LSI Logic DVxcel™MPEG-2 Video Codec
Video Standards NTSC, PAL, ITU-R BT.656
Input Dithering 10-bit
Output Single-stream at 27 MHz
MPEG-2 Resolutions Horizontal: 720, 704, 544, 480, 352
Vertical: 480 (NTSC), 576 (PAL)
Encoding ML@MP, VBR and CBR
GOP Structure I, IP, or IBP
Bit Rate 1.8 to 10 Mbps
System Program Stream multiplexing of video Elementary Stream with audio
Elementary Stream (DVD-VR compliant)
Audio Ports Four stereo input, four stereo output
Interface Serial interface to IDS devices
Format 16-, 24-, or 32-bit at 32, 44.1, or 48 kHz
System Host Interface Flexible host interface with I-Mode, M-Mode, Wait, and DTACK
Access Transfer 16-bit or 32-bit PIO
16-bit or 32-bit target DMA
Three, 8-bit hardware-controlled bitstream ports
Memory Configuration 8 Mbytes of external SDRAM
Controller On-chip, 64-bit-wide SDRAM interface
Peak Bandwidth 880 Mbyte/s
Physical Input Voltages 3.3 V I/O, 2.0 V Core
System Clock 110 MHz
Packaging 308-pin Ball Grid Array
Operating Power < 1.8 W @ VDDQ = 2.0 V typical
JTAG Compliance IEEE 1149.1 compliance for boundary scan testing
For more information please call:
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Fax: 886-22-517-4937
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Copyright ©2001 by LSI Logic Corporation.
All rights reserved.
Order No. I20079
1201.1K.JG.IK - Printed in USA