Rev. 0 | Page 11 of 20
connected to the AD2S1210 evaluation board. The conversion
results are displayed as waveforms in digital code on two graphs.
The upper graph displays the position conversion results. The
lower graph displays the velocity conversion results.
At the bottom right of each graph are the zoom options. These
allow you to zoom in and out to obtain a closer look at a sample
if required.
Stream (Degrees/RPS) Tab
The Stream (Degrees/RPS) tab displays the conversion results
taken in stream mode of the position and velocity of the resolver
connected to the AD2S1210 evaluation board. The position
conversion result is displayed in degrees on the upper graph.
The lower graph displays the velocity conversion results in RPS.
At the bottom right of each graph are the zoom options. These
allow you to zoom in and out to obtain a closer look at a sample
if required.
Histogram Position Tab
The Histogram Position tab displays the histogram of the posi-
tion conversion results taken in normal mode of the resolver
connected to the AD2S1210 evaluation board. To enable this
option, you must set the ON/OFF button to the on position.
The histogram is displayed only when the output code varies for
the one block of samples; that is, if the same conversion result is
returned for all samples, the histogram is not displayed.
At the bottom right of each graph are the zoom options. These
allow you to zoom in and out to obtain a closer look at a sample
if required.
Histogram Velocity Tab
The Histogram Velocity tab displays the histogram of the velocity
conversion results taken in normal mode of the resolver con-
nected to the AD2S1210 evaluation board. To enable this
option, you must set the ON/OFF button to the on position.
The histogram is displayed only when the output code varies for
the one block of samples; that is, if the same conversion result is
returned for all samples, the histogram is not displayed.
At the bottom left of each graph are the zoom options. These
allow you to zoom in and out to obtain a closer look at a sample
if required.
Initiating Conversions on the AD2S1210 Evaluation
To initiate conversions and to capture the sample data, you must
click the Single Acquisition, Reoccurring Acquisition, or
Continuous Stream button.
When the Single Acquisition or Reoccurring Acquisition
button is clicked, the AD2S1210 evaluation software takes
samples in normal mode. When the Continuous Stream button
is clicked, the AD2S1210 evaluation software takes samples in
stream mode.
When the Single Acquisition button is clicked, the software
instructs the EVAL-CED1Z to read back the conversion results
from the AD2S1210 evaluation board. The number of samples
is selected via the Num Samples box. After each conversion,
data from the AD2S1210 is written to external memory on the
EVAL-CED1Z. The required set of samples is uploaded through
the USB port to the PC when the all conversions are completed.
When you click the Reoccurring Acquisition button, the software
instructs the EVAL-CED1Z to read back the conversion results
from the AD2S1210 evaluation board in a repeating loop. The
number of samples is selected via the Num Samples box. After
each conversion, data from the AD2S1210 is written to external
memory on the EVAL-CED1Z. The required set of samples is
uploaded through the USB port to the PC when all the conver-
sions are completed. If the Reoccurring Acquisition button is
not clicked again to release the loop, the conversion loop repeats.
While the data is being uploaded to the PC, the AD2S1210 device
is not converting; therefore, there is a time delay between two
blocks of samples.
When the Continuous Stream button is clicked, the software
instructs the EVAL-CED1Z to read back the conversion results
from the AD2S1210 evaluation board. After each conversion,
data from the AD2S1210 is written to external memory on the
EVAL-CED1Z. At regular intervals, blocks of samples results are
uploaded through the USB port to the PC. In Continuous Stream
mode, while the data are uploaded to the PC, the AD2S1210
device is still converting. Therefore, there is no additional time
delay between samples.
In single acquisition, reoccurring acquisition, and continuous
stream mode, the data is displayed on the data capture display.
When the Single Acquisition or the Reoccurring Acquisition
button is clicked, the data is displayed on the Acquisition
(Codes), Acquisition (Degrees/RPS), Histogram Position,
and Histogram Velocity tabs only. When the user clicks the
Continuous Stream button, the data is displayed on the Stream
(Codes) and Stream (Degrees/RPS) tabs only.