DOCPRO facts 1
General notes on operating
Creating documentations in
Layout 4
Print 5
Reference 6
Glossary, Index
Creating Documentation
Edition 01/2002
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Siemens Aktiengesellschaft A5E00134750
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DOCPRO Creating Documentation
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1 DOCPRO facts............................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Introduction...................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Perf ormance f eatures of DOCPRO................................................................1-2
1.3 Which data is incl uded in the docum entati on? ...............................................1-2
2 General notes on operating DOCPR O.......................................................................2-1
2.1 The DOCPRO user interf ace.........................................................................2-1
2.2 Adaptation of the user int erfac e.....................................................................2-1
3 Creating doc um e nta tions in DOCPRO......................................................................3- 1
3.1 Do cu men ta tion fa cts......................................................................................3-1
3.2 Creating documentations...............................................................................3-2
3.3 How to modify foot er s and l ay outs.................................................................3-2
3.4 Advant ages of a r eferenc e pr oject.................................................................3-3
3.5 Objects in DOCPRO .....................................................................................3-3
3.5.1 Overvi ew of obj ects in DOCPRO...................................................................3-3
3.5.2 Wiring Manuals.............................................................................................3-4
3.5.3 Job Lists........................................................................................................3-4
3.5.4 Print Objects.................................................................................................3-5
3.5.5 Print object types...........................................................................................3-5
3.5 .6 Pr int job s.......................................................................................................3-5
3.5.7 Editi ng objects...............................................................................................3-6
3.6 Working in DOCPRO.....................................................................................3-7
3.6. 1 Overvi ew of the wizard for creati ng new wiri ng m anuals................................3-7
3.6. 2 Confi gur ation overview..................................................................................3-7
3.6.3 Global configurati on......................................................................................3-7
3.6.4 Print object type confi gurati on .......................................................................3-8
3.6.5 Proper ties of pri nt object s – object - specif ic....................................................3-8
3.7 Furth e r functio n s...........................................................................................3-9
3.7. 1 Overvi ew of furt her arr angements .................................................................3-9
3.7.2 Document directory.......................................................................................3-9
3.7.3 Report.........................................................................................................3-10
4 Layout ........................................................................................................................4-1
4.1 La yo u t facts..................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Availabl e DOCPRO layouts...........................................................................4-1
4.3 Modifyi ng and updating layouts.....................................................................4-2
4.4 Rules for l ay out modification in graphic program s..........................................4-3
4.5 Footer data ...................................................................................................4-3
4.5 .1 Fo o te r facts...................................................................................................4-3
4.5. 2 V alid range of footer data..............................................................................4-4
4.5. 3 Footer data input...........................................................................................4-4
4.5. 4 Footer editing opti ons....................................................................................4-5
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4.6 Page numbering............................................................................................4-5
4.7 Reference numbers.......................................................................................4-5
4.7.1 Reference number facts................................................................................4-5
4.7.2 Reference number scheme...........................................................................4-6
4.7.3 Refer enc e num ber scheme – Star t and incr em ent value................................4-7
5 Print............................................................................................................................5-1
5.1 Printing function facts....................................................................................5-1
5.2 Displaying the print preview...........................................................................5-1
5.3 Print job........................................................................................................5-1
5.4 Print to file.....................................................................................................5-2
5.5 Printing the document directory.....................................................................5-3
5.6 Int er r upting and resuming t he pri nt job ..........................................................5-3
6 Reference...................................................................................................................6-1
6.1 Meani ng of layout names ..............................................................................6-1
6.2 Footers.........................................................................................................6-2
6.2. 1 M eaning of foot er s ........................................................................................6-2
6.2. 2 Footer s to DIN 6771......................................................................................6-5
6.2. 3 E xam ple of f ooters for a c ov er sheet .............................................................6-6
6.2.4 Example of printing reference data................................................................6-6
6.2. 5 E xam ple of pri nting a symbol table................................................................6-7
6.2.6 Example of printing blocks.............................................................................6-8
6.3 Symbols......................................................................................................6-10
6.3. 1 Fact s about ic ons........................................................................................6-10
6.3 .2 To o lba r ico n s..............................................................................................6-1 0
6.3.3 Directory structure icons..............................................................................6-10
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1 DOCPRO fact s
1.1 Introduction
After you have created a system (project), you need to organiz e the docum entati on
of your pr ojec t data. A n appropriat e doc um entati on str uctur e m ak es it easi er to edit
and servic e the project.
Mana gement and printing
The DO CP RO tool helps you t o eff ici ently c r eate and m anage y our system
document ation. It enables you to apply any str uctur e to your project dat a, proc ess
them in the shape of standardiz ed wir ing manual s and print them with a unif orm
DOCPRO enables centr aliz ed c ontrol of print proc esses. Y ou direc tly aim project
parts or t he c om plete dat a of your pr ojec t f or output on the print er .
DOCPRO directly ac c esses current project data for printing. This m eans that your
document ation is always up-to-date.
Layout design
You al so have the option of deigning a user-specific page lay out, for ex am ple, f or
compliance with DI N 6771 standard on templates for technic al doc um entati on or if
you want to t ak e y our company r ules i nto consi der ation.
DOCPRO supports al l phases of doc um entati on, offeri ng c omfortable options of
adapting t he im age to your individual requir em ents.
DOCPRO f ac ts
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1.2 Performance features of DOCPRO
DOCPRO offer s various functions hel ping y ou to create y our documentati on in an
easy way:
Creation and m anagem ent of tec hnic al doc um entati on c om pliant wit h
Use of incl uded lay out t em plates in v ari ous format s and languages
Implem entati on of cov er sheets
Autom atic c r eation of document director ies
Autom atic and m anual assignment of drawing number s
Impor t of user-defined lay outs and cover sheets
Layout m odification by filed replac em ent or modific ation
Export and impor t of foot er data for quic k edi ting
Implem entati on of any graphi c s i n lay outs, e. g. your company logo
Centraliz ed foot er edi ting and managem ent
Comfortable print management
Printi ng to fil e with unique name assignment and sav ing to a direc tory of your
1.3 Which data is included in the documentation?
Your documentation can inc lude all data you have generated with the help of a
configur ation t ool. Dat a ar e therefore av ailable in a cl ear str uc ture and can be
centr ally m anaged and pri nted.
For ex am ple, your documentati on c an incl ude the f ollowing data:
Bl oc k s (progr am c ode, generated wit h LA D, F B D, STL etc. )
Symbol tables containing the symbolic nam es of absol ute addresses
Referenc e data such as cross-reference lists, wir ing diagr am s, pr ogr am
Hardware configuration t ables showing t he ar r angement of your PLC modules
and m odule paramet er s
Variable tabl es showing statu s formats as well as status/c ontrol values
Global dat a tables
Link tables
CFC and SFC diagram s
Depending on y our S TEP 7 or PCS 7 version you may find that it is not pos s ible to
document all pr ojec t dat a in DOCPRO.
You create a print object by entering an objec t in a documentation. DOCPRO
does not s av e the object in it s own data str uc ture, but r ather c alls it directly from
the res pec tive applic ation when you pr int it . T his means that your har dc opy alway s
contains up- to-date dat a.
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2 General notes on operating DOCPRO
2.1 The DOCPRO user interface
The DO CP RO user window consists of two sect ions, namely the direc tory window
and the det ail window.
In t he left sect ion of the DOCP RO user window you see the direc tory window
containing the hierar c hy of t he doc um ent struc ture. I n the right section of the
DOCPRO user windo w you see detai l inform ation on the obj ect y ou hav e
highlighted in t he dir ector y window.
2.2 Adaptation of the user interface
You have the following options of adapt ing the user window to your requir em ents.
You can
m odify the arr angem ent of the user int erfac e using your m ouse by dragging the
separati ng line between the di r ec tory/detail window int o the desir ed posi tion.
hide or show the statusbar and the t oolbar v ia "View > Statusbar" or "View >
adapt t he width of the c olum ns i n your det ail window by shifting the separating
lines to the desir ed posi tion.
General notes on oper ating DO CP RO
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3 Creating documentations in DOCPRO
3.1 Documentation facts
DOCPRO is a hi ghly flexi ble tool helping you t o creat e a hier ar c hy structure of your
system doc umentation:
The " Doc um entati on" folder is assigned to t he pr oject. It contains al l pr oject
The " Doc um entati on" folder can cont ain one or m ultiple wiring m anuals.
A wiring manual c an be spli t into one or multiple job lists.
Each job list contains one or mult iple pri nt objects. A job list can al so cont ain
one or mult iple c ov er sheets.
The hierar c hic al or ganiz ation of your document ation wit h the help of theses
elem ents allows you to create a clear ly arranged and ex tensiv e system
document ation. The ar r angem ent of project data in your doc um entati on
subsequent ly determi nes the or der of your pri nt queue.
In SIMATIC Manager, all cross-references will be invalid if you copy an existing
project doc um entat ion into a new projec t. If you copy t he entire project into a new
project and t hen copy t he documentation, only the cross-references to the symbol
tables will bec om e inv alid.
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3.2 Creating documentations
You have several opti ons of creat ing a document ation, depending on y our specific
requi r em ents. T he table below helps you to sel ec t the most suitable method.
If you … then
…rarely c r eate a docum entat ion and do
not requir e any s pec ial c onfiguration, us e the Wizard to generat e a new wir ing m anual,
and simply ac c ept t he default v alues .
… fr equently creat e doc um entat ion and
choose a cus tomiz ed c onfiguration, … generat e a r eferenc e pr ojec t in which y ou c an
creat e y our per s onal c onfiguration. Once y ou hav e
creat ed this global and s pec ial c onfiguration in your
refer enc e pr ojec t, y ou can simple ex por t it into any
new project .
Global set tings
Print objec t type configuration
Layout spec ification
3.3 How to modify footers and layouts
DOCPRO also offers you vari ous func tions impr ov ing your work efficienc y in
time-sa ving modification of footer data
preparat ion for optimiz ed gener ation of PDF files
If you … then
…want to effectiv ely m ak e m or e than
one setting in a single ac tion, … use t he diff er ent funct ions for eas y modific ation:
Multiple selec tion when modifying pr int object
types – allows y ou to modify the sett ing for
multiple pr int objects in one go.
Mass edit ing of footer data – allows you to ex port
exist ing data t o a *.cs v file, quick ly edit it and
then reim por t it.
… if you want to make special
modific ations in y our lay out, so that you
can post - pr oc es s y our docum entation
as a PDF file, e. g. index updates,
… if you want to edit your ex isting lay outs in a
special way to mak e them s uitable f or post -
processing in Adobe Acrobat.
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3.4 Advantages of a reference project
A ref er enc e pr ojec t does not contain real pr ojec t data, but rather settings and
specif ic ations whi c h c an be used for all other proj ects. These setti ngs are made
once i n y our refer enc e pr oject. You c an simplif y your work in futur e proj ects by
apply ing these settings globally to all subsequent pr ojec ts.
You can custom iz e your referenc e pr ojec t as follows:
Global footers
Layouts you have c r eated your self and deleted layouts
The spec ial s ett ings ar e not applied once y ou hav e m odified t he default lay outs.
Configuration of Print obj ect types: Lay out, Char ac ter num ber schemes, Vi ews
Deselect ed P r int object types
Sequence of Pri nt object types
When a project c ontaining real pr oject data requir es a special configur ation ot her
than t he one in the reference project, you can specif ic ally edit thi s project. This
configur ation does not infl uenc e the referenc e pr ojec t.
3.5 Objects in DOCPRO
3.5.1 Overview of objects in DOCPRO
In DO CP RO we differ entiat e between various objects. T he object…
"Documentati on" cont ains all project dat a, e. g. wiring manual s, job lists and
pri nt objects.
"W iri ng M anual" can be split int o m ultiple job lists in or der to impr ov e the
struct ur e of your system doc um entati on.
"Job List" c ontains one or multi ple pri nt objects.
Every job li st c an incl ude a "Cover Sheet " .
The t erm " P ri nt object type" r epr esents a generic term for various pri nt object
instanc es. It is not dir ec tly visible in the documentati on str uc ture.
A "P ri nt Job" c onsi sts of one or m ultiple print objects to be printed. A print job is
m ade v isible when highl ighted in the directory/detail window. A print job is not
static. Rat her , it is a v ar iable oper ation accor ding to respect ive requirem ents.
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3.5.2 Wiring Manuals
Depending on the scope of the project, a docum entati on c an consist of one or
m ultiple wiring manual s. Y ou c an creat e any num ber of wiring m anuals i n your
proj ec t. The wiri ng m anual, for exam ple, summari z es data describing a self-
contained system unit.
You should always us e the DO CP RO Wizard to cr eate new wiring manuals. This
Wizar d leads y ou s tep-by -st ep through the cr eation of a wiring manual. I m portant
settings ar e s pec ified by default in or der to prevent y ou from for gett ing any entr ies .
Although m anual c onfiguration is pos s ible, we do not r ec om m end s uc h steps .
Editing options
You can always modif y or expand a wiring m anual, f or ex am ple,
by adding further job lists,
by i nsert ing additional print objects,
change the sequence of print obj ects i n the job list or
by modif y ing the print object proper ties.
Of course you can also modif y y our configur ation of the pri nt object types. In this
case, al ways ensure that t his new confi gur ation does not have any eff ec t on t he
pri nt objects you have already insert ed, but r ather on pri nt objects you insert af ter
havi ng m ade y our c hanges.
3.5.3 Job Lists
You can insert one or multiple job lists i n a wiri ng m anual, – irr espect ive of special
proj ec t structur es –. This offers cl ear editing options.
For ex am ple, job lists can cont ain data describing speci fic contr ol tasks. You can
also choose other or der c r iteria by gather ing frequently pri nted progr am sect ions i n
a singl e job list.
The job list sequence corr espo nds with the print queue which y ou c an m odify at
any tim e.
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3.5.4 Print Objects
When usi ng S IMATIC Manager , for exam ple, t o insert bloc k s or CFC diagrams i n a
job list, you obtain so-called print objects. You c an pri nt these objects within a pri nt
You can insert any num ber of pr ojec t objects i nto a job list. You can also insert a
pri nt object in one or multi ple job lists.
You can specify the f ollowing pr int object proper ties:
Obj ect- specif ic footer dat a – these data is unique throughout t he object
A specific layout
Specif ic ations rel ating to page numbering
Specif ic ation of different views, e. g. y ou c an displ ay the symbols in different
order or with dif ferent fil ters.
You can specify and also modif y the sequence of pri nt objects at any time. Gl obal
footer dat a is enter ed automatically if specific data is not available.
Selecting print obje cts
You can selec t print objects according to a str uc ture you alr eady k now from
working wit h S IMATIC Manager: Y ou can choose the com ponent or the
technologic al v iew. O bjec ts di spl ay ed in light - gr ay col or cannot be printed.
You can directly insert pr int objects shown the select ion window in a job list. To
select other objects you must sel ec t the parent folder.
Cover sheet s
A cover sheet is a print obj ect; the same as all other pri nt objects. However, this
type of object is not part of the pr ojec t in SIMATIC Manager .
To cr eate a m aster c ov er sheet for your docum entati on, you first hav e to insert a
cover sheet as fir st print objec t in the job li st. T he lay out you specify f or a cover
sheet shoul d match that of the other pr int objects.
3.5.5 Print object types
Print obj ects are allocated t o diff er ent print object types, e. g. all specific CFC
diagr ams belong to the pri nt object type "CFC". I n pri nt object t y pes you can
specify global setti ngs such as l ay out or dr awing num ber schemes. These settings
apply to all print object allocated to the respective pri nt object type. P ri nt object
types deter m ine whic h objects are actually going to be printed.
3.5.6 Print jobs
In t he dir ec tory window, you generat e a pr int job when you select an objec t f or
pri nting. For ex am ple, if y ou highlight t he "W iri ng M anual", objec t all job lists and
correspondi ng pr int objects contained in this m anual ar e automatically print ed.
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You can also select one or multiple pri nt objects in the det ail window to generate a
pri nt job. In this case, all hi ghlighted print objects are print ed in the order of t heir
appearance in t he dir ec tory window.
3.5.7 Editing objects
You have several opti ons of subsequent ly editing objects in DOCPRO. These
different options depend on the type of object:
Editing objects
DOCPRO offer s you t he following options of edi ting "Wir ing m anuals" and "J ob
Editing print objec ts
You have the following options:
In DO CP RO y ou cannot r enam e pr int object s. Y ou can only do t his in the
application y ou hav e us ed to cr eate t hem, e. g. in SIMATI C Manager. When you
have renamed an objec t in t he r es pec tive application, t he new nam e is
automatically applied in DOCPRO.
Editing cover sheets
You have the following options:
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3.6 Working in DOCPRO
3.6.1 Overview of the wizard for creating new wiring manuals
Clic k on "Insert > Wizard ’New wir ing m anual ' " to open the wizar d. It inv olv es
Step 1 of 6: Int r oduc tion
Step 2 of 6: Sel ection of t he objec ts for your doc um entati on
Step 3 of 6: Specif y ing a l ay out and drawing number scheme for t he v ar ious
object types
Step 4 of 6: Specif y ing whether or not t o pri nt specific pri nt object t y pes and
their sequence in the print queue.
Step 5 of 6: Input of global dat a for the docum entati on
Step 6 of 6: Input of t he nam e for the new wir ing m anual
A j ob list is autom atically i nsert ed when you i nsert a wir ing m anual.
In t he wiz ar d y ou can make m any settings which you c an then modify at any time.
3.6.2 Configuration overview
In DO CP RO you can customiz e various properties:
Global configuration – applies to the complete projec t
Configuration of Print obj ect types – appl ies to all pri nt objects whic h c an be
assigned t o this print objec t t y pe.
Object-specif ic c onfiguration – applies to a specific objec t only
3.6.3 Global configuration
A gl obal c onfiguration applies to all print objects of the project. Page numbering
specif ic ation as wel l as footer data belong to this global configur ation. Open t he
"Gl obal c onfigurati on" dialog vi a "Extras > Global configuration" command
Object-specif ic settings for specif ic pri nt objects are of a higher pri or ity than global
footer dat a.
Global setti ngs are made on diff er ent tabs.
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3.6.4 Print object type configuration
You can set specific properties for P rint objec t types which are aut omatic ally
applied to print objects assigned to this print obj ect type.
The f ollowing c onfiguration is possible:
Layout – You c an sel ec t dif ferent layout. These lay outs are named acc or ding
to a specific scheme.
Drawing number scheme – Here you can specif y the drawi ng number scheme
for the correspondi ng pr int objec ts.
Vi ew 1 – You can specify a v iew for m ost print objec t t y pes. In t his view you
define t he par am eters showing a view from different angl es or wit h diff er ent
inform ation: In the vari able table you can select dif ferent colum ns, e. g.
Symbol, Symbol val ue, Status value, Stat us. For CFC diagram s, for ex am ple,
you specify whether or not to print diagr am s with diagr am connect ions.
The sett ing of print object t y pes can be "over wr itt en" by objec t-spec ific settings
you make in the "Proper ties" dialog.
When generating a wiring m anual with the hel p of t he wi z ar d, you c an make t hese
settings in step 3.
3.6.5 Properties of print objects – object-specific
You can def ine objec t-specif ic foot er data whic h apply only to the print obj ec t they
were actual ly defined f or.
Global and object-specif ic configur ations are made in one dialog. Global data is
defined in the "Global " colum n, object-specific data is defined in the "For this print
object" column.
P ro perties with multiple select ion
If y ou hav e call ed the object proper ties for a gr oup of objects, the dialog shows the
content of the print object fi r st sel ec ted in the j ob list.
If y ou select print objec ts belonging to differ ent print object t y pes onl y the
propert ies comm on to all are displ ay ed. The "View" t ab is hidden.
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Configuration o verview
The f ollowing c onfiguration is possible:
Footer data – you can make your ent ri es i n the proper ty sheets 1 to 5 and
"Free Fields".
Layout – Y ou c an specify an individual lay out f or any print object.
Page numbering – her e y ou c an specif y the page number ing scheme: Either
you number the pages consecutively or within the print object.
Vi ew – Some applications displ ay their data in dif ferent views. In DO CP RO you
can select t he view for pri nting dat a.
Editing options
You have various opti ons of specif y ing pri nt object proper ties.
Modific ation of a single print object
Simult aneous modifi c ation of multi ple pri nt objects, using the multiple selec tion
Here you must sel ec t multiple print objects. Not e that i n this case the di alog
only shows properties common to all pri nt objects. Also, the "Vi ew" tab is
3.7 Fur t her fu nc ti on s
3.7.1 Overview of further arrangements
DOCPRO also offers you other aut om atically generated ar r angements providing
important information:
Document di r ector y – a listing of all docum ents belonging to a print job.
Result log – div er se i nformati on gener ated af ter a print job has been carr ied
out or aft er an er r or has occurr ed when impor ting f ooters.
3.7.2 Document directory
The docum ent direc tory li sts all doc um ents belonging to the respective print j ob.
The docum ent direc tory of all pri nt objects shows the following inform ation:
Cont. num ber
Object nam e
Symbolic name
Project path
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Drawing number
The cor r espondi ng doc ument dir ector y is print ed, depending on t he objec t you
hav e sel ec ted in the obj ect hier ar c hy . F or example, if you selec t a wir ing m anual,
the document di r ec tory of the complete wiring dir ec tory i s print ed. In cont r ast, only
the document di r ec tory of the corr espondi ng job list is print ed if you only select job
In DO CP RO, the doc um ent director y is not a visible pri nt object in the job list. You
can choose to print the document director y individuall y or together with a print job.
In t his case it is the last object proc essed in a print job. Of course, in a print job you
can al so di sabl e the printout of the docum ent direc tory.
You can specify the layout of a document director y in the print object type
"Document director y ".
Footer data
Therefore, you cannot assign speci fic foot er data to a document direc tory . Rat her ,
correspondi ngly defined global footer data is used.
3.7.3 Report
In a repor t you find messages, warnings and error s l ogged in following cases:
duri ng pr inting or
when im por ting f ooter data
The f ollowing options are available f or working with a report:
Assigning a layout
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4 Layout
4.1 Layout facts
Your layout defi nes, for ex am ple the format, alignm ent and arr angem ent of the
hardcopy. T his l ay out also determi nes the ar r angement of the footers.
You can assign a l ay out t o the foll owing objec ts:
The print obj ect types – here you define t he default lay out that applies to all
pri nt objects alloc ated to the correspondi ng pr int object t y pe. Before you insert
pri nt objects i n the job lists, you shoul d adapt your default lay out setti ng to that
of your print objec t t y pes. This has the advantage that the cor r ec t layout is
assigned at the time you i nsert the objects.
The print objects – here you assign a l ay out specific ally and only to thi s print
objec t. If your doc um entati on contains multi ple instanc es of a pri nt object or
cover sheet, you c an sel ec t a dif ferent layout f or each instance.
DOCPRO initi ally assigns a default l ay out t o a print objec t or c ov er sheet you ent er
in the job list. Y ou can select anot her l ay out at any time if it does not conform wit h
your requir em ents. Thi s might be requi r ed if you distri bute your system on the
international market and want to adapt y our doc um entati on to differ ent nati onal
4.2 Available DOCPRO layouts
The DO CP RO scope of delivery i ncl udes l ay out f or the following paper form ats.
Document s created wit h these lay outs conform wit h DIN 6771.
All lay outs are available in portrait and landscape format, with or without binding
m ar gin. Also, all lay outs are available in five languages.
All lay outs incl ude a m atching c ov er sheet lay out.
The DO CP RO scope of delivery al so i ncl udes special layouts for conti nuous page
num ber ing, giving you the option of printi ng y our c om plete docum entati on with
continuous page numbers. These lay outs are i dentif ied with the letter K at the fifth
position of t he lay out name.
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4.3 Modifying and updating layouts
DOCPRO includes i n its scope of delivery a number of opti ons for the adaptati on of
the def ault layouts to your r equir em ents:
Replac ing footers in a lay out
Edi ting layouts in WMF form at directly in a graphi c pr ogr am
Replacing footer s
This met hod is suit able if you want t o use footers other than the default. In this
case, open the "Modify layout" di alog in whic h y ou c an r eplac e the footer s used in
the layout wit h em pty fields DOCPRO prov ides. A so-cal led key is assigned t o
ev er y footer. T his key is used to assign objec t proper ty entries when print ing footer
data of the layout.
Editing la youts
You employ this method, for ex am ple, if you want to integrate your personal logo in
your hardc opy . T his requires several steps:
Export t he exi sting lay out as *.wmf fil e
Edi t and sav e the layout in a graphic program
Import the layout in DOCPRO
Note t hat only the f ollowing gr aphic pr ogr am s have been tested for editing layouts:
Designer 4.0
CorelDraw 7.0
Designer 7.0
Updating layouts
In t he latest ver si ons of DOCPRO you c an find corrected and new layouts. When
you open a documentati on pr ojec t cr eated in an older v er si on of DO CP RO, a
dialog automatically pops up in which y ou c an either specif y the scope of the
update or abor t t he update.
Use the "Edit > Layout list > Update" command to carry out a subsequent manual
You must use the impor t f unction of DOCPRO to enter i ndividual lay outs.
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4.4 Rules for layout modification in graphic programs
Note t he following rules when you draft your lay outs:
Draft your l ay out t o original scale, because i t is entered to scal e in the graphic
The drawing fram e m ust be a rect angular. The cor ner s of the free drawing
fram e ar e m arked with an exclam ation mark.
Foot er s are identified by permanent key character stri ngs. This is the str uc ture
of t he k ey charac ter stri ngs: $1$$$$$$$$$$#.
Character Meaning
$ Marks the st art of the key character string
1 Key for the ass ignm ent to the foot er .
$ Variable num ber of $ char ac ters, identif y ing the footer length.
# Mark the end of the key char ac ter string
The way you format, for example, the char ac ter font , f ont siz e and c olor and
the assignment to key character s i n y our gr aphic editor later determi nes the
pri nt format of foot er data.
DIN standard defines the f ooter’s content, lengt h and form at. However, you c an
freely use 10 addit ional foot er s.
4.5 Footer data
4.5.1 Footer facts
Foot er s represent import ant layout com ponents. T hey contain information on the
pri nt object and are output on ev ery page, e. g. the page num ber, date of the last
change, etc.
DIN 6771 stric tly specifi es the foot er ’s position, length, pr esentation and content .
For ex am ple, the creating com pany always appears i n the center of the footer
bloc k , t he page num ber at t he bott om right etc. T en "f r ee" footers are available for
user-defined layouts. You also have t he option of replac ing ex isting lay outs wi th
others more sui table t o your requir em ents. You c an also specify the f ooter bloc k
inform ation to be print ed.
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Automatic footer entries
DOCPRO automatically fills some of the footers, making it superfluous for you to
m ak e manual entries. These foot er s are shown i n the "pr oper ties" and "Gl obal
configur ation" dialogs on a gray bac k gr ound and c annot be edit ed. T his i ncl udes,
for example, the object name and the logical path to the objec t. These entries are
transfer r ed from SIM ATIC Manager. The print dat e and page num ber data are also
entered automatically in the cor r espondi ng foot er s by DO CP RO. Print dat a r ead
out and t he page num ber is generat ed v ia num beri ng c onfiguration.
4.5.2 Valid range of footer data
Vali d r ange of footer data:
Footer data Range of validity
global foot er data applies to all pr int objects of the project
specif ic foot er data for the
current print object applies to all ins tances of t he pr int object, that is,
if you hav e ins er ted multiple instances of OB1,
the f unc tion block is always pr inted wit h the
same f ooter data.
Print object-specific and global footer data
Print obj ect- specif ic data are of higher priorit y than global footer dat a, t hat is,
DOCPRO uses object - specif ic data f or printi ng if you hav e decl ar ed specif ic as well
as global foot er data for a print objec t.
If y ou hav e defined global f ooter data but want t o exclude them in a specific job,
enter the ~ (swung dash) charact er as obj ec t-specif ic data. In this case DOCPRO
does not m ak e an entry in the foot er .
Footer data from engineering tools
Engi neer ing tools can tr ansmit their own foot er data at the time pri nting starts.
These data over wri te footer data specif ied in DOCPRO. For details refer to t he
correspondi ng engineer ing tool manuals.
4.5.3 Footer data input
You can def ine objec t-specif ic foot er data for al l pr int object s. These "over wri te" the
data you have specified f or the pri nt object ty pes.
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4.5.4 Footer editing options
You have various opti ons of editing f ooters:
for a singl e pri nt object in the corr espondi ng objec t proper ties.
for multiple pri nt objects via multiple select ion function, that is, y ou highlight
m ultiple print objects and modif y the object properties in the f ooter data once.
for the pri nt objects of a complete job list or wiri ng m anual v ia export to a *.csv
file, qui c k editing in MS Excel and r eim por t to DOCPRO
4.6 Page numbering
DOCPRO offer s two page num beri ng options:
Consecutive page number ing – the individual pages are numbered
consecutively for the com plete print job. You can also specify the start value for
the fi r st page num ber .
Page numbering within a pri nt object – only the pages pri nted in the
correspondi ng pr int job are num ber ed. For ever y new print object num beri ng
restart s at "1".
4.7 Reference numbers
4.7.1 Reference number facts
For well ar r anged m anagement of your print obj ects you can assign referenc e
num ber s for unique identif ic ation. Any num beri ng scheme can be used f or the
refer enc e num ber s. Therefore, you can customiz e y our num beri ng of specific
document contents.
You have two methods of gener ating referenc e num ber s:
Automatic generation:
You must specify the number ing scheme DOCPRO will use to assign a
refer enc e num ber to a pri nt object. Thus, ev er y objec t is assigned its
permanent and unique number. DOCPRO, theref or e, ensures consi stenc y of
the referenc e num ber s.
Manual input:
You enter a permanent r eference number for every pri nt object. However,
DOCPRO does not perform a number consistency c hec k when you choose this
m ethod. For this reason we recommend automatic generation of referenc e
Referenc e num ber s you specify for one pri nt object apply to all of its i nstanc es i n
the documentation.
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After you have generated t hem , you c an delete the ref er enc e num ber s.
This als o deletes the referenc e num ber s y ou hav e input manually .
4.7.2 Reference number scheme
The exam ple below highlights the princi ple of t he refer enc e num ber scheme:
Let us assume y ou assign print object type "CFC" the reference num ber scheme
"AB - ??- CD" the start value 1 and inc r em ent val ue 1. I n this case, the first diagr am
in y our doc um entati on is assi gned r eference num ber "AB-01-CD" , t he second is
"AB - 02- CD" etc.
Mul tiple instances of the same print object enter ed ar e assigned t he same
refer enc e num ber.
You must define an individual referenc e num ber s c hem e for eac h one of t he pr int
objects in or der to avoid identical r eferenc e num ber s .
When do I have to regenerate the reference numbers?
If you … then
have defined a new r eferenc e num ber s c hem e
for a pr int object t y pe, you must generate new referenc e num ber s .
have modif ied an ex is ting referenc e num ber
scheme, y ou m us t first delet e all r eferenc e num ber s
and then generate new ones.
Caution:This als o deletes the referenc e
numbers y ou hav e input manually .
have inserted a new print object, you must generate new referenc e num ber s .
if you hav e ins er ted anot her ins tance of an
exist ing pr int object, this ins tance is automatically as s igned the
corres ponding r eferenc e num ber .
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4.7.3 Reference number scheme – Start and increment value
You must t ak e two addit ional par am eters i nto acc ount when you define a referenc e
num ber scheme, namely the start and incr em ent values. Her e the f ollowing c ontext
For ex am ple, the schem e be : A1000-B200?-C3??-D01
Three ’?’ are defined in t his schem e, that is, y ou can specify consecutive
num ber ing for up to 1, 000 diff er ent print objects.
The sam ple c alc ulation in the table below highlights the effect of start and
inc r em ent values on the m aximum number of print objects:
If th e sta r t valu e i s and the increm ent value is the maximum number of print objects is
= 0 = 1 = 1,000
= 900 = 1 = 100
= 900 > 49 = 2
This general formula applies:
valueincrementvaluestartingobjectsprintofnumberMax number /10. ?=
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5 Print
5.1 Printing function facts
DOCPRO printing functi ons offer y ou a number of sol utions:
Printi ng of t he complet e document ation or par ts thereof
A print preview of individual pri nt objects
Printi ng of a docum ent director y
Printing to file
Befor e you initiate a print job, you must
install a pri nter on your com puter or network,
install a pri nter driver via Windows Install progr am or Contr ol P anel. For
inform ation refer to your Windows documentation.
5.2 Displaying the print preview
You can display a pri nt image on- screen before you i nitiat e a print job for a specifi c
pri nt object. Thus, DO CP RO offers you abundant controlling options. You can use
the " Zoom" and "Zoom out " buttons in the print prev iew to custom iz e the siz e of
your print prev iew. Close the window wit h " Close" to return t o DOCPRO.
5.3 Print job
A print job is a dynami c obj ect: The print job is formed by this objec t, or by the ones
you select f or printi ng from your doc um entati on str uc ture. You c an pri nt your
complet e doc um entati on as well as part s ther eof, for example, one or multiple
wiring manuals, job lists or print objects.
Mul tiple selec tion f orms a hi ghly flexible function f or processing your
document ation: In the det ail window you can highlight all obj ec ts you want to print.
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5.4 Pr int to fil e
Prerequisi te f or preparing your online docum entati on in P DF f ormat i s that you pri nt
your documentation to a file.
This procedure is basically the same as for direct output to a printer : Highlight the
objec t you want to print and t hen output the pri nt t o a file by m arking the
correspondi ng c hec k box in the "Print" dialog.
Note t hat you must select a post script pr inter. Other wis e, you cannot gener ate a
pdf f ile from your pr int f ile.
In t he "Pr int" dialog y ou also specify the home dir ec tory for your pri nt fil es. The
pri nt fil e name extension is "prn" .
Naming the print files
Print files are named under the f ollowing pri nci ple:
Objects Name of the print file
Print objec ts DP(consecutive number).prn or
Object name( c ons ec utive num ber ).pr n
The f ile nam e c or r es ponds with the object nam e, if the applic ation you
have used t o c r eate the object s uppor ts the assignment of object names .
Ot her wis e, the general name "DP" is used t o name the pr int object.
Cover sheet Cover sheet (c ons ec utive num ber ).pr n
Object docum ent
direct or y in the
direct or y window
Every print object i s printed to its own print file. File your print jobs i n separat e
dir ec tories. Ot her wise, star ting at "1", every print job incr em ents the print file
num ber and ov er wri tes existing print fil es without confi r m ation.
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5.5 Printing the document directory
The docum ent direc tory is a tabl e listing all pri nt objects belonging to a print job. It
is an image of the pri nt queue.
A document direc tory is output
at the end of a pri nt job – prov ided y ou hav e enabled this function – or
individuall y i n a separate print j ob.
5.6 Interrupting and resuming the print job
The t y pe of out put medium as well as the job v olum e m ak es printi ng of a system
document ation a somewhat slow proces s. In som e situations it might t her efore be
requi r ed to canc el the print proc ess. In DOCPRO you can resum e an interrupted
print job.
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6 Reference
6.1 M eani n g of la you t nam e s
The name of every layout indicates specif ic informati on. T he m eaning of t he nam e
characters i s found in the t able below.
<ordinal number> Meaning
1,2,3: Format:
A3_: DIN A3
A4_: DIN A4
L11: Let ter
L14: Legal
4: Orientation:
’P’: portrait
’L’: lands c ape
5: C’: Cover sheet
’_’: No c ov er sheet
’K’: Layout for continuous page num ber ing
’7’: New lay outs in DOCPRO Ver s ion 5.1
6: Posit ion of t he foot er bloc k :
’B’: bottom ( at t he lower margin)
’_’: No foot er block
7: Posit ion of t he binding m ar gin:
’T’: top (upper m ar gin)
’L’: left (lef t mar gin)
’_’: No binding m ar gin
8: Language version:
’A’: German
’B’: Englis h
’C’: F rench
’D’: S panis h
’E’ : Italian
Layout name Layout appearance
a3_l_b_a: Original DIN A3 format, cor r es ponding pr ec is ely with DI N 6771.
a3_l_b_b: DIN A3 lands c ape, bottom foot er , no binding margin, E nglis h
a3_lc__b: Cover sheet DI N A3 landscape, no f ooter block, no binding margin, E nglis h
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6.2 Footers
6.2.1 Meaning of footers
The t able shows you details on the posi tion, length, cont ent and meaning of t he
footers defined in DI N 6771. F ont siz e for all footers is 10 pt.
Blatt: $17$$$$$$$$$$#
$58$$$$$$$$# $9$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#
! !
$57$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$# Seite: $50$$$$$$$$$$#
Key Field name Numbe r of
characters Meaning
$1 System identif ier block
(SID) 32 Equipment ident ifier (System ID)
$2 Locat ion identif ier bloc k
(LID) 32 Equipment identif ier ( Loc ation ID)
$3 Cust om er 32 Cust om er or der ing the sy stem
$4 Operat or 32 System operator
$5 System 32 System type
Description 1st line
Description 2nd line
Description 3rd line
Description of item dis play ed and, if
required, additional inf or m ation
$9 Document t y pe 27 Type of technical document ( e. g. symbol
$10 Date of c r eation 15 Date of docum ent cr eation
$11 Editor 15 Name of the author
$12 Verif ied 15 Name of per s on who has v er ified t he
$13 Standar d 15 Standard by whic h the docum ent was
$14 Special com m ent 12 Special notes on the document
$15 Document num ber 28 Document ID ass igned by the aut hor
$16 Referenc e num ber 28 Document I D as s igned by the custom er
$17 Sheet num ber 6 Number of the printed page
$18 1st m odification:
Modific ation index 7 Modific ation I D
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Key Field name Numbe r of
characters Meaning
$19 2nd modific ation:
Modific ation index 7 see above
$20 3rd modif ic ation:
Modific ation index 7 see above
$21 1st m odification:
Comment on the
9 Comment on the modification
$22 2nd modific ation:
Comment on the
9 see above
$23 3rd modif ic ation:
Comment on the
9 see above
$24 1st m odification:
Date when modified 8 Date of m odification
$25 2nd modific ation:
Date when modified 8 see above
$26 3rd modif ic ation:
Date when modified 8 see above
$27 1st m odification
Name of editor 5 Name of the edit or who has car r ied out t he
$28 2nd modific ation
Name of editor 5 see above
$29 3rd modif ic ation:
Name of editor 5 see above
$30 Number of or iginal
diagram 49 Number of t he source doc um ent
$32 Created by 1
Created by 2 15
15 Name of the company t hat cr eated the
$33 Company, Y ear 25 Inform ation that is to appear in the
Copyright – note
$34 Document type 24 T y pe of document
$35 System part 24 System part
$40 to $49 Free fields 40 Fields av ailable for text entries
$50 Consecut iv e page
number 12 Page num ber , if c ons ec utive page
numbering is s et – applies only to layouts
with cons ec utive page num ber ing
$51 Date printed 15 Date at which the print job was exec uted –
applies only t o lay outs with cons ec utive
page numbering
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Key Field name Numbe r of
characters Meaning
$52 Time of print 16 Tim e- of-day at which the print job was
execut ed – applies only to layouts with
consecutive page num ber ing
$53 Project pat h 49 Object path in SIMATIC Manager – applies
only to lay outs with consecut iv e page
$54 Object name 24 Name of the print object – applies only to
layouts with cons ec utive page num ber ing
$55 Author of the object 25 – autom atically filled
$56 Object cr eation 21 Date/ time- of-day – automatically filled
$57 Object modification 21 Date/ time- of-day – automatically filled
$58 1st network on page 21 – autom atically filled
$59 Symbolic name 40 Symbolic object name – aut omatically filled
$60 Object comment 24
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6.2.2 Footers to DIN 6771
The sketc h sho ws you the basic ar r angement of a f ooter ac c or ding to DIN 6771.
The arr angement of the individual f ooters is not drawn to scale.
13 14 15 673 16 17 410 9
81 2 11
Meaning of the specific footers
Number Meaning
1 System identif ier block
2 Locat ion identif ier bloc k
3 Cust om er , operator, sy stem
4 Designation
5 Document t y pe
6 Edit or , t ested, standards
7 Date of cr eation
8 Special c om m ent
9 Document number
10 Custom er ’s drawing number
11 Sheet no.
12 Status: Modification index
13 Comment on the modification
14 Date when modified
15 Name of the edit or who has car r ied out t he m odification
16 Number of or iginal diagr am
17 Creating c om pany
18 Company, Y ear
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6.2.3 Example of footers for a cover sheet
The cov er sheets i nc luded in the scope of delivery off er the f ollowing foot er s:
6.2.4 Example of printing reference data
Printi ng r eference data with the "Cross-refer enc e" v iew:
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6.2.5 Example of printing a symbol table
Printi ng the symbol tabl e with the sorting criteri a " A scending symbols" and the filt er
setting " all filter s":
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6.2.6 Example of printing blocks
Printing OB35 in symbolic presentation
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Printing the FB61 block in symbolic pre se ntation
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6.3 Symbols
6.3.1 Facts about icons
DOCPRO prov ides various sym bols:
Toolbar icons
Directory structure icons
6.3.2 Toolbar icons
You can quickl y execute som e of the menu c ommands with t he help of t he toolbar
Icon Function
New - File m enu
Open - File menu
Print - File menu
Cut - E dit menu
Copy - Edit menu
Insert - Edit menu
Context help - Help m enu
Select m enu item View > Toolbar to show or hide the toolbar icons .
6.3.3 Directory structure icons
Objects in the director y str uctur e ar e r epr esented by the f ollowing ic ons:
Icon Object
Wiring m anual
Job list
Cover sheet
Job for an objec t that does not exis t anym or e in SIM ATIC Manager
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A5E00134750-01 Glossary-1
CSV file
In CSV format files data colum ns are separated by delim iters and all data lines are
concluded wit h a line feed. In cells cont aining a delim iter the content s of eac h table
cel l is enclosed in quotati on m ar k s.
CSV can be opened and edited in progr am s such as MS Excel.
Det ail window
Here you are sho wn details on specifi c pri nt objects, e. g. the obj ect path, obj ect
nam e or t he symbolic nam e.
Directory window
This shows the hierar c hy str uc ture of the doc um entati on. T he dir ector y window is
part of the DOCP RO user interfac e.
The " Doc um entati on" folder in the direc tory window contai ns al l descriptive system
data. The fol der can contain one or m ore wiring manuals which are further
subdivided int o pr ojec t dat a.
Document number
ID f or t he doc um entation or parts thereof , assigned by t he system owner.
File directory
A li sting of all pri nted print objects, sorted to their physic al print queue sequence. It
contains i nform ation in detail .
Every Layout c onformi ng to standards cont ains a footer bloc k that is output on the
page m ar gin. The footer contains i nform ation on the curr ent print job, e. g. the
document type, dat e of last change and page num ber s.
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Glossary-2 A5E00134750-01
DOCPRO aut om atically determines some of the f ooter i nform ation, e. g. the page
number. Other information is user-specific.
Job list
Job li sts are objects containing the specific pri nt objects. Pri nt objects are sorted in
the job lists according to freely sel ec table cri teria.
Every footer principally used i n DOCPRO is li nk ed to a specific k ey to establish a
definit e c or r elation bet ween specif ic lay outs and input fi elds.
The layout det ermines the print image of a job. The layout defi nes, for example, the
page form at, ali gnm ent and arr angem ent of the pri nted page as wel l as the footer s.
Multiple selec tion
With the multi ple sel ection method you sel ec t a number of pri nt object s you want to
configur e in a si ngle batch oper ation.
P DF file
The PDF file format can be read with a freel y available software, the Acrobat
Reader. P DF fil es can only be post-processed wit h a lic ensed versi on of Adobe
Pr int fi le
The print fil e c an be recognized on its "prn" filename extensi on. A pri nt fil e is
generated if the file is not output di r ectly on a pri nter, but rat her initially redi r ected
to a fil e. I n the next step thi s print file c an be used to generate pdf fil es.
Print job
Print jobs are variable: Objects selected f or pri nting in t he dir ector y window form a
pri nt job. It is also possible to generate print jobs for singl e pri nt objects. Print
objec ts are of tempor ar y nature.
Print object
Print obj ects are all printable objects of a STEP 7 database. They c an be v iewed in
the DO CP RO det ail window. Pr int objects are instances of print object types.
DOCPRO Creating Documentation
A5E00134750-01 Glossary-3
Print object type
Every print object can be assigned to a specific print object t y pe.
Refe rence number
Freely definable sort ing crit eri on for the organiz ation of specific jobs. Usual ly the
customer assigns these r eferenc e num ber s. In DOCPRO you can enter the
refer enc e num ber s manually or generat e them automatically.
Reference number scheme
When refer enc e num ber s are aut om atically generated, t he user can assign a
customized r eferenc e num ber scheme to individual pri nt object types.
This protoc ol c ontains inform ation on specif ic oper ations carried out in DOCPRO:
Execute print job
Foot er data import er r or
In DO CP RO you can define diff er ent views for specific pri nt objects i n or der to
obtain dif ferent inf ormati on.
Some applications displ ay their data in differ ent vi ews, e. g. you can pri nt t he
bloc k s with their symbol information, wit h comments and inform ation on cross
Wiring manual
A documentati on c an c onsi st of one or multi ple wir ing m anuals. Wiring m anuals are
used to organi z e pr ojec t dat a. W iri ng m anual data are filed in job lists.
User inte rface
The DO CP RO user i nterface is split into two sect ions: The directory window and
the det ail window.
DOCPRO Creating Documentation
Glossary-4 A5E00134750-01
DOCPRO Creating Documentation
A5E00134750-01 Index-1
*.csv file...................................................... 4-5
Arrangements.............................................. 3-9
Block........................................................... 6-9
sample print ............................................. 6-8
Com ponent view.......................................... 3-5
Configuration.........................................3-7, 3-8
global...................................................... 3-7
print object types...................................... 3-8
Cover sheet................................................. 6-6
sample print ............................................. 6-6
Creating documentations............................. 3-2
DIN 6771..................................................... 6-5
Directory ..................................................... 5-2
Docum ent directory..............................3-9, 3-10
Ed iting fo o ter data ....................................... 4-5
Editing objects............................................. 3-6
Footer data..............................3-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5
DIN 6771................................................. 4-3
editing..................................................... 4-5
global...................................................... 4-4
print object-specific.................................. 4-4
range of validity ....................................... 4-4
Footer data input ......................................... 4-4
Footers.................................................. 6-2, 6-5
key.......................................................... 6-2
naming.................................................... 6-2
naming convention................................... 6-2
to DIN 6771............................................. 6-5
Generating PDF files....................................3-2
Global configuration .....................................3-7
Glo b al footer data.........................................4-4
Graphics program ........................................4-3
Hierarchical structure....................................3-1
Increment value............................................4-6
Job List........................................................3-4
Key character string .....................................4-3
Layout .................................... 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 6-1
Footers ....................................................4-2
graphics program .....................................4-3
languages ................................................4-1
modification rules .....................................4-3
modifying .................................................4-2
paper format.............................................4-1
print object types......................................4-1
print objects..............................................4-1
Meaning of footers........................................6-2
Meaning of layout nam es..............................6-1
Multiple selection..........................................4-5
DOCPRO Creating Documentation
Index-2 A5E00134750-01
Naming c o n v entio n............................... 6-1, 6- 2
Object properties..........................................3-8
Overview ...................3-1, 3-7, 3-9, 4-1, 4-3, 5-1
footer data ...............................................4-3
Layout .....................................................4-1
printing functions......................................5-1
Page numbering ..........................................4-5
Print ..................................................... 5-2, 5-3
Print file.......................................................5-2
Print job...................................3-5, 3-6, 5-1, 5-3
Print object ..............................3-5, 3-6, 3-8, 3-9
Print object typ e....................................3-5, 3 -8
Configuration ...........................................3-8
Print ob ject-s p eci f ic footer field data .............4-4
Print previe w................................................5-1
document di rectory ...................................5-3
Printin g fu nctio n...........................................5-1
Printing functions
facts ........................................................5-1
Properties.......................................3-7, 3-8, 3-9
print object types...................................... 3-8
print objects....................................... 3-8, 3-9
Range of validity.......................................... 4-4
Reference data............................................ 6-6
sample print ............................................. 6-6
Reference number................................. 4-5, 4-6
gene ra tin g a u toma tica ll y.......................... 4-5
increment value....................................... 4-6
manual input............................................ 4-5
reference number scheme........................ 4-6
start value................................................ 4-6
Reference number scheme.......................... 4-6
Reference project........................................ 3-3
Sam ple prints .................................6-6, 6-7, 6-8
block....................................................... 6-8
cover sheet .............................................. 6-6
reference data......................................... 6-6
symbol table............................................ 6-7
Standard layout........................................... 4-1
Sta rt valu e................................................... 4-6
Sta tus row................................................... 2-1
Structure ..................................................... 3-1
Sym bol table ............................................... 6-7
sample print ............................................. 6-7
Technological view...................................... 3-5
Toolbar........................................................ 2-1
User interface.............................................. 2-1
Wiring Manual .......................................3-4, 3-7
wizard ..................................................... 3-7
Wizard ........................................................ 3-7