8-CF C5 C6-C7 D6-D7 Table 58 nRF9E5 Instruction Set, Data Transfer Instructions. * Number of cycles is 2 + CKCON.2-0. (CKCON.2-0 is the integer value of the 3LSB of SFR 0x8E CKCON). Default is 3 cycles. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 65 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& %UDQFKLQJ,QVWUXFWLRQV 0QHPRQLF 'HVFULSWLRQ %\WH ACALL addr 11 LCALL addr 16 RET RETI AJMP addr 11 LJMP addr 16 SJMP rel JC rel JNC rel JB bit, rel JNB bit, rel JBC bit, rel JMP @A+DPTR JZ rel JNZ rel CJNE A, direct, rel CJNE A, #d, rel ,QVWU &\FOHV 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 Absolute call to subroutine 2 Long call to subroutine 3 Return from subroutine 1 Return from interrupt 1 Absolute jump unconditional 2 Long jump unconditional 3 Short jump (relative address) 2 Jump on carry = 1 2 Jump on carry = 0 2 Jump on direct bit = 1 3 Jump on direct bit = 0 3 Jump on direct bit = 1 and clear 3 Jump indirect relative DPTR 1 Jump on accumulator = 0 2 Jump on accumulator /= 0 2 Compare A, direct JNE relative 3 Compare A, immediate JNE 3 relative CJNE Rn, #d, rel Compare reg, immediate JNE 3 4 relative CJNE @Ri, #d, rel Compare ind, immediate JNE 3 4 relative DJNZ Rn, rel Decrement register, JNZ relative 2 3 DJNZ direct, rel Decrement direct byte, JNZ relative 3 4 All mnemonics are copyright (c) Intel Corporation 1980. +H[ &RGH 11-F1 12 22 32 01-E1 02 80 40 50 20 30 10 73 60 70 B5 B4 B8-BF B6-B7 D8-DF D5 Table 59 nRF9E5 Instruction Set, Branching Instructions. 0QHPRQLF NOP 0LVFHOODQHRXV,QVWUXFWLRQV 'HVFULSWLRQ %\WH ,QVWU +H[ &\FOHV &RGH No operation 1 1 00 There is an additional reserved opcode (A5) that will also act as a NOP. All mnemonics are copyright (c) Intel Corporation 1980. Table 60 nRF9E5 Instruction Set, Miscellaneous Instructions. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 66 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 18.4 Instruction Timing Instruction cycles in the nRF9E5 are four clock cycles in length, as opposed to twelve clock cycles per instruction cycle in the standard 8051. This translates to a 3X improvement in execution time for most instructions. However, some instructions require a different number of instruction cycles on the nRF9E5 than they do on the standard 8051. In the standard 8051, all instructions except for MUL and DIV take one or two instruction cycles to complete. In the nRF9E5 architecture, instructions can take between one and five instruction cycles to complete. For example, in the standard 8051, the instructions MOVX A, @DPTR and MOV direct, direct each take two instruction cycles (twenty-four clock cycles) to execute. In the nRF9E5 architecture, MOVX A, @DPTR takes two instruction cycles (eight clock cycles) and MOV direct, direct takes three instruction cycles (twelve clock cycles). Both instructions execute faster on the nRF9E5 than they do on the standard 8051, but require different numbers of clock cycles. For timing of real-time events, use the numbers of instruction cycles from Table 55 to Table 60 to calculate the timing of software loops. The bytes column of these table indicates the number of memory accesses (bytes) needed to execute the instruction. In most cases, the number of bytes is equal to the number of instruction cycles required to complete the instruction. However, as indicated in Table 55, there are some instructions (for example, DIV and MUL) that require a greater number of instruction cycles than memory accesses.By default, the nRF9E5 timer/counters run at twelve clock cycles per increment so that timer-based events have the same timing as with the standard 8051. The timers can be configured to run at four clock cycles per increment to take advantage of the higher speed of the nRF9E5. 18.5 Dual Data Pointers The nRF9E5 employs dual data pointers to accelerate data memory block moves. The standard 8051 data pointer (DPTR) is a 16-bit value used to address external data RAM or peripherals. The nRF9E5 maintains the standard data pointer as DPTR0 at SFR locations 0x82 and 0x83. It is not necessary to modify code to use DPTR0. The nRF9E5 adds a second data pointer (DPTR1) at SFR locations 0x84 and 0x85. The SEL bit in the DPTR Select register, DPS (SFR 0x86), selects the active pointer. When SEL = 0, instructions that use the DPTR will use DPL0 and DPH0. When SEL = 1, instructions that use the DPTR will use DPL1 and DPH1. SEL is the bit 0 of SFR location 0x86. No other bits of SFR location 0x86 are used. All DPTR-related instructions use the currently selected data pointer. To switch the active pointer, toggle the SEL bit. The fastest way to do so is to use the increment instruction (INC DPS). This requires only one instruction to switch from a source address to a destination address, saving application code from having to save source and destination addresses when doing a block move. Using dual data pointers provides significantly increased efficiency when moving large blocks of data. The SFR locations related to the dual data pointers are: - 0x82 DPL0 DPTR0 low byte - 0x83 DPH0 DPTR0 high byte - 0x84 DPL1 DPTR1 low byte - 0x85 DPH1 DPTR1 high byte - 0x86 DPS DPTR Select (LSB) Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 67 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 18.6 Special Function Registers The Special Function Registers (SFRs) control several of the features of the nRF9E5. Most of the nRF9E5 SFRs are identical to the standard 8051 SFRs. However, there are additional SFRs that control features that are not available in the standard 8051. Table 61 lists the nRF9E5 SFRs and indicates which SFRs are not included in the standard 8051 SFR space. When writing software for the nRF9E5, use equate statements to define the SFRs that are specific to the nRF9E5 and custom peripherals. In Table 61, SFR bit positions that contain a 0 or a 1 cannot be written to and, when read, always return the value shown (0 or 1). SFR bit positions that contain "-" are available but not used. Table 62 shows the value of each SFR, after power-on reset or a watchdog reset, together with a pointer to a detailled description of each register. Please note that any unused address in the SFR address space is reserved and should not be written to. Notes to Table 61 on next page : (1) (2) (3) Not part of standard 8051 architecture. Registers unique to nRF9E5 P0, P1 and P3 differ from standard 8051 Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 68 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& $GGU 0x80 0x81 0x82 0x83 0x84 0x85 0x86 0x87 0x88 0x89 0x8A 0x8B 0x8C 0x8D 0x8E 0x8F 0x90 0x91 0x92 0x93 0x94 0x95 0x96 0x97 0x98 0x99 0xA0 5HJLVWHU P0(3) SP DPL0 DPH0 DPL1(1) DPH1(1) DPS(1) PCON TCON TMOD TL0 TL1 TH0 TH1 CKCON(1) SPC_FNC(1) P1(3) EXIF(1) MPAGE(1) P0_DRV(2) P0_DIR(2) P0_ALT(2) P1_DIR(2) P1_ALT(2) SCON SBUF P2(3) %LW %LW 0 SMOD TF1 GATE 0 TR1 C/T 0 IE5 - 0 IE4 - SM0 SM1 AM CD 0xA8 0xA9 0xAA 0xAB 0xAC 0xAD 0xB1 0xB2 0xB3 0xB4 0xB5 0xB6 0xB8 0xBF IE PWMCON(2) PWMDUTY(2) REGX_MSB(2) REGX_LSB(2) REGX_CTRL(2) RSTREAS(2) SPI_DATA(2) SPI_CTRL(2) SPICLK(2) TICK_DV(2) CK_CTRL(2) IP CKLFCON (2) EA 0xC8 0xCA 0xCB 0xCC 0xCD 0xD0 0xD8 0xE0 0xE8 0xF0 0xF8 0xFE 0xFF T2CON RCAP2L RCAP2H TL2 TH2 PSW EICON(1) ACC EIE(1) B EIP(1) HWREV (2) ----- 0 PWM_LENGTH - - - - 1 - 0 - TF2 EXF2 CY - AC 1 1 1 1 1 %LW %LW %LW %LW %LW Port 0 Stack pointer Data pointer 0, low byte Data pointer 0, high byte Data pointer 1, low byte Data pointer 1, high byte 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 GF1 GF0 STOP TF0 TR0 IE1 IT1 IE0 M1 M0 GATE C/T M1 Timer/counter 0 value, low byte Timer/counter 1 value, low byte Timer/counter 0 value, high byte Timer/counter 1 value, high byte T2M T1M T0M MD2 MD1 0 0 0 0 0 Port 1 bit 3:0 IE3 IE2 1 0 0 Drive Strength of port 0 Direction of Port 0 Alternate functions of Port 0 Direction of Port 1 Alt.funct.of Port 1 SM2 REN TB8 RB8 TI Serial port data buffer DR/ TRX_CE EOC/ TX_EN ET2 ES SBMISO SBMOSI %LW SEL IDLE IT0 M0 MD0 WRS 0 - RI SBSCK SBCSN ET1 EX1 ET0 EX0 PWM_PRESCALE PWM_DUTY_CYCLE High byte of Watchdog/RTC register Low byte of Watchdog/RTC register Control of REGX_MSB and REGX_LSB RFLR SPI_DATA input/output bits SPI_CTRL SPICLK TICK_DV CK_CTRL PT2 PS PT1 PX1 PT0 PX0 UP_CLK XOF UP_CLK_FREQ _EN RCLK TCLK EXEN2 TR2 Timer/counter 2 capture or reload, low byte Timer/counter 2 capture or reload, high byte Timer/counter 2 value, low byte Timer/counter 2 value, high byte F0 RS1 RS0 OV 0 0 WDTI 0 Accumulator register 1 EWDI EX5 EX4 B-register 1 PWDI PX5 PX4 Device hardware revision number Reserved, do not use C/T2 CP/RL2 F1 0 P 0 EX3 EX2 PX3 PX2 Table 61Special Function Registers summary. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 69 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 5HJLVWHU ACC B CK_CTRL CKCON CKLFCON DPH0 DPH1 DPL0 DPL1 DPS EICON EIE EIP EXIF HWREV IE IP MPAGE P0 P0_ALT P0_DIR P0_DRV P1 P1_ALT P1_DIR P2 PCON PSW PWMCON PWMDUTY RCAP2H RCAP2L REGX_CTRL REGX_LSB REGX_MSB RSTREAS SBUF SCON SP SPC_FNC SPI_CTRL SPI_DATA SPICLK T2CON TCON TH0 TH1 TH2 TICK_DV TL0 TL1 TL2 TMOD $GGU 0xE0 0xF0 0xB6 0x8E 0xBF 0x83 0x85 0x82 0x84 0x86 0xD8 0xE8 0xF8 0x91 0xFE 0xA8 0xB8 0x92 0x80 0x95 0x94 0x93 0x90 0x97 0x96 0xA0 0x87 0xD0 0xA9 0xAA 0xCB 0xCA 0xAD 0xAC 0xAB 0xB1 0x99 0x98 0x81 0x8F 0xB3 0xB2 0xB4 0xC8 0x88 0x8C 0x8D 0xCD 0xB5 0x8A 0x8B 0xCC 0x89 5HVHWYDOXH 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x27 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x40 0xE0 0xE0 0x08 0x00,read only 0x00 0x80 0x00 0xFF 0x00 0xFF 0x00 0xFF 0x00 0xF4 0x08 0x30 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x07 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x1D 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 'HVFULSWLRQ Accumulator register B-register Table 51, page 57 Table 67, page 77 Table 43 on page 50 ch.18.5, page 67 ch.18.5, page 67 ch.18.5, page 67 ch.18.5, page 67 ch.18.5, page 67 Table 40, page 46 Table 41, page 46 Table 42, page 47 Table 39, page 46 hardware revision no Table 37, page 45 Table 38, page 45 do not use Table 10, page 15 Table 10, page 15 Table 10, page 15 Table 10, page 15 Table 12, page 16 Table 12, page 16 Table 12, page 16 Table 15, page 18 Table 49, page 56 Table 63, page 71 Table 35, page 43 Table 35, page 43 ch., page 79 ch., page 79 Table 45, page 53 Table 45, page 53 Table 45, page 53 Table 48, page 55 ch.18.9, page 80 Table 71, page 81 Stack pointer do not use Table 33, page 42 Table 33, page 42 Table 33, page 42 Table 68, page 78 Table 66, page 74 ch.18.8, page 73 ch.18.8, page 73 ch.18.8, page 73 Table 43, page 50 ch.18.8, page 73 ch.18.8, page 73 ch.18.8, page 73 Table 65, page 73 Table 62Special Function Register reset values and description, alphabetically. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 70 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& Table 63 lists the functions of the bits in the PSW register. %LW PSW.7 PSW.6 PSW.5 PSW.4 PSW.3 PSW.2 PSW.1 PSW.0 )XQFWLRQ CY - Carry flag. Set to 1 when last arithmetic operation resulted in a carry (during addition) or borrow (during subtraction); otherwise cleared to 0 by all arithmetic operations. AC - Auxiliary carry flag. Set to 1 when last arithmetic operation resulted in a carry into (during addition) or borrow from (during subtraction) the high-order nibble; otherwise cleared to 0 by all arithmetic operations. F0 - User flag 0. Bit-addressable, general purpose flag for software control. RS1 - Register bank select bit 1. Used with RS0 to select a register blank in internal RAM. RS0 - Register bank select bit 0, decoded as: RS1 RS0 Bank selected 0 0 Register bank 0, addresses 0x00-0x07 0 1 Register bank 1, addresses 0x08-0x0F 1 0 Register bank 2, addresses 0x10-0x17 1 1 Register bank 3, addresses 0x18-0x1F OV - Overflow flag. Set to 1 when last arithmetic operation resulted in a carry (addition), borrow (subtraction), or overflow (multiply or divide); otherwise cleared to 0 by all arithmetic operations. F1 - User flag 1. Bit-addressable, general purpose flag for software control. P - Parity flag. Set to 1 when modulo-2 sum of 8 bits in accumulator is 1 (odd parity); cleared to 0 on even parity. Table 63 PSW Register - SFR 0xD0. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 71 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 18.7 SFR Registers Unique to nRF9E5 The table below lists the SFR registers that are unique to nRF9E5 (not part of standard 8051 register map) The registers P0, P1 and P2 (radio) use the addresses for the ports P0, P1 and P2 in a standard 8051. Whereas the functionality of these ports is similar to that of the corresponding ports in standard 8051, it is not identical. $GGU 6)5 80* 90* 5: ELW 1DPH )XQFWLRQ 8 8(4) ,QLW KH[ FF FF R/W R/W P0 P1** R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W 8 8 8(4) 8(4) 8 FF 00 F4 00 08 P0_DIR P0_ALT P1_DIR P1_ALT P2 A9 AA AB R/W R/W R/W 8 8 8 0 0 0 PWMCON PWMDUTY REGX_MSB AC R/W 8 0 REGX_LSB AD B1 B2 B3 R/W R/W R/W R/W 5 2 8 2 0 02 0 0 REGX_CTRL RSTREAS SPI_DATA SPI_CTRL B4 B5 B6 B7 R/W R/W W R 2 8 3 4 0 1D 0 0 SPICLK TICK_DV CK_CTRL TEST_MODE BF FE R/W R 6 8 27 00 CKLFCON HWREV Port 0, pins P07 to P00 Port 1, pins SPI_CSN, SPI_MISO, SPI_MOSI and SPI_SCK Direction of each GPIO bit of port 0 Select alternate functions for each pin of port 0 Direction for each GPIO bit of port 1 Select alternate functions for each pin of port 1 General purpose IO for interface to nRF905 radio, for details see chapter 8.1 PWM control register PWM duty cycle High part of 16 bit register for interface to Watchdog and RTC Low part of 16 bit register for interface to Watchdog and RTC Control of interface to Watchdog and RTC. Reset status and control SPI data input/output 00 -> SPI not used 01 -> connect to P1 10 or 11 -> connect to RADIO Divider from CPU clock to SPI clock TICK Divider. Clock control Test mode register. This register must always be 0 in normal mode. Control generation of 4 kHz CKLF Silicon stepping 94 95 96 97 A0* Table 64 SFR registers unique to nRF9E5. * ** This bit addressable register differs in usage from "standard 8051 Only 4 lower bits are meaningful in P1 and corresponding P1_DIR and P1_ALT Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 72 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 18.8 Timers/Counters The nRF9E5 includes three timer/counters (Timer 0, Timer 1 and Timer 2). Each timer/counter can operate as either a timer with a clock rate based on the CPU clock , or as an event counter clocked by the t0 pin (Timer 0), t1 pin (Timer 1), or the t2 pin (Timer 2). These pins are alternate function bits of Port 0 and 1 as this : t0 is P0.5, t1 is P0.6 and t2 is P1.0, for details please see ch. 6.3 on page 15. Each timer/counter consists of a 16-bit register that is accessible to software as three SFRs: (Table 61) Timer 0 - TL0 and TH0 Timer 1 - TL1 and TH1 Timer 2 - TL2 and TH2 18.8.1 Timers 0 and 1 Timers 0 and 1 each operate in four modes, as controlled through the TMOD SFR (Table 65) and the TCON SFR (Table 66). The four modes are: - 13-bit timer/counter (mode 0) - 16-bit timer/counter (mode 1) - 8-bit counter with auto-reload (mode 2) - Two 8-bit counters (mode 3, Timer 0 only) %LW TMOD.7 TMOD.6 TMOD.5 TMOD.4 TMOD.3 TMOD.2 TMOD.1 TMOD.0 )XQFWLRQ GATE - Timer 1 gate control. When GATE = 1, Timer 1 will clock only when external interrupt INT1_N = 1 and TR1 (TCON.6) = 1. When GATE = 0, Timer 1 will clock only when TR1 = 1, regardless of the state of INT1_N. C/T - Counter/Timer select. When C/T = 0, Timer 1 is clocked by CPU_clk/4 or CPU_clk/12, depending on the state of T1M (CKCON.4). When C/T = 1, Timer 1 is clocked by the t1 pin. M1 - Timer 1 mode select bit 1. M0 - Timer 1 mode select bit 0, decoded as: M1 M0 Mode 00 Mode 0 : 13-bit counter 01 Mode 1 : 16-bit counter 10 Mode 2 : 8-bit counter with auto-reload 11 Mode 3 : Two 8-bit counters GATE - Timer 0 gate control. When GATE = 1, Timer 0 will clock only when external interrupt INT0_N = 1 and TR0 (TCON.4) = 1. When GATE = 0, Timer 0 will clock only when TR0 = 1, regardless of the state of INT0_N. C/T - Counter/Timer select. When C/T = 0, Timer 0 is clocked by CPU_clk/4 or CPU_clk/12, depending on the state of T0M (CKCON.3). When C/T = 1, Timer 0 is clocked by the t0 pin. M1 - Timer 0 mode select bit 1. M0 - Timer 0 mode select bit 0, decoded as: M1 M0 Mode 00 Mode 0 : 13-bit counter 01 Mode 1 : 16-bit counter 10 Mode 2 : 8-bit counter with auto-reload 11 Mode 3 : Two 8-bit counters Table 65 TMOD Register - SFR 0x89. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 73 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& %LW TCON.7 TCON.6 TCON.5 TCON.4 TCON.3 TCON.2 TCON.1 TCON.0 )XQFWLRQ TF1 - Timer 1 overflow flag. Set to 1 when the Timer 1 count overflows and cleared when the CPU vectors to the interrupt service routine. TR1 - Timer 1 run control. Set to 1 to enable counting on Timer 1. TF0 - Timer 0 overflow flag. Set to 1 when the Timer 0 count overflows and cleared when the CPU vectors to the interrupt service routine. TR0 - Timer 0 run control. Set to 1 to enable counting on Timer 0. IE1 - Interrupt 1 edge detect. If external interrupt 1 is configured to be edge-sensitive (IT1 = 1), IE1 is set by hardware when a negative edge is detected on the INT1_N external interrupt pin and is automatically cleared when the CPU vectors to the corresponding interrupt service routine. In edge-sensitive mode, IE1 can also be cleared by software. If external interrupt 1 is configured to be level-sensitive (IT1 = 0), IE1 is set when the INT1_N pin is low and cleared when the INT1_N pin is high. In level-sensitive mode, software cannot write to IE1. IT1 - Interrupt 1 type select. When IT1 = 1, the nRF9E5 detects external interrupt pin INT1_N on the falling edge (edge-sensitive). When IT1 = 0, the nRF9E5 detects INT1_N as a low level (level-sensitive). IE0 - Interrupt 0 edge detect. If external interrupt 0 is configured to be edge-sensitive (IT0 = 1), IE0 is set by hardware when a negative edge is detected on the INT0_N external interrupt pin and is automatically cleared when the CPU vectors to the corresponding interrupt service routine. In edge-sensitive mode, IE0 can also be cleared by software. If external interrupt 0 is configured to be level-sensitive (IT0 = 0), IE0 is set when the INT0_N pin is low and cleared when the INT0_N pin is high. In level-sensitive mode, software cannot write to IE0. IT0 - Interrupt 0 type select. When IT1 = 1, the nRF9E5 detects external interrupt INT0_N on the falling edge (edge-sensitive). When IT1 = 0, the nRF9E5 detects INT0_N as a low level (level-sensitive). Table 66 TCON Register - SFR 0x88. Mode 0 Mode 0 operation, illustrated in Figure 18, is the same for Timer 0 and Timer 1. In mode 0, the timer is configured as a 13-bit counter that uses bits 0-4 of TL0 (or TL1) and all eight bits of TH0 (or TH1). The timer enable bit (TR0/TR1) in the TCON SFR starts the timer. The C/T bit selects the timer/counter clock source, CPU_clk or T0/T1. The timer counts transitions from the selected source as long as the GATE bit is 0, or the GATE bit is 1 and the corresponding interrupt pin (INT0_N or INT1_N) is deasserted. INT0_N and INT1_N are alternate function bits of Port0, please see Table 8 Port functions. When the 13-bit count increments from 0x1FFF (all ones), the counter rolls over to all zeros, the TF0 (or TF1) bit is set in the TCON SFR, and the t0_out (or t1_out) pin goes high for one clock cycle. The upper three bits of TL0 (or TL1) are indeterminate in mode 0 and must be masked when the software evaluates the register. Mode 1 Mode 1 operation is the same for Timer 0 and Timer 1. In mode 1, the timer is configured as a 16-bit counter. As illustrated in, all eight bits of the LSB register (TL0 or TL1) are used. The counter rolls over to all zeros when the count increments from 0xFFFF. Otherwise, mode 1 operation is the same as mode 0. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 74 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& Divide by 12 T0M (T1M) 0 CPU_CLK 1 Divide by 4 C/T TL0 (TL1) 0 clk 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 1 P05/T0 (P06/T1) Mode 0 Mode 1 TH0 (TH1) TR0 (TR1) 0 1 2 3 GATE P03/INT0_N (P04/INT1_N) INT TF0 (TF1) P0_ALT.3 (P0_ALT.4) To serial port (timer 1 only) Figure 18 Timer 0/1 - Modes 0 and 1. Mode 2 Mode 2 operation is the same for Timer 0 and Timer 1. In mode 2, the timer is configured as an 8-bit counter, with automatic reload of the start value. The LSB register (TL0 or TL1) is the counter, and the MSB register (TH0 or TH1) stores the reload value. As illustrated in Figure 19 Timer 0/1 - Mode 2, mode 2 counter control is the same as for mode 0 and mode 1. However, in mode 2, when TLQ increments from 0xFF, the value stored in THQis reloaded into TLn. T0M (T1M) 0 1 Divide by 4 C/T TL0 (TL1) 0 clk 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 reload Divide by 12 CPU_CLK P05/T0 (P06/T1) TR0 (TR1) TH0 (TH1) GATE P03/INT0_N (P04/INT1_N) TF0 (TF1) INT P0_ALT.3 (P0_ALT.4) To serial port (timer 1 only) Figure 19 Timer 0/1 - Mode 2. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 75 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& Mode 3 In mode 3, Timer 0 operates as two 8-bit counters, and Timer 1 stops counting and holds its value. As shown in Figure 20 Timer 0 - Mode 3, TL0 is configured as an 8-bit counter controlled by the normal Timer 0 control bits. TL0 can count either CPU clock cycles (divided by 4 or by 12) or high-to-low transitions on t0, as determined by the C/T bit. The GATE function can be used to give counter enable control to the INT0_N signal. Divide by 12 T0M 0 CPU_CLK 1 Divide by 4 C/T TL0 0 clk 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 P05/T0 INT TF0 TR0 INT TF1 GATE P03/INT0_N clk 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 P0_ALT.3 TH0 TR1 Figure 20 Timer 0 - Mode 3. TH0 functions as an independent 8-bit counter. However, TH0 can count only CPU clock cycles (divided by 4 or by 12). The Timer 1 control and flag bits (TR1 and TF1) are used as the control and flag bits for TH0. When Timer 0 is in mode 3, Timer 1 has limited usage because Timer 0 uses the Timer 1 control bit (TR1) and interrupt flag (TF1). Timer 1 can still be used for baud rate generation and the Timer 1 count values are still available in the TL1 and TH1 registers.Control of Timer 1 when Timer 0 is in mode 3 is through the Timer 1 mode bits. To turn Timer 1 on, set Timer 1 to mode 0, 1, or 2. To turn Timer 1 off, set it to mode 3. The Timer 1 C/T bit and T1M bit are still available to Timer 1. Therefore, Timer 1 can count CPU_clk/4, CPU_clk/12, or high-to-low transitions on the t1 pin. The Timer 1 GATE function is also available when Timer 0 is in mode 3. 18.8.2 Timer Rate Control The default timer clock scheme for the nRF9E5 timers is twelve CPU clock cycles per increment, the same as in the standard 8051. However, in the nRF9E5, the instruction cycle is four clock cycles. Using the default rate (twelve clocks per timer increment) allows existing application code with real-time dependencies, such as baud rate, to operate properly. However, applications that require fast timing can set the timers to increment every four clock cycles by setting bits in the Clock Control register (CKCON) at SFR location 0x8E, described in Table 67 CKCON Register - SFR 0x. The CKCON bits that control the timer clock rates are: CKCON bit Counter/Timer 5 Timer 2 4 Timer 1 3 Timer 0 When a CKCON register bit is set to 1, the associated counter increments at four-clock intervals. When a CKCON bit is cleared, the associated counter increments at twelveclock intervals. The timer controls are independent of each other. The default setting for Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 76 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& all three timers is 0; that is, twelve-clock intervals. These bits have no effect in counter mode. %LW CKCON.7,6 CKCON.5 CKCON.4 CKCON.3 CKCON.2- 0 )XQFWLRQ Reserved T2M - Timer 2 clock select. When T2M = 0, Timer 2 uses CPU_clk/12 (for compatibility with 80C32); when T2M = 1, Timer 2 uses CPU_clk/4. This bit has no effect when Timer 2 is configured for baud rate generation. T1M - Timer 1 clock select. When T1M = 0, Timer 1 uses CPU_clk/12 (for compatibility with 80C32); when T1M = 1, Timer 1 uses CPU_clk/4. T0M - Timer 0 clock select. When T0M = 0, Timer 0 uses CPU_clk/12 (for compatibility with 80C32); when T0M = 1, Timer 0 uses CPU_clk/4. MD2, MD1, MD0 - Control the number of cycles to be used for external MOVX instructions; number of cycles is 2 + { MD2, MD1, MD0} Table 67 CKCON Register - SFR 0x8E. default initial data value is 0x01, i.e. MOVX takes 3 cycles. 18.8.3 Timer 2 Timer 2 runs only in 16-bit mode and offers several capabilities not available with Timers 0 and 1. The modes available with Timer 2 are: - 16-bit timer/counter - 16-bit timer with capture - 16-bit auto-reload timer/counter - Baud-rate generator The SFRs associated with Timer 2 are: - T2CON - SFR 0xC8; refer to Table 68 T2CON Register - SFR 0x - RCAP2L - SFR 0xCA - Used to capture the TL2 value when Timer 2 is configured for capture mode, or as the LSB of the 16-bit reload value when Timer 2 is configured for auto-reload mode. - RCAP2H - SFR 0xCB - Used to capture the TH2 value when Timer 2 is configured for capture mode, or as the MSB of the 16-bit reload value when Timer 2 is configured for auto-reload mode. TL2 - SFR 0xCC - Lower eight bits of the 16-bit count. TH2 - SFR 0xCD - Upper eight bits of the 16-bit count. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 77 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& %LW T2CON.7 T2CON.6 T2CON.5 T2CON.4 T2CON.3 T2CON.2 T2CON.1 T2CON.0 )XQFWLRQ TF2 - Timer 2 overflow flag. Hardware will set TF2 when Timer 2 overflows from 0xFFFF. TF2 must be cleared to 0 by the software. TF2 will only be set to a 1 if RCLK and TCLK are both cleared to 0. Writing a 1 to TF2 forces a Timer 2 interrupt if enabled. EXF2 - Timer 2 external flag. Hardware will set EXF2 when a reload or capture is caused by a high-to-low transition on the t2ex pin, and EXEN2 is set. EXF2 must be cleared to 0 by the software. Writing a 1 to EXF2 forces a Timer 2 interrupt if enabled. RCLK - Receive clock flag. Determines whether Timer 1 or Timer 2 is used for Serial port timing of received data in serial mode 1 or 3. RCLK = 1 selects Timer 2 overflow as the receive clock. RCLK = 0 selects Timer 1 overflow as the receive clock. TCLK - Transmit clock flag. Determines whether Timer 1 or Timer 2 is used for Serial port timing of transmit data in serial mode 1 or 3. TCLK =1 selects Timer 2 overflow as the transmit clock. TCLK = 0 selects Timer 1 overflow as the transmit clock. EXEN2 - Timer 2 external enable. EXEN2 = 1 enables capture or reload to occur as a result of a high-to-low transition on t2ex, if Timer 2 is not generating baud rates for the serial port. EXEN2 = 0 causes Timer 2 to ignore all external events at t2ex. TR2 - Timer 2 run control flag. TR2 = 1 starts Timer 2. TR2 = 0 stops Timer 2. C/T2 - Counter/timer select. C/T2 = 0 selects a timer function for Timer 2. C/T2 = 1 selects a counter of falling transitions on the t2 pin. When used as a timer, Timer 2 runs at four clocks per increment or twelve clocks per increment as programmed by CKCON.5, in all modes except baud-rate generator mode. When used in baud-rate generator mode, Timer 2 runs at two clocks per increment, independent of the state of CKCON.5. CP/RL2 - Capture/reload flag. When CP/RL2 = 1, Timer 2 captures occur on high-to-low transitions of t2ex, if EXEN2 = 1. When CP/RL2 = 0, auto-reloads occur when Timer 2 overflows or when high-to-low transitions occur on t2ex, if EXEN2 = 1. If either RCLK or TCLK is set to 1, CP/RL2 will not function, and Timer 2 will operate in auto-reload mode following each overflow. Table 68 T2CON Register - SFR 0xC8. Timer 2 Mode Control Table 69 summarizes how the SFR bits determine the Timer 2 mode. 5&/. 0 0 1 X X 7&/. 0 0 X 1 X &35/ 1 0 X X X 75 1 1 1 1 0 0RGH 16-bit timer/counter with capture 16-bit timer/counter with auto-reload Baud-rate generator Baud-rate generator Off Table 69 Timer 2 Mode Control Summary. 16-Bit Timer/Counter Mode Figure 21 Timer 2 - Timer/Counter with Capture illustrates how Timer 2 operates in timer/counter mode with the optional capture feature. The C/T2 bit determines whether the 16-bit counter counts clock cycles (divided by 4 or 12), or high-to-low transitions on the t2 pin. The TR2 bit enables the counter. When the count increments from 0xFFFF, the TF2 flag is set, and t2_out goes high for one clock cycle. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 78 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& Divide by 12 T2M 0 CPU_CLK 1 Divide by 4 C/T2 0 clk 0 7 8 SCK/T2 15 TL2 1 TH2 capture TR2 0 7 8 RCAP2L 15 RCAP2H EXEN2 TF2 LP_OSC Divide by 2 INT EXF2 Figure 21 Timer 2 - Timer/Counter with Capture. 16-Bit Timer/Counter Mode with Capture The Timer 2 capture mode, illustrated in Figure 21 Timer 2 - Timer/Counter with Capture, is the same as the 16-bit timer/counter mode, with the addition of the capture registers and control signals. The CP/RL2 bit in the T2CON SFR enables the capture feature. When CP/RL2 = 1, a high-to-low transition on t2ex when EXEN2 = 1 causes the Timer 2 value to be loaded into the capture registers (RCAP2L and RCAP2H). 16-Bit Timer/Counter Mode with Auto-Reload When CP/RL2 = 0, Timer 2 is configured for the auto-reload mode illustrated in Figure 22 Timer 2 - Timer/Counter with Auto-Reload. Control of counter input is the same as for the other 16-bit counter modes. When the count increments from 0xFFFF, Timer 2 sets the TF2 flag and the starting value is reloaded into TL2 and TH2. The software must preload the starting value into the RCAP2L and RCAP2H registers. When Timer 2 is in auto-reload mode, a reload can be forced by a high-to-low transition on the t2ex pin, if enabled by EXEN2 = 1. Divide by 12 T2M 0 CPU_CLK 1 Divide by 4 SCK/T2 C/T2 0 clk 0 1 7 8 TL2 15 TH2 reload TR2 0 7 8 RCAP2L 15 RCAP2H EXEN2 LP_OSC TF2 Divide by 2 INT EXF2 Figure 22 Timer 2 - Timer/Counter with Auto-Reload. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 79 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& Baud Rate Generator Mode Setting either RCLK or TCLK to 1 configures Timer 2 to generate baud rates for Serial port in serial mode 1 or 3. In baud-rate generator mode, Timer 2 functions in auto-reload mode. However, instead of setting the TF2 flag, the counter overflow generates a shift clock for the serial port function. As in normal auto-reload mode, the overflow also causes the preloaded start value in the RCAP2L and RCAP2H registers to be reloaded into the TL2 and TH2 registers. When either TCLK = 1 or RCLK = 1, Timer 2 is forced into auto-reload operation, regardless of the state of the CP/RL2 bit. When operating as a baud rate generator, Timer 2 does not set the TF2 bit. In this mode, a Timer 2 interrupt can be generated only by a high-to-low transition on the t2ex pin setting the EXF2 bit, and only if enabled by EXEN2 = 1.The counter time base in baudrate generator mode is CPU_clk/2. To use an external clock source, set C/T2 to 1 and apply the desired clock source to the t2 pin. Timer 1 overflow SMOD0 Divide by 2 0 1 Divide by 2 C/T2 0 clk 0 1 7 8 TL2 RCLK 15 TH2 reload CPU_CLK SCK/T2 0 Divide by 16 RX clock 1 TCLK TR2 0 7 8 RCAP2L 15 RCAP2H 0 Divide by 16 1 TX clock EXEN2 LP_OSC Divide by 2 EXF2 INT Figure 23 Timer 2 - Baud Rate Generator Mode. 18.9 Serial Interface The nRF9E5 is configured with one serial port, which is identical in operation to the standard 8051 serial port. The two serial port pins rxd and txd are available as alternate functions of P0.1 and P0.2, for details please see ch. 6.3 on page 15. The serial port can operate in synchronous or asynchronous mode. In synchronous mode, the nRF9E5 generates the serial clock and the serial port operates in half-duplex mode. In asynchronous mode, the serial port operates in full-duplex mode. In all modes, the nRF9E5 buffers receive data in a holding register, enabling the UART to receive an incoming word before the software has read the previous value. The serial port can operate in one of four modes, as outlined in Table 70. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 80 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 0RGH 0 6\QF$V \QF Sync 1 Async 2 Async 3 Async %DXG&ORFN 'DWD%LWV 6WDUW6WRS WK%LW)XQFWLRQ CPU_clk/4 or CPU_clk/12 Timer 1 or Timer 2 CPU_clk/32 or CPU_clk/64 Timer 1 or Timer 2 8 None None 8 1 start, 1 stop 1 start, 1 stop 1 start, 1 stop None 9 9 0, 1, parity 0, 1, parity Table 70 Serial Port Modes. The SFRs associated with the serial port are: - SCON - SFR 0x98 - Serial port control (Table 71) - SBUF - SFR 0x99 - Serial port buffer %LW SCON.7 SCON.6 SCON.5 SCON.4 SCON.3 SCON.2 SCON.1 )XQFWLRQ SM0 - Serial port mode bit 0. SM1 - Serial port mode bit 1, decoded as: SM0 SM1 Mode 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 3 SM2 - Multiprocessor communication enable. In modes 2 and 3, SM2 enables the multiprocessor communication feature. If SM2 = 1 in mode 2 or 3, RI will not be activated if the received 9th bit is 0. If SM2 = 1 in mode 1, RI will be activated only if a valid stop is received. In mode 0, SM2 establishes the baud rate: when SM2 = 0, the baud rate is CPU_clk/12; when SM2 = 1, the baud rate is CPU_clk/4. REN - Receive enable. When REN = 1, reception is enabled. TB8 - Defines the state of the 9th data bit transmitted in modes 2 and 3. RB8 - In modes 2 and 3, RB8 indicates the state of the 9th bit received. In mode 1, RB8 indicates the state of the received stop bit. In mode 0, RB8 is not used. TI - Transmit interrupt flag. Indicates that the transmit data word has been shifted out. In mode 0, TI is set at the end of the 8th data bit. In all other modes, TI is set when the stop bit is placed on the txd pin. TI must be cleared by the software. Table 71 SCON Register - SFR 0x98. 18.9.1 Mode 0 Serial mode 0 provides synchronous, half-duplex serial communication. For Serial Port 0, both serial data input and output occur on rxd pin, and txd provides the shift clock for both transmit and receive. The rxd and txd pins are alternate function bits of Port 0, please also see Table 9 Port 0 (P0) functions for port and pin configuration. The lack of open drain ports on nRF9E5 makes it a programmer responsibility to control the direction of the rxd pin. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 81 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& The serial mode 0 baud rate is either CPU_clk/12 or CPU_clk/4, depending on the state of the SM2. When SM2 = 0, the baud rate is CPU_clk/12; when SM2 = 1, the baud rate is CPU_clk/4. Mode 0 operation is identical to the standard 8051. Data transmission begins when an instruction writes to the SBUF SFR. The UART shifts the data out, LSB first, at the selected baud rate, until the 8-bit value has been shifted out. Mode 0 data reception begins when the REN bit is set and the RI bit is cleared in the corresponding SCON SFR. The shift clock is activated and the UART shifts data in on each rising edge of the shift clock until eight bits have been received. One machine cycle after the 8th bit is shifted in, the RI bit is set and reception stops until the software clears the RI bit. Figure 24 Serial Port Mode 0 receive timing for low-speed (CPU_clk/12) operation. Figure 25 Serial Port Mode 0 receive timing for high-speed (CPU_clk/4) operation. : Figure 26 Serial Port Mode 0 transmit timing for high-speed (CPU_clk/4) operation. : Figure 27 Serial Port Mode 0 transmit timing for high-speed (CPU_clk/4) operation. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 82 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 18.9.2 Mode 1 Mode 1 provides standard asynchronous, full-duplex communication, using a total of ten bits: one start bit, eight data bits, and one stop bit. For receive operations, the stop bit is stored in RB8. Data bits are received and transmitted LSB first. Mode 1 Baud Rate The mode 1 baud rate is a function of timer overflow. Serial port can use either Timer 1 or Timer 2 to generate baud rates. Each time the timer increments from its maximum count (0xFF for Timer 1 or 0xFFFF for Timer 2), a clock is sent to the baud-rate circuit. The clock is then divided by 16 to generate the baud rate. When using Timer 1, the SMOD bit selects whether or not to divide the Timer 1 rollover rate by 2. Therefore, when using Timer 1, the baud rate is determinedby the equation: 2 602' x Timer 1 Overflow Baud Rate = 32 SMOD is SFR bit PCON.7 When using Timer 2, the baud rate is determined by the equation: Baud Rate = Timer 2 Overflow 16 To use Timer 1 as the baud-rate generator, it is best to use Timer 1 mode 2 (8-bit counter with auto-reload), although any counter mode can be used. The Timer 1 reload value is stored in the TH1 register, which makes the complete formula for Timer 1: Baud Rate = 2 602' clk x 32 4 x (256 - TH1) The 4 in the denominator in the above equation can be obtained by setting the T1M bit in the CKCON SFR. To derive the required TH1 value from a known baud rate (when TM1 = 0), use the equation: TH1 = 256 - 2 602' FON 128 Baud Rate You can also achieve very low serial port baud rates from Timer 1 by enabling the Timer 1 interrupt, configuring Timer 1 to mode 1, and using the Timer 1 interrupt to initiate a 16-bit software reload. Table Table 72 lists sample reload values for a variety of common serial port baud rates. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 83 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 'HVLUHG %DXG5DWH 602' &7 19.2 Kb/s 9.6 Kb/s 4.8 Kb/s 0.4 Kb/s 1.2 Kb/s 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 7LPHU 0RGH 2 2 2 2 2 7+ 9DOXH IRU 0+] &38FON 0xF3 0xE6 0XcC 0x98 0x30 7+ 9DOXH IRU 0+] &38FON 0xF3 0xE6 0xCC 0x98 Table 72 Timer 1 Reload Values for Serial Port Mode 1 Baud Rates. To use Timer 2 as the baud-rate generator, configure Timer 2 in auto-reload mode and set the TCLK and/or RCLK bits in the T2CON SFR. TCLK selects Timer 2 as the baudrate generator for the transmitter; RCLK selects Timer 2 as the baud-rate generator for the receiver. The 16-bit reload value for Timer 2 is stored in the RCAP2L and RCA2H SFRs, which makes the equation for the Timer 2 baud rate: Baud Rate = FON 32 x (65536 - {RCAP2H, RCAP2L}) where RCAP2H,RCAP2L is the content of RCAP2H and RCAP2L taken as a 16-bit unsigned number. The 32 in the denominator is the result of the CPU_clk signal being divided by 2 and the Timer 2 overflow being divided by 16. Setting TCLK or RCLK to 1 automatically causes the CPU_clk signal to be divided by 2, as shown in Figure 23 Timer 2 - Baud Rate Generator Mode, instead of the 4 or 12 determined by the T2M bit in the CKCON SFR. To derive the required RCAP2H and RCAP2L values from a known baud rate, use the equation: FON RCAP2H,RCAP2L = 65536 - 32 x Baud Rate Table Table 73 lists sample values of RCAP2L and RCAP2H for a variety of desired baud rates. %DXG5DWH 57.6 Kb/s 19.2 Kb/s 9.6 Kb/s 4.8 Kb/s 0.4 Kb/s 1.2 Kb/s &7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0+]&38FON 5&$3+ 5&$3/ 0xFF 0xF7 0xFF 0xE6 0xFF 0xCC 0xFF 0x98 0xFF 0x30 0xFE 0x5F Table 73 Timer 2 Reload Values for Serial Port Mode 1 Baud Rates. When either RCLK or TCLK is set, the TF2 flag will not be set on a Timer 2 rollover, and the t2ex reload trigger is disabled. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 84 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& Mode 1 Transmit Figure 28 illustrates the mode 1 transmit timing. In mode 1, the UART begins transmitting after the first rollover of the divide-by-16 counter after the software writes to the SBUF register. The UART transmits data on the txd pin in the following order: start bit, eight data bits (LSB first), stop bit. The TI bit is set two clock cycles after the stop bit is transmitted. Figure 28 Serial port Mode 1 Transmit Timing. Mode 1 Receive Figure 29 illustrates the mode 1 receive timing. Reception begins at the falling edge of a start bit received on rxd_in, when enabled by the REN bit. For this purpose, rxd_in is sampled sixteen times per bit for any baud rate. When a falling edge of a start bit is detected, the divide-by-16 counter used to generate the receive clock is reset to align the counter rollover to the bit boundaries. Figure 29 Serial port Mode 1 Receive Timing. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 85 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& For noise rejection, the serial port establishes the content of each received bit by a majority decision of three consecutive samples in the middle of each bit time. This is especially true for the start bit. If the falling edge on rxd_in is not verified by a majority decision of three consecutive samples (low), then the serial port stops reception and waits for another falling edge on rxd_in. At the middle of the stop bit time, the serial port checks for the following conditions: -RI = 0 - If SM2 = 1, the state of the stop bit is 1 (if SM2 = 0, the state of the stop bit does not matter) If the above conditions are met, the serial port then writes the received byte to the SBUF register, loads the stop bit into RB8, and sets the RI bit. If the above conditions are not met, the received data is lost, the SBUF register and RB8 bit are not loaded, and the RI bit is not set. After the middle of the stop bit time, the serial port waits for another highto-low transition on the rxd_in pin. Mode 1 operation is identical to that of the standard 8051 when Timers 1 and 2 use CPU_clk/12 (the default). 18.9.3 Mode 2 Mode 2 provides asynchronous, full-duplex communication, using a total of eleven bits: - One start bit - Eight data bits - One programmable 9th bit - One stop bit The data bits are transmitted and received LSB first. For transmission, the 9th bit is determined by the value in TB8. To use the 9th bit as a parity bit, move the value of the P bit (SFR PSW.0) to TB8. The mode 2 baud rate is either CPU_clk/32 or CPU_clk/64, as determined by the SMOD bit. The formula for the mode 2 baud rate is: Baud Rate = 2 602' FON 64 Mode 2 operation is identical to the standard 8051. Mode 2 Transmit Figure 30 illustrates the mode 2 transmit timing. Transmission begins after the first rollover of the divide-by-16 counter following a software write to SBUF . The UART shifts data out on the txd pin in the following order: start bit, data bits (LSB first), 9th bit, stop bit. The TI bit is set when the stop bit is placed on the txd pin. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 86 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& Figure 30 Serial port Mode 2 Transmit Timing. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 87 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& Mode 2 Receive Figure 31 illustrates the mode 2 receive timing. Reception begins at the falling edge of a start bit received on rxd_in, when enabled by the REN bit. For this purpose, rxd_in is sampled sixteen times per bit for any baud rate. When a falling edge of a start bit is detected, the divide-by-16 counter used to generate the receive clock is reset to align the counter rollover to the bit boundaries. Figure 31 Serial port Mode 2 Receive Timing. For noise rejection, the serial port establishes the content of each received bit by a majority decision of three consecutive samples in the middle of each bit time. This is especially true for the start bit. If the falling edge on rxd_in is not verified by a majority decision of three consecutive samples (low), then the serial port stops reception and waits for another falling edge on rxd_in. At the middle of the stop bit time, the serial port checks for the following conditions: - RI = 0 - If SM2 = 1, the state of the stop bit is 1 (if SM2 = 0, the state of the stop bit does not matter) If the above conditions are met, the serial port then writes the received byte to the SBUF register, loads the 9th received bit into RB8, and sets the RI bit. If the above conditions are not met, the received data is lost, the SBUF register and RB8 bit are not loaded, and the RI bit is not set. After the middle of the stop bit time, the serial port waits for another high-to-low transition on the rxd_in. 18.9.4 Mode 3 Mode 3 provides asynchronous, full-duplex communication, using a total of eleven bits: - One start bit - Eight data bits - One programmable 9th bit - One stop bit; the data bits are transmitted and received LSB first The mode 3 transmit and receive operations are identical to mode 2. The mode 3 baud rate generation is identical to mode 1. That is, mode 3 is a combination of mode 2 protocol and mode 1 baud rate. Figure 32 illustrates the mode 3 transmit timing. Mode 3 operation is identical to that of the standard 8051 when Timers 1 and 2 use CPU_clk/12 (the default). Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 88 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& Figure 32 Serial port Mode 3 Transmit Timing. Figure 33 illustrates the mode 3 receive timing. Figure 33 Serial port Mode 3 Receive Timing. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 89 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 18.9.5 Multiprocessor Communications The multiprocessor communication feature is enabled in modes 2 and 3 when the SM2 bit is set in the SCON SFR for a serial port. In multiprocessor communication mode, the 9th bit received is stored in RB8 and, after the stop bit is received, the serial port interrupt is activated only if RB8 = 1. A typical use for the multiprocessor communication feature is when a master wants to send a block of data to one of several slaves. The master first transmits an address byte that identifies the target slave. When transmitting an address byte, the master sets the 9th bit to 1; for data bytes, the 9th bit is 0. When SM2 = 1, no slave will be interrupted by a data byte. However, an address byte interrupts all slaves so that each slave can examine the received address byte to determine whether that slave is being addressed. Address decoding must be done by software during the interrupt service routine. The addressed slave clears its SM2 bit and prepares to receive the data bytes. The slaves that are not being addressed leave the SM2 bit set and ignore the incoming data bytes. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 90 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 3$&.$*(287/,1( nRF9E5 uses the QFN 32L 5x5 green package with a mat tin finish. Dimensions are in mm. Recommended soldering reflow profile can be found in application note nAN40008, QFN soldering reflow guidelines, + Package 7\SH QFN32 (5x5 mm) 0LQ W\S 0D[ $ $ $ E ' ( H - . / 0.8 0.0 0.65 0.18 0.23 0.3 5 BSC 5 BSC 0.5 BSC 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.2 3.3 3.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.9 0.05 0.69 Figure 34 nRF9E5 package outline. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 91 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 3&%/$<287$1''(&283/,1**8,'(/,1(6 nRF9E5 is an extremely robust RF device due to internal voltage regulators and requires the minimum of RF layout protocols. However the following design rules should still be incorporated into the layout design. A PCB with a minimum of two layers including a ground plane is recommended for optimum performance. The nRF9E5 DC supply voltage should be decoupled as close as possible to the VDD pins with high performance RF capacitors. It is preferable to mount a large surface mount capacitor (e.g. 4.7F tantalum) in parallel with the smaller value capacitors. The nRF9E5 supply voltage should be filtered and routed separately from the supply voltages of any digital circuitry. Long power supply lines on the PCB should be avoided. All device grounds, VDD connections and VDD bypass capacitors must be connected as close as possible to the nRF9E5 IC. For a PCB with a topside RF ground plane, the VSS pins should be connected directly to the ground plane. For a PCB with a bottom ground plane, the best technique is to place via holes as close as possible to the VSS pins. A minimum of one via hole should be used for each VSS pin. Full swing digital data or control signals should not be routed close to the crystal or the power supply lines. A fully qualified RF-layout for the nRF9E5 and its surrounding components, including antennas and matching networks, can be downloaded from Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 92 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& $33/,&$7,21(;$03/(6 21.1 Differential Connection to a Loop Antenna aaaaaaaa R3 AREF 1K AIN3 AIN2 AIN1 AIN0 C9 1nF C10 100nF C5 33pF C6 4.7nF VDD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VSS IREF VSS ANT2 ANT1 VDD_PA VSS VDD nRF9E5 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 J1 Loop Antenna 9.5x9.5mm C12 3.9pF C13 4.7pF C3 33pF VDD C14 5.6pF VDD U1 nRF9E5 R4 10K R5 100K CS SO WP VSS 25XX320 C8 33pF VDD U2 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 P07 MOSI MISO SCK EECSN XC1 XC2 VSS VDD P01 P02 P03 VDD VSS P04 P05 P06 P00 DVDD_1V2 AREF AIN0 AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 VDD P00 P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 MOSI (P1.1) MISO (P1.2) SCK (P1.0) EECSN (P1.3) R2 22K VCC HOLD SCK SI 8 7 6 5 C4 3.3nF 0603 X1 C11 10nF 16 MHz R1 1M C1 22pF C2 22pF aaaaaaaa Figure 35 nRF9E5 application schematic, differential connection to a loop antenna (868MHz). Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 93 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 R6 18K aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 C7 10nF PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& &RPSRQHQW 'HVFULSWLRQ 6L]H 9DOXH C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 U1 U2 X1 NP0 ceramic chip capacitor, (Crystal oscillator) NP0 ceramic chip capacitor, (Crystal oscillator) NP0 ceramic chip capacitor, (PA supply decoupling) X7R ceramic chip capacitor, (PA supply decoupling) NP0 ceramic chip capacitor, (Supply decoupling) X7R ceramic chip capacitor, (Supply decoupling) X7R ceramic chip capacitor, (Supply decoupling) NP0 ceramic chip capacitor, (Supply decoupling) X7R ceramic chip capacitor, (AREF filtering) X7R ceramic chip capacitor, (AREF filtering) X7R ceramic chip capacitor NP0 ceramic chip capacitor, (Antenna tuning) NP0 ceramic chip capacitor, (Antenna tuning) NP0 ceramic chip capacitor, (Antenna tuning) 0.1W chip resistor, (Crystal oscillator bias) 0.1W chip resistor, (Reference bias) 0.1W chip resistor 0.1W chip resistor 0.1W chip resistor 0.1W chip resistor, (Antenna Q reduction) nRF9E5 Transceiver 4 kbyte serial EEPROM with SPI interface Crystal (see chapter 7.1) 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 QFN32L/5x5 SO8 LxWxH = 4.0x2.5x0.8 22 22 33 3.3 33 4.7 10 33 1 100 10 3.9 4.7 5.6 1 22 1 10 100 18 7RO 5% 5% 5% 10% 5% 10% 10% 5% 10% 10% 10% 0.1 0.1 0.1 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2XX320 16 30ppm 8QLWV pF pF pF nF pF nF nF pF nF nF nF pF pF pF M k k k k k MHz Table 74 Recommended External Components, differential connection to a loop antenna (868MHz). Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 94 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 21.2 PCB Layout Example, Differential Connection to a Loop Antenna Figure 36 shows a PCB layout example for the application schematic in Figure 35. A double-sided FR-4 board of 1.6mm thickness is used. This PCB has a ground plane on the bottom layer. Additionally, there are ground areas on the component side of the board to ensure sufficient grounding of critical components. A large number of via holes connect the top layer ground areas to the bottom layer ground plane. There is no ground plane beneath the antenna. No components in bottom layer a) Top silk screen c) Top view b) Bottom silk screen d) Bottom view Figure 36 PCB layout example for nRF9E5, differential connection to a loop antenna. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 95 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 21.3 Single Ended Connection to 50: Antenna aaaaaaaa 868/915MHz C3 R3 AREF 33pF, 5% 433MHz 180pF, 5% C12 3.9pF, 0.25pF 18pF, 5% 1K C9 1nF AIN3 AIN2 AIN1 AIN0 C13 3.9pF, 0.25pF 18pF, 5% C10 100nF Not fitted C14 VDD C5 33pF C6 4.7nF 6.8pF, 5% C16 Not fitted Not fitted L1 12nH, 5% 12nH, 5% L2 12nH, 5% 39nH, 5% L3 12nH, 5% 39nH, 5% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Q5)( VSS IREF VSS ANT2 ANT1 VDD_PA VSS VDD C12 R2 22K U1 nRF9E5 R4 10K U2 1 2 3 4 R5 100K CS SO WP VSS 25XX320 C15 50 ohm RF I/O L1 C14 Not fitted L3 VDD C3 C13 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 VDD C16 L2 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 P07 MOSI MISO SCK EECSN XC1 XC2 VSS VDD P01 P02 P03 VDD VSS P04 P05 P06 P00 DVDD_1V2 AREF AIN0 AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 VDD P00 P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 MOSI (P1.1) MISO (P1.2) SCK (P1.0) EECSN (P1.3) aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 C7 10nF Not fitted C15 33pF, 5% C8 33pF VDD VCC HOLD SCK SI 8 7 6 5 C4 3.3nF X1 C11 10nF 16 MHz R1 1M C1 22pF C2 22pF aaaaaaaa Figure 37 nRF9E5 application schematic, single ended connection to 50 antenna by using a differential to single ended matching network. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 96 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& &RPSRQHQW 'HVFULSWLRQ 6L]H 9DOXH C1 C2 C3 NP0 ceramic chip capacitor, (Crystal oscillator) NP0 ceramic chip capacitor, (Crystal oscillator) NP0 ceramic chip capacitor, (PA supply decoupling) @ 433MHz @ 868 @ 915MHz X7R ceramic chip capacitor, (PA supply decoupling) NP0 ceramic chip capacitor, (Supply decoupling) X7R ceramic chip capacitor, (Supply decoupling) X7R ceramic chip capacitor, (Supply decoupling) NP0 ceramic chip capacitor, (Supply decoupling) X7R ceramic chip capacitor, (AREF filtering) X7R ceramic chip capacitor, (AREF filtering) X7R ceramic chip capacitor NP0 ceramic chip capacitor, (Impedance matching) @ 433MHz @ 868 @ 915MHz NP0 ceramic chip capacitor, (Impedance matching) @ 433MHz @ 868 @ 915MHz NP0 ceramic chip capacitor, (Impedance matching) NP0 ceramic chip capacitor, (Impedance matching) @ 433MHz @ 868 @ 915MHz NP0 ceramic chip capacitor, (Impedance matching) @ 433MHz @ 868 @ 915MHz Chip inductor, (Impedance matching) @ 433MHz: SRF> 433MHz @ 868MHz: SRF> 868MHz @ 915MHz: SRF> 915MHz Chip inductor, (Impedance matching) @ 433MHz: SRF> 433MHz @ 868MHz: SRF> 868MHz @ 915MHz: SRF> 915MHz Chip inductor, (Impedance matching) @ 433MHz: SRF> 433MHz @ 868MHz: SRF> 868MHz @ 915MHz: SRF> 915MHz 0.1W chip resistor, (Crystal oscillator bias) 0.1W chip resistor, (Reference bias) 0.1W chip resistor 0.1W chip resistor 0.1W chip resistor nRF9E5 Transceiver 4 kbyte serial EEPROM with SPI interface Crystal (see chapter 7.1) 0603 0603 0603 22 22 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 L1 L2 L3 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 U1 U2 X1 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 5% 5% 5% 180 33 33 3.3 33 4.7 10 33 1 100 10 10% 5% 10% 10% 5% 10% 10% 10% 18 3.9 3.9 5% <0.25pF <0.25pF 18 3.9 3.9 Not fitted 5% <0.25pF <0.25pF 6.8 33 33 5% 5% 5% 0603 0603 0603 7RO 0603 pF pF pF nF pF nF nF pF nF nF nF pF pF pF pF pF Not fitted Not fitted Not fitted 5% 0603 nH 12 12 12 0603 5% 5% 5% 39 12 12 1 22 1 10 100 5% 5% 5% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% M k k k k 30ppm MHz 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 QFN32L/5x5 SO8 LxWxH = 4.0x2.5x0.8 nH 39 12 12 2XX320 16 Table 75 Recommended External Components, single ended connection to 50 antenna. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 97 of 103 8QLWV Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 nH PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 21.4 PCB Layout Example, Single Ended Connection to 50: Antenna Figure 38 shows a PCB layout example for the application schematic in Figure 37. A double-sided FR-4 board of 1.6mm thickness is used. This PCB has a ground plane on the bottom layer. Additionally, there are ground areas on the component side of the board to ensure sufficient grounding of critical components. A large number of via holes connect the top layer ground areas to the bottom layer ground plane. No components in bottom layer b) Bottom silk screen a) Top silk screen c) Top view d) Bottom view Figure 38 PCB layout example for nRF9E5, single ended connection to 50 antenna by using a differential to single ended matching network. 21.5 Configure the Chip as nRF905. nRF9E5 is easily configurable as nRF905. Upon power up the boot loader is run. If MISO is set to low value during the first 10ms, the microcontroller configures itself to nRF905 mode. All pins are then defined as for the nRF905 chip. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 98 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& $%62/87(0$;,0805$7,1*6 6XSSO\9ROWDJH VDD .............................. - 0.3V to + 3.6V VSS .................................................... 0V ,QSXW9ROWDJH VI ......................... - 0.3V to VDD + 0.3V 2XWSXW9ROWDJH VO ........................ - 0.3V to VDD + 0.3V 7RWDO3RZHU'LVVLSDWLRQ PD (TA=85C).................................230mW 7HPSHUDWXUHV Operating temperature............................................ - 40C to + 85C Storage temperature...............................................- 40C to + 125C 1RWH6WUHVVH[FHHGLQJRQHRUPRUHRIWKHOLPLWLQJYDOXHVPD\FDXVHSHUPDQHQWGDPDJH WRWKHGHYLFH $77(17,21 Electrostatic sensitive device. Observe precaution for handling. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 99 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& */266(5<2)7(506 7HUP ADC AM BOM CD CLK CRC CSN DR GFSK GPIO ISM ksps MCU MISO MOSI PWM PWR_DWN PWR_UP RAM ROM RTC RX SCK SPI STBY TRX_EN TX TX_EN UART XTAL 'HVFULSWLRQ Analog to Digital Converter Address Match Bill Of Material Carrier Detect Clock Cyclic Redundancy Check SPI Chip Select Not Data Ready Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying General Purpose Input Output Industrial-Scientific-Medical kilo Samples per Second Micro Controller Unit SPI Master In Slave Out SPI Master Out Slave In Pulse-Width Modulation Power Down Power Up Random Access Memory Read Only Memory Real Time Clock Receive SPI Serial Clock Serial Programmable Interface Standby Transmit/Receive Enable Transmit Transmit Enable Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter Crystal Table 76 Glossary of terms. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 100 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& '(),1,7,216 'DWDVKHHWVWDWXV Objective product specification Preliminary product specification Product specification This datasheet contains target specifications for product development. This datasheet contains preliminary data; supplementary data may be published from Nordic VLSI ASA later. This datasheet contains final product specifications. Nordic VLSI ASA reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design and supply the best possible product. /LPLWLQJYDOXHV Stress above one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or at any other conditions above those given in the Specifications sections of the specification is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability. $SSOLFDWLRQLQIRUPDWLRQ Where application information is given, it is advisory and does not form part of the specification. Table 77Definitions. Nordic VLSI ASA reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the product to improve reliability, function or design. Nordic VLSI does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuits described herein. /,)(6833257$33/,&$7,216 These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Nordic VLSI ASA customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Nordic VLSI ASA for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. Product specification revision date: 29.01.2004 Datasheet order code: 290104nRF9E5 All rights reserved (R). Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 101 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& <285127(6 Main office: Nordic VLSI ASA - Vestre Rosten 81, N-7075 Tiller, Norway Revision: 1.0 Page 102 of 103 Phone +4772898900 - Fax +4772898989 January 2004 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Q5)(6LQJOH&KLS7UDQVFHLYHUZLWK(PEHGGHG0LFURFRQWUROOHUDQG$'& 1RUGLF9/6,$6$:RUOG:LGH'LVWULEXWRUV )RU