FLASH370i™ ISR™ Programming Kit
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 3901 North First Street San Jose CA 95134 408-943-2600
Document #: 38-03041 Rev. ** Revised August 24, 2001
Supports FLASH370i™ and Ultra37000™ devices (for
Ultra37000V 3.3V support, please see the Ultra37000
ISR™ Programming Kit data sheet, CY3700i)
Jam programming language support for Ultra37000
Standard JTAG programming interface
Multi-device program min g
Supports cas cad ing of device s
Easy to use Windows 95™, Windows 98™, and
Windows NT™ 4.0 compatible interface
Eliminates programming insertion to improve
manufacturing efficiency
For programming in the lab, on the manufacturing floor,
or at remote sites
A TE support via Jam on industry leading A TE platforms
Kit Contents
ISR (In-System Reprogrammable™) Programming
Cable for use with FLASH370i and Ultra37000 devices
ISR Programming Software Release 2.2
ISR Application Notes
Functional Description
The ISR programming kit enabl es users to program FLASH370i
and Ultra37000 CPLDs on board with our ISR Programming
Kit, ISR programming cable, and a personal computer. The
ISR programming cable connects to the parallel port of a PC
into a st andard 10-pin male connector mounted on th e users
ISR Programming Software
The ISR software provides an easy to use Graphical User
Interface that accepts JEDEC files as input. The JEDEC files
are used in ISR programming for FLASH370i CPLDs.
JEDEC files are also used to compose platform and device
indepen dent Jam files. Jam files are used in I SR programm ing
for Ultra37000 CPLDs.
The ISR software reads i n a simpl e user-de fined co nfiguratio n
file that di ctates how m any dev ic es are i n the dais y c hai n an d
what operation is to be done on each Cypress device. The
same chain can be used with other JTAG compliant devices.
The ISR Users Guide (in the CD-ROM documentation)
describes the operation of the ISR software. The application
notes included with the kit describe the Ultra37000 and
FLASH370i architectures and sys tem design considerati ons for
programming with the FLASH370i ISR Programming Kit.
10-pin ISR Connector
The diagram below shows the pinout of the 10-pin male
connector to be mounted onto the board.
The view looking down onto the board is shown below.
1. Refer to the CD-ROM ISR Users Guide documentation for detailed information on ISR programming and electrical specification requirements.
2. Pin1 Connec tion.
ISR PC Cable Programming
Designer’s Board
Parallel Port
10 Pin ISR connector
cable PC
Ultra 37000
Interface Box
Document #: 38-03041 Rev. ** Page 2 of 3
© Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2001. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use
of any circuitry other than circuitry emb odied in a Cypress Semiconductor product. Nor does it convey or imply any license under paten t or other rights. Cypress Semi conductor does not authorize
its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress
Semiconducto r products in life-support systems application implies that the manu factur er assume s all risk of such use and in doi
ng so indemnifies Cypress Semiconductor against all charges.
Table 1 describes the function of each of these pins on the ISR programming cable. An OUTPUT is provided by the PC and an
INPUT is provided by the target system. The dimensions of the male connector required in the system are given below:
Male Connector:
2 x 5 = 2 rows, 5 pins per ro w
Measuring from center of the pins, each pin is 0.1 from the others.
Pin Length is 0.23
Pin cross-section is 0.025 x 0.025
Part Number:
Digi-Key® S2012-05-N D
(straight-pin connector)
Digi-Key S2112-05-ND
(right-angle connector)
PC System Requirements
One free parallel port
486 / 66MHz PC or better
Wind ows 95/ 98/N T
16 MB of RAM
1MB or more disk space
Ordering Information
ISR, Ultra37000, and FLASH370i are trademarks of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.
Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Digi-Key is a registered trademark of Digi-Key Cor poration.
Table 1. FLASH370i Pin Description.
Pin Type Description
ISRVPP OUTPUT In System Reprogramming high -voltage programming pin.
ISR* OUTPUT In System Reprogramm ing enable indicator (active LOW).
VCC INPUT +5V supply voltage provided from the target system to the cable.
SDO INPUT Serial Dat a Output Rece iver. The SDO output pin of th e last device in the ISR chain of
the system is connected to this input pin.
SMODE OUTPUT Serial Mode C ontrol. This is the mode select control input for the TAP controller state
machine contained in the ISR interface.
SCLK OUTPUT Serial Clock. ISR interface clock input.
SDI OUTPUT Serial Data Input Driver. This output p in is connecte d to the SDI input of the first dev ice
in the ISR chain.
NC NC No Connect.
GND Zero volt common ground for PC and target system.
Product Code Description
CY3600i ISR Programming Kit
Document #: 38-03041 Rev. ** Page 3 of 3
Document Title: CY3600i FLASH370i Programming Kit
Document Number: 38-03041
REV. ECN NO. Issue
Date Orig. of
Change Description of Change
** 106566 09/15/01 SZV Change from Spec number: 38-00733 to 38-03041