Document 130 -1 Base/Gate Driver Transformers * Lower cost than toroidal equivalents * Frequency range of 10 - 250 kHz and up * Industry standard pin centers * 3750 Vrms, one minute isolation between windings * UL1446 Class B (130C) Insulation System (UL File E83628) Coilcraft Designer's Kit No. P404 contains samples of four standard driver transformers. To order, contact Coilcraft or visit to purchase on-line. Turns ratio 3% (pri :sec) Primary winding Inductance (min)1 Leakage inductance (max)1 DCR Volt-time product SD250-1L 1:1 SD250-2L 1 : 1.5 SD250-3L 1:1:1 SD250-4L 1 : 1.5 : 1.5 1.5 mH 4.0 H 0.4 375 V-sec 1.5 mH 4.0 H 0.4 375 V-sec 1.5 mH 4.0 H 0.4 375 V-sec 1.5 mH 4.0 H 0.4 375 V-sec 50 pF 0.75 50 pF 2.5 50 pF 0.75 50 pF 2.5 Secondary winding(s) Capacitance, pri to sec (max) DCR, each section (max) SD250-1 and 250-2 SD250-3 and 250-4 7 Sec 1 1 Pri (drive) 6 10 5 Sec 2 9 Recommended board layout 1 0.75 19,05 5 1.10 max 27,94 0.395 max 10,03 10 0.032 dia ref 0,813 9 7 6 1.10 max 27,94 1 0.62 0.015 15,75 0,38 6 Weight: Termination: Packaging: 6 5 0.950 max 24,13 0.15 0.030 3,81 0,762 Sec 5 1. Measured at 1 Vrms, 15.75 kHz. 2. Operating temperature range -40C to +85C. 3. Electrical specifications at 25C. Notch indicates pin 1 10 1 Pri (drive) 0.20 5,08 7 9 10 0.044 dia 1,12 0.40 10,16 0.80 20,32 Pins 7 and 9 are not present on SD250-1 and SD250-2 15.6 - 16.8 g Tin-silver over tin over copper 49 per tray US +1-847-639-6400 UK +44-1236-730595 Taiwan +886-2-2264 3646 China +86-21-6218 8074 Singapore + 65-6484 8412 Document 130-1 Revised 04/20/12 (c) Coilcraft Inc. 2012 This product may not be used in medical of high risk applications without prior Coilcraft approval. Specification subject to change without notice. Please check out web site for latest information. Document 130-2 Custom Version Specifications In addition to the standard base/gate driver transformers shown here, Coilcraft can provide custom versions to meet your specifications. Our two basic structures are the 0.95 high part shown and a 1.20 high version. Both are available with either single or double sections. Turns Per Layer vs Wire Size* 36 ns 34 500 20 40 60 80 100 120 NP (turns) 140 160 * Applies to both double and single section bobbins. s bb i D n io se ct 28 le 5 0.9 bb bo e bl ou b 26 ng 1000 h hig 30 t ec Si 20 1500 ins Wire size (AWG heavy insulation) ns bo bb i h ig h 2000 n io 32 bo 2500 bi ob ns 3000 1. E-T (Volt-microseconds) Volt-Time vs Primary Turns* 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 20 50 100 Nl (turns/layer) * Applies to both 0.95 and 1.20 high bobbins. Please use the information below to determine the performance characteristics available. Core Initial permeability Ae (core cross-sectional area) le (mean magnetic path length) 0.95 high bobbins 2000 0.40 cm2 4.90 cm Bobbin Material Number of terminals available Number of wiring sections available 1.20 high bobbins 2000 0.80 cm2 4.80 cm UL94V-0, 130C 10 1 or 2 US +1-847-639-6400 UK +44-1236-730595 Taiwan +886-2-2264 3646 China +86-21-6218 8074 Singapore + 65-6484 8412 10 1 or 2 Document 130-2 Revised 04/20/12 (c) Coilcraft Inc. 2012 This product may not be used in medical of high risk applications without prior Coilcraft approval. Specification subject to change without notice. Please check out web site for latest information.