SLC-25-6-X-TXL Optical Fibre Channel -- +3.3V Small Form Factor (SFF) Transceiver -- 1.0625 GBaud PR EL IM IN AR Y Features ! 1.0625 Gbps Fibre Channel Performance ! Die Cast Metal Housing ! TTL Signal Detect Output ! Transmitter Disable Input ! Low profile fits Mezzanine Card Applications ! 50 AC coupled LVPECL Inputs/Outputs ! Single +3.3V Power Supply ! Wave Solderable / Aqueous Washable ! Class 1 Laser Safety Compliant ! UL 1950 Approved PRODUCT OVERVIEW The SLC-25-6-X-TXL Small Form Factor (SFF) optical transceivers are high performance integrated duplex data links for bi-directional communication over multimode or single mode fiber. The SLC-25-6 module is specifically designed to be used in multimode or single mode Fibre Channel applications. The SLC-25-6 transceivers are provided with the LC receptacle which is compatible with the industry standard LC connector. The Stratos Lightwave SFF transceivers measure 0.532 inches in width. These transceivers provide double port densities by fitting twice the number of transceivers into the same board space as a 1x9 transceiver. This saves on system costs and can reduce overall design time. The SLC-25-6X-TXL operates at +3.3V. ORDERING INFORMATION SLC - 25 - 6 - X - T X L +3.3V POWER SUPPLY GROUND CLIP N - No Ground Clip I - Individual Mount (.600 Center) G - Gang Mount (.550 Center) SIGNAL DETECT T - TTL Output WAVELENGTH 1 - 850 nm (multimode) 2 - 1300 nm (single mode)5km 2M - 1300nm (single mode)10km 2L - 1300nm (single mode) 20km PROTOCOL 6 - Fibre Channel, 1.0625GBaud 3 - ATM OC-12, 622MBaud 4 - Gigabit Ethernet, 1.25GBaud 7 - ATM OC-48, 2.488GBaud 8 - Fibre Channel, 2.125GBaud This optoelectronic transceiver module is a class 1 laser product compliant with FDA Radiation Performance Standards, 21 CFR Subchapter J. This component is also class 1 laser compliant according to International Safety Standard IEC-825-1. Optoelectronic Products 7444 West Wilson Avenue * Chicago, IL 60656 708/867-9600 * 800/323-6858 * Fax: 708/867-0996 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PAR AMETER Storage Temperature Solderi ng Temperature Supply Voltage D ata AC Voltage D ata D C Voltage 1180.01 SYMB OL Tstg V cc Tx+, TxTx+, Tx- MIN -40 -10 SHORT WAVELENGTH LASER The use of short wavelength VCSELs (Vertical Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser) and high volume production processes has resulted in a low cost, high performance product available in various data transfer rates up to 1.0625 GBaud. The Stratos 1x Fiber Channel 850nm SLC-25-6-1-TXL is compatible with legacy 850nm CD laser Fiber Channel transmitter. LONG WAVELENGTH LASER The SLC-25-6-2-TXL is provided with single mode optics. The 1300 nm laser provides highly reliable single mode communications which meets or exceeds the Fibre Channel distance requirements. MAX 85 260 6.0 2.6 10 U N ITS C C V V pp V pk N OTES 10 seconds on leads only Vcc - ground D i fferenti al V (Tx+ or Tx-) - ground PRELIMINARY SLC-25-6-X-TXL Optical Fibre Channel -- +3.3V Small Form Factor (SFF) Transceiver -- 1.0625 GBaud RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN Ambient Operating Temperature Supply Voltage Baud Rate Ta V cc BRate 0 3.0 TYP MAX UNITS NOTES 70 3.6 C VD C GBaud 100ppm 3.3 1.0625 MODULE SPECIFICATIONS - ELECTRICAL PARAMETER SYMBOL Supply Current lcc Ta = 25 C, Vcc = +3.3 V MIN TYP 160 lcc MAX UNITS NOTES 180 mA Ta = 25C, Vcc = 3.3 V 200 mA 0 C 100 kohms @ DC Input Impedance Zin TX_DISABLE Input Voltage - High VIH 2.0 50 Vcc+0.3 V TX_DISABLE Input Voltage - Low VIL 0 0.8 V RECEIVER PECL Output (Single Ended) 300 750 930 mVpp AC coupled outputs PECL Output (Differential) 600 1500 1860 mVpp AC coupled outputs Total Jitter 2 TJ TTL Signal Detect Output - Low TTL Signal Detect Output - High 2.4 170 p se c 0.5 V IOL = -1.6 mA, 1 TTL Unit Load V IOH = 40A, 1 TTL Unit Load 3.0 PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS - OPTICAL 850 nm Laser Multimode PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP 550 3001 1000 500 -10 830 850 MAX Ta = 25 C, Vcc = +3.3 V UNITS NOTES m m BER < 1.0E-12 @ 1.0625 GBaud BER < 1.0E-12 @ 1.0625 GBaud dB m nm average @ 850 nm FIBER LENGTH 50 m Core Diameter MMF 62.5 m Core Diameter MMF TRANSMITTER Optical Transmit Power Optical Center P opt Spectral Width Optical Modulation Amplitude Relative Intensity Noise Total Jitter2 OMA RIN TJ Output Rise, Fall Time tR, tF -4 860 1.0 nm RMS pk-pk -116 210 W dB/Hz p se c 300 p se c 20 - 80% values, measured unfiltered 160 RECEIVER Optical Input Optical Input Power Optical Modulation Amplitude Optical Return Loss Signal Detect - Asserted Signal Detect - Deasserted Signal Detect - Hysteresis Pr OMA ORL Pa Pd Pa - Pd 770 860 -17 31 12 0 30 -17 -29 1.5 5.0 nm dB m W dB dB m dB m dB BER < 1.0E-12 pk-pk measured on transition - low to high measured on transition - high to low Note1 - This is the link length for at least 95% of the installed fiber base. Note2 - Measured with 27 - 1 Pseudorandom bit sequence. 1180.01 PRELIMINARY SLC-25-6-X-TXL Optical Fibre Channel -- +3.3V Small Form Factor (SFF) Transceiver -- 1.0625 GBaud SLC-25-6-2-TXL PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS - OPTICAL PARAMETER FIBER LENGTH 9.0 m Core Diameter SMF TRANSMITTER Optical Center Optical Modulation Amplitude RMS Spectral Width Optical Transmit Power RECEIVER Optical Input Power Optical Modulation Amplitude Optical Return Loss SIgnal Detect - Asserted Signal Detect - Deasserted Signal Detect - Hysteresis SYMBOL OMA P opt Pr OMA ORL Pa Pd Pa - Pd MIN TYP 5 10 1270 200 1310 1355 4 -3 -11 -19 16 12 MAX -3 30 -19 -29 1.5 5.0 Ta=25C, Vcc= +3.3V UNITS NOTES km BER < 1.0E-12 @ 1.0625 GBaud nm W nm dB m pk-pk RMS average @ 1310 nm dB m W dB dB m dB m dB average power for BER < 1.0E-12 pk-pk UNITS NOTES km BER < 1.0E-12 @ 1.0625 GBaud nm W nm dB m pk-pk RMS average @ 1310 nm measured on transition - low to high measured on transition - high to low SLC-25-6-2M-TXL PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS - OPTICAL PARAMETER FIBER LENGTH 9.0 m Core Diameter SMF TRANSMITTER Optical Center Optical Modulation Amplitude RMS Spectral Width Optical Transmit Power RECEIVER Optical Input Power Optical Modulation Amplitude Optical Return Loss Signal Detect - Asserted Signal Detect - Deasserted Signal Detect - Hysteresis SYMBOL OMA P opt Pr OMA ORL Pa Pd Pa - Pd MIN TYP 10 20 1285 200 1310 1335 3 -3 -9.5 -20 16 12 MAX -3 average power for BER < 1.0E-12 pk-pk UNITS NOTES km BER < 1.0E-12 @ 1.0625 GBaud 1320 2 -3 nm nm dB m W RMS average @ 1310 nm pk-pk -3 dB m W dB dB m dB m dB -20 -29 5.0 SLC-25-6-2L-TXL PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS - OPTICAL PARAMETER FIBER LENGTH 9.0 m Core Diameter SMF TRANSMITTER Optical Center RMS Spectral Width Optical Transmit Power Optical Modulation Amplitude RECEIVER Optical Input Power Optical Modulation Amplitude Optical Return Loss Signal Detect - Asserted Signal Detect - Deasserted Signal Detect - Hysteresis 1180.01 SYMBOL P opt OMA Pr OMA ORL Pa Pd Pa - Pd MIN TYP 20 25 1300 1310 -8 200 -21 16 12 MAX 30 -21 -29 1.5 Ta=25C, Vcc= +3.3V dB m W dB dB m dB m dB 30 1.5 5.0 measured on transition - low to high measured on transition - high to low Ta=25C, Vcc= +3.3V average power for BER < 1.0E-12 pk-pk measured on transition - low to high measured on transition - high to low PRELIMINARY SLC-25-6-X-TXL Optical Fibre Channel -- +3.3V Small Form Factor (SFF) Transceiver -- 1.0625 GBaud TERMINATION CIRCUITS Inputs to the SLC-25 transmitter are AC coupled and internally terminated through 50 ohms to AC ground. These transceivers can operate with PECL logic level. The input signal must have at least a 350 mV peak-to-peak (single ended) signal swing. Output from the receiver section of the module is also AC coupled and is expected to drive into a 50 ohm load. Different termination strategies may be required depending on the particular Serializer/Deserializer chip set used. The SLC-25 product family is designed with AC coupled data inputs and outputs to provide the following advantages: ! Close positioning of SERDES with respect to transceiver; allows for shorter line lengths and at gigabit speeds reduces EMI. ! Minimum number of external components. ! Internal termination reduces the potential for unterminated stubs which would otherwise increase jitter and reduce transmission margin. Subsequently, this affords the customer the ability to optimally locate the SERDES as close to the SLC-25 as possible and save valuable real estate on PCI cards and other small circuit assemblies. At gigabit rates this can provide a significant advantage resulting in better transmission performance and accordingly better signal integrity. AC coupling allows the Stratos Lightwave SLC-25 to be applied across a wider range of applications without modification. This benefits users in terms of enhanced RF performance, reduced component count, tighter layout and fewer design problems. Figure 1 illustrates the recommended transmit and receive data line terminations and Figure 2 describes an alternative termination approach. Figure 3 illustrates a Thevenin equivalent 50 ohm termination circuit for the SERDES receiver input data lines, which require a +3.3V PECL termination. Other equivalent circuits can be readily calculated for other bias voltages. 8 TTL logic level 7 9 10 6 2 3 See Fig. 5A See Fig. 4 4 100 ohm 5 1 Figure 1. Recommended TRANSMIT and RECEIVE Data Terminations Notes: 1. Consult the SERDES manufacturer's applications information for biasing required for Tx outputs. Some serializer outputs are internally biased and may not need external bias resistors. 2. Consult SERDES manufacturer's data sheet and application data for appropriate receiver input biasing network. 1180.01 PRELIMINARY SLC-25-6-X-TXL Optical Fibre Channel -- +3.3V Small Form Factor (SFF) Transceiver -- 1.0625 GBaud TTL logic level 0 See Fig. 5A See Fig. 4 Figure 2. Alternative TRANSMIT and RECEIVE Data Terminations TTL logic level 10 See Fig. 5A See Fig. 4 +3.3V Figure 3. Thevenin Equivalent RECEIVE Data Terminations Notes: 1. Consult the SERDES manufacturer's applications information for biasing required for Tx outputs. Some serializer outputs are internally biased and may not need external bias resistors. 2. Consult SERDES manufacturer's data sheet and application data for appropriate receiver input biasing network. 1180.01 PRELIMINARY SLC-25-6-X-TXL Optical Fibre Channel -- +3.3V Small Form Factor (SFF) Transceiver -- 1.0625 GBaud SIGNAL DETECT The SLC-25 transceivers are equipped with TTL signal detect outputs. The TTL option eliminates the need for a PECL to TTL level shifter in most applications. The SFF adhoc industry standard provides for a TTL level SIgnal Detect output. Figure 4 . Signal Detect POWER COUPLING A suggested layout for power and ground connections is given in figure 5B below. Connections are made via separate voltage and ground planes. The mounting posts are at case ground and should not be connected to circuit ground. The ferrite bead should provide a real impedance of 50 to 100 ohms at 100 to 1000 MHz. Bypass capacitors should be placed as close to the 10-pin connector as possible. Figure 5A. Suggested Power Coupling - Electrical Schematic Figure 4A. Suggested Power Coupling - Electrical Schematic Figure 5B. Suggested Power Coupling - Component Placement 1180.01 PRELIMINARY SLC-25-6-X-TXL Optical Fibre Channel -- +3.3V Small Form Factor (SFF) Transceiver -- 1.0625 GBaud EMI and ESD CONSIDERATIONS Stratos Lightwave optoelectronic transceivers offer a Die Cast Metal case and two types of chassis grounding clips (Individual & Gang Mount). As shown in the drawing, both clips connect the module case to chassis ground when installed flush through the panel cutout. The grounding clip in this way brushes the edge of the cutout in order to make a proper contact. The use of a grounding clip also provides increased electrostatic protection and helps reduce radiated emissions from the module or the host circuit board through the chassis faceplate. The attaching posts are at case potential and may be connected to chassis ground. They should not be connected to circuit ground. Plastic optical subassemblies are used to further reduce the possibility of radiated emissions in multimode transceiver. By providing a non-metal receptacle for the optical cable ferrule, the gigabit speed RF electrical signal is isolated from the connector area thus preventing radiated energy leakage from these surfaces to the outside of the panel. MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS - ( INDIVIDUAL MOUNT) PANEL CUTOUT DIMENSIONS - ( INDIVIDUAL MOUNT) 1180.01 PRELIMINARY SLC-25-6-X-TXL Optical Fibre Channel -- +3.3V Small Form Factor (SFF) Transceiver -- 1.0625 GBaud MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS - (GANG MOUNT) .386* .014 2x.040* .620 .590 10x .018* .700 .070* .280 SUGGESTED PCB LAND PATTERN 1180.01 PRELIMINARY SLC-25-6-X-TXL Optical Fibre Channel -- +3.3V Small Form Factor (SFF) Transceiver -- 1.0625 GBaud PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The SLC-25 features a compact design with a standard LC duplex connector for fiber optic connections. The 10-pin connector (70 mil spacing) provides the electrical connection for all operation. With a height of 9.8 mm the SLC-25 fits mezzanine card applications. An epoxy encapsulation provides excellent protection from environmental hazards and assists in heat dissipation for all components. Two wave-solderable posts are provided for attaching the package to the circuit board without the need for multiple attachment operations. ELECTRICAL INTERFACE, PIN DESCRIPTIONS PIN 1 RX_GND Signal Ground PIN 2 V cc_R X +3.3 volt supply for the Receiver Section PIN 3 SD Receiver Signal Detect TTL output. Active high on this line indicates a received optical signal. PIN 4 RD- Receiver Data Inverted Differential Output PIN 5 RD+ Receiver Data Non-Inverted Differential Output PIN 6 V cc_T X +3.3 volt supply for the Transmitter Section PIN 7 TX_GND PIN 8 TX_DIS Signal Ground Transmitter Disable is an active high signal which disables the transmitter output. This signal must be pulled low to enable the transmitter output. Transmitter Data Non-Inverted Differential Input PIN 9 TD + PIN 10 TD - Attaching Posts Transmitter Data Inverted Differential Input The attaching posts are at case potential and can be connected to chassis ground. They should not be connected to circuit ground. Optoelectronic Products 7444 West Wilson Avenue * Chicago, IL 60656 708/867-9600 * 800/323-6858 * Fax: 708/867-0996 IMPORTANT NOTICE Stratos Lightwave reserves the right to make changes to or discontinue any optical link product or service identified in this publication, without notice, in order to improve design and/or performance. Stratos Lightwave advises its customers to obtain the latest version of the publications to verify, before placing orders, that the information being relied on is current. Stratos Lightwave Small Form Factor (SFF) products are covered under U.S. Patent Numbers 5,812,582 and 5,864,468. Stratos Lightwave warrants performance of its optical link products to current specifications in accordance with Stratos Lightwave standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent that Stratos Lightwave has determined it to be necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each optical link product is not necessarily performed on all optical link products. Stratos Lightwave products are not designed for use in life support appliances, submarines, military, flight hardware, devices, or systems where malfunction of a Stratos Lightwave product can reasonably be expected to result in a personal injury. Stratos Lightwave customers using or selling optical link products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Stratos Lightwave for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. Stratos Lightwave assumes no liability for Stratos Lightwave applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein. Nor does Stratos Lightwave warrant or represent that a license, either expressed or implied is granted under any patent right, copyright, or intellectual property right , and makes no representations or warranties that these products are free from patent, copyright, or intellectual property rights. Applications that are described herein for any of the optical link products are for illustrative purposes only. Stratos Lightwave makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. 1180.01 PRELIMINARY