Gamme ARF18 UG V1.5
ERASE operation for a chosen relay
(see below the restrictions for 8/24 key remote controls)
With command and selection inputs With AT commands
1/ Select «Erase» mode by setting the Erase input to
2/ Make sure that «Global» and «Add/Remove» are
not enabled.
3/ Select the output for which the associations need to
be erased by setting «Sel0» and «Sel1».
4/ Press the key on any remote control to carry out the
5/ Exit «Erase» mode by setting the Erase input to
1/ Enter one of the following AT commands:
ATS801=1 to choose output 1
ATS802=1 to choose output 2
ATS803=1 to choose output 3
ATS804=1 to choose output 4
2/ Press the key on any remote control to carry out the
3/ Exit «Erase» mode by setting the ATS80x register
used to «0».
Result of the operation:
• The output chosen can no longer be activated by any remote-control. The LED ashes twice.
6.3. ADD / REMOVE and ERASE operation: RESTRICTIONS FOR 8/24 key remote controls
The use of the ADD/REMOVE or ERASE functions for a chosen output, mixing remote controls with 4 keys (keys
1 to 4) and key numbers greater than 4 (keys 5 to 24):
• An ADD operation for a chosen relay with a key greater than or equal to 5 will be seen as a global addition
(for example, key 5 will be associated with relay 1, key 6 will be associated with relay 2, key 7 will be asso-
ciated with relay 3, key 8 will be associated with relay 4).
• A REMOVE operation for a chosen relay will lead to global removal if recording has been carried out for a
key greater than or equal to 5 (for example, if key 5 is associated with relay 1, key 6 with relay 2, key 7 with
relay 3, and key 8 with relay 4, ALL the associations will be removed).
• An ERASE operation for a chosen relay will lead to a global erase if recording has been carried out for a key
greater than or equal to 5 (for example, if key 5 is associated with relay 1, key 6 with relay 2, key 7 with relay
3, and key 8 with relay 4, ALL the associations will be erased).
Global ADD/REMOVE operation
With command and selection inputs With AT commands
1/ Select «Add/Remove» mode by setting the Add/
Remove input to «0».
2/ Make sure that the «Global» input is set to «0» and
that the «Erase» input is disabled.
3/ Press any key on the remote control.
4/ Exit «Add/Remove» mode by setting the Add/
Remove input to «1».
1/ Enter the following AT command:
ATS805=2 in order to select Add/Remove in global
2/ Press a key on the remote control that needs to
added to or removed from the receiver.
3/ Exit «Add/Remove» mode by setting the register
used to «0». ATS805=0.
Two results are possible with this operation:
• Previously, this remote control controlled at least one of the receiver’s digital outputs: all the links
between this remote control and the outputs are removed. The LED ashes twice.
• Previously, this remote control did not control any of the receiver’s digital outputs: the following
links are created in the receiver’s database for this remote control: key 1 controls output 1, key 2
controls output 2, key 3 controls output 3, key 4 controls output 4. The LED ashes once.