TABLE II. Parity Algorithm
Check Word 32-Bit Data Word
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
The seven check bits are parity bits derived from the matrix of data bits as indicated by ‘‘X’’ for each bit.
Check bits 0, 1, 2 are odd parity or the exclusive NORing of the ‘‘X’’ed bits for the particular check bit. Check bits 3, 4, 5, 6 are even parity or the exclusive ORing of
the ‘‘X’’ed bits for the particular check bit.
Memory Read Cycle (Error
Detection & Correction Details)
During a memory read cycle, the 7-bit check word is re-
trieved along with the actual data. In order to be able to
determine whether the data from the memory is acceptable
to use as presented on the bus, the error flags must be
tested to determine if they are at the high level.
The first case in Table III represents the normal, no-error
conditions. The EDAC presents highs on both flags. The
next two cases of single-bit errors give a high on MERR and
a low on ERR, which is the signal for a correctable error,
and the EDAC should be sent through the correction cycle.
The last three cases of double-bit errors will cause the
EDAC to signal lows on both ERR and MERR, which is the
interrupt indication for the CPU.
TABLE III. Error Function
Total Number of Errors Error Flags Data Correction
32-Bit Data Word 7-Bit Check Word ERR MERR
0 0 H H Not applicable
1 0 L H Correction
0 1 L H Correction
1 1 L L Interrupt
2 0 L L Interrupt
0 2 L L Interrupt
The DP8402 check bit syndrome matrix can be seen in TA-
BLE II. The horizontal rows of this matrix generate the
check bits by selecting different combinations of data bits,
indicated by ‘‘X’’s in the matrix, and generating parity from
them. For instance, parity check bit ‘‘0’’ is generated by
EXCLUSIVE NORing the following data bits together; 31,
29, 28, 26, 21, 19, 18, 17, 14, 11, 9, 8, 7, 6, 4, and 0. For
example, the data word ‘‘00000001H’’ would generate the
check bits CB6– 0 e48H (Check bits 0, 1, 2 are odd parity
and check bits 3, 4, 5, 6 are even parity).
During a WRITE operation (mode 0) the data enters the
DP8402 and check bits are generated at the check bit in-
put/output port. Both the data word and the check bits are
then written to memory.
During a READ operation (mode 2, error detection) the data
and check bits that were stored in memory, now possibly in
error, are input through the data and check bit I/O ports.
New check bits are internally generated from the data word.
These new check bits are then compared, by an EXCLU-
SIVE NOR operation, with the original check bits that were
stored in memory. The EXCLUSIVE NOR of the original
check bits, that were stored in memory, with the new check
bits is called the syndrome word. If the original check bits
are the same as the new check bits, a no error condition,
then a syndrome word of all ones is produced and both
error flags (ERR and MERR) will be high. The DP8402 ma-
trix encodes errors as follows:
TABLE IV. Read, Flag, and Correct Function
Memory EDAC Control DB Control DB Output Latch CB Error Flags
Cycle Function S1 S0 Data I/O OEBn or DP8402A, DP8403 Check I/O Control ERR MERR
Read Read & flag H L Input H X Input H Enabled²
Latch input Input Input
Read data and check H H data H L check word H Enabled²
bits latched latched
Output Output Output
Read corrected data H H corrected L X syndrome L Enabled²
& syndrome bits data word bits³
²See Table III for error description.
³See Table V for error location.