Copyright © 2011 Future Technology Devices International Limited
Document Reference No.: FT_000114
FT2232H Mini Module USB Hi-Speed FT2232H Evaluation Module Version 1.7
Clearance No.: FTDI#72
Connected to all FT2232H VCCIO pins (input)
Table 3.2 FT2232H Mini Module Connection – CN3
In most cases, the FT2232H pin is connected directly to the associated pin on CN2 or CN3.
The FT2232H Mini Module allows configuration with both USB Bus-powered and USB Self-powered
USB Bus-powered:
1) Connect VBUS to VCC (CN3, pin 1 to CN3, pin 3). This connection takes the power from the
USB bus (VBUS) and connects it to the voltage regulator input on the FT2232H Mini Module. The
voltage regulator, in turn, provides V3V3, VPLL and VUSB power inputs to the FT2232H chip.
2) Connect V3V3 to VIO (CN2, pins 1, 3 & 5 to CN2, pins 11 & 21 and CN3, pins 12 & 22).
This connection provides the correct 3.3VDC operating voltage for VCCIO on the FT2232H chip.
USB Self-Powered:
1) Leave VBUS (CN3, pin 1) unconnected.
2) Connect an external 5.0VDC power supply to VCC (5.0VDC to CN3, pin 3). This
connection takes provides power from an external power supply and connects it to the voltage
regulator input on the FT2232H Mini Module. See the FT2232H data sheet for allowable VCC
input voltage ranges.
3) Connect V3V3 to VIO (CN2, pins 1, 3 & 5 to CN2, pins 11 & 21 and CN3, pins 12 & 22).
This connection provides the correct 3.3VDC operating voltage for VCCIO on the FT2232H chip.
4) Use MPROG to change the USB power descriptor to “Self-Powered”. This setting indicates
to the host system that the USB Host port does not need to supply power to the device. MPROG
is a utility provided by FTDI to program various features of the FT-series USB client ICs. In order
to access settings for the FT2232H, MPROG, version 3.5 or later is required. MPROG is available
through the Utilities section of the FTDI web site.