ICs for Communications
ATM Switc hing Matrix
PXB 4310 Version 1.1
Preliminary Data Sheet 12.97 DS 2
PXB 4310
Revision History: Current Version : 12.97 Functional Update
Previous Version: Preliminary Data Sheet 08.95 (V 1.1)
(in previous
(in current
Subjects (major changes since last revision)
23 30 VBIAS has no built-in bandgap reference
91 97 Note 17 changed to comment, new note 17 added
52-55 59-62 Register ISR some descriptions changed
57 66 Note to ILA register added
Bit LSE added, description o f LSYN C refined
57 66 Additional bit in LFR register
58-63 67-73 All register addresses changed
58 68 Bit RXof COR inverted
62 72 Register PQLR added
63 74 Bit IVINP added to MR register
47-50 53-56 Section about cell sequenc e simplified
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Edition 12.97
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© Siemens AG 1997.
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1 A critical component is a component used in a l ife-support device or system whose fa il ure can reasonably be
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2 Life support devices or systems are intended (a) to be implanted in the human body, or (b) to support and/or
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Table of Contents Page
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1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2. 1 Fe a tur e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
2.2 Logic Symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
2.3 Pin Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4 Pin Definitions and Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.5 Functional Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
2.6 System Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
3 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.1 Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
3.2 Queuing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.3 Other Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
3.4 Interfaces Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
3.4.1 High Speed Data Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
3.4.2 Multicast RAM Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4.3 Device Test Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.4.4 Boundary Scan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
3.4.5 Microprocessor-Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.4.6 Clock and Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.5 ATM Cell Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
3.6 Examples for System Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.6.1 Funnel-Type Switching Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3. 6 .2 Ba n ya n S w i t c h i n g N e tw o rks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
3.6.3 Multiplexers/Concentrators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
3.6.4 Multicast Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
4 Functional Blocks Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.1 Bit Phase Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
4.2 Cell Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
4.3 Deactivation of Input Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
4.4 Check of Header Parity Bit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
4.5 Device-internal Cell Parity Byte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
4.6 Empty Cell Removal/Inse rtion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
4.7 Output Port Bundling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
4.8 ATM Cel l Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
4.9 Routing Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
4.10 Multicast Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
4.11 Output Queue Fairness Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
4.12 Cell Insertion via the Processor Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
4.13 Cell Receiving via the Processor Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
4.14 Procedures for System Failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
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5 Register Descriptio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.1 Registers Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
5.1.1 Int er rupt Status Regis ter (Read Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
5.1.2 Interrupt Mask Register (Write) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
5.1.3 Line Asynchronous State Register (Read Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
5.1.4 Input Line Address (Write) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
5.1.5 Line Error Register (Read Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
5.1.6 Line Failed Register (Read Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
5.1.7 Input Online Register (Write) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.1.8 Command Register (Read/Write) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.1.9 Priority Threshold Register (Write) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
5.1.10 Maximum Queue Length Register (Write) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
5.1.11 Processor Queue Length Register (Read/Write) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
5.1.12 Multicast Transfer Register (Read/Write) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
5.1.13 Output Line Address/ Multicast Address Register (Write) . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
5. 1 .14 Mainte n an ce Regis te r (Wri te) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
5.1.15 Phase Align Test Register (Read) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
5.1.16 Free Cells Count Register (Read/Write) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
5.1.17 Version Code Register (Read) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
5.1.18 Mode Register (Write) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5.1.19 Output Group Register (Write) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
5.1.20 Identification Register (Write) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
5.1.21 Filter Mask Register (Write) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5.1.22 LIC Protection Switch Register (Write) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
5.1.23 Transmit Cell Register 0 (Write Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
5.1.24 Transmit Cell Register 1 (Write Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90
5.1.25 Receive Cell Register (Read Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
6.1 Example for System Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
6.1.1 Programming of the ASMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
6.1.2 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
6.2 State after Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
6.3 Test and Communication Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98
6.4 Error Detections and Indications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100
6.4.1 External Error Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
6.4.2 Internal Error Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100
6.5 Test of Err or Indications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101
7 Electrical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
7.1 DC Charact eri stic s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
7.2 AC Characteris tics (Conditions: See Operating Conditions, Section 7.5) 107
7.3 µP -Int erf a ce Si gn al s (S e e Timi ng Figure 37) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
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7.4 Multicast RAM Int erface Signals (See Ti ming Figure 38) . . . . . . . . . . . .114
7.5 Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117
8 Package Outlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118
9 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
9.1 Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
10 Overview Li sts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
10.1 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
10.2 Glossary and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
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List of Figures Page
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Figure 1: ATM Switch Basic Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Figure 2: Mini Switch with 622 Mbit/s Throughput. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Figure 3: ASM Logic Symbol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Figure 4: Ball Configuration - The Index Mark is at Ball A1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Figure 5: Block Diagram of ASM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Figure 6: ATM Cell Path through a Switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Figure 7: Self-routing Principle for Point-to-Point Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Figure 8: Table Routing Principle for Multicast Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Figure 9: Definition of F ilter Field and Routing Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Figure 10: Applications for the Output Multiplexer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Figure 11: High Speed Data Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Figure 12: MC-RAM Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Figure 13: Device Test Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Figure 14: Test Interface (Signals, Loading) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Figure 15: µP-Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Figure 16: Clock and Reset Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Figure 17: RESE T Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Figure 18: Format of Self-routing ATM Cell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Figure 19: Format of Multicast ATM Cell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Figure 20: Format of Empty Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Figure 21: Structure of Protection Switch Identifier Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Figure 22: 5 Gbit/s Switching Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Figure 23: 10 Gbit/s Switching Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Figure 24: 7-Chip Funnel for 20 Gbit/s Switching Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Figure 25: Generic Banyan Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Figure 26: 40 Gbit/s Banyan Switch with Bundles of 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Figure 27: A Switching Network Expanded by Multiplexers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Figure 28: Single Chip Bidirectional Multiplexer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Figure 29: Output Cell Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Figure 30: Linear Input Scan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Figure 31: Examp le Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Figure 32: Core Programming Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Figure 33: ASM Addressi ng Concept Us ing SSNs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Figure 34: Transition Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Figure 35: Clock/Data Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Figure 36: Jitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Figure 37: µP Read/Write Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Figure 38: Multicast Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Figure 39: Modeling an ASM Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Figure 40: Buffer Sizes for Cell Loss Probability 10 – 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Figure 41: Cell Loss Rate versus Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Figure 42: Cell Delay Probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
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Table 1: Description of Used Header Fields. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Table 2: Si ze and Chip Count for Funnel-type Switching Networks. . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Table 3: Size and ASM Chip Count for Banyan Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Table 4: µP/Control Cell Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
Table 5: Grouping of the Output Ports Corresponding to Content of OG(14:0) . . . . 84
Table 6: Grouping of the Output Ports Corresponding to Content of OG(14:0) . . . . 85
Table 7: Grouping of the Output Ports Corresponding to Content of OG(14:0) . . . . 85
Table 8: Testing of Error Indications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101
Table 9: Absolute Maximum Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117
Table 10: Operating Condit ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117
Table 11: Glossary and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123
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1 Introduction
The second generation of the Siemens ATM layer chip set consists of the six chips
PXB 4310 ATM Switching Matrix ASM
P XB 43 25 AT M Sw itching Pr epro cessor A SP
PXB 4330 ATM Buffer Manager ABM
P XB 43 40 AT M OAM Pro c e ssor AOP
PXB 4350 ATM Layer Process o r ALP.
PXB 4360 Content Addressable Memor y Element CAME
These chips form a complete chip set to build an ATM switch. A generic ATM switch
consists of a switching fabric and switch ports as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 ATM Switch Basic Configuration
In the Siemens ATM layer chip set the sw it ching fabric only does c ell r outing using the
PXB 4310 ASM, which can be used stand alone or in arrays to scale switching netw ork
throughput from 2.5 Gbit/s up to more than 40 Gbit/s. All ot her ATM layer functions are
performed on the switch ports: policing, header translation and cell counting by the
PXB 4350 ALP and the PXB 4360 CAME, OAM functions by the PXB 4340 AOP and
traffic management by the PX B 4330 ABM. The PXB 4325 ASP is the access device to
the switching fabric and adds/removes the routing header. It also supports redundant
switching fabrics and does multicast.
Only two i nterfaces ar e used for data transfer: t he industry s tandard UTOPIA [1, 2] Level
2 multi-PHY interfaces and the proprietary Switch Link InterFace SLIF. This is a serial,
differential high speed link using LVDS [3] levels.
PXB 4350
PXB 4340
PXB 4325
PXB 4310
RAM Pointer
PXB 4330
RAM Conn.
Conn. R AM = connection data RA M
Pol . RAM = policing data RA M
ARC = address reduction ci rcuit
Cell RAM = ATM cell s torage RAM
switch port
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Semiconductor Group 9 12.97
For low end applications a sing le board switch with 622 Mbit/s throughput can be built
with only one PXB 4350 ALP and one PXB 4330 ABM. Such a mini-switch is bas ically
one switch port stand alone, without switching networ k access via the PXB 4325 ASP. I f
the full OAM functionality is not needed the PXB 4340 AOP chip can be omitted as
shown in Figure 2. Minimum OAM and multicast functionality is also built into the
PXB 4350 ALP. The external Address Reduction Circuit (CAME) is not required if the
built-in address reduc tion is used.
Figur e 2 Mi ni S witch with 622 Mbit/s Throughput
Apart from the two applications of Figure 1 and 2, m any other combinat ions of the chip
set are possible in designing ATM switches. Functionality is selectable in many
combinations due to the modular function split of the chip set. Address reduction,
multicast, policing, redundant switching network and other functions can be
implemented by appropriate chip combinations. The number of supported connections
scales with the size of the external connection RAMs. The policing data RAM can be
omitted if this function is not required.Thus functionality and size of an ATM s witch c an
be tailored exactly to what the respective application requires, without carrying the
overhead of unnecessary functions.
PXB 435 0
RAM Pointer
PXB 4330
Conn . RAM = connection data RA M
Pol. RAM = policing data RAM
ARC = ad dress reduction circu it
Cell RAM = ATM cell storage RAM
PXB 4310
Semiconductor Group 10 12.97
2 Overview
The ATM Switc hing Matrix is a member of t he Siemens ATM integrated Chip Set. It is a
true ATM cell switch wi th 32 inputs and 16 out puts each of which can transport a ST M-1
equivalent load. Total maximum throughput is 2.5 Gbit/s. A shared buffer architecture
with individual output queues allows ATM cell loads of 95 % of a STM-1 payload for each
output. An adjustable buffer lim it is provided to acc ount for low priority cells.
The ASM supports both self-routing (with the output port address contained in the cell
header) and multicast (using an external look-up table). The chip can be used stand-
alone or in a networked configuration. It can be configured in various operating mode s.
Multiple ASMs can be connected to build switching networks of arbitrary size.
A cont inuous growth from small to very large switching networks is poss ible.
Inputs and outputs are realized as serial, differential transmission lines, defined as
Switch Link Interface (SLIF). The serial interface allows a lower pin count and less power
dissipation compared to chips with parallel I/Os. Both features result in a smaller and
cheaper chip. The low pin count is an important feature if larger switching networks are
built which extend over multiple boards via backplane. No clock line is necessary to
transmit data, as each input of the ASM has an individual bit phase adaptation.
The ASM has the capability of bundling 2, 4, 8 or 16 lines to form pipes of higher bit rates
up to 2.5 Gbit/s. In these cases the transmitting ASM distributes the cells cyclically on the
lines of the bundle, so t hat the receiving ASM can reconstruct the correct sequence. This
feature facilitates the bandwidt h management for the interconnection lines of a swi tching
network and allows the later support of 622 Mbit/s and 2.5 Gbit/s line interfaces.
Electrical characteristics of the SLIF are according to the LVDS standard defined by
IEEE [7]. The LVDS signals have low voltage swing and use 50 terminated
transmission lines. The low impedance and the differential signal guarantee a secure
data transmission, even via connectors, backplanes and t wisted or coaxial cable pairs of
up to some m ete rs length. This simplifies the construction of large switching networks.
The data format is the Siemens proprietary 64 byte ATM cell which contains the
standardized 53 byte ATM c ell extended by routing and housekeeping inf or mations.
The conversion from standardized 53 byte cell format to SLIF format is done by the
PXB 4325 ATM Swit ching Preprocessor ASP which connects to one, two or four lines of
the switching network. The ASP frees the user to cope with the da ta format inside the
switch; simply writing the des ired output port of the switch into the upstream translation
RAM of the ASP defines the path through the network . The ASP does all the necessary
conversions in both direc tions, i.e. at the s witch input port and at the switch output port.
It has a bidirectional throughput of one, two or four STM-1 equivalents.
The ASM is controlled via a generic 8-bit microprocessor interface with 8-bit address
Semiconductor Group 11 12.97
ATM Switching Matrix
PXB 4310
Version 1.1 CMOS
Type Ordering Code Packa ge
PXB 4310 Q67101-H6587 P-BGA-352
2.1 Features
Self-routing switching matrix with built-in multicast
function and redundant switching architecture
High performance: 10 – 10 cell loss probability with
87 % Bernoulli type traffic (corresponds to 96 % load
on a STM-1/ OC-3 link).
Internal speed-up concept reduces cell load inside
the switching network.
Central buffer architecture provides minimum cell delay variation at high data
Routing Header provides 32-bit routing address, f reely configurable.
Expan dable up to 256 ×256 non-blocking switching network core.
Blocking switching networks up to 32768 ×32768 ports.
Free programmable input filter function.
Configurable as single chip multiplexer/demultiplexer.
Prepared for 622-Mbit/s and 2.5-Gbit/s ports.
Uses 200-Mbit/s serial, differential data link lines, the Swit ch Link Interface.
Switch Link Interface uses LVDS levels for low crosstalk, less interference and low
power consu mption.
Individual phase adaptation per in put; no separate clock required.
Static output multiplexer allows flexible assignment of output queues to outputs e.g.
for prot ection switching support.
Intel compatible 8-bit microprocessor interface f or chip control.
3.3-V 0.5-µ-CMOS technology.
Power dissipation below 3 W.
352-pin bal l- gri d array.
PXB 4310
Semiconductor Group 12 12.97
2.2 Logic Symbol
Figur e 3 ASM Logic Symbol
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Semiconductor Group 13 12.97
2.3 Pin Configuration
(bottom view)
Figure 4 Ball Configuration - The Index Mark is at Ball A1
A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 H1 J1 K1 L1 M1 N1 P1 R1 T1 U1 V1 W1 Y1 AA1 AB1 AC1 AD1 AE1 AF1
A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 H2 J2 K2 L2 M2 N2 P2 R2 T2 U2 V2 W2 Y2 AA2 AB2 AC2 AD2 AE2 AF2
A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 F3 G3 H3 J3 K3 L3 M3 N3 P3 R3 T3 U3 V3 W3 Y3 AA3 AB3 AC3 AD3 AE3 AF3
A4 B4 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 H4 J4 K4 L4 M4 N4 P4 R4 T4 U4 V4 W4 Y4 AA4 AB4 AC4 AD4 AE4 AF4
A5 B5 C5 D5 AC5 AD5 AE5 AF5
A6 B6 C6 D6 AC6 AD6 AE6 AF6
A7 B7 C7 D7 AC7 AD7 AE7 AF7
A8 B8 C8 D8 AC8 AD8 AE8 AF8
A9 B9 C9 D9 AC9 AD9 AE9 AF9
A10 B10 C10 D10 AC10 AD10 AE10 AF10
A11 B11 C11 D11 AC11 AD11 AE11 AF11
A12 B12 C12 D12 BGA 352 AC12 AD12 AE12 AF12
A13 B13 C13 D13 AC13 AD13 AE13 AF13
A14 B14 C14 D14 b o ttom v ie w AC14 AD14 AE14 AF14
A15 B15 C15 D15 AC15 AD15 AE15 AF15
A16 B16 C16 D16 AC16 AD16 AE16 AF16
A17 B17 C17 D17 AC17 AD17 AE17 AF17
A18 B18 C18 D18 AC18 AD18 AE18 AF18
A19 B19 C19 D19 AC19 AD19 AE19 AF19
A20 B20 C20 D20 AC20 AD20 AE20 AF20
A21 B21 C21 D21 AC21 AD21 AE21 AF21
A22 B22 C22 D22 AC22 AD22 AE22 AF22
A23 B23 C23 D23 E23 F23 G23 H23 J23 K23 L23 M23 N23 P23 R23 T23 U23 V23 W23 Y23 AA23 AB23 AC23 AD23 AE23 AF23
A24 B24 C24 D24 E24 F24 G24 H24 J24 K24 L24 M24 N24 P24 R24 T24 U24 V24 W24 Y24 AA24 AB24 AC24 AD24 AE24 AF24
A25 B25 C25 D25 E25 F25 G25 H25 J25 K25 L25 M25 N25 P25 R25 T25 U25 V25 W25 Y25 AA25 AB25 AC25 AD25 AE25 AF25
A26 B26 C26 D26 E26 F26 G26 H26 J26 K26 L26 M26 N26 P26 R26 T26 U26 V26 W26 Y26 AA26 AB26 AC26 AD26 AE26 AF26
PXB 4310
Semiconductor Group 14 12.97
2.4 Pin Definitions and Functions
Pin No. Symbo l Func tion
AD15, AC15 DI0, DI0 Differential data inputs.
AE15, AE14 DI1, DI1 Data rate up to 208 Mbit/s.
AC14, AD14 DI2, DI2
AD13, AC13 DI3, DI3
AC12, AD12 DI4, DI4
AD11, AC11 DI5, DI5
AE11, AE10 DI6, DI6
AC10, AD10 DI7, DI7
AD 9, AC9 DI8 , DI 8
AC 8, AD8 DI9 , DI 9
AD7, AC7 DI 10, DI10
AE7, AE6 DI11, DI11
AC6, AD6 DI 12, DI12
AD5, AC5 DI 13, DI13
AC3, AC4 DI 14, DI14
AC2, AB2 DI 15, DI15
AB4, AB3 DI16, DI16
AA3, AA4 DI17, DI17
Y4, Y3 DI18, DI18
W3, W4 DI19, DI19
W2, V2 DI20, DI20
V4, V3 DI21, DI21
U3, U4 DI22, DI22
T4, T3 DI23, DI23
R3, R4 DI24, DI24
R2, P2 DI25, DI25
P4, P3 DI26, DI26
PXB 4310
Semiconductor Group 15 12.97
N3, N4 DI27, DI27
M4, M3 DI28, DI28
L3, L4 DI29, DI29
L2, K2 DI30, DI30
K4, K3 DI31, DI31
G3 VREF Analog reference voltage input, used f or a pr ec is e
adjustment of t he internal current sources.
VR EF -value: (1 .2 ±0.1)V
C22, D22,
B22, D23,
D25, E25,
E2 3, E24
ADR0 … 7 Address bus of the µP-interface.
K23 CS Chip select signal of the µP- interface (low active).
L23 WR Write enable signal of the µP-interface (low active).
L26 RD Read enable signal of the µP-inte rf ace (lo w a ctiv e ).
F2 RESET Hardware reset, blocks all cell output data (DO) while
‘0’; starts internal reset procedure with the low to high
level transition.
D2 0 TMS Bo un da ry Sc a n Test Mode Select.
B20 TDI Boundary Scan Test Data Input.
B21 TRST Boundary Scan Test Reset.
G2 TMOD Device test mode status signal, cont rol s the
chip-internal generation of the phase-alignment
clocks. During nor mal operation, TMOD must be
kept at ‘0’ in normal operation.
AC21 TEST Test mode signal, for device test onl y. Must be
kept at ‘1’ in normal operation.
D19, C19 DO0, DO0 Differential dat a outputs. The outpu ts operate
C18, D18 DO1, DO1 into a 50 line terminated by a 50 resistor.
D17, C17 DO2, DO2
C16, D16 DO3, DO3
D15, C15 DO4, DO4
Pin No. Symbol Function
PXB 4310
Semiconductor Group 16 12.97
C14, D14 DO5, DO5
D13, C13 DO6, DO6
C12, D12 DO7, DO7
D11, C11 DO8, DO8
C10, D10 DO9, DO9
D9, C9 DO10, DO10
C8, D8 DO11, DO11
D7, C7 DO12, DO12
C6, D6 DO13, DO13
D5, C5 DO14, DO14
C4, D4 DO15, DO15
G4 R0 Calibrat ion output, used for an external resist or
between R0 pin and ground.
Resistor value 12.1 kΩ±1%.
C20 R1 Calibrat ion output, used for an external resist or
between R1 pin and ground.
Resistor value 12.1 kΩ±1%.
J23 INT0 Interrupt 0 of the µP -interface, open drain
output (low active).
J24 INT1 Interrupt 1 of the µP -interface, open drain
output (low active).
K24 RDY Ready signal of the µP -i nterface, open drain
output (high act iv e).
W24, Y24,
Y23 , Y25 ,
AA25, AA23,
AA24, AB24,
AB25, AD23,
AC 23 , AE 23 ,
AE22, AC22,
AD 22 , AD21
MCADR0 … 15 Address bus f or Multicast RAM.
L24 MCWR Writ e signal for Multicast RAM (low active).
M24 MCOE Output enable signal for Multicast RAM (l ow active).
C21 TDO Boundary Scan Test Data Output.
Pin No. Symbo l Func tion
PXB 4310
Semiconductor Group 17 12.97
AE21, AE20 ,
AC20, AD20,
AD19, AC19,
AE19, AE18 ,
AC18, AD18
TCO0 … 9 Test control outputs, f or device test purpose only.
AD17, AC17,
AE17, AC16,
E3 , E4, E2
TFO0 … 6 A nalog test outputs, for device test only. Must be
left open.
F4 CSS Analog device test output, source follower; indicates
the cell starts, i.e. the 1st octet of the cells clocked out
at the data output DO0. Must be termi nated wit h 50
when used, otherwise open.
Bidirectional Pins
F24, F23,
G25, G23,
G24, H24,
H23, J25
DAT0 … 7 Data bus of the µP-interface.
N25, N23,
N24, P24,
P23, R25,
R23, R24,
T24, T23,
U25, U23,
U24, V24,
V23, W25
MCDAT0 … 15 Data bus for the Multicast RAM.
W23 MCP Parity bit f or the Multic ast RAM.
Clock Inputs and Outputs
J2 CL I Operating cloc k input with a frequency of up to
208 MHz.
H2 CL I Complementary clock input.
D21 TCK I B oundary Scan Test Clock Input.
Pin No. Symbol Function
PXB 4310
Semiconductor Group 18 12.97
M23 M CCLK O Clock output for Multicast RAM, frequency is 1/8 of
the operating clock.
F3 CLO O Analog device test clock output, source follower,
operates at a f requency of up to 208 MHz; the pos itive
edge clocks the output data and can be used to strobe
them. Mu st be terminated with 50 .
Pin No. Sym bol
Power Supply
A1, B1, E1, F1, J1, K1, N1, P1, U1, V1, AA1, AB1, AE1, AF1, A2, C2,
N2, U2, A A2, AD2, AF2, B3, D3, H3, J3, AE3, B4, AD4, A5, AF5, A6,
B6, AF6, B8, AE8, A9, AF9, A10, B 10, AF10, B12, AE12, A13, AF13,
A14, B14, AF14, B16, AE16, A17, AF17, A18, B18, AF18, A21, AF21,
A22, AF22, C23, B24, AC24, AE24, A25, C25, AD25, A F25, A26, B26,
E26, F26, J26, K 26, N26, P26, U26, V26, AA26, AB26, AE26, AF26
C1, D1, G1, H1, L1, M1, R1, T1, W1, Y1, AC1, AD1, B2, D2, M2, T2,
Y2, AE2, A3, C3, AD3, AF3, A4, H4, J4, AE4, AF4, B5, AE 5, A7, B7,
AF7, A8, AF8, B9, AE9, A11, B 11, AF11, A12, AF12, B13, AE13, A15,
B15, AF15, A16, AD16, AF16, B17, A19, B19, AF19, A20, AF20, A23,
B23, AB23, AF23, A24, C24, AD24, AF24, B25, AC25, AE25, C26,
D26, G26, H26, L26, M26, R26, T26, W26, Y26, A C26, AD26
D24, F25, H25, K25, M25, P25, T25, V25 not connected
Pin No. Symbo l Func tion
PXB 4310
Semiconductor Group 19 12.97
2.5 Functional Block Diagram
Figure 5 Blo ck Diagram of ASM
PXB 4310
Semiconductor Group 20 12.97
2.6 System Integration
The ASM needs the PXB 4 325 ATM Sw itching Preprocessor ASP as access device. A
generic circuit is shown in Figure 6. It shows the path of ATM cells through a switch.
ATM cells with standardized 53-octet cell format are input at the UTOPIA receive
interface of the ASP w hich expands the cells to 64-octet format by a dding routing and
housekeeping octets. The cells are output at the serial SLIF interface which is connected
to the ATM switching network ASN. The ASN m ay be of arbitrary size, consisting from
one stand-alone ASM up to an array of many ASM chips. In any case the routing header
of the cells defines a unique path through the ASN to the desired output port, which is
connected to an ASP. This chip does the necessary post-processing and reduces the
cell t o standardized 53-octet format, which is output at the UTOPIA transmit in terface.
The operating clock of up to 208 MHz is supplied to all ASM and ASP chips in the
system. It needs not necessarily come from t he same clock source, but the frequencies
must be within a certain range (refer to Section 7.2, page 107).
Figur e 6 ATM Cell Path thr ough a Switch
Figure 6 shows that the ASP chips allow the connection of two switching network planes
for redundancy or load sharing purposes.
208 MHz
Receive i/f
Transmit i/f
208 MHz 208 MHz
ASN = ATM Switching Network
Plane 0
Plane 1
PXB 4310
Functio n a l D e s c r ipt ion
Semiconductor Group 21 12.97
3 Functional Description
The ASM has two main func tions, routing and queuing.
Routing is the true swit ching function of forwarding A TM cells f rom any i nput to a desired
output. The routing information is contained in the header of the ATM cells. The ASM
evaluates the routing header information with respect to its configuration.
Queuing occurs due to t he asynchronous nature of ATM. For a short time more cells may
arrive at the ASM inputs than can be forwar ded by the outputs and thus accumulate in
the internal buffer. Queuing thus means for the ASM to store cells and queue them to the
respective output ( s) by preserving the cell sequence f r om the inputs.
3.1 Routing
The ASM is capable to route ATM cells received at any input to one or more desired
outputs. It can switch two types of cells, point-to-point and point-to-multipoint
(=multicast) cells. For point-to-point cells the self routing principle is used, i.e. the cell
carries the information of the desired output directly in its own routing header.
Figure 7 sho ws the s elf routing principle. In this exam ple the cell c omes in at input line
6 of a switching element. It has a prepended routing header carrying the pattern
101bin =5
dec. and a bit identifying t he cel l as self-routing cell. The switching element uses
the pattern as encoded output number and programs the output multiplexer accordingly.
The cell is thus forwarded to output 5.
Fi gur e 7 Self- rou ti ng Pr i nc ip le fo r Po in t-to -P o in t Co nn ec ti o ns
For multicast cells the table r outing method is used, where a part of the cell header is
used as address to a routing table. Each entry of this table defines the outputs of the
(multicast) connection.
Figure 8 shows the table routing principle. The cell comes in at input line 6 of a swit ching
element. The prepended routing header has the same pattern as in the self-routing
PXB 4310
Functio n a l D e s c r ipt ion
Semiconductor Group 22 12.97
example with the excep tion that the cell is identified as table routing cell. The switching
element in this c ase uses the pat tern 101 bin as addres s to a table where the out put( s) of
the switching element are represented by a 8-bit patt ern. A „one“ means that the cells of
this connection are to be forwarded to the corresponding output. In the example of
Figure 8 bit the bit positions 2 and 3 are denoted at the table location 5 an d hence the
cell is output at outputs 2 and 3.
Figure 8 Table Routing Principle for Multicast Connections
Note that table routing could be used for point-to-point and point-to-multipoint
connections. However, it is recommended to use table routing only for multicast
connections, as self-routing does not require to handle table entries.
The lookup table for multicast is realized in the ASM as external RAM (MC-RAM) . The
size of the table determines the total number of multicast connections in the switch. A
maximum of 65536 multicast connections are supported by the ASM, limited by the
address bus width of the MC-RAM interface. If less multicast connecti ons are needed in
a switch a smaller MC-RAM can be connected. It can be omitted if the multicast
functionality is not required at all.
PXB 4310
Functio n a l D e s c r ipt ion
Semiconductor Group 23 12.97
Self routing
For self routing up to four bit are required to determine the output of an ASM. The four
bits must be contiguous. Their location within the 32-bit routing tag is programmable.
This offers maximu m flexibility in the design of switching networks.
If a switching network c onsists of several stages as sh own e.g. in Figure 25, the A SM
chips of each stage are p rogrammed to ’look’ at a different four b it group. A three stage
switching network would require three groups of four routing bits. If outputs are bundled
(see below) less than fou r bits are needed for rout ing.
Each of the switching elements shown in Figure 25 could be built with two ASMs
connected in parallel. To support such a configuration the ASM has the input filter
Input filtering
The input filter function allows to connect the inputs of multiple ASMs in parallel. This
allows to build s witching networks as shown e.g. in Figure 22, where the right hand ASM
filters out (accepts) only the cells destined to outputs 0..15 and the left hand ASM
accepts only the cells for outputs 16..31.
The filter function also uses the 32-bit routing tag. The 32-bit fi lter mask regist er defines
an arbitrary part of the routing tag as filt er field as shown in the example of Figure 9. Th e
content of this field of each cell is compared to the respective part of the 32-bit
identification register. The cell is only accepted if the two pattern match. Masked bits
always match, so that when all bits are masked the cell is acc epted anyway.
Figur e 9 De finition of F ilter Fie ld a nd Ro uting Field
In the example of Figure 9 the filter field of the cell matches the content of the
identification register and the cell is accepted.
Separation of filter field and routing field is completely arbitrary. Both may even be
non-contiguous and spread over the whole 32-bit range. This arbitrary definition
31 20 0
1011 0100 0111 xxxx xxxx xx xx xxxx xx xx Routing tag of the cell
1111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Filter mask regist er
------ Filter field ----- ------- Routing field -------
1011 0100 0111 xxxx xxxx xx xx xxxx xx xx Identification register
------- Mat ch ! ----- --
PXB 4310
Functio n a l D e s c r ipt ion
Semiconductor Group 24 12.97
possibility gives maximum flexibility for the design of switching networks. There are,
however, some restrictions which s hould be taken into account:
Routing and filt er fields should not overlap.
In split mode the 6 LSBs of the routing tag are reserv ed (see below).
It may be useful to restrict the multicast function to s ome of the ASMs in a sw itching
network (see Fi gure 32).This avoids the MC-RAM at some of the ASMs. These ASMs
may be programmed to ignore multic ast c ells and treat them as s elf routing cells. The
filter and routing fields interpreted by these ASMs must use th e par t of t he r o uting t ag
which is not used as multicast address (AUX- bits of Figure 19).
Special routing functions
Depending on the configurat ion of the output multiplexer (see Figure 10) the physical
output can be diff erent to the specified output num ber. It may also be configured that
the same cell is forwarde d to s everal outputs, a function whic h is independent o f the
multicast function.
If SLIF bundles are declared (see below) the cell is output at any output within the
bundle. If e.g. the 4 routing bits specify output 2, and a 4-bundle is declared for outputs
0 … 3, the cell may be output at any output of this bundle, but not necessarily at
output 2.
For the special case that all outputs form one 16-bundle the output number is
meaningless. If addi tionally the fi lter function is switched off (by masking all 32 rout ing
bits) the ASM works as a simple multiplexer. This mode i s used i n the m iddle stage of
Figure 24.
Split Mode
This is an additional fe ature to the self-routing mode. Normally the cells from all inputs
are treated identic ally . In split mode, t he 32 inputs can be split into two group s with the
cells input at different groups routed according to different routing bits. The two input
groups can be defined by programming a value n between 0 and 30 to the mode register
of the A SM . The respective routing is as follows:
inputs 0..(n-1) , lower part : fixed routing according to the 4 LSBs of the rout ing tag (bi ts
0..3) with a sm all, fixed, 2-bit filter field (bits 4 and 5) . Unlike the normal filt er function
this filter field is not maskable.
inputs n..31, higher part: n ormal routing tag ev aluation with filter option as des cribed
Split mode is used for single chip multiplexers with concentrating upstream traffic and
distributing downstream traffic (see e. g. Figure 28).
PXB 4310
Functio n a l D e s c r ipt ion
Semiconductor Group 25 12.97
Communication and test cell routing
The ASM has the c apability to insert cells from the micr oprocessor interface int o the cell
stream and to extract cells from the cell stream and direct them to the microprocessor
interface. There are two applications for these features, system test and internal
System tests can be done in-service e.g. to check the availability of all interconnection
lines between the ASMs of a switching network and between ASM and ASP devices. For
this purpose test cells can be i nserted at s pecified output s, even i n bundle mode. It also
is not influenced by the setting of the output multiplexer, but uses always the default
Communication cells could be used in large switches, where the switching network
consists of several boards. A dedicated µP could be used to control the ASM chips e.g.
on a switch board. A communic ation channel to this µP can be set-up via the data lines
to the system controller. One ASM will be selected to drop the communication cells.
To support this feature the ASM provides two transmit buffers of one cell size and a
receive buffer queue. To detect incoming test or communication cells the switching stage
number (SSN) field of the prepended routing header is used. A cell is extracted if the
SSN is non-zero and matches the SSN assigned to th e respective ASM chip.
Some features of this function are:
The f ilter function is applied normal ly before comparing the SSN.
The non-zero SSN fi eld overrides the multicast indication bit of the cell , i.e. these cells
are never treated as multicast cells.
The acceptance of all other cells than communication or test cells can be disabled.
This is espec ially useful du ring the initialization phase of a c hip.
3.2 Queuing
Queuing occurs due to the asynchronous nature of A TM. As the arrival of ATM cells of
a given conn ection is not in a fixed time slot, it may happen that simultaneously two or
more cells destined to the same output may arrive at the inputs. As the output can
forwar d only one c ell at a time, the other cell(s) ha ve t o be st ored inte rme diately. If at a
later time no cells are destined to this output the ASM can work off the stored cells and
empty the buffer. The maximum number of cells which has to be stored for a gi ven output
load can be derived using statistical met hods (see appendix).
The ASM is able to switch ATM cells with a data rate of up to 208 Mbit/s from up to 32
high speed inputs ports to 16 high speed output ports. 208 Mbit/s is the data rate of one
SLIF line. As the SLIF cell format is 64 octet, the effective data rate with reference to
standard, 53-oct et ATM cells is 208 Mbi t/ s x 53/64 = 172. 25 Mbit/s.
Its total effective throughput is thus 16 x 172.25 Mbit/s = 2.756 Gbit/s.
PXB 4310
Functio n a l D e s c r ipt ion
Semiconductor Group 26 12.97
Fairness Management
The fairness management determines the maximum number o f queue entries for each
output queue. It is recommended to specify a maximum queue length if more than one
output queue are configured. Otherwise one output queue - e.g. in an overload
situation - could occupy the whole buffer, so that all cells destined to any other output
are discarded.
The maximum queue sizes for a given load and for a cell loss probability of 10–11
can be
obtained from Figure 40. If as an example the ASM operates with a load of 90 % the
required total buffer size is 270 cells. The buffer limit for the single queue can be obtained
from the curve ‘X|1-Multiple xer’, which amounts to 12 8 cells approximately.
For bundles of 4 or 8 the maximum queue size is obtained from the curves
‘X|4-Multiplexer’ and ‘X|8-Multiplexer’, respectively. For the above example the values
are 160 and 202, respectively. For bundles of 2 the value can be extrapolated from
curves ‘X|1-Mult iplexer’ and ‘X|4-Multiplexer’.
For each sort of bundle group (also for single ports) the maximum number of queue
entries can be specified by a thr eshold defined via the µP-interface.
Output Grouping
The ASM is able to route A TM cells to a specified output or to a bundle of outputs. The
bundle size can be 2, 4, 8, or 16.
The input and output sections of the ASM are able to handle data streams of up to
16 ×155 Mbit/s = 2.5 Gbit/s without violating cell s equence integrity (see Section 4.7).
Priority Handling
A control feature incor por ated within the c hip- internal logic enables the device to handle
cells of two different priorities (high and low) by permanently evaluating the cell loss
priorit y bit CLP.
For low priority cells (CLP = 1, Figure 18 and 19) a threshold for t he total buffer fill can
be programmed. There is no individual queue limit f or low priority cells.
3.3 Other Functions
Cell check
All incoming cells are checked for correct header parity. Cells with false parity bit are
discarded. Empty1) cells defined b y a s pecial hou sekeeping pattern are disc arded. The
ASM generates new empty cells at the output ports if neces sary (cell rate decoupling).
1) The term ‘empty cel l’ is used to denote stuffing cells inside the swi tching network. These are proprietary ce lls
and must not be mixed up with the standardized unassigned or idl e cells. Empty cel ls never leave t he switching
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High Speed Inpu t/Output Operation
The dat a inputs/outputs work with LVDS-compatible si gnal levels. The appr opr iate data
rate is c omm on for all t he I/Os and amounts to 208 M bit/s.
The LVDS-compatible system clock inputs operate with the single frequency clock of
208 MHz.
Bit Phase Alignment
In order to enable an asynchronous clock/data operation the switch is equipped with
32 internal phase-aligning c ircuits, each processing one of the dat a inputs.
Cell Start Detection
The ASM detects cell start using Sync byte with the MSB toggeling to prevent
mis-synchronization to possible payload pattern. Hence the Sync byte alternates
between E8H and 68H.
Output Mult iplexer
A static multiplexer located between output queues and parallel-to-serial converters
allows the arbitrary assignment of each out put to any output queue, i.e. each output can
be programme d to get the cells from an arbitrary output queue. Several outputs can be
assigned to one output queue. This means that multiple outputs get the (identic al) cell
stream from the same output queue.
Applications for this feature are 1:1 or n:1 redundancy schemes as shown in Figure 10
showing two applications. Outputs 0 and 1 are both connected to the same queue 0.
Hence both have the identical cell stream. This can be used to have two transmission
lines with 1:1 redundancy. The other outputs are configured as a 13:1 redundant system.
Outputs 2 … 14 are active, output 15 is redundant. If any of the transmission lines
connected to the active outputs fails output 15 can be switched to this output to take over.
In the example of Figur e 10 t he transmission line of output 2 has faile d.
The feature is eff ectively a protection of the line card or LIC and is therefore referenced
in this document as ‘LIC Protecti on Switch LPS’.
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Figure 10 Applications for the Output Multiplexer
Cells which are addressed to an output queue which is not connected to any output are
discarded. In t he example of Figure 10 the cells of queues 1 and 15 are discarded.
The change of queue to output assignment can be done in-service. To identify the
switch-over of any output queue, the ASM inserts a Protection Switch Identifier cell
(PSI-cell) between the last c ell of the ‘old’ central buffer output and the first cell of the
‘new’ central buffer output. E.g. in case of the above example before the switchover
queue 15 would receive no cells and thus on ly empty cells are produced at the output.
After the queue change comm and the PSI-c ell would be inserted at output 15 before the
first cell coming from central buffer output 2.
Immediately after the switchover comm and for a queue this queue could contain some
cells fr om the ‘old’ central buffer output, then a P SI-ce ll, and then the first cells from the
‘new’ central buf fer output.
Logic C ontrol
Control functions ar e implemented, to per manently s upervise the HW i ns ide and outside
the chip:
Chec k of synchronization stat e (SYNC/ASYNC state) for each input port,
P arity check of th e internal header oc tets used by the ASM (external parity),
B yte-interleaved parity check made on the whole cell itself (chip internal parity),
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Check of the correct chip-internal queue handling by parity protected multicast entries,
cell location data and cell entry usage count,
Check of the actual buff e r occupation (buffer overf low, queue over flow).
Test of Control Functions
The control functions can be separately tested via the µP-interface of t he ASM. This can
be done during normal operation, i.e. without any need for disconnecting or even
removing the devic e, a fact that drastically relieves the supervision of the system and the
localization of pote ntial failures.
Device Test Functions
The ASM offers boundary scan for all inputs and outputs with the following restrictions :
No self test and
High speed input/output ports can only be monitored and not disconnected.
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3.4 Interfaces Description
3.4.1 Hig h Speed Data Interface
Figure 11 High Speed Data Interface
Data Inputs (DI/DI)
There are 32 separ ate pairs of c omplement ary (‘differential’), high speed dat a inputs
DI0/DI0 … DI31/DI31. Each of these is a serial NRZ input, operating at up to
208 Mbit/s and at LVDS levels.
Note: Open data inputs should be hold at defined and complementa ry levels or should
be disabled in t he Input Online Register IO R.
Data Outputs (DO, DO)
There are 16 separate pairs of complementary (‘ differential’), high-speed data outputs
DO0/DO0 DO 15/DO 15. Each of these is a serial non-return to zero (NRZ) ou tput,
operating at up to 208 Mbit/s and at LVDS-levels. A termination resistor of 50 has to
be connected to each output line. Every two matching resistors belonging to one
output pair are connected via a capacitor to the ground level.
Note: To avoid any improper high voltage operation potentially occurring with
unconnected outputs, it is strictly recommended to terminate them always by a
Precision Reference Voltage (VREF)
The precision reference voltage VREF [value: ( 1.2 ±0.1 )V] is used to define properly
the internal current source of the input-/output-circuits together with the precision
res istors R0 / R1.
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VREF is connected directly to standard voltage generators. The current dr awn by the
VREF pin is less than 1 A (diode current ).
Resistor Pin R0
The external resistor R0, connecting the appropr iate R0 pi n and ground, is necessary
to define th e internal c urrent sources of e.g. the data and clock inputs to the required
current conditions.
Present value: R0 = 12.1 kΩ±1 % (precision resistor).
Resistor Pin R1
The external resistor R1, connecting the appropr iate R1 pi n and ground, is necessary
to define the internal current source of the data outputs to the required current
Present value: R1 = 12.1 kΩ±1 % (precision resistor).
3.4.2 Multicast RAM Interface
This in terface (Figure 12) is used for the connection of an ex ternal synchronous SRAM
(64 k ×18 bit) containing the multicast look-up table. It can be omitted if the multicast
function is not desired.
Figure 12 M C-RAM Interface
The interface consists of a sixteen-bit wide non multiplexed address bus (MCADR), a
sixteen-bit wide bidir ectional data bus ( MCDAT), 1 data parity line ( M CP), 1 c lock signal
(MCCLK) and two control lines (MCWR, MCOE) for the flow control. The clock line
supplies the RAM with the A SM-internal octet clock (1/8 of the operating clock of up to
208 MHz). All the signals work with LVCMOS logic lev els.
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3.4.3 Device Test Interface
The Device Test Interface (see Figure 13) is used for production test only. During
normal operation TMOD and TEST must always be connect ed to ‘0’ (GND potential), the
two test inputs TFI0,1 have to be held open or at ‘1’.
The Test Contr ol outputs TCO0 … 9 and TFO06 should be left open.
Only the CLO and CSS outputs may be used for test purposes.
Figure 13 Device Test I nterf ace
Clock Output S ignal (CLO)
The clock output signal CLO given out via a source follower output allows the
observation of the operating clock of the ASM (frequency: up to 208 MHz) with an
oscilloscope. Its pos itive edge c loc ks out the data and can be us ed to strobe the dat a
output signals.
Since the output buffer employed is pulling up actively towards the s upply voltage VCC
only, it has to be provided externally with a pull-down resistor of the recommended
value of 50 , to achieve a v oltage swing of about 490 m V typical.
Cell Start Signal (CSS)
The cell start signal CSS given out via an source follower output defines the 1st octet
of the cells clocked out via the data out puts DO0/DO0.
Therefore it can be used as a cell trigger signal.
For a proper operation the output employed has to be provided externally with a
pull-down resistor of the recommended value of 50 , to achieve a voltage swing of
about 490 mV typical.
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3.4.4 Boundary Scan
The boundary scan of the ASM complies the standard requirements according to JT AG
with the following restrictions:
High speed data inputs and outputs can only be observed
No self test possibility
Figure 14 Test Interface (S ignals , Loading)
Test Clock Input (TCK)
This control in put needs a system-independent test clock.
Tes t Mod e Se l ec t (T MS )
This control input is used for the initialization of the Test-Access-Port controller
(TAP controller).
Test Data Input (TDI)
All test information is serially loaded into the ASM via this data input. The data are
taken over with the rising edge of TCK.
Test Da ta Output (TDO)
All test information left the ASM via this data output with t he falling edge of TCK.
Test Reset (TRST)
Asynchronous reset for the TAP controller (low active). The state of the TAP controll er
is not influenced by the system reset (RESET pin) of the ASM.
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3.4.5 Microprocessor-Interface
This i nterface consists of an eight bit wide, generic, non multi plexed microprocessor bus
as required for i nterfacing of 80x86 processors, and of additional c ontrol lines as shown
in Figure 15. All the signals work with LVCMOS logic levels.
Figure 15 µP-Interface
Dat a Signals (DAT0 … DAT7)
There is a 8-bit wide bidirectional data i nterface between the µP and the ASM to gain
access to the different internal register sets inside the ASM. It is controlled by the
chip-select- (CS), read- (RD), and write-signals (WR). During the non-selecting phase
(CS inactive) the port is switched into the inactive high impedance state. With CS
ac tive (CS = ‘0’), the d ata bus is configured as an input por t during a wr ite cycle and
as an output port during a r ead cycle.
Address Signals (ADR0 … ADR7)
The 8-bit wide common unidir ectional addr es s bus perfor ms t he s election of the ASM
internal registers f or the read or write cycles.
Bus Control Input Signals ( CS, RD, WR )
There are three cont r ol inputs with common low active signals to select the chip (CS)
and t o d etermine the data direction for the pr oper read (RD) o r w rite (WR) operation
from or to t he selected register inside the AS M.
Ready Output Signal ( RDY)
The active high ready signal realized as an open drain output suppor ts the interfaces
under different speed requirements. D uring a bus cy cle with a control line RD or WR
becoming active (High to Low transition) the ready signal will be forc ed low to indicate
that this access to an internal register may have to insert wait st ates (not ready state).
After the necessary reaction time of the AS M, it returns to a high level indicating that
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the data are stable and t hat t he bus cycle can be f inis hed by the microprocessor with
WR or RD returning to a high level.
Since the output is only pulling down actively to GND an external pull-up resistor has
to be pr ovided with the rec omm ended value of 2.5 k.
Interrupt Output Signal (INT0)
The active l ow interrupt (INT0), realized as an open drain output is provided to indicate
that a µP-cell was received or that an error has been detected by the ASM. After
reading the RCR register (at least octet 63) or r esetting the RX -bit (RX = ‘0’, bit 7) in
the command regi ster COR respectively after reading the interrupt status register ISR,
this signal will become high. Since the out put is only pulling down actively to GND an
external pull-up resistor has to be provided with the recommended value of 2.5 k.
Interrupt Output Signal (INT1)
The active l ow interrupt (INT1), realized as an open drain output is provided to indicate
that a communication cell (HK = 110 and MODR:EINT1 = 1) was received by the
ASM. After reading the RCR register (at least octet 63) or resetting the RX-bit
(RX = ‘0’, bit 7) in the command register COR this signal will become high. Since the
output is only pulling down actively to GND an external pull-up resistor has to be
provided with the recommended value of 2.5 k.
3.4.6 Clo ck and Reset
Figure 16 Clock and Reset Interface
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Clock Inputs (CL/CL)
The central operating clock is running at up to 208 MHz, which is identical to the
system frequency. It is complementarily fed in via the clock inputs CL and CL
(differential inputs).
Level: Both inputs work at the LVDS levels.
Note: The loss of the operating clock may cause an increase of the power dissipation.
In order to hold this increase low, it is strictly recommended, to supervise the board
clock operation: If the c lock fails, an active Hardware Res et (RES = 0) should be
delivered to the ASM devices concerned.
Rese t Inpu t Si gn al (R ES ET )
The RESET-signal is fed in via a LVCMOS-compatible input. Whenever it is at the low
state ‘0’ ( GND) and then switched from the low state ‘0’ to the high s tate ‘ 1’, it c auses
a reset of the switch int ernal circuitry:
RE SET = 0’ act ive (reset of the converte r circu it s)
RESET = ‘0’ ‘1’ active (general reset of the control and clock circuitry )
RESET = ‘1’ inactive (no inf luence)
Figur e 1 7 RE SET Signal
An active HW-reset causes an initi alization of the whole ASM, including all the registers.
The influence of the RESET signal to the serial outputs is shown in Figure 17. During
the active RESET signal the differential outputs are held at constant values. After the
RESET signal becoming inactive an empty cell is sent out at each of the 16 outputs.
During that time the initialization of some internal circuits occurs. In the second cell slot
the first data cells may be transmitted, if any.
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Software Reset
A Software reset is activated by the µP by setting the SRES-bit of COR to ‘1’. This
action cau ses the reinitialization of all the queues, of the FCL-RAM, MCC-RAM and
the maintenance regis ter MR.
The phase-alignment circuitry of the input lines and the cell synchronism of the
outputs remain unaffected by this operation, as the empty cell generator is act ivated
to permanently t ransmit empty cells as long as the software res et is kept act ive.
As soon as the reinitialization procedure is completed, the software reset is
deactivat ed by the ASM by setting SRES to ‘0’.
3.5 ATM Cell Format
The ASM uses a proprietary 64-octet ATM cell format. It is shown in Figure 18 for
self-routing and in Figure 19 for multic ast cells.
The shaded areas represent bit fields, which are transparent to the ASM, while the
‘open’ fields will be evaluated by the ASM (routing information).
The term ‘external header’ denotes the standardized, 5-octet header of the ATM cell.
The internal header is added by the ASP and comprises 10 octets. A one octet trailer is
appended at the end of the internal cell and c arries a checksum. It is not evaluated by
the AS M, but only by the ASP at the out going side.
Table 1 explains the used header bytes.
The MCRA 19 … 16 bits are not evaluated by the ASM. They are reserved for further
expansion of the number multicast connections.
The auxili ary bits AUX 20 … 31 can be used for routing information in multicast cells. As
some ASMs in the switching network may be programmed to treat the multic ast c el ls as
self-routing cells, these ASMs would be programmed to ‘look’ for routing bits within this
The following two figures show the structure of empty cell (Figure 20) and Protection
Switch Identifier PSI cell (Figure 21).
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Figure 18 Format of Self- routi ng ATM Cell
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Figure 19 Fo rmat of Multicast ATM Cell
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Table 1 Description of U sed Header Fields
Abbr. Bits Meaning Comment
ADI 2 Addre ss identifier To identif y the RA type:
ADI RA field
X0 Routing address
X1 Multicast routing addres s
AUX 12 Auxiliary bits In cas e of DCMC = ‘1’ and EVMCI = ‘0’
in the MODR-r egister, the AUX-bits can
be used as routing address
CLP 1 Cell loss priority 1 = low priority cell ; 0 = high priorit y cell
HK 3 House keeping Cell type ide ntifier
HK Cell type
000 Empty cell
011 Maint enance control cell; not
influenced by output
110 Control cell ; cause a
INT1-reques t instead of an
interrupt INT0
other Standard operation
MCRA 20 Multicast ro uting address MCRA 19 … 16: Not evaluated by the
ASM. MC RA 15 … 0 : Address used for
the multicast look up table ( MLT, external
sync . SCRAM )
P 1 Header parity For internal header (octet 1 … 6), odd
RA 32 Routing address Variable, depending on the initialization
of the ASM
Res 2 Reserved
SSN 4 Switch stage number To mark the A SM in t he diff erent stages;
for normal routing, not using the
µP-output of the ASM, the SSN has to be
set to SSN = 0000B
Sync. 8 Synchr oniz ation octet Cell start identifier with toggle bit (first bit
of transmission), hex-value: 68H/E8H
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Figure 20 Form at of Empty C ell
Octet 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hex-val.
0 T1101000 68/E8
1 00000001 01
2 00000000 00
3 00000000 00
4 00000000 00
5 00000000 00
6 00000000 00
7 00000000 00
8 00000000 00
9 00000000 00
10 00000000 00
11 00000000 00
12 00000000 00
13 00000001 01
14 00011001 19
15 01101010 6A
61 01101010 :
62 01101010 6A
63 11111001 F9
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Figure 21 Structure of Pro tec tion Switch Identifier Cell
Octet76543210 Hex-val.
0 T1101000 68/E8
1 00000001 01
2 00000000 00
3 00000000 00
4 00000000 00
5 00000000 00
6 00001010 00
7 00000000 00
8 00000000 00
9 00000000 00
10 00000000 00
11 00000000 00
12 00000000 00
13 00000001 01
14 01011000 19
15 01101010 6A
61 01101010 :
62 01101010 6A
63 11111001 F9
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3.6 Examples for System Integration
The ASM can be operated stand-alone as a 16 ×16 switch of 2.5 G bit/s throughput by
just leaving 16 inputs open. Larger switching networks can be built by interconnecting
several ASMs in arrays. Two possible expansion schemes are described in the following,
funnel-type and Banyan networks. Note, however, that many more options ex is t t o build
switching networks using other network types and/or combinations of them (see e.g. the
book of Händel, Schröder, Huber [5] for further study). Due to the flexible routing
header concept the switching net work can be optimized for each appl ication.
3.6.1 Funnel-Type Switching Networks
The simplest funnel-type switching network is obtained by connecting two ASMs in
parallel as shown in Figure 22 They constitute a 32 ×32 switching network. Each
incoming cell is input at both ASMs and each ASM filters out those cells which are
destined for its outputs and discards the other cells. Each line in Figure 22 stands for
16 parallel SLIF lines.
Figure 22 5 Gbit/s Switching Network
The next size of a funnel-type switching network is a 64 ×64 switch realized
with 12 ASM chi ps (see Figure 23).
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Figure 23 10 Gbit/s Switching Net w ork
The switching network of Figure 23 consists of 4 ‘funnels’, each built with 3 chips. The
2 ASMs of the first row have different filter values programmed for each funnel. Their
outputs are grouped as one 16-bundle, i.e. there is only one logical out put. The A SM of
the s econd r ow of each f unnel does the routing evaluation, i. e. it forwards the cells to t he
specified output or output bundle. See Chapter 6.1 for programming details.
The next size of a funnel-type switching network is a 128 ×128 switch realized with
56 ASM chips. It consists of 8 funnels of 7 ASMs with the 128 inputs of all funnels
connected in parallel. Figure 24 shows the f irst of t he 8 f unnels.
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Figure 24 7-Chip Funnel for 20 Gbit /s Switching Network
The following diagram shows possible switch sizes and the required number of
ASM chips for funnel-type switching networks.
The general expressions for funnel-type switching networks with s stages using a
2b×b switching chip are:
Number of funnels = 2s,
Nu mb er o f switch po rt s = b ×2s,
Number of switching chips = (2s–1)×2s.
Note that funne l- typ e switching networks are ‘non-blocking . This term is defined in the
following way in this document:
Table 2 Size and Chip Count for Funnel-type Switching Networks
No. of Stages No. of ASMs Switc h Size Switch Throughput [Gbit/s]
1232 × 32 5
21264 × 64 10
356128 × 128 20
4 240 256 × 256 40
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Note: A switching network is non-blocking if all input and output lines have the ATM cell
load L, the load L is not exceeded at any interconnection l ine between ASMs. This
means that any mixt ure of c onnecti ons can be set-up between inputs and out puts
without considering the inter connection lines.
If e.g. in a non-blocking switching network a connection is to be set-up from input j to
output k, it has just to be checked if input j and output k both have enough spare
bandwidth. If t his is the cas e the connection c an be s e t-up and there wi ll be no ov er load
on any of the used interconnection lines.
The non-blocking feature is easily checked for the funnel-type networks. If the output
load of a funnel has the value L, the input load of the last stage has the value L/2, the
input load of the last but one stage has the value L/4 and so on. The traff ic in the funnel
is more and more concentrated.
3.6.2 Banyan Switching Networks
Banyan networks belong to the class of single-path networks, i.e. there is only one s ingle
path from an input to a gi ven output. B anyan network have t he advantage to be less chip
consuming than funnel-type networks, but they are blocking. An implication for the
network control SW is that for Banyan networks it must keep track of the load on all
interconnection link s.
As described above depending on the distribution of connections between inputs and
outputs a new connection may have to be rejected because of an overload on an i nternal
line even if input and out put line have t he required capac ity available. The probability for
such a blocking event is depending on the load of th e network. As shown in a pap er by
Theimer [6] the b locking probability is negligible if the load is below 50 %. This can be
achieved by various means:
The application itself has low average load. This could be the case e.g. in a LAN
environment, where most of the switch ports are connect ed to PCs. Banyan networks
are especially useful for LANs, as they allow to connect a large number of PCs .
The traffic load can be reduced by using two switching network planes in the load
sharing mode.
Another method to reduce the load on the interconnection lines is to use bundles.
This, however, reduces the maximum size of the sw itching network (Figure 26).
Figure 25 shows a generic Banyan netw ork with 3 stages consisting of b ×b switchin g
elements. It cont ains b times the 2-stage sub-network shown in t he frame.
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Figure 25 Gen eric Banyan Network
The 3-s tage switching network built with switching element s of size b ×b has b 3 port s.
Using ASM chips there are tw o possibilities for the b ×b element:
1. Either a single ASM can be used with 16 inputs unconnected giving a switching
element of size 16 ×16 or
2. Pairs of 2 ASMs can be built in a mini-funnel (see Figure 22) giving a switching
element of size or 32 ×32.
3. The non-blocking 10 Gbit/s funnel (Figure 23) can be used, giving b = 64.
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The switch sizes realizable with both possibilities are summarized in the table below
together with the required number of ASMs.
It can be seen that Banyan networks are much more effective than funnel-type
concerning chip count: E .g. with 56 ASMs a funnel-type s witch of size 128 ×128 can be
built, whereas 64 A SM s are required for a 1024 ×1024 Banyan-type switch.
The ASMs in Banyan networks do not need the filter function, but only the routing
functionality. In each stage the ASM chips will be programmed to evaluate different parts
of the rout ing field of the internal cell header.
As mentioned above the in terconnection lines between ASMs in B anyan netwo rks can
be bundled. An example is shown in Figure 26.
Figure 26 40 Gbit/s Banyan Switch wi th Bundles of 2
Each 32 ×32 switching element in Figure 26 consists of a mini-funnel as shown in
Figure 22. The 32 outputs of the switching elemen ts of the first stage a re combined to
16 2-bundles. This reduces the load on the interconnection lines to below 50 %. The
Table 3 Size and ASM Chip Count for Banyan Networks
Switching E lement No. of Stages No. of ASMs Switch Size
16 ×16 2 32 256 ×256
3 1768 4096 ×4096
32 ×32 2 64 1024 ×1024
3 3072 32768 ×32768
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switching network is still more chip saving than the funnel-type network of the same siz e:
It needs 64 ASMs instead of 240.
3.6.3 Multiplexers/Concentrators
Both funnel- and Banyan-type switching network cores can be expanded by adding
multiplexers to concentrate the incoming traffic. This is especially useful if
subscribers/terminals must be connected t o the switch. These are expected not to use
the available capacity completely all the time. Appropriate concentration allows more
efficient use of the precious switching core. A generic configuration of a switching
network core expanded by multiplexers is shown in Figure 27.
Figure 27 A Switching Network Expanded by Multiplexers
Some of the ports of the switch core in Figure 27 are connected directly to t he swit ching
core. These could be trunk ports (in WAN applications) or server ports (in LAN
applications). The other ports are expanded by multiplexers. Each multiplexer
concentrates traffic from subscribers (WAN) or terminals (LAN). In both cases
applications which are assumed to have low average traffic.
There are three different operation modes for t he ASM to support multiplex ers:
The input multiplexer is used e.g. to concentrate the traffic of several
subscriber/ter minal ports to one (core) switch port. In this mode t he ASM forwards all
cells to one output bundle.
The output multiplexer is used for demultiplexing an aggregate cell stream from a
switch core port to different access ports. In this mode the ASM evaluates a part of the
routing field of the internal cell header to determine the out put.
In split mode one ASM operates as bot h input and output multiplexer. In this mode one
group of inputs is defined to operate in normal mode including filter, routing and
multicast options. Cells coming in at these inputs are forwarded to one output
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(bundle). The cells input at the ot her group of input lines are treated in a special way;
they are forwarded to the out puts using a predefined field of the routing field.
An application example of an ASM in split mode is shown in Figure 28 below. In this
example 12 (subscriber) line cards are multiplexed onto a bundle of 4 SLIF lines. A
bundle has th e advantage that the lo ad management has to consider only one logical
622 Mbit/s equivalent link instead of four 155 Mbit/s equivalent link s.
Inputs 0 … 3 work in MUXIN-mod e, all other inputs in MUX OUT-mode. Inpu ts 16 … 31
are not connected. It can be seen that each line card has a mean bit rate of
622 Mbit/s / 12 = 51.8 Mbit/s to the core – without taking the short path traffic into
account. The ASM allows short path connections from one L IC directly to an oth er LIC,
which do not influence the t raffic to the switch cor e. See Chapter 6.1 for a progr amming
example for a split mode multiplexer.
Figure 28 Single Chip Bidirectional Multiplexer
Note that an ASM could also operate s tand-alone in a configuration a s in Figure 28 by
omitting the lines to the switch core. In such a case it constitutes a 16 ×16 switching
network. Considering the bit rate of roughly 155 Mbit/s for each line, an AT M swit ch with
a total throughput of 2.48 Gbit /s can be realized with only one ASM.
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3.6.4 Multicast Op eration
The multicast function is usable in all modes except the multiplexer mode where al l cells
are forwarded to one output. I f a multicast header is detected by an ASM the MCRA field
of the routing header is used as address to the multicast lookup table. This is an external
RAM of 64 k entries of 17 bits which is init ializ ed by the mic roprocessor. 16 bits of each
entry are associated to the outputs of the ASM (the 17th bit is a parity bit). A cell is
forwarded to those outputs where the corresponding bit is set. Obviously the following
special cases are possible:
No output bit is set the multicast cell is discarded.
Only one output bit is set the c ell is forward ed to one output only as in th e normal
routing cas e.
All output bits are set full broadcast case, the cell is replicated to all outputs.
Note: For a multicast connection the same MCRA must be set-up in the whole switching
network, also in those ASMs where no branch of the mult icast connection passes
through. The reason is that at any t ime an additional branch could be added to a
multicast connection (via signalling). If t he same MCRA would be used for another
connection these two connections could not use the same ASMs. The total
number of multic ast connections in the whole switch is therefore lim ited to 64 k.
In a f unnel-type switching network only the las t stage needs a multicast l ookup table, the
other stages can be programmed to forward multicast cells as normal cells. Thus the
external RAM is only required once per funnel (s ee Figure 32).
Some Notes about Mult icast
Multicast connections requir e a significant amount of ‘work’ t o be set-up, i.e. the s witch
control has to check on all outgoing branches if capacity is available, has to find free
VCIs and load these onto the line cards; also for a 1:n multicast connection n backward
(merger) connections have to be set-up; it is almost the same effort as to set-up
individual one-to-one connections.
Also the OAM (operation, administration and maintenance) functions for one-to-many
connections are still unclear, e.g. in case that the connection fails a flood of backward
error notific ation cells will be produced .
However, not all of the multicast applications do translate into multicast connections on
the ATM layer; e.g. the many-to-many connections in LANs are resolved in ATM LANs
by a single one-t o-many c onnection from the server to the us er s, or as another example
a multi-party video conference does not require m ulticast ATM connections, as none of
the users will have the same picture on the screen; a video conference server will be
used to arrange the picture individually for each part y.
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4 Functiona l B loc k s Desc r iption
4.1 Bit Ph ase Alignmen t
Each of the data inputs is equipped with a Bit Phase A lignment Circuitry. Its main tasks
are to com pensate for both jitter and possible wander of the input data streams and to
align the incoming bit stream to the internal clock of the ASM.
4.2 Cell Detection
The Cell D etection Cir cuits are situated just behind the Phase Alignment B locks. Their
primary function is to identify and check the Synchronization Octet (<T110 1000>,
T = toggle bit), which defines the octet position and the cell start. The result of the check
is used to derive the line s tate.
If only one cell with invalid SYNC-octet occurs, i.e. the following cell has got a valid
SYNC-octet, the cell is passed through. The line errors are reported in the Line Failed
Register LFR, t he Line Error Register LER, and the Interrupt Status Regis ter I SR. I f more
than one cells with invalid SYNC-octet are received the first is accepted the second is
discarded.The second cell also leads to asynchronous state where all cells are
discarded. Transition to synchronous state is achieved after 2 cells with valid
SYNC-octet. The third cell with valid SYNC-oct et is accepted.
The line state is mapped in to the L ine Asynchronous State Register LASR; line errors
are reported in the Line Failed Register LFR, the Line Error Register LER, and the
Interrupt Status Regist er ISR.
4.3 Deactivation of Input Ports
Ports can be deactivated via the Input Online Register IOR. This will discard all cells from
this ports without any header check, but t he line s tat us will s till be reported in LASR and
4.4 Check of Header Parity Bit
The octets 1 to 6 of the inter nal header are protected by a parity bit P, which is checked
for every cell. If a parity error has been detected, the cell is discarded. The error is
mapped into the Line Failed Regi ster LFR and the Interrupt Status Register ISR:PE.
4.5 Device-internal Cell Parity Byte
All cells are provided with a trailing odd parity byte covering the whole cell except the
Synchronization Octet. The parity generation is done in a byte interleaved way, with
every parity bit ‘i’ covering all the bytes at bit number ‘i’ through out the whole cell.
The parity byte is ch ecked at eac h out put port at the location wher e the data is in octet
format, before the final p/s conversion is done.
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An Internal Parity Error is reported in the Interrupt Status Register ISR:IPE. No further
action can be prov ided to mark this corrupted cell. The c ell will be discarded by the ASP
in downstream direction.
4.6 Empty Cell Removal/Insertion
All Empty Cells from the input ports are discarded. They are identified by the
Housekee ping B its <00 0>. Except the check of the header parity P no other inspection
is done, so t hat all cells with the Housekeeping < 000> are d iscarded independent from
any other cell data.
New Empty Cells are generated for an o utput port, if no other ce ll is available, i.e. the
output queue is empty, or the port is disabled.
Cells with House keeping <000> tha t have be en fed in via t he µP-interface, are t reated
as empty cells and ther efore discarded.
4.7 Output Port Bundling
Output ports can be bundled to make it possible to switch links with higher data rate.
Groups of 2, 4, 8, and all 16 outputs can be configured via the Output Group Register
OGR:OG. Each output port bundle uses one common output queue. The ports send the
cells in a staggered mode, so that the original cell sequence can be recovered by the
input scan algorithm of the following ASM or ASP. For groups of 16 input ports a different
algorithm is used (see Figure 30), and therefore they must be specified in the Mode
Register MODR:IGx.
4.8 ATM Cell Sequence
Independent from any specified output bundle, the output ports transmit the cells in
staggered mode, i.e. the Cell Starts in the 16 output streams are not simultaneous but
have a fixed delay to each other. The cell sequence starts with port 0. Port 1 transmits
the next cell start 3 octet clocks (= 24 system clocks) delayed i n relati on t o the Cell Start
on port 0. The sequ ence is shown in Figure 29.
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Figure 29 Output Cell Sequence
In the case of port bundling, i.e. a group of ports gets the cells from the same output
queue, these staggered output makes it possible for the next ASM to recover the cell
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Figure 30 Linear Input Scan
Figure 30 shows this scan while the input s receive a bundle of 8 and a bundle of 16. It
is easy to see that the scan scrambles the sequence of the bundle of 16, because it does
not comply with the condition 3. For that reason, another scan algorithm is used if a
bundle of 16 is defined via the Mode Register MODR :IG0 or IG1.
The sc an algorithm for bundles of 16 works as follows:
The input ports are partitioned into 2 sections which can possibly receive bundles of
16, i.e. one group contains the ports 0 to 15, the other 16 to 31.
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If the scan crosses an input bundle of 16 (change from ‘cell received’ to ‘no cell
available’), the scan leaves the actual section, scans the whole other section, and
continues with the port which has ‘no cell available’ before. Such a jump in the
sequence is possible only in the second half of the section.
The possibility to jump is not enabled until one complete section has been scanned
and the second section has been started from the beginning.
Note: Pipelining in the implementation can cause that the scan restarts up to 4 ports
before that one where it has left the se ction.
4.9 Routing Ev aluation
The Switching Stage Number SSN(3:0) is compared with the Mode Register
MODR:SSN(3:0). Cells with matching SSN and if necessary matching routing address
are destined f or the local proces sor.
The Housekeeping HK (2:0) is decoded to distinguish E mpty C ells <000>, Maintenance
Control Cells <011>, Control Cells <110>, and the information ‘other’.
If the Address Identif ier ADI(0) is ‘0’, the Routing Address RA (31:0) is compared wit h the
Identification Register IDR:ID(31:0). The result can be masked with the Filter Mask
Register FMR:FM(31:0), so that only a part of the Routing Address must be valid to
accept a cell. The Output Group Register OG R:OP TR(4:0) defines a four bit section of
the Routing A ddres s which contains the destination port num ber.
When the split mode is activated with MODR:IS(5:0) = n > 0, the cells from the input
ports (n – 1) 0 are handled in a different manner: Only RA(5:4) is compared with
ASM_ID(5:4) and without masking, and RA(3:0) is interpreted as destination port
If the Address Identifier ADI(0) is 1’, a part of the Routing Address RA(15:0), now
denoted as MultiCast I dentifier MCI(15:0), is used as address for the external M ulticast
Lookup Table MLT, which deliv er s the information about the dest ination port(s).
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4.10 Multicast Handling
The Multicast Lookup Table MLT is an external synchronous RAM with 64 k entries.
Each entry is 16 bits wide plus an odd parity bit. The bit positions 0 to 15 of an entry
denote the out put ports 0 to 15, bit 16 is the parit y. Since t he used external RAM is 18-bit
wide, bit 17 remains unused.
The entries can be written via the Multicast Transfer Register MTR and the Multicast
Address Regist er MCA.
A multicast cell normally has more than one destination port. That does not mean that
any cell copies are existing in t he Central Buffer; eac h accepted cell is writ ten only once.
But the cell location address is copied into the concerned output queues, and so the
location will be read repeatedly.
4.11 Output Queue Fairness Management
Queues with an unlimited num ber of entries have t he disadvantage that a burst of cells
for one output can fill the whole Central Buffer and therefore can block the traffic for the
other queues. For that reason a limit value for each type of queue ( si ngle por t, bundle of
2, 4, 8, or 16 ports) can be set via the Maximum Queue Length Register MQLR. When
the number of entries in a specific queue has reached the limit, this queue will reject all
additional cells. This will discard a normal pt-pt cell. A multicast cell must not be
discarded, if at least one ot her destination queue accept s the entry.
4.12 Cell Insertion via the Processor Interface
Two types of local processors may communicate with the processor interface: A
microprocessor and a protocol chip. Each has an own address space for one Transmit
Cell (TCR1 and TCR2). The processor must not send a Synchronization Octet, but it
must append the internal odd parity byte. The Transmit Cell is inserted into the data
stream via an internal 33rd input port. This port has no check for a Synchronization Octet,
but the complete header evaluation is exercised, so that the cell is treated like a cel l from
any other port.
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4.13 Cell Receiving via the Processor Interface
The ASM has a 17th int ernal output port with an own output queue, which holds the cells
destined for the local processor. The actual c ell from this inter nal port is available in the
Receive Cell R egister RCR . Two cell types are distinguished: A µP-cell is indicated by
an interrupt INT0, and a communication cell (µP-cell with HK = <110>) activates an
in te rru p t I N T1.
4.14 Procedures for System Failures
All types of overflows (buffer-, threshold-, queue-, and µP-queue-overflow) forces that
new incoming cells concerned by the overflow are discarded. The different overflow
errors are indic ated in the interrupt stat us register ISR.
Line Faults
The inc oming c ell on eac h input l ine of the ASM is checked on SYNC-/ASYNC-state and
on parity er ror of the internal header . If a S YNC-error occur s, the cell is passed t hr ough.
In case of an ASYNC-error the incoming cells are discarded until the SYNC-status is
reached. In case of a parity error only the affected cell is discarded. All errors are
indicated in the corresponding registers. Output lines cannot be supervis ed by the ASM
itself. This must be done by the follo wing devices (refer to Figure 6).
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5 Register Descriptio n
The main task of the µP-Interface is to handle all the information which has to be
interchanged between the ASM and the exte r nal microprocessor such as:
Error indications ISR, LASR, LER, LFR
Input enable and masking ins tructions IMR, IOR
Address information ILA, OLA/MCA
µP Commands COR
Definition of the thresholds PTR, MQLR
Maintenance instructions MR
Ope ration modes MO DR, OGR, IDR, FMR, LPSR
Cell data: transmission TCR0, TCR1
reception RCR
Multicast data exchange MTR
All the data are exchanged in a bytewise operation.
Note: The access to the
P-registers can only be done with a permanently running
operating clock.
The loss of the operating clock cuts off any access capability.
In all the register operations the µP acts as the master device; this implies the absolute
access prio rity to the µP -Interface whenever it is necessary (asynchronous operation).
5.1 Registers Table
The following section will give an introduction to the register functions. Additional marks
are given for certain functions like hardware reset or default values .
5.1.1 Interrupt Status Register ( Read Only)
Hardware reset value all 0
Software reset value (no change)
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The Interrupt S tatus Register ISR displays all event s which can cause an
interrupt INT0 to th e µP . If an event sets a bit in the ISR to ‘1’, it remains in
that state until the µP resets the flag. At the same time, an interr upt INT0 is
activated if t he bit is not masked in t he Interrupt Mask Register I MR and the
interrupt is not already active.
The µP read operation onto the ISR (00H, 01H) has no inf luence to the
register. This means that every time the µP reads the register, it gets th e
present status of the ISR:A µP write access onto ISR (00H, 01H) with the
relevant bit set to ‘1’ clears the interrupt status bit. A write of ‘0’ has no
influence to an int errupt status bit. If the interrupt li ne INT0 has been ac tive,
the reset of the ISR flags force also the deactivation of the interrupt line.
Events that occur during the ‘clear bit ’ access of the µP are not lost due to
an internal shadow register which is not accessible for the µP. These events
are passed through to the IS R after the µP write access is finished.
Since in the res et phase all lines have been asynchronous for a t ime,
ASYNC will be ‘1’ and the µP should at first write the cor r esponding flag to
‘1’ to reset it.
ASYNC Asyn c h ron ou s St at e
A line is defi ned to be asynchronous, when two invalid Synchronization
Octets are detected successively. In that situation ASYNC is set if the very
line is not masked in the Inpu t On-line Register IOR. So AS YNC indicates
that one or more non-masked lines are asynchronous. The concerned input
lines can be read from the Line Asynchronous State Regist er LASR. During
the ASYNC-state of an input line incoming cells are di scarded.
SYNCE Synchronization Error
Has the same function as ASYNC, but it is s et if only one inv alid
Synchronization Octet is d etected and the next Synchronization Octet is
correct. So if a Synchronization Octet is corrupted, either SYNCE or ASYNC
is set. A SYNC-er ror on a line is only set if t he very line is not masked in the
Input Online Register IO R.
Cells with invalid Synchronization Octet causing an SYNC-error are passed
through. The concerned input lines can be read from the Line Asynchronous
State Register LASR. For test purposes, sync. errors can be generated by
MR:IVSYNC = 1 of the previous ASM.
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PE Parity Error
Result of the internal cell header parit y check of all i nput ports. All incoming
cells are checked for correct parity bit P within the internal cell header.
PE = 1 indicates that a parity bit on at l east one of t he active input lines was
found to be invalid. The cel ls with a parity error are discarded without further
The parit y checks are only done for lines which are not in the asynchronous
state; results from asynchronous lines are masked out.
A parity error on a line is only set if the very line is not masked in the I nput
Online Register IOR.
CTRLE Control Error
CTRLE indicates an internal hardware error in the addres s administration.
The 300 addresses pointing to all entries of th e Central Buffer are
permanent ly exchanged between t he Free Cell Lis t RAM (FCL) and one or
more output queues in t he common Queue RAM . The rea dout count is
stored in the Multicast Count RAM (MCC). All entries in these three RAMs
are protected by an additional parity bit. Every stated error is mapped as a
C on tro l Er ror C T RL E.
When a pari ty error in a Queue RAM occurs, the corresponding address will
be erased; this means that the entry under this address in the Central Buffer
allocated to this queue is lost. Since the address is not returned into the Free
Cell List, the num ber of available addr esses decreases. If the RAM has a
permanent failure, after a short time no addr esses will be left , resulting in a
Buffer Overflow BOV.
For test purposes a Control Error can be generated by setting INVM, INVQ,
or INVP in the Maintenance Register MR.
IPE Internal Parity Error
Indicates a parity error of the internal cell parity octet. That means that the
cell has been corrupted in the path between S/P converter, Central Buffer,
and P/S con ver t er.
For test purpo ses an IPE can be generated via appropriate test cells.
MLTPE Multicast Lookup Table Parity Error
Indicates a parity error in the external Multicast Lookup Table (MLT) RAM.
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MCMR Multicast Misrouting
MCMR indicates that a m ulticast cell is detected which is not destined for
the ASM, i.e. the multicast operat ion is disabled in t he command register
(DCMC = 1), so that the control logic does not support m ulticast. The
multicast cell will be discarded.
PCRCV µP -Cell in Receive Buff er
Indicates that a µP-cell is available in the receive buffer f or readout. When
the ASM sets PCRCV = 1, the RX-bit in the comm and register COR is
activated at the sam e time. After reading both bytes of IS R, PCRCV is
cleared to 0 aut omatically. The RX must be cleared independent from
PCRCV by the µP. The RX- bit can be c leared by reading out of the last cell
octet or by overwriting the RX- bit wit h the µP. After that the ASM will m ove
the next cell (if available) into the receive buffer and the whole process starts
BOV Buffer Overflow
Indicates that a cell has been dis carded because no free cell entry is
available. In practice, it means that 296 to 300 cells are stored in the Central
Buffer. The uncertainty is due t o the fact that free entry addresses have
some clock cycles delay before they can be used again.
Note: A Control Error CTRLE (see above) may have decreased the number of
available cell entries.
TOV Threshold Overflow
Indicates that the number of cells in the Central Buf fer exceeds (or has
exceeded for a time) the limit defined in the Priority Threshold Register PTR.
In the T hreshold Overflow condition all incoming low-priority cells (with bit
CLP = 1 in the external cell header) are discarded.
QOV Queue Overflow
Indicates that a cell has been dis carded because no free queue entry is
available in the corresponding output queue. The common limit for each
type of output queue, except of the µP-queue, is defined in the Maximum
Queue Length Register MQL.
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5.1.2 Interrupt Mask Register (W rite)
Hardware reset value all 1
Software reset value (no change)
Readable for test purposes.
PQOV Microp rocessor Queue Overflow
Indicates that an inco ming µP/communication cell has been discar ded,
because the number of stored µP/communication cells has reached the limit
value for the Maximum Proc essor Queue Length Register PQLR.
The Interrupt Status Register ISR can be masked by the IMR, by setting the
corresponding bit(s) of IMR to 1. That means that only the interrupt for the
masked ISR-bit is deacti vated. The actual stat us of the ISR-bit can be read
by the µP independent from the mask register.
The PCRCV-bi t can not be masked, to prevent the bl ocking of the
µP-queue for commu nication cells because of not processed cells by
the µP.
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5.1.3 Line Asynchronous St ate Register (Read Only)
Hardware reset val ue undefined, see below
Software reset v alue (no change)
5.1.4 Input Line Address (Write)
Hardware reset val ue all 0
Software reset v alue (no change)
Readable for test purposes.
LASR 7004
15 8 05H
24 16 06H
31 25 07H
Bit i of LASR is assigned to the ASM-input line number i (0 i 31).
A line is defined to be async hronous , when two invalid Synchronization
Octets are det ected successively. An input line is marked as asynchronous
by setting the line-individual ASYNC bit in LASR. In addition the subsequent
parity error indication of the int ernal header is m asked.
During t he ASYNC- state of an input line incoming cells are discarded.
The content of the Input Online Register IOR has no influence for LASR.
The LASR indicates the actual status of all input line s, i.e. t he register is
actualized continuously by the ASM. Every time t he µP reads the register, it
gets the present status of the input lines .
74 0
ILA unused ILA(4:0) 08H
ILA defines the input line whose state can be observed in LASYNC,
LSYNCE, and LPE in the Line Error Register LER. Value Range 0 to 31.
Note: A change of ILA does not change the values of LER automatically. LER still
shows the state of the old ILA adjustment. Therefore after a change the
should firs t read LSR to reset it .
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5.1.5 Line Error Register (Read Only)
Hardware reset value undefined
Software reset value (no change)
The µP read operation resets the accessed byte to all 0.
LSE Line Sam ple Error
Indicates too much jit ter in t he alignment unit of the input specified in the
Input Line Address Register ILA.
LASYN Line Asynchronous State
Shows the state of the line specified in the Input Line Address Register ILA.
The line is defined to be asynchronous (LASYNC = 1), when two invalid
Synchronization Octets are detected successively. The content of the Input
Online Register IOR has no influence for LASYNC.
LSYNC Line Synchronization Error
Has the same function as LASYNC, but it is set (LSYNC = 1) if only one
invalid Synchronization Octet is detected and the next S ynchronization
Octet is correct. So if a Synchronizati on Octet is corrupted, either LSYNC or
LASYNC is set. If LSYNC=1 and LASYN=0 the data transfer on the
respective input is undisturbed.
LPE Line Parity Error
Result of the par ity check of the line, specified in the Input Line A ddres s
Register ILA. All incoming cells are checked for correct internal header
parity bit P in the internal cell header. LPE = 1 indicates that a parity error
was found on that line. This check is only evaluated if the line is in the
synchronous state.
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5.1.6 Li ne Failed Register (Read On ly)
Hardware reset val ue undefined, see below
Software reset v alue (no change)
LFR 700A
15 8 0BH
23 16 0CH
31 24 0DH
unused 32 0EH
The µP read operation reset s the acc es sed byte to all 0.
Bit i of the LFR represents the s tate of the input line i. If either a
Synchronization Error, Asynchronous Line State, or Parity Error is detected,
the failure is indicat ed at the appropriate bit position. If IOR disables a line,
parity errors from this line are als o masked.
Since in the rese t phase all lines have been asynchronous for a tim e, LFR
will be ‘all 1’ and the µP should at first read all bytes of LFR to reset it.
Bit 32 is used for the ASM internal µP input port indicates only parity bit
Note: Events PE, SYNCE, ASYNC that occur during read of LFR may cause loss of
infor mation as the line information is r eset before the interrupt proc edure is able
to process the new error.
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5.1.7 Input Online Register (Write)
Hardware reset value all 1
Software reset value (no change)
Readable for test purposes.
5.1.8 Command Register (Read/Write)
Hardware reset value all 0 ex cept RX=1
Software reset value (no change)
IOR 700F
15 8 10H
23 16 11H
31 24 12H
Bit i of the Input Online Regist er IOR defines the state of the input line i.
Bit i = 1 forces l ine i to the onl ine state. Bit i = 0 switches the input offline, i. e.
all cells from this line are discarded and all er rors are masked within the
Interrupt Status Register ISR and have no influence to PE, ASYNC, and
SYNC E. However, the stat us can be observed in the LASR, LFR and LER
(only SYNC/ASYNC-state).
The required operation is initialized by writing a 1 to the corresponding
command bit. After the operat ion has been completed, the ASM resets that
bit to 0.
Note: RX has a different function: It is set by the ASM and reset by the
P or by the
The ASM needs 76 octet clocks at maximum t o insert a communication/test
cell from the transmit buffer i nto the data st ream and t her efore to clear TX1/
TX0 and to accept new cells.
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Register Description
Semiconductor Group 68 12.97
RX Receive µP/Communication Cell
Indicates that a µP/communication cell is availabl e in the receive buf fer for
readout. When the ASM sets RX, the following actions are done depending
on the configuration of the ASM and the HK-bits in t he internal header of the
1. HK <2:0> of the cell header = 001
PCRCV in t he Interrupt Status Register ISR is set to 1, so that
ASM activates the interrupt line INT 0
2. HK <2:0> of the cell header = 001 and MO DR:EINT1 = 0
PCRCV in t he Interrupt Status Register ISR is set to 1, so that
ASM activates the interrupt line INT 0
3. HK <2:0> of the cell header = 011 and MO DR:EINT1 = 1
ASM activates the interrupt line INT 1
With the readout of the last cell octet, RX is clea red au toma tica lly. Af ter
uncompleted cell readout, RX must be cleared by the µP. After that the ASM
will move the next cell (if ava ilable) into the receive buff er and the whole
process starts a gain.
Note: A read access to the Receive Cell Register RCR is only possible if RX=0,
otherwise the data is invalid.
TX1 Transmit Communication Cell
The command TX1 = 1 forces the ASM to copy the communication cell from
the transmit buffer TCR1 into the Central Buffer, i.e. to insert it int o the data
path. With the write operation of the last cell oct et in TCR1 the bit TX1 is set
automatically. When t his operation is performed and the tr ansmit buffer is
available for th e next communication cell, TX1 is cleared.
The ASM needs 76 octet clocks at maximum to insert a communication cell
from the transmi t buffer into the data stream. Duri ng that time no further cell
can be in sert e d.
TX0 Transmit µP-Cell
The command TX0 = 1 forces the A SM to copy a µP-cell from th e tran smit
buffer TCR0 int o the Central Buffer, i.e. to insert it into the data path. With
the write operation of the last cell octet in TCR0 the bit TX0 is set
automatically. When t his operation is performed and the tr ansmit buffer is
available for th e next µP- cell , TX0 is c leared.
The ASM needs 76 octet clocks at max imum to insert a µP-cell from the
transmit buffer in to the data stream . During that time no fur ther cell can be
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 69 12.97
LPSC LIC Protection Swit ch Change
This command (LRSC = 1) forces the ASM to accept the adjustments made
in LIC Protection Swit ch Register LPSR. Previously the data has to be
written into t he LPSR.
The releas e of the LPSR forces additionally the output of one Prot ection
Switch Identifier cell (PSI-cell) on every output port, whose configuration has
been changed.
After the operation is done, t he ASM clears LPSC to 0.
WMLT Write Multicast Lookup Table (MC-RAM)
Write command bit (WMLT = 1), requesting a writ e access to the MC-RAM.
Previously the address has to be written into the Multicast Address Register
MCA , and the appropriate data in to the Multicast Transfer Register MTR.
When the operation is done, the ASM clears WMLT to 0. That may not be
immediately, because the ASM m ust wait for a cycle w here the MLT is no t
in use.
RMLT Read Multicast Lookup Table (MC-RAM)
Read command bit (RMLT = 1), requesting a read access to the MC-RAM.
Previously the address has to be written into the Multicast Address Register
When the data is available in the Multicast Transfer Register MTR, the ASM
clears RMLT to 0. That may not be immediately, because the ASM must wait
for a cycle where the MLT is not in use.
MCINI M ulticast RAM Initialization
This command (MCINI = 1) forces the ASM to initialize the whole ext ernal
Multicast Lookup Table RAM (MC-RAM) with 0. When the operation is done,
the AS M cl ea rs M C INI .
Note: A fter HW -reset the connected Multicast RAM is not initialized.
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 70 12.97
5.1.9 Priority Threshold Register (Write)
Hardware reset val ue 255D = FFH threshold value = 2 × PTR = 510 (no threshold)
Software reset v alue (no change)
Readable for test purposes.
SRES Software Reset
The Software Reset (SRES = 1) initializes the F ree Cell List, Multicast
Count RAM, Output Queue RA Ms, and the Operation and Maintenance
Register. In contrast to the Hardware Reset all other registers, especially the
Multicast Lookup Table or the input/output cell synchronism, remain
unchanged. After this initialization is do ne, SRES is cleared (SRES = 0).
PTR PTR(7:0) 14H
The Priority T hreshold defines a li mit for the acceptance of low-priority cells.
Low-priority cells are defined by an external cell header with bit CLP = 1. As
long as the number of cells stored in t he Central Buffer ex c eeds the
threshold value, low-priority cells from the inputs are rejected. The threshold
value used for the comparison in the ASM results in the multiplic ation of the
Priority Threshold Register va lue by 2. So it is possible to define only even
threshold values. Values over 300D (PTR = 150D) exceed the Central Buffer
capability and therefore define no limit.
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 71 12.97
5.1.10 Maximum Queue Length Register (Write)
Hardware reset value
MQLx(7:0) = 255D=FF
H queue length = 2 × MQLx = 510 (no threshold)
x = 1, 2, 4, 8
Software reset value (no change)
Readable for test purposes.
MQLR MQL1(7:0) 15H
MQL2(7:0) 16H
MQL4(7:0) 17H
MQL8(7:0) 18H
The Maximum Queue Length MQL defines a queue lengt h limit for each
type of output queue. MQL1(7:0) defines the queue limit for bundles of 1,
MQL2(7:0) the queue limit for bundles of 2, MQL4(7:0) for bundles of 4 and
MQL8(7:0) for bundles of 8 and 16. If the number of cel l loc ations stor ed in
a queue exceeds the threshold value, a QOV-error is indic ated and the cell
is not stor ed in this queue. The t hr eshold value used for the comparison in
the ASM results in th e multiplication of the Maximum Queue Length value
by 2. So it is possible to define only even threshold values.
The following values define the maximum limits for the various bundle sizes.
All values exceeding the maximum queue length are limited to the maximum
MQL1(7:0) = 44D = 2C H = max. queue length from 88D
MQL2(7:0) = 88D = 58 H = max. queue length fr om 176D
MQL4(7:0) = 150D = 96 H = max. queue length from 300D
MQL8(7:0) = 150D = 96 H = max. queue length from 300D
Queue length values over 88D for bundles of 1 and 176D for bundles of 2
exceeds the capacity of the output queues. The queue length value over
300D for bundles of 4, 8 and 16 exceeds t he Central Buffer capability and
therefore define no lim it.
Note: MQL may be changed to smaller lim its only if t he actual amount of queue entries
is smaller t han the new limit to prevent malfunctions.
Note: M QL is not valid for the
P-queue to define a limit (see PQLR).
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 72 12.97
5.1.11 Processor Queue Length Registe r (Read/Write)
Hardware reset val ue 255D=FF
Software reset v alue (no change)
5.1.12 Multicast Transfer Regis ter ( R e a d/Write)
Hardware reset val ue all 0
Software reset v alue (no change)
PQLR PQLR(7:0) 19H
The Processor Queue Length Register defines a limit for the acceptance of
the output µP queue. If the number of µP cells stored in t he Central Buffer
exceeds the threshold value, subsequent µP cells are discarded and PQOV
in the Int errupt Status Register is set.
The threshold value used for the com parison by the ASM results in the
multiplication of PQLR(7:0) by 2. Thus only even th resholds can be set.
Thresholds beyond 304D (PQLR(7:0)=152D) exceed the Central B uff er
Capacity and therefore define no limit.
Note: If the threshold is changed during the overflow of this queue the new limit will
come into ef fect after tr ansfer of one cell into the data s tream.
MTR Data(7:0) 1AH
Data(15:8) 1BH
The MTR is a data register f or the Multicast Lookup Table (MLT) RAM read/
write-access. The RAM address is defined in the Multicast Address Register
(MCA). Read or wr ite access is started with RMLT or WMLT in the
Command Register COR. If both are set, the read access has priority over
the write acc ess.
Read Access to MLT
Wri t e ML T add re ss to MC A (1AH/1BH).
Set RMLT = 1 in the Command Register COR (12H, bit 2).
Wait for RMLT = 0.
Read data from MTR.
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 73 12.97
5.1.13 Output Line Address/ Multicast Address Register (Write)
Hardware reset value all 0
Software reset value (no change)
Readable for test purposes.
Write Access to M LT
Wri te MLT addre s s to MC A (1 AH/1BH).
Wri te data to MTR ( 18H, 19H).
Set WMLT = 1 in the Command Register COR (12H, bit 3).
Operation is performed when WMLT = 0.
OLA/MCA MCA(7:0) or OLA(3:0) 1CH
MCA(15:8) 1DH
Usage 1: OLA(3:0) defines the output line to be provided with an invalid
Synchronization Octet by setting IVSY NC in the Command Regis ter COR.
Used for test purposes. Value range is 0 to 15. Outpu t grouping does not
influence the function.
Usage 2: MCA(15:0) defines the RAM address to be used for µP read/write
access to the Multicast Lookup Table (MLT). The data to be transferred will
be placed into the Multicast Transfer Register M T R.
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 74 12.97
5.1.14 Maintenance Register (Write)
Hardware reset val ue all 0
Software reset v alue address 1EH, bi t (5 … 1) = 0
other no change
Readable for test purposes.
0 0 0 0 STCO(3:0) 20H
0 0 0 0 STFO(3:0) 21H
IVINP Invalidate Input Ports
This function (IV INP = 1) pe rmits the test of the asynchronous line
state detection. It falsifies the comparison values for the
synchronization octet of all input s as long as IVINP is set. For the
test IVINP must be set for at least 128 octet clocks.
IVSYNC Invalidate Sync Octet
This function (IV SYNC = 1) permits the test of the synchronization
error detection in t he input unit of a subsequent ASM or ASP chip.
It corrupts the toggle bit T i n t he synchronization octet ‘T110 1000’ .
The output line which shall be provided with this invalid
synchronization octet is specified in the Output Line Address
register OLA(3:0). After one synchronization octet was corrupted,
IVSYNC is cleared (IVSY NC = 0) by the ASM.
IVMLTP I nvalidate Multicast Lookup Table Parity
Device test f unction: When IVMLTP = 1, the parity bit of the
Multicast Lookup Table is inverted, causing a Multicast Lookup
Table Parity Error MLTPE in the Interrupt Status Register ISR. After
one parity bi t was corrupted, IV MCCP is clear ed (IVMCCP = 0) by
the ASM.
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 75 12.97
IVMCCP Invalidate Multicast Count Parity
Device test function: When IVMCCP = 1, the parity bit of the
Multicast Count RAM is inverted, causing a Control Error in t he
Interrupt S tatus Register ISR. After one parity bit was corrupted,
IVMCCP is cleared (IVMCCP = 0) by the ASM.
IVQRP Invalidate Queue RAM Parity
Device test function: When INVQ = 1, the parity bit of the parity
checker obser ving the Output Queue RAM bus is inv erted, causing
an immediate Control Err or CTRLE in the I nterrupt Status Register
ISR. After one parity bit was c or r upted, IVQRP is cleared
(IVQ RP = 0 ) by the AS M.
IVFCP Invalidate Free Cells List Parit y
Device test function: When INVP = 1, t he parity bit of one Free Cell
List input is inverted, causing a Control Error CTRLE in the I nterr upt
Status Register ISR after the invalidat ed address has traversed the
Free Cell List FIFO. This test function works only with data cells at
the ASM inputs , not with empty cells. After one parity bit was
corrupted, IVFC P is cleare d (IVFCP = 0 ) by the ASM .
DPQ Disable Readout of µP-Queue
Device test function: When DPQ = 1, the readout of the µP-queue
entries is disabled; no int errupt is generated. Used to test the
Processor Queue Overflow PQOV in the Interrupt Status Register
DPA Disable Phase Alignment
Device test function: When DPA = 1, t he phase alignment unit
works with a f ixed clock phase and therefore in a synchronous
DOS Disable Overscan
Device test function: When DOS = 1, the input scan is set to a fixed
relation to t he output scan. The scan sequence is <output0, input0,
input1, output1, input2, input3, …, output15, input30, input31, µP
output, none, none, µP- input, 12 ×none>.
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 76 12.97
SWPQ Switch all Ac c epted Cells to the µP-Queue
Device test function: When SWPQ = 1, the cell destination unit is
disabled. All incoming cells ar e handled according to the initializ ed
operation mode. If the cell i s accepted by the cell acceptance unit,
the cell is routed to the µP-queue independent from any specified
output port.
This function can be combined with the AAC- or AANIC-bit.
AANIC Accept all non E mp ty Cells
Device test function: When AANIC = 1, all incoming data with
correct synchronization oct et from every ac tivated port ex c ept of
empty cells will be accepted. These cells wil l be routed according to
the initialized operation mode or to the µP output queue specified
by the RPQ-bit. The AANIC-bit will be disabled by the AAC-bit.
AAC Accept all Cells
Device test function: When AAC = 1, the cell acceptance unit is
disabled. All incoming cells with correct s ynchronization octet f r om
every port will be routed acc ording to the initialized operation mode
or to the µP out put queue i f specified by SWPQ. The enabled AAC-
bit disables AANIC-bit.
STCO(3:0) Select Test Cont rol Output
Device debugging function only: Reset value should not be
changed in normal operation.
STFO(3:0) Tes t Output Sel e ct
Device debugging function: Reset value should n ot be changed in
normal operation.
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 77 12.97
5.1.15 Phase Ali gn Test Regi ster (Read)
Hardware reset value undefined
Software reset value (no change)
5.1.1 6 Free Cells Count Reg is ter ( R e a d/Write)
Hardware reset value 1001 100 0B=152
D =98
Software reset value (no change)
PATR PATR(7:0) 22H
Device test function only. Shows the current edge distribution of the input
specified by the I nput Line Address Register ILA .
FCNT FCNT(7:0) 23H
FCNT can be used for st atistical purposes. It has to be multiplied by 2 t o
obtain the number of free cells in the Central Buffer. The smallest num ber
since t he last read of FCNT is stored. After a read access the register is
loaded with the reset value 152D.
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 78 12.97
5.1.17 Version Code Register (R ead )
Hardware reset val ue address 24H=2F
address 25H = D0H
address 26H = 0BH
address 27H = 0BH
Software reset v alue (no change)
The struc ture of the version code regis ter i s :
VERC(15:8) 25H
VERC(23:16) 26H
VERC(31:24) 27H
VERC(31:0) V ersion Code
The ver si on code of the ASM is identically to the boundary scan
identity code register and can be r ead out via the µP-interf ac e. The
version code register contains information about manufacturer,
ASIC number and version number.
Bit 31 … 28 Bit 27 … 12 Bit 11 … 1 Bit 0
Version number ASIC number Manufacturer
number 1
0000 1011 0000 1011 1101 0000 0010 111 1
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 79 12.97
5.1.18 Mode Register (Write)
Hardware reset value address 28H = all 0 except of SSN(3:0) = 0 001
addr ess 29H = all 0
addr ess 2AH = all 1 except ACCEL = 0
Software reset value (no change)
Readable for test purposes.
MODR 0 0 IG1 IG0 SSN(3:0) 28H
0 AOPC IS(5:0) 29H
IG1 In p ut Groupi ng 1
IG1 = 1 forc es the input scan unit to handle t he inputs 16 to 31 as a
bundle; that means that the cell sequence within the bundle remains
IG0 In p ut Groupi ng 0
IG0 = 1 forces the input scan unit to handle the inputs 0 to 15 as a
bundle; that means that the cell sequence within the bundle remains
SSN(3:0) Switch Level Stage Number
SSN allows to mark every AS M in a funnel st ructure with a specific
identification, making it possible to send a µP/communi cation cell to
one specific ASM (see Figure 33).
µP/communication cells are accepted only if SSN( 3:0) and t he
routing address is equal to the SSN and the val id routing address in
the intern al cell header.
The address comparison is done using the Filter Mask register
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 80 12.97
AOPC Accept Only Microprocessor Cells
When AOPC = 1, the cell acceptance unit accepts only
microprocessor cells identified by the correct switching stage
number SSN and by the valid routing address (depends on the
operation mode of t he ASM). All other incoming cells are discarded.
IS(5:0) Input Select for Split Oper ation Mode (NORMAL/SPLIT-mode)
Defines the t hreshold for normal and split mode handling of the
32D … 63DFixed r outing evaluation for all inputs: RA(3:0) defines
the output
0 Normal routing evaluation for all inputs (default):
Position of routing bits determined by OPTR(4:0)
(32 > n > 0) Split mode: Normal routing evaluation for inputs
31 n, fixed routing evaluation for inputs (n – 1) … 0
EVMCP Ev aluate Multicast Parity
As long as EVMCP = 1 the control logic is able to evaluate the parity
bit in the Mul ticast Look-up Table (M C-RA M). If a multicast look-up
table parity error MLTPE occurs this error is indicated in
ISR:MLTPE. In case of E VMCP = 0 the parity evaluation of the
ASM is disabled. Then a 16-bit wide MC-RAM can be connected to
the ASM (e.g. 64 k ×16 bit).
DCMC Discard Multicast
As long as DCMC = 1, the c ontrol logic does not support multicast
header types. All m ulticast cells will be dis carded and the MCMR-
flag in the I nterrupt Status Register ISR will be set. DCMC can only
be changed by the µP or with a Hardwar e Reset. The DCMC-bit is
independent from the value of EVMCI, i.e. the evaluation of the
DCMC-bit is done in the ASM previous to the EVMCI ev aluation.
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 81 12.97
EVMCI Evaluate Multicast Identif ier
As long a s EVMCI = 1 the control logic is able to identify incoming
multicast cells by the ADI(0) = 1 in the internal routi ng header. In
case of EVMCI = 0, the ADI(0) bit is masked by the ASM. Thus, the
ASM treats incoming multicast cell as self-routing cells. The
evaluation of EVMCI can only be done if DCMC = 0 (see above).
EVMCM Evaluate Multicast Identif ier for Split Mode
This bit is identical t o the EVMCI bi t described above, except that it
applies to the speci al inputs with fixed routing evaluation in s plit
mode. The other, normal inputs of the split m ode operation mode
are controlled by the EVMCI bit. As long as EVMCM = 1 the control
logi c is abl e to i dentify incoming mult icast cells by ADI(0) = 1 in the
internal rout ing header. In case of EVMCI = 0 the cells are trea ted
as self-r outing cells.
ACCEL Accept Control Cells
APCEL Accep t µP-Cells
These two bit s control the ac ceptance of µP and c ontrol cells and
which int errupt line is activated at t he receptio n of these cells.
Control cells are cel ls destined to the receive buffer of the ASM (i.e.
they have mat ching SSN and the routing address RA(31:0)
matches the ID(31:0) after masking by FMR(31:0)) and the
housekeeping field in the cell header has the value HK = 110.
µP-cells denote cells which are destined to the receive buffer of the
ASM but have any ot her housekeeping value.
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 82 12.97
5.1.19 Output Group Register (Write)
Hardware reset val ue all 0
Software reset v alue (no change)
Readable for test purposes.
Table 4 µP/Control Cell Handling
00Don’t care µP and control cells are discarded, no
interrupts are activated.
01HK 110 µP-cells activate INT0.
0 1 HK = 110 Control cell s activate INT0.
10HK 110 µP-cells are discarded.
1 0 HK = 110 Control cell s activate INT1.
11HK 110 µP-cells activate INT0.
1 1 HK = 110 Control c ells activate I NT1.
OGR OPE(7:0) 2BH
OPE(15:8) 2CH
OG(7:0) 2DH
CBC OG(14:8) 2EH
0 0 0 OPTR(4:0) 2FH
OPE(15:0) Output Port Enable
OPE enables the output port i belonging to the bit position i in the
register. The output ports are e nabled/disabled independent from
any output group. An overflow of the corresponding output queue
can be reached by disable of all belonging output ports. Further
incoming cells are discarded because of the queue overflow.
OPE(15:0) = all 0 can be used to test the Buffer Overflow BOV in
the Interrupt St atus Register ISR.
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 83 12.97
CBC Change Bundle Configuration
This com m and (CBC = 1) forc es the ASM to disable the inputs of
the out put queue whi ch shall be c hanged. Thus, all affected output
queues run empty. After t hat, the new configuration is taken over by
the ASM, t he inputs of t he output queues are reactiv ated and CBC
is cl eared by the ASM (CBC = 0).
OG(14:0) Output Grouping
OG enables grouping of adjacent outputs wit h one commonly us ed
output queue per group.
All 0 No output grouping (default)
Bundle of 2 po rts:
OG(0) = 1 Grouping of output port s (1:0)
OG(1) = 1 Grouping of output port s (3:2)
OG(7) = 1 Grouping of output port s (15:14)
Bundle of 4 po rts:
OG(8) = 1 Grouping of output port s (3:0)
OG(9) = 1 Grouping of output port s (7:4)
OG(11) = 1 Grouping of output port s (15:12)
Bundle of 8 po rts:
OG(12) = 1 Grouping of output port s (7:0)
OG(13) = 1 Grouping of output port s (15:8)
Bundle of 16 p orts:
OG(14) = 1 Grouping of output port s (15:0)
Bits s et for a higher bundle overwrites all aff ected bits of lower
bundles, e.g. the bit OG(12) = 1 overwrites automatically the bit s
OG(9:8) and OG(3:0).
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 84 12.97
For the following examples the nomenclature is:
1 = n-bundle enabled (n = 2, 4, 8 or 16)
0 = n-bundle disabled (n = 2, 4, 8 or 16)
x = don’t care, i.e. these bits can set to ’1’ but the setting has no effect on enabling
bundles, as the corresponding output ports are meanwhile used by present enabled
bundle(s) which are higher bundles (e.g. example 1 below : OG(11) is don’t care
because this 4-bundle uses the output ports 15-12 which are already used by the 8-
bundle; a 8-bundle is a higher bundle than a 4-bundle)
Exa m p le 1 :
Setting of O G(14:0): 010 xx00 xxxx 0001
(15:8): 8-bundle of output ports 15-8 due to ’1’ of OG(13)
(1:0): 2-bundle of output ports 1 and 0 due to ’1’ of O G(0)
15-14 13-12 11 -10 9-8 7-6 5- 4 3-2 1-0 Output ports
Bundle of 2 ports
14 13 12 11 10 9 8
15-0 15-8 7- 0 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0 Output ports
Bundle of 16
ports Bundle of 8
ports Bundle of 4 ports
Table 5 Grouping of t he Out put Ports Corresponding to Content of OG(14:0)
(15:8) (1:0)
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 85 12.97
Exampl e 2 :
Setting of OG(14:0): 000 0010 1000 xx00
(15:14): 2-bundle of output ports 15 and 14 due to ’1’ of OG(7)
(7:4): 4-bundle of output ports 7-4 due to ’1’ of OG(9)
Exampl e 3 :
Se tti ng of OG(14:0): 1xx xxxx xxx x xxx x
(15:0): 16-bundle of output ports 15-0 due to ’1’ of OG(14)
Table 6 Grouping of the Output Ports Corresponding to Content of OG(14:0)
(15:14) (7:4)
Table 7 Grouping of the Output Ports Corresponding to Content of OG(14:0)
OPTR(4:0) Output Pointer
OPN(4:0) defines a four bit output port wi ndow within the 32-bit
routing addres s of the inter nal cell. The value range is 0 28D.
Values fr om 29 31D are not allowed.
The pointer indica tes the least significant bit of the four bit word.
Cells are routed to the output port decoded out of the four bits. If the
output port belongs t o an output group defined in OPG(14:0), the
cells are routed to thi s output group.
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 86 12.97
5.1.20 Identification Register (Write)
Hardware reset val ue all 0
Software reset v alue (no change)
Readable for test purposes.
IDR ID(7:0) 30H
ID(15:8) 31H
ID(23:16) 32H
ID(31:24) 33H
ID(31:0) ASM IDentificati on
ID(31:0) is used to distinguish between different ASMs connected
to the same inputs sources.
Cells are accepted if the valid bits within ID (31:0) are equal to the
valid routi ng address bits RA(31:0) in t he cell header . The valid bits
are defined by t he filter mask register FM (31:0) (see below).
In case of mult icast, the higher word of the Identification Register
ID(31:16) can be us ed for evaluatio n of t he routing address
RA(31:16), for M ulticast cells renamed as AUX.
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 87 12.97
5.1.21 Filter Mask Register (Write)
Hardware reset value all 0
Software reset value (no change)
Readable for test purposes.
FMR FM(7:0) 34H
FM(15:8) 35H
FM(23:16) 36H
FM(31:24) 37H
FM(31:0) Filter Mask
FM(31:0) defines t he valid bits for the comparison of the routing
address RA(31:0) in the int ernal header with t he ASM-identification
register ID(31:0).
Note: If t he Filter Mask is all 0, all cells will accepted by the ASM. This feature is used
e.g. in a multiplexer.
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 88 12.97
5.1.22 LIC Protection Sw itch Register (Write)
Hardware reset value LPS0(3:0) = 0000
LP S1(3 : 0) = 0 00 1
LP S2(3 : 0) = 0 01 0
LP S3(3 : 0) = 0 01 1
LPS15(3:0) = 1111
Software reset v alue (no change)
Readable for test purposes.
These registers control the output multiplexer (refer to Figure 10).
LPSR LPS1(3:0) LPS0(3:0) 38H
LPS3(3:0) LPS2(3:0) 39H
LPS5(3:0) LPS4(3:0) 3AH
LPS7(3:0) LPS6(3:0) 3BH
LPS9(3:0) LPS8(3:0) 3CH
LPS11(3:0) LPS10(3:0) 3DH
LPS13(3:0) LPS12(3:0) 3EH
LPS15(3:0) LPS14(3:0) 3FH
LPS0 … 15(3:0) LIC Protection Switch
The 16 LPS-registers (LPS0 … LPS15) define which output queue
is switched to which output line. Here t he register LPS0 defi nes t he
queue for the output 0, LPS1 the queue for output 1 up to LPS15
the queue for output 1 5.
Cells routed t o an output port which is not connected to an ou tput
line, are dis carded. Several out puts may be connected to the same
output queue.
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 89 12.97
5.1.2 3 Transm it Cell Regist e r 0 (Write Only)
Hardware reset value unknown
Software reset value (no change)
TCR0 Transmit Cell Octet # 1 40H
Transmit Cell O ctet # 63 7EH
Transmit Cell Par ity (co lumnwise, odd) 7FH
Via the Transmi t Cell Register the µP can insert test cells into the actual cell
data stream . Cells from this input are handled in the s ame way as if they
were receiv ed on any other ASM input port, but the cell format is different.
The first oct et, oc tet 0 = sync. oct et, is omi tted. Instead of this, after the last
octet (octet 63) an odd parity octet must be ins erted.
It is not required to exchange the complete contents of TCR0 if only a few
octets are different in the next cell . However, the parity octet must be
The internal cell transfer starts if TX0 in the Command Register COR has
been set t o 1 by the µP, and is completed when TX0 has been reset to 0 by
the ASM. After that TCR0 may be changed f or the next cell. The T X0-bit is
also set after writing the last oct et (octet 63).
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 90 12.97
5.1.24 Transmit Cell Register 1 (Write Only)
Hardware reset val ue unknown
Software reset v alue (no change)
TCR1 Transmit Cell Octet # 1 80H
Transmit Cell Octet # 63 BEH
Transmit Cell Pa rity (columnwise, odd) BFH
The TCR1 register is identical to the TCR0. It allows an additional processor
or protocol chip t o insert communication cell into the act ual cell data stream.
The internal cell trans fer starts if TX1 in the Command Register COR has
been set by the µP, and is completed when TX1 has been reset by the ASM.
After that TCR1 may be set for the next cell . The TX1-bit is also set after
writing the last octet (octet 63).
PXB 4310
Register Description
Semiconductor Group 91 12.97
5.1.25 Receive Cell Register (Read On ly)
Hardware reset value unknown
Software reset value (no change)
RCR0 Rec eive Cell Octet # 1 C0H
Receive Cell Oct et # 63 FEH
Receive Cell Parity (columnwise, odd) FFH
RX = 1 in the Command Register COR indicates that a new cell i s available
in the Receive Cell Register. The cell forma t is identical t o the format in
When the last octet, which is the Receive Cell Parity (address FFH), has
been access ed for readout, the ASM resets RX automaticall y. Otherwise, if
the µP does not read t he complete cell, RX can be reset by the µP to start
the next internal cell transfer into RCR, if there is another cell available in the
µP ou tpu t queue.
Note: The cell parity is not checked by the ASM. This has to be done by the
P or
protocol chip.
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Semiconductor Group 92 12.97
6 Application
6.1 Example for System Configuration
The following example explains the programming of the routing control registers for a
switching netw ork consisting of a 64 ×64 funnel-type switching network co re expanded
by single chip multiplexers MUX (see Figure 31). In the most general case a cell must
find it s way through the input multiplexer MUXIN, through the switching network core and
through an output multiplexer MUXOUT. If input and output of the cell path are at the
same multiplexer the way through the core should be omitted in order to avoid
unnecessary load inside the core. For the definition of MUXIN and MUXOUT see
Figure 27. Both are realized by one si ngle ASM working in s plit mode and connec ted to
the core with a bundle of 4 SLIF lines as shown in Figure 28.
Also multicast connec tions will be set-up w here a cell input at one port of the sw itching
network i s replicated and output at t wo or more output ports. Even the full broadcast case
is possible where the cell is replicated to all outputs. Some branches of a multicast
connection could be at the same multiplexer as the root branch and some other
branches at other multiplexers.
Several possibilities exist to address such a network; one of them is described in the
Figure 31 Example Swi t ch
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Semiconductor Group 93 12.97
The self-r outing ATM cell could have the following assignment of t he 32-bi t rout ing field:
MUXIN: this field specifies the path through the input multiplexer. It allows short path
connections, i. e. connections between terminals at the same multiplexer.
Funnels: This field specifies in a bit mapped form one of the four funnels. For
point-to-point connections only on e of the 4 bits is set to one, th e other 3 bits are set
to zero; e.g. funnel = 0100 selects the second funnel.
Route: This field spec ifies the output of the s elected funnel.
MUXO UT: This field spec ifies the output of the out put multiplexer/concentrator.
The multicas t ATM c ell could have the following assignment of the 32-bit routing field:
Funnels: This field s pecifies the f unnel(s) whic h have to ac cept the cell. These will be
those funnels where the connection has branches. Several bits may be set, e.g.
funnels = 0101 determines that the cell is forwarded within the second and the f ourth
funnel. This measure avoids unnecessary cell traffic in the second stages of the first
and third funnel. If during the existence of the connection a further branch is
established, e.g. at the third funnel, the value of funnels may be changed to 0111.
This would not affect the existing branches.
Multicast routing addr ess: This field is used by t he ASMs which have a multicast RAM
connected. They use th is field to addr ess the external RAM containing in each entry
the outputs to which the cell is to be forwarded in a bitmapped form.
Unused MUXIN Funnel Route Unused MUXOUT
444412 4
Unused Funnel Unused Multic ast routing address
8 4416
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Semiconductor Group 94 12.97
6.1.1 P rog ramming of the ASMs
The switching network core in this example has the size 64 ×64 and is realized as two-
stage funnel network consisting of 4 funnels (Figure 32). The AS Ms in the fir st stage of
the funnels work as filt ers only. All accepted cells are forwarded to one output which is
defined as bundle of 16. The second stage accepts all cells and routes them to the output
specified in th e four ‘Route’ bits of the cell.
Figure 32 Core Programming Example
Programming of the ASMs in the First Stage
They have different mask register values:
The ASMs ‘Filt er 1000’:
FMR(31:0) = 0000 0000 10 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
IDR(31:0) = 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
The ASMs ‘Filt er 0100’:
FMR(31:0) = 0000 0000 01 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
IDR(31:0) = 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
The ASM ‘Filter 0010’:
FMR(31:0) = 0000 0000 00 10 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
IDR(31:0) = 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
The ASM ‘Filter 0001’:
FMR(31:0) = 0000 0000 00 01 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
IDR(31:0) = 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
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All ‘Filter’ ASMs have defined one outpu t bundle of 16:
OGR register:
OPE(15: 0) = 1111 1111 1111 1111 enables all outputs
CBC = 1 to change the bundle configuration, this bit will be reset by the ASM
OG(14) = 1 to define the bundle of 16, OG(13:0) are don’t care
OPTR(4:0) = 00000, don’t care, as for one single output the routing bits are not
The ASMs are programmed to treat also multicast cell s as s elf-routing cells by sett ing in
the Mode register the bit MODR:EVMCI = 0. Then also the multicast cells are filtered and
accepted by one or more funnels.
Programming of the A SMs in the Second Stage
FMR(31:0) = all ‘0 ’, i.e. without filter function
IDR(31:0) = don’t care
OGR register:
OPE(15:0) = 1111 1111 1111 1111 enabl es all outputs
CBC = 1 to change the bundle configuration, this bit will be reset by the ASM
OG(11:8) = 1111 to define four b undle of 4, all other OGR bits ‘0’
OPTR(4:0) = 10000, points to the 16th bit position of the routi ng header field of the cell,
thus the r outing header bits RA (19:16) indicate the output of the A SM .
The ASM inputs are programmed as two bundles of 16 by setting in the mode register
IG0 and IG1 to ‘1’.
Programming of the ASMs in the Multiplexers
FMR(31:0) = all ‘0 ’, i.e. without filter function
IDR(31:0) = don’t care
OGR register:
OPE(15:0) = 1111 1111 1111 1111 enabl es all outputs
CBC = 1 to change the bundle configuration (this b it will be reset by the ASM)
OG(8) = 1 to define the bundle of 4 for outputs 0 … 3, all other OGR bits ‘0’
OPTR(4:0) = 11000, points to the 24th bit position of the routi ng header field of the cell,
thus the r outing header bits RA (27:24) indicate the output of the A SM .
The ASM is programmed in split mode by defining inputs 0 … 3 as inputs with fixed
routing evaluation, i.e. using the four least significant bits of the routing header RA( 3:0).
This is done by programming in the Mode register MODR:IS(5:0) = 000100, i.e. the
decimal value 4. The cells input at inputs 4 31 are treated normally, with the RA(27:24)
bits defining the 4-bit field of t he output port.
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Semiconductor Group 96 12.97
6.1.2 Examples
1) A self-routing cell has the routing header f ield
RA(31:0) = 0000 0000 0100 0110 0000 0000 1011
MUXIN = 0000, i.e. the cell is forwarded to output 0 which is part of the output
bundle 0 3. The cell is forwarded to the core.
Funnel = 0100, i .e. the second funnel accepts the cell
Route = 0110, i.e. the cell is f or warded to out put 6 of the second funnel
M UXOUT = 1011, i.e. the cell is forwa rded to output 11 of the output m ultiplexer
2) A multic ast cell has th e routing h eader field
RA(31:0) = 0000 0000 0101 0000 0000 0000 0001 1100
The input multiplexer has a multicast RAM attached and uses the multicast routing
address field MCRA(15:0) = 0000 0000 0001 1100 to address the exter nal RAM. The
entry may contain the value 0001 0000 0000 0001, i.e. the cell is duplic ated to output
0 and to output 12 of this ASM. Output 12 leads to another terminal/subscriber
connected to the same ASM, whereas output 0 is part of the bundle of 4 going to the
F unnels = 0101, i.e . the cell is forwarded into the s econd and fourth funnel.
T he ASMs of the second stages of the two funnels as well as the output multiplex ers
use the MCRA(15:0) to address their multicast RAM. The cells are forwarded
according to the pattern stored under the respective address in the RAMs.
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6.2 State after Reset
During the reset state (reset = low) all outputs provide a fixed potential
(P-output = high-level; N-output = low-level). When the reset is finished (low-high
transition), the ASM becomes active after a latency time, i.e. all output ports provides
empty cells. The register values now contain de fault values, which can be checked via
the µP-interface.
After a HW -reset only cells with the S SN = 001 are ac cepted by the AS M independent
from the routing address and are made available via the µP-queue. The output ports
deliver only empty cells.
The following section describes the operation state of the ASM after a HW-reset. All
register values are defined in section. Here only these values are mentioned which
specifies the operat ion mode of the ASM.
All data inputs (0 … 31) are enabled
IOR(31:0) = ‘all 1’
No input grouping for bundles of 16
MODR:IG0 = ‘0’ for input ports 0 … 15
MODR:IG1 = ‘0’ for input ports 16 … 31
µP-cell acceptance with swit chi ng stage num ber SSN = ‘1’
MODR:SSN(3:0) = ‘0001’
All inputs accept only mi croprocessor cells identified by the correct SSN; all other cells
are discarded.
MO D R:AOP C = ‘1
No µP-queue lim itation
MODR:PQL = ‘0’
Interrupt for µP- cell s are enabled
The INT1 for control cells is disabled, i.e. an incoming control cell with correct SSN
activates an interrupt INT0 and not the INT1.
All bits of the interrupt status register ISR except PCRCV are masked, i.e. only
µP cells (and no error states) can activate an interrupt.
IMR = ‘all 1’
No routing address evaluation, i.e. the µP-cells are only checked for the SSN
FMR(31:0) = ‘all 0’
After reset the operation mode will be programmed into the ASM(s) of a switching
network. This is done using t he registers MODR, OGR, IDR and FMR. See the examples
described in Chapter 6.1 for t he usage of these registers.
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Semiconductor Group 98 12.97
6.3 Test and Communication Channels
The ASM provides functions to support communication channels via the data lines. This
is useful for the c ommunication channel between processors and for testing data paths.
To s upport the c ommunication channels the A SM provides t wo insertion buffers and one
extraction buffer together with the associated transfer registers. A comparison
mechanism based on the switching stage number field SSN of the ATM cells determines
if a cell is to be extracted from the cell stream and directed to the µP. Two different
interrupts are f oreseen to inform the µP about t he extr act ion of a cell . Thus t wo diff erent
channels can be supported, e.g. one f or control and one for tes t.
Communicati on C ha nne l
Especially larger switching networks may extend over several boards, connected e.g. via
a backplane. On each board a local processor could be located. At board start-up the
on-board processor can be loaded from a main processor with data or program
information. During operation the communication channel can be used for conveying e.g.
maintenance information and (multicast) connection set-up information. See Figure 33
for an example configuration where the main processor is connected like a line card via
the PXB 4110 SARE chip.
Figure 33 ASM Addressing Concept Using SSNs
For the start-up phase where a large amount of data could be loaded to an on-board
processor additional features are provided. It is assumed that during the system
start-up phase no user data cel ls are transferred by the switching network. Theref ore the
MODR:AOPC bit of the destination ASM can be set to disable all other cells than
µP cells. In addition the MODR:PQL bit can be cleared to allocate the whole central
buffer for the µP queue.
During operation the control channel between on-board processor and main processor is
used to convey maintenance information and the set-up of multicast connections.
Maintenance informations are e.g. failure indications and st atus reports, as the resul ts of
Processor SARE
Interface UTOPIA
SSN = 1 SSN = 2
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Semiconductor Group 99 12.97
routine checks. The set- up, releas e or modific ation of a m ulticast connection requires to
update the entries in all multicast tables in the switch for the multicast routing address.
No action in the switching network is required for the set-up of point-to-point connections,
as the address of self-rout ing cells is only added in the ASP.
Test Channel
The communication channels can also be used to test the data paths of the switching
network. To check the output data path of an ASM a test cell is inserted by the ASM
under test via one of the two transmit registers TCR0 and TCR1. The cell is received
either by a subsequent AS M or by t he ASP. T o check the i nput data path of an ASM test
cells are ins er ted by a preceding A SM or the ASP. The SSN(3:0) field of the internal c ell
header allows to destine the test cell specifically to a certai n ASM, where it is extracted.
Cells are only extracted by an ASM if SSN and routi ng address match. Figure 33 shows
in an example how the addr essing concept using the SSN works. Subsequent ASMs of
a multi-stage switching network have e.g. incr easing SSN numbers. So test cells can be
directed to every ASM.
The maintenance control cell (see Table 1) has a special behavior. This cell is not
influenced by the setti ng of the output multiplexer and uses always the default output. To
test the switchover of the output multiplexer test cells with other housekeeping
combination as 011b should be used.
Also the buffer limits for fairness management and low priority cells can be tested using
the test channel. For this purpose the readout of the output queues is disabled by
clearing the OGR:OPE(15: 0) bits. Then multiple tes t cells are sent to the diff er ent output
queues to check both the maximum and the adjustable limit. This can be done for
different combinations of output grouping.
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Semiconductor Group 100 12.97
6.4 Error Detectio ns and Indications
6.4.1 E xt ernal Error Detection
The ASM supervises the high speed data inputs on the following errors:
S ynchron ization State (SYNC/AS YNC)
The ASM checks the SYNC-octet of each incoming cell. If only one SYNC-octet of a cell
is invalid, t his error is indicated in the registers ISR, LFR, and LER (dependent on ILA).
The corrupted cell is not discarded.
If two or more consecutive cells with invalid SYNC-octet are detected, this error is
indicated in the regis ters ISR, LASR, LFR, and LER (dependent on ILA).
The transition to the ASYNC-state is attended with three additional actions:
No header evaluation f or the affected line
Discarding of the cor responding cells
Restart of the synchronization mechanism. The synchronous state is established
again if at least two valid SY NC-o ctets have been detected in series.
P arity Check of the Internal Header
The ASM checks the parity bit of the internal header (octet 1 6) for each incoming cell.
If a parity error occurs, this error is indicated in the registers ISR, LFR, and LER
(dependent on ILA). The corrupted c ell is dis card ed.
6.4.2 In ternal Error Detection
In the ASM the internal error detection is divided into the supervision of the data path and
the control path. The data path is checked by a cell parity byte, the control path is
supervised by an additional internal parity bit (e.g. for the cell location data) and by
internal plausibilit y checks.
Internal Cell Parity Check
The internal cell is protected by an addit ional parity byte generated at each input port and
checked at each output port. If an internal parity error is detected, this erro r is indicated
in the I SR:IPE. The possibly cor rupted cell can not be di scarded in the ASM. A faulty cel l
can be detected in a following ASM or ASP.
Co ntrol Path Check
If any failure occurs in the control path, a cont r ol error is indicated in the ISR-register. A
control err or means t hat cells ar e dis c arded. This ser ious er ror can only be corr ected by
a HW -reset.
P arity Check for Multicast Lo oku p Table (MLT)
The MLT-entries are also protected with a parity bit. If a parity error occurs, this error is
indicated in the ISR:MLTPE. The multicast information of the corrupted entry will be
ignored, so t hat the cell will be dis carded.
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Semiconductor Group 101 12.97
6.5 Test of Error Indications
The error indications of the ASM can be tested by the µP according to Table 8.
Note: Some of the tests cause loss of data cells and are therefore not executable in
service. These tests would only be done at sys tem/board start-up.
ASYNC Error Test
Action: Is done by performing at least two successive IVSYNC operations
(by setting the bits MR:IVSYNC = ‘1’, OLA(3:0) = ‘binary coded output port
(0 to 15)’) on the same output line address (OLA) within a time frame of
2.46 µs at mos t.
Effect: Two successive cells of the output line selected are provided with a
corrupted Synchronization Octet, to gene rate an ASYNC error indication to
Note: ASYNC errors can be detect ed only by a A SM/ASP loc ated behind the generating
device; the cells concerned get lost in a ny case.
Table 8 Testing of Error Indications
Error Indic ation Abbr. Testability
Async St ate ASYNC Via at least 2 successive MR:IVSYNC operations;
causes loss of data.
Sync Error SYNCE Via one MR:IVSYNC operation.
Header Parity Error PE Via test cells; causes loss of dat a.
Control Error CTRLE Via MR:IVQ RP or MR:IVFC P operations;
causes loss of data.
Internal Parity Error IPE Via test c ells; causes los s of data.
MLT Parit y Error MLTPE Via MR:IVMCCP operations; may caus e loss of data.
Multicast Misrouting MCMR Via test cells; causes loss of data.
Buffer Overflow B O V V ia test c ells and/or via OG R :OPE;
causes loss of data.
Threshold Overflow TOV Via PTR equal to ‘0’; causes loss of low pr iority cells.
Queue Overflow QOV Via MQLR equal to ‘0’; causes loss of data.
Queue Overflow PQOV Via test cells or via bit MR:DPQ.
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S YNC Error Test
Action: Is done by setting the bits MR:IVSY NC = ‘1’ and OLA(3:0) = ‘binary coded
output port (0 to 15)’) to the required values.
Effect: One of the cells, read out from the selected queue, is provided with a
corrupted Synchronization Octet to generate a SYNC error indication to ISR,
LER and LFR.
Note: Synchronization Errors can be detected only by a ASM/ASP located behind the
generating device. I f under worst case c onditions the Sync Octet of the preceding
or successive cell is a lso corru pted by sporadic noise an ASYNC error instead of
a SYNC error is indicated. Cells concerned only from any single SYNC error do
not get lost.
Head er Parity Error Test
Action: Insertion of test cells provided with corrupted parity bit i n the int ernal header.
Effect: Parity Errors are detected and mapped into ISR:PE, LER:LPE, and LFR.
Note: Via the
P-Interface test cells can be inserted into the data stream and are
evaluated direct ly in the header evaluation unit of the ASM.
Co ntrol Error Test
Action: Is done by setting the bit MR:IVQRP = ‘1’ (invalidation of the queue RAM bus
checks) and/or the bit MR:IVFCP = ‘1’ (invalidation of the Free Cell list parity
bit) of the maint enance register.
Effect: Parity errors are produced within the protected queue path and
consequently are indicated as Control Error s CTRLE in ISR.
Note: The test described causes the los s of data in any case.
Internal Parity Error Test
Action: Insertion of test cells provided with a corrupted IPE octet into the data
stream running vi a the Data Output Circuits.
Effect: Every par ity v iolation is detected in the out put chec kers and indicated as an
Intern al Parity Er ro r IP E in ISR .
Note: Test cells leaving the ASM via Output Queue 17 (i.e. the
P-interface) are not
parity checked and therefore cannot cause an IPE message (test cell r emoval via
Queue 17 is possible for all the ASMs, getting test cells with a valid SSN/
(RA) indication).
Multicast Lookup Table Error Test
Action: Is done by setting the bit MR:IVMCCP = 1’ (invalidation of the MLT parity
Effect: Parity er rors are produced within the protected path and consequently are
indicated as Mult ic ast Lookup Table Parity Error MLTPE and in ISR.
Note: The test described may cause the loss of data.
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Mul ticast Mis r outing Test
Action: Is done by inserting cells via TCR0/1 with ADI(0) = ‘1’ (actual cell = multicast
cell). Th e MODR:DCMC- bit has to be set to ‘1’.
Effect: The cell will not be accepted and ISR:MCM R will be set.
Buffer Overfl ow Test
Action: Is done by sett ing the bits OGR:OGE = ‘all 0’ (disable of the Output Queues)
and selecting the bundle m ode 16 (to get one output queue with sufficient
queue entries to fill up the Central Buffer); the Central Buffer now can be
filled up by e.g. sending cells via the TCR0/1.
Effect: The Central Buffer is filled up by data cells to generate a Buffer Overflow
message to ISR:BOV.
Threshold Overflow Test
Action: Is done by setting the Priority Threshold Register PTR to ‘0’.
Effect: Every cell, j ust going to be stored in the Central Buffer leads to a Threshold
Overflow indication TOV in ISR.
Note: Non-prioritized cells (characterized by a CLP bit = ‘1’) are rejected and lost.
Threshold Overflow Test
Action: Is done by setting the Priority Threshold Register PTR equal to ‘0’.
Effect: Every cell, j ust going to be stored in the Central Buffer leads to a Threshold
Overflow indication TO in GE R.
Note: Non-prioritized cells (characterized by a CLP bit = ‘1’) are rejected and lost.
Queue Overflow Test
Action: Is done by sett ing the thre s hold of the Maximum Queue Length Register for
the belonging output queue to ‘0’.
Effect: Every cell location entry, just going to be stored in the output queue RAM
leads to a Queue Overflow indication QOV in ISR.
Note: All inc oming cells are rejected and lost.
Microprocessor Queue Overflow Test
Action: Is done by setting the threshold of the Microprocessor Queue
(MODR:PQL = ‘1’) and MR:DPQ = ‘1’ (disable readout of µP-queue).
Effect: Every cell location entry which exceeds the threshold value, leads to a
Microprocessor Queue Overflow indication PQ OV in I SR.
Note: All incoming cells exc eeding the threshold v alue are rejected and lost.
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Electrical Characteristics
Semiconductor Group 104 12.97
7 Electrical Characteristics
7.1 DC Characteristics
Parameter S ymb ol L imit Values Unit Note
min. max.
(DI, DI)
Input high voltage VIH –1.9 V
Input low v oltage VIL 0.5 V
Input differential voltage VID =VIH VIL 0.100 V 1)
(CL, C L)
Input high voltage VIH –1.9 V
Input low v oltage VIL 0.5 V
Input differential voltage VID =VIH VIL 0.100 V 1)
1) For AC characterist ics, higher input swing is necessary.
Parameter Symbol Lim it Values Unit Note
min. max.
(DO, D O)
Output high voltage VOH 1.410 1.535 V 2)
O u t p ut low volta g e VOL 0.935 1.060 V 2)
Output differential voltage VOD =VOH VOL 0.400 0.550 V
2) Each output l ine i s terminated by a 50 resistor (50 lines). Every two matching resistors belongi ng to one
output pair are connected via one cap acitor to groun d.
Without external t ermination resistors, the high level becomes VCC and the low level 0 V (time depends on
the capacitive load).
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Electrical Characteristics
Semiconductor Group 105 12.97
Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Note
min. max.
(ADR0 … 7, DAT0 … 7, CS, RD, WR, TEST, TMOD, RES, TFI0 … 1)3)
Input high volt age VIH 2 VCC V 4)
Input low volt age VIL 0 0.8 V
(DAT0 … 7, TCO0 … 9)3)
Output high voltage VOH VCC0.6 V
Output low voltage VOL –0.4V
(INT0 … 1, RDY)
Output high voltage VOH VCC0.6 V 5)
Output low voltage VOL –0.4V
(TFO0 … 6)
Output high voltage VOH 6)
Output low voltage VOL 6)
Output high voltage VOL 6)
Output low voltage VOL 6)
3) LVCMOS level.
4) LVCMOS inputs have to be held on either low or high level to avoid floating input lines, when used.
5) The open drain outputs are connected to the supply voltage VCC via an external pull-up resistor.
6) The source-follower outputs are connected to the ground potent ial GND via an external 50 resistor.
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Electrical Characteristics
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Note: The listed characteristics are ensu red over the operating range of the integr ated
circuit. Typical characteristics specify mean values expected over the produc tion
spread. If not otherwise specified, typical characteristics apply at
C and
the given supply voltage.
Parameter Symbol L imit Values Unit Note
min. max.
Input Leakage Current
DI, DI; CL, CL;IIL – 1 1 µA
Control-, µP-signals IIL – 1 1 µA
Parameter Symbol L imit Values Unit Note
min. max.
(DO, D O)
Output high curre nt IOH 7)
Output low curren t IOL 7)
(TCO0 … 9, DAT0 … 7)
Output high curre nt IOH 8)
Output low curren t IOL 8)
7) 50 Ω, οut put volt age between 0 V and VCC.
8) LVCMOS level
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Electrical Characteristics
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7.2 AC Characteristics (Conditions: See Operating Conditions, Section 7.5)
Parameter Symbo l Limit Values Unit Note
min. max.
Clock Signal (CL, CL )
Input differential voltage VID =VIH VIL 0.350 – V
Transition time tTHL 0.2 0.6 ns
tTLH 0.2 0.6 ns
Skew tSKHL – 0.1 0.1 ns
tSKLH – 0.1 0.1 ns
Width high tWH 2.26 ns
Width low tWL 2.26 ns
Jitter (peak-peak) tJPP 140 ps
Period tCLK 4.82 ns 9)
Clock/data frequency
deviation fD– 1.0 1. 0 kHz 10)
Input Data (DI, DI)
Input differential voltage VID =VIH VIL 0.200 V 11)
Input differential voltage VID =VIH VIL 0.300 V 12)
Transition time tTHL 0.2 1.0 ns
tTLH 0.2 1.0 ns 13)
Skew tSKHL – 0.2 0.2 ns
tSKLH – 0.2 0.2 ns
Jitter (peak-peak) tJPP 2ns
Width high tWH 2.82 6.82 ns
Width low tWL 2.82 6.82 ns
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Electrical Characteristics
Semiconductor Group 108 12.97
µP-, Test-Signals
Transition Time tTHL
9) The nominal operating frequency is 207.36 MHz, i.e. tCLK = 4.82 ns.
10) The clock frequency fCLK and the data rate can differ at most by the specified value (± 1.0 kHz).
11) Standard jitter requirements.
12) Advanced jitter requirements.
13) The max. transition time should be 1.5 ns if t he differential input voltage is at least 0. 3 V.
Parameter Symbol Limi t Values Unit No te
min. max.
Reset Signal (RESET)
Transition time tTHL 320 ns
tTLH 320 ns
Signal width 100 ns 14)
Output clock (CLO)15)
Transition time tTHL 0.3 0.7 ns
tTLH 0.3 0.7 ns
Jitter (peak -peak) tJPP 400 ps
Width high tWH tCLK –0.6 tCLK +0.6 ns
Width low tWL tCLK –0.6 tCLK +0.6 ns
Cell Start Si gnal (CSS)
Transition time tTHL 0.3 0.7 ns
tTLH 0.3 0.7 ns
Jitter (peak -peak) tJPP 400 ps
Width high tWH 8 × tCLK –0.6 ns
Parameter Symbo l Limit Values Unit Note
min. max.
PXB 4310
Electrical Characteristics
Semiconductor Group 109 12.97
Note: The proposed solutions for the bit phase alignment circuitry presently can cope
with a maximum deviation of the data (and clock) of about
1 ns per cell assuming
a frequency deviation of better than 10
(for asynchronous operation) .
Note: The listed characteristics are en sured over the operating ra nge of the integrated
circuit. Typical characteristics specify mea n v alues expected over the pr oduction
spread. If not otherwise specified, typical characteristics apply a t
C and
the given suppl y voltage.
Output Data (DO, DO)
Transition time tTHL 0.2 0.6 ns
tTLH 0.2 0.6 ns
Jitter (peak-peak) tJPP 300 ps 17)
Width high 4.52 5.12 ns 16)
Width low 4.52 5.12 ns 16)
Skew – 0.10 0.10 ns
14) During the low frequency test (1 MHz), a minimum value of 2 ×tCLK has to be kept .
15) The clock output frequency is identical to the in put clock, i.e. fCLO = 207.36 MHz.
The phase relat ion between the clock output and the output data differ to each port.
16) For nominal clock peri od = 4.82 ns.
17) In case of non terminated open outputs the jitter value for used adj acent outputs can increase to 400 ps.
Paramete r Symb ol Limit Value s Unit Note
min. max.
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Electrical Characteristics
Semiconductor Group 110 12.97
Figur e 3 4 T r a ns ition Timing
Figure 35 Clock/Data Timing
Figure 36 Jitter
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Electrical Characteristics
Semiconductor Group 111 12.97
7.3 µP-Interface Signals (See Timing Figure 37)
Paramete r Symbol Limit Values Unit Note
min. max.
Write Operation
ADR setup to w rite low tAW 0ns
CS low to write low tCW 0ns
Write low pulse width tWL 200 ns 17)
ADR, CS hold after write high tWC 0ns
Write inactive time tWI 20 ns
RDY (Ready) low delay fr om write low tWY 0 20 ns
RDY (Ready) low pulse width write tRYW 25 140 ns
Write high after ready high tRWH 0ns
Data setup to write high tDW 30 ns
Data hold after write high tWD 10 ns
Read Operation
ADR setup to read low tAR 0ns
CS low to read low tCR 0ns
Read low pulse width tRL 240 ns 17)
ADR, CS hold after read high tRC 0ns
Read inactiv e time tRI 20 ns
RDY (Ready) low delay fr om read low tRY 0 20 ns
RDY (Ready) low pulse width read tRYR 25 140 ns
Read high after ready high tRRH 0ns
Data valid aft er read low tRDV 180 ns
Data valid before ready high tDRY 10 ns
Data f loat after read high tDF 20 ns
PXB 4310
Electrical Characteristics
Semiconductor Group 112 12.97
Interrupt Inactive
Interrupt high after RD/WR high tIH 50 ns 18)
Interrupt inactive delay tID 100 ns
17) This MIN-value is necessary if no READY is used.
18) If an interrupt is pendi ng this will only occur when writ ing into the command regist er with RX-bit = 1 or
reading RCR(63) or reading ISR .
Parameter Symbol Limi t Values Unit Note
min. max.
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Electrical Characteristics
Semiconductor Group 113 12.97
Figure 37 µP Read/Wr ite Cycle
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Electrical Characteristics
Semiconductor Group 114 12.97
7.4 Multicast RAM Interface Signals (See Timing Figure 38)
Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Not e
min. max.
ASM Parameters
MC CL K cy cl e time tCLK 38.6 38.6 ns 19)
MC ADR set u p to MC CLK hig h tAS 5ns
MCADR hold after MCCLK high tAH 1ns
MCWR setup to MCCLK high tWS 5ns
MCWR hold after MCCLK high tWH 1ns
MCOE low to MCCLK high tES 15 ns
MCOE high after MCCLK high tEH 10 ns
MCDAT set up to MCCLK high tDS 5 ns
MCDAT hold after MCCLK high tDH 1ns
RAM Parameters
MCOE low to MCDAT low Z tLZOE 010ns
MCOE high to MCDAT high Z tHZOE 25ns
MC CL K hi gh to MCD A T va lid tCD 12 ns
19) MCCLK is derived from the inter nal Octet Clock, which is 1/8 of the operating clock.
PXB 4310
Electrical Characteristics
Semiconductor Group 115 12.97
ASM RAM (e.g. Samsung KM718BV 87)
MCAD R 0 … 15 A 0 … 15
MCDA T 0 … 15 I/O 0 … 15
Static ‘0 CS, AD SP, AD SC
Static ‘1 ADV
Not connected I/O 17
PXB 4310
Electrical Characteristics
Semiconductor Group 116 12.97
Figur e 3 8 Multica s t Timi ng
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Electrical Characteristics
Semiconductor Group 117 12.97
7.5 Power Supply
Note: Stresses above those listed here may cause permanent damage to the device.
Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for ex tended periods may affect
device reliability .
Note: All timing values are valid for the recommended operating frequency
of 207.36 MHz. This frequency has the advantage of having a simple relationship
of 4/3 t o the SDH/SONET frequency of 155.52 MHz.
Table 9 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Paramete r Symbol Limit Values Unit Note
min. max.
Storage temperat ure TS– 65 150 °C
Junction temperat ure TJ125 °C
Supply voltage VCC – 0.5 4.6 V
Input voltage VIN – 0.5 VCC +0.5 V
Output voltage VOUT
Input/output currents I– 20 20 mA 1)
Continuous output current – 25 25 mA 2)
Power dissipation P3.7 W
1) The cited f igur es are valid for i nput voltages of VIN < 0V, VIN >VCC respectivel y (input currents) and for output
voltages of VOUT <0V,VOUT > VCC (output currents) respectivel y.
2) The cited figures are valid for output vol tages VOUT bet ween 0 V and VCC (0 V < VOUT <VCC).
Table 10 Operating Conditions
Parameter Symbol Limi t Values Unit Note
min. max.
Supply voltage VCC 3.135 3.465 V 3)
Digital ground GND 0V
Ambient temperature TA070°C4)
Junction temperat ure TJ100 °C
3) The voltages VCC can be switched on and off in any given sequence.
4) The upper limit of the all owed ambient temperature st rongly depends upon the package, the mounting and
the air fl ow conditions. In any case the maximum chi p junct ion temperature of 100 °C must not be exceeded
for a proper chip operation (see dynamic charact eristics).
PXB 4310
Package Outlines
Semiconductor Group 118 12.97
8 Package Outlines
(Pla stic Ball Gri d Arra y Pa ckage)
Sorts of Packing
Package outlines for tubes, trays etc. are contained in our
Data B ook “Package Information”. Dimensions in mm
SMD = Surface Mounted Device
PXB 4310
Semiconductor Group 119 12.97
9 Appendix
9.1 Performance
The ASM can be modeled in the following way. Each output is represented as a
multiplexer with N inputs and one output, each operating at the transmission speed R
(see Figure 39). The multiplexer has N times higher speed than the inputs, so that all
cells are forwarded to the output queue within one cell cycle. Each input receives an
equal cell load L/N, suc h that the out put load is L.
Figure 39 Modeling an ASM Output
Investigations have shown that t he behav ior of N|1 multiplexers is independent from the
value of N for N > 8. The reason is that if the number of inputs increases the load on each
input decreases, such that the probability that cells from different inputs arrive at the
same time remains constant. The phenomenon, that several cells arrive at the same time
leads to a filling of the out put queue. If it occurs repeatedly the output queue with a given
size S may overflow.
The important parameter to be determined is the probability that the output queue
overflows. It can be calculated i f a Bernoulli arri val process is assumed. This means that
in each cell cycle there is the same pr obabilit y for a cell arrival. Its value in the case of
Figure 39 is L/N. Theoretically the output queue could become infinitely large, but with
very low probability. This probability can be calculated using basic probability
calculation [4].
For this purpose a steady state is assume d, i.e. outp ut load L < 1 ( otherwise the buffer
would const antly f ill up). Then t he pr obabilities are calculated that the buffer is filled with
0, 1, 2, … S cells. If these values are summed up the result is the probability that the
buffer filling is less or equal to S. In a similar way the probabilities of the propagation
delays can be calc ulated.
The ASM has 16 outputs with 16 associated output queues. The cell s torage, however,
is done i n a common central buff er. With this concept the total required buffer s ize is not
PXB 4310
Semiconductor Group 120 12.97
16 times the size of one buffer, but much les s. The reason is, t hat it is very unlikely that
at the same time all queues are filled to maximum value. Mathematically this is
expressed by the c onvolution of the pr obability distributions.
Numerical results are shown in the following figures. Figure 40 shows the required
buffer sizes for diff erent multiplexers depending on the load of t he out put. It can be seen
that the x|16 multi plexer needs much less than 16 tim es the x|1-multi plexer. This shows
that the shared buffer c oncept has a minimum buffer usage.
These curves are useful for the definition of fairness levels for outpu t bundles. If e.g. a
4-bundle is to be operated at a load of 0.85, the x|4-curve returns the value of
approximately 105 ce lls.
Figure 40 Buffer Sizes f or Cell Loss Probability 10 – 11
PXB 4310
Semiconductor Group 121 12.97
Another main per formance parameter of the ASM, the ce ll loss probability depending on
the cell load, is shown in Figure 41.
Figure 41 Cell Loss Rate versus Load
Note: The s witch cell load m ust be converted to t he real load at th e output ports taking
into account the speed increase and the internal cell format. Given the external
ATM data rate the internal rate can be calculated.
Switch link load = external link load
external A TM rate/switch rate
external link load = 149.76 Mbit/s (STS-3c or S T M-1 payload rate)
switch rate = 207.36 M bit/s (using clock speed 155.52
4/3 MHz)
external link load = 95 %
result: Switch link load = 82.85 % .
PXB 4310
Semiconductor Group 122 12.97
The same model can be used to derive another important performance parameter of the
ASM, the cell delay variation CDV. In Figure 42 below the probabilities for cell
propagation delay through the ASM ar e shown for different load values. The horizontal
axis is sca led in cell c ycles. The vertical axis show s the probability for a cell to pass the
ASM with the respective delay. The minimum propagation delay of 2 cell cycles is the
pure cell forwarding delay determined by the HW. The additional delays are due to
Figure 42 Cell Delay Probability
It can be seen that for a (overall) switch load of 0.8 the probability to experience no
queueing delay at all is 0.3, i.e. 30 % of the cells pass the ASM with minimum delay.
24 % of the cells experience a delay of 3 cell cycles, 16 % 4 cycles and so on. If the
values are summed up, 98 % of the cells experience a delay less or equal than 10 c ell
cycles. The remaining 2 % delay probabilit y for all values beyond 10 cell cycles i s cal led
0.02-quantile. Quantiles of special interest is listed the 10–9
… 10–11
-quantiles, as they
are used for dimensioning the maximum allowed load of the links.
PXB 4310
Overview Li sts
Semiconductor Group 123 12.97
10 Overview Li sts
10.1 References
1. UTOPIA Level 1 Specification Version 2.01, March 21, 1994, A TM Forum
2. UTOPIA Level 2 Specificat ion Version 1.0, June 1995, ATM Forum
3. IEEE 1596.3 Standard for Low-Voltage Differential Signals for SCI, Draft 1.3, Nov. 95
4. ‘Traffic Studies of a Multiplexer in an ATM Network and Applications to the future
Broadband ISDN’, D. Lampe, International Journal of Digital and Analog Cabled
Systems, Vol.2, 237-245, 1989
5. ‘ATM Networks: Concepts, Protocols, Applications’, Händel, Schröder, Huber,
Addison-Wesley, 1994, IS BN 0-201-42274-3
6. ‘Performance Comparison of Routing Strategies in ATM Switch Fabrics’, T.H.
Theimer, Proceedings of the XIII International Teletraffic Congress, Copenhagen,
1991, pp. 923-9 28
7. ‘IEEE Standard for L ow-Voltage Differentia l Signals for SCI (LVDS)’, Draft 1.0, IEEE
Std 1596.3-1994
10.2 Glossary and Abbreviations
Table 11 G lossary and Abbreviations
AAC Accept All Cells
AANIC Accept All Non Empty Cel ls
ACCEL Accept Control CELl
AMX ATM Multiplexer
AOPC Accept Only µP-Cells
APCEL Accept µP-CELl
ASN ATM Swit ching Network
ASYNC ASYNChronous State
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATM-1 A TM for STM-1 channels with 155.52 Mbit/s
ATM-4 A TM for STM-4 channels with 622.08 Mbit/s
ATM-16 ATM for STM-16 channels with 2488.32 Mbit/s
BOV Buffer OVerflow
CBC Change Bundle Configuration
CLP Cell Loss Priority
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Overview Li sts
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COR COmm and Register
DCMC DisCard MultiCast
DOS Disable OverScan
DPA Disable Phase Alignment
DPQ Disable µP-Queue
EVMCI EValuate Mult iCast Identifier
EVMCM E Valuat e MultiCast identifier for split mode
EVMCP EValuate MultiCast Parity
FIFO First In First Out m emory
FM Filter Mask
FMR Filter Mask Regi ster
GND GrouND potential
I/O Input/Output
ID ASM ID e nti fi cati o n
IG Input Grouping
ILA Input Line Addres s
IMR Interr upt Mask Regi ster
IOR Line Online Register
IPE Interna l Pa rit y Error
IS Input Select
ISR Interrupt Status Regist er
IVFCP InVali date Free Cells List Parity
IVMCCP InValidate MCC Parity
IVQRP InValidate Queue RAM Parity
IVSYNC InValidate SYNChroniz ation Octet
LAN Local Area Network
LASR Line As y nchronous State Regist er
LASYNC Line ASYNChr onous State
LER Line Error Register
LFR Line Failed Register
Table 11 Glo ssary and Abbreviations
PXB 4310
Overview Li sts
Semiconductor Group 125 12.97
LIC Line Interface Circuit
LP E Line Pari t y Err o r
LPS LIC Protection Switch
LPSC LIC Protection Switch Change
LPSR LIC Protection Switch Register
LSB Least Signific ant Bit
LSYNC Line SYNChronization Error
LVCM OS Low Voltage CMOS
LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signals
MASYNC Mask ASYNChronous State
MBOV Mask Bu ffer OVerflow
MC MultiCast
MCA M ultiCast Address Register
MCINI MultiCast RAM INItialization
MCM R MultiCast MisRouting
MC-RAM MultiCast RAM
MCTRLE Mask Control Error
MIP E Mask I ntern al Parity Er ro r
MLT Multicast Lookup Table
MLTPE Multicast Lookup Table P arity Error
MMC MR Mask MultiCast M isRouting
MML TPE Mask Multicast Lookup Table Parity Error
MODR MODe Register
MPE M ask Parity Er ror
µP MicroProcessor
MPE M ask Parity Er ror b it
MPQOV Mask Microprocessor Queue Overflow
MQLR Maxim um Queue Length Register
MQO V Mask Queue Overflow
MR Maintenance Register
MSB Most Si gnificant Bit
Table 11 G lossary and Abbreviations
PXB 4310
Overview Li sts
Semiconductor Group 126 12.97
MSYNCE Mas k Synchroni zat i on Error
MTOV Mask Threshold Overflow
MTR Multicast Transfer Regist er
MUX MUltipleXer
NRZ Non-Return to Zero
OG Outpu t Grouping
OGE Output Por t Enable
OGR Output Group Register
OLA Output Line Address
OMR Operation and Maintenance Register
OPE Output Port Enable
OPQ OutPut Queue
OPTR Out p u t Poi nTeR
PCRCV µP-Cell in ReCeiVe buffer
PE Parity Error
POV Processor Queue OVerflow
PQL µP-Queue Length
PQOV MicroProcessor Queue OVerflow
P/S Parallel/Serial Converter
PSI Protection Switch Identifier
PTR Priority Thr eshold Register
PT-PT Point-to-Point
QOV Queue Overf low
RAM Random Access Memory
RCR Receive Cell Regist er
RMLT Read M ulticast Lookup Table (MC-RAM)
ROM Read Only Memory
RX Receiv e µP/comm unication Cell
S/P Serial/Parallel Converter
SCI Scalable Coherent Interface
Table 11 Glo ssary and Abbreviations
PXB 4310
Overview Li sts
Semiconductor Group 127 12.97
SLIF Switch Link I nter Face
SRES Software Reset
SSN Switch St age Number
STCO Select Test Cont rol Output
STFO Select Test Fullcus tom Output
ST M S yn chronou s T ran sf er Mo de
STM-1 STM basic s ignal with 155.52 Mbit/s
STM-4 STM multiplex signal wit h 622.08 Mbit/s
STM-16 STM mult iplex signal with 2488.32 Mbit/s
SWPQ SWi tch µP-Queue
SYNC SYNChronous state
SYNC E SYNChronization Error
t.b.d. To be defined
TCR Transmit Cell Register
TOS Te st Output Select
TOV Th reshold OVerflow
TRT Test Routing Bits
TX0 Trans mi t µP-cell
TX 1 Tra nsmit com m u nic atio n ce ll
VCC Supply Voltage
WA Wide Area Network
WMLT Write Multicast Lookup Table (MC-RAM)
Table 11 G lossary and Abbreviations