Specification 108-1973
08Jun07 Rev B
Mu l ti -Beam X L * Board Mount Receptacle or Pl ug
Connector System
©2007 Tyco Electronics Co rporation
Harrisburg, PA
All International Rights Reserved.
* Trademark
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1.1. Content
This specification cover s performance, tests and quality requi rements for the Tyco Electronics Multi-
Beam XL* Board Mount Receptacle or Plug Connectors.
1.2. Qualification
When t ests are performed on the subject product line, procedures specified i n Figure 3 shall be used.
Al l i nspections shall be performed using the appli cable inspection plan and product drawing.
1.3. Qual ification Test Resul ts
Successful qualification testing on the subject product line was completed on 21Dec06. The
Qual ification Test Report number for this testing is 501-646. This documentation is on file at and
available f rom Engineering Practices and Standards (EPS).
The follow ing documents form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwi se
speci fied, the latest edition of the document applies. In the event of conflict between t he requirements of
this specif ication and the product drawi ng, the product draw ing shall take precedence. In the event of
conflict between the r equirements of this specification and the referenced documents, this specification
shal l take precedence.
2.1. Tyco Electronics Documents
108-2157- 1: Product Specification (Mult i-Beam XL Cable Plug)
109 Series: Test Specifications as indicated in Figure 3
109-197: Test Speci fication (AMP T est Specifications vs EIA and I EC Test Methods)
114-13038: Application Specification (Multi-Beam XL Connectors)
501-597- 1: Qualification T est Report (Mult i-Beam XL Cable Plug)
501-646: Qualification Test Report (M ulti-Beam XL Board Mount Recept acle or Plug Connector
2.2. Indust ry Standard
EIA- 364: Electrical Connector/Socket Test Procedures Including Environmental Classifications
3.1. Desi gn and Construction
Product shall be of the design, construction and physical dimensions specif ied on the applicable product
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3.2. Materials
Materials used in the construction of this product shall be as specified on the applicable product draw ing.
3.3. Ratings
Vol tage: See Fi gure 1
Curr ent: See Figure 2
Temperature: -20 t o 105
Type Contact Pitch Within
Primary Circu its Primary to
Secondary Circuits Primary to
Ground Circuits Within
Secondary Circuits
Signal .100 inch [2.54 mm] NR NR NR 60 (see Note)
Power .200 inch [5.08 mm] 60 (see Note) 60 (see Note) 60 (see Note) 60 (see Note)
Power .250 inch [6.35 mm] 200 NR 200 200
Power .300 inch [7.62 mm] 300 150 300 300
Denotes Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) circuits.
Fi gure 1
Vol ts RMS or DC
Signal Contacts Power Contacts
Signal Contact 24 Adjacent
Signal Contacts Module (Power
Contact Pitch) Single
Power Contact Two Adjacent
Power Contacts Four Adjacent
Power Contacts Eight Adjacent
Power Contacts
4 1.5 .300 inch [7.62 mm] 55 50 47 -----
.250 inch [6.35 mm] 55 ----- 42 35
A test system consists of 8 adjacent power contact s on .250 inch [6.35 mm] contact pitch or 4
adjacent power contact s on a .300 inch [7.62 mm] contact pitch. Connectors are applied to
test boards with 2, 4 ounce thick copper pow er planes.
Fi gure 2
Curr ent Per Contact (amperes)
3.4. Perf ormance and T est Description
Product is designed to meet the electrical, mechanical and environmental performance requirements
speci fied in Figur e 3. Unless otherwi se specified, all tests shall be performed at ambient environmental
condi tions per EIA-364.
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3.5. Test Requirements and Procedures Summary
Test Description Requi rement Procedur e
Initi al exami nation of product. Meets requirements of product
drawing. EIA-364-18.
Vi sual and di mensional (C of C)
i nspection per product draw ing.
Document gol d plating thickness at
contact interfaces.
Fi nal examination of product. Meets visual requirements. EIA- 364-18.
Vi sual i nspection.
Low level contact resistance, signal
and power contacts. Power contacts:
10 milliohms maximum initial.
20 milliohms maximum final.
Si gnal contacts:
15 milliohms maximum initial.
20 milliohms maximum final.
Subject specimens to 100
milliamperes maximum and 20
millivolts maximum open circuit
Contact resistance at rated current,
power contacts. 0.7 milliohm maximum, end of lif e. EIA- 364-6.
47 amperes for .300 centerline.
35 amperes for .250 centerline.
See Fi gure 2.
Insulati on resistance. 500 megohms minimum for signal
1000 megohms minimum for power
500 volts DC, 2 minute hold.
Test between adjacent contacts of
mated speci mens.
Withstanding voltage. 1 minut e hold with no breakdown or
flashover. EIA-364-20, Conditi on I.
1000 volts DC at sea level for signal
2500 volts DC for power contacts.
Test between adjacent contacts of
mated speci mens.
Temperature rise vs current . 30
C maximum temperature rise at
speci fied current. EIA- 364-70, Met hod 1.
Stabilize at a single current level
until 3 r eadings at 5 mi nute intervals
are within 1
C. Test with single
energized contact and with all
adjacent pow er contacts energized.
Vi bration, random. No discontinuities of 1 microsecond
or longer durat ion.
See Note.
EIA- 364-28, Test Condition VII,
Condi tion E.
Subject mated specimens to 4.90
G's rms between 20-500 Hz.
Fi fteen minutes in each of 3
mutual ly per pendicular planes.
Fi gure 3 (continued)
Test Description Requi rement Procedur e
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Mechanical shock. No di scontinuiti es of 1 microsecond
or longer durat ion.
See Note.
EIA-364-27, Met hod A.
Subject mated specimens to 50 G's
hal f-sine shock pulses of 11
milliseconds duration. T hree shocks
i n each direction appl ied along 3
mutual ly per pendicular planes, 18
tot al shocks.
Durability. See Note. EIA-364-9.
Mate and unmate specimens for
250 cycles at a maximum rate of
500 cycles per hour.
Mating force. 9 N [2 lbf] maximum for power|contact.|Average mating force for signal
contact s shall be less than 1.7 N [6
ozf ] per contact.
Measure force necessary to mate
speci mens at a max imum rate of
12.7 mm [.5 in] per mi nute.
Unmati ng force. 2.2 N [ 8 ozf] minimum per power
0.2 N [ .7 ozf] minimum per signal
Measure force necessary to
unmate speci mens at a max imum
rat e of 12.7 mm [.5 in] per minute.
Compliant pin insertion. 111.2 N [ 25 lbf] maximum per pin. AMP Spec. 109-41.
Measure force necessary to
corr ectly apply a specimen t o a
printed ci rcuit board at a maxi mum
rat e of 12.7 mm [.5 in] per minute.
Radi al hol e distortion. 0.070 mm [.00276 in] maxi mum
radial distort ion.
0.008 mm [.00032 in] minimum
copper hole wall remaining.
AMP Spec. 109-136.
Measure at 0.2 to 0.5 mm [.008 to
.020 in] depth.
Compliant pin retention. 6.7 N [ 1.5 lbf] minimum per pin. AM P Spec 109-30-1.
Measure force necessary to
remove a correctly applied
speci men from its printed ci rcuit
board at a maximum r ate of 12.7
mm [ .5 in] per minute.
Component heat r esistance to
wave soldering. See Note. AMP Spec. 109-202, Condition B.
Solderability dip test. Solderable area shall have a
minimum of 95% solder coverage.
See Note.
AMP Spec. 109-11-11, Test Met hod
Thermal shock. See Note. EIA-364-32.
Subject mated specimens to 36
cycles between -20 and 105
Fi gure 3 (continued)
Test Description Requi rement Procedur e
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Humidity-temperature cycling. See Note. EIA-364-31, Method III.
Subject mated specimens to 10
cycles (10 days) between 25 and
C at 80 to 100% RH.
Temperature life. See Note. EIA-364-17, Method A, Test
Condi tion 4.
Subject mated specimens to 105
for 504 hours (21 days).
Mixed f lowing gas. See Note. EIA-364-65, Class IIA.
Subject mated specimens to
environmental Cl ass IIA for 14
Shall meet visual requirements, show no physical damage, and meet requirements of additional
test s as specified in the Product Qualification and Requalificati on Test Sequence shown i n Figure
Fi gure 3 (end)
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3.6. Product Qualification and Requalification Test Sequence
Test or Examination
Test Group (a)
1234 5 6(b)7(b)
Test Sequence (c)
Initial examination of product 1111 1 11
Low level contact resistance, signal and power contacts 2,5 3,7 2,4
Low level contact resistance, power contacts only 2,6,8,10
Contact resistance at rated current, power contacts 12
Insulation resistance 2,6
Withstanding voltage 3,7
Temperature rise vs current 4,11
Vibration, random 5 9(d)
Mechanical shock 6
Durability 3(e) 4 3(f)
Mat i ng force 2(g)
Unmating force 8(g)
Compliant pin insertion 2
Radial hole distortion 3
Compliant pin retention 4
Component heat resistance to wave soldering 2
Solderability dip test 3
Thermal shock 4
Humidity-temperature cyclin g 5
Temperature life 3 7
Mixed flowing gas 4 5
Final examination of product 6985 13 45
(a) See paragraph 4.1.A.
(b) Split into subgroups as needed for on and off board tests.
(c) Numbers indicate sequence in which tests ar e performed.
(d) Energize at current for 18
C temperat ure rise.
(e) Precondition specimens with 5 durability cycles.
(f ) Precondition specimens with 50 durability cycles.
(g) Power only in housing, signal w ith gage as shown in 108-2157.
Fi gure 4
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4.1. Qual ification Testi ng
A. Speci men Selecti on
Speci mens shall be pr epared in accordance wit h appli cable Instruction Sheets and shall be
sel ected at random from current production. Test Groups 1 and 4 wer e carried over f rom the
qual ification results of the MBXL Cabl e Plug progr am (see Qualification Test Report 501-597-1)
si nce the contact interface is identical to the vertical header . Test Group 2 shall consist of 15
vertical headers wit h soldertail s mated to right angle receptacles w ith soldertails. Five of these
headers shall be f ull y loaded with power and si gnal contacts, 5 w ith pow er contacts only, and 5 w ith
si gnal contacts only. Test Group 3 shall consist of 3 vertical headers with soldertails mated to 3
right angl e receptacles with soldertails. Test Group 5 shall consist of 5 vertical headers w ith
sol dertails mated to 5 right angle receptacles with soldertails. Test Group 6 shall consist of 5
vertical headers wit h soldertail s. Test Group 7 shall consist of 8 vert ical headers wi th press-fit,
Eye-of-the-Needle tails.
B. Test Sequence
Qual ification inspection shall be verified by test ing specimens as specified in Fi gure 4.
4.2. Requal ification Testi ng
If changes significantly affecting form, fit or function are made to the product or manufacturing process,
product assurance shall coordinate requalification testing, consisting of all or part of the original testing
sequence as deter mined by development/product, quality and reliability engineering.
4.3. Acceptance
Acceptance is based on verification that the product meets the requirements of Figure 3. Failures
att ributed to equipment, test setup or operator deficiencies shall not disqualify the product. If product
failur e occurs, corrective action shall be taken and specimens resubmitted for qualification. Testing to
confirm correct ive action is required before resubmittal.
4.4. Qual ity Conformance Inspection
The applicable quality inspection plan shall specify t he sampling acceptable qual ity level to be used.
Di mensional and f unctional requirements shall be in accordance w ith the applicable product drawing and
this specif ication.