QUELARC UL usten @ CERTIFIED CIRCUIT BREAKING PLUGS and RECEPTACLES FOR PORTABLE AND DETACHABLE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT QUELARC plugs and receptacles are built po with- stand the moat severe operating condiqons. Thes is prowen by years of remarkably dependable service an awide wanety of industrial applications, The many substantial comtruction fearupes of this expensive lurve of plugs and teceptaclkes and the high qualiry of materials and watkmanship insure sabe operation, uninttettupted service and a long life EXTRACADINARILY LONG INSULATING PATHS imeurr unbnbethupied sevice in che presenoe of dampness: or Lenten cafrene lus, INSULATING: PATHS Puritions berween male comraces imetease lengel of in- sulaaimp surtaces 1 een aring fren pale an pole and fram poles no ground COMPOUND CIRCUIT BREAKING ARC CHAMBERS insure complece rutting and comlimg while the pliag is sual engaged with the receprace heeusing Primary circuit breaking chamber A'* confines the am during ihe enirial break. Subeopqiarri ee and cooking of the resulzing gas follows im secotudiry chamber 6 thereby insuring complete safety qo dhe apenio: when withdrawing the phag at Full iaied currena and mated wolrage SWITCH BLADE TYPE FLAT CONTACTS insure positive conmectiogs and long fife ee = Spring conte wih sul- (Make engared with upring santa chem gag at coma woder pressure mer and wiige? cele fo againse side walls of imsl- provide SIPS seiscn atte iin cAway end ap mirist opposed se Presse the full) consact suafaces ection as blade crac of che blade. *SAFE *DURABLE +*DEPENDABLE 20, 30, 60, 100 and 200 Amperes250 Volts D.C., 600 Volts A.C. 2, J and 4 PolaGrounded Through Shell or Extra Long Pole PALA PHiwtreT Sloe GROE A HRS PES ALi Heer acu CART a) anna PL SHELLS aoe ena ou HO eG Pa HineehG ETL michoes Tie 4 DRT Fay BE Ga sas CLs ce Sn 0g PRD a PALER ee st ak Ea Pe Tee aT Oo Sta Pe Sle ech BEFED sup Cea SOMTADT ROTATED ret Re ESE eee GROUNDING OF PORTABLE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT The diagrams below show the grounding method for plugs and teceptacles which apply to the vatious pole anmangemenis QUELARC Plugs and Receptacles are arranged for groundong so that they may be installed to conform with the Naronal Hlecrcal Cade requirements. These plugs and receptactes have an excra pole for the safety citcuit wire, This pole is longer than the other poles co ineure making combect first and breaking coma st. Grounding & completed through boch the exua pobe and the bronze spring clip in the rocepracle housing. Veeical of All Circus Aroegeeents Grounded Threvgh Fhell ond Esto Pole 2 WR E 3POLE 5 aH Cail CEIUHDES To Pak coe POD aaiE PGP ens? qa0ETY COUNT Wane = Gwe TebouGN Gnful aD THE Ith LONGER POU a 1 PAE PROUT AC ie SUQUADEE THIRIUIKA THE PEne 1 watt IME LOGE FOE ABD Tee CRPTMCLe RUE) Te Coe eesti ee Chae oo seth; Geel pater! Ce eo ee EIT MD Or aT IM Waa g, WY, OTaAleo MOTE: QUELARC Inrerlocking Receptacles are also available, ask tor Bullen #1K-300.CONNECTOA RGGEPTACLE SPECIAL POLARITY WOLTAGES Special polaricntion for loca ons where plugs and mecap- tocles of the same styie and Paarreben cl pcos bat reid (Gongult fatory 10 cligemuiek your needs HOW TO ORDER SPECIAL POLARITY Give the catalog number of the plug and recepaacle selected from che listing pages in this bulletin and specify the polarity symbol number from the table below, To specify by caralog number substinure the polaricy symbol oumber for the zero appear- ing mm the third oo che leer posinion of the seandard listed caralog fumber. EXAMPLE JRCHB- 5 boca 4 changed ri JRCHE- 910146 or [ROBE D10545 For Recepaacle bousengs only change the lase digit co the symbol mumber desired. EXAMPLE: JEC-410 becomes IRC-4101 or JRG-4103, POLabr ERT way SPR [a ee aetT Hoo Cipmeng Peeuge baqeeriy ot boats dee a Liab Siarndon diy linred oO Keyeoy 1p Hight 4 Antatad Gaver Hanged Clociomipe! Polaeity Eeyeoy % Len | diner Botahed Courter ie nie* AUST RESISTANT FERROUS ALLOY RECEPTACLES * ALUMINUM ALLOY PLUGS * MOLDED INSULATION * GROUNDING THROUGH SHELL AND EXTRA POLE #3060100 AMP * 250 VOCI600 VAC Salder terminals ara staidard ter ling contacts. Pressure jarminals are standard for ground contacts. Add sultix PAY dor pressure barrminmals on line side. Calalog numbers shown ane for plain plug and recep: tales with pring SOV ee, oe INCLUDES GASKET Jie deo > ciMCUET tac comput | ANGLED STRAIGHT DUWMETER PLUG WITKONT Tree. | awes | WECEPTACLE | SWZEGm | ABCUPTACLES | RECEPTACUE | RANGE @N) | CLAMP NUT sw | gp Le | amcanaaes | snca-eneoe para nase i Jn-438 ee Ras roan ~ om ra | JNCeaBnG =| ARCA-ABOE Se tpl ae anc ry | JRBB-SeMG =| ACSA ae pe a ed ce tine snc-4100 | ene-swons | sncaensone | Pn 7o0 | Sep-tatones aroe | ope | aad ve | JRCEB-Siadeb =| JCA Lare1 750 | SPs TF Dial cave denstre od ippee-te-surent Sal Corsel faeiory a we nore hy aay STRAIN wen an odessa rufpbes @D Son-cran! Sreaking low prolile plugs and receptacied. . coral | E1 Geeereniel, waster and phn comerescign mal Add sottie W for Wiechapeie al Garr Mal. Acid puttin: R~ Pier Boga vedio THREADED HOUSING WITH PROTECTION COVER For racaptacies without pro- feclion cower change E" to LY = (2g: JAEBB changes to JALBEi. JPLIF iS WITH THREADED COUPLING WUT PAMEL CALE SRC | ig | ee | Sem | ecermeces | mecerucue | manor ma | CLAMP NUT tin A 4 | SERIE JREA-F3034 ae aha ae aREAI0 > | unenBaetat | EA SBE ee tae aE ve | memmaseae =| sREAvanNe tot sso | Jp teense _ JBL-aeo 1 | ERB-S6D4E JREA-GEDAS ee papas tie | gg LSI rm | smempevonss =| wekstooe | | OTT | i naaia0s ture sme p | sneoesvooes | ameasioms | oT io | aruo-tatoo a ida: | Ren i | SREB Bt JRERE-S 1086 1375-1750 muotatmaas | oD Other condi ting bodies. available. Cons unt Factory. D Ohteer cable dtretens ane) Lapped-let-c sd available. Consul factory * ptiohal SThAN REC a0 Mon-circuil breaking iow profie pl pe and mocemtactes, aeth an gil-necial mibber grommet, washes a F Add gute M0" for Mechanical Cheri Mot, Add gulft K" fe Basket ee ard glen coenpression nut.DIMENSIONS Types JAC, JRE and JAL QuelAre Receptacle Housings ie t 2 ee 5 | Lt 5 = i = 7 i Recepicels ora Hosgitg ro a G i al forme Ho. olan Fonsi Z Spring Door 2g 2a 4 2h 4 20 14s dior 4 Spring Doar 2's 2g ale hw 70 Zhu Z Pioin or Threoded 2a 2 a aM 20 1* Ha a0 Sor dl Plain or Threaded ray ay 4 aMy W20 a] Z With Cop a ag ay 2h ae W295 1? tq dor a With Cap 2 ia aa iy. aha W20 Tha dor i Spring Door Ae ayy SMa. aha Ye20 a: 40 door i Finis or Threaded ate. ayy 4H aa Ye20 37: dar dl With Cop 4 Me. Ay aly aM 20 ar dard Saving Door SMa. avy 5 Vag a4 W= 20 3! 1o0 dard Pain or Threaded a ay a4 ae Ww29 | 3 dar dl With Cop SMa aly ae ae M20 |) 3p Types JPD and JPLD QualAre Plugs = a = = o-= CHSAGDMENT s , Mr of MS = . for Pole a a c G Cite 0] 2 Vth dato 5 |_iMa ; i +4 || 20 ce 30 : - i 1 ee Jord oe Boe | 44 me 34H] DMs jt | | ; an Jord 7m | ave | 8toa | 1% = 100 dora | Sie | ah | iG te 10 | 2a - rT = - ol = \a-teao SORE Wh: /2C AND KC Jj = A SCRE WE JIL ARID EL 20 ad a E Va | ha | 2 Ha & 4 =-E -= ENGAGEMENT = -_ 3 a! al {ae Types JWPD and JWPLO QuelAre Connector Receptacles (hore ag ao 1g HoardQUELARC JR Series Conduit Boxes Purerecded Ferrou: doy Lal type _ hime De ici ipa Sure - lyea Eee Te JR 1 Deh, be fobs Yo | JEW-1DPO46-0 JRW-23046-4 i ae ae | Pom | 44 | JRW-229046-C SR ae th l Eecigiscies | JR 'W-737046- 4IR-76046- 4 Mh wea | JR-36046-A 1 ais bens Foor | 1 JR-3360446-C Jee IR-46046-A 14 | pecepincie, | 22 J 1 | JR-440048-0 JR-56046- A 14 1% | JR-5$6046- JR-410036-A 14 Toke |] = 1a | JR-4490036-C JR-$ 1002e- A iy | b00 ampere rr 14 | JR-5510038- JR 6 10034 A | 2 Receptacles i JR=66 1003-6 JR-1 3046.68 } tae | JR. 19046-8 JR-29046-88 | 4] a0 0nd 39 | fore | 34 | d-29044-8 JB 046-BE I Arepere 10 1 JR-3 3046-8 J2-49046 08. fag Recepioches 1a | JR ob 48-246 BB MW 1 IR-46-BB i a ce fare | | JR-26046-8 ike JF. ad-BB be Recepincies 40 1% | JP-t4e-8 J@B JR-56046-86 LY 1G | JB a Sate be tae oe = SS el ee _ = s t JR-410036-B8 1M Take | | 48-3 10036-8 Fore PU | JR od PO 4F-510034-88 LY) | 100 angere oo 70) | ees ee EB oct ss ee eer a 2 | Rb TOMB 7 joke 7 af JR-770036-BB SAT yoo ampere | 2 Levee |eiseeeevenen Recepeocleas 20 | JR W-12046-BE Take | JRW-2044-BE u MB eee BR Plone cs ace coe a 4c JAW 3 30440 E 1 eta pacchi | dR-36046-BE take shed | JR-ad046.08 14 | 60 ampere ary 1M | JR-da046-CE JR-56046.BE 144 9 mex fohocles Uy | JR-54046-CE JR-510036-BE iy Toke | Rene pheiles 00 ses [werner eee JR-6 10036-BE gq | (00 Ampere | form |QUELARC DIMENSIONS JR SERIES CONDUIT BOXES Baaipresled Pero Avo Porm tare & a c oa p F [Bia | ed 34 Yo at 2a Vela ard a0 Po ay Ya 20 Ma 1? a ay 1 A "Mg it 2! Fin kes an % 5a a ay iy 7 bay 6a ] a a 4a iva i ty 1M aig Ma aha 4s 24 a 1M via Ye ats Avy 2% in 1 5 Ma 4h] 44 2M My pod 4 5% Vi ih AY 24 Mn 2 5% ai | 44 aa im fon Sire a B c D (tral Gia} a 2M The 74 T0 ' 4 2g 2a 24 Wi70 1 2M 2a ay Wi20 1% 2" Ya 2u aM Vi20 1 aM aa Ay i20 o 1 als ay 4h Wi20 15 aMa Ma 4g Wi20 a4 1% bm 20 100 1 Mi ay ih ol Wi20 14 aly 1% bla Wi20 _ 2 as 4% bi M20 Fore fice is a e a E F [feo "5 Thy 2a ne ee 7% | (2) %y i a8 Er 7a 21 Ma, 1a 1h 2M | U2) My I 2! Ma 2H aa i 2h (2) "My 1 Ma Ta 2'Ha 1a 1 2 (2) 4 . 4 ig ey ah a 1% (2) 4g 40 I Ma ly i 4% 7% | (2) Ha 1a iia aky aM 1% a | C2) Me 4 14 via ay dy ih 1% (2h "Ha 1a rr aM Sey | 5 4 [4] "Me iad iy aly aly Sey 5 4 (a) "Hy dna 7 aly aM 5, | 5 4 {a} he Parsi ka i i e | o E F G ido} Za, | 2h a4 Diy | oe | oe | 00) tae 30 Ia a | 2h a4 Te | We | ae | 0) Se ti 74a | 2 a4 i: OMe | Fhe | 2D Bo i 24a | 2h a4 Le a elk i avy Th aly 5 | ova Sep |) My i a aa as aly 5 oh bi (3) 4a ad 1a avy ah a4 + | OMe | 6 (2) 4a i aKa ah aly aly oi | Uap Ma M4 ava ah 4 a | OMe | MT C2E i iM ayy a aw | 5 | ae | oe | (a) Se AEH ond MCE Lai 2 Ve oe ee eeQUELARC' SPECIAL MODIFICATIONS REVERSE SERVICE (UL juste @ CERTIFIEL MALE RECEPTACLES AND FEMALE PLUGS 30, 60 and 100 Amp-250 Volts D.C., 600 Volts A.C. Recepraches with male ineterats anc plugs with female interiors are for portable equipmenc where it is desirable to disconnect the pormablle cond ap the machine. The machine is fitted with a male rece ptacbe, whuch engages a female plug. The contacts of the female plug when disengaged, are fully enclosed in molded Phenolic which prevencs the possibaliry of accichencal couching of live parts An omporans advantage of installing male service recerving recepracles on porrable equipmen is in the use of tao of emace cable lengths when extra long exrensions are required. The extension cord is made up of a female plug on ome end, and a male plig om the other end. The female piluges limed on this Page Sefec os cobenion conmeccor recep taches, when qwo cables are connected together Receptacles fir JR Series conduit bowes (see page 6} Receprackes ca) also be surface moaned on sheet metal cabiners and panels. Housing have square flanges, and are mountable in any of four positions, The products lisred below hawe male contact interiors in the recep acles, and female concact interiors in the plugs. This arrangements j simply the reverse of the plugs and tecepeactes liseed on che previow pages. eo & & Hinged Goring Boor & Gash RCL MALE CAR AM 510. WALE CARLE TM =| THA ADEO TYPE MP RECEPTS | MANGE FEMALE PLUGE | RECEPTS AMEE Po PLUS P-Paiee Bo 24 PHPO-4I018 Eire 10 EH | os.1.09 ADs =| = = aPoda ats JWPO-EI 0G awe dtC-ab48 62o-1.00 cares | = = 2 Pola 62-1000 JWI 25-1.00 PHPUP OR aie a 4-600) | oso-12s0 | swrpieegs | E036 16001250) | Aaron aoa Ba 1 000 FWPD-EIDG 25-1, 06 WPL ag Wire PC-O008 | | coo 37s | seroitanag | LEE 10087975 | PL eae 2-Pola iowa Per a Wire SSE sey ees | aera = Poe Toe ae. are ie aet- OOH) 4 975-1. 750 ae = = . 1. Pole Loomis | awepiode il ire: SAVE ois. tho JaPD bee] = ~ IN-LINE CONNECTOR PLUG & RECEPTACLE SETS. ORCUINT CABLE DIAM. =| COMPLETE SET TYPE AMPS. ANGE |! WALA P BLT 2-Pe 250-65 Aas a 625-1000 JRD-BE Pate ate Bes JAND-S3046 4-BAre 21000: JAN D-BU0aE 2Palp 21 od JAMD-B036 aire an 1.000. 1.20 JAKD-S6036 Pole 10 JAKD-EaDSE wie 1 OO 0 4. JAKD-19R046 2-Folp 1-1 arg JAKD- 1s i inimnMnwe ee Nie 1965 | Janae 3-Pomt po 1.1 4. JAKD- 1210s oie 1575-1.750 JAKE 1210048 SPO, 1.01 5 SJRED- 1d Wien 1975-1750 | SND. fatheadMale and Female Contact Units For Plugs and Receptacles 250 Volts, 0.C.; 600 Volts, A.C.4 QUELARC Type Capacy Par Cinta a nm Ampere ff "OOCCTt ttt a4 Bivins, 2-Pole 18-145 dom pare aire, onl 18-445 60 I-Wire, 7-Pote 4B-32-L iit Anpare ire, 3-Pote 4JIR-42-L Female Dim henbeeees Heere prac 10a S-Were, 2.Pole JR-33 ire, IoPole JR-43 Ampere ls ?04 Ampere Bifire, 2 Pole JF-34} * serene enee > meee e a ampere ff t8s4s4es0008 40 Swine, 2-Pole JP-320 Ampere 4-Wirt, 3-Pola IP-430 0 Diver, 2-Pole JP30 = fe thine, Poe JP-460 Male pein Cee ae || UbPGanr Life, 2-Pate JF-2100 bic tiie, - Pole IP4 10 Ampere fl... co 700 3-Wire, 2: Pole JP-34 1 An poe Ste ete eae WIRE TERMIMAL SIZES FOR QUELARC PLUG AND RECEPTACLE CONTACTS The following table Ih Riven foer determining the MAKIN FILLE li ture COP Per fo be used for plugs and teceptacles on the various ampere ratings, Grounding tenminals furnished are of the Presrure type oe __[ = , AMPERE AA TIBOG WHEE TERMINAL OLA METER | MALE CONTACT wine i i een 20 Binding Screw Terminal TAME FER 40 ars eo; =, | 40 02 Loo 408 FEMALE CONTACT 200 25 f 900 ameere cantuct unkie are reied BPO te, D.C.y 2 volte, ALC. ond ane interchangeable and peverabbhle, Wot Available with preeeure Line contects, Woke: Solder type berninale standaed dur Line contacts. Pressure type termingls stamdaml for greued contacts, add auifia PR for pressure mvp terminals anf fine tentucte. Price on reqoret.QUELARC Automatic and Remote Control Contacts For Wich some types of porable of detachable elecorical equipment it may be desirable 19 aucomatically comcrol the cicuis through che insertion and withdrawal of the plug at the recepracke, Such applications may include transferring fram one power source to a different power source; for example, when the plug and recepracle is used for bringing in standby service. In other applicarions i may be desirable to remorely concrol the circait ag che portable equipment by means of a push bugnan sration, In these cases the actuacing coil of the magnetk swench i connected po insulated pein ausiliary consacr subsricured for one Plugs and Receptacles pole of che recepaacle at dhustratcd behew, A marching contact either of che pemper type for aanomadtic coneral ac of the insulated 2-pole type for remote contrel is subsvicuced for one pale of the plug. Two additional conductors must be prowided in the portable eeble for the remote central annayecment When using suromatic or temete contol concacts, select plugs and receptacles having ane mote pole than would ordinarily be used if the specol cooctel was nod desired REMOTE COMTROL Receptocle Connected to Line AUTOMATIC CONTROL Receptacle Connected to Lood TO LINE Fie) Lilly | : 1 MwGMETIC MAGRHETIC I 7 SWiTCk zs | STH i | ACTUATING Com. i oO Ped t i) oO Se TULT I CGaL i : r i fl i | o 9 | 7 9 9 | | | | FEMALE MALE | | tJ RECEPTACLE tos ERCEPTACLE Om i i fy 3] r 1 q 2 WT MALE DOMTaC CT | | 1 i | WIRE FEMALE CONTACT L J CI rie C f Ja WiAE MALE CONTACT | | | L_| L | 2 I A LE 1 PEMALe JuMeE eS FEMALE 1 | PUL | PLUG Te Pi if re ea wea @ PURH BUT Toe stato 1 Uie [Portable Coblel {Ponobte Coblel FOR TYPE JAR ABCEPTACLES FOR TYRE JZ RECEPTACLES ALBO TYPE JW PLUGS ALSO TYPE JP PLUGS Substinee - fet nh One Pale ] of i Pug wired Becephocle } FEMALE PEMLALE FABLE ALALE 7. Wire Contec! Jureper Contact i. Wiee Castect Jdempar Corboct Rating Ps ne me. oo S0-Ampeee ik -22-8D JE-22-F AP 220K Lig Male 3-Wire = dad apply dumper line Geteman 100: Angers bie ee 4J8-73-% JP-23-8 Poles IQUELARC Rubber Grommets PLUG CABLE GRIPS 5 QUELARC Plugs and Connectors are furnished with a sct of rubber prommecs, each Covering one itercmend i } commeuon OF the Plog or Connectors range of cable siees aa listed. The Grammer bese sired po che diameter of the cable , \ ' Raniiak veed i the ome ro he applied. The remaining Gromeets are then discarded, Nore: Facess ElomMMets are mt feturmable for credsr. PLUG SIZE RUBBER GROMMETS IN EACH PLUG SET Flug Bang Hei Gal cl Guscenn, ha aha nt atcha ltd a 750 ta 375 DB-9-E 250 to .AFS O8-9-8 Who) 500 De-F0 #2 and 30 SOD to APS DB-9-0 Aemnpered a pans ee eel x, os 675ta 50 DB-14-J aihto AS DB. 14-8 F50to BTS OB-14-H gia ae S25 to 750 DB. 14-J a 625 to 1.000 bain 750 to B75 OB. Wa ATS io 1 DOD OB-14. a0 : - ey | SRD to 1.125 OB-1a- ian ewe OOO bo 1.2.50 be1a-8 112840 1.950 DB- 13-0 gicaa tie 1a 1194 OB7-718 arabe 1.000 ta 1.375 Dez-}-3 1124 em 1,950 DRT-720 1750 em 1.4974 DB?-722 f.a75 a6 1,500 DAT-B74 7 1375 to 1.625 bar a-A + S0ccne 1428 DBT-826 Ape re 1: tea eres 1275 t 1,500 DBT-B7a Lariio | 750 De? 1.300 to 1 .a75 DB?-B76 167s io 1750 | DBP Other quality products by PYLE-NATIONAL HAZARDOUS LOCATION EXPLOSION PROOF CONNECTORS Heavy duty control and 20, 20, 60, 100 and 200 ampere power connectors for hazardous locations featuring STRATE-LINE, QUELOCK and STAR-LINE connector series. Gantorming to Glass | Division | Groups A, B,C and D0 and Class ll Division | Groups F and G. INTERLOCKED RECEPTACLE SWITCHES/ CIRCUIT BREAKERS Family of mechanical interlocking plugs and receptacles-single throw switches: fusible (NEMA 3R & 12), fusiblenon-fusible (NEMA 3 & 5): circuit breaker enclosures: dust-tight and rain-tight: tumbler switches: explosion- proof, weather-tight (NEMA 2) and hazardous location 11QuelAre non-circult BREAKING LOW PROFILE PLUGS AND RECEPTACLES 100 AMP 3-POLE/4 WIRE GROUNDING THRU SHELL AND EXTRA POLE STANDARD RECEPTACLES AND PLUGS Wi SPAIN DOOR U L) LISTED Wo SPRING DOOR JOB R5S 10846 JACA5 pees am fe i / | e + PL 12" a THABADED THREADED 1 foO1 SPS JPLO 11 104-06 JALBB 4510846 JRL S 10h JAL1o4 751750 JPLD 1410486 y= - it 11/2" ) THREADED CAP THREADED CAP 1O0o 1.35 JPALB 11 ae JAEBB451 eet JABA5 1A 13781780 FLp 14104088 as MALE RECEPTACLES AND FEMALE PLUGS |Aeverse Service) RECEPTACLE [complete with gasket) T STANDARD PLUG THREADED PLUG with SPRING DOOA CABLE iA. RANGE PAAT NUMBER CABLE Did. RANGE PAAT HUMBER AN) ef ait 3 | J2010445 | JZL1 0446 1 O00 1.378 JWPD1 116 1.O1.3975 | JWPLO 1110446 1s 1.780 JWPD 141045 1.d751.750 | JWPLO 1410446 EXTENSION CABLE CONNECTORS Cr (Mith Threaded Covpling Nut} CABLE DIA 10101375 JAKD1110446 JWPLO110446 JPLO 1110446 RANGE 1A75 1.780 JAK D14 10446 JWPLO1410446 JPLO 1410446 SEE ARVERSE SIDE FOR OPINIONS AND MOTES:DIMENSIONS L a i i | STANDARD RECEPTACLES nD ih e6 Prefixes JAC, JRE and JRL ee (without housing) y j PANEL A B & D E BORE SUZE Spring oer 4-Bt6" 26" 5-56" aoe" 14-0 oor Pisin or Threaded Per RE" 158" aarie* 14-0 aoa With Threaded Gap) 4176 are 4a sae" 14-20 34a" STANDARD PLUG REVERSE SERVICE PLUG Prefixes JPD and JPLD Prefixes JWPD and JWPLD REVERSE SERVICE RECEPTACLES Prefixes JZC and J2ZL |. 2-e" PANEL BORE =_ 2-14" Lt l ayatazo | 1-7 ac REWS | ER AGEMENT E15 JZC Side View JZC/J2L Back View JZL Site View 2-575" CONDUIT BOXES (For 12" Conduit) pee 2 Siiraight Housing (anty) Angie Howsimg (coy) Prefixes JCA, JALA, ane Prefixes JACEE, JALBE: JREA and JAEBB MOTES: ANY COAD CONMECTING DEVICE CAM BE FUANISHED WITH ADDITIONAL STRAIN RELIEF, Le., MECHANICAL CLAMP HUT OF BASKET WEAVE GRIP. FOR MECHANICAL CLAMP HUT SUPFIM-M, EXAMPLE JPLO- 1110426 BECOMES JPLD-1110406-M, POR BASKET WEAVE GRIP SUBSTITUTE DD WITH EK, DLAMPLE JPLO - 1110445 BEQOMES JPLK - 1110446. SOLDER TYPE LINE CONTACTS ARE STANDARD, SUFFI -PA FOR PRESSURE TYPE CONTACTS. PYLE-NATIONAL DIVISION | 1334 AL Kostner Avenue Chicago, IL 60651 arco. SHEET GAO Tel.: (912) 342-6300 Telex: 25251 Fax.: (912) 342-08 2 FORM fr [1Pyte-Nedicred Lic. 2560 South Sheridan Way Sherbrock Road Mississauga, Ontario LSJ Zhe Dayvbrook-Mothingham Nia 64r Telephone (416) 22-3710 Telephone BO2/208116 FAX: (4G) B22-5447 FAX: 602/208898 Prinfed in W548