Absolute Maximum Ratings (1)(2)
ESD Tolerance (3) 2 kV
Differential Input Voltage ±Supply Voltages
Voltage at Input/Output Pin (V+) + 0.3V, (V−)−0.3V
Supply Voltage (V+−V−): 16V
Current at Input Pin (4) ±5 mA
Current at Output Pin(5) (6) ±30 mA
Lead Temp. (soldering 10 sec) 260°C
Storage Temp. Range: −65°C to +150°C
Junction Temp. (7) 150°C
(1) Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for
which the device is intended to be functional, but specific performance is not ensured. For ensured specifications and the test
conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics.
(2) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the TI Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications.
(3) Human body model, 1.5 kΩin series with 100 pF.
(4) Limiting input pin current is only necessary for input voltages that exceed absolute maximum input voltage ratings.
(5) Applies to both single-supply and split-supply operation. Continuous short circuit operation at elevated ambient temperature can result in
exceeding the maximum allowed junction temperature of 150°C. Output currents in excess of ±30 mA over long term may adversely
affect reliability.
(6) Do not short circuit output to V+, when V+is greater than 13V or reliability will be adversely affected.
(7) The maximum power dissipation is a function of TJ(MAX),θJA, and TA. The maximum allowable power dissipation at any ambient
temperature is PD= (TJ(MAX) - TA)/ θJA. All numbers apply for packages soldered directly into a PC board.
Operating Ratings (1)
Supply Voltage 1.8V ≤VS≤11V
Junction Temperature Range: LMC6442AI, LMC6442I −40°C < TJ< +85°C
Thermal Resistance (θJA) D0008A Package, 8-pin Surface Mount 193°C/W
P0008E Package, 8-pin Molded DIP 115°C/W
(1) Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for
which the device is intended to be functional, but specific performance is not ensured. For ensured specifications and the test
conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics.
2.2V Electrical Characteristics
Unless otherwise specified, all limits ensured for TJ= 25°C, V+= 2.2V, V−= 0V, VCM = VO= V +/2, and RL= 1 MΩto V+/2.
Boldface limits apply at the temperature extremes. LMC6442AI LMC6442I
Parameter Test Conditions Typ (1) Units
Limit (2) Limit (2)
DC Electrical Characteristics
VOS Input Offset Voltage ±3 ±7 mV
−0.75 ±4 ±8 max
TCVOS Temp. coefficient of input 0.4 µV/°C
offset voltage
IBInput Bias Current See (3) pA
0.005 4 4 max
Input Offset Current See (3) pA
IOS 0.0025 2 2 max
CMRR Common Mode Rejection −0.1V ≤VCM ≤0.5V 92 67 67 dB min
Ratio 67 67
CIN Common Mode Input 4.7 pF
PSRR Power Supply Rejection VS= 2.5 V to 10V 75 75 dB
Ratio 75 75 min
(1) Typical Values represent the most likely parametric norm.
(2) All limits are specified by testing or statistical analysis unless otherwise specified.
(3) Limits specified by design.
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