EG2102 LVDS Rev 1.4 35D
3.3V operation LVDS SAW Oscillator
♦ Features
• Generates high frequency clock from a high stability SAW (surface acoustic wave) resonator.
• 3.3V-LVDS output.
• Very low jitter/low phase noise.
• Small SMD in 7x5mm, Max1.4mm height, ceramic package.
♦ Applications
• Gigabit Ethernet, Fibre channel, Infini Band, PCI-express, Rapid IO, Hyper Transport, Memory clock, CPU clock
♦ Absolute Maximum Ratings
Item Symbol Unit MIN. TYP. MAX. Condition
Supply Voltage VCC V -0.5 +4.0 VCC – GND
Storage temperature Tstg °C -40 +100 Stored as bare product
Solder heat resistance Tsol Max. 240°C x Max. 10s x 2 times
♦ Operating range
Item Symbol Unit MIN. TYP. MAX. Condition
Supply voltage VCC V 3.0 3.3 3.6
0 +70 P version Operating temperature Topr °C -5 +85 R version
Output load RL Ω 100 Differential resistor
♦ Frequency characteristics (VCC=3.0 to 3.6,GND=0.0V,Load=100Ω)
Item Symbol Unit MIN. TYP. MAX. Condition
Output frequency Range fosc MHz 53.125 700
-100 +100 H version, *1, 53.125 to 700MHz Frequency Stability df/f0 ppm -50 +50 G version, *1, 100 to 700MHz
*1 This includes initial frequen cy tolerance, temperature, supply voltage variation and loading variation. Please refer to Part Numbering Guide (page3).
♦ Electrical characteristics (VCC=3.0 to 3.6,GND=0.0V,Load=100Ω)
Item Symbol Unit MIN. TYP. MAX. Condition
Start up time Tosc ms 10 t=0 at VCC=3.135V
Current consumption IOP mA 30 40 fosc<=500MHz
35 45 fosc>500MHz
OE High level input voltage VIH V 0.7VCC
OE Low level input voltage VIL V 0.3VCC
OE High level input current IIH uA 1 OE= VCC
OE Low level input current IIL uA -200 -20 OE=GND
Differential output voltage VOD mV 247 350 454 VOD1 ,VOD2
Change to VOD dVOD mV 50 dVOD=VOD1 - VOD2
Offset Voltage VOS V 1.125 1.25 1.375 VOS1 ,VOS2
Change to VOS dVOS mV 150 dVOS=VOS1 - VOS2
48 52 V version: <=175MHz
45 55 53.125M to 350MHz
at outputs crossing point tw/t %
40 60 >350M
Output Rise time tTLH ps 600 20-80% of VOD
Output Fall time tTHL ps 600 80-20% of VOD
UI 0.043x10-3 53.125 to 700MHz Phase Jitter *2
Offset=12KHz to 20MHz
TPJ ps 0.07 1 @625MHz
tRJ ps 3 4 σ of Random Jitter Period Jitter *3
n=50000 samples tp-p ps 25 40 Peak to Peak of jitter distribution
Accumulated Jitter *3
n=2 to 50000 cycles tacc ps 4 5 σ of Total jitter distribution
*2 Measured by SSB phase noise test equipment.
*3 Measured by Time interval analyzer or oscilloscope.