REC3-H1 E-81
EN-60950-1 Certified
UL-60950-1 Certified
●●LLooww CCoosstt 33WW ccoonnvveerrtteerr iinn DDIIPP2244 PPaacckkaaggee
●●11kkVVDDCC IIssoollaattiioonn
●●RReegguullaatteedd OOuuttppuutt
●●UULL AApppprroovveedd
●●CCoonnttiinnuuoouuss SShhoorrtt CCiirrccuuiitt PPrrootteeccttiioonn
●●IInntteerrnnaall SSMMDD ddeessiiggnn
●●33 PPiinnoouutt OOppttiioonnss,, 33 CCaassee SSttyylleess..
●●EEffffiicciieennccyy ttoo 7755%%
3 Watt
Single &Dual
(Ambient Temperature)
Selection Guide
Part Input Output Output Max. Cap.
Number Voltage Voltage Current Load
DIP24 (SMD) (VDC) (VDC) (mA)
REC3-xx05SR/H1 5, 12, 24 5 600 1000µF
REC3-xx12SR/H1 5, 12, 24 12 250 220µF
REC3-xx15SR/H1 5, 12, 24 15 200 120µF
REC3-xx05DR/H1 5, 12, 24 ±5 ±300 ±470µF
REC3-xx12DR/H1 5, 12, 24 ±12 ±125 ±100µF
REC3-xx15DR/H1 5, 12, 24 ±15 ±100 ±68µF
xx = Input Voltage. Other input and output voltage conbinations available on request.
* add suffix "/SSMMDD" for SMD package, e.g. REC3-0505SR/H1/SMD
* add suffix "/MM" for Metal Case, e.g. REC3-0505SR/H1/M
Input Voltage Range ±15%
Output Voltage Accuracy ±3% typ.
Line Voltage Regulation ±0.5% max
Load Voltage Regulation (10% to 100% full load ) ±1% max.
Output Ripple and Noise (at 20MHz BW) 100mVp-p max.
Operating Frequency 75kHz min.
Efficiency at Full Load 65% min.
No Load Power Consumption 300mW max.
Isolation Voltage (tested for 1 second) 1000VDC min.
Rated Working Voltage (long term isolation) see Application Notes
Isolation Capacitance 30pF typ.
Isolation Resistance 1 GΩmin.
Short Circuit Protection Continuous
Operating Temperature Range (free air convection) -40°C to +80°C (see Graph)
Storage Temperature Range -55°C to +125°C
Relative Humidity 95% RH
Thermal Impedance Natural convection 20°C/W for plastic case
12°C/W for metal case
Package Weight 12g
MTBF (+25°C) using MIL-HDBK 217F 950 x 103 hours
(+80°C) using MIL-HDBK 217F 145 x 103 hours
The REC3-SR/DR series is a low cost converter containing a built in linear regulator to give a regulated, load independent
constant voltage output. The converter is designed to run from a regulated supply and is typically used to provide an iso-
lated output or to generate dual rails from a single rail supply.
Specifications (measured at TA = 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)
Refer to Application Notes
Detailed Information see
Application Notes chapter "MTBF"