(R) Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification March 2000 Order Number A15858-001 The Intel(R) Desktop Board BA810 may contain design defects or errors known as errata that may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are documented in the Intel Desktop Board BA810 Specification Update. Revision History Revision -001 Revision History First Release of the Specification Date Intel(R) Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product March 2000 This product specification applies to only standard BA810 boards with BIOS identifier BA81010A.86A. Changes to this specification will be published in the Intel Desktop Board BA810 Specification Update before being incorporated into a revision of this document. Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel(R) products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. The Intel(R) Desktop Board BA810 may contain design defects or errors known as errata that may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request. Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications before placing your product order. Copies of documents which have an ordering number and are referenced in this document, or other Intel literature, may be obtained from: Intel Corporation P.O. Box 5937 Denver, CO 80217-9808 or call in North America 1-800-548-4725, Europe 44-0-1793-431-155, France 44-0-1793-421-777, Germany 44-0-1793-421-333, other Countries 708-296-9333. Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners. Copyright 2000, Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Preface This Technical Product Specification (TPS) specifies the board layout, components, connectors, power and environmental requirements, and the BIOS for the BA810 board. It describes the standard BA810 board product and available manufacturing options. Intended Audience The TPS is intended to provide detailed, technical information about the board and its components to the vendors, system integrators, and other engineers and technicians who need this level of information. It is specifically not intended for general audiences. What This Document Contains Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 Description A description of the hardware used on this board A map of the resources of the board The features supported by the BIOS Setup program The contents of the BIOS Setup program's menus and submenus A description of the BIOS error messages, beep codes, and POST codes Typographical Conventions This section contains information about the conventions used in this specification. Not all of these symbols and abbreviations appear in all specifications of this type. Notes, Cautions, and Warnings NOTE Notes call attention to important information. CAUTION Cautions are included to help you avoid damaging hardware or losing data. WARNING Warnings indicate conditions which, if not observed, can cause personal injury. iii Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification Other Common Notation iv # Used after a signal name to identify an active-low signal (such as USBP0#). (NxnX) When used in the description of a component, N indicates component type, xn are the relative coordinates of its location on the board, and X is the instance of the particular part at that general location. For example, J5J1 is a connector, located at 5J. It is the first connector in the 5J area. KB Kilobyte (1024 bytes) Kbit Kilobit (1024 bits) MB Megabyte (1,048,576 bytes) Mbit Megabit (1,048,576 bits) GB Gigabyte (1,073,741,824 bytes) xxh An address or data value ending with a lowercase h indicates a hexadecimal value. x.x V Volts. Voltages are DC unless otherwise specified. This symbol is used to indicate third-party brands and names that are the property of their respective owners. Contents 1 Board Description 1.1 Overview ................................................................................................................... 10 1.1.1 Feature Summary........................................................................................ 10 1.1.2 Board Layout............................................................................................... 11 1.1.3 Block Diagram ............................................................................................. 12 1.2 Online Support........................................................................................................... 13 1.3 Design Specifications ................................................................................................ 13 1.4 Processor .................................................................................................................. 16 1.5 System Memory......................................................................................................... 17 1.6 Intel(R) 810 Chipset...................................................................................................... 18 1.6.1 Direct AGP .................................................................................................. 19 1.6.2 USB............................................................................................................. 19 1.6.3 USB Hub ..................................................................................................... 20 1.6.4 IDE Support................................................................................................. 20 1.6.5 Real-Time Clock, CMOS SRAM, and Battery .............................................. 20 1.7 I/O Controller ............................................................................................................. 21 1.8 Serial Port.................................................................................................................. 21 1.9 Graphics Subsystem.................................................................................................. 22 1.10 Audio Subsystem....................................................................................................... 23 1.10.1 AD1881 Analog Codec ................................................................................ 24 1.10.2 Audio Connectors........................................................................................ 24 1.11 Modem Subsystem .................................................................................................... 25 1.11.1 Software Modem ......................................................................................... 25 1.11.2 Modem Codec............................................................................................. 25 1.11.3 Modem AT Commands and S-Register Settings ......................................... 25 1.11.4 Modem Specifications ................................................................................. 26 1.12 Power Management Features.................................................................................... 27 1.12.1 ACPI............................................................................................................ 27 1.12.2 APM ............................................................................................................ 29 1.12.3 Hardware Support ....................................................................................... 30 2 Technical Reference 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Introduction................................................................................................................ 35 Memory Map.............................................................................................................. 35 I/O Map...................................................................................................................... 36 DMA Channels .......................................................................................................... 37 PCI Configuration Space Map ................................................................................... 38 Interrupts ................................................................................................................... 38 PCI Interrupt Routing Map ......................................................................................... 39 Connectors ................................................................................................................ 40 2.8.1 Back Panel I/O Connectors ......................................................................... 41 2.8.2 Internal I/O Connectors ............................................................................... 44 2.8.3 External I/O Connectors .............................................................................. 48 Jumper Block............................................................................................................. 51 v Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 2.10 Mechanical Considerations........................................................................................ 53 2.10.1 FlexATX Form Factor .................................................................................. 53 2.10.2 I/O Shield .................................................................................................... 54 2.11 Electrical Considerations ........................................................................................... 55 2.11.1 Power Consumption .................................................................................... 55 2.11.2 Power Supply Considerations...................................................................... 55 2.11.3 Fan Power Requirements............................................................................ 56 2.12 Thermal Considerations............................................................................................. 57 2.13 Reliability ................................................................................................................... 58 2.14 Environmental............................................................................................................ 59 2.15 Regulatory Compliance ............................................................................................. 59 2.15.1 Safety Regulations ...................................................................................... 59 2.15.2 EMC Regulations ........................................................................................ 60 2.15.3 Telecommunications Regulations................................................................ 60 2.15.4 Telecommunications Regulatory Information............................................... 61 2.15.5 Certification Markings .................................................................................. 64 3 Overview of BIOS Features 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Introduction................................................................................................................ 65 BIOS Flash Memory Organization ............................................................................. 66 Resource Configuration ............................................................................................. 67 3.3.1 PCI Autoconfiguration.................................................................................. 67 3.3.2 PCI IDE Support.......................................................................................... 67 System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) ...................................................................... 68 BIOS Updates............................................................................................................ 69 3.5.1 Language Support....................................................................................... 69 3.5.2 Custom Splash Screen................................................................................ 69 Recovering BIOS Data .............................................................................................. 70 Boot Options.............................................................................................................. 71 3.7.1 Booting from CD-ROM ................................................................................ 71 3.7.2 Booting Without Attached Devices .............................................................. 71 USB Legacy Support ................................................................................................. 72 BIOS Security Features ............................................................................................. 73 4 BIOS Setup Program 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 vi Introduction................................................................................................................ 75 Maintenance Menu .................................................................................................... 76 Main Menu................................................................................................................. 77 Advanced Menu......................................................................................................... 78 4.4.1 Boot Configuration Submenu....................................................................... 79 4.4.2 Peripheral Configuration Submenu.............................................................. 80 4.4.3 IDE Configuration ........................................................................................ 81 4.4.4 Diskette Configuration Submenu ................................................................. 83 4.4.5 Event Log Configuration .............................................................................. 84 Security Menu............................................................................................................ 85 Power Menu .............................................................................................................. 86 Boot Menu ................................................................................................................. 87 Exit Menu .................................................................................................................. 88 Contents 5 Error Messages and Beep Codes 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 BIOS Error Messages................................................................................................ 89 Bus Initialization Checkpoints .................................................................................... 91 Speaker ..................................................................................................................... 92 BIOS Beep Codes ..................................................................................................... 93 Figures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Board Components.................................................................................................... 11 Block Diagram ........................................................................................................... 12 Intel 810 Chipset Block Diagram................................................................................ 18 Block Diagram of Audio Subsystem with AD1881 Analog Codec............................... 23 Location of Standby Power Indicator LED.................................................................. 32 Back Panel I/O Connectors........................................................................................ 41 Internal I/O Connectors.............................................................................................. 44 External I/O Connectors ............................................................................................ 48 Location of the Jumper Block..................................................................................... 51 Board Dimensions ..................................................................................................... 53 I/O Shield Dimensions ............................................................................................... 54 High Temperature Zones ........................................................................................... 57 Memory Map of the Flash Memory Device................................................................. 66 Tables 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Feature Summary...................................................................................................... 10 Specifications ............................................................................................................ 13 Supported Processors ............................................................................................... 16 System Memory Configuration................................................................................... 17 Supported Graphics Refresh Rates ........................................................................... 22 Modem Specifications................................................................................................ 26 Effects of Pressing the Power Switch ........................................................................ 27 Power States and Targeted System Power ............................................................... 28 ACPI Wake Up Devices and Events .......................................................................... 29 APM Wake Up Devices and Events........................................................................... 30 Fan Connector Descriptions ...................................................................................... 31 System Memory Map................................................................................................. 35 I/O Map...................................................................................................................... 36 DMA Channels .......................................................................................................... 37 PCI Configuration Space Map ................................................................................... 38 Interrupts ................................................................................................................... 38 PCI Interrupt Routing Map ......................................................................................... 39 USB Connectors........................................................................................................ 42 VGA Port Connector .................................................................................................. 42 Audio Line Out Connector.......................................................................................... 43 Mic In Connector ....................................................................................................... 43 RJ-11 Telephone Jack............................................................................................... 43 Processor Fan Connector (J5J1) ............................................................................... 45 Power Connector (J7G3) ........................................................................................... 45 Diskette Drive Connector (J7D1) ............................................................................... 46 vii Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. viii IDE Connector (J7B1)................................................................................................ 47 Chassis Fan Connector (J1A1) .................................................................................. 47 USB Port Connector (J7G1) ...................................................................................... 49 Front Panel Connector (J7G2) ................................................................................... 49 Serial Port Connector (J7C1)..................................................................................... 49 States for a Single-colored Power LED...................................................................... 50 States for a Dual-colored Power LED ........................................................................ 50 BIOS Setup Configuration Jumper Settings (J6A1).................................................... 52 Power Usage ............................................................................................................. 55 Chassis Fan (J1A1) DC Power Requirements ........................................................... 56 Thermal Considerations for Components................................................................... 58 Board Environmental Specifications .......................................................................... 59 Safety Regulations..................................................................................................... 59 EMC Regulations....................................................................................................... 60 Telecommunications Regulations .............................................................................. 60 Supervisor and User Password Functions ................................................................. 73 BIOS Setup Program Menu Bar................................................................................. 75 BIOS Setup Program Function Keys.......................................................................... 76 Maintenance Menu .................................................................................................... 76 Main Menu................................................................................................................. 77 Advanced Menu......................................................................................................... 78 Boot Configuration Submenu..................................................................................... 79 Peripheral Configuration Submenu ............................................................................ 80 IDE Device Configuration........................................................................................... 81 Primary IDE Master/Slave Submenus........................................................................ 82 Diskette Configurations Submenu.............................................................................. 83 Event Log Configuration Submenu ............................................................................ 84 Security Menu............................................................................................................ 85 Power Menu .............................................................................................................. 86 Boot Menu ................................................................................................................. 87 Exit Menu .................................................................................................................. 88 BIOS Error Messages................................................................................................ 89 Bus Initialization Checkpoints .................................................................................... 91 Upper Nibble High Byte Functions ............................................................................. 91 Lower Nibble High Byte Functions ............................................................................. 92 Beep Codes............................................................................................................... 93 1 Board Description What This Chapter Contains 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 Overview ................................................................................................................... 10 Online Support........................................................................................................... 13 Design Specifications ................................................................................................ 13 Processor .................................................................................................................. 16 System Memory......................................................................................................... 17 Intel(R) 810 Chipset...................................................................................................... 18 I/O Controller ............................................................................................................. 21 Serial Port.................................................................................................................. 21 Graphics Subsystem.................................................................................................. 22 Audio Subsystem....................................................................................................... 23 Modem Subsystem .................................................................................................... 25 Power Management Features.................................................................................... 27 9 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 1.1 Overview 1.1.1 Feature Summary Table 1 summarizes the BA810 board's major features. Table 1. Feature Summary Form Factor FlexATX (9.0 inches by 7.2 inches) Processor Support for either an: * Intel(R) Pentium(R) III processor with 256 KB L2 cache (in an FCPGA package) * Intel(R) CeleronTM processor with 128 KB L2 cache (in a PPGA package) Memory * One 22 168-pin dual inline memory module (DIMM) socket * Supports up to 256 MB of 100 MHz non-ECC synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) * Support for a serial presence detect (SPD) or a non-SPD DIMM Chipset Intel(R) 810 Chipset, consisting of: * Intel(R) 82810 Graphics/Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) * Intel(R) 82801AA I/O Controller Hub (ICH) * Intel(R) 82802AB 4 Mbit Firmware Hub (FWH) Instantly Available PC * Support for PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2 * Suspend-to-RAM support * Wake from USB Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) Video * Intel 82810 GMCH graphics support * 4 MB display cache Audio Audio Codec '97 (AC'97) compatible audio subsystem, consisting of the following: * Intel 82801AA ICH (AC link output) * Analog Devices AD1881 analog codec I/O Controller IT8761E Low Pin Count (LPC) I/O controller Onboard modem * Motorola SM56 AC-L (AC link) software modem * Silicon Laboratories Si3038 family MC '97 modem codec TUSB2046 USB Hub Peripheral Interfaces * * * * BIOS * Intel/AMI BIOS stored in an Intel 82802AB 4 Mbit Firmware Hub (FWH) * Support for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI), Advanced Power Management (APM), Plug and Play, and SMBIOS Four universal serial bus (USB) ports One IDE interface with Ultra DMA support One diskette drive interface One 9-pin serial port connector NOTE The BA810 board is designed to support only USB-aware operating systems. 10 For information about Refer to The board's compliance level with ACPI, APM, Plug and Play, and SMBIOS Table 2, page 13 Board Description 1.1.2 Board Layout Figure 1 shows the location of the major components on the board. A B Q P O C D E N M L F G K J I H OM09829 A B C D E F G H I Back panel connectors Intel 82810 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) Processor socket Battery 22 DIMM socket Speaker USB hub Front panel connector Power connector J K Diskette drive connector IT8761E I/O controller L M N O P Q IDE connector Intel 82801AA I/O Controller Hub (ICH) Intel 82802AB Firmware Hub (FWH) 4 MB display cache AD1881 analog codec Modem codec devices Figure 1. Board Components 11 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 1.1.3 Block Diagram Figure 2 is a block diagram of the major functional areas of the board. USB Bus Primary IDE Port 1 ATA-33/66 Port 2 Processor Socket 66/100 MHz System Bus Port 3 USB Hub Controller Port 4 810 Chipset 100 MHz SDRAM Bus 82810 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) AHA Bus DIMM Socket VGA Port 82802AB Firmware Hub (FWH) 82801AA I/O Controller Hub (ICH) LPC Bus Display Interface Diskette Drive Connector 100 MHz 4 MB Display Cache LPC I/O Controller Analog Codec AC Link Modem Codec Serial Port Connector Line Out Mic In RJ-11 Connector OM09131 Figure 2. Block Diagram 12 Board Description 1.2 Online Support Find information about Intel(R) desktop boards under "Product Info" or "Customer Support" at these World Wide Web sites: http://www.intel.com/design/motherbd 1.3 Design Specifications Table 2 lists the specifications applicable to the BA810 board. Table 2. Specifications Version, Revision Date, and Ownership The specification is available from... Audio Codec `97 Version 2.1, May 22, 1998, Intel Corporation. http://developer.intel.com/ ial/scalableplatforms/ audio/index.htm ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Specification Version 1.0b, February 2, 1999, Intel Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, and Toshiba Corporation. http://www.teleport.com/ ~acpi/ AGP Accelerated Graphics Port Interface Specification Version 2.0, May 4, 1998, Intel Corporation. http://www.intel.com/ technology/agp/ agp_index.htm AMI BIOS American Megatrends BIOS Specification AMIBIOS 99, June 1999, American Megatrends, Inc. http://www.ami.com/ amibios/bios.platforms. desktop.html APM Advanced Power Management Specification Version 1.2, February, 1996, Intel Corporation and Microsoft Corporation. http://www.microsoft.com/ hwdev/busbios/ amp_12.htm ATAPI Information Technology AT Attachment with Packet Interface Extensions T13/1153D Version 18, August 19, 1998, Contact: T13 Chair, Seagate Technology. T13 Anonymous FTP Site: ftp://fission.dt.wdc.com/ x3t13/project/ d1153r18.pdf ATX ATX Specification Revision 2.01, February 1997, Intel Corporation. http://developer.intel.com/ design/motherbd/atx.htm El Torito Bootable CD-ROM Format Specification Version 1.0, January 25, 1995, Phoenix Technologies Ltd. and IBM Corporation. the Phoenix Technologies Web site at: http://www.ptltd.com/ techs/specs.html Description Specification Title AC `97 continued 13 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification Table 2. Specifications (continued) Version, Revision Date, and Ownership The specification is available from... FlexATX addendum Addendum version 1.0 to the microATX Specification version 1.0, March 12, 1999, Intel Corporation. http://www.teleport.com/ ~ffsupprt/spec/ FlexATXaddn1_0.pdf Intel Celeron Processor January 2000, Intel Corporation. http://developer.intel.com/ design/intarch/celeron/ nodoc.htm Intel Celeron Processor Specification Update Version 22, February 2000, Intel Corporation. http://developer.intel.com/ design/intarch/celeron/ nodoc.htm Pentium III Processor for the PGA370 Socket January 2000, Intel Corporation. http://developer.intel.com/ design/intarch/pentiumiii/ nodoc.htm Pentium III Processor Specification Update Version 13, February 2000, Intel Corporation. http://developer.intel.com/ design/intarch/pentiumiii/ nodoc.htm LPC Low Pin Count Interface Specification Version 1.0, September 29, 1997, Intel Corporation. http://www.intel.com/ design/chipsets/industry/ lpc.htm MicroATX microATX Motherboard Interface Specification Version 1.0, December 1997, Intel Corporation. http://www.teleport.com/ ~ffsupprt/spec/ microatxspecs.htm SFX Power Supply Design Guide Version 1.1, February 1998, Intel Corporation. http://www.teleport.com/ ~ffsupprt/spec/ microatxspecs.htm PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specification Version 1.1, December 18, 1998, PCI Special Interest Group. http://www.pcisig.com/ tech/availspecs.html#5 PCI Local Bus Specification Version 2.2, December 18, 1998, PCI Special Interest Group. http://www.pcisig.com/ tech/availspecs.html#5 Plug and Play Plug and Play BIOS Specification Version 1.0a, May 5, 1994, Compaq Computer Corp., Phoenix Technologies Ltd., and Intel Corporation. http://www.microsoft.com/ hwdev/respec/ pnpspecs.htm SDRAM DIMM (64-and 72-bit) PC SDRAM Unbuffered DIMM Specification Revision 1.0, February 1998, Intel Corporation. http://www.intel.com/ design/chipsets/memory/ pcsdram/spec/index.htm PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification Revision 1.2B, November 1999, Intel Corporation. http://www.intel.com/ design/chipsets/memory/ pcsdram/spec/index.htm Description Specification Title FlexATX Intel Celeron Processor Intel Pentium III Processor PCI continued 14 Board Description Table 2. Specifications (continued) Version, Revision Date, and Ownership The specification is available from... System Management BIOS Version 2.3.1 March 16, 1999, American Megatrends Inc., Award Software International Inc., Compaq Computer Corporation, Dell Computer Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Company, Intel Corporation, International Business Machines Corporation, Phoenix Technologies Limited, and SystemSoft Corporation. ftp://download.intel.com/ ial/wfm/smbios.pdf UHCI Universal Host Controller Interface Design Guide Version 1.1, March 1996, Intel Corporation. http://developer.intel.com/ design/USB/UHCI11D.htm USB Universal Serial Bus Specification Version 1.1, September 23, 1998, Compaq Computer Corporation, Intel Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, and NEC. http://www.usb.org/ developers/docs.html WfM Wired for Management Baseline Version 2.0, December 18, 1998, Intel Corporation. http://developer.intel.com/ ial/WfM/wfmspecs.htm Description Specification Title SMBIOS 15 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 1.4 Processor CAUTION The board supports processors that draw a maximum of 19.4 A. Using a processor that draws more than 19.4 A can damage the processor, the board, and the power supply. See the processor's data sheet for current usage requirements. The board supports a single Celeron processor or a single Pentium III processor as shown in Table 3. The system bus frequency is automatically selected. Table 3. Supported Processors Type Designation System Bus Frequency L2 Cache Size Pentium III processor in a FCPGA package 500E, 550E, 600E, 650, 700, 750, and 800 100 MHz 256 KB Celeron processor in a PPGA package 333, 366, 400, 433, 466, 500, 533, 566, and 600 66 MHz 128 KB All supported onboard memory can be cached, up to the cachability limit of the processor. 16 For information about Refer to Intel Celeron processor datasheets and specification updates Table 2, page 13 Intel Pentium III processor datasheets and specification updates Table 2, page 13 Processor support for the BA810 board http://support.intel.com/support/ motherboards/desktop Board Description 1.5 System Memory CAUTION To be fully compliant with all applicable Intel(R) SDRAM memory specifications, the board should be populated with a DIMM that supports the Serial Presence Detect (SPD) data structure. If your memory module does not support SPD, you will see a notification to this effect on the screen at power up. The BIOS will attempt to configure the memory controller for normal operation; however, the DIMM may not function at the determined frequency. CAUTION Because the main system memory is also used as video memory, the board requires a 100 MHz SDRAM DIMM even though the system bus frequency may be 66 MHz. It is highly recommended that an SPD DIMM be used, since this allows the BIOS to read the SPD data and program the chipset to accurately configure memory settings for optimum performance. If non-SPD memory is installed, the BIOS will attempt to correctly configure the memory settings, but performance and reliability may be impacted. The board has one 22 DIMM socket. The minimum memory size is 32 MB and the maximum memory size is 256 MB. The BIOS automatically detects memory type, size, and frequency. The board supports the following memory features: * 3.3 V, 168-pin DIMM with gold-plated contacts * 100 MHz SDRAM * Serial Presence Detect (SPD) or non-SPD memory (BIOS recovery requires SPD DIMM) * Non-ECC (64-bit) memory * Unbuffered single- or double-sided DIMM The board is designed to support a DIMM in the configurations listed in Table 4 below. Table 4. System Memory Configuration DIMM Size Non-ECC Configuration 32 MB 4 Mbit x 64 64 MB 8 Mbit x 64 128 MB 16 Mbit x 64 256 MB 32 Mbit x 64 For information about Refer to The PC Serial Presence Detect Specification Table 2, page 13 Obtaining copies of PC SDRAM specifications Table 2, page 13 17 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 1.6 Intel(R) 810 Chipset The Intel 810 chipset consists of the following devices: * 82810 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) with accelerated hub architecture (AHA) bus. * 82801AA I/O Controller Hub (ICH) with AHA bus supports ATA-33 and ATA-66 devices, Suspend-to-RAM, and Wake from USB. * 82802AB Firmware Hub (FWH). The chipset provides the system, memory, display, and I/O interfaces shown in Figure 3. 66/100 MHz System Bus ATA-33/66 USB 810 Chipset 82810 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) 100 MHz SDRAM Bus AHA Bus 82801AA I/O Controller Hub (ICH) Display Cache 82802AB Firmware Hub (FWH) LPC Bus Display Interface AC Link OM09235 Figure 3. Intel 810 Chipset Block Diagram 18 For information about Refer to The Intel 810 chipset http://developer.intel.com The resources used by the chipset Chapter 2 The chipset's compliance with ACPI and AC `97 Table 2, page 13 Board Description 1.6.1 Direct AGP Direct (integrated) AGP is a high-performance bus (independent of the PCI bus) for graphicsintensive applications, such as 3D applications. AGP overcomes certain limitations of the PCI bus related to handling large amount of graphics data with the following features: * Pipelined memory read and write operations that hide memory access latency * Demultiplexing of address and data on the bus for nearly 100 percent bus efficiency For information about Refer to The location of the VGA port connector Figure 6, page 41 Obtaining the Accelerated Graphics Port Interface Specification Table 2, page 13 1.6.2 USB The board has an onboard USB hub and four USB ports; one USB peripheral can be connected to each port. For more than four USB devices, an external hub can be connected to any of the ports. Two of the USB ports are implemented with stacked back panel connectors. The other two ports are routed to the front panel connector; accessing these ports requires a cable from the panel connector to the front of the chassis. The board fully supports UHCI and uses UHCI-compatible software drivers. USB features include: * Self-identifying peripherals that can be plugged in while the computer is running * Automatic mapping of function to driver and configuration * Support for isochronous and asynchronous transfer types over the same set of wires * Support for up to 127 physical devices * Guaranteed bandwidth and low latencies appropriate for telephony, audio, and other applications * Error-handling and fault-recovery mechanisms built into the protocol NOTE Computer systems that have an unshielded cable attached to a USB port may not meet FCC Class B requirements, even if no device or a low-speed USB device is attached to the cable. Use shielded cable that meets the requirements for full-speed devices. For information about Refer to The location of the USB connectors on the back panel Figure 6, page 41 The signal names of the USB connectors Table 18, page 42 The location of the front panel USB connector Figure 8, page 48 The signal names of the front panel USB connector Table 28, page 49 The USB and UHCI specifications Table 2, page 13 19 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 1.6.3 USB Hub The TUSB2046 USB hub provides the following features: * Universal Serial Bus version 1.1 compliant * One upstream port and three downstream ports * All downstream ports support full-speed and low-speed operations * Suspend and resume operations support For information about Refer to The TUSB2046 USB Hub http://www.ti.com 1.6.4 IDE Support The board has one bus-mastering IDE interface. This interface supports: * ATAPI devices (such as CD-ROM drives) * ATA devices using the transfer modes listed in Table 50 on page 82 The BIOS supports logical block addressing (LBA) and extended cylinder head sector (ECHS) translation modes. The drive reports the transfer rate and translation mode to the BIOS. The board supports laser servo (LS-120) diskette technology through its IDE interface. The LS-120 drive can be configured as a boot device by setting the BIOS Setup program's Boot menu to one of the following: * ARMD-FDD (ATAPI removable media device - floppy disk drive) * ARMD-HDD (ATAPI removable media device - hard disk drive) For information about Refer to The location of the IDE connector Figure 7, page 44 The signal names of the IDE connector Table 26, page 47 BIOS Setup program's Boot menu Table 55, page 87 1.6.5 Real-Time Clock, CMOS SRAM, and Battery The real-time clock is compatible with DS1287 and MC146818 components. The clock provides a time-of-day clock and a multicentury calendar with alarm features and century rollover. The real-time clock supports 256 bytes of battery-backed CMOS SRAM in two banks that are reserved for BIOS use. A coin-cell battery powers the real-time clock and CMOS memory. When the computer is not plugged into a wall socket, the battery has an estimated life of three years. When the computer is plugged in, the 3.3 V standby current from the power supply extends the life of the battery. The clock is accurate to 13 minutes/year at 25 C with 3.3 VSB applied. The time, date, and CMOS values can be specified in the BIOS Setup program. The CMOS values can be returned to their defaults by using the BIOS Setup program. 20 Board Description NOTE If the battery and AC power fail, standard defaults, not custom defaults, will be loaded into CMOS RAM at power on. NOTE The recommended method of accessing the date in systems with Intel desktop boards is indirectly from the Real-Time Clock (RTC) via the BIOS. The BIOS on Intel desktop boards contains a century checking and maintenance feature. This feature checks the two least significant digits of the year stored in the RTC during each BIOS request (INT 1Ah) to read the date and, if less than 80 (i.e., 1980 is the first year supported by the PC), updates the century byte to 20. This feature enables operating systems and applications using the BIOS date/time services to reliably manipulate the year as a four-digit value. For information about Refer to Proper date access in systems with Intel desktop boards http://support.intel.com/support/year2000/ 1.7 I/O Controller The IT8761E I/O controller provides the following features: * Low pin count (LPC) interface * One serial port * Plug and Play compatible register set * Support for SERIRQ protocol * Supports System Management Interrupt (SMI) * Interface for one 1.2 MB, 1.44 MB, or 2.88 MB diskette drive * Fan monitoring The BIOS Setup program provides configuration options for the I/O controller. For information about Refer to The IT8761E I/O controller http://www.iteusa.com 1.8 Serial Port The board has one 9-pin serial port connector. This is not accessible through the back panel. The serial port's NS16C550-compatible UART supports data transfers at rates of up to 115.2 kbits/sec with BIOS support. The serial port can be assigned as COM1 (3F8h), COM2 (2F8h), COM3 (3E8h), or COM4 (2E8h). For information about Refer to The location of the serial port connector Figure 8, page 48 The signal names of the serial port connector Table 30, page 49 21 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 1.9 Graphics Subsystem The graphics subsystem provides the following features: * Intel 82810 GMCH graphics support, including: Integrated 2D and 3D graphics engines Integrated hardware motion compression engine Integrated 230 MHz DAC * 4 MB of SDRAM display cache, 100 MHz display cache for 66/100 MHz system bus processor Table 5 lists the refresh rates supported by the graphics subsystem. Supported graphics refresh rates may vary depending on BIOS and video driver version used. Table 5. 22 Supported Graphics Refresh Rates Resolution Available Refresh Rates (Hz) 640 x 200 x 16 colors 70 640 x 350 x 16 colors 70 640 x 400 x 256 colors 60, 70, 75, 85 640 x 400 x 64 K colors 60, 70, 75, 85 640 x 400 x 16 M colors 70 640 x 480 x 16 colors 60, 72, 75, 85 640 x 480 x 256 colors 60, 70, 72, 75, 85 640 x 480 x 32 K colors 60, 75, 85 640 x 480 x 64 K colors 60, 70, 72, 75, 85 640 x 480 x 16 M colors 60, 70, 72, 75, 85 800 x 600 x 256 colors 60, 75, 85 800 x 600 x 32 K colors 60, 70, 72, 75, 85 800 x 600 x 64 K colors 60, 70, 72, 75, 85 800 x 600 x 16 M colors 60, 70, 72, 75, 85 1024 x 768 x 256 colors 60, 70, 75, 85 1024 x 768 x 32 K colors 60, 75, 85 1024 x 768 x 64 K colors 60, 70, 72, 75, 85 1024 x 768 x 16 M colors 60, 70, 72, 75, 85 1056 x 800 x 16 colors 70 1280 x 1024 x 256 colors 60, 70, 72, 75, 85 1280 x 1024 x 32 K colors 60, 75, 85 1280 x 1024 x 64 K colors 60, 70, 72, 75 1280 x 1024 x 16 M colors 60, 70, 72, 75, 85 For information about Refer to Obtaining graphics software and utilities http://support.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop Board Description 1.10 Audio Subsystem The board includes an Audio Codec `97 (AC `97) compatible SoundMAX audio subsystem consisting of the these devices: * Intel 82801AA ICH (AC link output) * Analog Devices AD1881 analog codec Figure 4 is a block diagram of the audio subsystem. 82801AA I/O Controller Hub (ICH) AC Link AD1881 Analog Codec Line Out Mic In OM09234 Figure 4. Block Diagram of Audio Subsystem with AD1881 Analog Codec Features of the audio subsystem include: * Independent channels for PCM in, PCM out, and Mic in * 16-bit stereo I/O up to 48 kHz * Multiple sample rates For information about Refer to Obtaining audio software and utilities http://support.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop 23 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 1.10.1 AD1881 Analog Codec The AD1881 is a fully AC `97 compliant codec. The codec's features include: * 16-bit stereo full-duplex codec * CD-quality audio * Stereo line level output * Power management support * Full duplex variable sampling rate (7 kHz to 48 kHz) with 1 Hz resolution * Phat Stereo 3D stereo enhancement For information about Refer to The audio subsystem's compliance with AC `97 Table 2, page 13 1.10.2 Audio Connectors The audio connectors, located on the back panel, include the following: * Line out * Mic in NOTE CD-ROM digital audio signals are routed through the IDE interface. 24 For information about Refer to The location of the back panel audio connectors Figure 6, page 41 The signal names of the back panel audio connectors Section 2.8.1, page 41 Board Description 1.11 Modem Subsystem The modem subsystem consists of the following: * Motorola SM56 AC-L (AC link) software modem * Silicon Laboratories Si3038 family MC `97 modem codec * RJ-11 connector 1.11.1 Software Modem The Motorola SM56 AC-L Software Modem is a Host Signal Processing (HSP) based modem with both controller and datapump functions executed by the processor. The software driver works with the Intel 82801AA ICH's integrated AC-Link and the companion Si3038 family MC `97 modem codec. 1.11.2 Modem Codec The Silicon Laboratories Si3038 family consists of the following components: * Si3014 Direct Access Arrangement (DAA) device (with a phone line interface) * Si3024 (AC `97 interface) Together, these devices provide a programmable line interface to meet international telephone line requirements. The Si3038 family complies with international regulatory requirements and the AC`97/MC`97 Interface Specification, Revision 2.1. 1.11.3 Modem AT Commands and S-Register Settings Information on AT commands and S-register settings can be found in the Online SM56 User's Guide. The User's Guide can be accessed by clicking on the Motorola SM56 Modem icon on the desktop tray next to the time icon. Command information is available for the following: * AT and AT& commands * AT commands - basics * AT#UD Unimodem diagnostic command * AT% and AT\ commands * AT* commands * AT+ commands * ATS (S-register) commands 25 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 1.11.4 Modem Specifications Table 6 summarizes the modem's features and capabilities. Table 6. Modem Specifications Error Correction V.90 and K56flex (up to 56 Kbps receive) V.34 (33,600 bps - 2,400 bps) V.32bis (14,400 bps - 4,800 bps) V.32 (9,600 bps - 4,800 bps) V.22bis (2,400 bps - 1,200 bps) V.22 (1,200 bps) V.23 (75/1,200 - 600 bps) V.21 (300 bps) Bell 212A (1,200 bps) Bell 103 (300 bps) V.42, LAP-M and MNP 2-4 Data Compression V.42bis and MNP 5 Fax Modem Group III, Class 1 Class 1 fax error correction mode V.17 (14,400/12,000 bps) V.29 (9,600/7,200 bps) V.27ter (4,800/2,400 bps) V.21 (300 bps) Answering Machine Enhanced Caller ID (U.S. and Canada) 8 kHz PCM and IMA ADPCM Concurrent DTMF detection Voice/Silence detection V.80 sync access mode interface Transparent and framed sub-modes Voice call first supports Intel Video Phone with Intel(R) ProShare(R) technology V.8 automode negotiation V.8 PRIME and V.8bis Adaptive rate renegotiation Automatically adjusts speeds up and down to accommodate changing line conditions AT&V, AT#UD- Call setup and phone line quality statistics Real-time modem status with connect rate and retrain indication Last disconnect reason Local Analog Loopback (LAL)-Hardware board check Tone detections: Dial tone, second dial tone Ring back, busy Data/Fax answering tones DTMF Supports name and number Distinctive Ring Distinguish among data, fax, and voice Windows Familiar Windows tabular interface Easy to use on-line user's guide Real-time modem status Flexible international country configuration Essential product support information Data Modem Video Phone Ready Modem Adaptive Connection Support Extensive Diagnostics Support Other Telephony Features 26 98 SE Control Panel Applet Board Description 1.12 Power Management Features Power management is implemented at several levels, including: * Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) * Advanced Power Management (APM) * Hardware support: 1.12.1 Power connector Fan connectors Instantly Available technology Wake on Ring Resume on Ring Wake from USB ACPI If the board is used with an ACPI-aware operating system, the BIOS can provide ACPI support. ACPI gives the operating system direct control over the power management and Plug and Play functions of a computer. The use of ACPI with this board requires the support of an operating system that provides full ACPI functionality. ACPI features include: * Plug and Play (including bus and device enumeration) functionality normally contained in the BIOS * Power management control of individual devices, video displays, and hard disk drives * Methods for achieving less than 30-watt system operation in the Power On Suspend sleeping state, and less than 5-watt system operation in the Suspend to Disk sleeping state * A Soft-off feature that enables the operating system to power off the computer * Support for multiple wake up events (see Table 9 on page 29) * Support for a front panel power and sleep mode switch. Table 7 lists the system states based on how long the power switch is pressed, depending on how ACPI is configured with an ACPI-aware operating system. Table 7. Effects of Pressing the Power Switch If the system is in this state... ...and the power switch is pressed for ...the system enters this state Off (ACPI G2/S5 state) Less than four seconds Power on On (ACPI G0 state) Less than four seconds Soft off/Suspend On (ACPI G0 state) More than four seconds Fail safe power off Sleep (ACPI G1 state) Less than four seconds Wake up Sleep (ACPI G1 state) More than four seconds Power off For information about Refer to The board's compliance level with ACPI Table 2, page 13 27 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification System States and Power States Under ACPI, the operating system directs all system and device power state transitions. The operating system puts devices in and out of low-power states based on user preferences and knowledge of how devices are being used by applications. Devices that are not being used can be turned off. The operating system uses information from applications and user settings to put the system as a whole into a low-power state. Table 8 lists the power states supported by the board along with the associated system power targets. See the ACPI specification for a complete description of the various system and power states. Table 8. Power States and Targeted System Power Global States Sleeping States CPU States Device States Targeted System Power* G0 - working state. S0 - working. C0 - working. D0 - working state. Full power > 30 W. G1 - sleeping state. S1 - CPU stopped. C1 - stop grant. D1, D2, D3 - device specification specific. 5 W < power < 30 W. G1 - sleeping state. S3 - Suspend-toRAM. Context saved to RAM. No power. D3 - no power except for wake up logic. Power < 5W. ** G2/S5 S5 - Soft off. Context not saved. Cold boot is required. No power. D3 - no power except for wake up logic. Power < 5 W. ** G3 - mechanical off. No power to the system. No power. D3 - no power for wake up logic, except when provided by battery or external source. No power to the system so that service can be performed. AC power is disconnected from the computer. 28 * Total system power is dependent on the system configuration, including add-in boards and peripherals powered by the system chassis' power supply. ** Dependent on the standby power consumption of wake-up devices used in the system. Board Description Wake Up Devices and Events Table 9 lists the devices or specific events that can wake the computer from specific states. Table 9. ACPI Wake Up Devices and Events These devices/events can wake up the computer... ...from this state Power switch S3, S5 RTC alarm* S1, S3 Modem S1, S3 USB S1, S3 * Unattended Wake Mode - display will be video BIOS ID string only Plug and Play In addition to power management, ACPI provides controls and information so that the operating system can facilitate Plug and Play device enumeration and configuration. ACPI is used only to enumerate and configure onboard devices that do not have other hardware standards for enumeration and configuration. PCI devices on the board, for example, are not enumerated by ACPI. 1.12.2 APM APM makes it possible for the computer to enter an energy saving standby mode. The standby mode can be initiated in the following ways: * Time-out period specified in the BIOS Setup program * Suspend/Resume switch connected to the front panel sleep connector * From the operating system, such as the Suspend menu item in Windows 98 SE In standby mode, the board can reduce power consumption by spinning down hard drives, and reducing power to or turning off VESA DPMS-compliant monitors. Power-management mode can be enabled or disabled in the BIOS Setup program. While in standby mode, the system retains the ability to respond to external interrupts and service requests, such as incoming faxes or network messages. Any keyboard or mouse activity brings the system out of standby mode and immediately restores power to the monitor. The BIOS enables APM by default, but the operating system must support an APM driver for the power-management features to work. For example, Windows 98 SE supports the powermanagement features upon detecting that APM is enabled in the BIOS. 29 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification Table 10 lists the devices or specific events that can wake the computer from specific states. Table 10. APM Wake Up Devices and Events These devices/events can wake up the computer... ...from this state Power switch Soft-off RTC alarm* Soft-off, suspend Modem Soft-off, suspend USB Suspend * Unattended Wake Mode - display will be video BIOS string only For information about Refer to Enabling or disabling power management in the BIOS Setup program Section 4.6, page 86 The board's compliance level with APM Table 2, page 13 1.12.3 Hardware Support CAUTION If Instantly Available technology feature is used, ensure that the power supply provides adequate +5 V standby current. Failure to do so can damage the power supply. The total amount of standby current required depends on the wake devices supported and manufacturing options. Refer to Section 2.11.2 on page 55 for additional information. The board provides several hardware features that support power management, including: * Power connector * Fan connectors * Instantly Available technology * Wake on Ring * Resume on Ring * Wake from USB Instantly Available technology requires power from the +5 V standby line. The sections discussing these features describe the incremental standby power requirements. Wake on Ring and Resume on Ring enable telephony devices to access the computer when it is in a power-managed state. The method used depends on the type of telephony device (external or internal) and the ACPI or APM state being used. NOTE The use of Wake on Ring, Resume on Ring, and Wake from USB technologies from an ACPI state require the support of an operating system and a peripheral device that provides full ACPI functionality. 30 Board Description Power Connector When used with an ATX-compliant power supply that supports remote power on/off, the board can turn off the system power through software control. With soft-off enabled, if power to the computer is interrupted by a power outage or a disconnected power cord, when power resumes, the computer returns to the power state it was in before power was interrupted (on or off). For information about Refer to The location of the power connector Figure 7, page 44 The signal names of the power connector Table 24, page 45 The ATX specification Table 2, page 13 Fan Connectors The board has two fan connectors. The functions of these connectors are described in Table 11. Table 11. Fan Connector Descriptions Connector Function Processor fan Provides +12 V DC for a processor fan or active fan heatsink. Chassis fan Provides +12 V DC for a system or chassis fan. For information about Refer to The location of the fan connectors Figure 7, page 44 The signal names of the processor fan connector Table 23, page 45 The signal names of the chassis fan connector Table 27, page 47 31 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification Instantly Available Technology CAUTION For Instantly Available technology, the 5-V standby line for the power supply must be capable of delivering adequate standby current. Failure to provide adequate standby current when using this feature can damage the power supply. Refer to Section 2.11.2 on page 55 for additional information. Instantly Available technology enables the board to enter the ACPI S3 (Suspend-to-RAM) state. While in the S3 sleep-state, the computer will appear to be off (the power supply is off, the fans are off, and the power LED is amber). When signaled by a wake-up device or event, the system quickly returns to its last known wake state. Table 9 on page 29 lists the devices and events that can wake the computer from the S3 state. The use of Instantly Available technology requires: * Operating system support * PCI 2.2 compliant devices and drivers The optional standby power indicator LED (located between the power connector and the DIMM socket) provides an indication that standby power is still present, even when the computer appears to be off. Figure 5 shows the location of the standby power indicator LED. DS7F1 OM09830 Figure 5. Location of Standby Power Indicator LED 32 Board Description Wake on Ring The operation of Wake on Ring can be summarized as follows: * Wakes the computer from an ACPI S3 state or from APM soft-off mode * Requires two calls to access the computer: * First call restores the computer from an ACPI S3 state or powers up the computer from APM soft-off mode Second call enables access (when the appropriate software is loaded) The onboard modem detects the incoming call through the AC `97 Wake Up feature Resume on Ring The operation of Resume on Ring can be summarized as follows: * Resumes operation from the ACPI S1 state or APM suspend mode * Requires only one call to access the computer * The onboard modem detects the incoming call through the AC `97 Wake Up feature Wake from USB USB bus activity wakes the computer from an ACPI S1 or S3 state or APM suspend mode. NOTE Wake from USB requires the use of a USB peripheral that supports the Wake from USB feature. Wake from USB is not supported in APM soft-off mode. 33 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 34 2 Technical Reference What This Chapter Contains 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 Introduction................................................................................................................ 35 Memory Map.............................................................................................................. 35 I/O Map...................................................................................................................... 36 DMA Channels .......................................................................................................... 37 PCI Configuration Space Map ................................................................................... 38 Interrupts ................................................................................................................... 38 PCI Interrupt Routing Map ......................................................................................... 39 Connectors ................................................................................................................ 40 Jumper Block............................................................................................................. 51 Mechanical Considerations........................................................................................ 53 Electrical Considerations ........................................................................................... 55 Thermal Considerations............................................................................................. 57 Reliability ................................................................................................................... 58 Environmental............................................................................................................ 59 Regulatory Compliance ............................................................................................. 59 2.1 Introduction Sections 2.2 - 2.6 contain several standalone tables. Table 12 describes the system memory map, Table 13 shows the I/O map, Table 14 lists the DMA channels, Table 15 defines the PCI configuration space map, and Table 16 describes the interrupts. The remaining sections in this chapter are introduced by text found with their respective section headings. 2.2 Memory Map Table 12. System Memory Map Address Range (decimal) Address Range (hex) Size Description 1024 K - 262144 K 100000 - FFFFFFF 255 MB Extended memory 960 K - 1024 K F0000 - FFFFF 64 KB Runtime BIOS 896 K - 960 K E0000 - EFFFF 64 KB Reserved 800 K - 896 K C8000 - DFFFF 96 KB Available high DOS memory (open to PCI bus) 640 K - 800 K A0000 - C7FFF 160 KB Video memory and BIOS 639 K - 640 K 9FC00 - 9FFFF 1 KB Extended BIOS data (movable by memory manager software) 512 K - 639 K 80000 - 9FBFF 127 KB Extended conventional memory 0 K - 512 K 00000 - 7FFFF 512 KB Conventional memory 35 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 2.3 I/O Map Table 13. I/O Map Address (hex) Size Description 0000 - 000F 16 bytes DMA controller 0020 - 0021 2 bytes Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) 0040 - 0043 4 bytes System timer 0060 1 byte Keyboard controller byte - reset IRQ 0061 1 byte System speaker 0064 1 byte Keyboard controller, CMD/STAT byte 0070 - 0071 2 bytes System CMOS / Real-Time Clock 0072 - 0073 2 bytes System CMOS 0080 - 008F 16 bytes DMA controller 0092 1 byte Fast A20 and PIC 00A0 - 00A1 2 bytes PIC 00C0 - 00DF 32 bytes DMA 00F0 1 byte Numeric data processor 01F0 - 01F7 8 bytes Primary IDE channel 1 8 bytes COM4/video (8514A) 1 8 bytes COM2 03B0 - 03BB 12 bytes Intel 82810 - Graphics/Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) 03C0 - 03DF 32 byte Intel 82810 - Graphics/Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) 03E8 - 03EF 8 bytes COM3 03F0 - 03F5 6 bytes Diskette channel 1 03F6 1 byte Primary IDE channel command port 02E8 - 02EF 02F8 - 02FF 03F8 - 03FF 8 bytes COM1 04D0 - 04D1 2 bytes Edge/level triggered PIC 4 bytes PCI configuration address register 0CF8 - 0CFB 0CF9 2 3 1 byte Turbo and reset control register 0CFC - 0CFF 4 bytes PCI configuration data register FFA0 - FFA7 8 bytes Primary bus master IDE registers 96 contiguous bytes starting on a 128-byte divisible boundary ICH (ACPI + TCO) 64 contiguous bytes starting on a 64-byte divisible boundary Onboard resources 256 contiguous bytes starting on a 256-byte divisible boundary ICH audio mixer 64 contiguous bytes starting on a 64-byte divisible boundary ICH audio bus master 256 contiguous bytes starting on a 256-byte divisible boundary ICH modem mixer continued 36 Technical Reference Table 13. I/O Map (continued) Address (hex) Size Description 16 contiguous bytes starting on a 16-byte divisible boundary ICH (SMBus) 32 contiguous bytes starting on a 32-byte divisible boundary ICH (USB) 4096 contiguous bytes starting on a 4096-byte divisible boundary Intel 82810 PCI Bridge Notes: 1. Default, but can be changed to another address range 2. Dword access only 3. Byte access only NOTE Some additional I/O addresses are not available due to ICH addresses aliasing. For information about ICH addressing, refer to the Web site at: http://developer.intel.com/design/chipsets/datashts/ 2.4 DMA Channels Table 14. DMA Channels DMA Channel Number Data Width System Resource 0 8 or 16 bits Open 1 8 or 16 bits Open 2 8 or 16 bits Diskette drive 3 8 or 16 bits Open 4 Reserved - cascade channel 5 16 bits Open 6 16 bits Open 7 16 bits Open 37 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 2.5 PCI Configuration Space Map Table 15. PCI Configuration Space Map Bus Number (hex) Device Number (hex) Function Number (hex) Description 00 00 00 Memory controller of Intel 82810 component 00 01 00 Graphics controller of Intel 82810 component 00 1E 00 Link to PCI bridge 00 1F 00 PCI-to-LPC bridge 00 1F 01 IDE controller 00 1F 02 USB controller 00 1F 03 SMBus controller 00 1F 04 Reserved 00 1F 05 AC '97 audio controller 00 1F 06 AC '97 modem controller 2.6 Interrupts Table 16. IRQ System Resource NMI I/O channel check 0 Reserved, interval timer 1 Reserved, keyboard buffer full 2 Reserved, cascade interrupt from slave PIC 3 User available 4 COM1* 5 User available 6 Diskette drive 7 User available 8 Real-Time Clock 9 Reserved for ICH system management bus 10 Audio / Modem 11 Video 12 User available 13 Reserved, math coprocessor 14 Primary IDE (if present, else user available) 15 Network / User available * 38 Interrupts Default, but can be changed to another IRQ Technical Reference 2.7 PCI Interrupt Routing Map This section describes interrupt sharing and how the interrupt signals are connected between the onboard PCI devices. The PCI specification specifies how interrupts can be shared between devices attached to the PCI bus. In most cases, the small amount of latency added by interrupt sharing does not affect the operation or throughput of the devices. In some special cases where maximum performance is needed from a device, a PCI device should not share an interrupt with other PCI devices. PCI devices are categorized as follows to specify their interrupt grouping: * * * INTA: By default, all add-in devices that require only one interrupt are in this category. For almost all devices that require more than one interrupt, the first interrupt on the device is also classified as INTA. INTB: Generally, the second interrupt on add-in devices that require two or more interrupts is classified as INTB. (This is not an absolute requirement.) INTC and INTD: Generally, a third interrupt on add-in devices is classified as INTC and a fourth interrupt is classified as INTD. The ICH PCI-to-LPC bridge has four programmable interrupt request (PIRQ) input signals. Any PCI interrupt source connects to one of these PIRQ signals. Because there are only four signals, some PCI interrupt sources are mechanically tied together on the board and therefore share the same interrupt. Table 17 lists the PIRQ signals and shows how the signals are connected to the onboard PCI interrupt sources. Table 17. PCI Interrupt Routing Map ICH PIRQ Signal PCI Interrupt Source AGP Controller PIRQA PIRQB INTB ICH Modem Controller INTB INTD ICH USB Controller PIRQD INTA ICH Audio Controller SM Bus PIRQC INTB NOTE The ICH can connect each PIRQ line internally to one of the IRQ signals (3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, and 15). Typically, a device that does not share a PIRQ line will have a unique interrupt. However, in certain interrupt-constrained situations, it is possible for two or more of the PIRQ lines to be connected to the same IRQ signal. 39 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 2.8 Connectors CAUTION Only the back panel I/O connectors of this board have overcurrent protection. The internal board connectors are not overcurrent protected, and should connect only to devices inside the computer chassis, such as fans and internal peripherals. Do not use these connectors for powering devices external to the computer chassis. A fault in the load presented by the external devices could cause damage to the computer, the interconnecting cable, and the external devices themselves. This section describes the board's connectors. The connectors can be divided into the following groups: * Back panel I/O connectors (see page 41) USB (2) * * VGA Audio line out Mic in RJ-11 telephone jack Internal I/O connectors (see page 44) Fans (2) Power Diskette drive IDE External I/O connectors (see page 48) USB ports Front panel (Power/Sleep/Message waiting LED, power switch, hard drive activity LED, reset switch, and infrared port) Serial port 40 Technical Reference 2.8.1 Back Panel I/O Connectors Figure 6 shows the location of the back panel connectors. D AB C E F OM09831 Item Description For more information, see... A USB port 0 (ICH) Table 18, page 42 B USB port 1 (USB hub) Table 18, page 42 C VGA port Table 19, page 42 D Audio line out Table 20, page 43 E Mic in Table 21, page 43 F RJ-11 telephone jack Table 22, page 43 Figure 6. Back Panel I/O Connectors NOTE The back panel audio line out connector is designed to power headphones or amplified speakers only. Poor audio quality may occur if passive (non-amplified) speakers are connected to this output. 41 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification Table 18. Pin Signal Name 1 +5 V (fused) 2 USBP0# / USBP1# 3 USBP0 / USBP1 4 Ground Table 19. 42 USB Connectors VGA Port Connector Pin Signal Name 1 Red 2 Green 3 Blue 4 No connect 5 Ground 6 Ground 7 Ground 8 Ground 9 Fused VCC 10 Ground 11 No connect 12 MONID1 13 HSYNC 14 VSYNC 15 MONID2 Technical Reference Table 20. Pin Signal Name Tip Audio left out Ring Audio right out Sleeve Ground Table 21. Mic In Connector Pin Signal Name Tip Microphone in Ring Mic bias voltage Sleeve Ground Table 22. Audio Line Out Connector RJ-11 Telephone Jack Pin Signal Name 1 No connect 2 Tip 3 Ring 4 No connect NOTE To comply with regulatory information a 26 AWG or larger telecommunication line cord must be used. 43 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 2.8.2 Internal I/O Connectors Figure 7 shows the location of the internal connectors. 1 E A 1 2 40 39 D 1 33 1 11 1 20 2 10 34 C B OM09832 Item Description Reference Designator For more information, see... A Processor fan J5J1 Table 23, page 45 B Power J7G3 Table 24, page 45 C Diskette drive J7D1 Table 25, page 46 D IDE J7B1 Table 26, page 47 E Chassis fan J1A1 Table 27, page 47 Figure 7. Internal I/O Connectors For information about 44 Refer to The power connector Section, page 31 The functions of the fan connectors Section, page 31 Technical Reference Table 23. Processor Fan Connector (J5J1) Pin Signal Name 1 Ground 2 +12 V 3 FAN_TACH1 Table 24. Power Connector (J7G3) Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name 1 +3.3 V 11 +3.3 V 2 +3.3 V 12 -12 V 3 Ground 13 Ground 4 +5 V 14 PS-ON# (power supply remote on/off) 5 Ground 15 Ground 6 +5 V 16 Ground 7 Ground 17 Ground 8 PWRGD (Power Good) 18 -5 V 9 +5 VSB 19 +5 V 10 +12 V 20 +5 V 45 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification Table 25. 46 Diskette Drive Connector (J7D1) Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 Ground 2 DENSEL 3 Ground 4 No connect 5 Key 6 FDEDIN 7 Ground 8 FDINDX# (Index) 9 Ground 10 FDM00# (Motor Enable A) 11 Ground 12 No connect 13 Ground 14 FDDS0# (Drive Select A) 15 Ground 16 No connect 17 No connect 18 FDDIR# (Stepper Motor Direction) 19 Ground 20 FDSTEP# (Step Pulse) 21 Ground 22 FDWD# (Write Data) 23 Ground 24 FDWE# (Write Enable) 25 Ground 26 FDTRK0# (Track 0) 27 No connect 28 FDWPD# (Write Protect) 29 Ground 30 FDRDATA# (Read Data) 31 Ground 32 FDHEAD# (Side 1 Select) 33 Ground 34 DSKCHG# (Diskette Change) Technical Reference Table 26. IDE Connector (J7B1) Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name 1 Reset IDE 2 Ground 3 Data 7 4 Data 8 5 Data 6 6 Data 9 7 Data 5 8 Data 10 9 Data 4 10 Data 11 11 Data 3 12 Data 12 13 Data 2 14 Data 13 15 Data 1 16 Data 14 17 Data 0 18 Data 15 19 Ground 20 Key 21 DDRQ0 22 Ground 23 I/O Write# 24 Ground 25 I/O Read# 26 Ground 27 IOCHRDY 28 Ground 29 DDACK0# 30 Ground 31 IRQ 14 32 Reserved 33 DAG1 (Address 1) 34 DMA66_DETECT 35 DAG0 (Address 0) 36 DAG2 (Address 2) 37 Chip Select 1P# 38 Chip Select 3P# 39 Activity# 40 Ground Table 27. Chassis Fan Connector (J1A1) Pin Signal Name 1 Ground 2 +12 V 3 Ground 47 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 2.8.3 External I/O Connectors Figure 8 shows the location of the external connectors. A 2 1 2 1 2 1 10 7 18 17 8 9 C B OM09833 Item Description Reference Designator For more information, see... A USB port J7G1 Table 28, page 49 B Front panel J7G2 Table 29, page 49 C Serial port J7C1 Table 30, page 49 Figure 8. External I/O Connectors 48 Technical Reference Table 28. USB Port Connector (J7G1) Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name 1 VREG_USB2_PWR 2 VREG_USB2_PW 3 USB_DM3 4 USB_DM4 5 USB_DP3 6 USB_DP4 7 Ground 8 Ground 9 Key (no pin) 10 No connect Table 29. Front Panel Connector (J7G2) Pin Signal In/Out Description Pin Signal In/Out Hard Drive Activity LED Description Power LED 1 HD_PWR Out Hard disk LED pull-up (330 ) to +5 V 2 HDR_BLNK_GRN Out Front panel green LED 3 HDA# Out Hard disk active LED 4 HDR_BLNK_YEL Front panel yellow LED 5 GND Ground 6 SW_ON# 7 FP_RESET# Front panel Reset button 8 GND 9 +5 V Power 10 N/C 11 N/C Not connected 12 GND 13 GND Ground 14 (Pin removed) 15 N/C Not connected 16 +5 V 17 +5 V Power 18 N/C Reset Switch In On / Off Switch Miscellaneous Table 30. Out Out In Front panel power switch Ground Miscellaneous In Not connected Ground Not connected Out Power Not connected Serial Port Connector (J7C1) Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name 1 DCD (Data Carrier Detect) 2 DSR (Data Set Ready) 3 SIN # (Serial Data In) 4 RTS (Request to Send) 5 SOUT # (Serial Data Out) 6 CTS (Clear to Send) 7 DTR (Data Terminal Ready) 8 RI (Ring Indicator) 9 Ground 10 Key (no pin) 49 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification Power / Sleep / Message Waiting LED Connector Pins 2 and 4 of the front panel connector can be connected to a single- or dual-colored LED. Table 31 shows the possible states for a single-colored LED. Table 32 shows the possible states for a dual-colored LED. Table 31. LED State Description Off Power off Steady Green Running Blinking Green Running/message waiting Table 32. States for a Single-colored Power LED States for a Dual-colored Power LED LED State Description Off Power off Steady Green Running Blinking Green Running/Message waiting Steady Yellow Sleeping Blinking Yellow Sleeping/Message waiting NOTE To use the message waiting function, ACPI must be enabled in the operating system and a messagecapturing application must be invoked. Power Switch Connector Pins 6 and 8 of the front panel connector can be connected to a front panel power switch. The switch must pull the SW_ON# pin to ground for at least 50 ms to signal the power supply to switch on or off. (The time requirement is due to internal debounce circuitry on the board.) At least two seconds must pass before the power supply will recognize another on/off signal. Hard Drive Activity LED Connector Pins 1 and 3 of the front panel connector can be connected to an LED to provide a visual indicator that data is being read from or written to a hard drive. For the LED to function properly, an IDE drive must be connected to the onboard IDE interface. Reset Switch Connector Pins 5 and 7 of the front panel connector can be connected to a momentary SPST type switch that is normally open. When the switch is closed, the board resets and runs the POST. 50 Technical Reference 2.9 Jumper Block CAUTION Do not move any jumpers with the power on. Always turn off the power and unplug the power cord from the computer before changing a jumper setting. Otherwise, the board could be damaged. Figure 9 shows the location of the BIOS Setup jumper block. This 3-pin jumper block determines the BIOS Setup program's mode. Table 33 on page 52 describes the jumper settings for the three modes: normal, configure, and recovery. 1 J6A1 3 OM09834 Figure 9. Location of the Jumper Block 51 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification Table 33. BIOS Setup Configuration Jumper Settings (J6A1) Function/Mode Jumper Setting Normal 1-2 1 Configuration The BIOS uses current configuration information and passwords for booting. 3 Configure 2-3 1 After the POST runs, Setup runs automatically. The maintenance menu is displayed. 3 Recovery None 1 The BIOS attempts to recover the BIOS configuration. A recovery diskette is required. 3 52 For information about Refer to How to access the BIOS Setup program Section 4.1, page 75 The maintenance menu of the BIOS Setup program Section 4.2, page 76 BIOS recovery Section 3.6, page 70 Technical Reference 2.10 Mechanical Considerations 2.10.1 FlexATX Form Factor 0.00 The board is designed to fit into an ATX- or microATX-form-factor chassis. Figure 10 illustrates the mechanical form factor for the board. Dimensions are given in inches [millimeters]. The outer dimensions are 9.0 inches by 7.2 inches (228.60 millimeters by 182.88 millimeters). Location of the I/O connectors and mounting holes is in compliance with the FlexATX addendum of the microATX specification (see Table 2, page 13). 0.40[10.16] 0.00 0.90[22.86] 6.10[154.94] 6.80[172.72] 0.75[19.05] 8.25[209.55] 1.80[45.72] 8.00[203.20] OM09835 Figure 10. Board Dimensions 53 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 2.10.2 I/O Shield The back panel I/O shield for the board must meet specific dimension and material requirements. Systems based on this board need the back panel I/O shield to pass certification testing. Figure 11 shows the critical dimensions of the I/O shield. Dimensions are given in inches [millimeters]. For dimensions given to two decimal places, the tolerance is 0.02 inches; for dimensions given to three decimal places, the tolerance is 0.010 inches [0.254 millimeters]. The figure indicates the position of each cutout. Additional design considerations for I/O shields relative to chassis requirements are described in the ATX specification. See Table 2, page 13 for information about the ATX specification. 162.30 Ref [6.390] 20.00 .26[0.787] Typ. 1.55[0.061] Ref 0.00 159.20[6.267] 24.00[0.944] R 0.50 [0.019] Min Typ 2x Dia 8.50[0.334] 22.45[0.883] 0.699 [0.027] 12.027[0.473] 48.00 [1.889] Ref 11.801 [0.464] 0.00 17.366[0.683] 17.764 [0.669] 22.45[0.883] 44.90 [1.767] Right-end View 157.340[6.194] 155.790[6.133] 142.774[5.621] 133.646[5.261] 74.309[2.925] 15.00 .26 [0.590] Typ 53.890[2.121] 3.410[0.143] 4.960[0.195] 24.00[0.944] Pictorial View OM09224 Figure 11. I/O Shield Dimensions 54 Technical Reference 2.11 Electrical Considerations 2.11.1 Power Consumption Table 34 lists voltage and current specifications for a computer that contains the board and the following: * 700 MHz Intel Pentium III processor with a 256 KB cache * 128 MB SDRAM * 3.5-inch diskette drive * 6.0 GB IDE hard disk drive * 34X IDE CD-ROM drive This information is provided only as a guide for calculating approximate power usage with additional resources added. Values for the Windows 98 SE desktop mode are measured at 640 x 480 x 256 colors and 60 Hz refresh rate. AC watts are measured with a typical 145 W power supply, nominal input voltage and frequency, with true RMS wattmeter at the line input. Table 34. Power Usage DC Current at: Mode AC Power +3.3 V +5 V +12 V -12 V +5 VSB Windows 98 SE ACPI S0 31 W 1.54 A 0.48 A 0.167 A -0.0162 A 0.196 A Windows 98 SE ACPI S1 26 W 1.50 A 0.38 A 0.167 A -0.0161 A 0.185 A Windows 98 SE ACPI S3 3W 0.0003 A -0.0003 A 0.0002 A 0.0001 A 0.180 A Windows 98 SE APM On 46 W 1.49 A 2.77 A 0.173 A -0.016 A 0.228 A Windows 98 SE APM 1* 33 W 1.43 A 2.75 A 0.173 A -0.016 A 0.228 A Windows 98 SE APM 2** 25 W 1.40 A 0.36 A 0.172 A -0.016 A 0.196 A * ** 2.11.2 Video and hard drive timeout Start menu/Standby Power Supply Considerations System integrators should refer to the power usage values listed in Table 34 when selecting a power supply for use with this board. The power supply must comply with the following recommendations found in the ATX Specification (see Table 2, page 13): * The potential relation between 3.3 VDC and +5 VDC power rails (Section 4.2) * The current capability of the +5 VSB line (Section * All timing parameters (Section * All voltage tolerances (Section 4.2.2) 55 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 2.11.3 Fan Power Requirements Table 35 lists the maximum DC voltage and current requirements for the chassis fan when the board is in normal operating mode, sleep mode, or Suspend-to-RAM state. Power consumption is independent of the operating system used and other variables. Table 35. 56 Chassis Fan (J1A1) DC Power Requirements Mode Voltage Maximum Current Normal (S0) +12 VDC 0.132 A (current limited) Sleep (S1) +12 VDC 0.132 A (current limited) Suspend-to-RAM (S3) 0.0 VDC 0.0 A For information about Refer to The location of the chassis fan connector Figure 7, page 44 The signal names of the chassis fan connector Table 27, page 47 Technical Reference 2.12 Thermal Considerations CAUTION An ambient temperature that exceeds the board's maximum operating temperature by 5 oC to 10 oC could cause components to exceed their maximum case temperature and malfunction. For information about the maximum operating temperature, see the environmental specifications in Section 2.14. CAUTION The voltage regulator area can reach a temperature of up to 85 oC in an open chassis. System integrators should ensure that proper airflow is maintained in the voltage regulator area (item A in Figure 12). Failure to do so may result in damage to the voltage regulator circuit. Figure 12 shows the localized high temperature zones. A B C OM09836 A Processor voltage regulator area B Processor C Intel 82810 GMCH Figure 12. High Temperature Zones 57 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification Table 36 provides maximum component case temperatures for board components that could be sensitive to thermal changes. Case temperatures could be affected by the operating temperature, current load, or operating frequency. Maximum case temperatures are important when considering proper airflow to cool the board. Table 36. Thermal Considerations for Components Component Maximum Case Temperature Intel Pentium III processor, 100 MHz host bus frequency For processor case temperature, see processor datasheets and processor specification updates. Intel Celeron processor Intel 82810 GMCH 70 C Intel 82801AA ICH 70 C For information about Refer to Intel Celeron processor datasheets and specification updates Table 2, page 13 Intel Pentium III processor datasheets and specification updates Table 2, page 13 2.13 Reliability The mean time between failures (MTBF) prediction is calculated using component and subassembly random failure rates. The calculation is based on the Bellcore Reliability Prediction Procedure, TR-NWT-000332, Issue 4, September 1991. The MTBF prediction is used to estimate repair rates and spare parts requirements. MTBF data is calculated from predicted data at 55 C. Board MTBF: 153,873 hours 58 Technical Reference 2.14 Environmental Table 37 lists the environmental specifications for the board. Table 37. Board Environmental Specifications Parameter Specification Temperature Non-Operating -40 C to +70 C Operating 0 C to +55 C Unpackaged 30 g trapezoidal waveform Shock Velocity change of 170 inches/second Packaged Half sine 2 millisecond Product Weight (pounds) Free Fall (inches) Velocity Change (inches/sec) <20 36 167 21-40 30 152 41-80 24 136 81-100 18 118 Vibration Unpackaged 5 Hz to 20 Hz: 0.01 g Hz sloping up to 0.02 g Hz Packaged 10 Hz to 40 Hz: 0.015 g Hz (flat) 20 Hz to 500 Hz: 0.02 g Hz (flat) 40 Hz to 500 Hz: 0.015 g Hz sloping down to 0.00015 g Hz 2.15 Regulatory Compliance This section describes the board's compliance with safety and EMC regulations. 2.15.1 Safety Regulations Table 38 lists the safety regulations the board complies with when it is correctly installed in a compatible host system. Table 38. Safety Regulations Regulation Title nd UL 1950/CSA950, 2 edition, Dated 26 February 1993 nd EN 60950, 2 Edition, 1992 (with Amendments 1, 2, 3, and 4) nd Bi-National Standard for Safety of Information Technology Equipment including Electrical Business Equipment. (USA and Canada) The Standard for Safety of Information Technology Equipment including Electrical Business Equipment. (European Community) IEC 950, 2 edition, 1991 (with Amendments 1, 2, 3, and 4) The Standard for Safety of Information Technology Equipment including Electrical Business Equipment. (International) EMKO-TSE (74-SEC) 207/94 Summary of Nordic deviations to EN 60950. (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland) 59 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 2.15.2 EMC Regulations Table 39 lists the EMC regulations the board complies with when it is correctly installed in a compatible host system. Table 39. EMC Regulations Regulation Title FCC Class B Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 2 and 15, Subpart B, pertaining to unintentional radiators. (USA) nd CISPR 22, 2 Edition, 1993 (Class B) Limits and methods of measurement of Radio Interference Characteristics of Information Technology Equipment. (International) VCCI Class B (ITE) Implementation Regulations for Voluntary Control of Radio Interference by Data Processing Equipment and Electronic Office Machines. (Japan) EN55022 (1994) (Class B) Limits and methods of measurement of Radio Interference Characteristics of Information Technology Equipment. (Europe) EN50082-1 (1992) Generic Immunity Standard; Currently compliance is determined via testing to IEC 801-2, -3, and -4. (Europe) ICES-003 (1997) Interference-Causing Equipment Standard, Digital Apparatus, Class B (Including CRC c.1374). (Canada) AS/NZ 3548 Australian Communications Authority (ACA), Standard for Electromagnetic Compatibility. 2.15.3 Telecommunications Regulations Table 40 lists the telecommunications regulations the board complies with when it is correctly installed in a compatible host system. Table 40. 60 Telecommunications Regulations Regulation Title FCC Part 68 Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 68, Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network CS 03 Issue 8 (1996) Harmonized Requirements for Terminal Equipment, Terminal Systems, and Certified Protection Circuitry CTR21 Council Decision 98/482/EC On a Common Technical Regulation for the Attachment Requirements for Connection to the Analogue Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTNs) of Terminal Equipment (Excluding Terminal Equipment Supporting the Voice Telephony Justified Case Service) in Which Network Addressing, if Provided, is by Means of Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) Signalling ETSI Guide 201 121 Advisory Notes for CTR21 TS001 Safety Requirements for Customer Equipment TS002 Analogue Interworking and Non-Interference PTC200 Requirements for Analogue Telecommunications Equipment TS PSTN1 Infocomm Development Authority (iDA) of Singapore Type Approval Specification for Connection of Terminal Equipment to Public Switched Telephone Network PW-TFI SIRIM JATE Blue Book For Analog Telephone Terminals Technical Reference 2.15.4 Telecommunications Regulatory Information Safety WARNING To reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26 AWG or larger telecommunication line cord. Middle Path is the main construction option, developed to address the needs of the computer segment of the ITE/Telecom Industry. It allows basic construction features, which have a proven record of safety for the protection against over-voltage. WARNING Danger of explosion if the lithium battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer's instructions. FCC Regulatory Information The BA810 desktop board complies with Part 68 of the Federal Communications Commission Rules. The board has a label that contains, among other information, the FCC registration number, Facility Interface Code (FIC), ringer equivalence number (REN), and Service Order Code (SOC). This information must be provided to the telephone company. FCC Registration No: TBD FIC: TBD REN: TBD SOC: TBD USOC Jack: RJ-11 C Jack An FCC-compliant telephone cord and modular plug must be provided with the board. The board is designed to be connected to the telephone network or premises wiring using a compatible modular jack which is Part 68 compliant. See installation instructions for details. If the board causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. But, if advance notice is not practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible. Also, you will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary. The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures that could affect the operation of the board. If this happens, the telephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to make necessary modifications in order to maintain uninterrupted service. If trouble is experienced with the board please contact Customer Support at 800-628-8086. If the board is causing harm to the network, the telephone company may request you to remove the board from the network until the problem is resolved. 61 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification No repairs are to be made by you. Repairs are to be made only by Intel Corporation or its licensees. Unauthorized repairs void registration and warranty. The board cannot be used on public coin service provided by the telephone company. Connection to Party Line Service is subject to state tariffs. (Contact the state public utility commission, public service commission or corporation commission for information.) We suggest the customer install an AC surge arrestor in the AC outlet to which the board is connected. Telephone companies report that electrical surges, typically lightning transients, are very destructive to customer terminal equipment connected to AC power sources and that this is a major nationwide problem. Canadian Equipment Attachment Limitations NOTE The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certification means that the equipment meets telecommunications network protective, operational and safety requirements as prescribed in the appropriate Terminal Equipment Technical Requirements document(s). The department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user's satisfaction. Before installing the BA810 desktop board, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. The board must also be installed using an acceptable method of connection. The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some situations. Repairs to certified equipment should be coordinated by a representative designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment. Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas. WARNING Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician, as appropriate. NOTE The ringer equivalence number (REN) assigned to each terminal device provides an indication of the maximum number of terminals allowed to be connected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of the ringer equivalence numbers of all the devices does not exceed 5. 62 Technical Reference New Zealand Requirements General Warning The grant of a Telepermit for any item of terminal equipment indicates only that Telecom has accepted that the item complies with minimum conditions for connection to its network. It indicates no endorsement of the product by Telecom, nor does it provide any sort of warranty. Above all, it provides no assurance that any item will work correctly in all respects with another item of Telepermitted equipment of a different make or model, nor does it imply that any product is compatible with all of Telecom's network services. The BA810 desktop board shall not be set up to make automatic calls to the Telecom `111' Emergency Service. NOTE Under power failure conditions, this telephone device may not operate. Please ensure that a separate telephone device, not dependent on local power, is available for emergency use. Some parameters required for compliance with Telecom's Telepermit requirements are dependent on the equipment (PC) associated with this device. The associated equipment shall be set to operate within the following limits for compliance with Telecom's specifications: (a) There shall be no more than 10 calls to the same number within any 30 minute period for any single manual call initiation, and (b) The equipment shall go on-hook for a period of not less than 30 seconds between the end of one attempt and the beginning of the next attempt. Some parameters required for compliance with Telecom's Telepermit requirements are dependent on the equipment (PC) associated with this device. In order to operate within the limits for compliance with Telecom's specifications, the associated equipment shall be set to ensure that automatic calls to different numbers are spaced such that there is no less than 5 seconds between the end of one call attempt and the beginning of another. Some parameters required for compliance with Telecom's Telepermit requirements are dependent on the equipment (PC) associated with this device. In order to operate within the limits for compliance with Telecom's specifications, the associated equipment shall be set to ensure that calls are answered between 3 and 30 seconds of receipt of ringing. Compliance Testing (6) and (7) (Functional Tests) This equipment is not capable, under all operating conditions, of correct operation at the higher speeds for which it is designed. Telecom will accept no responsibility should difficulties arise in such circumstances. 63 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 2.15.5 Certification Markings This printed circuit assembly has the following product certification markings: * UL Joint Recognition Mark: Consists of small c followed by a stylized backward UR and followed by a small US (Component side). * Manufacturer's recognition mark: Consists of a unique UL recognized manufacturer's logo, along with a flammability rating (94V-0) (Solder side). * UL File Number for desktop boards: E139761 (Component side). * PB Part Number: Intel bare circuit board part number (Solder side) A02613-003. * Battery "+ Side Up" marking: located on the component side of the board in close proximity to the battery holder. * FCC Part 15 Class B Logo/Declaration: (Solder side). * FCC Part 68 Declaration: Includes the part 68 certificate number of the format EJMxxx-xxxxx-xx-x, followed by the REN number in the format x.xB. In addition for Canadian compliance add the Canadian REN number in the format x.xA. * ACA (A-Tick) mark: Consists of a unique triangle, with a tick mark; followed by N-232. Located on the component side of the board and on the shipping container. * CE Mark with CTR21 additions: (Component side) This mark consists of the CE mark followed by the number of the Notified Body that approved the product followed by the CTR21 symbol of "crossed hockey sticks". The CE mark should also be on the shipping container. The additions for CTR21 (Notified Body number and "crossed hockey sticks") are not required on the shipping container. There are requirements for some countries in addition to the silk-screened items above. Some of these requirements are additional labels that cannot be silk-screened onto the board, including the following: * The Canadian Telecommunication Label must be affixed to the board. These are purchased separately from Canada. * The Telepermit label must be on the board. It can be incorporated into a label that contains other approval marks. It has color requirements. See Telepermit for size and color requirements. There is an approval number in the format PTCxxx/xx/xxx. * The TAS label or mark must be on the board. It can be incorporated into a label that contains other approval marks. There is an approval number in the format xxxxx-xxxx-xx-xxxx-xx. * The Japan Telecom label must be on the board. It can be incorporated into a label that contains other approval marks. There is an approval number in the format xxx-xxxx-x. 64 3 Overview of BIOS Features What This Chapter Contains 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Introduction................................................................................................................ 65 BIOS Flash Memory Organization ............................................................................. 66 Resource Configuration ............................................................................................. 67 System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) ...................................................................... 68 BIOS Updates............................................................................................................ 69 Recovering BIOS Data .............................................................................................. 70 Boot Options.............................................................................................................. 71 USB Legacy Support ................................................................................................. 72 BIOS Security Features ............................................................................................. 73 3.1 Introduction The board uses an Intel/AMI BIOS, which is stored in flash memory and can be updated using a disk-based program. In addition to the BIOS, the flash memory contains the BIOS Setup program, POST, the PCI auto-configuration utility, and Plug and Play support. This board supports system BIOS shadowing, allowing the BIOS to execute from 64-bit onboard write-protected DRAM. The BIOS displays a message during POST identifying the type of BIOS and a revision code. The initial production BIOS is identified as BA81010A.86A. For information about Refer to The board's compliance level with Plug and Play Table 2, page 13 65 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 3.2 BIOS Flash Memory Organization The Intel 82802AB Firmware Hub (FWH) includes a 4 Mbit (512 KB) symmetrical flash memory device. Internally, the device is grouped into eight 64 KB blocks that are individually erasable, lockable, and unlockable. Figure 13 shows the organization of the flash memory. The last two 8 KB blocks of the fault tolerance area are the parameter blocks. These blocks contain data such as BIOS updates, vital product data (VPD), logo, System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) interface, and extended system configuration data (ESCD) information. The backup block contains a copy of the fault tolerance block. 080000 07FFFF 070000 06FFFF 060000 05FFFF 050000 04FFFF 040000 03FFFF 030000 02FFFF 020000 01FFFF 010000 00FFFF 000000 64 KB Block 7 64 KB Block 6 64 KB Block 5 64 KB Block 4 64 KB Block 3 64 KB Block 2 64 KB Block 1 Fault Tolerance 64 KB Block 0 Backup Boot Block Main System BIOS 8 KB - Parameter Block 2 8 KB - Parameter Block 1 48 KB - Reserved OM08376 Figure 13. Memory Map of the Flash Memory Device 66 Overview of BIOS Features 3.3 Resource Configuration 3.3.1 PCI Autoconfiguration The BIOS can automatically configure PCI devices. When a user turns on the system, the BIOS automatically configures interrupts, the I/O space, and other system resources. Onboard PCI devices can share an interrupt. Autoconfiguration information is stored in ESCD format. For information about Refer to The BIOS's compliance level with Plug and Play Table 2, page 13 3.3.2 PCI IDE Support If you select Auto in the BIOS Setup program, the BIOS automatically sets up the PCI IDE connector with independent I/O channel support. The IDE interface supports hard drives up to ATA-66 and recognizes any ATAPI devices, including CD-ROM drives, tape drives, and Ultra DMA drives. The BIOS determines the capabilities of each drive and configures them to optimize capacity and performance. To take advantage of the high capacities typically available today, hard drives are automatically configured for Logical Block Addressing (LBA) and to PIO Mode 3 or 4, depending on the capability of the drive. You can override the autoconfiguration options by specifying manual configuration in the BIOS Setup program. To use ATA-66 features the following items are required: * An ATA-66 peripheral device * An ATA-66 compatible cable * ATA-66 operating system device drivers NOTE ATA-66 compatible cables are backward compatible with drivers using slower IDE transfer protocols. If an Ultra ATA-66 disk drive and a disk drive using any other IDE transfer protocol are attached to the same cable, the maximum transfer rate for either drive is 33 MB/sec. NOTE Do not connect an ATA device as a slave on the same IDE cable as an ATAPI master device. For example, do not connect an ATA hard drive as a slave to an ATAPI CD-ROM drive. 67 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 3.4 System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) SMBIOS is a Desktop Management Interface (DMI) compliant method for managing computers in a managed network. The main component of SMBIOS is the Management Information Format (MIF) database, which contains information about the computing system and its components. Using SMBIOS, a system administrator can obtain the system types, capabilities, operational status, and installation dates for system components. The MIF database defines the data and provides the method for accessing this information. The BIOS enables applications such as Intel(R) LANDesk(R) Client Manager to use SMBIOS. The BIOS stores and reports the following SMBIOS information: * BIOS data, such as the BIOS revision level * Fixed-system data, such as peripherals, serial numbers, and asset tags * Resource data, such as memory size, cache size, and processor speed * Dynamic data, such as event detection and error logging Non-Plug and Play operating systems, such as Windows NT, require an additional interface for obtaining the SMBIOS information. The BIOS supports an SMBIOS table interface for such operating systems. Using this support, an SMBIOS service-level application running on a nonPlug and Play operating system can obtain the SMBIOS information. 68 For information about Refer to The board's compliance level with SMBIOS Table 2, page 13 Overview of BIOS Features 3.5 BIOS Updates A new version of the BIOS can be updated from a diskette using the Intel(R) Flash Memory Update Utility that is available from Intel. This utility supports the following BIOS maintenance functions: * Update the flash BIOS from a file on a diskette * Change the language section of the BIOS * Verify that the updated BIOS matches the target system to prevent accidentally installing an incompatible BIOS * Update BIOS boot block * Update Video BIOS * Insert a user logo BIOS updates and the Intel Flash Memory Update Utility are available from Intel through the Intel World Wide Web site. NOTE Please review the instructions distributed with the update utility before attempting a BIOS update. For information about Refer to The Intel World Wide Web site Section 1.2, page 13 3.5.1 Language Support The BIOS Setup program and help messages are supported in five languages: US English, German, Italian, French, and Spanish. The default language is US English, which is present unless another language is selected in the BIOS Setup program. 3.5.2 Custom Splash Screen During POST, an Intel splash screen is displayed by default. This splash screen can be replaced with a custom splash screen. A utility is available from Intel to assist with creating a custom splash screen. The custom splash screen can be programmed into the flash memory using the BIOS update utility. Information about this capability is available on the Intel Support World Wide Web site. For information about Refer to The Intel World Wide Web site Section 1.2, page 13 69 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 3.6 Recovering BIOS Data Some types of failure can destroy the BIOS. For example, the data can be lost if a power outage occurs while the BIOS is being updated in flash memory. The BIOS can be recovered from a diskette using the BIOS recovery mode. When recovering the BIOS, be aware of the following: * Because of the small amount of code available in the nonerasable boot block area, there is no video support. You can only monitor this procedure by listening to the speaker or looking at the diskette drive LED. * The recovery process may take several minutes; larger BIOS flash memory devices require more time. * A single beep indicates the beginning of the BIOS recovery process. * Two beeps and the end of activity in the diskette drive indicate successful BIOS recovery. * A series of continuous beeps indicates a failed BIOS recovery. To create a BIOS recovery diskette, a bootable diskette must be created and the BIOS update files copied to it. BIOS updates and the Intel Flash Memory Update Utility are available from Intel Customer Support through the Intel World Wide Web site. NOTE BIOS Recovery cannot be accomplished using a non-SPD DIMM. SPD data structure is required for the recovery process. NOTE If the computer is configured to boot from an LS-120 diskette (in the Removable Devices submenu), the BIOS recovery diskette must be a standard 1.44 MB diskette not a 120 MB diskette. For information about 70 Refer to The BIOS recovery mode Section 2.9, page 51 The Boot menu in the BIOS Setup program Section 4.7, page 87 Contacting Intel customer support Section 1.2, page 13 Overview of BIOS Features 3.7 Boot Options In the BIOS Setup program, the user can choose to boot from a diskette drive, hard drives, or a CD-ROM drive. The default setting is for the diskette drive to be the primary boot device and the hard drive to be the secondary boot device. By default, the fourth device is disabled. 3.7.1 Booting from CD-ROM Booting from CD-ROM is supported in compliance to the El Torito bootable CD-ROM format specification. For information about Refer to The El Torito specification Table 2, page 13 3.7.2 Booting Without Attached Devices For use in embedded applications, the BIOS has been designed so that after passing the POST, the operating system loader is invoked even if the keyboard and mouse are not present. 71 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 3.8 USB Legacy Support USB legacy support enables USB keyboards, mice, and hubs to be used even when no operating system USB drivers are in place. USB legacy support is used in accessing the BIOS Setup program and installing an operating system that supports USB. USB legacy support is automatically enabled whenever a USB device is connected to a USB port. This sequence describes how USB legacy support operates: 1. When you power up the computer, USB legacy support is enabled if a USB device is connected to a USB port. 2. POST begins. 3. USB legacy support is still enabled by the BIOS. This allows you to use a USB keyboard to enter the BIOS Setup program or the maintenance mode. 4. POST completes. 5. The operating system loads. While the operating system is loading, USB keyboards and mice are recognized. After the operating system loads the USB drivers, the USB devices are recognized by the operating system. To install an operating system that supports USB, follow the operating system's installation instructions. Once the operating system is installed and the USB drivers have been configured, USB legacy support is no longer used. Notes on using USB legacy support: * Do not use USB devices with an operating system that does not support USB. USB legacy is not intended to support the use of USB devices in a non-USB aware operating system. * USB legacy support is for keyboards, mice, and hubs only. Other USB devices are not supported. 72 Overview of BIOS Features 3.9 BIOS Security Features The BIOS includes security features that restrict access to the BIOS Setup program and who can boot the computer. A supervisor password and a user password can be set for the BIOS Setup program and for booting the computer, with the following restrictions: * The supervisor password gives unrestricted access to view and change all the Setup options in the BIOS Setup program. This is supervisor mode. * The user password gives restricted access to view and change Setup options in the BIOS Setup program. This is user mode. * If only the supervisor password is set, pressing the key at the password prompt of the BIOS Setup program allows the user restricted access to Setup. * If both the supervisor and user passwords are set, users can enter either the supervisor password or the user password to access Setup. Users have access to Setup respective to which password is entered. * Setting the user password restricts who can boot the computer. The password prompt will be displayed before the computer is booted. If only the supervisor password is set, the computer boots without asking for a password. If both passwords are set, the user can enter either password to boot the computer. Table 41 shows the effects of setting the supervisor password and user password. This table is for reference only and is not displayed on the screen. Table 41. Supervisor and User Password Functions Supervisor Password Set Mode * User Mode Setup Options Password to Enter Setup Password During Boot Neither Can change all options* Can change all None options* None None Supervisor only Can change all options Can change a limited number of options Supervisor None User only N/A Can change all Enter Password options Clear User Password User User Supervisor and user set Can change all options Can change a limited number of options Supervisor or user Supervisor or user Supervisor Password Supervisor Password Enter Password If no password is set, any user can change all Setup options. For information about Refer to Setting user and supervisor passwords Table 53, page 85 73 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 74 4 BIOS Setup Program What This Chapter Contains 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Introduction................................................................................................................ 75 Maintenance Menu .................................................................................................... 76 Main Menu................................................................................................................. 77 Advanced Menu......................................................................................................... 78 Security Menu............................................................................................................ 85 Power Menu .............................................................................................................. 86 Boot Menu ................................................................................................................. 87 Exit Menu .................................................................................................................. 88 4.1 Introduction The BIOS Setup program can be used to view and change the BIOS settings for the computer. The BIOS Setup program is accessed by pressing the key after the Power-On Self-Test (POST) memory test begins and before the operating system boot begins. The menu bar is shown below. Maintenance Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Table 42 lists the BIOS Setup program menu functions. Table 42. BIOS Setup Program Menu Bar Maintenance Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Clears passwords and enables extended configuration mode Allocates resources for hardware components Configures advanced features available through the chipset Sets passwords and security features Configures power management features Selects boot options and power supply controls Saves or discards changes to Setup program options NOTE In this chapter, all examples of the BIOS Setup Program menu bar include the maintenance menu; however, the maintenance menu is displayed only when the board is in configuration mode. Section 2.9 on page 51 tells how to put the board in configuration mode. 75 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification Table 43 lists the function keys available for menu screens. Table 43. BIOS Setup Program Function Keys BIOS Setup Program Function Key Description <> or <> Selects a different menu screen <> or <> Selects an item Selects a field Executes command or selects a submenu Load the default configuration values for the current menu Save the current values and exits the BIOS Setup program Exits the menu 4.2 Maintenance Menu To access this menu, select Maintenance on the menu bar at the top of the screen. Maintenance Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit The menu shown in Table 44 is for clearing Setup passwords. Setup only displays this menu in configuration mode. See Section 2.9 on page 51 for configuration mode setting information. Table 44. 76 Maintenance Menu Feature Options Description Clear All Passwords No options Clears the user and supervisor passwords BIOS Setup Program 4.3 Main Menu To access this menu, select Main on the menu bar at the top of the screen. Maintenance Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Table 45 describes the Main Menu. This menu reports processor and memory information and is for configuring the system date and system time. Table 45. * Main Menu Feature Options Description BIOS Version No options Displays the version of the BIOS. Processor Type No options Displays processor type. Processor Speed No options Displays processor speed. System Bus Frequency No options Displays system bus frequency. Cache RAM No options Displays the size of second-level cache. Total Memory No options Displays the total amount of RAM on the board. Memory Bank 0 No options Displays type of DIMM installed in each memory bank. Processor Serial Number* * Disabled (default) Enables or disables the Intel Pentium III processor serial number feature. System Time Hour, minute, and second Specifies the current time. System Date Month, day, and year Specifies the current date. * Enabled This feature appears only if a Pentium III processor is installed. 77 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 4.4 Advanced Menu To access this menu, select Advanced on the menu bar at the top of the screen. Maintenance Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Boot Configuration Peripheral Configuration IDE Configuration Diskette Configuration Event Log Configuration Table 46 describes the Advanced Menu. This menu is used for setting advanced features that are available through the chipset. Table 46. 78 Advanced Menu Feature Options Description Boot Configuration No options Configures Plug and Play and the Numlock key, and resets configuration data. When selected, displays the Boot Settings Configuration submenu. Peripheral Configuration No options Configures peripheral ports and devices. When selected, displays the Peripheral Configuration submenu. IDE Configuration No options Specifies type of connected IDE device. Diskette Configuration No options When selected, displays the Floppy Options submenu. Event Log Configuration No options Configures Event Logging. When selected, displays the Event Log Configuration submenu. BIOS Setup Program 4.4.1 Boot Configuration Submenu To access this submenu, select Advanced on the menu bar, then Boot Configuration. Maintenance Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Boot Configuration Peripheral Configuration IDE Configuration Diskette Configuration Event Log Configuration The submenu represented by Table 47 is for setting Plug and Play options, resetting configuration data, and the power-on state of the Numlock key. Table 47. Boot Configuration Submenu Feature Options Description Plug & Play O/S * No (default) Specifies if a Plug and Play operating system is being used. No lets the BIOS configure all devices. Yes lets the operating system configure Plug and Play devices. Not required with a Plug and Play operating system. * Yes Reset Config Data * No (default) Clears the BIOS configuration data on the next boot. * Yes Numlock * Off * On (default) Specifies the power on state of the Numlock feature on the numeric keypad of the keyboard. 79 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 4.4.2 Peripheral Configuration Submenu To access this submenu, select Advanced on the menu bar, then Peripheral Configuration. Maintenance Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Boot Configuration Peripheral Configuration IDE Configuration Diskette Configuration Event Log Configuration The submenu represented in Table 48 is used for configuring computer peripherals. Table 48. Peripheral Configuration Submenu Feature Options Description Serial port A * Auto (default) Configures serial port A. * Disabled Auto assigns the first free COM port, normally COM1 at I/O address 3F8h. * 3F8/COM1 * 2F8/COM2 * 3E8/COM3 * 2E8/COM4 Audio Device * Disabled Enables or disables the onboard audio subsystem. * Enabled (default) Modem Device * Disabled * Enabled (default) 80 Enables or disables the onboard modem device. BIOS Setup Program 4.4.3 IDE Configuration To access this submenu, select Advanced on the menu bar, then IDE Configuration. Maintenance Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Boot Configuration Peripheral Configuration IDE Configuration Primary IDE Master Primary IDE Slave Diskette Configuration Event Log Configuration The menu represented in Table 49 is used to configure IDE device options. Table 49. IDE Device Configuration Feature Options Description IDE Controller * Disabled Enables or disables the integrated IDE controller. * Enabled (default) Hard Disk Pre-Delay * Disabled (default) Specifies the hard disk drive pre-delay. * 3 Seconds * 6 Seconds * 9 Seconds * 12 Seconds * 15 Seconds * 21 Seconds * 30 Seconds 4 Primary IDE Master No options Reports type of connected IDE device. When selected, displays the Primary IDE Master submenu. 4 Primary IDE Slave No options Reports type of connected IDE device. When selected, displays the Primary IDE Slave submenu. 81 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification Primary IDE Master/Slave Submenus To access these submenus, select Advanced on the menu bar, then IDE Configuration and then the master or slave to be configured. Maintenance Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Boot Configuration Peripheral Configuration IDE Configuration Primary IDE Master Primary IDE Slave Diskette Configuration Event Log Configuration There are two IDE submenus: primary master and primary slave. Table 50 shows the format of the IDE submenus. For brevity, only one example is shown. Table 50. 82 Primary IDE Master/Slave Submenus Feature Options Description Type * * * * * * * Specifies the IDE configuration mode for IDE devices. User allows the cylinders, heads, and sectors fields to be changed. Auto automatically fills in the values for the cylinders, heads, and sectors fields. LBA Mode Control * Disabled * Enabled (default) Enables or disables the LBA mode control. Multi-Sector Transfers * * * * * Disabled 2 Sectors 4 Sectors 8 Sectors 16 Sectors (default) Specifies number of sectors per block for transfers from the hard disk drive to memory. Check the hard disk drive's specifications for optimum setting. PIO Mode * * * * * * Auto (default) 0 1 2 3 4 Specifies the method for moving data to/from the drive. Ultra DMA * * * * * * Disabled (default) Mode 0 Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 Specifies the Ultra DMA mode for the drive. None User Auto (default) CD-ROM ATAPI Removable Other ATAPI IDE Removable BIOS Setup Program 4.4.4 Diskette Configurations Submenu To access this submenu, select Advanced on the menu bar, then Diskette Configuration. Maintenance Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Boot Configuration Peripheral Configuration IDE Configuration Diskette Configuration Event Log Configuration The submenu represented by Table 51 is used for configuring the diskette drive. Table 51. Diskette Configurations Submenu Feature Options Description Diskette Controller * Disabled Enables or disables the integrated diskette controller. * Enabled (default) Diskette A * Not Installed * 360 KB 51/4 " * 1.2 MB 51/4 " * 720 KB 31/2 " Specifies the capacity and physical size of diskette drive A. * 1.44/1.25 MB 31/2 " (default) * 2.88 MB 31/2 " Diskette Write Protect * Disabled (default) * Enabled Enables or disables write protect for the diskette drive. 83 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 4.4.5 Event Log Configuration To access this submenu, select Advanced on the menu bar, then Event Log Configuration. Maintenance Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Boot Configuration Peripheral Configuration IDE Configuration Diskette Configuration Event Log Configuration The submenu represented by Table 52 is used to configure the event logging features. Table 52. Event Log Configuration Submenu Feature Options Description Event log No options Indicates if there is space available in the event log. Event log validity No options Indicates if the contents of the event log are valid. View event log [Enter] Displays the event log. Clear all event logs * No (default) Clears the event log after rebooting. * Yes Event Logging * Disabled Enables logging of events. * Enabled (default) Mark events as read 84 [Enter] Marks all events as read. BIOS Setup Program 4.5 Security Menu To access this menu, select Security from the menu bar at the top of the screen. Maintenance Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit The menu represented by Table 53 is for setting passwords and security features. Table 53. Security Menu Feature Options Description Supervisor Password Is No options Reports if there is a supervisor password set. User Password Is No options Reports if there is a user password set. Set Supervisor Password Password can be up to seven alphanumeric characters. Specifies the supervisor password. Set User Password Password can be up to seven alphanumeric characters. Specifies the user password. Clear User Password* [Enter] Clears the user password. User Access Level** * Limited Sets BIOS Setup Utility access rights for user level. * No Access * View Only * Full (default) Unattended Start* * Disabled (default) * Enabled The keyboard remains locked until a password is entered. * This feature appears only if a user password has been set. ** This feature appears only if both a user password and a supervisor password have been set. 85 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 4.6 Power Menu To access this menu, select Power from the menu bar at the top of the screen. Maintenance Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit The menu represented in Table 54 is for setting the power management features. Table 54. Power Menu Feature Options Description Power Management* * Disabled Enables or disables the BIOS power management feature. * Enabled (default) Inactivity Timer* * Off * 1 minute * 5 minutes Specifies the amount of time before the computer enters standby mode, when APM power management is active. * 10 minutes * 20 minutes (default) * 30 minutes * 60 minutes * 120 minutes Hard Drive* * Disabled * Enabled (default) Video Power Down* * Disabled * StandBy * Suspend (default) Enables or disables power management for hard disks during standby and suspend modes, when APM power management is active. Specifies power management for video during standby and suspend modes, when APM power management is active. * Sleep ACPI Suspend State * S1 State (default) Specifies the ACPI suspend state. * S3 State * 86 Power Management, Inactivity Timer, Hard Drive, and Video Power Down features apply only for APM operating systems. BIOS Setup Program 4.7 Boot Menu To access this menu, select Boot from the menu bar at the top of the screen. Maintenance Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit The menu represented in Table 55 is used to set the boot features and the boot sequence. Table 55. Boot Menu Feature Options Description Quiet Boot * Disabled * Enabled (default) Disabled displays normal POST messages. Enabled displays OEM logo instead of POST messages. Quick Boot * Disabled * Enabled (default) Enables the computer to boot without running certain POST tests. Scan User Flash Area * Disabled (default) * Enabled Enables the BIOS to scan the flash memory for user binary files that are executed at boot time. After Power Failure * Stays Off * Last State (default) * Power On Specifies the mode of operation if an AC/Power loss occurs. Stay Off keeps the power off until the power button is pressed. Last State restores the previous power state before power loss occurred. Power On restores power to the computer. On Modem Ring * Stay Off (default) * Power On Specifies how the computer responds to an incoming call on an installed modem when the power is off. First Boot Device Second Boot Device Third Boot Device Fourth Boot Device * * * * * * Specifies the boot sequence from the available devices. To specify boot sequence: 1. Select the boot device with <> or <>. 2. Press to set the selection as the intended boot device. The operating system assigns a drive letter to each boot device in the order listed. Changing the order of the devices changes the drive lettering. Not all of the devices in this list are available as second, third, and fourth boot devices. The default settings for the first through fourth boot devices are, respectively: * Floppy * IDE-HDD * ATAPI CDROM * Disabled IDE Drive Configuration * Primary Master IDE st 1 IDE (default) * Primary Slave IDE nd 2 IDE * ** *** Floppy ARMD-FDD* ARMD-HDD** IDE-HDD*** ATAPI CDROM Disabled Selects the IDE boot device. If selected, allows the slave IDE device to be the boot device. ARMD-FDD = ATAPI removable device - floppy disk drive ARMD-HDD = ATAPI removable device - hard disk drive HDD = Hard Disk Drive 87 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 4.8 Exit Menu To access this menu, select Exit from the menu bar at the top of the screen. Maintenance Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit The menu represented in Table 56 is for exiting the BIOS Setup program, saving changes, and loading and saving defaults. Table 56. 88 Exit Menu Feature Description Exit Saving Changes Exits and saves the changes in CMOS SRAM. Exit Discarding Changes Exits without saving any changes made in the BIOS Setup program. Load Setup Defaults Loads the factory default values for all the Setup options. Load Custom Defaults Loads the custom defaults for Setup options. Save Custom Defaults Saves the current values as custom defaults. Normally, the BIOS reads the Setup values from flash memory. If this memory is corrupted, the BIOS reads the custom defaults. If no custom defaults are set, the BIOS reads the factory defaults. Discard Changes Discards changes without exiting Setup. The option values present when the computer was turned on are used. 5 Error Messages and Beep Codes What This Chapter Contains 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 BIOS Error Messages................................................................................................ 89 Bus Initialization Checkpoints .................................................................................... 91 Speaker ..................................................................................................................... 92 BIOS Beep Codes ..................................................................................................... 93 5.1 BIOS Error Messages Table 57 lists the error messages and provides a brief description of each. Table 57. BIOS Error Messages Error Message Explanation GA20 Error An error occurred with Gate-A20 when switching to protected mode during the memory test. Pri Master HDD Error Pri Slave HDD Error Could not read sector from corresponding drive. Pri Master Drive - ATAPI Incompatible Pri Slave Drive - ATAPI Incompatible Corresponding drive in not an ATAPI device. Run Setup to make sure device is selected correctly. A: Drive Error No response from diskette drive. Cache Memory Bad An error occurred when testing L2 cache. Cache memory may be bad. CMOS Battery Low The battery may be losing power. Replace the battery soon. CMOS Display Type Wrong The display type is different than what has been stored in CMOS. Check Setup to make sure type is correct. CMOS Checksum Bad The CMOS checksum is incorrect. CMOS memory may have been corrupted. Run Setup to reset values. CMOS Settings Wrong CMOS values are not the same as the last boot. These values have either been corrupted or the battery has failed. CMOS Date/Time Not Set The time and/or date values stored in CMOS are invalid. Run Setup to set correct values. DMA Error Error during read/write test of DMA controller. FDC Failure Error occurred trying to access diskette drive controller. HDC Failure Error occurred trying to access hard disk controller. continued 89 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification Table 57. BIOS Error Messages (continued) Error Message 90 Explanation Checking NVRAM..... NVRAM is being checked to see if it is valid. Update OK! NVRAM was invalid and has been updated. Updated Failed NVRAM was invalid but was unable to be updated. Keyboard Is Locked The system keyboard lock is engaged. The system must be unlocked to continue to boot. Keyboard Error Error in the keyboard connection. Make sure keyboard is connected properly. KB/Interface Error Keyboard interface test failed. Memory Size Decreased Memory size has decreased since the last boot. If no memory was removed then memory may be bad. Memory Size Increased Memory size has increased since the last boot. If no memory was added there may be a problem with the system. Memory Size Changed Memory size has changed since the last boot. If no memory was added or removed then memory may be bad. No Boot Device Available System did not find a device to boot. Off Board Parity Error A parity error occurred on an offboard card. This error is followed by an address. On Board Parity Error A parity error occurred in onboard memory. This error is followed by an address. Parity Error A parity error occurred in onboard memory at an unknown address. Pressed CMOS is ignored and NVRAM is cleared. User must enter Setup. Error Messages and Beep Codes 5.2 Bus Initialization Checkpoints The system BIOS gives control to the different buses at several checkpoints to do various tasks. Table 58 describes the bus initialization checkpoints. Table 58. Bus Initialization Checkpoints Checkpoint Description 2A Different buses init (system, static, and output devices) to start if present. 38 Different buses init (input, IPL, and general devices) to start if present. 39 Display different buses initialization error messages. 95 Init of different buses optional ROMs from C800 to start. While control is inside the different bus routines, additional checkpoints are output to port 80h as WORD to identify the routines under execution. In these WORD checkpoints, the low byte of the checkpoint is the system BIOS checkpoint from which the control is passed to the different bus routines. The high byte of the checkpoint is the indication of which routine is being executed in the different buses. Table 59 describes the upper nibble of the high byte and indicates the function that is being executed. Table 59. Upper Nibble High Byte Functions Value Description 0 func#0, disable all devices on the bus concerned 1 func#1, static devices init on the bus concerned 2 func#2, output device init on the bus concerned 3 func#3, input device init on the bus concerned 4 func#4, IPL device init on the bus concerned 5 func#5, general device init on the bus concerned 6 func#6, error reporting for the bus concerned 7 func#7, add-on ROM init for all buses 91 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification Table 60 describes the lower nibble of the high byte and indicates the bus on which the routines are being executed. Table 60. Lower Nibble High Byte Functions Value Description 0 Generic DIM (Device Initialization Manager) 1 Onboard system devices 2 ISA devices 3 EISA devices 4 ISA PnP devices 5 PCI devices 5.3 Speaker A 47 inductive speaker is mounted on the board. The speaker provides audible error code (beep code) information during the power-on self-test (POST). 92 For information about Refer to The location of the onboard speaker Figure 1, page 11 Error Messages and Beep Codes 5.4 BIOS Beep Codes Whenever a recoverable error occurs during power-on self-test (POST), the BIOS displays an error message describing the problem (see Table 61). The BIOS also issues a beep code (one long tone followed by two short tones) during POST if the video configuration fails (a faulty video card or no card installed) or if an external ROM module does not properly checksum to zero. There are several POST routines that issue a POST terminal error and shut down the system if they fail. Before shutting down the system, the terminal-error handler issues a beep code signifying the test point error, writes the error to I/O port 80h, attempts to initialize the video and writes the error in the upper left corner of the screen (using both monochrome and color adapters). If POST completes normally, the BIOS issues one short beep before passing control to the operating system. Table 61. Beep Codes Beep Description 1 Refresh failure 2 Parity cannot be reset 3 First 64 KB memory failure 4 Timer not operational 5 Not used 6 8042 GateA20 cannot be toggled 7 Exception interrupt error 8 Display memory R/W error 9 Not used 10 CMOS Shutdown register test error 11 Invalid BIOS (e.g. POST module not found, etc.) 93 Intel Desktop Board BA810 Technical Product Specification 94