(8E16 & 8E24)
Tolerance at 25°C:
±0.005%, ±0.01%, ±0.1%
Temperature Co-efficient:
±3ppm/°C typical over 0°C to +85°C
±5ppm maximum over –55°C to +125°C
Full Load Stability:
±35ppm/10,000hours ±50ppm/26,000 hours
No Load Stability:
±25ppm/10,000 hours
±35ppm/26,000 hours
Power Rating:
0.33 watt (+85°C) 0.25 watt (+110°C)
Maximum Continuous Working Voltage:
Up to 250V DC or peak as determined by PR
Noise: Thermal EMF:
Essentially non-measurable <0.4µV/°C typical <1.5µV/°C maximum
Encapsulation: Leads:
Moulded epoxy 22 AWG tinned copper
Balanced multiple π for low reactance. Exclusive ‘air cushion’ technique
provides virtually stressless elements for improved performance. Non-
inductively wound. Direction of winding reversed at half turns point.
◆±3ppm per degree Centigrade temperature co-efficient
◆Full load stability ±50ppm maximum after three years
◆Tolerance ±0.005%, ±0.01% and ±0.1%
◆Axial leads
◆From stock in 111 popular standard values; to order in
any value from 1 ohm to 1.1 Meg
Econistors are available in 111 standard values from 1Ω to 1MΩ
and in any “non-standard” values from 1Ω to 1.1MΩ. Three
tolerances are available; 0.1%, 0.01% and 0.005% (0.005%
available on values of 100Ω and above only). Type 8E16
includes all values below 700KΩ; values of 700KΩ and above
are type 8E24. The types are identical except dimensionally;
Type 8E16 is 12.7mm long, Type 8E24 is 19.05mm long. Both
are manufactured using all welded construction.
Stocked in ±0.1% and ±0.01% in listed values shown below
1Ω103.90 Ω† 194.07 Ω† 680 Ω∗ 4.7K * 27K * 180K
2Ω107.79 Ω† 200.00 Ω700 Ω5.0K 30K 200K
5 Ω 109.73 Ω† 212.02 Ω† 800 Ω5.6K * 33K * 250K
10 Ω 111.67 Ω†220.00 Ω∗ 820 Ω∗ 6.0Κ 39Κ 300Κ
20 Ω 115.54 Ω†229.67 Ω†900 Ω 6.8Κ ∗ 40Κ 320Κ ∗
30 Ω 119.40 Ω†247.04 Ω†1.0 Κ 7.0Κ 47Κ ∗ 400Κ
40 Ω 120.00 Ω 250 Ω 1.2 Κ∗ 8.0Κ 50Κ 500Κ
50 Ω 123.24 Ω†270 Ω∗ 1.5 Κ 8.2Κ ∗ 56Κ ∗ 990Κ
60 Ω 125.00 Ω†300 Ω 1.8 Κ∗ 9.0Κ 60Κ 1Μ
60.25 Ω†127.07 Ω†330 Ω∗ 2.0 Κ 9.9Κ 68Κ ∗
62.50 Ω∗ 130.89 Ω†350 Ω 2.2 Κ 10.0Κ 70Κ
70 Ω 134.70 Ω†390 Ω∗ 2.5 Κ 12.0Κ ∗ 80Κ
80 Ω 138.50 Ω 400 Ω 2.7 Κ∗ 15.0Κ ∗ 82Κ ∗
84.27 Ω†150.00 Ω∗ 470 Ω∗ 3.0 Κ 18.0Κ ∗ 90Κ
90 Ω 157.31 Ω†500 Ω 3.3 Κ∗ 20.0Κ 99Κ
92.16 Ω†175.84 Ω†560 Ω∗ 3.9 Κ∗ 22.0Κ ∗ 100Κ
100 Ω 180.00 Ω∗ 600 Ω 4.0 Κ 25.0Κ 160Κ ∗
Any non-listed
value from
Ω to 1.1MΩΩ
available to order
* Stocked in ±0.1% tolerance only. † Stocked in ±0.01% tolerance only.
A number of values listed are RTD simulation values. See page 6 for temperature equivalents.
Holland Road, Hurst Green, Oxted, Surrey, RH8 9AX, England
Tel: Oxted 01883717988 — Fax: Oxted 01883 712938
Outside UK Tel: +44 1883 717 988 — Fax: +44 1883 712 938
over full temperature range;
–55°C to +125°C