Pitch (Pin to Pin)
(Pin to Pin)
Row to Row
(see table for
standard sizes)
Example Part Number: PLF18A056-141TG
Table of Models
Description: Standard Body (PS or PD)
Material: FR-4 Fiberglass Epoxy Board
Index: -40°C to 140°C (-40°F to 284°F)
Description: Recessed Body (PR or PL)
Material: FR-4 Fiberglass Epoxy Board
Index: -40°C to 140°C (-40°F to 284°F)
PGA Sockets
5 Energy Way, West Warwick, RI 02893 USA
Tel: 800.424.9850 | 401.823.5200
Fax: 401.823.8723
info@advanced.com | www.advanced.com
CAT16-PREVIEW06 Rev. 1/06
Products shown covered by patents issued and/or pending. Specifications subject to change without notice.
ProteksionTM Image Sensor Sockets
.024 Dia.
.072 Dia.
Hole Depth
.042 Dia.
.018 Dia.
.015 Dia.
.042 Dia.
Standard Terminals
Type -01 Type -217 Type -141 Type -346
.020 Dia.
.072 Dia.
.062 Dia.
.020 Dia.
.024 Dia.
.072 Dia.
Type -385 Type -674
Number of Positions
Total number of pins
per socket
PS F 04 A 056 - 141 T G
Pitch (Pin to Pin)
A = .100/(2.54mm)
B = .070/(1.78mm) [dual row models only]
C = .050/(1.27mm) [dual row models only]
Terminal Type
Row to Row Spacing Code
See table
Body Type
F - FR-4
See options
Model Type
RoHS Compliant Insulators:
PS - Dual Row Standard
PR - Dual Row Recessed
PD - Quad Row Standard
PL - Quad Row Recessed
Contact Plating
Terminal Plating
RoHS Compliant:
G - Gold
M - Matte Tin
T - Tin/Lead
RoHS Compliant:
G - Gold
T - Tin/Lead
•Protect sensor performance and
eliminate chance for damage by
inserting after reflow soldering
•Low, medium and high insertion
force contacts available.
•Custom designs available
including custom footprints and
molded or Peel-A-Way®insulators.
How To Order
Note: Terminals plated with Matte Tin are available only with Gold plated contacts.
Visit our web site for footprint specific image sensor sockets.
Brass - Copper Alloy
(C36000) ASTM-B-16
Beryllium Copper
(C17200) ASTM-B-194
G - Gold over Nickel
M - Matte Tin over Nickel
T - Tin/Lead over Nickel
Gold per MIL-G-45204
Matte Tin per ASTM545-97
Tin/Lead per MIL-P-81728
Nickel per QQ-N-290
Code inchmmm
01 0.300 7.62
02 0.400 10.16
03 0.450 11.43
04 0.600 15.24
05 0.610 15.49
06 0.700 17.78
07 0.800 20.32
08 0.802 20.37
09 0.880 22.35
10 0.900 22.86
11 0.910 23.11
12 1.005 25.53
13 1.010 25.65
14 1.200 30.48
15 1.300 33.02
16 1.320 33.53
17 1.400 35.56
18 1.410 35.81
19 1.520 38.61
20 1.700 43.18
21 1.800 45.72
22 2.000 50.80
23 2.010 51.05
24 2.600 66.04
.100/(2.54mm) Pitch
1.78mm and 1.27mm Pitch
Additional standard and custom terminals available.
See Terminals section online or consult factory.
Row to Row Spacing