T4-LDS-0040, Rev. 4 (6/4/13) ©2013 Microsemi Corporation Page 1 of 7
1N5711-1, 1N5712-1, 1N6857-1, and
1N6858-1; DSB2810 and DSB5712
Available on
Schottky Barrier Diode
Qualified per MIL-PRF-19500/444
JAN , JANTX, and
This Schottky barrier diode is metallurgically bonded and offer s mili tary gr ade qualifications
for high-reliability applications on “1N” prefixed numbers. This small di ode is hermetically
seal ed and bonded into a DO-35 glass package.
DO-35 (DO-204AH)
A lso available in:
UB package
(3-pin surf ac e mo unt)
1N5711UB, 1N57 12U B
(B, CC, CA)
DO-213AA package
(s urf ace mount )
1N5711UR-1, 1N5712UR-1,
1N6857UR-1, and
Important: For the latest information, v isit our website http://www.microsemi.com.
• JEDEC registered 1N5711-1, 1N5712-1, 1N6857-1, and 1N6858-1 numbers.
• Metallurgically bonded.
• JAN, JANTX , JANTXV and commercial qualifications also available per MIL-PRF-19500/444 on
“1N” numbers only.
(See Part Nomenclature for all available options).
• RoHS com pliant versions available (commercial grade only).
• Low reverse leakage characteristics.
• Small size for high density mounting using flexible thru-hole leads (see package illustration).
• ESD sensitive to Class 1.
MAXIMUM RATINGS @ 25 ºC unles s other wis e stated
MSC – Lawrence
6 Lake Street,
Lawrence, MA 01841
Tel: 1-800-446-1158 or
(978) 620-2600
Fax: (978) 689-0803
MSC – Ireland
Gort Road Business Park,
Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland
Tel: +353 (0) 65 6840044
Fax: +353 (0) 65 6822298
Parameters/Test Conditions
Junction and St orage Temperature
Thermal Resistance, Juncti on-to-Lead
@ lead length = 0.375 inch (9.52 mm) from body
Average Rectified Output Current:
1N5711 (1)
DSB2810, DSB5712, 1N5712 & 1N6858 (2)
Solder Temperature @ 10 s
NOTES: 1. At TL = +130°C and L = 0.375 inch, derate IO to 0 at +150°C.
2. At TL = +110°C and L = 0.375 inch, derate IO to 0 at +150°C.
3. At TL = +70°C and L = 0.375 inch, derate IO to 0 at +150°C.