* 4.3 Screening.
* 4.3.1 Screening of encapsulated devices (quality levels JANTX, JANTXV, and JANS only). Screening of
encapsulated devices shall be in accordance with table E-IV of MIL-PRF-19500 and as specified herein. The
following measur e me nts sha ll be made in accordance with table I herein. Devices that exceed the limits of ta ble I
herein shall not be acceptable.
JANS level JANTX and JANTXV levels
Thermal impedance, method 3131 of MIL-STD-750.
Thermal impedance, method 3131 of
MIL-STD-750. (see
9 ICES1 and hFE2 ICES1
11 ICES1 and hFE2
∆ICES1 = 100 percent of initial value
or 5 µA dc, whichever is greater.
∆hFE2 = ±15 percent of initial value.
ICES1 and hFE2;
∆ICES1 = 100 percent of initial value
or 10 µA dc, whichever is greater.
12 See 4.3.1 See 4.3.1
13 ∆ICES1 = 100 percent of initial value
or 1 µA dc, whichever is greater;
∆hFE2 = ±15 percent of initial value;
subgroups 2 and 3 of table I herein.
∆ICES1 = 100 percent of initial value
or 5 µA dc, whichever is greater; ∆hFE2 = ±15
percent of initial value; s ubgroup 2 of table I
(1) Shall be performed any ti me after temperat ure cy cli ng, scr een 3a; JANTX and JANTXV levels do not need to be
repeated in screening requirements. Power burn-in conditio ns. Power burn-in conditions are as follows: TJ = +187.5°C ±12.5°C;
VCB = -35 ±5 V dc; TA = room ambient as defined in the general requirements of MIL-STD-750. Thermal impedance. The thermal impedance measurements shall be performed in accordance with
method 3131 of MIL-STD-750 using the guidelines in that method for determining IM, IH, tH, tMD (and VC where
appropriate). The thermal impedance limit used in screen 3c of 4.3 her ein and table I shall comply with the thermal
impedance graph in figure 3 (less than or equal to the curve value at the same tH time) and shall be less than the
process determined statistical maximum limit as outlined in method 3131.
4.4 Conformance inspection. Conformance inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-19500.
* 4.4.1 Gro up A inspe ctio n. Group A inspection shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-PRF-19500 and table I
* 4.4.2 Gro up B inspe ctio n.
* Quality level JANS, table E-VIA of MIL-PRF-19500.
Subgroup Method Conditions
* B3 2037 Test condition D; all int er nal wir es for each dev ice shall be pu lled sep ar at ely .
B4 1037 VCB = -30 V dc; PT = 5 W at TA = +25°C ±3°C, ton = toff = 3 minutes minimum.
No heat sink nor forced air on the device shall be permitted.
B5 1027 VCB = -30 V dc; TA = +125°C ±25°C for 96 hours; PT = adjusted as required by the
chosen TA to give an average lot TJ = +275°C.
B6 3131 See 4.5.2.