SIEM fn Ss Preliminary data BUZ 103SL-4 SIPMOS Power Transistor D1 oo N.c. C4 61 o1 ag 02 4 wIHOa kN N nN * Quad-channel 02 0 fn s2 * Enhancement mode a ae Ee : < * Logic level 4 ta _3f os 1S : vpsosios * Avalanche-rated * dv/dt rated Type Vos lb Fipscon) Package Ordering Code BUZ 103SL-4 [55 V 4.8A 0.055 Q P-DSO-28 C67078-S....-.. Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Values Unit Continuous drain current one channel active lb A Ty = 25 C 4.8 Pulsed drain current one channel active !Dpuls Ty = 25 C 19.2 Avalanche energy, single pulse Eas mJ Ip = 4.8 A, Vpp = 25 V, Rag = 25 2 L=12 mH, 7) =25 C 140 Reverse diode dv/dt dv/dt kV/us Iz = 4.8 A, Vps = 40 V, die/dt = 200 A/us Tmax = 175 C 6 Gate source voltage Ves +14 V Power dissipation ,one channel active Prot W Ty = 25C 2.4 Operating temperature Tj -55...4175 |C Storage temperature T tg -55 ...+.175 IEC climatic category, DIN IEC 68-1 55 / 175/56S| EM _ BUZ 103SL-4 oe ee ie Preliminary data Thermal Characteristics Parameter Symbol Values Unit min. |typ. |max. Thermal resistance, junction - soldering point 1) Rings |- tod = |- K/W Thermal resistance, junction - ambient 2) AihyA {> 62.5 |- 1) Device on 50mm*50mm*1.5mm epoxy PCB FR4 with 6 cm2 (one layer,70um thick) copper area for Drain connection. PCB is vertical without blown air. 2) one channel active Electrical Characteristics, at 7j = 25C, unless otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Values Unit min. typ. max. Static Characteristics Drain- source breakdown voltage Vas = 9 V, Ip = 0.25 mA, 7) = 25 C ViBR)DSS 55 Gate threshold voltage Vas=Vps, /p = 50 LA Vesith) 1.2 1.6 Zero gate voltage drain current Vos = 55 V, Vag = OV, 7) =-40 C Vos = 55 V, Vag = OV, 7) = 25 C Vos = 55 V, Vag = OV, 7] = 150 C loss 0.1 0.1 100 Gate-source leakage current Vag = 20 V, Vps = 0 V lass 10 100 nA Drain-Source on-resistance Veg =5V, Ip=4.8A Fpsvon) 0.0403 0.055SIEM Preliminary data BUZ 103SL-4 Electrical Characteristics, at 7) = 25C, unless otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Values Unit min. typ. max. Dynamic Characteristics Transconductance Vos2 2 * Ip * Apsyon)max, Dp = 9A Os tod Input capacitance Vag =O0V, Vos = 25 V, f= 1 MHz Cigg 770 960 Output capacitance Vag =O0V, Vos = 25 V, f= 1 MHz Coss 230 290 Reverse transfer capacitance Vas =0V, Vos = 25 V, f= 1 MHz Cig 130 165 pF Turn-on delay time Vop = 30 V, Vag =5V, Ip =4.8A Aig = 6.5 Q fg(on) 50 15 Rise time Vop = 30 V, Vag =5V, Ip =4.8A Ag =6.5Q0 30 45 Turn-off delay time Vop = 30 V, Vag =5V, Ip =4.8A Aig = 6.5 Q 20 30 Fall time Vop = 30 V, Vag =5 V, Ip =4.8A Ag =6.52 40 60 ns Gate charge at threshold Vop = 40 V;, ID2 0.1 A, Ves =0to1V 1.33 Gate charge at 5.0 V Vop =40V, lb =4.8A, Vas =0to5V 20 30 Gate charge total Vop = 40 V, Ip =4.8A, Veg =0 to 10 V 32.6 50 nc Gate plateau voltage Vop = 40 V, Ip =28A Viplateau) 2.94SIEM] Prelimi BUZ 103SL-4 reliminary data Electrical Characteristics, at 7) = 25C, unless otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Values Unit min. typ. max. Reverse Diode Inverse diode continuous forward current | /s A Ty = 25 C - - 4.8 Inverse diode direct current, pulsed Is Ta = 25 C - - 19.2 Inverse diode forward voltage Vsp V Veg = OV, lp =9.6A - 0.9 1.6 Reverse recovery time tr ns Va = 30 V, Ip=lg dig/dt = 100 A/us - 55 85 Reverse recovery charge Qy nc Vp = 30 V, IF=lg dif/dt = 100 A/us - 93 140SIEM BUZ 103SL-4 Preliminary data Power dissipation Prot = F(T) Prot 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 C 180 Tp Safe operating area lb = F( Vp) parameter: D=0, Tp = 25C 102 9 D 101 10 1071 102 Vv 107 Vos 10 Drain current Ih = (Ta) parameter: Veg 25 V 5.0 A N N I 4.0 \N \ 35 \ 2.0 \ 2.5 N 2.0 0.5 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 C 180 Tp Transient thermal impedance Ansa = S(t) parameter: D = t, / T 102 K/W 101 ZndC 100 1071 102 103 104SIEM: hy Preliminary data BUZ 103SL-4 Typ. output characteristics Ip = f(Vps) parameter: {, = 80 us " Prot = 2W Ik, A iN | a b c d e f g h | j k I go o { 0 00 05 1015 20 25 30 35 40 V 5.0 Vos b Typ. transfer characteristics / = f (Vag) parameter: f, = 80 Us Vps22 x /p x Rpsionymax 90 / ; fo TCCEIry . / TITY . / Oo. 61 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 V_ 10 Typ. drain-source on-resistance Fos (on) = FUp) parameter: f, = 80 us, Tj = 25C 0.17 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02} Mas IVI = a b c d e f g h i j 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 7.0 80 10.0 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 A 11 hhBUZ 103SL-4 Preliminary data Drain-source on-resistance Rpg (on) = f(7}) parameter: [Ip =4.8A, Vas =5V 0.15 Q 0.13 Fos (on 0-12 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -60 -20 20 60 100 C Typ. capacitances C=f(Vps) parameter: Vas = OV, f= 1MHz 104 pF 108 T 180 Gate threshold voltage Ves (thy = (7) parameter: Vas = Vos, Ip = 50 HA 4.6 Vv 4.0 Vestn) 3.6 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.0 0.8 0.4 0.0 -60 -20 20 60 100 C 180 Forward characteristics of reverse diode lp = I(Vgp) parameter: 7;, t, = 80 us 108 102 101 T, C typ ja 175 C typ 7, =25 C (98%) T=175 C (98%) 10 00 04 08 12 16 20 24 V 30 VgpSIE AA x a BUZ 103SL-4 Si E M hy Preliminary data Avalanche energy Eng = f( T) Typ. gate charge parameter: lh = 4.8 A, Vop = 25 V Vas = F(Qeate) Reg = 252, L=12mH parameter: Ip puis =5 A 150 16 mJ 130 Vv Eng 120 Vas 110 12 100 10 90 80 8 70 60 6 50 40 4 30 20 2 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 C 180 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 nC 50 > Gate Drain-source breakdown voltage Viaryoss = /(7)) -60 -20 20 60 100 C 180 p T.