Order Number: 311638-002US
The Intel
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge may contain design defects or errors known as errata
which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available
on request.
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI
Specification Update
Septembert 2007
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
Specificiation Update Septembert 2007
2Order Number: 311638-002US
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Copyright © 2007, Intel Corporation
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
Septembert 2007 Specificiation Update
Order Numbe r: 31 16 38 -00 2U S 3
Revision History
Summary Tables of Current Product Issue Activity
General Product Information
...................................................................................................................... 10
Specification Changes
.............................................................................................. 11
Specification Clarifications
...................................................................................... 12
Document-Only Changes
......................................................................................... 13
41110—Revision History
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
Specification Update September 2007
4Order Number: 311638-002US
Revision History
Date Version Description
September 2007 002 Ad d e d S p e c if ica tion Clarif ica t io ns 2 and 3.
Added Document Chan ge 2.
February 20 06 001 Initial release .
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
September 2007 Specification Update
Order Numbe r: 31 16 38 -00 2U S 5
This document is an update to the specifica tions contained in the Affected
Documents/Related Documents table below.
This document is a comp ilatio n of device
and documentation errata, specification clarifications and changes.
It is intended for
hardware system manufacturers and software developers of applications, operating
systems, or tools.
Information types defined in Nomen clatu re are c ons olidated into the sp ecific ation
update and are no longer published in other documents.
This document may also conta in informa tion that was not previously published.
Affected Documents/Related Documents
are design defects or errors.
These may cause the Intel
41110 behavior to
deviate from published specifications.
Hardware and software designed to be used with
any given stepping must assume that all errata documented for that stepping are
present on all devices.
Specification Changes
are modifications to the current pu blis hed s pecification s.
These changes will be incorporated in any new release of the specification.
Specification Clarifications
describe a specification in greater detail or further
highlight a specifications impact to a complex design situ ation.
These clarifications will
be incorporated in any new release of the spec ification.
Documentation Changes
include typos, errors, or omissions from the current
published specifications. These will be inco rporated in any new re lease of the
Errata remain in the specification update throughout the product’s lifecycle, or until a
particular stepping is no longer commercially available. Under these circumstances,
errata removed from the specification update are archived a nd available upon request.
Specification changes, spe cifica tion clarification s an d doc umentation changes are
removed from the specification upd ate when the appropriate changes are made to the
appropriate product specification or user documentation (datasheets, manuals, etc.).
Title Orde r
41110 Seria l to Parallel PC I Bridge Developer’s Manual
41110 Seria l to Parallel PC I Bridge Design Guide
41110 Seria l to Parallel PC I Bridge Datash eet
41110Summary Table of Changes
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
Specification Update September 2007
6Order Number: 311638-002US
Summary Table of Changes
The following table indicates the errata, specific ation cha n ges , spe cifica tion
cl ar if ic atio ns, o r d oc ume ntat i on c ha nge s w hi ch ap p l y t o t he I nt e l
41110 product.
may fix some of the errata in a future step p ing of the comp onen t, and acc ount for the
other outstanding issues through documentation or specification changes as noted.
This table uses the following notations:
Codes Used in Summary Table
X: Errata exists in the stepping indicated.
Specification Change or
Clarification that applies to this stepping.
(No mark)
or (Blank box): This erratum is fixed in listed stepping or specificatio n change
does not apply to listed stepping.
(Page): Page location of item in this documen t.
Doc: Document change or update will be implemented.
Fix: This erratum is intended to be fixed in a future step of the
Fixed: This erratum has been previously fixed.
No Fix: There are no plans to fix this erratum.
Plan Fix: This erratum may be fixed in a future stepping of the product.
Change bar to left of table row indicates th is erratum is either
new or modified from the previous version of the document.
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
September 2007 Specification Update
Order Numbe r: 31 16 38 -00 2U S 7
Summary Table of Changes—Intel
Page Status Errata
C1 # # #
1X10 No Fix Secondary bus PxPCIRST# pulse prior to the rising
edge of PERST#
2X10 No Fix Unable to train in ×1 on Lane 3, 4, or 7 when Lane 0 is
3X10 No Fix IOxAPIC End-Of-Interrupt (EOI) register is read/write
but should be write -only
4X11 No Fix Unreliable PCI Express link operation when L0s active
state power managemen t is enabled
5X11 No Fix Slow edge rates are observed when the Intel® 41110
Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge is driving the PCI-X bus at
specific temperatures
6X11 No Fix SSE bit set for PERR# assertion when error reporting
is ma sked
7X12 No Fix Data Parity Error detected on PCI/X interface fails to
propagate bad parity
8X12 No Fix Bridge Fails to train down in the presence of a
degraded lane
9X13 No Fix PCI Express and PCI-X Header Logs and First Error
Pointers do not remain sticky through reset.
10 X13 No Fix Incorrect Default Value for PCI Express Flow Control
Protocol Error Severity Bit.
11 X13 No Fix Power State Bits in P CI Express Power Man age men t
Control/Status Register mistakenly accept reserved
12 X14 No Fix Performa nce across an Upstream x1 PCI Express Link
is less than expe cte d.
13 X14 No Fix SKP Ordered Set may not be sent within required
interval during link recovery if a packet is pending
14 X15 No Fix PCI Express ESD enhancemen t requires a change to
register settings
15 X15 No Fix SERR fatal/non-fatal error message enabled with
incorrect err or messa ge ena bled bit
16 X16 No Fix Byte Enables (BE) not included in P CI delaye d read s
can cau se dat a corru ption
17 X16 No Fix Bridge may become unresponsive when transitioning
into the D3 power state.
18 X17 No Fix Under certain conditi ons, i nbound prefetched PCI read
requests may return wrong data to the requestor
19 X17 No Fix Bridge In co rrectly Reports Itself as a Multi-Function
41110Summary Table of Changes
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
Specification Update September 2007
8Order Number: 311638-002US
Specification Changes
Steppings Page
Specification Changes
A1 B0 C0 C1
1XXXX18 L0s state is not supported
2XXXX18 Linear Voltage Regulators are Recommended for 1.5 V
3XXXX18 Updated Power Sequencing Steps for VCC15 and VCC33
4XXXX19 Use Microcontroller When Implementing Some Erratum
5XXXX19 BCNF Bit 3 Changed to Reserved bit
6XXXX19 R EFCLK relationship to voltage rails
Specification Clarifications
Steppings Page
Specification Clarifica tions
A1 B0 C0 C1
1XXXX20 SM Bus connection recommendations for PCI Express*
adapter c ards
2XXXX20 Bridge Device ID corrected to 032D
3XXXX21 41x10 interaction with 5V PIC microcontroller may be
Documentation Changes
No. Document
Revision Page Documentation Changes
22 L0s state is not supported.
2310183 22 Device REVID 00h (is an error) and needs to be changed to 09h per the C1
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
September 2007 Specification Update
Order Numbe r: 31 16 38 -00 2U S 9
Identification Information—Intel
Identification Information
Figure 1. Marking Information
Part Number Stepping Q Number MM Number
a. MM = Material Master ID. Reference the MM Number when placing an order.
NQ41110 Production SL93T 878375 Pb (Leaded)
QG41110 Production SL93U 878377 Pb free (Lead free)
Part #
Q #
Intel Copyright
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
Specification Update September 2007
10 Order Number: 311638-002US
1. Second ary bus PxPCIRST # pulse prior to the rising edge of PERS T#
Problem: During system power on and prior to the 41110 Bridge receiving the rising edge of
PERST#, a pulse is observed on the secondary bus PxPCIRST# signals.
Implication: PCI/PCI-X controllers on the secondary bus segments could interpret this PxPCIRST#
pulse as a true rising edge and initialize into an undetermined state.
Workaround: A temporary HW workaround has been identified. The PERST# signal that is received
by the 41110 Bridge co mp o ne nt sh o ul d be u se d to ga te the s eco n da ry bu s P xPCIRS T#
Status: No Fix. See the Summary Table of Changes” on page 6.
2. Unable to tr ain in ×1 on L ane 3, 4 , or 7 when Lane 0 is broken
Probl em: The 41110 fails to train as a × 1 wi dth o n eith er La ne 3, 4, or 7 w h en Lan e 0 is bro ken
(in other words, not electrically visible to the M CH/XMB/TMB).
Implication: This problem prevents 41110 Bridge training as a ×1 in Lane 3, 4, or 7 (w hen Lane 0 is
broken or oth erw ise electric al ly disc o nn ec ted).
Workaround: None
Status: No Fix. See the Summary Table of Changes” on page 6.
3. IOxAPI C End-Of-Interrupt (EOI) register is read/write but sho uld be
Problem: The IOxAPIC End-Of-Interrupt register (EOI) (Bus 0, Device 0, Functions 1 and 3,
Direct Memory Space Register, Offset 40h) should be write-only. The APIC specification
specifies that this register must be implemented as write-only. In the 41110, this
register is inadvertently implemented as read-write.
Implica tion: When im plemen ted as wri te-only, this register return s the value F Fh wh en read . Sin ce
this register is implemented as read -write, the 41110 Brid ge returns the “re al” value of
the register contents when read.
There is no impact to functionality.
Workaround: None.
Status: No Fix. See the Summary Table of Changes” on page 6.
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
September 2007 Specification Update
Order Numbe r: 31 16 38 -00 2U S 11
4. U nreliable PCI Express link operation when L0s active state power
m ana ge m e nt is ena ble d
Problem: PCI Express* link operation is unreliable after the L0s state is enabled in the 41110
Implication: When L0s is enabled, the system may hang or be have in an u nsta ble ma nner.
Workaround: The link control register must be written to prevent the 41110 from entering L0s. A
platform- dependent BIOS workaround has been identified. Please refer to Specification
Changes L0s state is not supported on page 18 and to the Intel
by the SMB Bus Using The PIC16F876A Microcontroller White Paper (302281)
details on how to disable L0s support and implement this workaround.
The Inte 41110 Serial to Parallel P CI Bridge Initialization Cus tomer Reference Code
associated to this workaround is available from Intel. Cont act your Intel Representative
for more information.
Status: No Fix. See the “Summary Table of Changes” on page 6.
5. Slow edg e rate s a re ob se rv ed w hen t he In t el
4111 0 Seri al t o P aral l el
PCI Bridge is driving the PCI-X bu s at specific tempe ratures
Problem: Signal-integrity issues may occur at a specific temperature when 41110 Bridge is
driving the PCI/PCI-X bus. This issue is highly sensitive to temperature and occurs
within a narrow range (1–2 °C) within the normal operating temperature range. The
failing temperature varies for each die. The cause of the problem is that a hidden
register is l oaded with an ina ppropria te valu e, c ausi ng in corre ct drive strength on PCI
Implication: Parity errors and system hangs may occur.
Workaround: Write 1s to the bridge configuration spa ce (addre ss offset 224h , bits[29:17], fu nctio n 0
and 2). This must be done before any PCI-X bus access occurs. Please refer to the
Initialization by the SMB Bus Using The PIC16F876A Microcontroller
White Paper (302281)
for details on implementing this workaround.
The Inte 41110 Serial to Parallel P CI Bridge Initialization Cus tomer Reference Code
associated to this workaround is available from Intel. Cont act your Intel Representative
for more information.
Status: No Fix. The workaround must be in place for all steppings of the 41110 Bridge. See the
“Summary Table of Changes” on page 6.
6. SSE bit set for PERR# assertion when error reporting is masked
Problem: During a downstream memory write to 41110 Bridge, the following erroneous behavior
is seen whe n PE RR# is as serted on the sec o nd ary bu s:
Signaled System Error (SSE) in the STS_REG register (D:0, F:0&2, offset 06h, bit
14) is set when SERR# Enable (SEE ) (D:0, F:0&2, offset 04h, bit 8) an d Parity
Error Response Enable (PERE) (D:0, F:0&2, offset 04h, bit 6) are set in the CMD
The PERE bit in the BRDG_C N TL register is set (D:0, F:0&2, offset 3E h, bit 0).
Error reporting is disabled in the UN C_PXERRMSK register (D:0, F:0&2, offset
Implication: False indication of an error message escalated as recorded in SSE of the STS_REG
register being set. This is considered low risk since the escalation of the message is
functioning properly.
Workaround: None at this time.
Status: No Fix. See the “Summary Table of Changes” on page 6
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
Specification Update September 2007
12 Order Number: 311638-002US
7. Data P arity Error detected on P C I/X in terface fails to propag ate bad
Problem: In PCI and PCI-X mode using 32-bit data transfers, when a read request gets
disconnected at an even dword boundary with data parity error, such that the
subsequent request for partial data gets retried, the completion for this request is
issu ed over PCI Expre ss to the MC H (root com plex) with out the po iso ned data EP field
set in the PCI-Express TLP header.
Implication: Corrupted Data forwarded without error indication if error escalation is not enabled.
Workaround: Uncorrectable error escalation must be enabled in the MCH and 41110 Bridge to
contain this data parity escape. Therefore, a complete wo rkarou nd fo r this E rratum w ill
also require MCH/root complex escalate parity errors correctly appropriate platform.
Pleas e refer to the Intel
Initia lization by the SM B Bus U sing The PIC16F876A
Microcontroller White Paper (302281)
for details on implementing this workaround.
The Intel® 41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Initialization Custo mer Reference Code
associated to this workaround is available from I ntel. Contact your Intel R epresentat ive
for more information.
Status: No Fix. See the Summary Table of Changes” on page 6
8. Bridge Fails to train down in the presence of a degraded lane
Problem: Problem:During the PCI Express training sequence, if a broken endpoint has correct
receiver termin ation on a lan e and trans mits trainin g sequ ence s on the la ne wh ich are
invalid, the 41110 Bridge will fail to link train.
Implication: The PCI Express specification intends that, if some lanes are transmitting bogus data
instead of valid training sequences, those lanes should be treated as broken, and the
link s hou ld fa il do wn to an acc eptable width , su ch a s x1. If Lane 0 were failin g in this
manner, the PCI-E specification would anticipate that the link would fail to train. If a
high er-nu mb ered lan e w ere fai lin g in th is m an n er, th e P CI-E spe cif ica tio n re qu ires tha t
the lin k attemp t to train as a x1 on lan e 0. In either case , 41110 Brid ge wil l no t tra in
for the problem scenario.
On production material, failures are an ticipa ted to be either a broken tran smi tter path
or a broken receiver path, or a silent transmitter. 41110 Bridge will train properly for
these failure modes, since either the receiver termination will be mis sing, or th e
transmitted signals will not be seen at the 41110 Bridge. In order to see invalid
transmitted data on lanes at the 41110 Brid ge, e ither a logic bug in the o ther P C I-E
endpoint would be required, or a signal in tegrity issue s o severe as to make o peration
impossible, such as a broken or intermittent connection.
Workaround: None. A non-compliant or broken device could exhibit this erratum.
Status: No Fix. See the Summary Table of Changes” on page 6
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
September 2007 Specification Update
Order Numbe r: 31 16 38 -00 2U S 13
9. PCI Express an d PCI-X Header Logs and First Error Pointers do not
remain sticky through reset.
The PCI Express and PCI-X header logs an d Firs t Error p ointers are n ot ma intain ing
their values after a warm/hot reset. These registers should be unaffected by a
warm/hot reset, but instead, they are reset to d efault valu es. The fo llowing registers
with “sticky” bits are affected: ADVERR_CTL (o ffset 118h), HDR_LOG (offset 11Ch ),
PCIXERRUNC_PTR (offset 138h), PCIXHDR_LOG (offset 13Ch)
Implic ation : Errors detected will be lo gged a nd es cala ted prop erly, but af ter a warm /hot re set, th e
header logs and first error pointers will reset to th eir defa ult valu es.
Error status registers are unaffected, and properly main tain th eir values thro ugh reset.
Workaround: None at this time.
Status: No Fix. See the “Summary Table of Changes” on page 6
10. Incorrect Default Value for P C I Expre ss Flow Control Protocol Error
Severity Bit.
Problem: The PCI Express Flow Control Error Severity bit, register offset 10C, bit 13, is
programmed to a default value of 0, indicating an uncorrectable flow control error will
be reported as non-fatal. This is in contradiction with the PCI Express Specification,
whic h r e q uir es a d e f aul t val u e of 1, i nd ic atin g a n un co r r ec t ab l e fl ow co nt r ol e r r or w il l be
reported as fatal.
Implic atio n : Impl ic atio ns fo r th is erratum de pen d up on th e e rror resp on s e s trategy im ple me nted in
a speci fic system.
This bit can be reprogrammed to match the specified default value if desired. Refer to
the Intel
Initialization by the SMB Bus U sing The PIC 16F876A Micro con troller
White Paper (302281)
for details on this workaround.
The Inte 41110 Serial to Parallel P CI Bridge Initialization Cus tomer Reference Code
associated to this workaround is available from Intel. Cont act your Intel Representative
for more information.
Status: No Fix. See the “Summary Table of Changes” on page 6.
11. Power State Bits in PCI Express Power Management Control/Status
Register mistakenly accept reserved values.
Prob lem: The Pow er State b its, bi t 1:0 o f PM_PM CSR (Off set 70h) wi ll allo w a res erved valu e of
01 or 10 to be written. This is contrary to the specification, whic h o riginally stated th at
if software attempted to write an unsupported reserved state to this field, the data
would be discarded and no state change would occur.
Implic atio n : If a re serve d s tate is wri tten to this fi eld , there w ill be a mi sm atch betw een th e ac tua l
pow er state of the part an d the state repo rted in con figuration s pace. In s ome case s,
writin g a reserve d value to this fiel d cou ld ca use the 41110 Bridge to trans ition to the
D0 power state, regardless of the previo us po wer s tate.
Workaround: Never write a reserved value to this bit field.
Status: No Fix. See the “Summary Table of Changes” on page 6.
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
Specification Update September 2007
14 Order Number: 311638-002US
12. Performance across an Upstream x1 PCI Express Link is less than
Problem: When the 41110 Bridge is configured with an upstream x1 PCI Express link, the
realized performance is significantly less than the predicted linear assumption that a x1
link will provide ¼ the performance of a x4 link. This is caused by c ircum stanc e s where
41110 Bridge mu st disca rd a larg e portio n of the data it rece ives ac ross th e upstre am
link. Notab ly; anytime 41110 Bridge services an incorrect prefetch, or anytime 41110
Bridge services interleaved requests from multi-function devices, 41110 Bridge must
discard data.
The problem occurs because, in PCI mode, the target memory has no indication of the
amo unt of dat a t o se nd i n re sp on se t o a r e a d r e q ue st . I t mus t r e l y up on pr e f etch po li cy
and di s con nect s . I f a di s con ne ct oc cu r s, it mus t d is ca r d (p os si b ly s t al e ) da t a . D a t a that
is discarded after consuming bandwid th on the P CIe b us mu st then be re-read and c an
become a significant percentage of the available PCIe ba ndwidth.
Single-function masters on a PCI bus segme n t typically do not ex hibit this beh avior.
Mul t i -f unc t i on de v i ce s and / or mu ltip l e dev i ce s on a PCI bu s se gm e nt ar e mor e li k e ly t o
cause this problem, since they are likely to interleave read requests, which is a primary
cause of data discard.
This problem has not been seen in P CI-X, be cau se byte co un ts of read requ ests a re
known, buffers are preallocated and data do es n ot need to be discarded.
Implica tio n: Devices tha t rel y h eavi ly o n p refetc hi ng , or mu lti-fu n ctio n de vic es tha t requ es t da ta in
an interleaved fashion are the mos t likely to experien ce d egraded performance.
Workaround: System designers should reduce the amount of prefetching allowed to devices behind
41110 Bridge if possible.
Status: No Fix. See the Summary Table of Changes” on page 6
13. SKP Ordered Set may not be sent within required interval during link
recove ry if a pa cket is pen d ing
Problem: During Link Recovery on the PCI Express port, the device may fail to transmit a SKP
Ordered set within the required time interval as defined in the PCI Express 1.0a
Specification if a TLP or DLLP was pending when the link en tered Recovery.Idle state.
Implica tio n: If the rece ivin g d evic e d epe nd s u po n rece ipt o f a SKP Ord ered se t to pro gre ss thro ug h
Link Recovery, a timeout will occur resulting in Link Down and a u toma tic reinitialization
of the PCI Express Link. A link transitions through Recovery only under exceptional
operational conditions. Following the Link Recovery timeout an d reinitialization, the PCI
Express link should resume normal operation unless the original Link Recovery
condition was entered as a result of a hard failure mechanism.
Workaround: None.
Status: No Fix. See the Summary Table of Changes” on page 6.
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
September 2007 Specification Update
Order Numbe r: 31 16 38 -00 2U S 15
14. PCI Express ESD en ha ncem en t requires a change to register settings
Problem: Validation has shown PCI Express ESD enhancement, with changes to undisclosed
registers in the 41110 Bridge.
Implication: The workaround that follows inc reases the margin fo r the eye and res ults in a healthie r,
improved PCI Express link.
Worka round: S et F0/F2:R260h bit[15] to 1 and clear F0/F2:R270h bit[31] to 0. This workaround is
requi red fo r bo th c ol d an d wa rm res et. Refer to the
Intel® 41110 Se ria l to Pa ral lel PCI
Bridge Initialization by the SMBus using the PIC16F876A Microcontroller White Paper
(302281) for details on implementing th is wo rkarou nd.
The Inte 41110 Serial to Parallel P CI Bridge Initialization Customer Reference Code
associated to this workaround is available from Intel. Cont act your Intel Representative
for more information.
Status: No Fix. See the “Summary Table of Changes” on page 6.
15 . SERR fata l/no n-fatal erro r m e ssage ena b led w ith in cor rect error
message enabled bit
Problem: When Secondary bus SERR errors are not being escalated (i.e., when the SERR#
Enable (SEE) bit in the PCI Command Register (offset 0x4) is not set), then the
Advanced Error Reporting scheme concerning SERR configuration is flawed. Specifically,
whe n SE RR is con fi gu red as a fatal error, the gen eratio n o f a SE RR fatal error me ss ag e
is mistakenly gated by the Non-Fatal Error Reporting E nable d bit (bit[1]) instead of the
Fatal Error Reporting enabled bit (bit[2]) of the Device Control Register (offset 4Ch).
Likewise, when SERR is configured as a non-fatal error, the generation of a SERR
non-fatal error message is gated by the Fatal Error Reporting enabled bit.
Implication: The SERR fatal error message can be gener ated only when non-fatal error messaging is
enabled, and the SERR non-fatal error m essa ge can be genera ted onl y when fatal erro r
messaging is enabled.
Workaround: The workaround for this errata is implementation specific. The following are options for
working around this errata:
................. Set the SERR# enable bit in PCI command register (offset 0x4 - bit 8)
... ........ ........ ...................................................... For Adv anced Error rep orti ng:
Set the Report NonFatal and Fatal Erro r bits (o ffset 0x4C - bits 1 and 2).
....... I f using the Advanced Error reporting capabilit y for SERR# escalation as Fatal
Set the Report NonFatal Error enable bit (offset 4c, bit 1) and mask other PCI-X
errors that are set to NonFatal, using offset 0x134 and 0x130, if escalation of those
errors is no t desire d.
If using the Advanced Error reporting capability for SERR# escalation as Non-F atal
Set the Report Fatal errors en able b it (offset 4c, bit 2).
Status: No Fix. See the “Summary Table of Changes” on page 6.
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
Specification Update September 2007
16 Order Number: 311638-002US
16. Byte Enab les (BE) not included in PCI delayed reads can caus e data
Problem: A PCI device on one of the secondary busses that generates a zero length read request
may cause data corruption in platforms utilizing non-Intel MCH components, as the
byte enables (BE) are not included by the 41110 bridge in ma tching comp letion s to PCI
delayed read requests.
Implication: All Intel MCH devices will return data consistent with the address of a zero-length read
reques t. No co rru ptio n ca n o c cu r if a su bs equ en t no n -zero -len gth rea d is in adve rtently
comp leted with da ta returned on beha lf of the zero -length request bu t this behavi or is
not required by specification.
The following is an example ca se:
1. A memory read request with zero BE is issued over PCI, a corresponding zero
length read results on PCI-Express to th e ho st.
2. A PCI device on the same PCI segment issues a MR/MRL /MRM to the same address
with valid BEs.
3. The 41110 bridge matches the completion for the Memory Read request on line 1
to the request on line 2 (i.e. - BEs are igno red.)
4. Unspecified data (returned for the zero-length read reques t) is driven to the PCI
card, resulting in data corruption.
This exclusively affects PCI mode and is n o t an issue when the secondary busses are
operating in PCI-X mode. Whether corruption can occur through this mechanism is
dependent upon behavior of the non-Intel MCH component. If the MCH in use behaves
similarly to Intel MCH designs, there is no expos ure to data co rruptio n, and th e
incomplete completion match will not have an y side-effects.
Workaround: None.
Status: No Fix. See the Summary Table of Changes” on page 6.
17. Bridge ma y beco me unresponsive when transitioning into the D3
power state.
Probl em: When the 41110 Bridge tran sition s to a p ower state o f D3 o r lo wer, th e 41110 Bri dge
may becom e un res po ns ive.
Implication: There have been no observed failures on systems with currently available software.
Operating systems th at independently manage the power state of the 41110, outside
the scope of system level power state transitions, may result in the loss of link
communications to the MCH.
Workaround: Independent device power state management of the 41110 should be avoided. If the
41110 Bridge beco mes u nresp onsi ve, a fu nda mental device reset mu st be as serted to
return the system to norm al operation.
Status: No Fix. See the Summary Table of Changes” on page 6.
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
September 2007 Specification Update
Order Numbe r: 31 16 38 -00 2U S 17
18. Under certain conditions , inbound prefetched PCI read requests m ay
retu r n wr o ng da ta to the requ e sto r
Prob lem : With so me pre fetc h po li cy se tting s, the 41110 may over-aggre ss ively prefetc h da ta fo r
PCI reads and subsequently return the wrong data to the requestor. This problem only
exists when there is more than one active agent on the PCI bus. It exists for all
supported frequencies and exists on both 41110 PCI segments. It does not effect
PCI-X operation at any supported frequency.
Implic ation: Inb ound re ad reques ts that are en abled fo r prefetchin g may return invalid data w hen
multiple agents exist on the same PCI bus. No error is reported by the 41110.
Worka rou n d: S et D0:F0/F 2 O ffse t 184h (Dwo rd) bit [2] to 1. The w o rkaro u nd c o rrects th e p rob lem
at all supported frequencies and all prefetch p olicy settings.
Status: No Fi x. Not to be fixed. The w orkaro und must b e left in place for al l 41110 s te pping s.
See the Summary Table of Changes” on page 6.
19. Bridge Incorrectly R eports Itself as a Mu lti-Fun ction Device
Problem: The multi-function bit is set ON in the Header Type configuration register, offset Eh,
identifying that there are multiple functions associated with the device when there is
only one.
Implication: Configuration software assumes that there are multiple devices behind the bridge and
may perform unnecessary operations.
Workaround: None. Software needs to verify that a function is valid before taking action.
Status: No Fix. Not to be fixed. See the “Summary Table of Changes” on page 6.
41110—Specification Changes
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
Specification Update September 2007
18 Order Number: 311638-002US
Specification Changes
1. L0s state is no t suppo rted
Issue: The L0s state has been defeatured in the 41110 Bridge.
Affected Docs:Intel
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Datasheet (278885-001)
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Developers Manual (278890-001)
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Design Guide (278801-001)
2. Linea r Voltage Regu lato rs are Recommended for 1.5 V supplies
Issue: Linear Voltage regulators are recom mended when using 1.5 Volt power supplies.
Affected Docs:Intel
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Design Guide (278801-001)
3. Updated Power Sequencing Steps for VCC15 and VCC33 Voltages
Issue: The following three steps are the power sequencing requirements that must be
followed with the 41110 Bridge:
1. The 41110 Bridge requires that the VCC33 voltage rail be no less than 0.5V below
VCC15 (absolute voltage value) at all times during 41110 o peration , includin g
during system power up and power down. In other words, the following must
always be true:
VCC33 >= (VCC15 – 0.5V)
This can be accomplished by placing a diode (with a voltage drop <0.5V) between
VCC15 and VCC33. A node w ill be connected to VCC15 and cathode will be
con ne cted to VCC33.
If VCC15 (1.5V PCI-X I/O voltage) and VCC (1.5V core voltage) are tied together
on the platform, then both voltages must meet the above rule.
Linear voltage regulators are recommended when using 1.5 Volt power supplies.
2. If a voltage regulator solution is used which shunts VCC15 to ground while VCC33
is powered, the maximum allowable time that VCC15 can be shunted to ground
while VCC33 is fully powered is 20ms. This includes c onfig uration s wh ere VCC and
VCC15 are powered by the same power source.
3. The maximum allowed time between VCC33 and VCC15 ramping is 525ms.
There is no minimum sequencing time requirement other than requirements
in Steps 2 and 3.
Affected Docs:Intel
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Design Guide (278801-001)
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
September 2007 Specification Update
Order Numbe r: 31 16 38 -00 2U S 19
Specification Changes—Intel
4. U se M icrocon troller When Implementing Some Erratum Workarounds
Issu e: Th e w o rkaro u nd s fo r a n um ber of erratum ob se rved in th e 41110 Seri al to Parall el P CI
Bridg e (Erratum 19, 20, 25, 28, an d 32) require tha t Config uration Space registers b e
loaded with specific values. Intel requires that this be done using the microcontroller
attached to the 41110 Bridge SM Bus prior to releasing the CFGRETRY signal.
Affected Docs:Intel
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Developers M anu a l (278890-001)
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Des ign Guide (278801-001)
5. BCNF Bit 3 Change d to Reserved bit
Issue: Bit 3 in the Bridge Configuration Register (Offset 40 in both A- and B- bridges) is
currently defined as ‘Downstream Delayed Transaction Resource Partitioning (ODTP)’
with a default setting of ‘0’. Setting this bit to ‘1’ may cause undesired functionality;
therefo re BCNF.3 is changed to ‘reserved’. As a ‘reserved’ bit, the default condition of
‘0’ should be maintained and BIOS firmware should never set this bit to a ‘1.
Affected Docs:Intel
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Developers M anu a l (278890-001).
6. R EFCLK r e lationship to voltage rails
Issue: When the 41110 is on an add-in card, only 3.3V and 12V are provided to the slot,
therefo re, a l oc al regu la tor is requ ire d fo r 1.5V an d 2. 5V ge ne ration . Due to the dela y
by the local regulators, REFCLK may already be provided before the power rails are
stable. If this is the case, no device overstress will occur, provided that the REFCLK
input current does not exceed 900mA and the input voltage does not exceed the PCI
Expres s s pe cif ica tio n o f 1. 15V. RE F CLK bu ffers on m any Intel pla tform s s ho w an in pu t
current of 15.6mA, well under the 900mA limit.
The requirement for "all 41110 voltage rails to be stable before the PCI Express
differential clocks REFCLKp and REFCLKn begin run ning" is no lo nger a requiremen t.
Affected Docs:Inte41110 Serial to Pa rallel Bridge Des ign Guide (278801-003)
41110—Specification Clarifications
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
Specification Update September 2007
20 Order Number: 311638-002US
Specification Clarifications
1. SMBus connection recommendations for PCI Express* adapter cards
Issue : PCI Express * cards based on the 41110 Bridge must implement the SMBus signals in
one of the fo llo wi ng ways:
1. The SMDAT and SMCLK signals from the PCI Express* connector must be left as
"no connects". The SMBCLK and SMBDAT signals on the 41110 must have pull-ups
even when they are not used . The pull-ups p revent the inpu ts from oscillating and
potentially causing other problem s.
2. When the SMBus feature is require d, an isolation devic e (for e xample , the
LTC4301) mus t be placed between the SMBus signals on the PCI Express*
connector and the 41110, so that the system has no connection to the 41110 on
these two signals when powe r is off.
For embedded/backplane designs, it is assume d that the SMBus is routed only to
devices that are required and that remain powered
Affected Docs:
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Datashee t
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Develo per’s Manual
2. Bridge D evice ID correcte d to 0 32D
Issue : In sec tion 12.2.1, Tab le 35, o f the 41110 Developer's Man ual, bits [31:16] inco rrectly
state the device ID for the 41110. Bits [31:16], in Section 12.2.1, Table 35, now
appears as follows:
Affected Docs:
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Deve lope r’s Manual
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
September 2007 Specification Update
Order Numbe r: 31 16 38 -00 2U S 21
Specification Clarifications—Intel
3. 41 x1 0 interaction with 5V P IC micro con troller m ay b e interm ittent
Issu e: The In tel 41x10 Cus tomer referenc e bo ard co ntain s a n erro r that m ay preven t prop er
operation on the PIC microcontroller. The 41x10, a 3.3V logic device is asserting a
signal to a Schmitt trigger input of a 5V part (PIC Microcontroller - PIC16F876A -
requires 4V for a logic high on the Schmitt trigger input). In certain cases, the PIC
microcontroller may not detect the logic high and thus fail to execute the PIC
initialization code.
Only designs which leveraged the 41x10 reference board with the implemenat ion of the
5V PIC microcontroller are affected. Implementations using a 3.3V microcontroller are
not affected by this issue.
A fix to the PIC initialization reference co de h a s been iden tified to workaround this
The Intel 41x10 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Initialization Customer Reference Code
associated with this fix is available from Intel. Co ntact yo ur In tel repres entative fo r
more in form atio n .
Affected Docs:
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Develop er’s Ma nua l
41110—Documentation Changes
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
Specification Update September 2007
22 Order Number: 311638-002US
Do c umentati o n Ch a nge s
1. L0s state is no t suppo rted.
Issue: The L0s state has been defeatured in the 41110 Bridge.
Affected Docs:
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Datashee t
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Develo per’s Manual
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge De sign Guid e
2. Device REVID 00h (is an error) and needs to be changed to 09h per
the C1 revision
Issue : Table 38 in the
41210 Seria l to Pa rall el P CI B ridg e D eve lo per’s M an ua l
that the Offset for REVID - Revision ID is 00h . It sho uld loo k as indicated below:
New Text: Highlighted in RED.
12.2.4 Offset 08h: REVID—Revisio n ID
This register is t he Revision ID Register.
Affected Docs:
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge Deve lope r’s Manual
Tab le 38. Offset 08h: REVID—Revision ID
Bits Type Reset Description
7:0 RO 09h Revision ID (RID): These bits indicate the stepping (die version) of the Intel® 41110 Ser ial
to Parallel PCI Bridge.
0000 1001 C-1 stepping
41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
September 2007 Specification Update
Order Numbe r: 31 16 38 -00 2U S 23
Documentation ChangesIntel