PSB 7280
Semiconductor Group 56 Data Sheet 1998-07-01
Receiver in LMOD(1:0) = 01, 10, 11
In receive direction, when the shift register from the serial line is filled to a programmable
level (1, 2 o r 4), the wh ole 32-bi t sh ift reg ist er is load ed i nto t he H RR1 /2 rea d regi ste rs,
physically separate for DSP and host. In the same cycle the contents of the HRW1/2
write register acces sib le from the DSP (if HHR1/2 = 0) or host (HHR1/2 = 1) are loaded
to the HDLC receiver input. In the next cycle the data from HRR1/2 is as a default loaded
into HRW1/2 and a maskable interrupt status BFHR1/2 is generated to the DSP and
host. The interrupt status is generated to both DSP and host, independent of the setting
of HAH1/2. If the data in HRR1/2 is to be pre-processed, the HRW1/2 register can be
overwritten by the DSP or host before the next 1, 2 or 4 bytes (programmable) have been
shifted into the shift register.
After reset (RRES) when starting the rec eiver (RAC = 1), the res et status d ata of HRW
and HRR is ignored by the receiver, i.e. the contents of HRW1/2 and HRR1/2 are not
forwarded to the HDLC receiver, but only the data received from the line. The same
applies to the interrupts: A BFHR1/2 interrupt is only generated after the first 1, 2 or
4 bytes of line data are avai lable in the HRR1 /2 register. Due to th is pipeline, a lat ency
occurs in the HDLC/transparent serial data reception, see section below.
The start of the recep tion can be in the sa me frame (w .r.t . th e frame s ync sig nal on the
chosen line) as the setting of RAC = 1 since the time-slot count logic works
independently of RAC.
In transparent mode (TMO = 1) the reception is only started at the beginning of the time-
slot (time-slot aligned). If RAC is set to ‘1’ during the selected time-slot, the receiver waits
for the beginning of the time-slot in the next frame.
Receiver in LMOD(1:0) = 00
The same appli es for LMOD = 00, except the pre -proce ssing is no t avai lable. The da ta
from the bit-reversal unit is bypassed to the HDLC receiver. In addition, the loading of
HRR1/2, HRW1/2 and th e gene ration o f the in terrupt BFH R1/2 is don e like in the ot her
LMODs for observation of the data stream by the DSP or host only. Thus, the
LMOD = 00 is identical with LMOD = 01, except pre-processing is not available and the
receiver latency after reset is shortened, see section below.
Transmitter in LMOD(1:0) = 01, 10, 11
Similarly, in the transmit direction, after 1, 2 or 4 bytes (programmable) are shifted out of
the shift register, the contents of the HXW1/2 write register accessible from DSP
(if HHX1/2 = 0) or host (if HHX1/2 = 1) are loaded into the transmitter shift register. In the
same cycle 1, 2 or 4 bytes are loaded from the HDLC transmitter output into the HXR1/2
read register, physically separate for DSP and host. In the next cycle the data from
HXR1/2 is as a default loaded into HXW1/2 and a maskable interrupt status is generated
to the DSP and host. The interrupt status is generated to both DSP and host,
independent of the setting of HAH1/2. If the data in HXR1/2 is to be post-processed, the