41110 Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge
September 2007 Specification Update
Order Numbe r: 31 16 38 -00 2U S 11
4. U nreliable PCI Express link operation when L0s active state power
m ana ge m e nt is ena ble d
Problem: PCI Express* link operation is unreliable after the L0s state is enabled in the 41110
Implication: When L0s is enabled, the system may hang or be have in an u nsta ble ma nner.
Workaround: The link control register must be written to prevent the 41110 from entering L0s. A
platform- dependent BIOS workaround has been identified. Please refer to Specification
Changes “L0s state is not supported” on page 18 and to the Intel
by the SMB Bus Using The PIC16F876A Microcontroller White Paper (302281)
details on how to disable L0s support and implement this workaround.
The Intel® 41110 Serial to Parallel P CI Bridge Initialization Cus tomer Reference Code
associated to this workaround is available from Intel. Cont act your Intel Representative
for more information.
Status: No Fix. See the “Summary Table of Changes” on page 6.
5. Slow edg e rate s a re ob se rv ed w hen t he In t el
4111 0 Seri al t o P aral l el
PCI Bridge is driving the PCI-X bu s at specific tempe ratures
Problem: Signal-integrity issues may occur at a specific temperature when 41110 Bridge is
driving the PCI/PCI-X bus. This issue is highly sensitive to temperature and occurs
within a narrow range (1–2 °C) within the normal operating temperature range. The
failing temperature varies for each die. The cause of the problem is that a hidden
register is l oaded with an ina ppropria te valu e, c ausi ng in corre ct drive strength on PCI
Implication: Parity errors and system hangs may occur.
Workaround: Write 1s to the bridge configuration spa ce (addre ss offset 224h , bits[29:17], fu nctio n 0
and 2). This must be done before any PCI-X bus access occurs. Please refer to the
Initialization by the SMB Bus Using The PIC16F876A Microcontroller
White Paper (302281)
for details on implementing this workaround.
The Intel® 41110 Serial to Parallel P CI Bridge Initialization Cus tomer Reference Code
associated to this workaround is available from Intel. Cont act your Intel Representative
for more information.
Status: No Fix. The workaround must be in place for all steppings of the 41110 Bridge. See the
“Summary Table of Changes” on page 6.
6. SSE bit set for PERR# assertion when error reporting is masked
Problem: During a downstream memory write to 41110 Bridge, the following erroneous behavior
is seen whe n PE RR# is as serted on the sec o nd ary bu s:
• Signaled System Error (SSE) in the STS_REG register (D:0, F:0&2, offset 06h, bit
14) is set when SERR# Enable (SEE ) (D:0, F:0&2, offset 04h, bit 8) an d Parity
Error Response Enable (PERE) (D:0, F:0&2, offset 04h, bit 6) are set in the CMD
• The PERE bit in the BRDG_C N TL register is set (D:0, F:0&2, offset 3E h, bit 0).
• Error reporting is disabled in the UN C_PXERRMSK register (D:0, F:0&2, offset
Implication: False indication of an error message escalated as recorded in SSE of the STS_REG
register being set. This is considered low risk since the escalation of the message is
functioning properly.
Workaround: None at this time.
Status: No Fix. See the “Summary Table of Changes” on page 6