Rev. A (08/18) Page 1 of 1 Techclean Absorbwipe Product# 2351-2352 Product Description Very soft and absorbent hydro entangled polyester wipe for cleaning optical equipment, fiber optics, and other sensitive surfaces. Features / Benefits * Class 100 cleanroom qualified * Non-abrasive * Extremely soft * Highly absorbent Packaging and Availability Basis Weight (oz/yd2) Average Thickness (mils) Dry Tensile Strength: (lb/in) MD CD Wet Tensile Strength: (lb/in) MD CD Absorbent Capacity: (%) (Per IES-RP-CC004.2, Section 7.1) 1.6 9.9 Packaging and Availability 4.7 0.9 2351-100 2352-100 2.8 0.8 900 Environmental Policy Techspray(R) is committed to developing products to ensure a safer and cleaner environment. We will continue to meet and sustain the regulations of all federal, state and local government agencies. Extractable Ions in Deionized Water (ppm) Chloride 2.08 Sodium <11 Potassium <22 Magnesium <11 Calcium 18 Aluminum <6 (Per IES-RP-CC004.2, Section 6.2) Non-Volatile Residue (g/sq-m) Deionized Water Isopropyl Alcohol 1,1,1 trichloroethane (Per IES-RP-CC004.2, Section 6.1.1) 100 count, flat 4"x4", (10.2cm x 10.2cm) double-bagged 12 bags/ case 100 count, flat 9"x9", (23cm x 23cm) double-bagged 12 bags/ case Resources Techspray(R) products are supported by global sales, technical and customer services resources. For additional technical information on this product or other Techspray(R) products in the United States, call the technical sales department at 800-858-4043, email or visit our web site at: 0.013 0.055 0.085 Important Notice to Purchaser/User: The information in this publication is based on tests that we believe are reliable. The results may vary due to differences in tests type and conditions. We recommend that each user evaluate the product to determine its suitability for the intended application. Conditions of use are outside our control and vary widely. Techspray's only obligation and your only solution is replacement of product that is shown to be defective when you receive it. In no case will Techspray(R) be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages based on breach of warranty, negligence or any other theory. North America Techspray(R) 8125 Cobb Center Drive Kennesaw, GA 30152 800-858-4043 Europe ITW Contamination Control BV Saffierlaan 5, 2132 VZ Hoofddorp The Netherlands +31 88 1307 400 Countries outside the US Call to locate a distributor in your country