Overtemperature Protection
Use of TAS5102/3 in High-Modulation-Index
Undervoltage Protection (UVP) and Power-On
DEVICE RESETOvercurrent (OC) Protection With Current
.............................................................................................................................................................. SLLS801A – JUNE 2008 – REVISED JUNE 2008
condition has been removed. For highest possiblereliability, recovering from an overcurrent fault
The TAS5102/3 has a two-levelrequires external reset of the device (see the Device
temperature-protection system that asserts anReset section of this data sheet) no sooner than 300
active-high warning signal (OTW) when the devicems after the shutdown.
junction temperature exceeds 125 ° C (nominal) and, ifthe device junction temperature exceeds 150 ° C(nominal), the device is put into thermal shutdown,Capable Systems
resulting in all half-bridge outputs being set in theThis device requires at least 50 ns of low time on the high-impedance (Hi-Z) state and FAULT beingoutput per 384-kHz PWM frame rate in order to keep asserted low. OTE is latched in this case. To clearthe bootstrap capacitors charged. As an example, if the OTE latch, RESET must be asserted. Thereafter,the modulation index is set to 99.2% in the TAS5086, the device resumes normal operation.this setting allows PWM pulse durations down to 20ns. This signal, which does not meet the 50-ns
Reset (POR)requirement, is sent to the PWM_X pin, and thislow-state pulse time does not allow the bootstrap
The UVP and POR circuits of the TAS5102/3 fullycapacitor to stay charged. In this situation, the low
protect the device in any power-up/down andvoltage across the bootstrap capacitor can cause the
brownout situation. While powering up, the PORbootstrap UVP circuitry to activate and shutdown the
circuit resets the overload circuit (OLP) and ensuresdevice. The TAS5102/3 device requires limiting the
that all circuits are fully operational when theTAS5086 modulation index to 96.1% to keep the
GVDD_XY and VREG supply voltages reach 5.7 Vbootstrap capacitor charged under all signals and
(typical) and 2.7 V, respectively. Although GVDD_XYloads.
and VREG are independently monitored, a supplyvoltage drop below the UVP threshold on VREG orTherefore, TI strongly recommends using a TI PWM
either GVDD_XY pin results in all half-bridge outputsprocessor, such as TAS5508 or TAS5086, with the
immediately being set in the high-impedance (Hi-Z)modulation index set at 96.1% to interface with
state and FAULT being asserted low. The deviceTAS5102/3. This is done by writing 0x04 to the
automatically resumes operation when all supplyModulation Limit Register (0x10) in the TAS5086 or
voltages have increased above the UVP threshold.0x04 to the Modulation Limit Register (0x16) in theTAS5508.
One reset pin is provided for control of half-bridgesLimiting
A/B/C/D. When RESET is asserted low, all fourThe device has independent, fast-reacting current
power-stage FETs in half-bridges A, B, C, and D aredetectors on all high-side and low-side power-stage
forced into a high-impedance (Hi-Z) state. Thus, theFETs. The detector outputs are closely monitored by
reset pin is well suited for hard-muting the powertwo protection systems. The first protection system
stage if needed.controls the power stage in order to prevent the
In BTL modes, to accommodate bootstrap chargingoutput current further increasing, i.e., it performs a
prior to switching start, asserting the reset input lowcycle-by-cycle current-limiting function, rather than
enables weak pulldown of the half-bridge outputs. Inprematurely shutting down during combinations of
the SE mode, the weak pulldowns are not enabled,high-level music transients and extreme speaker load
and it is therefore recommended to ensure bootstrapimpedance drops. If the high-current condition
capacitor charging by providing a low pulse on thesituation persists, i.e., the power stage is being
PWM inputs when reset is asserted high.overloaded, a second protection system triggers alatching shutdown, resulting in the power stage being
Asserting the reset input low removes any faultset in the high-impedance (Hi-Z) state. Current
information to be signaled on the FAULT output, i.e.,limiting and overcurrent protection are not
FAULT is forced high.independent for half-bridges A and B and,
A rising-edge transition on the reset input allows therespectively, C and D. That is, if the bridge-tied load
device to resume operation after an overcurrent fault.between half-bridges A and B causes an overcurrentfault, half-bridges A, B, C, and D are shut down.
The overcurrent protection threshold is set by aresistor to ground from the OC_ADJ pin. A value of22k Ωwill result in an overcurrent threshold of 4.5 A.
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Product Folder Link(s): TAS5102 TAS5103