Electrical Characteristics over recommended operating free air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
(Note 1)
VIInput Clamp Voltage VCC eMin, IIeb
18 mA b1.5 V
VOH High Level Output VCC eMin, IOH eMax DM54 2.5 3.4 V
Voltage VIL eMax, VIH eMin DM74 2.7 3.4
VOL Low Level Output VCC eMin, IOL eMax DM54 0.25 0.4
Voltage VIL eMax, VIH eMin DM74 0.35 0.5 V
IOL e4 mA, VCC eMin DM74 0.25 0.4
IIInput Current @Max VCC eMax J, K 0.1
Input Voltage VIe7V Clock 0.1 mA
Preset 0.2
Clear 0.2
IIH High Level Input VCC eMax J,K 20
Current VIe2.7V Clock 20 mA
Preset 40
Clear 40
IIL Low Level Input VCC eMax J, K b0.4
Current VIe0.4V Clock b0.4 mA
Preset b0.8
Clear b0.8
IOS Short Circuit VCC eMax DM54 b20 b100 mA
Output Current (Note 2) DM74 b20 b100
ICC Supply Current VCC eMax (Note 3) 4 8 mA
Switching Characteristics at VCC e5V and TAe25§C (See Section 1 for Test Waveforms and Output Load)
From (Input) RLe2kX
Symbol Parameter To (Output) CLe15 pF CLe50 pF Units
Min Max Min Max
fMAX Maximum Clock 25 20 MHz
tPLH Propagation Delay Time Clock to 25 35 ns
Low to High Level Output Q or Q
tPHL Propagation Delay Time Clock to 30 35 ns
High to Low Level Output Q or Q
tPLH Propagation Delay Time Clear 25 35 ns
Low to High Level Output to Q
tPHL Propagation Delay Time Clear 30 35 ns
High to Low Level Output to Q
tPLH Propagation Delay Time Preset 25 35 ns
Low to High Level Output to Q
tPHL Propagation Delay Time Preset 30 35 ns
High to Low Level Output to Q
Note 1: All typicals are at VCC e5V, TAe25§C.
Note 2: Not more than one output should be shorted at a time, and the duration should not exceed one second. For devices, with feedback from the outputs, where
shorting the outputs to ground may cause the outputs to change logic state an equivalent test may be performed where VOe2.25V and 2.125V for DM54 and
DM74 series, respectively, with the minimum and maximum limits reduced by one half from their stated values. This is very useful when using automatic test
Note 3: ICC is measured with all outputs open, with CLOCK grounded after setting the Q and Q outputs high in turn.