E32 Fiber sensor heads Precision detection fiber sensor heads Highest precision in design and manufacturing of the fibers and focal lenses ensure highest beam and spot accuracy allowing the detection of smallest objects and height differences of less than 100 m. * Coaxial fibers with focal lenses for spot diamters of 100 m * Through-beam models with highly focused beam and precise optical axis alignment * Limited reflective models for height difference detection of less than 100 m Ordering information Sensor type Preferred usage Size Precise thin object detection / dia 3 mm accurate positioning Key feature Sensing distance (in mm)*1 Order code - High precision optical axis adjustment - Very focused beam 1900 E32-T22S 890 E32-A03 2M 340 E32-A04 2M dia 2 mm Very small object detection easy t moun M6 - 300 E32-CC200 2M *2 M3 Spot dia 0.5 mm 20 E32-EC31 2M Spot dia 0.2 mm 17 E32-EC41 1M + E39-F3B Spot dia 0.1 mm 7 E32-EC41 1M + E39-F3A-5 dia 3 mm - 150 E32-D32L dia 2 mm - 75 E32-D32 2M *2 M6 - 90 cable exit - Hexagonal back 170 E32-C11N 2M 25 E32-C31N 2M Small spot 8-25 m adjustable E32-EC31 2M + E39-EF51 Spot dia 0.7 to 3 mm 10 to 30 mm E32-D32 2M + E39-F16 M3 dia 2 mm Spot dia 0.3 to 1.6 mm Precision height difference detection / flat surface detection Object detection in front of background *1 *2 16 E32-C42 1M + E39-F16 Spot dia 0.5 to 1 mm 6-15 mm adjustable E32-D32 2M + E39-F3A Spot dia 0.1 to 0.6 mm 6-15 mm adjustable E32-C42 1M + E39-F3A 23x20x9 mm - 35 E32-A09 2M 16x18x4 mm - 7.2 E32-L25L *2 20x20x5 mm - 3.3 E32-L25 18x20x4 mm Precise spot e.g. for detection of a flat / reflective surface 4 E32-L24L *2 34x25x8 mm High precision (detection accuracy 100 m) 2.4 E32-EL24-1 2M 20.5x14x3.8 mm Wide beam e.g. for object detection on a flat surface 15 E32-L16-N 2M Sensing distance measured with E3X-DA-SE-S family. Longer sensing distance up to 80% can be achieved with E3X-DA-S. A high flex cable version is available. Add 'R' to the order code, e.g. E32-CC200R E32 Fiber sensor heads Specifications Item Through-beam Diffuse reflective (coaxial) E32-T22S E32-A03 E32-A04 E32-C11N E32-C31N E32-CC200 Permissable bending radius R10 R1 R10 R4 R25 Cut to length Yes Material Head Brass-nickel plated Fiber PMMA Sheath PVC coating Stainless steel Brass-nickel plated Polyethylene coating R10 Brass nickel plated Brass-nickel plated and aluminium PVC, polyethylene and polyolefin coating IEC 60529 IP67 E32-L24L E32-L25L E32-L25 E32-L16 E32-A09 R25 Polycarbonate ABS Aluminium Polyethylene coating IEC 60529 IP50 IEC 60529 IP40 Fibers - special Degree of protection IEC 60529 IP67 IEC 60529 IP50 PVC coating Limited reflective E32-C42 E32-EL24-1 E32-D32/-D32L E32-EC31/-EC41 3 Receivers Transmitter Focused and high precision beam alignment during manufacturing. Models available with typical deviation of 0.1 for very precise detections Coaxial fibers provide an enhanced positioning and detection accuracy and allow the easy adjustment of the focal point using adjustable focal lenses Limited reflective fibers utilize the total reflection on shiny surfaces to detect height differences or objects at a pre-defined distance. 17 E32 Fiber sensor heads Special application fiber sensor heads For a wide range of special applications, the task optimised fiber heads provide best fitting sensing performance and adaption to environmental requirements. * Detection of special objects (liquids, labels on foils, etc.) * Fiber heads ideal for colour mark detection * Fiber heads optimised for special tasks (wafer mapping, flat glass, etc.) Size 36x24x8 mm Sensing distance (in mm) *1 10 Comment - Order code E32-G14 Wafer mapping dia 3 1900 - E32-T22S dia 3 1300 - E32-T24S dia 3 890 - E32-A03 2M dia 2 340 - E32-A04 2M dia 6 liquid contact Liquid level contact E32-D82F1 4M 15x23.5x5 mm tube contact Liquid level detection through transparent tube or container E32-D36T 2M 21x16.5x4 mm 20.5x14x3.8 mm 25x18x5 mm 36x18x5.5 mm 8 mm 15 mm 5 mm 18 mm Metal housing Plastic housing Heat resistant up to 300C E32-A10 2M E32-L16-N 2M E32-L64 2M E32-L66 2M Glass detection in wet processes 38.5x39x17.5 mm 8 to 20 (recommended: 11 mm) - Heat resistant up to 85C - Recommended usage with 'tough mode' of E3X-DA-S E32-L11FS 2M Label detection 20x20x5 mm 7.2 - E32-L25L 18x20x4 mm 34x25x8 mm 4 2.4 E32-L24L E32-EL24-1 2M M6 300 29x25.5x11.2 23x20x9 mm M3 55 35 20 - Very precise spot (detection accuracy 100 m) Recommended for standard colour and colour mark detection Recommended for challenging colour and colour mark detection Liquid level sensor Glass detection Glass detection in hot environment Colour/print mark detection *2 *1 *2 Recommended for very precise colour mark detection 3 Fork shape Sensor type Fibers - special Ordering information E32-CC200 2M E32-L15 2M E32-A09 2M E32-EC31 2M Sensing distance measured with E3X-DA-SE-S family. Longer sensing distance up to 80% can be achieved with E3X-DA-S. With amplifier E3X-DAC-S 19 E32 Fiber sensor heads Specifications Item E32-D82F1 E32-L11FS E32-G14 Permissable bending radius R40 R25 Cut to length Yes Material Head PFA Fiber E32-A09 E32-A10 E32-L15 E32-L16-N E32-CC200 E32-EC31 Aluminium ABS PAR PVC Brass-nickel plated Stainless steel PMMA Glass PVC, polyethylene and polyolefin coating Degree of protection IEC 60529 IP67 Item E32-EL24-1 Permissable bending radius R10 Cut to length Yes Material Head Brass-nickel Stainless steel plated and aluminium IEC 60529 IP40 IEC 60529 IP30 IEC 60529 IP50 IEC 60529 IP40 IEC 60529 IP67 E32-T24S PVC coating IEC 60529 IP67 In combination with the colour/mark detection amplifier E3X-DAC-S, the recommended fibers for colour/mark detection allow the detection of standard and challenging marks even for complex designs or with small contrast. 20 E32-L24L E32-L25L E32-D36T E32-A03 R4 R1 ABS Brass-nickel plated Polyethylene coating PVC coating Polyethylene coating IEC 60529 IP50 IEC 60529 IP67 IEC 60529 IP50 IEC 60529 IP67 Brass-nickel plated E32-A04 Stainless steel Stainless steel spiral coating IEC 60529 IP40 IEC 60529 IP50 E32-T22S PMMA Sheath Polyethylene coating Degree of protection E32-L64 No ABS Sheath Polyethylene coating Fiber E32-L66 PVC coating The limited reflective fiber heads for glass detection provide a stable detection of flat glass in standard, hot or wet environment. The shapes and materials are optimized to provide the best value - performance ratio depending on the requirements. For the detection of very small height differences like labels on foils in applications where space is crucial, the small sized limited reflective sensors provide accurate detection up to 100m resolution. Product dimensions E32-A10 E32-A03 20.5 3.2 Stamp (1 mm dia.) 4 6 25 10 4 4.3 17.6 11 3 dia. E39-L83 mounting bracket (SUS) Type indicated tube O3.3 6 45 8 16.5 3.2 10 2R1.6 7 2 Fiber attachment (E39-F9) Sensing head *1 2-optical fiber O2.2 *Material: brass/nickel plating 2 dia. Detecting head (ABS) 3.5 3.4 2000 (Standard length) 21 2,000 1.8 8.4 Two, R1.6 0.4 Sensing surface Optical axis 2-O3.2 2-O6.2 Counter Sinking E32-A03-1 E32-C11N 24.5 18.5 2,000 (standard length) Model display tube Optical fiber, 2.2 dia. Engraved mark: 1 dia. Two, 3.4 dia. 3.5 6.5 3 12.5 3 25 Fiber attachment (E39-F9) Sensing surface (45) 151, 0.0075 dia. (emitting fiber) Sixteen, 0.265 dia. (receiving fiber) Sensing head (brass/nickel plating) M6 x 0.75 18 13 3 10 10 *Material: brass/nickel plating Sensing head * 4 12 dia. 25 2,000 20.5 Stamp (1 mm dia.) Four, R1.35 10 Optical fiber: 1 dia. 10 8 E32-A04 10 1.5 2 dia. 6 4.5 Optical fiber: 1 dia. 1 3 dia. 2,000 Two, M6 nuts and washers provided. E32-C31N 2 dia. Fiber attachment (E39-F9) 2 1.2 dia. *Material: stainless steel (SUS303) (45) 0.5 dia. (emitting fiber) Model display tube 7 2.5 2 9 10 25 E32-C42 2.5 1.2 10 17 3.5 Optical axis Two, M2 Fiber attachment (E39-F9) 1.2 dia. 2 Sensing surface Two, M3 nuts and washers provided. 5 2,000 Optical fiber: 1 dia. 4 2 dia. 5.5 21 Installation (reference) surface 25 Note: The emitting fiber is indicated by a white line. 6.5 dia. 2 0.5 10 1 E32-A04-1 2,000 (standard length) Optical fiber, two, 1-dia. Sensing head (brass/nickel plating) M3 x 0.5 13.5 Sensing surface Four, 0.25-dia. (receiving fiber) 2.2 dia. Sensing head * 2 dia. 2 3.6 dia. 2 White markings: emission side (heat-shrinkable tube) Brancher (ABS resin) Optical fiber: Two fiber attachments Irraxtube: 2.6 dia. two, 1.2 dia. Sensing head: 2 dia.* 1 x 0.175 dia. (emission fiber) Sensing head * 3 dia. *Material: stainless steel (SUS303) 6 x 0.175 dia. (reception fibers) E32-A09, E32-A09H Optical axis 23 9 2,000 Lens: 5.8 dia. 12 7 15 2 (100) 22 (5) 10 25 1,000 *Material: stainless steel (SUS303) E32-CC200 Optical fiber: two, 2.2 dia. 8.9 20 15 Sixteen 0.25 dia. reception Emission fiber: fibers 1 dia. 2.5 dia. Two hexagonal nuts Two toothed washers Sensing head: M6 x 0.75* Optical fiber: two 2.2 dia. Two, 3.2 dia. mounting holes with 6 dia. countersinks Sensing head* *Material: aluminium 5.2 10 3 2.4 23 2,000 *Material: brass/nickel plating E32-A09H2 A Optical axis 9 5 28 13 Two, 3.24 dia. mounting holes with 6 dia. countersinks 2.8 dia. flexible tubes* 8.9 24 Lens: 5.8 dia. E32-D11, E32-D11U B 2,000 30 12 7 Sensing head *1 *2 Two, sixteen, 0.265 dia. Sensing head: M6 x 0.75* Two hexagonal nuts Two toothed washers Protective tube Optical fiber: two, 2.2 dia. 2.2 dia. 5 dia. 4 dia. *1. Material: stainless steel 5.2 10 2.4 17 15 2,000 *Material: brass/nickel plating 33