8 MACH211SP-7/10/12/15
The MACH211SP consists of four PAL blocks connected by a switch matrix. There are 32 I/O pins
feeding the switch matrix. These signals are distributed to the four PAL blocks for efficient design
implementation. There are two clock pins that can also be used as dedicated inputs.
The PAL Blocks
Each PAL block in the MACH211SP (Figure 1) contains a 64-product-term logic array, a logic
allocator, 8 output macrocells, 8 buried macrocells, and 8 I/O cells. The switch matrix feeds each
PAL block with 26 inputs. This makes the PAL block look effectively like an independent
“PALCE26V16” with 8 buried macrocells.
In addition to the logic product terms, two output enable product terms, an asynchronous reset
product term, and an asynchronous preset product term are provided. One of the two output
enable product terms can be chosen within each I/O cell in the PAL block. All flip-flops within the
PAL block are initialized together.
The Switch Matrix
The MACH211SP switch matrix is fed by the inputs and feedback signals from the P AL blocks. Each
PAL block provides 16 internal feedback signals and 8 I/O feedback signals. The switch matrix
distributes these signals back to the PAL blocks in an efficient manner that also provides for high
performance. The design software automatically configures the switch matrix when fitting a design
into the device.
The Product-term Array
The MACH211SP product-term array consists of 64 product terms for logic use, and 4
special-purpose product terms. Two of the special-purpose product terms provide programmable
output enable; one provides asynchronous reset, and one provides asynchronous preset.
The Logic Allocator
The logic allocator in the MACH211SP takes the 64 logic product terms and allocates them to the
16 macrocells as needed. Each macrocell can be driven by up to 16 product terms. The design
software automatically configures the logic allocator when fitting the design into the device.
Table 1 illustrates which product term clusters are available to each macrocell within a PAL block.
Refer to Figure 1 for cluster and macrocell numbers.
Table 1. Logic Allocation
Macrocell Available
Macrocell Available
ClustersOutput Buried Output Buried
, C
, C
C8, C9, C10
M1C0, C1, C2, C3M9C8, C9, C10, C11
M2C1, C2, C3, C4M10 C9, C10, C11, C12
M3C2, C3, C4, C5M11 C10, C11, C12, C13
M4C3, C4, C5, C6M12 C11, C12, C13, C14
M5C4, C5, C6, C7M13 C12, C13, C14, C15
M6C5, C6, C7, C8M14 C13, C14, C15
M7C6, C7, C8, C9M15 C14, C15