–20– REV. 0
Proper scaling of the wideband output is critical to maximize the
spurious and noise performance of the AD6622. A relatively small
overflow anywhere in the data path can cause the spurious free
dynamic range to drop precipitously. Scaling down the output
levels also reduces dynamic range relative to an approximately
constant noise floor. A well-balanced scaling plan at each point
in the signal path will be rewarded with optimum performance.
The scaling plan can be separated into two parts: multicarrier
scaling and single-carrier scaling.
Multicarrier Scaling
An arbitrary number of AD6622s can be cascaded to create a
composite digital IF with many carriers. As the number of carriers
increases, the peak-to-rms ratio of the composite digital IF will
increase as well. It is possible and beneficial to limit the peak-to-
rms ratio through careful frequency planning and controlled phase
offsets. Nevertheless, in most cases with a large number of carriers,
the worst-case peak is an unlikely event.
The AD6622 immediately preceding the DAC can be programmed
to clip rather than wrap around (see the Summation Block descrip-
tion). For a large number of carriers, a rare but finite chance
of clipping at the AD6622 wideband output will result in superior
dynamic range compared to lowering each carrier level until
clipping is impossible. This will also be the case for most DACs.
Through analysis or experimentation, an optimal output level of
individual carriers can be determined for any particular DAC.
Single-Carrier Scaling
Once the optimal power level is determined for each carrier, one
must determine the best way to achieve that level. The maximum
SNR can be achieved by maximizing the intermediate power
level at each processing stage. This can be done by assuming the
proper level at the output and working backwards along the signal
path: Summation, NCO, CIC, and finally, RCF.
The summation block is intended to combine multiple carriers,
with each carrier at least 6 dB below full scale. For this configu-
ration, the AD6622 driving the DAC should have clip detection
enable. OUT17 becomes a clip indicator that reports clipping in
both polarities. If the DAC requires offset binary outputs, the
internal offset binary conversion should be enabled as well. Any
preceding cascaded AD6622s should disable clip detection and
offset binary conversion. The IN17–IN0 of the first AD6622 in the
cascade should be grounded. See the Summation Block section
for details. In this configuration, intermediate OUT17s will
serve as guard bits that allow intermediate sums to exceed full
scale. As long as the final output does not exceed 6 dB over full
scale, the clip detector will perform correctly.
If a single carrier needs to exceed –6 dB full scale, hardwired
scaling can be accomplished according to the table below. This
is most useful when the AD6622 is processing a Single Wide-
band Carrier such as UMTS or CDMA 2000.
Table XI. Output Bit Scaling
ax Single- Connect to Clip Offset Binary
Carrier Level DAC MSB Detect Compensation
–12.04 dB OUT17 N/A Internal
–6.02 dB OUT16 ±Internal
0 dB OUT15 +Only 0x18000
+6.02 dB OUT14 +Only 0x1C000
+12.04 dB OUT13 +Only 0x1E000
+18.06 dB OUT12 +Only 0x1F000
+24.08 dB OUT11 +Only 0x1F800
The NCO/Tuner is equipped with an output scalar that ranges
from –6.02 dB to –24.08 dB below full scale, in 6.02 dB steps.
See the NCO/Tuner section for details. The best SNR will be
achieved by maximizing the input level to the NCO and using
the largest possible NCO attenuation. For example, to achieve
an output level –20 dB below full scale, one should set the CIC
output level to –1.94 dB below full scale and attenuate by
–18.06 dB in the NCO.
The CIC is equipped with an output scalar that ranges from
0 dB to –150.51 dB below full scale in 6.02 dB steps. This large
attenuation is necessary to compensate for the potentially large
gains associated with CIC interpolation. See the CIC section for
details. For example to achieve an output level of –1.94 dB below
full scale, with a CIC5 interpolation of 27 (114.51 dB gain) and
a CIC2 interpolation of 3 (9.54 dB gain), one should set the
CIC_Scale to 20 and the RCF output level to –5.59 dB below
full scale.
–.–.–..–.1 94 9 54 114 51 20 6 02 5 59+× =
The RCF is equipped with an output scalar that ranges from 0 dB
to –18.06 dB below full scale in 6.02 dB steps. This attenuation
can be used to compensate for filter gain in the RCF. For example,
if the desired RCF output is –5.59 dB and the maxim gain of the
RCF coefficients is 11.04 dB, then the RCF_Coarse_Scale should
be set to two and the coefficients should be scaled so that the
largest coefficient is –4.59 dB below full scale. The largest pos-
sible gain of the RCF coefficients is when the largest coefficient
of the impulse response is normalized to one. This means that
all of the coefficients are as large as possible so the sum of the
coefficients are as large as possible. This maximum gain will
determine the RCF_Coarse_Scale, which should be used to
make the total RCF gain between 0 dB and –6.02 dB. After the
RCF_Coarse_Scale is chosen, the coefficients can be rescaled, as
in the example, to set the total RCF gain to a desired level. See the
RCF section for additional information.
–.–..–.559 1104 2 602 459+× =
Finally, as described in the RCF section, there may be a worst-
case peak of a phase that is larger than the channel center gain. In
the preceding example, if the worst-case to channel center ratio
is larger than 4.59 dB (potentially overflowing the RCF), the
RCF_Coarse_Scale should be reduced by one and the CIC_Scale
should be increased by one. In the preceding example, if the worst-
case to channel center ratio is larger than 5.59 dB (potentially
overflowing the RCF and CIC), the RCF_Coarse_Scale should be
reduced by one and the NCO_Output_Scale should be increased
by one.
The Microport interface is the communications port between the
AD6622 and the host controller. There are two modes of bus
operation: Intel Nonmultiplexed Mode (INM), and Motorola
Nonmultiplexed Mode (MNM), which is set by hard wiring the
MODE pin to either ground or supply. The mode is selected
based on the use of the Microport control lines (DS or RD,
DTACK or RDY, R/W or WR) and the capabilities of the host
processor. See the timing diagrams for details on the operation of
both modes.
The External Memory Map provides data and address registers
to read and write the extensive control registers in the Internal
Memory Map. The control registers access global chip functions
and multiple control functions for each independent channel.