September 2001
This is Brief D ata fro m STMicr oelectronics. Details are subject to change without notice. For complete d ata, please contact
your nearest Sales Office or SmartCard Products Divison, Rousse t, Fra n ce. Fax: (+33) 4 42 68 87 29.
Ordering Information
For Package And Delivery
The manufacturing process of Smartcards in-
volves various components and technologies in
order to issue a finished product:
– micromodules,
– flat packages,
– wafers.
Dedicated package for Smartcard products, the
micromodule type depends on the size of the
product and on the application.
Table 1 lists all available micromodules.
For applications which require surface mount tech-
nology, suitable for PC cards, or other security
modules, STMicroel ectronics offers flat packages
listed In Table 2 .
For issuer production need, ST offers sawn and
unsawn wafers deliveries, listed in Tab le 3.
Figure 1. Delivery form
Table 1. Micromo du les in super 35 standa rd
Table 2. Flat Packages
Table 3. Wafers
8” Wafer
Type Description
D1, D2 8 contacts for memory cards
D15 6 contacts for memory cards
D3, D4 8 contacts with ring MCU cards
D5 8 contacts for dual contact contactless
MCU cards
D68 8 contacts for MCU cards
D7 6 contacts for dual contact contactless
MCU cards
C7 Full contactless for MCU cards
D8 8 contacts for MCU cards
Type Description
O20 SO20 for MCU products
QF4 TQFP4 4 for MCU products
R20 SO20 on tape and reel for MCU products
Type Description
W00 Unsawn wafers, 750 µm thickness
W20 Unsawn wafers, 275 µm thickness
W40 Unsawn wafers, 180 µm thickness
S2x 280 µm sawn wafers on UV tape
R4x 180 µm sawn wafers on insolated UV tape
S4x 180 µm sawn wafers on UV tape
T4x 180 µm sawn wafers on blue tape