TOT (FG INTERNATIONAL SENTCOND | 49E D mm 9000378 QO000bb 585 MMISEN International VOLTAGE VARIABLE Semiconductor, Inc. 1N5696 thru 1N5710 a HIGH Q - HIGH TUNING RANGE VOLTAGE VARIABLE CAPACITORS for UHF tuning applications 1N5696,A,B,C thru 1N5710,A,B,C 6.8-100 pica farad SPECIAL FEATURES * High Q : High Tuning Range International Semiconductor's high Q 9 geena abrupt[unction Voltage Variable Capacitors are * Precision Tracking deigned specifically for critical and sophisticated + Low Leakage frequency control applications through the UHF High Reliability range. * Stable The computeraided design evaluation of these devices guarantees tight tolerance of capacitance versus voltage tracking over the complete range of tuning. CATHODE _ 1.0 MIN. Te ihe 1.0 MIN. 4 - - .002 = = ~ .010 CORPORATE OFFICES: SALES OFFICE: 727 Raritan Road - Suite 203 574 E. Alamo, #40 Clark, NJ O7066 Chandler, AZ 85225 Tel: 908 396-0322 Tel: 602 497-8172 Fax: 908 396-0410 Fax: 602 497-8173 : VVED3T-012-19_ 0067 4i5 MMISEM INTERNATIONAL SENICOND HIE D mm 9000378 000 a 1N5696,A,B,C thru 1N5710,A,B,C HIGH Q VOLTAGE VARIABLE Specifications CAPACITORS 1N5696 thru 1N5710 MAXIMUM RATINGS (At Ta = 25 C unless otherwise specified) Be Reverse Breakdown Figure of Merit (Q) vs Reverse Bias Voltage (BVA) Glas 10uAde ___85 volts Reverse Current (In) @Vr=60Vdc 0.02n8 oe @Vr= 60Vdc, TA = 150 C 20.00ua Series Inductance (Ls) @t= 250MHz 6nH _ lead length = 1/16" _Case Capacitance (Cc) @t=1MHz __ ___ O.25pt = 20% ~ Diode Capacitance @Vn= 4.0Vde, 300ppmi/C G1 Temperature Coefficient (TC) 25 C. E Dissipation (Po): 400mw (Derate 2.65 mwWi/*C C above TA= = 25' *C) ; y _Operating ting Temperature Range (Ta): - 65 + 150C a uw 0 Storage Temperature Range (Tsta): ~ 65C + 200C s 9 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (At T, = 25C unless otherwise specified) Nominal Capacitance Figure of . Capacitance Tuning Ratio Merit. JEDEC Cua Va= 4 Vde C2vIC30V Qa Vaz 4Vde Type No. | f= iMHz __ f= 1MHz_ J = 50MHz _ 1 10 20 100 (pf) (Min.} (Typ.} (Min. REVERSE BIAS VOLTAGE (VOLTS) ins696 | 3 =30680)SCdSt(<ii CST ~~ "450 1N5697 8.2 2.7 2.9 450 1N8689 120 38 | 30 400 10,000 Faure of Merit (Q) ve Frequency 1n5700 | 150 4| 28 | 30 | 400 1N5701 18.0 2.9 3.0 375 5,000 1N5702 | 22.0 | 32 | 34 | 875 ' 1N5703 27.0 3.2 3.4 350, 1N5704 33.0 3.2 3.4 350 1N5705 39.0 3.2 3.4 325 ANS706 | ATO | 82 | 84} 800 S 1,000 1N5707 56.0 3.2 3.4 225 - 1N5708 68.0 3.2 3.4 175 c 1N5709 82.0 3.2 3.4 150 S 1N5710 100.0 3.2 3.4 150 : Ww > 100 uw * Available in the following tolerances: No Suffix =+20% A 10% B s 5% Cc + 2% 10 10 100 500 1000 FREQUENCY (MHz) CORPORATE OFFICES: 727 Raritan Road - Sulte 203 Clark, NJ 07066 Tel: 908 396-0322 Fax: 908 396-0410 SALES OFFICE: 574 E. Alamo, #40 Ghandier, AZ 85225 Tel: 602 497-8172 Fax: 602 497-8173