Specification : TS-S03D132C March, 2005 Technical Specification for Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP) SCP69C4-GL-#N-xx (No Diagnostic Monitoring) SCP6EC4-GL-#N-xx (Diagnostic Monitoring with External Calibration) 155.52M bp s 622.08M bps Short H aul Long H a ul Interm edia te R each Long R each Single 5.0 V Up to 1.25Gbps Multi Rate other ________ ____ other Link Budget 30dB ________ ____ Single 3.3 V other ________ ____ 1.3 m 1.55 m other CWDM (APD) ________ ____ W / D iagnostic M onitor W /O D iagnos tic M onitor Applicable Part Numbers : SCP69C4-GL-AN-xx, SCP69C4-GL-BN-xx, SCP69C4-GL-CN-xx, SCP69C4-GL-XN-xx, SCP69C4-GL-YN-xx, SCP69C4-GL-ZN-xx SCP6EC4-GL-AN-xx, SCP6EC4-GL-BN-xx, SCP6EC4-GL-CN-xx, SCP6EC4-GL-XN-xx, SCP6EC4-GL-YN-xx, SCP6EC4-GL-ZN-xx xx:Wavelength 27: 1270nm, 29: 1290nm, 31: 1310nm, 33: 1330nm, 35: 1350nm, 37: 1370nm, 39: 1390nm, 41: 1410nm, 43: 1430nm, 45: 1450nm, 47: 1470nm, 49: 1490nm, 51: 1510nm, 53: 1530nm 55: 1550nm, 57: 1570nm, 59: 1590nm, 61: 1610nm Sumitomo Electric reserves the right to make changes in this specification without prior notice. Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. and ExceLight Communications, Inc., have been granted license to the following patents under a license agreement with Finisar Corporation: US 5,019,769, US 6,439,918 B1 #Safety Precaution Symbols This specification uses various picture symbols to prevent possible injury to operator or other persons or damage to properties for appropriate use of the product. The symbols and definitions are as shown below. Be sure to be familiar with these symbols before reading this specification. Warning Caution Wrong operation without following this instruction may lead to human death or serious injury. Wrong operation without following this instruction may lead to human injury or property damage. Example of picture symbols indicates prohibition of actions. Action details are explained thereafter. indicates compulsory actions or instructions. Action details are explained thereafter. (SCP69C4 / 6EC4-GL) - 1 / 21 - Specification : TS-S03D132C March, 2005 1. General Features and applications of SCP69C4-GL and SCP6EC4-GL are listed below. Features * Eighteen wavelengths CWDM Transceivers * Uncooled CWDM rated DFB laser transmitter * Compliant with SFP MSA. * SFF-8472 rev9 compliant diagnostic monitoring implemented.(SCP6EC4-GL-#N-xx) * Multiple Bit Rate Operation Up to 1.25Gbps * Power Supply voltage Single 3.3V * Compact package size 56.5 x 13.7 x 8.6mm * Electrical Interface AC coupled for DATA, LVTTL for Tx Disable and open collector output for LOS and Tx Fault. Circuit ground is internally isolated from frame ground. * Fiber Coupled Power 0 to +5dBm * Input Power Range -30 to -8dBm * Link budget 30dB * Dispersion Penalty Max. 3dB Applications * Switch to Switch interface * Switch backbone applications * High speed interface for file server 2. Block Diagram SFP MODULE Monitor PIN PD HOST BOARD TD+ LD Laser Driver 100 TD- VccT VccT 4.7 k 4.7k to 10k TX Disable Automatic Power Control Circuit TX Fault (A) Transmitter VccR DC-DC Converter VccR APD Bias Control Circuit 4.7k to 10k LOS Comparator APD RD+ Pre - Amp. Post Amp. * Temperature * Supply Voltage * Tx Bias Current * Tx Output Power * Rx Received Power 100 RD- (B) Receiver VccT Diagnostic Monitor MOD- DEF (0) EEPROM 4.7k to 10k MOD- DEF (1) MOD- DEF (2) 100 (C) EEPROM Figure 1. Block Diagram (Diagnostic Monitor is incorporated for SCP6EC4-GL-#N-xx only.) Caution Do not disassemble this product. Otherwise, failure, electrical shock, overheating or fire may occur. (SCP69C4 / 6EC4-GL) - 2 / 21 - Specification : TS-S03D132C March, 2005 3. Package Dimensions All dimensions are in mm. 3.1 SCP6#C4-GL- N-xx ( MSA Standard Actuator Type ) X,Y,Z 3.2 SCP6#C4-GL- N-xx ( Bail Actuator Type ) A,B,C * Recommended Cage and Connector -Top EMI Cage 1367035-1( Tyco/Electronics:1308292--AMP-04/00 ) -Bottom EMI Cage 1367034-1( Tyco/Electronics:1308292--AMP-04/00 ) -Host Connector 1367073-1( Tyco/Electronics:1308292--AMP-04/00 ) Please refer to their latest specifications. Figure 2. Outline Dimensions (SCP69C4 / 6EC4-GL) - 3 / 21 - Specification : TS-S03D132C March, 2005 4. Pin Assignment T ow ards B ez el 1 VeeT 2 T XF a u l t 3 T X D is a b le 4 M O D -D E F (2 ) 5 M O D -D E F (1 ) 6 M O D -D E F (0 ) 7 NUC 8 LOS 9 VeeR 10 VeeR VeeT 20 TD- 19 TD+ 18 VeeT 17 VccT 16 VccR 15 VeeR 14 RD+ 13 RD- 12 VeeR 11 T ow ards A S IC Figure 3. Diagram of Host Board Connector Block Pin Numbers and Names Pin Num. Name 1 2 VeeT TX Fault 3 Plug Seq. Function 1 3 TX Disable Transmitter Ground Transmitter Fault Indication Transmitter Disable 4 5 6 7 MOD-DEF2 MOD-DEF1 MOD-DEF0 NUC Module Definition 2 Module Definition 1 Module Definition 0 NUC 3 3 3 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 LOS VeeR VeeR VeeR RDRD+ VeeR VccR VccT VeeT TD+ TDVeeT Loss of Signal Receiver Ground Receiver Ground Receiver Ground Inv. Receiver Data Out Receiver Data Out Receiver Ground Receiver Power Transmitter Power Transmitter Ground Transmitter Data In Inv. Transmitter Data In Transmitter Ground 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 3 Notes Note 1 Note 2 Module disables on high or open Note 3, 2 wire serial ID and Interface Note 3, 2 wire serial ID and Interface Note 3 Grounded internally via 100 No User Connection, reserved for future function. Note 4 Note 5 Note 5 3.3V 5% 3.3V 5% Note 6 Note 6 Plug Seq.: Pin engagement sequence during hot plugging. (SCP69C4 / 6EC4-GL) - 4 / 21 - Specification : TS-S03D132C March, 2005 Note 1) Tx Fault is an open collector output that shall be pulled up with a 4.7k - 10k resistor on the host board. Pull up voltage between 2.0V and VccT+0.3V. When high, output indicates a laser fault of some kind. Low indicates normal operation. Tx Fault is asserted when bias current of laser exceeds the factory-calibrated threshold level. 2) Tx Disable is an input that is used to shut down the transmitter optical output. It is pulled up within the module with a 4.7k resistor. 3) Mod-Def 0,1,2. These are the module definition pins. They should be pulled up with a 4.7k - 10k resistor on the host board. The pull-up voltage shall be VccT. Mod-Def 0 indicates that the module is present Mod-Def 1 is the clock line of two wire serial interface for serial ID Mod-Def 2 is the data line of two wire serial interface for serial ID 4) LOS (Loss of Signal) is an open collector output that shall be pulled up with a 4.7k - 10k resistor. Pull up voltage between 2.0V and VccR+0.3V. Low indicates normal operation. 5) RD-/+: These are the differential receiver outputs. They are AC coupled 100 differential lines which should be terminated with 100 (differential) at the user SERDES. The AC coupling is done inside the module and is thus not required on the host board. 6) TD-/+: These are the differential transmitter inputs. They are AC-coupled, differential lines with 100 differential termination inside the module. The AC coupling is done inside the module and is thus not required on the host board. Figure 4. SFP Host Board Mechanical Layout (SCP69C4 / 6EC4-GL) - 5 / 21 - Specification : TS-S03D132C March, 2005 PIN 1 PIN 20 PIN 10 PIN 11 Figure 5. SFP Host Board Mechanical Layout (Cont.) Figure 6. Recommended Bezel Design (SCP69C4 / 6EC4-GL) - 6 / 21 - Specification : TS-S03D132C March, 2005 5. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Storage Ambient Temperature Operating Case Temperature Optical Input Level Supply Voltage Input Voltage Dif ferential Input Voltage Sw ing (TD+,TD-) Symbol Ts Tc Pin VccT,R Vi Vin Min. -40 -5 Typ. - -0.3 0 - Max. 85 70 -5 4.0 VccT,R+0.3 2.5 Unit C C dBm V V Vp-p Note 1 2 N otes 1. N o condensation allowed. 2: For MOD E-D EF (1:2) Warning Use the product with the rated voltage described in the specification. If the voltage exceeds the maximum rating, overheating or fire may occur. Caution Do not store the product in the area where temperature exceeds the maximum rating, where there is too much moisture or dampness, where there is acid gas or corrosive gas, or other extreme conditions. Otherwise, failure, overheating or fire may occur. 6. Electrical Interface ( Unless otherwise specified, VccT,R = 3.135 to 3.465 V and all operating temperature shall apply. ) 6-1. Operating Characteristics Parameter Symbol Supply Voltage VccT,R Pow er Dissipation Pw Note 1. 1250Mbps, PRBS2 7-1, NRZ, 50% duty cycle data. Min. 3.135 Typ. 3.30 Max. 3.465 1200 Unit V mW Note Unit Vp-p V V V V mA Note 1 1 6-2. Transmitter side Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Differential Input Voltage Swing (TD+,TD-) Vin 0.5 2.4 Input Differential Impedance Zin 80 100 120 Tx Fault Fault VfaultH 2.0 VccT+0.3 Normal VfaultL 0 0.8 Tx Disable Disable Vdi 2.0 VccT+0.3 Enable Vei 0 0.8 Tdis Input Current High lds -1 50 Notes 1. Refer to Figure 7. 2. Tx Fault is pulled up to VccT with a 4.7k-10k resistor on the host board. W hen high, output indicates a laser fault of some kind. Low indicates normal operation. 3. Refer to Ordering Information (P.15) about Tx Fault and Tx Shutdown behavior. 4. Sink Current : 1mA 5. Tx Disable input is internally terminated to VccT via 4.7 k resistor. If pin3 is left open, Tx is disable. 2, 3 2, 3, 4 5 6-3. Receiver side Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Dif ferential Output Voltage Sw ing (RD+,RD-) Vout 0.5 1.2 LOS High Vloh 2.0 VccR+0.3 Output Voltage Low Vlol 0 0.8 Data Rise / Fall Time tr / tf 240 Notes 1. Vcc=+3.3V +/-5%, Output load resistance Rdif =100. Ref er to Figure1-(B). Refer to Figure7. about definition of diff erential sw ing. 2. LOS is pulled up to VccR w ith a 4.7k - 10k resistor on the host board. Low indicates normal operation. 3. Sink Current : 1mA 4. 20 to 80%, 1250Mbps, PRBS 2^7-1, NRZ, 50% duty cycle data. Unit Vp-p V V psec Note 1 2 2, 3 4 B i a s V o lt a g e Figure 7. Definition of Differential In p u t / O u tp u t V o l ta g e S w i n g ( V s w i n g ) D if fe r e n t ia l In p u t / O u t p u t V o lt a g e S w i n g ( V in / V o u t) = 2 X V s w in g (SCP69C4 / 6EC4-GL) - 7 / 21 - Input / Output Voltage Swing Specification : TS-S03D132C March, 2005 6-4. Module Definition Symbol Min. Max. Unit MOD_DEF(1:2) Parameter High Vih 0.7VccT Typ. VccT+0.3 V Input Voltage MOD_DEF(2) Output Voltage Low High Low Vil Voh Vol1 0 2.0 0 0.3VccT VccT 0.4 V V V Note 1 1 1, 2 Notes 1. They shall be pulled up to VccT with a 4.7k - 10k resistor on the host board. 2. Sink Current : 3mA 7. Optical Interface Parameter Bit Rate Range Average Output Power (Enable) Average Output Power (Disable) Extinction Ratio Symbol Po Pdis Er c (27) c (29) c (31) c (33) c (35) c (37) c (39) c (41) c (43) c (45) c (47) c (49) c (51) c (53) c (55) c (57) c (59) c (61) Center Wavelength Min. Typ Max. Units 0.1 1.25 Gbps 0 5 dBm -45 dBm 9.0 dB 1264.5 1270 1277.5 nm 1284.5 1290 1297.5 nm 1304.5 1310 1317.5 nm 1324.5 1330 1337.5 nm 1344.5 1350 1357.5 nm 1364.5 1370 1377.5 nm 1384.5 1390 1397.5 nm 1404.5 1410 1417.5 nm 1424.5 1430 1437.5 nm 1444.5 1450 1457.5 nm 1464.5 1470 1477.5 nm 1484.5 1490 1497.5 nm 1504.5 1510 1517.5 nm 1524.5 1530 1537.5 nm 1544.5 1550 1557.5 nm 1564.5 1570 1577.5 nm 1584.5 1590 1597.5 nm 1604.5 1610 1617.5 nm 1 nm 30 dB Compliant with Eye Mask Defined in IEEE 802.3 standard 227.0 ps 260 ps 3.0 dB Spectral width Side Mode Suppression Ratio Eye Mask for Optical Output TjpkT Transmitter Jitter (peak to peak) Optical Rise / Fall Time tr / tf Dispersion Penalty Dp Notes 1. Measured at 1250Mbps, PRBS 2^7-1, 50% duty cycle, NRZ. 2. TP2 refers to the compliance point specified in IEEE802.3, section 38.2.1. 3. These are unfiltered 20-80% values. 4. Maximum dispersion values correspond to the approximate worst-case dispersion (to 2000ps/nm) at 1610nm. Notes 1 1, 2 3 4 N o r m a lize d T im e (U n it In te rv a l) 0.22 0.375 0.625 0.78 1.0 130 1.30 100 1.00 80 0.80 50 0.50 20 0.20 0 Nor malized Am plitude Nor malized Am plitude (% ) 0 0.0 -2 0 -0 . 2 0 0 22 37.5 62.5 78 N o r m a lize d T im e (% o f U n it In te rv a l) 100 Figure 8. Eye Diagram Mask for Optical Output ( IEEE 802.3 ) Warning Do not look at the laser beam projection area (e.g. end of optical connector) with naked eyes or through optical equipment while the power is supplied to this product. Otherwise, your eyes may be injured. (SCP69C4 / 6EC4-GL) - 8 / 21 - Specification : TS-S03D132C March, 2005 7-2. Receiver side Parameter Symbol Min. Typ Max Bit Rate Range 0.1 1.25 Center Wavelength 1260 1620 Minimum Sensitivity (EOL) Pmin -30.0 Overload Pmax -8.0 -45.0 -31.3 LOS Activ ation Level PLa LOS Deactivation Level PLd -44.7 -31.0 LOS Hysteresis Phys 0.3 6.0 Reflectance REFr -37.0 -27.0 Notes 1. BER = 10^-12 2. Worst case extinction ratio. Measured at 1.25Gbps, PRBS 2 7-1 test pattern, NRZ, EOL (SCP69C4 / 6EC4-GL) - 9 / 21 - Units Gbps nm dBm dBm dBm dBm dB dB Notes 1,2 1,2 2 Specification : TS-S03D132C March, 2005 7-3. Transceiver Timing Characteristics Parameter Tx Disable Assert Time Tx Disable Negate Time Time to Initialize Tx Fault Assert Time Tx Disable to Reset LOS Assert Time LOS Deassert Time Serial ID Clock Rate Symbol t_off t_on t_init t_fault t_reset t_loss_on t_loss_off f_serial_clock Min. Typ. 10 2.3 Max. 10 1 300 100 100 100 100 Unit us ms ms us us us us kHz Note 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Notes 1. Time from rising edge of TX Disable to when the optical output falls below 10% of nominal. 2. Time from falling edge of TX Disable to when the modulated optical output rises above 90% of nominal. 3. From power on. 4. Time from fault to TX fault on. 5. Time Tx Disable must be held high to reset TX_fault. 6. Time from LOS state to RX LOS assert. 7. Time from non-LOS state to RX LOS deassert. Vcc>3.15V TX_FAULT TX_FAULT TX_DISABLE TX_DISABL E Transmitted Signal t_off Transmitted Signal t_on t_init TX_DISABLE timing during normal operation. Power on initialization of SFP transceiver, TX_DISABLE negated Vcc >3.15V VccT >3.15V TX_FAULT TX_FAULT TX_DISABLE TX_DISABLE Transmitted Signal Transmitted Signal Insertion t_init t_init Example of initialization during hot plugging, TX_DISABLE negated Power on initialization of SFP,TX_DISABLE asserted Occurrence of Fault Occurrence of Fault TX_FAULT TX_FAULT TX_DISABLE TX_DISABLE Transmitted Signal t_fault t_re set Detection of transmitter safety fault condition t_init SFP shall clear TX_ FAULT in