Silicon C230-C232 Controlled Rectifier C231-C233 25 ARMS TO 600 VOLTS The Silicon Controlled Rectifier C230/C232 is a reverse blocking triode thyristor designed for power switching and control circuits for high volume light industrial and consumer applications. The C231/C233 is basically the same as the C230/C232 device except for a specially selected gate trigger current of 9 milliamperes maximum. This SCR is a hermetically sealed device which incorporates General Electrics patented POWER-GLAS process that improves upon normal pellet passivation techniques. It pro- vides an intimate bond between the silicon chip and the glass coating. The resulting stable, low-level leakage current provides excellent performance and demonstrated reliability. FEATURES: POWER-GLAS passivated silicon chip for maximum reliability. Very low off-state (leakage) current at room and elevated temperatures. Low power required for gate triggering. Power switching capabilities up to 1O KW. Excellent surge current capability. 1800 Volts RMS surge isolation voltage on isolated SCRs. Attractive pricing for applications requiring medium power devices. SIX BASIC PACKAGES e Other packages available upon request. PRESS-FIT ISOLATED STUD ISOLATED TO-3 With Press-On L FLANGE Anode Terminal S S TYPE 4 NON-ISOLATED ISOLATED STUD NON-ISOLATED TO-3 STUD < With Solder Ring FLANGE Anode Terminal 874C230/C232 C231/C233 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE RATINGS VOLTAGE RATINGS U F A B Cc D E M TEST CONDITIONS VOLTS | VOLTS ; VOLTS | VOLTS | VOLTS | VOLTS | VOLTS | VOLTS Vprm Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage (1,3) 25 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 | Verm Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage To = -40C to 100C Veasm Non-Repetitive Reverse Voltage (1, 2) 35 75 150 300 400 500 600 720 Te = -40C to 100C RMS On-State Current, It@pMsy-- ee eee 25 Amperes (All Conduction Angles) Average On-State Current, Ip(qayy -- ee ee Depends on Conduction Angle (See Charts 1 and 2) Critical Rate-of-Rise of On-State Current, di/dt 2.2... 0. ee (See Chart 11) Gate Triggered Operation ~ Switching from 200 Volts................2...000..-- 100 Amperes Per Microsecond - Switching from 400 Volts...........0. 0... -.. 0000005 65 Amperes Per Microsecond -- Switching from 600 Volts..........0.02.. 000000000 08 30 Amperes Per Microsecond Peak One Cycle Surge (Non-Repetitive) On-State Current, Itsy, 60Hz ... 2.2... ee ee 250 Amperes It (for fusing) for times > 1.0 milliseconds ... 0... ee eee 260 Ampere? Seconds Peak Gate Power Dissipation, Poy .. 1... eee ee eee ee eee eee ee ss 3 Watts for 10 Microseconds Average Gate Power Dissipation, Pagay)-. 2 te eee ee 0.5 Watts Peak Positive Gate Current, Igy... eee ee ee eee (See Chart 7) Peak Positive Gate Voltage, Vom... ee ne ee ee ee (See Chart 7) Peak Negative Gate Voltage, Voy... ce ee nee 5 Volts Storage Temperature, Tyg -- 0-2 eee eee eee Lee eee teens -40C to +125C Operating Temperature, Ty... 0. ne eee e teens -40C to +100C Stud Torque (Isolated and Non-Isolated Stud Types) .........-.....-2-0.005. 25 Lb.-In. (29 Kg-Cm) (2.8 N-M) Maximum Insertion Pressure (Press-Fit Types) .... eee ee eee eee 800 Lbs. (364 Kg)(3.56N x 10) Isolation Breakdown Voltage Between any Terminal and Stud or Flange (Isolated Types)(S).......... 1800 Volts RMS NOTES: 1. Values apply for zero or negative gate voltage only. 2. Half sine wave voltage pulse, 10 millisecond maximum duration. 3. During performance of the Off-State and Reverse Blocking tests, the SCR should not be tested with a constant current source which would permit applied voltage to exceed the device rating. 4, di/dt rating is established in accordance with EIA-NEMA Standard RS-397, Section . Rating applies for 50, 60 and 400 Hz sinusoidal wave form. PART NUMBER DESIGNATION C 230 U 2 SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER | STUD/TO-3 FLANGE PACKAGE VARIATIONS CURRENT RATING & PACKAGE STYLE VOLTAGE RATINGS None = Non-Isolated Stud Mount 2 = Isolated Stud Mount with 230 = 25 A RMS Stud-TO-3 Flange U = 25 Velts Press-on Anode Terminal 232 = 25 A RMS Press-Fit F= 50 Volts 3= Isolated Stud Mount with A = 100 Volts Solder Ring Anode Terminal 231 = 25 A RMS Stud/TO-3 Flange B = 200 Volts A = Isolated on TO-3 Outline 233 = 25 A RMS Press-Fit C = 300 Volts Mounting Flange D = 400 Volts 5 = Non-Isolated on TO-3 Outline E - 500 Volts Mounting Flange M = 600 Volts 6 -- 9 = Other Standard Variations 875C230/C232 231/C233 CHARACTERISTICS TEST SYMBOL MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS TEST CONDITIONS Repetitive Peak Off- IrRRM mA VprM = VrrM = Max. allowable volts peak State and Reverse and = Current() IpRM _ _ 0.5 Te * Fas _ - 1.0 To = +100 C Peak On-State VIM ~ 1.9 Volts Tc = +25C, Ip = 100A Peak, 1 msec Voltage wide pulse. Duty Cycle < 2%, Critical Rate-of-Rise of dv/dt 200 ~ Volts/usec! To = +100C, Rated Vprm, Gate Open Off-State Voltage Circuited, Linear Wave form. (Higher values may cause device switching) DC Gate Trigger Igt mAdc Current C230/C232 25 Te = +25C, Vp = 12 Vde, Ry = 120 Ohms ~ 40 Tc = -40C, Vp = 12 Vdc, Ry = 60 Ohms C231/C233 = _ 9 Tc = +25C, Vp = 12 Vdc, Ry = 120 Ohms _ _ 20 Tc = -40C, Vp = 12 Vde, Ry = 60 Ohms DC Gate Trigger Ver _ 1.5 Vide Tc = +25C, Vp = 12 Vde, Ry, = 120 Ohms Voltage _ 2.0 To = -40C, Vp = 12 Vdc, Ry, = 60 Ohms DC Gate Non-Trigger Vep 0.2 Vde Tc = +100C, Rated Vopr, Ry = Voltage 1000 Ohms DC Holding Current Ty mAdc Anode Source Voltage = 24 Vdc, Peak Init- iating On-State Current = 0.5 Amps, 0.1 msec to 10 msec Wide Pulse. Gate Trigger Source = 7 Volts, 20 Ohms - - 50 Tc = +25C _ ~ 100 Tc = -40C DC Latching Current I, mAdc Anode Source Voltage = 24 Vdc, Gate Trigger Source = 15 Volts, 100 Ohms, 50 usec Pulse Width, 5 usec rise and fall times max. _ 100 To = +25C _ 200 Tc = -40C Steady-State Thermal Rela _ 45 c/Watt | Junction-to-Ambient Resistance(2) _ _ Steady-State Thermal Rgsc c/Wwatt | Junction-to-Case Resistance - 1.00 Non-Isolated Stud /Press-Fit _ _ 1.15 Isolated Stud _ - 1.15 Non-Isolated TO-3 Flange _ 1.30 Isolated TO-3 Flange NOTES: 1, Values apply for zero or negative gate voltage only. 2. The junction-to-ambient value is under worst case conditions; i.e., with No. 22 copper wire used for electrical contact to the terminals and natural convection cooling. WARNING Isolated products described in this specification sheet should be handled with care. The ceramic portion of these thyristors contains BERYLLIUM OXIDE as a major ingredient. Do not crush, grind, or abrade these portions of the thyristors because the dust resulting from such action may be hazardous if inhaled, 876MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CASE TEMPERATURE-C. INSTANTANEOUS ON- STATE CURRENT ( AMPERES) C230/C232 231/C233 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CASE TEMPERATURE -*C QO 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT~ AMPERES AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT- AMPERES 1. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CASE TEMPERATURE 2. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CASE TEMPERATURE FOR HALF-WAVE RECTIFIED FOR FULL-WAVE RECTIFIED SINE WAVE OF CURRENT FULL-WAVE OF CURRENT (FOR NON-ISOLATED STUD AND (FOR NON-ISOLATED STUD AND PRESS-FIT CASE TYPES ONLY) PRESS-FIT CASE TYPES ONLY) N eo NOTE: JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO SURGE -40C To + 100C a = a = < - is = 3 Th=+25C = , 10 $ | NOTES: > 1. Ip tt MSEC WIDE PULSE, = 0.t tl z 0.5 z u 40 a =z 0. = 0 ! 2 3 a 1 2 4 680 2 86 40s INSTANTANEOUS ON- STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) z CYCLES AT 60 CPS 3. MAXIMUM ON-STATE VOLTAGE VS. 4. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PEAK SURGE CURRENT ON-STATE CURRENT FOLLOWING RATED LOAD CONDITIONS a 28 n = Ny o AVERAGE FORWARD POWER DISSIPATION- WATTS AVERAGE FORWARD POWER DISSIPATION- WATTS 0 4 8 2 6. 20 24 28 4 a) 6 20 24 ~O AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT-AMPERES AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT-AMPERES 5. MAXIMUM FORWARD POWER DISSIPATION 6. MAXIMUM FORWARD POWER DISSIPATION FOR HALF-WAVE RECTIFIED FOR FULL-WAVE RECTIFIED SINE WAVE OF CURRENT 877 SINE WAVE OF CURRENTC230/C232 231/C233 10 - 7 ne | \ \ MINIMUM GATE CURRENT REQUIRED . TRIGGER ALL UNITS AT: 9 MINIMUM GATE CURRENT REQ'D TO TRIGGER 9 T{- MaxXIMUM ALLOWABLE T p \ . sec] -40 INSTANTANEOUS GATE 28% 40C . qd e POWER DISSIPATION 2 | | : qe 3 8 \__25,0 WATTS poke . 7 VOH MAX E 20) ln \ wy INSTANTANEOUS eaTe 5 a KN | POWER DISSIPATION KY 2 \ 5 Se \.2 50 warTs 5 SS -4oc|7 7 ~ 2 3 15 Sra s2see -40rc | v 218 . 7 z \ w SY SS Wn, oate |S V w TAN NAN +28eC = -40C 9 ok 4 A SY VOLTAGE RED] < 3 MINIWUM GATE Fe Le IS TO TRIGGER 13 6 10 AAA) VOLTAGE J 3 3 . SA ALL UNITS AT: |S x Ny SAN REQUIRED TO 8 | \ 2 NY > 2 > N TRIGGER ALL w : AWS w 3 SS UNITS AT: a5 N Zos > a 5 4 z osieh NS eet MAX. GATE VOLTAGE THAT wit IN - NY MAXIMUM GATE VOLTAGE THAT g \ NOT TRIGGER ANY UNITS AT o \ z et | WiLL NOT TRIGOER ANY UNITS Be \ #logee # O2 VY | 3 RECOMMENDED s 5 3 a pees dnd z j RECOMMENDED ~ 10-20 50 Z TRIGGER AREA x ]# oe 5 20 5 TRIGGER AREA ho. INSTANTANEOUS GATE CURRENT-MILLIAMPERES) SS _INSTANTANEOUS oate CURRENT- MILLIAMPERES Zz 93 = ~ a 5 =