PS086892 ADSL Line Transformer Feature : Designed to comply with the following requirements as defined by IEC950, EN60950, UL1950/CSA950 and AS/NZS3260: -Supplementary insulation for a primary circuit at a working voltage of 250Vrms. Operating temperature range : 00C to +700C Specifications @ 250C Parameters Condition Min. Typ Max. Unit Turns ratio Pin (1-4) : (8-6) tie(2+3,5+7) 1.1 : 11% Inductance @10KHz,100mV Pin (1-4) tie(2+3) 10010% Leakage Inductance @100KHz,100mV Pin (8-6) tie(2+3, 5+7, 1+4) 4 H Interwinding Capacitance @10KHz,1V Pin(1-8) tie(2+3, 5+7) 30 pF DCR Isolation Voltage H Pin(1-3), (2-4) 0.3010% Pin(8-5), (7-6) 0.7510% Pin(1-8) tie(2+3, 5+7) Insertion Loss @300KHz , 83 ohm load Longitudinal Balance @20KHz-1.1MHz, per ITU Method(L->M) 1875 0.7 -40 THD *Note Note : @40KHz, 5.3Vrms across PRI, 11 ohm load, 100 ohm input, tie(2+3,5+7) Dimension Vrms dB dB -80 dB Schematic 1 PRI 3 (Line) 2 4 8 SEC 5 (Device) 7 6 Unless otherwise specified , all tolerances are mm(inch) 0.25(0.01) EDPS-PS199(R0)06/20/2002 Data sheet subject to change without notice SHEET 1 OF 1