SERIES 4.1/9.5 COAXIAL CONNECTORS Description SUHNER 4.1/9.5 connectors are mechanically very rugged coaxial connectors with screw lock. They have a characteristic impedance of 50 Q and are generally applicable up to 14 GHz. Low loss transmission and reception of RF signals in radio transceivers as mobile phone base sta- tions are typical applications. For this purpose many connectors are optimized up to 2.5 GHz, provide a specially low intermodulation product (= 155 dBc} and are water protected for outdoor assembly. Due to their smaller outer dimensions compared with 7/16 and their competitive pricing, the 4.1/9.5 is an attractive alternative to series 7/16 for medium power applications. Interface Dimensions Plug Contents Description Interface Dimensions Interface Dimensions in mm / inches . Standards Technical Data Connectors for Flexible and Corrugated Copper Tube Cables Cable Entries Receptacles with Solder End Adaptors Within-Series Terminations Interface Dimensions in mm / inches SUHNER 4.1/9.5 Plug Jack min. | max. min. | max. A M201] M20x 1 B 11.84/.466 | 12.02/.472 - _ Cc 2.86/./12 | 2.95/.116 ~ ~ D 4.137.163 nom. 4.13/, 763 nom. E 9.40/.970 | 9.60/.378 | 9.40/.370 | 9.60/.378 F .05/./99 | 5.35/.217 _ S 0.80/.037 | 1.60/.063 - - 4 _ 1.00/.039 ~ ~ M 2.00/.079 | 4.00/. 157 | 14.90/.587]| 15.00/.597 N _ - 12.03/.474|12.21/.48) Pp - ~ 4.73/.186 | 5.03/.198 Q - ~ 5.80/.228 | 6.20/ 244 R - - 8.00/. F175 5 _ _ _ 343 4.1/9.5 7/16Standards Interface dimensions conform to IEC 169-11 VG 95277 Technical Data CALDATA. Impedance Frequency y range oe VSWR pil Insertion loss Working voltage {a fat se sed a level) Testing voltage (at sea 1 level) Screening elfectiveness. Insulation re: resistance - Contact resistance - centre contact - outer contact DC... 14 see table below 50 Q- ~ Combination types: DC-1GHz > 155 Be for SUHNER QUICK: FiT and cable entries group A | see Appendix page 437 ~ Combination types: Combination types: > 1.4 kV rms, 50 Hz 25 kV ems, 50 He i > 114 dB at 1 GHz - 109 MQ < 0.7 kV rms, 50 Hz -1.OKV rms, 50 Hz s 0.8 mQ = 2.0 mQ 1) Carrier to 3rd order intermodulation product ratio with 2 x 25 W carrier power, f < 1.88 GHz 1.04 Ji.03 right angle connectors Other connectors and cables on request 344 1050s? oan 11.06 11000000 LAS Jug ; }1.07 igo -|S32, U32 L107 1.20. [Mo (1.20 11.29, -|$32, U32 Combination types on request SUHNER 4.1/9.5Power [Watt] 7000 6500 6000 5500 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0.01 GHz For detailed information regarding power measurement, please refer to page 437. CALDAIA. Coupling nut torque recommended proof torque Contact captivation Cable retention force!) Durability (matings). 0.1 GHz 1 GHz Admissible Power of 4.1/9.5 Connectors for A0C/ 1 04F at sea level 4... 10Nm / 35 in-tbs ... 89 in.-lbs 17 Nm / 150 in.-lbs > 80N/18lbs ~ | see pages 36 - 41 2 500 1} value considers maximum load of the cables without irreversible variations of specifications. Temperature range __ SUHNER QUICK-FIT Climatic category acc. to [EC Corrosion {coupled connectors} Vibration SUHNER QUICK-FITE degree of protection [humidity) 55/155/56 4.6.10 > IEC-68-2-11 Ka 4.6.3 > 1EC-68-2-6 Fo IP 67 > 1EC 529 SUHNER 4.1/9.5 |(10-500 Hz, 10g) 10 GHz 100 GHz Frequency -~ 65C ... + 165C / BSF ... + 329F -~40C ...+ 85C /- 40F... + 185F | Saitspray test acc. to MIL-STD-202, Method 101, condition B 345 4.1/9.5Bodies Pin contact, outer contact SUCOPLATE silver plated QQ-B-626 brass DIN17660 _|SUHNER specification JASIM-D-145700 | ASTM-E-1418 PS 1 Socket contact spting bronze silver plated | SUCOPLATE Crimp ferrules copper PTFE silicone rubber Insulators Gaskets Some connectors may have a specification that differs from the above mentioned data. 346 SUHNER 4.1/9.5Connectors for Flexible and Corrugated Copper Tube Cables cable plugs, combi-heads > for use as straight or right angle plugs SW 14.04 | _ SW a2 (553 AF} | 866 HEX) 4 _ . i is qT unt eit h ies ao a a0 ae ae als = mo pp ~ : yr 4 or ' M10 x 0.75. PIO OTM 27 i 2t.2 oot (953) a a i | co as BE at . we Be Can Fig. | Fig. 2 Cable entries* SUHNER TYPE ident. no. Kabeleinfiihrungen* | Weight Fig. | Notes 11 4195-50-0-5 648822 group A 55 g/ 1.94 oz. 1 centre conductor slot 3.20 mm/. 7.23 in. 11 4195-50-0-6 @- 649432 group A 55 g/ 1.94 oz. 1 centre conductor slot 3.75 mm/. 748 jn. 11 -4195-80-0-10 @ 645808 group D 55 g/ 1.94 oz. 2 centre conductor slot 2.55 mm/. /00 in. *fitting cable entries see page 352 and 353 straight plugs > cable entry crimp > centre contact soldered SW 3 (512 AF.) SW 6 (630 AF.) WoW 22 (866 HEX.) 4a ~ (1.768) pos obs Crimp Assembly SUHNER TYPE _ Ident. no. Suitable cables insert instruction | Weight Notes 11.4195-50-7-36@ 648495 [s 07262.BD,RG214/U | D | 27012 | 43 g/ 1.57 oz. | centre contact captivated cable groups see page 36 assembly tools see page 403 SUHNER 4.1/9.5 "mounting holes see page 44] 347 4.1/9.5Sway SW 1h ww 22 (669 AF)! (S51 AF), {1.866 HEX} > for corrugated copper tube cables a . + 4 > cable entry clamp 2g 71K is : as [- | Te 3 > plug-in centre contact iz *E a ~ ae OS 11.594) Assembly Ident. no. Suitable cables instruction | Weight Notes 645445 | \oF2-50, LCF 3/8 Cu2 | 27008 | 58 g/2.03 oz. | 36.8 om (1449) . h | i __ a 26 - BW 22 rignt angle plugs M(787 SQ) \ 1.866 HEX.) 4 > cable entry crimp boy 7 4 > centre contact soldered io |! 8 go if i ! ~ i as : _ io | ' le caape aS Ly... 18 i 1709 Ba} L 763 (1.055) Crimp Assembly Ident. no. Suitable cables insert instruction | Weight Notes 16 ~ 650520 E 07262 BD, RG 214/U | D | 27016 | 104 g/3.64 oz. | 36.8 > for corrugated copper tube cables (hb) je 20 ow, 22 > cable entry clamp C787 SQ) > | 1.866 HEX.I > plug-in centre contact \ : toa Lo i _ wet | as xe | i QS _ _ met ft led 4c 1 Cd SWAT 268 (.669 AF.) (1.055) Assembly Ident. no. Suitable cables instruction | Weight Notes 647000 | toF2-50, LCF 3/8 Cu2Y | 27008 | 109 g/3.82 oz. | centre contact captivated cable groups see page 36 "assembly tools see page 403 "mounting holes see page 441 348 SUHNER 4.1/9.5cable jack, combi-head > for use as straight or right angle jack 0-10 @ 646502 * fitting cable eniries see page 353 bulkhead jack > SUHNER full crimp ae hh oe | or Na sy . i a oe | | = ro NM MOXOS 33, (1154) 363 = (1429) B30 8 (7.508) Ident. no. Cable entries* | Weight Notes | group D | 67 9/2.35 oz. | center conductor slot 2.55 mm/.100 in. Sw 23 A984 HEX) a 4 ne x Nia 2| i NI ar = Y ' panel jack, combi-head > panel mounted > for use as straight or right angle jack ww MAX. 7 (MAX. 275) 4 7s (157) 1.689} 36.9 {1.453} Crimp Assembly ident. no. Suitable cables insert instruction | Weight Notes 646305 [RG 214/U [D | 3061 | 52 g/ 1.82 oz. | | 383 . : (1.508) we, 363 ~ | (1.429) BSL a4 610) 77 * 11000 Sa) ! eB 708 SOI a bt eee oe ae lz _ 2 Lo = mor 4% M10 x 0.75 2 ~ 646501 * fitting cable entries see page 353 centre contact captivated cable groups see pages 36 Ident. no. | Cable entries* | group D __assembly tools see page 403 29.3 (1.154) | Weight | 74 9/2.59 oz. SUHNER 4. | Notes | center conductor slot 2.55 mm/. 100 in. mounting holes see page 441 1/9.5 349 A1/9.5SUHNER QUICK-FIT Coaxial Connectors low passive intermodulation types quick and easy assembly degree of protection IP 67 suitable for outdoor applications straight plugs > assembly tools see page 417 sw38 SW 30 SW 22 SW 24 Sw 20 SW 22 sw23 Swe SW (a7 AR), (MET AFT, (B66 HEX lez7 ak) VU7e7 AF) C866 HEX) (906 AF)! (827 AR; LB6S HEX) : Hl : i i i rT] Cc oT a 4 i : Sy (= OE z : = > : ! = |] _ as VA 32 26 [| Fl) 22 ae fs 38 sg ES 38 sig LI e | se se sf r A : ow ~ { ' t.. jt a we AB 4 oh : {1.890} 2196! 46 - (2.3021 . Fig. | Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Assembly SUHNER TYPE Ident. no. Suitable cables instruction | Weight Fig. ze 1/2 Highflex: SUCOFEED, Andrew, Nokia, 11-4195-50-9-2 @. 650784 Kabelmetal 9152 88 9/ 3.08 oz. ] 11 4195-50-12-136 @ 651475 | 1/2": SUCOFEED, Andrew, Nokia, Kabelmetal 9153 98 g/3.420z. {2 il 4195-50-23-101 @- 651437 7/8": SUCOFEED, Andrew, Nokia, Kabelmetal 9154 221 gf/7740z. |3 wee . 4.303) right angle plug 5m sw.22 M0987 sa m B66 HEX.) we ; Ry > assembly tools see page 417 ' i p= a8 : oo. a . 1 Ce Wa (627 AF 909) : Assembly SUHINER TYPE... Ident. no. Suitable cables instruction | Weight a : a 1/2" Highflex: SUCOFEED, Andrew, Nokia, , 164195-50-9-1 @ 652307 | Fgh 9152 118 g/4. 13 oz. centre contact captivated cable groups see page 36 __...... assembly tools see page 403 mounting holes see page 441 350 SUHNER 4.1/9.5cable jacks > assembly tools see page 417 , SW 23. SW 24 ow ah SW 20, 1.906 AF.) (827 AF.) (827 AF} 1.787 AF. at ag 2 ! tit * Wt oi : No S| Ad sta 3 83 a = lg 8 : ro Yo : , 47 <- ot | SO (1.850) ggg) Fig. | Fig. 2 Assembly SUHNER TYPE Ident. no. Suitable cables instruction | Weight Fig. . 1/2 Highflex: SUCOFEED, Andrew, Nokia, ; 21 4195-50-9-36 - 650785 Kabelmetal 9152 84 g/ 2.94 oz. 1 21 4195-50-12-136 @ 651476 | 1/2: SUCOFEED, Andrew, Nokia, Kabeimetal 9153 100 g/32.500z. |2 > assembly tools see page 417 ow 35 ow 30 1.378 AF.) (1.181 AF. ' ' as AE: as = 35 = 4 = an an J Le Ds ve a (2.165) wees Assembly SUHNER TYPE Ident. no. Suitable cables instruction | Weight 21 4195-50-23-101 @ 651438 7/8": SUCOFEED, Andrew, Nokia, Kabelmetal [9154 | 209 g/ 7.32 oz. centre contact captivated cable groups see page 36. a assembly tools seepage 403 SUHNER 4.1/9.5 351 mounting holes see page 441 4.A/95Cable Entries group A, for foam dielectric corrugated copper tube cables ~ => cable entry clamp > centre contact soldered WT SW 4 Sw 1? SW 16 L472 AF) {L551 AF) 1.669 AF} /630 AF.) = a i e ~ fg ois * at \ cy NO * ' Fe as tL " TI ee . 1 i x) x 33 o aa oe a (1184 o = : = Wem pe Be (1.516) 41.378) Fig. ] Fig. 2 SW 20 Sw 20 SW 26 SWB SwW.20 vas ae) GAT AR] CTBT AE wee oe ae i i - i wy I-a 7 L mi Olt mit / { aa = 2 Qe as gS i 3 2 +; ore ' . un! ~ ; os o 36 fog ia 4hd wo (1.417) = (4.752) =! i 4 . 49.5 a , (1.616) (4.94.9) Fig. 3 fig. 4 Assembly Ident. no. Suitable cables instruction | Weight Fig. 650616 1/4 Superflex: FSJ1-SOA, HCF 1/4 Cu2 27015 32 g/ 1.12 oz. ] iS 648823 3/8: LDF2-50, LCF 3/8 Cu2Y 27013 38 g/ 1.33 oz. 2 73 : 649434 1/2 Supertlex: FSJ4~50B, HCF 1/2 Cu2Y 9161 59 g/2.07 oz. 3 Taz oe 649705 1/2 Superflex: FSJ4~5OB, HCF 1/2 Cu2 27014 78 g/2.73 oz. 4* * water-proof cable entry cable groups see page 36 352 "assembly tools see page 403 SUHNER 4.1/9.5 "mounting holes see page 441group D for flexible cables > cable entry crimp Sw 13 SWB (512 HEX.) (512 HEX t. 4 q ! r ; K ~ nt i : a 26 25.6 x 75 | 2k x aS {1.008} =) a 8 (951) 2 im 28.6 = i Wa =| (4.126) (1.079) Fig. | Fig. 2 : Crimp Assembly SUPINER TYPE 2.2 Ident. no. Suitable cables insert instruction | Weight Fig. | Notes 737-0-3-26 == 651043 RG 223/U B 27009 149/0.49 oz, 1 73 Z-0-7-4 : 651044 RG 214/U D 27010 13 g/0.46 oz. 2 > cable entry clamp > pressure sleeve SW 15.8 Sw 18 4.622 AF (709 AF) A Ot ae IZ \ ' a S 32 x 1260) . 3 (1.378) Assembly 5 Ident. no. Suitable cables instruction | Weight Notes FaZ0O-7-5 st5 1045 | RG 214/U | | 2701 | 40 g/ 1.40 oz. | cable groups see pages 36 __ assembly tools see page 403 SUHNER 4.1/9.5 mounting holes see page 441 353 41/95Receptacles with Solder End receptacles, female > panel mounted 29 1.902) de (229) (297 (902) Oe BS aq 4. TA TS aw A 4 (157) (610) ; (1.000 SQ) (291) (,610) 000 SQ) 7 [| oe | 7a say | 4 . 1 1 i 2 ee . tit aren) 25 a3 ot cep nn en bee oe ten ee een ACCEPTS @ 2.9/.114 DIA. CONTACT MAX. 5/ 197 DEPTH Fig. } Fig. 2 <= Ident. no. Weight | Fig. | Notes 648558 37 g/ 1.30 oz. 1 -@ 650118 33 g/l.loz. 42 Adaptors Within-Series straight adaptor > jack to jack Sw 2B (512 AF) \ ew (315 AY 65.2 centre contact captivated [cable groups see page 36 Il cae ne nt ee ne eee nee Sie ce oe eee 354 "assembly tools see page 403 (2.567) Ident. no. | Weight Notes a VSWR :s ,f < 2.5 GHz 652116 1 76.09/2.66 oz. | owe < 1 13:2.5GHz < f < 14.0 GHz "mounting holes see page 441 , SUHNER 4.1/9.5T-adaptors 50 Q nominal impedance. These connectors are 1.969) non-matched 3 dB dividers for LF applications. M 20 x 1 VSWR = 2.0 when terminated with 50 Q. jot = > 2 jacks, 1 plug r at | 23 ole ho = gs | i x Y 1 ) SW22 0 4 @ 2S (866 HEX.) (965 GIA) Ident. no. Weight | Notes @ 646335 | 116 g/4.06 oz. > 3 jacks ~ ident. no. | Weight 3 (1457) Mio x1 645446 | 89 g/3.12 oz. BE AGL right angle adaptor 50. SWw2 (787 SQ) (866 HEX.) > plug to jack i : sc ~ lo at a7 Qe aes ee < a ge 1 t - M20 x te _ . 26 (1.047) Ident. no. | Weight | Notes | 646334 | 79 g/2.77 oz. centre contact captivated cable groups see pages 36 | vswe < 1.06:f < 4.0 GHz __assembly tools see page 403 SUHNER 4.1/9.5 _mounting holes see page 441 355 Al/9.5Terminations SW 22 plug (866 HEX.) pf mia aa | a t 385 (1.516) VSWR je) | Ident. no. {Ff = 2.5 GHz} Impedance Power Weight Notes H9S-SO-O-1 @ 649644 | = 1.06 [50 + 1% | 1 Watt, 2.5 kW peak) [43.9/1.Stoz. | 1} pulsed power with a duration of < 10 ns, rise time = 5 ns jack SW 6 4.630 HEX) A = ' _ BS (1.516) VSWR ce, Ident. no. (f = 2.5 GHz} impedance Power Weight Notes 65 4195-50-0-3) 649643 < 1.06 502 + 1% |1 Watt, 2.5 kW peak!) | 43 g/ 1.51 oz. | 1} pulsed power with a duration of = 10 ns, rise time = 5 ns centre contact captivated cable groups see page 36 oe assembly tools see page 403 - mounting holes see page Al 356 SUHNER 4.1/9.5