LHF40V06 11
Rev. 1.02
4.1 Read Array Command
Upon initial device power-up and after exit from deep
power-down mode, the device defaults to read array mode.
This operation is also initiated by writing the Read Array
command. The device remains enabled for reads until
another command is written. Once the internal WSM has
started a block erase or word/byte write, the device will
not recognize the Read Array command until the WSM
completes its operation unless the WSM is suspended via
an Erase Suspend or Word/Byte Write Suspend command.
The Read Array command functions independently of the
VPP voltage and RP# can be VIH or VHH.
4.2 Read Identifier Codes Command
The identifier code operation is initiated by writing the
Read Identifier Codes command. Following the command
write, read cycles from addresses shown in Figure 4
retrieve the manufacturer and device codes (see Table 5
for identifier code values). To terminate the operation,
write another valid command. Like the Read Array
command, the Read Identifier Codes command functions
independently of the VPP voltage and RP# can be VIH or
VHH. Following the Read Identifier Codes command, the
following information can be read:
Table 5. Identifier Codes
Code Address
Manufacture Code 00000H B0H
Device Code 00001H 58H
4.3 Read Status Register Command
The status register may be read to determine when a block
erase or word/byte write is complete and whether the
operation completed successfully. It may be read at any
time by writing the Read Status Register command. After
writing this command, all subsequent read operations
output data from the status register until another valid
command is written. The status register contents are
latched on the falling edge of OE# or CE#, whichever
occurs. OE# or CE# must toggle to VIH before further
reads to update the status register latch. The Read Status
Register command functions independently of the VPP
voltage. RP# can be VIH or VHH.
4.4 Clear Status Register Command
Status register bits SR.5, SR.4, SR.3 or SR.1 are set to
"1"s by the WSM and can only be reset by the Clear Status
Register command. These bits indicate various failure
conditions (see Table 7). By allowing system software to
reset these bits, several operations (such as cumulatively
erasing multiple blocks or writing several words/bytes in
sequence) may be performed. The status register may be
polled to determine if an error occurred during the
To clear the status register, the Clear Status Register
command (50H) is written. It functions independently of
the applied VPP Voltage. RP# can be VIH or VHH. This
command is not functional during block erase or
word/byte write suspend modes.
4.5 Block Erase Command
Erase is executed one block at a time and initiated by a
two-cycle command. A block erase setup is first written,
followed by an block erase confirm. This command
sequence requires appropriate sequencing and an address
within the block to be erased (erase changes all block data
to FFFFH). Block preconditioning, erase, and verify are
handled internally by the WSM (invisible to the system).
After the two-cycle block erase sequence is written, the
device automatically outputs status register data when read
(see Figure 5). The CPU can detect block erase completion
by analyzing the output data of the status register bit SR.7.
When the block erase is complete, status register bit SR.5
should be checked. If a block erase error is detected, the
status register should be cleared before system software
attempts corrective actions. The CUI remains in read
status register mode until a new command is issued.
This two-step command sequence of set-up followed by
execution ensures that block contents are not accidentally
erased. An invalid Block Erase command sequence will
result in both status register bits SR.4 and SR.5 being set
to "1". Also, reliable block erasure can only occur when
VCC=VCC1/2/3 and VPP=VPPH1/2/3. In the absence of this
high voltage, block contents are protected against erasure.
If block erase is attempted while VPP≤VPPLK, SR.3 and
SR.5 will be set to "1". Successful block erase for boot
blocks requires that the corresponding if set, that
RP#=VHH. If block erase is attempted to boot block when
the corresponding RP#=VIH, SR.1 and SR.5 will be set to
"1". Block erase operations with VIH<RP#<VHH produce
spurious results and should not be attempted.