Data Sheet May 1998 Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations FCO50S6R5 and FC150S6R5 Power Modules: dc-dc Converters; 18 to 36 Vdc Input, 6.5 Vdc Output; 50 W to 150 W Features a Wide input range a High efficiency: 84% typical a Parallel operation with load sharing a Low profile: 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) m Complete input and output filtering = Constant frequency Case ground pin Input-to-cutput isolation Remote sense The FCOSO0S6R5 and FC150S6R5 Power Modules use advanced, surface-mount technology and deliver high-quality, . ; compact, de-de conversion at an economical price. a Short-circuit protection Remote on/off Output overvoltage clamp UL* Recognized, CSAt Certified, TUV4 Licensed Applications Distributed and redundant power architectures uw Telecommunications Options = Output voltage set-point adjustment (trim) Description The FCOSOS6R5 and FC150S6R5 Power Modules are dc-dc converters that operate over an input voltage range of 18 Vdc to 36 Vdc and provide a precisely regulated dc output. The outputs are fully isolated from the inputs, allowing versatile polarity configurations and grounding connections. The modules have maximum power ratings from 50 W to 150 W at a typical full-load efficiency of 84%. Built-in filtering, for both the input and output of each device, eliminates the need for external filters. Two or more modules may be paralleled with forced load sharing for redundant or enhanced power applications. The package, which mounts on a printed-circuit board, accommodates a heat sink for high-temperature applications. * UL is a registered trademark of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. T CSAis a registered trademark of Canadian Standards Association. +7TUVisa registered trademark of Technischer Uberwachungs-Verein. Me 0050026 0033308 355Data Sheet FCO50S6R5 and FC150S6R5 Power Modules: May 1998 dc-dc Converters; 18 to 36 Vdc Input, 6.5 Vde Output; 50 W to 150 W Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. These are abso- lute stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess of those given in the operations sections of the data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods can adversely affect device reliability. Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Input Voltage (continuous) Vi _ 36 Vde I/O Isolation Voltage _ _ 500 Vv Operating Case Temperature Te 0 90 C (See Thermal Considerations section and Figure 16.) Storage Temperature Tstg 55 125 C Electrical Specifications Unless otherwise indicated, specifications apply over all operating input voltage, resistive load, and temperature conditions. Table 1. Input Specifications Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Operating Input Voltage Vi 18 28 36 Vde Maximum Input Current (Vi = 0 V to 36 V): FCO50S6R5 It, max _ _ 4 A FC150S6R5 li, max _ _ 12 A Inrush Transient *t 2.0 As Input Reflected-ripple Current, Peak-to-peak _ _ 40 _ mAp-p (5 Hz to 20 MHz, 12 WH source impedance; see Figure 7.) Input Ripple Rejection (120 Hz) _ 60 _ dB Fusing Considerations CAUTION: This power module is not internally fused. An input line fuse must always be used. This encapsulated power module can be used in a wide variety of applications, ranging from simple stand-alone operation to an integrated part of a sophisticated power architecture. To preserve maximum flexibility, internal fus- ing is not included; however, to achieve maximum safety and system protection, always use an input line fuse. The safety agencies require a normal-blow, dc fuse with a maximum rating of 15 A (see Safety Considerations section). Based on the information provided in this data sheet on inrush energy and maximum dc input current, the same type of fuse with a lower rating can be used. Refer to the fuse manufacturer's data for further information. 2 : Lucent Technologies Inc. @ 00500eb 0033309 221Data Sheet FCO50S6R5 and FC150S6R5 Power Modules: May 1998 dc-dc Converters; 18 to 36 Vdc Input, 6.5 Vdc Output; 50 W to 150 W Electrical Specifications (continued) Table 2. Output Specifications Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Output Voltage (Over all operating input voltage, resistive load, and temperature conditions until endof life; see Figure 8 and Feature Descriptions.) Vo 6.17 6.83 Vdc Output Voltage Set Point (Vi = 28 V; lo = lo, max; Tc = 25 C): Unit Operating in Parallel or PARALLEL Pin Shorted to SENSE(-) (See Figure 8 and Feature Descriptions.) PARALLEL Pin Open Vo, set Vo, set 6.37 6.37 6.63 6.76 Vde Vdc Output Regulation: Line (Vi = 18 V to 36 V) Load (lo = lo, min ta lo, max) Temperature (Tc = 0 C to 90 C) 0.05 0.2 10 0.2 0.4 50 % % mV Output Ripple and Noise Voltage (See Figure 4 and Figure 9.): RMS Peak-to-peak (5 Hz to 20 MHz) 50 100 mVrms mVp-p Output Current (At lo < lo, min, the modules may exceed output ripple specifications.): FCO50S6R5 FC150S6R5 7.7 23.1 A A Output Current-limit Inception (Vo = 5.85 V; see Figure 2 and Feature Descriptions.) 130 % 10, max Output Short-circuit Current (Vo = 250 mV; see Figure 2.) 135 170 % lo, max External Load Capacitance (electrolytic, total for one unit or multiple paralleled units): FCOS50S6R5 FC150S6R5 2200 5000 LF uF Efficiency (Vi = 28 V; lo = lo, max; Tc = 25 C; see Figure 3 and Figure 8.) 82 84 %o Dynamic Response (Alo/At = 1 A/10 ps, Vi = 28 V, Tc = 25 C; see Figure 5 and Figure 6.): Load Change from lo = 50% to 75% of lo, max: Peak Deviation Settling Time (Vo < 10% of peak deviation) Load Change from lo = 50% to 25% of lo, max: Peak Deviation Settling Time (Vo < 10% of peak deviation) 150 300 150 300 mV [is mV us Lucent Technologies Inc. M@ 00500eb 0033310 Tus myFCO50S6R5 and FC150S6R5 Power Modules: Data Sheet de-dc Converters; 18 to 36 Vdc Input, 6.5 Vdc Output; 50 W to 150 W May 1998 Electrical Specifications (continued) Table 3. Isolation Specifications Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Isolation Capacitance _ 1700 _ pF Isolation Resistance 10 _ _ MQ General Specifications Parameter Min | Typ | Max Unit Calculated MTBF (lo = 80% of lo, max; Tc = 40 C) 2,000,000 hours Weight | { 200(7) g (0z.) Feature Specifications Unless otherwise indicated, specifications apply over all operating input voltage, resistive load, and temperature conditions. See Feature Descriptions for further information. Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max _ Unit Remote On/Off Signal Interface (Vi = 0 V to 36 V; open collector or equivalent compatible; signal referenced to Vi() terminal; see Figure 10 and Feature Descriptions.): Logic LowModule On Logic HighModule Off Logic Low: At lon/off = 1.0 mA _ Voniott 0 _ 1.2 Vv At Von/oif = 0.0 V lon/ott _ _ 1.0 mA Logic High: At lon/off = 0.0 pA Vonvott _ 18 Vv Leakage Current lon/oft _ _ 50 pA Turn-on Time _ _ 5 10 ms (lo = 80% of lo, max; Vo within +1% of steady state) Output Voltage Adjustment (See Feature Descriptions.): Output Voltage Remote-sense Range _ _ _ 0.6 Vv Output Voltage Set-point Adjustment Range (trim) _ 90 _ 110 %Vo, nom Parallel Operation Load Sharing _ _ 20 % lo, max (See Feature Descriptions.) Output Overvoltage Clamp Vo, clamp 7.5 8.1 9.1 Vv 4 Lucent Technologies Inc. M@ 0050026 003331] 96T m@Data Sheet May 1998 Characteristic Curves FCOS50S6R5 and FC150S6R5 Power Modules: dc-dc Converters; 18 to 36 Vdc Input, 6.5 Vdc Output; 50 W to 150 W The following figures provide typical characteristics for the FC150S6R5 Power Module. The FCOS0S6R5 character- istics are similar to the FC150S6R5 characteristics provided here, scaled by power level where appropriate. INPUT CURRENT, hi (A) _ So 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 INPUT VOLTAGE, Vi (V) 8-2097(C) Figure 1. Typical FC150S6R5 Input Characteristics OUTPUT VOLTAGE, Vo (V) at Room Temperature OUTPUT CURRENT, Io (A) 8-1566(C) Figure 2. Typical FC150S6R5 Output Characteristics at Room Temperature and 28 V Input Lucent Technologies Inc. EFFICIENCY, n (%) 72 i | OUTPUT CURRENT, lo (A) 8-1567(C) Figure 3. Typical FC150S6R5 Efficiency vs. Output Current at Room Temperature M@ 0050026 0033312 615FCO50S6R5 and FC150S6R5 Power Modules: Data Sheet de-de Converters; 18 to 36 Vdc Input, 6.5 Vde Output; 50 W to 150 W May 1998 Characteristic Curves (continued) & t + o 4 + > + os + Fe t+ $ og \Le > +t a Nt = 2 + g + E + - + 2 4 = a 3 zt gs Se betes yee ee Ss 7s eee BE HHH TTT? TUT TTT op TTTe TTTT TYE rrr + 2B + 5 14.5 } +t a wis + 5 + ad + + 8a + + - t + a] + + a x o + + > t + t + + TIME, t (50 s/div) TIME, t (500 ns/div) 8-1870(C) 8-1568(C) Figure 6. Typical FC150S6R5 Transient Response Figure 4. Typical FC150S6R5 Output Ripple to Step Increase in Load from 50% to 75% Voltage at Room Temperature, 28 V Input, of Full Load at Room Temperature and and 23.1 A Output 28 V Input (Waveform Averaged to Eliminate Ripple Component.) = zt t 7 + ui x 8 f 2 oT $8 + ro + ~ t & + 2 + 0 ppt fSpss pips py veaatiaay ia Jp Ji Lijit s + 2 + 5 4115 \ t is cy + ez \ + o@ 58 x = t i) + a ke + > an oO + TIME, t (50 yis/div) 8-1569(C) Figure 5. Typical FC150S6R5 Transient Response to Step Decrease in Load from 50% to 25% of Full Load at Room Temperature and 28 V Input (Waveform Averaged to Eliminate Ripple Component.) 6 Lucent Technologies Inc. @ 0050026 0033313 752Data Sheet May 1998 FCO50S6R5 and FC150S6R5 Power Modules: dc-dc Converters; 18 to 36 Vdc Input, 6.5 Vdc Output; 50 W to 150 W Test Configurations TO OSCILLOSCOPE CURRENT PROBE 12 pH Cs 220 LF ESR <0.19 33 WF @ 20C, 100kHz ESR < ae) BATTERY = + @ 100 kHz @ Vi(-) 8-203(C).I Note: Measure input reflected-ripple current with a simulated source inductance (Lrest) of 12 wH. Capacitor Cs offsets possible bat- tery impedance. Measure current as shown above. Figure 7. Input Reflected-Ripple Test Setup PARALLEL e- SENSE(+) @ SENSE(-) e- 4 wee vo(+)t a = SUPPLY 7 lo LOAD Le Vi(-) _ CONTACT AND DISTRIBUTION LOSSES 8-683(C).c Note: All measurements are taken at the module terminals. When socketing, place Kelvin connections at module terminals to avoid measurement errors due to socket contact resistance. _ ([Vo(+) Vo(-)]lo n= ( [vi(t) = VI )x 100 Vo(-) CONTACT RESISTANCE Figure 8. Output Voltage and Efficiency Measurement Test Setup COPPER STRIP Vo(+) | @ 2. eo > RESISTIVE SF O1uF SCOPE = roaD Vo(-) | @ s- 8-513(C) Note: Use a 0.1 uF ceramic capacitor. Scope measurement should be made using a BNC socket. Position the load between 50 mm and 80 mim (2 in. and 3 in.) from the module. Figure 9. Peak-to-Peak Output Noise Measurement Test Setup Lucent Technologies Inc. @ 0050026 Design Considerations Input Source Impedance The power module should be connected to a low ac-impedance input source. Highly inductive source impedances can affect the stability of the power mod- ule. For the test configuration in Figure 7, a 33 uF electrolytic capacitor (ESR < 0.7 Q at 100 kHz) mounted close to the power module helps ensure sta- bility of the unit. For other highly inductive source impedances, consult the factory for further application guidelines. Safety Considerations For safety-agency approval of the system in which the power module is used, the power module must be installed in compliance with the spacing and separation requirements of the end-use safety agency standard, i.e., UL-1950, CSA 22.2-950, and ENG60950. For the converter output to be considered meeting the requirements of safety extra-low voltage (SELV}, the input must meet SELV requirements. If the input meets extra-low voltage (ELV) require- ments, then the converters output is considered ELV. The input to these units is to be provided with a maxi- mum 15 A normal-blow fuse in the ungrounded lead. Electrical Descriptions Current Limit To provide protection in a fault (output overload) condi- tion, the unit is equipped with internal current-limiting circuitry and can endure current limiting for an unlim- ited duration. At the point of current-limit inception, the unit shifts from voltage control to current control. If the output voltage is pulled very low during a severe fault, the current-limit circuit can exhibit either foldback or tailout characteristics (output-current decrease or increase). The unit operates normally once the output current is brought back into its specified range. 0033314 655 @FCO50S6R5 and FC150S6R5 Power Modules: dc-dc Converters; 18 to 36 Vdc Input, 6.5 Vdc Output; 50 W to 150 W Data Sheet May 1998 Feature Descriptions Remote On/Off To turn the power module on and off, the user must supply a switch to control the voltage between the on/off terminal and the Vi() terminal (Vorvott). The switch can be an open collector or equivalent (see Figure 10). A logic low is Vorvoff = 0 V to 1.2 V, during which the module is on. The maximum lonott during a logic low is 1 mA. The switch should maintain a logic-low voltage while sinking 1 mA. During a logic high, the maximum Von/off generated by the power module is 18 V. The maximum allowable leakage current of the switch at Vor/off = 18 V is 50 pA. If not using the remote on/off feature, short the ON/OFF pin to Vi(). PARALLEL e SENSE(+) SENSE) e cr CASE lon/oft = Vot+) | | Ne @ ON/OFF tN + on Von/ott @ Vi(+) f : _ Vo(-) | Le Vi(-) 8-580(C).b Figure 10. Remote On/Off Implementation Remote Sense Remote sense minimizes the effects of distribution losses by regulating the voltage at the remote-sense connections. For single-unit operation, the PARALLEL pin should be connected to SENSE(-). The voltage between the remote-sense pins and the output termi- nals must not exceed the output voltage sense range given in the Feature Specifications table, i.e.: [Vo(+) Vo()] [SENSE(+) - SENSE(-)] < 2.4 V The voltage between the Vo(+) and Vo(-) terminals must not exceed the minimum output overvoltage clamp value shown in the Feature Specifications table. This limit includes any increase in voltage due to remote-sense compensation and output voitage set- point adjustment (trim), see Figure 11. If not using the remote-sense feature to regulate the out- put at the point of load, connect SENSE(+) to Vo(+) and SENSE(-) to Vo(-) at the module. PARALLEL e SENSE(+) @ SENSE(-) oF it) Vote) H-ww = SUPPLY * lo LOAD a - -) Hays CONTACT peviey Vol Is CONTACT AND RESISTANCE DISTRIBUTION LOSSES 8-651(C).a Figure 11. Effective Circuit Configuration for Single-Module Remote-Sense Operation Output Voltage Set-Point Adjustment (Trim) When not using the trim feature, leave the TRIM pin open. Adjustment with TRIM Pin Output voltage adjustment allows the output voltage set point to be increased or decreased by adjusting an external resistor connected between the TRIM pin and either the SENSE(+) or SENSE(-) pins (see Figure 12 and Figure 13). Connecting the external resistor (Rtrim-up) between the TRIM and SENSE(-) pins (Vo, agj) increases the output voltage set point as defined in the following equation: Rrimup = (428 x 5.620 mee = Vo. ag 5 Connecting the external resistor (Rtrim-down) between the TRIM and SENSE(+) pins (Vo, adj) decreases the output voltage set point as defined in the following equation: ) ka (Vo, adj 1.25) x 5.620 5 ~ Vo, adj The voltage between the Vo(+) and Vo() terminals must not exceed the minimum output overvoltage clamp value shown in the Feature Specifications table. This limit includes any increase in voltage due to remote-sense compensation and output voltage set- point adjustment (trim), see Figure 11. Rtrim-down = [ ] kQ Lucent Technologies Inc. M@@ 00500eb6 0033315 525Data Sheet May 1998 FCO50S6R5 and FC150S6R5 Power Modules: dc-dc Converters; 18 to 36 Vdc Input, 6.5 Vde Output; 50 W to 150 W Feature Descriptions (continued) Output Voltage Set-Point Adjustment (Trim) (continued) Ririm-up TRIM e PARALLEL SENSE(+) e- SENSE(-) & levi(+) Vo(+) H = _ lo = SUPPLY | a LOAD TLwtew Vor) b CONTACT CONTACT AND RESISTANCE DISTRIBUTION LOSSES 8-717(C).c Figure 12. Circuit Configuration to Trim Up Output Voltage Rtrim-down TRIM PARALLEL SENSE(+) SENSE(-) bevi(s) Vot+) FP} ww = _ lo > = SUPPLY 4, LOAD = TL yytevy vor) 1} 0d CONTACT CONTACT AND RESISTANCE DISTRIBUTION LOSSES 8-718(C).c Figure 13. Circuit Configuration to Trim Down Output Voltage Adjustment Without TRIM Pin The output voltage can be adjusted by placing an external resistor (Raq) between the SENSE(+) and Vo(+) terminals (see Figure 14). By adjusting Ragj, the output voltage can be increased by 10% of the nominal output voltage. The equation below shows the resistance required to obtain the desired output voltage. Ragj = (Vo, adj Vo, nom) 944.3 Q PARALLEL e . Radj SENSE(+) e AN, SENSE(-) e- Le Vi(+) Vote) FY = SuPpPLy 7 J9 ~LoaD Tey _tevi-) Vo(-) f CONTACT CONTACT AND RESISTANCE DISTRIBUTION LOSSES 8-710(C).c Figure 14. Circuit Configuration to Adjust Output Voltage Lucent Technologies Inc. Forced Load Sharing (Parallel Operation) For either redundant operation or additional power requirements, the power modules can be configured for parallel operation with forced load sharing (see Figure 15). For a typical redundant configuration, Schottky diodes or an equivalent should be used to protect against short-circuit conditions. Because of the remote sense, the forward-voltage drops across the Schottky diodes do not affect the set point of the voltage applied to the load. For additional power requirements, where multiple units are used to develop combined power in excess of the rated maximum, the Schottky diodes are not needed. Good layout techniques should be observed for noise immunity. To implement forced load sharing, the follow- ing connections must be made: = The parallel pins of all units must be connected together. The paths of these connections should be as direct as possible. a All remote-sense pins should be connected to the power bus at the same point, i.e., connect all SENSE(+) pins to the (+) side of the power bus at the same point and all SENSE(-) pins to the (-) side of the power bus at the same point. Close proximity and directness are necessary for good noise immunity. When not using the parallel feature, short the PARALLEL pin to SENSE(-). PARALLEL 4 SENSE(+) SENSE(-)e _I fe CASE 71e ON/OFF e Vi(+) 0 Vi(-) Vot+) ++} 3 vot-)f AilIb PARALLEL + SENSE(+) SENSE(-} Vo(+) He Vo(-) f -e CASE # ON/OFF @ Vi(+) @ Vi(-) th 8-581(C) Figure 15. Wiring Configuration for Redundant Parallel Operation Mi 00500eb 0033316 4b)FCO50S6R5 and FC150S6R5 Power Modules: dc-dc Converters; 18 to 36 Vdc Input, 6.5 Vdc Output; 50 W to 150 W Data Sheet May 1998 Feature Descriptions (continued) Output Overvoltage Clamp The output overvoltage clamp consists of control cir- cuitry, independent of the primary regulation loop, that monitors the voltage on the output terminals. The con- trol loop of the clamp has a higher voltage set point than the primary loop (see Feature Specifications table). This provides a redundant voltage-control that reduces the risk of output overvoltage. Thermal Considerations Introduction The power modules operate in a variety of thermal environments; however, sufficient cooling should be provided to help ensure reliable operation of the unit. Heat-dissipating components inside the unit are ther- mally coupled to the case. Heat is removed by conduc- tion, convection, and radiation to the surrounding environment. Proper cooling can be verified by mea- suring the case temperature. Peak temperature occurs at the position indicated in Figure 16. MEASURE CASE 76 (8.0) /_ TEMPERATURE HERE 18 (0.7) 9 t Lucent ; TRIM @ v PARALLEL @ +e FC150S6R59 SENSE | DC-DC Power Module IN:DC 28V, 0.58 B-1304(C)} Figure 21. Resistance from Case-to-Sink and Sink- to-Ambient 12 For a managed interface using thermal grease or foils, a value of 6cs = 0.1 C/W to 0.3 C/W is typical. The solution for heat sink resistance is: (Tc-Ta) 6sa =| Pp |-ecs This equation assumes that all dissipated power must be shed by the heat sink. Depending on the user- defined application environment, a more accurate model, including heat transfer from the sides and bot- tom of the module, can be used. This equation provides a conservative estimate for such instances. Layout Considerations Copper paths must not be routed beneath the power module standoffs. Lucent Technologies Inc. @@ 00500eb 0033319 170Data Sheet FCO50S6R5 and FC150S6R5 Power Modules: May 1998 dc-dc Converters; 18 to 36 Vdc Input, 6.5 Vdc Output; 50 W to 150 W Outline Diagram Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches). Tolerances: x.x mm + 0.5 mm (x.xx in. + 0.02 in.), x.xx mm + 0.25 mm ( in. + 0.010 in.) Top View 5.3 121.9 (4.80) 7 1 - - @ Lucent TRIM @-< TRIM OPTION ONLY PARALLEL @ 52.83 FC150S6R59 sense (2.080) CASE DC-DC Power Module - E38) cuore IN:DC 28V, 6.5A OUT:DC 6.5V, 23.14 . BENIMIEIB 1sow out n NEA e- MADE IN USA + Protected by U. 6 5, 036,45: 452 5,179,365 Ca a) iss 63 (2.190) rl 55.63 (2. 100) o| \ FOR OPTIONAL HEAT SINK MOUNTING #4-40 THD 4.6 (0.18) DEEP 6 PLCS Side View 2 1.0 (0.04) } (0. rt t i rt NN 1.57 19.082) 0.05 (9.002) DIA Z (646) TIN-PLATED BRAS | 3.8 (0,15) TYP 12 PLCS TYP 8 PLCS Bottom View 4.3 (0.17) beg 119.54 (4.470) ___ _______ Py) 12.2 (0.48) t 2 (65800) 6588) 30 | 43300) 538, | | 00900000 9- Xt tem OPTION ONLY 8-719(C).v Lucent Technologies Inc. 13 M@ 0050026 0033320 45FCOSOS6R5 and FC150S6R5 Power Modules: dc-dc Converters; 18 to 36 Vdc Input, 6.5 Vde Output; 50 W to 150 W Data Sheet May 1998 Recommended Hole Pattern Component-side footprint. Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches). TRIM OPTION ONLY ! I ! 1 I TRIM -O- ~ PARALLEL -@+ - I el - | ! - I T wo SF dan G88 | CASE - 25.40 (7.200) } 10.16 +- oworF (i880) (1.000) | (0.400) tin _ | | } 1 12.2 soe! 1 (0.48) 0) ~ F 4.3 (0.17) 113.54 (4.470) 8-719(C).v Ordering Information This family of modules is not recommended for new designs. For new designs, we recommend the JFC family of power modules. Please refer to the Lucent Technologies Power Systems Selection Guide or to individual data sheets. For further assistance, call the Lucent Technologies Power Systems Technical Hotline (1-800-526-7819 or 972-284-2626). Optional TRIM pin is designated by the ending 9 in device code name. Voltage Voltage Power Trim Code | Comeode 28V 6.5V 50 W Yes FCO50S6R59 Not Available 28V 6.5 V 150 W Yes FC150S6R59 Not Available 28V 6.5V 50 W No FCOS50S6R5 106949837 28V 6.5V 150 W No FC150S6R5 106793987 14 M@ 00500e6 0033321 425 Lucent Technologies Inc.