AMD\ PRODUCTS ~ TECHNOLOGIES Sea ally DRIVERS & SUPPORT Developers ee es Pele err es w FOOTNOTES AMD Geode LX Processor Family x86 power and versatility for embedded applications The AMD Geode 600@0.7W Processor!, AMD Geode LX 7OO@0.8W processor2, AMD Geode LX800@0.9W processor? and AMD Geode LX 900@1.5W processor* bring x86 power and versatility to applications for entertainment, business, education and embedded markets. fa = c = ry r _ . Features | Specs Applications | System Designs | Support With a minimum availability of seven years from the date of product launch, AMD Geode LX processors help to maximize your ROI, The following models will be available and supported through the fourth quarter of 2019: AMD Geode LX Processor ALXCOQOEETK2VD 1 366 2019-2 2019-4 2.6W ALXCTOOEETH2VD 1 433 2019-2 2019-4 3.1W CG ALXCTOOEETHCVD 1 433 2019-2 2019-4 3.1W CG ALXDSO00EEX)2VD 1 300 2019-2 2019-4 3.6W C3 ALXDS00EERJ2VF 1 300 2019-2 2019-4 3.6W ca ALXDSOQ0EER/CVD 1 300 2019-2 2019-4 3.6W G ALXGSODEEVJ2VH 1 600 2017-2 2017-4 3.1 W ca CS5536AD Bl Chipset 100 2019-2 2019-4 65 CS53536AF B1 Chipset 100 2019-2 2019-4 OW About Us Newsroom Careers Corporate Responsibility Meet our CEO Investors Blogs a An CL ee > a 2017 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Terms and Conditions Privacy Cookie Policy Trademarks ContactUs Statement on Forced Labor