GaAlAs-Infrarot-Lumineszenzdiode (880 nm) GaAlAs Infrared Emitting Diode (880 nm) F 1048A F 1048B Vorlaufige Daten / Preliminary Data Wesentliche Merkmale Features * Typ. Gesamtleistung: 25 mW @ 100 mA im TOPLED(R) Gehause * Chipgroe 400 x 400 m2 * GaAlAs-LED mit sehr hohem Wirkungsgrad * Hohe Zuverlassigkeit * Hohe Impulsbelastbarkeit * Gute spektrale Anpassung an Si-Fotoempfanger * Vorderseitenmetallisierung: Aluminium Ruckseitenmetallisierung: Goldlegierung * Lieferung: vereinzelt auf Folie * Typ. total radiant power: 25 mW @ 100 mA in TOPLED(R) package. * Chipsize: 400 x 400 m * Very highly efficient GaAlAs LED * High reliability * High pulse handling capability * Good spectral match to silicon photodetectors Anwendungen Applications * Geratefernsteuerungen fur Gleich- und Wechsellichtbetrieb * Lichtschranken bis 500 kHz * Sensorik * Diskrete Optokoppler * Remote control for steady and varying intensity * Light-reflection switches (max. 500 kHz) * Sensor technology * Discrete optocouplers * Frontside metallization: aluminum Backside metallization: gold alloy * Delivery: diced on foil Typ Type Bestellnummer Ordering Code Beschreibung Description F 1048A Q67220-C1277 Infrarot emittierender Chip, Oberseite Kathodenanschluss Infrared emitting die, top side cathode connection F 1048B on request Infrarot emittierender Chip, Oberseite Kathodenanschluss, Oberflache aufgerauht. Infrared emitting die, top side cathode connection, surface frosted 2003-04-10 1 F 1048A, F 1048B Elektrische Werte (TA = 25 C) Electrical values1) (TA = 25 C) Bezeichnung Parameter Symbol Symbol Wert Value2) min. typ. Einheit Unit max. Emissionswellenlange Peak wavelength IF = 10 mA peak 880 nm Spektrale Bandbreite bei 50% von Imax, Spectral bandwidth at 50% of Imax IF = 10 mA 100 nm Schaltzeiten, Ie von 10% auf 90% und von 90% auf 10%, bei IF = 100 mA, RL = 50 Switching times, Ie from 10% to 90% and from 90% to 10%, IF = 100 mA, RL = 50 tr, tf 0.5/0.4 s Sperrspannung Reverse voltage IR = 1A VR Durchlaspannung Forward voltage IF = 100 mA VF Strahlungsleistung Radiant Power3) IF = 100 mA F1048A F1048B e Photostrom (Spezifikationsparameter) Photocurrent (specified parameter) IF = 100 mA F1048A F1048B Ie 5 V 1.9 12 14 0.50 0.65 V mW mW a.u. a.u. 1) Measurement limits describe actual settings and do not include measurement uncertainties. Each wafer and each fragment of a wafer is subject to final testing. The wafer or its pieces are individually attached on foils (ring). Sample chips are picked from each foil and placed on a special carrier for measurement purposes. The sampling density is one chip per 1cm. If a sample fails, the area around that sample is tested again by taking samples in fourfold density. If a sample fails in that measurement, an area of 0,25 cm around each failed sample is marked by pen. All el. values are referenced to the vendor's measurement system (correlation to customer product(s) is required) 2) Typical (refered to as typ.) data are defined as long-term production mean values and are only given for information. This is not a specified value 3) Radiant power is measured on TO-18 header in integrating sphere. 2003-04-10 2 F 1048A, F 1048B Mechanische Werte Mechanical values Bezeichnung Parameter Symbol Symbol Wert Value1) Einheit Unit min. typ. max. Chipkantenlange (x-Richtung) Length of chip edge (x-direction) Lx 0.38 0.40 0.42 mm Chipkantenlange (y-Richtung) Length of chip edge (y-direction) Ly 0.38 0.40 0.42 mm Durchmesser des Wafers Diameter of the wafer D 48 mm Chiphohe Die height H 210 m Bondpadmae Bondpad dimensions d 110 x 110 m Weitere Informationen Additional information2) Vorderseitenmetallisierung Metallization frontside Aluminium Aluminum Ruckseitenmetallisierung Metallization backside Goldlegierung Au-Alloy Trennverfahren Dicing Sagen Sawing Verbindung Chip - Trager Die bonding Kleben Glueing 1) Typical (refered to as typ.) data are defined as long-term production mean values and are only given for information. This is not a specified value 2) All chips are checked according to the following procedure and the OSRAM OS specification of the visual inspection A63501-Q0013-N001-*-76G3:The visual inspection shall be made in accordance to the "specification of the visual inspection" as referenced.The visual inspection of chip backside is performed by eye for 100% of the area of each wafer. If decisions (good/bad) are not possible additional a stereo microscope with incident light with 40x-80x magnification is used. Areas > 1/4 cm which have an amount of more than 5% failed dies will be marked manually with pen.The visual inspection of chip frontside is performed by a stereo microscope with incident light with 40x-80x magnification for 100% of the area of each wafer.Areas greater than 5x5 mm and with a failure density higher than 25% are marked by pen and inked around. Areas with failure density higher than 10% each failure die is inked individually.The inked area from backside must be transfered to frontside and has to be marked manually with pen and inked around.The quality inspection (final visual inspection) is performed by production. An additional visual inspection step as special release procedure by QM after the final visual inspection is not installed. 2003-04-10 3 F 1048A, F 1048B fj Grenzwert1) Maximum Ratings Bezeichnung Parameter Symbol Symbol Maximaler Betriebstemperaturbereich Maximum Operating temperature range Top -40...+100 C Maximaler Lagertemperaturbereich Maximum storage temperature range Tstg -40...+100 C Maximaler Durchlastrom Maximum forward current IF 100 mA Maximaler Stostrom Maximum surge current tp = 10 s, D = 0.005 IS 2.5 A Maximale Sperrschichttemperatur Maximum junction temperature Tj 125 C 1) Wert Value Einheit Unit Maximum ratings are strongly package dependent and may differ between different packages. The values given represent the chip in a TO-18 package. 2003-04-10 4 F 1048A, F 1048B Relative Spectral Emission1) IFrel= f () TA = 25 C OHR00877 100 rel Radiant Intensity1) Ie/Ie(100mA) = f (IF) TA = 25 C, single pulse: tp = 20 s e e (100mA) % 80 10 1 60 10 0 40 10 -1 20 10 -2 10 -3 0 750 800 850 900 950 nm 1000 Forward Current1) IF= f (VF), Single pulse, tp = 20 ms, TA = 25 C 10 F OHR00878 10 2 10 1 10 2 10 3 mA 10 4 F Permissible Pulse Power1) Duty cycle D = parameter, TA = 25 C 10 4 OHR01173 1 10 0 OHR00948 tp F mA 5 A 10 0 tp D= T D = 0.005 0.01 0.02 F T 0.05 10 10 3 -1 0.1 0.2 5 10 -2 10 -3 0.5 DC 0 1 2 3 4 10 2 10 -5 5 VF 1) Based on typ.(see page 2, footnote 2 for explanation) data measured in OSRAM Opto Semiconductor's TOPLED(R) package. 2003-04-10 5 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 s 10 0 tp F 1048A, F 1048B 0.4 (0.0157) n-contact 0.21 (0.0083) 0.11 (0.0043) Mazeichnung Chip Outlines p-contact GMOY6077 Mae werden als typische1) Werte wie folgt angegeben: mm (inch) / Dimensions are specified as typical1) values as follows: mm (inch). Published by OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH Wernerwerkstrasse 2, D-93049 Regensburg (c) All Rights Reserved. Attention please! The information generally describes the type of component and shall not be considered as assured characteristics or detailed specification. Terms of delivery and rights to change design reserved. Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact our sales organization. Handling and Storage Conditions: The hermetically sealed shipment lot shall be opened under temperature and moisture controlled cleanroom environment only. Customer has to follow the according rules for disposition of material that can be hazardous for humans and environment. Packing Chips are placed on a blue foil, which is fixed in a yellow frame of 5" diameter. For shipment the wafers of a shipment lot are arranged to stacks. The top and bottom of the stack is covered by a dummy disk to protect the top and bottom wafer from damage. The whole package is fixed by rubber strings and hermetically sealed in a plastic bag for storage and shipment. Please use the recycling operators known to you. We can also help you - get in touch with your nearest sales office. By agreement we will take packing material back, if it is sorted. You will have to bear the costs of transport. For packing material that is returned to us unsorted or which we are not obliged to accept, we shall have to invoice you for any costs incurred. Further Conditions: If not otherwise arranged, the "General Conditions for the supply of products and services of the electrical and electronics industry" apply for any shipment, just as the Supplier Addendum " Chip business" to the "General Conditions for the supply of products and services of the electrical and electronics industry". If these documents are not familiar to you, please request them at our nearest sales office. Components used in life-support devices or systems must be expressly authorized by us for such purpose! Critical components2), may only be used in life-support devices or systems3) with the express written approval of OSRAM OS. 1) Typical (refered to as typ.) data are defined as long-term production mean values and are only given for information. This is not a specified value. 2) A critical component is a component used in a life-support device or system whose failure can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness of that device or system. 3) Life support devices or systems are intended (a) to be implanted in the human body, or (b) to support and/or maintain and sustain human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user may be endangered. 2003-04-10 6