MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Table of Contents 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Preface ......................................................................................................... 1 I/O Timing ........................................................................................ 1 Execution Speed ............................................................................. 1 Cost .............................................................................................. 1 Debugging Tool ............................................................................... 1 Chapter 1. Introduction ................................................................................... 3 Introduction ...................................................................................... 3 Highlights ......................................................................................... 3 Installing MPSIM ............................................................................. 3 System Requirements ....................................................... 3 Document Conventions ................................................................... 4 Terminology ..................................................................................... 4 Breakpoints ....................................................................... 4 Program Counter (PC) ...................................................... 4 Disassembler .................................................................... 4 Step ................................................................................... 4 Symbols ............................................................................ 5 Trace ................................................................................. 5 View screen ...................................................................... 5 Device-Specific Support .................................................................. 5 Customer Support ........................................................................... 5 Chapter 2. The MPSIM Environment .............................................................. 7 Introduction ...................................................................................... 7 Highlights ......................................................................................... 7 User Interface .................................................................................. 8 Invoking MPSIM .............................................................................. 9 I/O Pins ............................................................................................ 9 I/O Pin Modeling ............................................................... 9 Pin Signals ...................................................................... 10 CPU Model .................................................................................... 10 Reset Conditions ............................................................. 10 Sleep ............................................................................... 11 WDT ................................................................................ 11 Registers ......................................................................... 11 Hardware Stack ............................................................................. 12 Push ................................................................................ 12 Pop .................................................................................. 12 Files Used and Generated By MPSIM .......................................... 12 Command Files ............................................................... 13 Initialization File .............................................................. 13 Journal File ..................................................................... 13 Stimulus File ................................................................... 13 Files Generated by the Assembler .................................. 14 Listing File ....................................................................... 15 Input Hex File .................................................................. 15 Output Hex File ............................................................... 15 Symbol File ..................................................................... 15 Trace File ........................................................................ 15 HEX Code Formats ......................................................... 15 DS30027I - page i MPSIM USER'S GUIDE DS30027I - page ii Chapter 3. Tutorial..........................................................................................17 Introduction ....................................................................................17 Highlights .......................................................................................17 Assemble the Code .......................................................................18 Invoke the Simulator ......................................................................18 MPSIM.INI .......................................................................19 Load the Initialization File ..............................................................19 Creating an initialization file ............................................19 Load the Hex File ...........................................................................21 Load the Stimulus File ...................................................................22 Set Up Trace Parameters ..............................................................23 Set Up Breakpoints ........................................................................25 Execute the Hex Code ...................................................................26 Modify the Hex Code .....................................................................27 Exit the MPSIM Session ................................................................28 Chapter 4. Functional Categories of MPSIM Commands ...........................29 Introduction ....................................................................................29 Highlights .......................................................................................29 Loading and Saving .......................................................................30 Inspecting And Modifying ...............................................................30 Program Memory ............................................................30 Registers .........................................................................32 Display Functions ............................................................33 Patch Table .....................................................................34 Clearing Memory and Registers ......................................34 Searching Memory ..........................................................34 Symbol Table ..................................................................35 Restore ............................................................................35 Execute and Trace .........................................................................36 Execution Instructions .....................................................36 Tracing Execution ...........................................................36 Breakpoints .....................................................................38 View Screen ...................................................................................39 Miscellaneous Commands .............................................................40 MPSIM Commands ........................................................................41 Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands ......................................................................47 Introduction ....................................................................................47 Alphabetic Summary of MPSIM Commands .................................47 AB - Abort Session ........................................................................54 AD - Add Item to View Screen ......................................................54 B - Set Breakpoint .........................................................................56 BC - Clear Breakpoint ...................................................................57 C - Continue Executing .................................................................57 CK - Clock .....................................................................................58 DB - Display All Active Breakpoints ..............................................59 DE - Delete Program Memory .......................................................59 DI - Display Program Memory in Symbolic Format .......................60 DK - Define Key ............................................................................61 DL - Delete Symbol from Symbol Table ........................................62 DM -Display Program Memory in Radix Designated Format ........ 63 DP - Display All Patches ...............................................................64 DR - Display All Registers .............................................................64 DS - Display Symbol Table ...........................................................65 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DV - Delete View Screen Item ...................................................... 65 DW - Enable / Disable Watchdog Timer ....................................... 66 DX - Display Current Trace Parameters ....................................... 66 E - Execute Program .................................................................... 67 EE - Modify EE Memory ............................................................... 68 EL - Error Level ............................................................................ 68 F - File Register Display/Modify .................................................... 69 FI - File Input ................................................................................ 70 FM - Fill Memory ........................................................................... 71 FW - Fuse Word ........................................................................... 72 GE - Get Commands from an External File .................................. 73 GO - Reset and Execute .............................................................. 74 GS - Generate Symbol ................................................................. 74 H - Help ........................................................................................ 75 IA - Insert/Inspect Assembly Code ............................................... 76 IN - Insert Instruction .................................................................... 77 IP - Injection Point ........................................................................ 77 IR - Initialize with Random Values ................................................ 78 LJ - Load and Execute Journal File .............................................. 79 LO - Load Object File ................................................................... 79 LR - Load Registers ...................................................................... 80 LS - Load Symbol File .................................................................. 81 M - Display / Modify Program Memory at Address ....................... 82 NV - No View Screen .................................................................... 83 O - Output Modified Object Code ................................................. 83 P - Select Microcontroller ............................................................. 84 Q - Quit ......................................................................................... 85 RA - Restore All ............................................................................ 85 RE - Reset Elapsed Time and Step Count ................................... 86 RP - Restore Patches ................................................................... 86 RS - Reset Chip ............................................................................ 87 SC - Display / Modify Processor Cycle Time ................................ 87 SE - Display / Modify I/O Pin ........................................................ 88 SF - Search Program Memory for Register .................................. 89 SI - Search Program Memory in Symbolic Format ....................... 90 SM - Search Program Memory in Radix Designated Format ....... 90 SR - Set Radix .............................................................................. 91 SS - Execute A Single Step .......................................................... 92 ST - Read Stimulus File ................................................................ 92 TA - Trace Address ...................................................................... 93 TC - Trace Instructions ................................................................. 94 TF - Trace to File/Printer .............................................................. 95 TR - Trace Register ...................................................................... 95 TY - Change View Screen ............................................................ 96 UR - Upload Registers .................................................................. 97 V - View Screen ............................................................................ 98 Verbose - Echo to Screen ............................................................ 99 W - Work Register Display / Modify .............................................. 99 WP - Watchdog Timer Period ..................................................... 100 ZM - Zero the Program Memory ................................................. 100 ZP - Zero the Patch Table .......................................................... 101 ZR - Zero the Registers .............................................................. 101 ZT - Zero the Elapsed Time Counter .......................................... 102 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page iii MPSIM USER'S GUIDE DS30027I - page iv Appendix A. Troubleshooting Guide ..............................................................103 Introduction ..................................................................................103 Solutions to Some Common Problems ........................................103 Messages ....................................................................................105 Informative Messages ...................................................105 Warning Messages .......................................................106 Error Messages .............................................................113 Appendix B. Sample File Listings ...................................................................117 MPSIM.INI ...................................................................................117 PIC16C5X.INC .............................................................................117 PIC16CXX.INC ............................................................................119 PIC17CXX.INC ............................................................................128 SAMPLE.ASM .............................................................................132 SAMPLE.INI .................................................................................133 SAMPLE.STI ................................................................................134 Appendix C. Customer Support ......................................................................135 Keeping Current with Microchip Systems ....................................135 Highlights .....................................................................................135 Systems Information and Upgrade Hot Line ................................136 Connecting to Microchip BBS ......................................................136 Using the Bulletin Board ..............................................................137 Special Interest Groups .................................................137 Files ...............................................................................137 Mail ................................................................................138 Software Releases .......................................................................138 Alpha Release ...............................................................138 Intermediate Release ....................................................139 Beta Release .................................................................139 Production Release .......................................................139 Appendix D. Intel INTELLEC Hexadecimal Format ....................................141 INHX8M .......................................................................................142 8-Bit Hex Format: ..........................................................142 32-Bit Hex Format (.HEX) .............................................143 Appendix E. PIC16C5X User's Guide Addendum..........................................145 Introduction ..................................................................................145 I/O Pins ........................................................................................145 CPU Model ..................................................................................145 Reset Conditions ...........................................................145 Sleep .............................................................................146 WDT ..............................................................................146 Stack .............................................................................146 Special Registers .........................................................................146 Peripherals ...................................................................................147 Peripherals Supported ..................................................147 Appendix F. PIC16C64 User's Guide Addendum ..........................................149 Introduction ..................................................................................149 I/O Pins ........................................................................................149 Interrupts ......................................................................................149 CPU Model ..................................................................................150 Reset Conditions ...........................................................150 Sleep .............................................................................150 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. WDT .............................................................................. 150 Stack ............................................................................. 150 Special Registers ........................................................................ 151 Peripherals .................................................................................. 151 Peripherals Supported .................................................. 151 Tcycle Limitation ........................................................... 151 TIMER0 ......................................................................... 152 TIMER1 ......................................................................... 152 TIMER2 ......................................................................... 152 CCP1 ............................................................................ 153 CAPTURE .............................................................. 153 COMPARE ............................................................. 153 PWM ...................................................................... 153 SSP ........................................................................ 153 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix G. PIC16C65 User's Guide Addendum .......................................... 155 Introduction .................................................................................. 155 I/O Pins ........................................................................................ 155 Interrupts ..................................................................................... 155 CPU Model .................................................................................. 156 Reset Conditions ........................................................... 156 Sleep ............................................................................. 156 WDT .............................................................................. 156 Stack ............................................................................. 156 Special Registers ........................................................................ 157 Peripherals .................................................................................. 157 Peripherals Supported .................................................. 157 Tcycle Limitation ........................................................... 158 TIMER0 ......................................................................... 158 TIMER1 ......................................................................... 158 TIMER2 ......................................................................... 159 CCP1 and CCP2 ........................................................... 159 CAPTURE .............................................................. 159 COMPARE ............................................................. 159 PWM ...................................................................... 159 SSP ............................................................................... 159 USART .......................................................................... 159 Appendix H. PIC16C71 User's Guide Addendum .......................................... 161 Introduction .................................................................................. 161 I/O Pins ........................................................................................ 161 Interrupts ..................................................................................... 161 CPU Model .................................................................................. 162 Reset Conditions ........................................................... 162 Sleep ............................................................................. 162 WDT .............................................................................. 162 Stack ............................................................................. 162 Special Registers ........................................................................ 163 Peripherals .................................................................................. 163 Peripherals Supported .................................................. 163 Tcycle Limitation ........................................................... 163 TIMER0 ......................................................................... 164 A/D Converter ............................................................... 164 DS30027I - page v MPSIM USER'S GUIDE DS30027I - page vi Appendix I. PIC16C73 User's Guide Addendum ..........................................165 Introduction ..................................................................................165 I/O Pins ........................................................................................165 Interrupts ......................................................................................165 CPU Model ..................................................................................166 Reset Conditions ...........................................................166 Sleep .............................................................................166 WDT ..............................................................................166 Stack .............................................................................166 Special Registers .........................................................................167 Peripherals ...................................................................................167 Peripherals Supported ..................................................167 Tcycle Limitation ...........................................................168 TIMER0 .........................................................................168 TIMER1 .........................................................................168 TIMER2 .........................................................................169 CCP1 and CCP2 ...........................................................169 CAPTURE ..............................................................169 COMPARE .............................................................169 PWM ......................................................................169 SSP ...............................................................................169 USART ..........................................................................169 A/D Converter ...............................................................169 Appendix J. PIC16C74 User's Guide Addendum ..........................................171 Introduction ..................................................................................171 I/O Pins ........................................................................................171 Interrupts ......................................................................................171 CPU Model ..................................................................................172 Reset Conditions ...........................................................172 Sleep .............................................................................172 WDT ..............................................................................172 Stack .............................................................................172 Special Registers .........................................................................173 Peripherals ...................................................................................173 Peripherals Supported ..................................................173 Tcycle Limitation ...........................................................174 TIMER0 .........................................................................174 TIMER1 .........................................................................174 TIMER2 .........................................................................175 CCP1 and CCP2 ...........................................................175 CAPTURE ..............................................................175 COMPARE .............................................................175 PWM ......................................................................175 SSP ...............................................................................175 USART ..........................................................................175 A/D Converter ...............................................................175 Appendix K. PIC16C84 User's Guide Addendum ..........................................177 Introduction ..................................................................................177 I/O Pins ........................................................................................177 Interrupts ......................................................................................177 CPU Model ..................................................................................177 Reset Conditions ...........................................................177 Sleep .............................................................................178 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. WDT .............................................................................. 178 Stack ............................................................................. 178 Special Registers ........................................................................ 178 Peripherals .................................................................................. 179 Peripherals Supported .................................................. 179 Tcycle Limitation ........................................................... 179 TIMER0 ......................................................................... 179 EEPROM Data Memory ................................................ 179 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix L. PIC17C42 Support ...................................................................... 181 Introduction .................................................................................. 181 I/O Pins ........................................................................................ 181 Special Function Registers .......................................................... 182 Interrupts ..................................................................................... 183 CPU Model .................................................................................. 183 Reset Conditions ........................................................... 183 Sleep ............................................................................. 183 WDT .............................................................................. 184 Stack ............................................................................. 184 Instruction Set ............................................................... 184 Special Registers ........................................................................ 184 Peripherals .................................................................................. 185 Tcycle Limitation ........................................................... 185 TIMER0 ......................................................................... 185 TIMER1 and TIMER2 .................................................... 186 TIMER3 and Capture .................................................... 186 PWM ...................................................................... 186 USART .......................................................................... 186 Memory Modes ............................................................................ 186 Appendix M. PIC17C43 Support ...................................................................... 187 Introduction .................................................................................. 187 I/O Pins ....................................................................................... 187 Special Function Registers .......................................................... 187 Interrupts ..................................................................................... 188 CPU Model .................................................................................. 189 Reset Conditions ........................................................... 189 Sleep ............................................................................. 189 WDT .............................................................................. 189 Stack ............................................................................. 189 Instruction Set ............................................................... 190 Special Registers ........................................................................ 190 Peripherals .................................................................................. 190 Tcycle Limitation ........................................................... 191 TIMER0 ......................................................................... 191 TIMER1 and TIMER2 .................................................... 191 TIMER3 and Capture .................................................... 192 PWM ...................................................................... 192 USART .......................................................................... 192 Memory Modes ............................................................................ 192 DS30027I - page vii MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Appendix N. PIC17C44 Support ......................................................................193 Introduction ..................................................................................193 I/O Pins ........................................................................................193 Special Function Registers ..........................................................193 Interrupts ......................................................................................194 CPU Model ..................................................................................194 Reset Conditions ...........................................................194 Sleep .............................................................................194 WDT ..............................................................................195 Stack .............................................................................195 Instruction Set ...............................................................195 Special Registers .........................................................................195 Peripherals ...................................................................................196 Tcycle Limitation ...........................................................196 TIMER0 .........................................................................196 TIMER1 and TIMER2 ....................................................197 TIMER3 and Capture ....................................................197 PWM ......................................................................197 USART ..........................................................................197 Memory Modes ............................................................................197 Worldwide Sales & Services...................................................................................198 DS30027I - page viii 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Preface MPSIM is a discrete-event simulator tool designed to: * Imitate operation of Microchip Technology's PIC16C5X, PIC16CXX and PIC17CXX families of microcontrollers * Assist users in debugging software that uses Microchip microcontroller devices A discrete-event simulator, as opposed to an in-circuit emulator, is designed to aid in the debugging of the general logic of your software. The MPSIM discrete-event simulator allows users to modify object code and immediately re-execute, inject external stimuli to the simulated processor, and trace the execution of the object code. A simulator differs from an in-circuit emulator in three important areas: I/O timing, execution speed, and cost. This manual covers MPSIM version 5.0 and later. I/O Timing External timing in MPSIM is processed only once during each instruction cycle. Transient signals, such as a spike on MCLR smaller than an instruction cycle will not be simulated but may be caught by an in-circuit emulator. In MPSIM, external stimulus is injected just before the next instruction cycle execution. Execution Speed The execution speed of a discrete-event simulator is several orders of magnitude less than a hardware-oriented solution. Users may view slower execution speed as a handicap or a blessing. Some discrete-event simulators are unacceptably slow. MPSIM however, attempts to provide the fastest possible simulation cycle. Cost The cost of the debugging tool may be an issue with some developers. For this reason, Microchip Technology has developed this simulator to be a costeffective tool for debugging application software. MPSIM does not require any external hardware to the PC, which keeps the cost at a minimum. Debugging Tool The simulator, however, is a great debugging tool. It is particularly suitable for optimizing algorithms. Unlike the emulator, the simulator makes many internal registers visible and can provide more complex break points. If you are a new user, refer to Chapter 3 for a "Getting Started" tutorial. Device specific information is provided in the appendices at the end of the manual. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 1 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE DS30027I - page 2 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Chapter 1. Introduction Introduction MPSIM is a discrete-event simulator designed to aid you in debugging your software applications for Microchip Technology's PIC16C5X, PIC16CXX, and PIC17CXX microcontrollers. Highlights Whether you are an experienced user or a beginner, we strongly suggest that you read this chapter first since it provides information about: * Installing MPSIM * Documentation Conventions * Terminology * Device-Specific Support * Customer Support If this is your first time using MPSIM we also suggest that you go through the tutorial provided in Chapter 3. This tutorial introduces all files that are used or generated by the simulator and provides a good introduction to some of the most widely-used commands. Installing MPSIM System Requirements MPSIM requires an IBM PC/AT or compatible running DOS version 5.0 or later. The PC needs a 3 1/2 inch floppy disk drive and at least 640K main memory. We recommend a hard disk with at least 5 MB of available space. * On the PC, create a new directory for the MPSIM software and change to that directory: MKDIR SIM CD SIM * Copy all the files on the MPSIM diskette into the above directory: COPY a:\*.* After loading the software, MPSIM is ready to run. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 3 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Document Conventions This section describes the conventions this manual uses for the data you are to enter. TABLE 1.1- CHARACTER CONVENTIONS Character Represents Square ([ ]) brackets Optional arguments Curly ({ }) brackets Braces indicate group options. One or more options in the group is required. Angle (< >) brackets Delimiters for special keys: , , etc. Pipe (|) characters Choice of mutually exclusive arguments; an OR selection Lower case characters Type of data Italic characters A variable argument; it can be either a type of data (in lower case characters) or a specific example (in uppercase characters) Courier font User keyed data or output from the system Terminology Breakpoints Source code locations where you want the code to cease execution. Program Counter (PC) The address in the loaded program at which execution will begin or resume. Disassembler Converts modified object code back into assembly-language code when a listing file wasn't loaded. Thus, mnemonic information can display even when you have made changes. Step A single executable instruction. You can single-step through a program by executing one instruction at a time with the SS command. A stimulus file can inject values onto specified pins at specified steps. DS30027I - page 4 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 1. Introduction Symbols Alphanumeric identifiers such as labels, constant names, bit location names and file register names. MPSIM understands both explicit data/addresses and symbols. Trace A trace file can be created to illustrate the execution flow of your program. Each line in the trace file contains the object code, source line, step number, elapsed time, and file registers that have changed. Trace can be limited to a range of addresses, or to a specific file register address. Please see Chapter 3 "Tutorial" for examples on the trace file. When you trace the instructions, they always display on the screen. If you previously opened a trace file and have not closed it, MPSIM also appends the trace to the file. View screen The portion of your monitor that dynamically displays the values in specified data areas. It is seven lines long. The V command creates a view screen; the AD command adds data areas to the display; the DV command deletes data area from the display; and the NV command deletes all data areas from the view screen. Device-Specific Support MPSIM provides support for more than one family of microcontrollers. Chapters 1 - 5 contain general information about MPSIM, regardless of the target processor. Device-specific information can be found in the appendices at the end of this manual. Customer Support If you have any questions about MPSIM, the first step is to check in Appendix A: Troubleshooting Guide, which contains a troubleshooting guide that provides some common error messages and their possible causes. Appendix C: Customer Support provides detailed information about how to connect to the Microchip Technology BBS. The BBS contains the most up-todate development systems software, application notes, as well as a variety of other useful information. If you still cannot find the answer, contact the sales office nearest you. Information and telephone numbers are presented on the last page of the manual. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 5 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE DS30027I - page 6 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Chapter 2. The MPSIM Environment Introduction Chapter 2 provides an introduction to the MPSIM debugging environment. It describes all data areas that can be simulated and presents general information about using the simulator. This chapter is highly recommended for first-time users. Highlights The following topics will be covered: 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. * User Interface * Invoking MPSIM * I/O Pins * CPU Model * Hardware Stack * Files Used and Generated By MPSIM DS30027I - page 7 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE User Interface The user interface consists of three areas: the title line, the view screen and a command entry/display region. The title line remains in a fixed location at the top of the screen and lists the current hex file, the radix, the MPSIM version, the controller being simulated, cycle steps and elapsed time. RADIX=X Title Line MPSIM 16c55 TIME=0.00p 0 View Screen x Command Entry Figure 2.1 Start-up The view screen displays user selected pin and register values. This area is created by the user typically through an initialization command file. This file will be in greater detail later in this chapter in "Files Used and Generated by MPSIM". The command entry/display region occupies the remainder of the screen. Use this area to enter commands; MPSIM enters any responses to a command on the line or lines immediately following the command. MPSIM can be invoked with any or a combination of the following options: Option DS30027I - page 8 Description Default -v verbose off -m monochrome mode off -a ASCII only off 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 2. The MPSIM Environment Invoking MPSIM Invoke MPSIM by typing MPSIM at the DOS prompt, or by typing MPSIM_DP for the PIC17C42 in the extended microcontroller or microprocessor mode. MPSIM is faster than MPSIM_DP. MPSIM_DP supports the larger memory modules. To load a file into the simulator, use the following command: %LO filename [FORMAT] The `%' is MPSIM's prompt. Exit MPSIM by using the AB or Q command. Obtain help with the H command. I/O Pins There is a list of viewable and modifiable pins for each microcontroller in its appendix. These pin names are loaded when a processor is selected and are the only ones that MPSIM recognizes as valid. I/O Pin Modeling Because a conflict can occur when a pin is being driven internally (via an instruction) and externally (via stimulus file), the following table is provided to illustrate the possible conditions and the order in which MPSIM processes it. Is the pin being driven externally? Is the pin being driven internally ? Resolution Yes Yes Chip wins. No No The pins are essentially floating. The pins maintain the last external value they were driven.* Yes No Simple. No Yes Simple. * Note that this does not represent the actual behavior of the circuit when the I/O pin was last driven by the chip. However, typically, a used I/O pin (especially CMOS) would not be left floating. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 9 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Pin Signals At the end of each instruction all pins are checked for possible input or output. * If the MCLR pin is cleared, MPSIM simulates a MCLR reset. * The TRIS (or DDR for the PIC17CXX) status bits determine how MPSIM manipulates the port and file register bits. For example, the TRISA, RA0-RA5 and F5 registers work together; the TRISB, RB0-RB7 and F6 registers work together; and the TRISC, RC0-RC7 and F7 registers work together, etc. - - For TRIS status register bits that are set, MPSIM reads the corresponding port bit into the corresponding file register bit. For TRIS status register bits that are cleared, MPSIM writes the corresponding file register bit to the corresponding port bit (pin). * Similarly, if any of the timer inputs are changed, the corresponding timer or its prescaler will increment. * Any peripheral input (such as capture input) is acted upon. * Any peripheral output (such as serial port output) is presented on the pin. CPU Model Reset Conditions All reset conditions are supported by MPSIM. A Power-On-Reset, for example, can be simulated by using the RS instruction. All special-purpose registers will be initialized to the values specified in the Microchip data sheet. A MCLR reset during normal operation or during SLEEP, for example, can easily be simulated by driving the MCLR pin low (and then high) either via the stimulus file or by using the SE command. A WDT time-out reset is simulated when WDT is enabled (see DW command) and proper prescaler is set (by initializing OPTION register appropriately for the PIC16CXX family or by using the FW command for the PIC17CXX family) and WDT actually overflows. WDT time-out period is approximately the "normal" time for the device being simulated (to closest instruction cycle multiple). The Time-out (TO) and Power-down (PD) bits in the Status register reflect the reset condition. This feature is useful for simulating various power-up and time out forks in the user code. DS30027I - page 10 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 2. The MPSIM Environment Sleep MPSIM simulates the SLEEP instruction, and will appear "asleep" until a wake-up from sleep condition occurs. For example, if the Watchdog timer has been enabled, it will wake the processor up from sleep when it times out (depending upon the prescaler setting). Another example of a wake-up-from-sleep condition, would be Timer1 wakeup from sleep. In this case, when the processor is asleep, Timer1 would continue to increment until it overflows, and if the interrupt is enabled, will wake the processor on overflow and branch to the interrupt vector. Wake-up from SLEEP through interrupt is fully simulated in the PIC16CXX and PIC17CXX products. WDT The Watchdog timer is fully simulated in the MPSIM simulator. Because it is fuse-selectable on the device, it must be enabled by a separate command (see the DW command) in MPSIM. The period of the WDT is determined by the prescaler settings. The basic period (with prescaler = 1) is approximated at 18 ms (for the PIC16C5X and PIC16CXX families and 12 ms for the PIC17CXX families). Registers MPSIM simulates all registers. Certain special-function registers or nonmapped registers can be added to the viewscreen or modified like any other register. Examples are timer prescaler or postscalers. All registers are initialized appropriately at various reset conditions. Please see the appendix of the microcontroller in question for a list of additional registers. Register Name Function W Working Register TRISA Tris register for Port A (PIC16C5X/PIC16CXX) TRISB Tris register for Port B (PIC16C5X/PIC16CXX) TRISX (etc)* (etc)* OPT Option register* * Processor-dependent. For a complete list for a given processor, please refer to the device-specific appendix. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 11 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Hardware Stack Push The CALL instruction pushes the PC value + 1 to the top of the stack and loads the PC with the address of the subroutine being called. If the number of CALL instructions exceeds the depth of the stack, MPSIM will issue a "STACK OVERFLOW" warning message when executing or single-stepping through code. In the PIC16C5X family, the CALL instruction is the only instruction that causes an address to be pushed to the stack. The PIC16CXX and PIC17CXX families, however, support interrupts. When an interrupt occurs, the PC value + 1 is pushed to the stack and the PC is loaded with the address of the interrupt vector. The same error message will also be generated if too many addresses are pushed to the stack when MPSIM is executing or singlestepping through a program. Pop RETLW instructions in the PIC16C5X and RETLW, RETURN and RETFIE instructions in the PIC16CXX and PIC17CXX instruction set remove or "pop" the last address pushed to the stack and loads its value into the PC. If an attempt is made to pop more values than the stack contains, MPSIM will issue a "STACK UNDERFLOW" warning message when executing or singlestepping through the program. Because stack implementation is processor-family dependent, please refer to the appendix of the processor family in question for stack simulation. Files Used and Generated By MPSIM MPSIM uses or creates the following I/O files. * Command files * Initialization files * Journal files * Stimulus files * Assembler files * HEX-Code formats The following sections describe each of these files. DS30027I - page 12 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 2. The MPSIM Environment Command Files Command files are text files containing MPSIM commands. These MPSIM commands are executed with the GE command. There are two special command files: MPSIM.INI and MPSIM.JRN. MPSIM.INI is the initialization file that MPSIM will automatically load on startup. MPSIM.JRN is a file containing all commands executed in the previous session. Initialization File When MPSIM is invoked, it automatically performs the MPSIM commands in MPSIM.INI. Common commands in this file might create a standard view screen and/or initialize data areas. Figure 3.2 in Chapter 3 lists an example initialization file and Figure 3.3 in Chapter 3 shows the resulting view screen. Journal File If you want to re-execute the most recent MPSIM session, LJ retrieves a list of the commands performed during the previous MPSIM session from MPSIM.JRN. This file is automatically created each time MPSIM is invoked. If you want to retain a journal file, copy it to another filename before reentering MPSIM. The first time you reenter MPSIM, the journal file is the same as you copied. However, when you exit via Q, the commands from the current MPSIM session will overwrite the previous journal file. Thereafter, you can access the copied file with GE. As with all modern CAD/CAE tools, the concept of journal files is carried throughout MPSIM. That is, any command entered by the user is automatically stored in a journal file (named MPSIM.JRN). The journal file remains in the user's default directory regardless of the termination method (Quit or Abort). The LJ command loads and executes the journal file created during the previous simulator session. However, it doesn't store the commands from the previous journal file in the current journal file. Performing the Q command removes the previous journal file, but using the AB (Abort) retains old journal file. The current MPSIM session commands are written over the previous journal file. Stimulus File This file allows you to schedule bit manipulation by forcing MPSIM to drive given pins to given values at a specified input step. This scheduling is via a text file called a stimulus file. The stimulus file can force any pin to any value at any input step during program execution. The ST command reads the stimulus file into MPSIM. When you execute the loaded file with E, each time it looks for input, it reads the next step in the stimulus file. The first line of stimulus file always consists of column headings. It lists first the word "STEP," followed by the pins that are to be manipulated. The data below STEP represents the object file's input request occurrence. The data below each pin 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 13 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE name is the input value. You may enter comments at the end of a line by preceding it with an exclamation mark (!). The following example illustrates the stimulus file format: STEP pin 1 pin 2 ! These are pin names 8 1 0 ! followed by values 16 0 1 24 1 0 Other notes on the format of stimulus file: * The steps in the stimulus file must be decimal, regardless of the radix in which you run your simulation * The number of spaces separating data tokens is irrelevant * Backslash (\) is a continuation mark at the end of a line and indicates that the following line continues the statement from the current line Step RB2 RA3 RA2 RA1 RA0 3 0 0 1 0 0 ! Stimulus before cycle 3 4 1 0 1 0 1 ! Injected before cycle 10 9 1 1 0 1 0 ! Injected before cycle 16 10 0 1 0 1 1 ! Stimulus before cycle 3 15 0 0 0 0 0 ! Injected before cycle 9 16 1 0 0 0 1 ! Injected before cycle 15 Figure 2.2 ! Column Headings Stimulus File There are three other ways to inject stimulus to the I/O pins in addition to using the stimulus file. A "clock" can be assigned to an I/O pin, Alt-function keys can be assigned to the pins (only for use in "execute" mode), and they can be modified in "single step" mode. Details and syntax for each command can be found in Chapter 5. Please see CK, DK, and SE commands. Files Generated by the Assembler The MPASM assembler generates by default all files necessary, for use with MPSIM. To assemble a file, invoke MPASM with the source file name as follows: MPASM filename The default assembler that MPSIM assumes is MPASM. To specify MPALC as the assembler, invoke MPSIM with the "-s" option. DS30027I - page 14 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 2. The MPSIM Environment Listing File The listing file contains the source code the assembler uses to create the object code being simulated. To display the source code throughout simulation, read in the listing file with the LO command. Otherwise, MPSIM uses the disassembler. Input Hex File The input hex file contains the object code generated by the assembler. The LO command reads an hex file directly into program memory. The hex code format can be INHX8M or INHX8S. The default format is INHX8M. Output Hex File At any time during simulation, the contents of the program memory can written to an external file with the O command. The hex code format can be INHX8S or INHX8M. Symbol File The assembler generates the symbol file and contains a collection of symbols used in the source code. This file is used for symbolic debugging, and is automatically loaded when the LO command is used. The RA command clears the symbol file, and restores all original values. Trace File If you open a trace file with the TF command and later trace execution, MPSIM writes the specified trace into the trace file as well as displaying the trace on-line. HEX Code Formats The simulator is capable of reading or generating two different hex code formats as dictated by the LO and O commands: INHX8S or INHX8M. The default hex code format that the simulator recognizes is INHX8M, but any file format can be loaded by specifying the format when using the LO command. For example: LO Myfile INHX8S will tell the simulator to load myfile.obh and myfile.obl. (The two files necessary for INHX8S format.) Similarly, modified hex code can be saved to disk in any format by using the following command: O Myfile INHX8M The file that has been loaded into memory in any format will now be saved as a file in INHX8M format. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 15 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE DS30027I - page 16 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Chapter 3. Tutorial Introduction This chapter provides an introduction to MPSIM, the discrete-event simulator for Microchip Technology's PIC16C5X, PIC16CXX and PIC17CXX families of microcontrollers. It also presents a step-by-step tutorial through a sample program, SAMPLE.ASM. The tutorial is intended to familiarize you with the simulator and to provide an introduction to some of the most commonly used commands. The source code for SAMPLE.ASM and the other files used in the tutorial are available on your master disk, and can also be found in Appendix B at the end of the manual. If you do not have soft copies of the files for the tutorial, they can be created with any ASCII text editor. It is assumed that MPASM and MPSIM have been installed on your hard drive, and that all files used in the tutorial are in your working directory. The program that is used in this tutorial, SAMPLE.ASM, is a software multiplier that takes two 8-bit numbers, "mulplr" and "mulcnd", and places the 16-bit result in "H_byte" and "L_byte" for the PIC16C54. Because this chapter provides some background examples in addition to the tutorial, all steps that are part of the tutorial will have a step number in bold text to the left of the command in the margin. Highlights This chapter covers the following information: 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. * Assemble the Code * Involk the Simulator * Load the Initialization File * Load the Hex File * Load the Stimulus File * Set Up Trace Parameters * Set Up Breakpoints * Execute the Hex Code * Modify the Hex Code * Exit the MPSIM Session DS30027I - page 17 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Assemble the Code Before you can begin to use the simulator, you must first assemble SAMPLE.ASM. MPASM generates a hex file in INHX8M format by default. In addition to INHX8M, the following formats can be output: INHX8M INHX8S There is one default setting that the simulator assumes when it loads your code: the file format. The default file format for MPSIM is INHX8M, but any format that either assembler generates can be loaded into the simulator. For this tutorial, we want the output file format to be INHX8M (the default format used by MPSIM), and the processor type to be PIC16C54. Type the following at the DOS prompt: STEP 1: MPASM sample /p16C54 Invoke the Simulator To invoke the simulator, simply type STEP 2: MPSIM (if using the MPASM assembler) or MPSIM -s (if using the MPALC assembler) at the DOS prompt. The following screen will display: Figure 3.1 DS30027I - page 18 MPSIM.INI View Screen 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 3. Tutorial MPSIM.INI Observe the information in the command area and the information that is displayed in the view screen. The data areas appear in the view screen because an initialization file, MPSIM.INI is in your working directory. MPSIM.INI is simply an ASCII file that contains the same commands that appear in the command area. Every time MPSIM is invoked, it looks for a file called MPSIM.INI. If one exists on your working directory, all of the MPSIM commands appearing in that file will be executed, much like a DOS batch file. It is important to understand that an initialization file can be named anything. MPSIM.INI is unique in that it is automatically loaded when MPSIM is invoked. Load the Initialization File Initialization files are very useful because they allow you to choose data areas that you wish to view, display them on the viewscreen, load your program, and create break points-all in one step. In other words, you can invoke MPSIM, load your initialization file, begin debugging, exit MPSIM, and return later, easily setting up the viewscreen the same way that you had it when you quit the program, simply by loading the initialization file. Creating an initialization file One easy way to create an initialization file is to first invoke the simulator, type in commands that set up your viewscreen, set some break points, and then quit the simulator. When you quit, you will notice that a file "MPSIM.JRN" has been created. This "journal" file contains every command that you executed in the previous session. If the W register, or any other register was added to the viewscreen, the commands implementing this will be saved in the journal file. This file can then be edited using any text editor to remove commands such as "E" (execute) or "Q" (Quit), and then saved under another file name. It is necessary to remove commands such as "E" and "Q" because they will also be executed when you load your ANYTHING.INI file, and the simulator would set up your viewscreen, execute your code, and quit. It is also important to save the journal file under another name before invoking MPSIM a second time. Each time MPSIM is invoked, it overwrites the previous journal file, and if you did not rename the journal file, it will contain all commands executed in the current session. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 19 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE For this example, we will use the initialization file called "SAMPLE.INI". We will load it by using the following command: STEP 3: GE sample.ini MPSIM executes the commands in the following SAMPLE.INI file. LO SAMPLE ST SAMPLE SR X ZP ZR ZT RE P 54 NV AD mulcnd AD mulplr AD H_byte AD L_byte AD count AD portb AD RB7,B,1 AD RB6,B,1 AD RB5,B,1 AD RB4,B,1 AD RB3,B,1 AD RB2,B,1 AD RB1,B,1 AD RB0,B,1 Figure 3.2-Sample .INI Initialization File DS30027I - page 20 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 3. Tutorial This changes the viewscreen so that it displays the data areas that SAMPLE.HEX uses, in the most useful format. Figure 3.3- Sample.INI View Screen The commands in this file create the viewscreen shown above and re-initialize data areas. The viewscreen now contains data areas that can be watched during the execution of SAMPLE. Load the Hex File Notice that the LO command is listed in the SAMPLE.INI file. Because of this, the hex file was automatically loaded when SAMPLE.INI was loaded. If the LO command were not in the SAMPLE.INI file, you could load the file by typing in the following: LO sample It is important to realize that because we have assembled the code in the MPSIM default format (INHX8M), we do not have to specify the format being loaded. If we had assembled filename in any format other than INHX8M, we would have had to load the file in the following way: LO filename format MPSIM loads the named hex file, and then looks for a source file. If the file is available, it also loads the symbol table and the listing file. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 21 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Load the Stimulus File SAMPLE.INI has taken care of loading the stimulus file. You can see in the SAMPLE.INI file that the command: ST sample.sti was executed when the initialization file was loaded. The stimulus file contains values that are to be input to the pins. When you execute the loaded program, at every instruction step specified in the stimulus file, MPSIM retrieves the input data, and injects their values to the pins. ! Stimulus file for SAMPLE.ASM STEP RB7 RB6 RB5 RB4 RB3 RB2 RB1 RB0 !PortB Pins 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 65 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 67 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 127 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 129 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 191 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 193 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 253 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 255 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 9 x 5 ! 10 x 5 ! 27 x 3 ! 17 x 7 ! 64 x 63 Figure 3.4 - SAMPLE.STI Stimulus File The stimulus file for SAMPLE in figure 3.4 writes the multiplier and multiplicand values into simulated I/O port B. Since this port allows up to eight bits of data, the maximum value of the multiplier and multiplicand is 11111111 or 0xFF. DS30027I - page 22 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 3. Tutorial Set Up Trace Parameters A trace file is a file that contains executed instructions, timing information, and registers that have been modified. Using a trace file can be very helpful in determining where to inject stimulus and for creating a "hard copy" of the general execution flow of your program. There are five MPSIM commands dealing with traces: * TF opens and closes a file for writing the traced data. * TA traces all instructions between two specified addresses * TC traces a specified number of instructions. * TR traces instructions dealing with specified registers and values. * DX displays the current trace parameters Try some of the following exercises. All of the traces in these exercises will be printed to a file. If you would like to try printing your trace to a default printer, substitute "PRN" in place of the trace file name. Exercise 1: Trace the instructions between two labels, call_m and main, and print the instructions to a file. The first step is to create the trace file: TF trace1.trc Next, specify the range of the trace. Then, begin tracing the instructions. Hit any key to interrupt the trace. TA main, call_m TC Exercise 2: Trace fourteen instructions (0x0E instructions) and write the trace to the file TRACE2.trc. Restart the system by exiting MPSIM (q ), and repeating steps 2 (Invoke the Simulator) and 3 (Load the Initialization File). Just as in Exercise 1, we will first open the trace file TF trace2.trc Then, we will trace the next fourteen instructions. Note that if the number of instructions to be traced is not specified, the trace will continue until a key is pressed. TC E Note: 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. If you had specified the number of instructions to be executed as "14" instead of "E", twenty steps would have been executed since the radix is set to hexadecimal (the default radix in MPSIM). DS30027I - page 23 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Figure 3.5 -The trace information is printed to both the screen and the trace file. Exercise 3: Check the current trace criteria. DX The current trace parameters display in the command entry area of the MPSIM screen. DS30027I - page 24 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 3. Tutorial Set Up Breakpoints Break points are used to artificially stop program execution so that you can review how the data has been manipulated or to see the contents of the Special Function Registers. There are three instructions that deal with breakpoints: Exercise 1: * DB displays all of the breakpoints currently set. * BC clears one or all of the breakpoints currently set. * B sets a break point. Initialize the breakpoints by clearing any break points currently set. Enter the following command: BC Exercise 2: Set a breakpoint at MPY_S. Enter the following command: B mpy_S Exercise 3: Review all the breakpoints. Enter the following command: DB Exercise 4: Delete the breakpoint at MPY_S. Enter the following command: BC mpy_S 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 25 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Execute the Hex Code In addition to trace, there are three instructions that you can use to execute your code. E SS C Exercise 1: * E executes your code until it encounters a breakpoint or you press a key. * SS single-steps through your instructions. That is, it executes one single instruction at the CPC. * C Execute, ignoring "n" number of breakpoints. Add a watch variable. Add the w register to the display. AD W Exercise 2: Add two breakpoints and execute until the first breakpoint is encountered. b main b mpy_S E MPSIM executes until it encounters the first breakpoint or until a key is pressed. Watch the values change in the W, mulplr, H-Byte, and L-Byte registers. Exercise 3: Execute instructions one step at a time. SS The SS instruction causes MPSIM to execute the instruction at the PC. Pressing at the MPSIM prompt re-executes the last command. Execute a second instruction by pressing again. Do this several times, watching how the values in the W, mulplr, H-Byte, registers change. This command can be used to single-step through your entire program to see the data values at each step, and to watch the flow of your program. If you supply an address with the SS command, MPSIM will modify the CPC to the address you specify and then will execute the instruction at that address. Remember that pressing will cause MPSIM to re-execute the same command, so that if you supplied an address with the command, the same address will be executed. Exercise 4: Execute your program and break after the second breakpoint. C 2 MPSIM executes the instruction at the current CPC until the instruction immediately following the second break point. Watch the values change in the W, mulplr, H-Byte, and L-Byte registers. DS30027I - page 26 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 3. Tutorial Modify the Hex Code MPSIM has four types of commands which allow you to modify the hex code: search commands locate code that match specified criteria, display/modify commands automatically display specified code and allow you to change it, delete commands eliminate specified code, output commands allow the modified code to be saved to a file. For the following exercises, mulplr is stored in file register F10. Exercise 1: Search for the next occurrence of F10, and change its contents to 0xFF. SF 0, 1FF, F10 You will see two code lines with the "mulplr" register label. F F10 After you type in the above command, you will see the current contents of register F10, followed by a colon. Type in the value 0xFF, and watch the contents of the file register change. You will see that the contents of "mulplr" will change since the value of "mulplr" is 0x10. Exercise 2: Change the value of the W register to 0x0C W Just as in Exercise 1, you will see the current contents of W displayed on the screen, followed by a colon. Type in 0x0C, and watch the contents of the W register change. Exercise 3: Change the contents of program memory located at the PC to a NOP. Type in the following: M 0 You will see the contents of program memory displayed in hexadecimal, followed by a colon. Type in a 0 (object code for NOP), and then . Unlike modifying file registers, you will not immediately exit the function. Instead, you will see the contents of the next memory location followed by a colon. You can continue modifying program memory until you are finished. When you are done, type "Q". This will get you back to the MPSIM command prompt (%). Exercise 4: Delete program memory between address 2 and 4. Type in the following command: DE 2,4 This function will delete all program memory from address 2 through address 4, and will shift up remaining program memory. If you would like to only clear the program memory between two addresses, use the following command: ZM 2,4 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 27 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE All of program memory between addresses 2 and 4 will now contain zeros (NOP instructions). It will essentially leave a "hole" in program memory. Use the following command to view your changes: DI 0 Exercise 5: Remove the modifications made to program memory from the object code in memory. Remove the modifications made to program memory from the object code in memory. ZP This instruction clears the patch table. All of the modifications made to SAMPLE.HEX program memory are removed. Exit the MPSIM Session There are two ways of exiting MPSIM: AB Q Using the AB command causes the old journal file to remain the same. The Q command overwrites the old journal file. You have now been introduced to some of the most commonly-used functions in the simulator, and should have an understanding of how to use them. If you need any additional information about any of the files that the simulator uses or generates, please review the information in Chapter 2. Chapter 5 provides a list of all the commands that are available in MPSIM, complete with a detailed description of their functions and syntax. DS30027I - page 28 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Chapter 4. Functional Categories of MPSIM Commands Introduction Chapter 4 is intended to be used as a quick way to help locate a MPSIM command by function. All of the commands presented in this chapter have been grouped together according to function instead of alphabetical order. Once the desired command is found, it can be looked up in Chapter 5 "MPSIM Simulator Commands" if a more detailed explanation or example is required. Highlights All commands have been divided into the following categories: * Loading and Saving * Inspecting and Modifying - - - - - - - - * Execute and Trace - - - 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Program Memory Registers Display Functions Patch Table Clearing Memory and Registers Searching Memory Symbol Table Restore Execution Instructions Tracing Execution Breakpoints * View Screen * Miscellaneous Commands * MPSIM Commands DS30027I - page 29 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Loading and Saving The following three commands load and save hex code and listing files. LO filename format Load file filename with format into program memory. MPSIM also loads the source file. LS filename Load filename into internal symbol table. O filename format Write modified hex code to filename. Before simulation can begin, use LO to load an hex file into program memory. Immediately after loading the object file, MPSIM tries to load the listing file using the same filename and the extension .LST. If MPSIM still can't find the listing file, the source code file cannot be loaded and displayed at break points. Instead, MPSIM disassembles the hex code and displays the disassembled instruction. The object file can be any of two different formats: INHX85 or INHX8M. Example: LO SAMPLE.OBJ INHX8M After modifications have been made to the program memory, the user may wish to save the corrected hex code into an external file. Use the O command to output the hex code. Enter the filename including the extension. Example: O SAMPLE1.HEX INHX8S Inspecting And Modifying MPSIM allows user to change the values of any data area or program memory any time during the simulation. Program Memory In the course of testing a program, you may need to modify its instructions. Both the following commands do so. DS30027I - page 30 A address Display/modify program memory at address using symbolic format. M address Display/modify program memory at address using the current radix format. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 4. Functional Categories of MPSIM Commands If you use IA, the source code for the address displays, followed by `:' on the next line for the new command. The new command must consist of a valid mnemonic followed by zero or more operands. Each operand must contain a single value or symbol, no expressions will be allowed. MPSIM interprets all values based on the current input radix as set with the SR command. Entering `Q' at the prompt ends the command; entering `-' causes MPSIM to go back and inspect/modify the previous address; entering leaves the instruction alone and continues to the next address. Example: %IA 200 0200 : : 0201 0200 CLRF F7 CLRF 6 - : : F5 CLRF 6 : : CLRF Q After changing the hex code, the original source code no longer displays. It is replaced by a disassembled source line. If you use M, the contents of the address display in the same format as the current radix. The prompt `:' immediately follows the data. Place the new value after the prompt, using the current radix. The `-', `Q' and have the same affect as described above. Two additional commands that affect program memory are: IN address,instruction Insert instruction at address in symbolic format. DE address1,address2 Delete program memory from address1 to address2. The IN command places a symbolically formatted opcode at the given address, then displaces values that follow address by one location. The new command must consist of a valid mnemonic followed by zero or more operands. Each operand must contain a single value or symbol, no expressions will be allowed. The DE command deletes the code within the given boundaries then shifts all data in program memory locations greater than the upper boundary down to the lower boundary. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 31 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Registers Each register can be inspected/modified by using the following commands: F register Display/modify contents of file register W Display/modify contents of W register SC Display/modify processor cycle time SE data_area Display/modify any data_area RE Reset elapsed time and step count Inspect and modify file registers with the F command. The value of the register displays followed by the prompt `:'. Enter the new value after this prompt. Example: %F 3 F3=20:21 (The value of F3 has now been changed to 21.) To inspect and modify the W register the W command is used. Example: %W W=44:00 (The value of W has now been changed to 0.) Inspect and modify the simulated cycle time with the SC command. Example: %SC 2.0:.2 Display and/or modify the value of any other data area (stack, pins, status bits, all registers) with the SE command. Example: %SE OPT OPT=FF:FE DS30027I - page 32 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 4. Functional Categories of MPSIM Commands Display Functions The display functions are provided to print formatted lists of various program variables in the command/source area on the screen. DR Displays the contents of all registers including W, status and the stack. DM addr1,addr2 Displays the code from address1 to address2. The code displays only in the current radix, not in mnemonics. address1 must be less than address2 and both must be in the valid range of program memory. DI addr1,addr2 Displays the code from address1 to address2. The code displays in both the current radix and mnemonics. address1 must be less then address2 and both must be in the valid range of program memory. You can terminate the DM and DI commands at any time by pressing any key. Example: %DI 0, 3 0000 0020 MOVWF 0 The MOVWF instruction = 20 0001 0063 CLRF 3 The CLRF instruction = 63 0002 0080 SUBWF 0,0 The SUBWF instruction = 80 0003 0069 CLRF 9 The CLRF instruction = 69 %DM 0, 3 0000 0020 0001 0063 0002 0080 0003 0069 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 33 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Patch Table During the course of simulation, several changes may have been made to the hex code in order to achieve the desired results. The patch table keeps track of all changes made by maintaining the original value of the address along with the most recent change. The patch table can then be displayed out in symbolic format to aid the user in making changes to the source code. The following three commands manipulate the patch-table. ZP Clears the patch table and resets it to no patches made. All changes previously made to the hex code remain. DP Display all patches in symbolic format. Both the original hex code and new code display. RP Restores all patches to their original value and clears the patch table Clearing Memory and Registers Memory and registers can be cleared quickly by using the following commands. ZM addr1,addr2 Zero the program memory from address1 to address2. address1 must less than address2 and both must be valid program memory addresses. ZR Zero all of the file registers (F0 through F31). ZT Zero the elapsed time counter. Clear any of the other data areas with the SE command. Searching Memory It is sometimes desirable to search the program memory for specific instructions or operands. The following three commands search program memory for various patterns and display each line containing that pattern. SI address1,address2,instruction Search program memory from address1 to address2 for any occurrence of instruction. Instruction is in mnemonic format. SM address1,address2,m Search program memory from address1 to address2 for any occurrence of the value m. Specify the search criteria in the radix mode, not in mnemonics. DS30027I - page 34 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 4. Functional Categories of MPSIM Commands SF address1,address2,register Search program memory from address1 to address2 for any instruction that accesses file register. Specify the search criteria in the radix mode, not in mnemonics. Example: %SI 0, 20, NOP 0000 0000 LOOP NOP 0006 0000 NOP 001E 0000 NOP %SM 0, 20, 0 0000 0000 0006 0000 001E 0000 Symbol Table The following commands manipulate the symbol table: DS Display symbol table. DL symbol Delete symbol from symbol table. GS symbol,value,type Generate symbol with a value of type. type may be file, bit(file), label or literal. See the GS command description for the exact syntax. Example: %DS Symbol Value Type START 0000 L %GS NEWSYM, FF, B Symbol Value Type START 0000 L NEWSYM 00FF B Restore The Restore All command, RA, has the combined effect of restoring the patch table, clearing the symbol table and removing all break points. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 35 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Execute and Trace The simulator executes in three basic modes, execute until break, single step or trace. In either of these modes you can stop execution at any time by pressing any key. Execution Instructions The E command begins execution at the specified address, or at the CPC if you don't specify an address. The loaded program executes until reaching a break point or until you press any key. If you wish to slow down execution, use the single step instruction, SS. SS executes the single instruction at the specified address or at the CPC if you don't specify an address. Tracing Execution In the trace mode, all addresses meeting certain conditions display as they execute. The conditions may include: * A given instruction within address boundaries. * Accessing a given register. * A given register containing a value between two limits. The following trace parameters maintain trace execution. * Register number being traced. * Range of register values. * Range of addresses to trace. The following commands set up and execute the trace mode. TC #instructions Trace the next #instructions. If you omit #instructions, execution continues until MPSIM encounters a break point or until you press any key. TA Sets the upper and lower address trace limits to the full range of program memory. TA addr1,addr2 Sets the lower validation limit for address trace to address1 and the upper address validation limit to address2. TR Sets the address trace to trace any file register. TR reg Sets the address trace to trace the file register. TR reg,min_val,max_val Sets the address trace to trace the file register only if the value of the register is between min_value and max_value. DS30027I - page 36 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 4. Functional Categories of MPSIM Commands DX Displays the current trace parameters. When in trace mode, the location, opcode, mnemonic, elapsed time, cycle steps and any changed data areas will be displayed when the given conditions are met. Note: F2 and F3 won't display if changed, however, status bits do display. Examples: %DX Address 0000:01FF %TC 2 0002 0000 LOOP NOP | 6.00u 0003 | 0003 0040 TEST CLRW | 8.00u 0004 | Z:1 %TR 4, 0, F %TR 3 %TA 0, 4 %DX Address 0000:0004 F3 0000:01FF F4 0000:000F %TC 40 0004 0020 CALL START | 10.00u 0005| [005,000] Stack contents always display in brackets with the top of the stack to the left. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 37 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Breakpoints MPSIM allows the user to set up to 512 breakpoints on any valid address. It also allows conditional breakpoints on any of the data areas. When one of these breakpoints is encountered, the current address is displayed in symbolic format and control is returned to the user. The following commands control the breakpoints. B address Set breakpoint at address (symbolic address can be used). B data_area op val Break when data_area matches the condition given by the operator (=,>,<,>=,<=,!=) and value. BC address Cancel breakpoint at address. BC data_area Cancel breakpoint involving data_area. BC Cancel all breakpoints. C #breakpoints Continue execution ignoring #breakpoints breakpoint occurrences. DB Display all active breakpoints. Only one conditional breakpoint is allowed per data area. DS30027I - page 38 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 4. Functional Categories of MPSIM Commands View Screen The following commands set up and manipulate the view screen. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. V data_area,radix,#digits This command sets up the view screen. This means that the View command defines the variables (and respective formats) to constantly display on the screen. Once the view screen is set, it remains active until either a NOVIEW command or a View sets up a new view screen. The format of this command is relatively simple. Register or signal s displays in radix mode r with n digits. r defaults to hexadecimal and n defaults to 1. If n is omitted, the number of digits is 1. The radix can be binary, octal, hexadecimal or decimal. NV This command clears the view screen. The same effect can be achieved by redefining the view screen. AD data_area,radix,#digits This command adds items to the view screen. If one desires to add more display items to the view screen, use the Add command. While this command's format is identical to View, it doesn't destroy the current contents of the view screen, but simply displays additional items as well as the current ones. DV data_area This command simply removes display items from the view screen while leaving the display formatting intact. TY data_area,radix,#digits This command changes the formatting of the existing view screen. s is the signal name (if the designated signal isn't in the view screen, MPSIM gives a warning). The radix can be x, o, d or b and n is the number of spaces to reserve for this variable at the display time. DS30027I - page 39 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Miscellaneous Commands SR radix This command sets the input/output radix to Octal, hexadecimal or Decimal. The radix will be used on all inputs and outputs with the exception of file register numbers and step counts. P {54|55|71|...} Choose the appropriate PIC16CXX Microcontroller number n. n can be any member of the PIC16CXX or PIC16C5X microcontroller family. The default is 55. GE filename This command forces MPSIM to get its command stream from an external text file. When end of file is reached, the control is returned to the user interface. All the incoming commands are parsed by the same mechanism as the one supervising the on-line interface thus the syntax should follow the guidelines of this document. If the specified file is not found, the user will be notified. Q This command terminates the dialogue. It prints out one or two summary messages, removes the journal file and exits to the operating system. AB This command aborts the dialogue. It prints out one or two summary messages and exits to the operating system. ST filename Stimulus command allows the user to introduce an event-based stimulus injection into the model. That is, the user may want to inject certain values into certain pins or registers at some point during the simulation. The stimuli are defined in a text file whose format is described on pages 12 and 13. H The Help command lists the syntax and a brief summary of each command available in MPSIM. There are several screens of information. Press SPACEBAR to exit, any other key to display the next screen. CK pin, high, low This command allows you to assign a clock to an I/O pin. DK altfxkey, pin, event This command simulates an asynchronous event through a function keystroke, and is very useful for simulating external interrupts or resets. FI FileNameAddr, PmemAddr, n This command injects values into a file register when the PC = PmemAddr. Repeats n times. DS30027I - page 40 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 4. Functional Categories of MPSIM Commands MPSIM Commands The following table contains summary information grouped by function about the MPSIM commands. This information is also found on the MPSIM Quick Reference Card. Chapter 5 contains additional information about the MPSIM commands. Table 4.1 MPSIM Commands by Function MPSIM Conventions [ ] Brackets indicate optional items. { } Braces indicate group options. One or more options in the group is required. | Vertical bar indicates alternative options. System Navigation AB Abort Session. Aborts the dialogue, prints a summary message and exits to the operating system. AB does not overwrite the journal file. H|Help|? Help. The Help Command lists the syntax and gives a brief summary of each command available in MPSIM. Press the SPACEBAR to exit Help. Press any other key to display the next help screen. Q Quit. Terminates the dialog. Prints one or two summary messages, overwrites the old journal file and exits to the opening system. Program Memory DE address1,address2 Delete Program Memory from address1 to address2. DI [address1[,address2]] Display Program Memory in Symbolic Format. Displays program memory from address1 to address2. Displays in current radix and symbolic format. Omit address2 to display next 10 lines from address1. DM [address1,address2] Display Program Memory in Radix Designated Format. (See SR command to set the radix.) Displays program memory from address1 to address2. Data displays in current radix only. With no parameter, displays 10 lines continuing from last DM display. FM address1,address2,pattern Fill Memory. Fills program memory from address1 to address2 with specified HEX pattern. IA address Insert/Inspect Assembly Code (Symbolic Format). Displays or modifies program memory at address using symbolic format. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 41 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Table 4.1 MPSIM Commands by Function (Continued) IN address,instruction Insert instruction. Inserts instruction at address in symbolic format. LO filename[format] Load Object File. Loads the object file, filename, with format into program memory. MPSIM also loads the listing file and symbol file. Valid Formats: INHX8M (Default) INHX8S M address Display/Modify Program Memory at Address. The contents at the address display, and a colon (:) prompt follows. To change the value at address, enter a new value (in the current radix) after the prompt. Q End the command - Cause MPSIM to go back to the previous address Continue to the next address O filename [format] Output Modified Object Code. Writes contents of program memory, including modifications, to the specified file in the designated format. Valid Formats: INHX8M (Default) INHX8S INHX32 (for PIC17CXX) SF address1,address2,register Search Program Memory for Register. Searches program memory from address1 to address2 for any instruction that accesses the specified file register. SI addr1,addr2,instruction Search Program Memory in Symbolic Format from address1 to address2 for any occurrence of instruction. SM addr1,addr2,instruction Designated Format. (See SR command to set the radix.) Searches program memory from address1 to address2 for any occurrence of instruction. Specify instruction in the current radix. ZM address1,address2 Zero the Program Memory from address1 to address2. Breakpoints B address Set Breakpoint. Sets breakpoint at address (symbolic address can be used). B FileReg {operator value} Set Breakpoint. Break when FileReg matches the condition given by the operator and the value. Valid operators: { = | > | < | > = | < = | ! = } BC Breakpoint Clear. Cancels all breakpoints. BC [addr|FileReg] Breakpoint Clear. Cancels breakpoint at addr or FileReg. DB Display All Active Breakpoints. DS30027I - page 42 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 4. Functional Categories of MPSIM Commands Table 4.1 MPSIM Commands by Function (Continued) Execution Instructions C [#breakpoints] Continue Executing. Continue execution ignoring #breakpoints encountered. E [address] Execute Program. Begins execution at the specified address, or at the current PC if address is omitted. The loaded program executes until reaching a breakpoint or until you press any key. GO Reset and Execute. Resets the microcontroller, initializes all registers and executes from the start. RS Reset Chip. Simulates a power-on reset. SS [address] Execute a Single Step. Executes a single instruction at the specified address or at the current PC if address is omitted. To single step through multiple instructions, enter SS once and press at the % prompt. Then continue pressing . Tracing DX Display Current Trace Parameters. Displays the current trace parameters. In trace mode, the location, opcode, mnemonic, elapsed time, cycle steps, and changed file registers display when the given conditions are met. TA [address1,address2] Trace Address. Sets the lower validation limit for address trace to address1 and the upper address validation limit to address2. With no arguments, MPSIM uses the full range of program memory. TC [#instructions] Trace Instructions. Trace the next #instructions. If you omit #instructions, execution continues until MPSIM encounters a breakpoint or until you press any key. TF [filename|PRN] Trace to File/Printer. Open/Close trace output file or write trace to printer. With no argument, TF closes file. TR register [,min_val,max_val] Trace Register. Sets the file register trace. With no arguments, traces any file register. To perform trace only when register value lies between min_val and max_val, specify the min_val and max_val. Registers and Data Memory DR Display Registers. Displays the contents of special function registers including W, status, flags, and the stack. EE address Modify EE Memory. Modifies memory at the specified address on microcontrollers with EEPROM data memory. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 43 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Table 4.1 MPSIM Commands by Function (Continued) F FileReg File Register Display/Modify. Displays or modifies the contents of any FileReg (by absolute address or symbolic name). IR {ALL | RAM SFR} Initialize with Random Values. Loads random values into registers. LR [filename] Load Registers. Loads contents of registers with data from a DOS text file. SE [I/O_pin | port] Display/Modify I/O Pin. Displays or modifies an I/O_pin or port. UR {ALL|RAM|SFR}[filename] Upload Registers. Uploads contents of registers into a DOS text file. W Work Register Display/Modify. Displays/modifies the contents of the W register. ZR Zero the Registers. Zeros all file registers. Stimulus and Timer CK [pin,{#hi,#low|-} Clock. Assigns a clock to specified I/O pin. No Argument pin,#hi,#low pin,- DK [AltFxkey#,[pin,event]|[-]] Displays current clock assignment. Defines clock period on pin. Disables clock on specified pin. Define Key. Assigns asynchronous event to an Alt function key. No Argument: AltFxkey# AltFxkey#- - event = H,L,T,P Displays assignment of all function keys Displays assignment of specified function key Cancels specified function. The dash cancels all assignments. High, Low, Toggle, Pulse DW [E|D] Enable/Disable Watchdog Timer. E = Enable D = Disable With no parameters, displays WDT state. FI {filename,addr,FileReg[,n]|-} File Input. Inserts the next value from filename into file register when current PC=addr. Repeats n times. IP [time|step] Injection Point. Injects a stimulus according to the time or step count. With no parameters, displays current mode. RE Reset Elapsed Time and Step Count. SC [cyclelength] Display/Set Processor Cycle Time. Displays or modifies the microcontroller's simulated cycle time. ST filename Read Stimulus File. Loads stimulus file. DS30027I - page 44 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 4. Functional Categories of MPSIM Commands Table 4.1 MPSIM Commands by Function (Continued) Verbose [ON|OFF] Echo to View Screen. Prints a line to the view screen (and to the optional trace file) when a stimulus is injected into a pin. The command, without an argument, displays the current setting. WP {1 |...| 128} Watchdog Timer Period. Sets watchdog timer time-out period in ms. With no parameters, displays current setting. Check the device AC characteristics table for typical twdt ranges. ZT Zero the Elapsed Time Counter. Program Memory Patch Control DP Display All Patches. Displays all patches in symbolic format. Both the original object code and new code are shown. RA Restore All. Restores patch table, clears symbol table and removes all breakpoints. RP Restore Patches. Restores all patches to original value and clears the patch table. ZP Zero the Patch Table. Clears patch table and resets to no patches made. Changes made to the object code are unaffected, and object code cannot be restored to the original. Symbol Table DL symbol Delete Symbol from Symbol Table. Removes specified symbol from the symbol table. DS Display Symbol Table. GS symbol, value, type Generate Symbol. Generates a symbol with the value and type specified. type: F - File Register B - Bit L - Label K - Literal View Screen LS filename Load Symbol File. Load filename into internal symbol table. AD FileReg[,radix[,#digits]] Add Item to View Screen. Use the AD command to add a display item to the view screen. The format of this command is identical to the V (View Screen) command. The AD command does not destroy the current contents of the view screen. DV FileReg Delete View Screen Item. Removes display items from the view screen, leaving the display formatting intact. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 45 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Table 4.1 MPSIM Commands by Function (Continued) NV No View Screen. Clear the view screen. The same effect can be achieved by redefining the view screen with V command. TY FileReg,radix,#digits Change View Screen. Change the formatting of the existing view screen. (If the designated signal isn't in the view screen, MPSIM gives a warning.) The radix can be x, o, d, or b. #digits is the number of spaces to reserve for this variable at display time. V FileReg[,radix[,#digits]] View Screen. Sets up the view screen. Once set, the view screen remains active until either a NV command or a V command sets up a new view screen. FileReg displays in radix mode with #digits. Radix defaults to hexadecimal and #digits to 1. The radix can be hexadecimal, octal, decimal or binary (x, o, d, or b). System Setup and Control EL {0 | 1 | 2} Error Level. Sets current error level. 0= 1= 2= Display All Messages Display Warnings & Errors Only Display Error Messages Only Enter EL with no parameters to display current level. FW {MC|EM|MP|RC256|RC64|RC|OSC} Fuse Word. Select microcontroller, extended microcontroller, or microprocessor operating mode, and set the watchdog timer fuse for the PIC17CXX simulator. Type FW with no parameters to display current modes. GE filename Get Commands from an External file. Forces MPSIM to read and perform the MPSIM commands in the named ASCII external file. Upon reaching the end of file, control returns to the user. LJ Load and Execute Journal File. P device# Select Microcontroller. Choose the appropriate microcontroller device#. The default is 55 which represents PIC16C55. device# = XX where xx is a device suffix. SR {0|x|D} Set Radix. Sets the input/output radix to octal, hexadecimal, or decimal. The radix will be used on all inputs and outputs with the exception of step counts. DS30027I - page 46 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands Introduction The following table gives an alphabetic summary of the commands currently available with MPSIM. Detail descriptions of each command follow the alphabetic summary. Press at the % prompt to re-execute the last command entered. Thus you can use commands such as SS more easily. Alphabetic Summary of MPSIM Commands Alphabetic Summary of MPSIM Commands [ ] Brackets indicate optional items. { } Braces indicate group options. One or more options in the group is required. | Vertical bar indicates alternative options. AB Abort Session. Aborts the dialogue, prints a summary message and exits to the operating system. AB does not overwrite the journal file. AD FileReg[,radix[,#digits]] Add Item to View Screen. Use the AD command to add a display item to the view screen. The format of this command is identical to the V (View Screen) command. The AD command does not destroy the current contents of the view screen. B address Set Breakpoint. Sets beekeeping at address (symbolic address can be used). B FileReg {operator value} Set Breakpoint. Break when FileReg matches the condition given by the operator and the value. Valid operators: { = | > | < | > = | < = | ! = } BC Breakpoint Clear. Cancels all breakpoints. BC [addr|FileReg] Breakpoint Clear. Cancels breakpoint at addr or FileReg. C [#breakpoints] Continue Executing. Continue execution ignoring #breakpoints encountered. CK [pin,{#hi,#low|-} Clock. Assigns a clock to specified I/O pin. No Argument Displays current clock assignment. pin,#hi,#low Defines clock period on pin. pin,- Disables clock on specified pin. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 47 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Alphabetic Summary of MPSIM Commands (Continued) DB Display All Active Breakpoints. DE address1,address2 Delete Program Memory from address1 to address2. DI [address1[,address2]] Display Program Memory in Symbolic Format. Displays program memory from address1 to address2. Displays in current radix and symbolic format. Omit address2 to display next 10 lines from address1. DK [AltFxkey#,[pin,event]|[-]] Define Key. Assigns asynchronous event to an Alt function key. No Argument: Displays assignment of all function keys. AltFxkey# AltFxkey#- - event = H,L,T,P Displays assignment of specified function key. Cancels specified function. The dash cancels all assignments. High, Low, Toggle, Pulse DL symbol Delete Symbol from Symbol Table. Removes specified symbol from the symbol table. DM [address1,address2] Display Program Memory in Radix Designated Format. (See SR command to set the radix.) Displays program memory from address1 to address2. Data displays in current radix only. With no parameter, displays 10 lines continuing from last DM display. DP Display All Patches. Displays all patches in symbolic format. Both the original object code and new code are shown. DR Display Registers. Displays the contents of special function registers including W, status, flags, and the stack DS Display Symbol Table. DV FileReg Delete View Screen Item. Removes display items from the view screen, leaving the display formatting intact. DW [E|D] Enable/Disable Watchdog Timer. E = Enable D = Disable With no parameters, displays WDT state. DS30027I - page 48 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands Alphabetic Summary of MPSIM Commands (Continued) DX Display Current Trace Parameters. Displays the current trace parameters. In trace mode, the location, opcode, mnemonic, elapsed time, cycle steps, and changed file registers display when the given conditions are met. E [address] Execute Program. Begins execution at the specified address, or at the current PC if address is omitted. The loaded program executes until reaching a breakpoint or until you press any key. EE address Modify EE Memory. Modifies memory at the specified address on microcontrollers with EEPROM data memory. EL {0 | 1 | 2} Error Level. Sets current error level. 0 = Display All Messages 1 = Display Warnings & Errors Only 2 = Display Error Messages Only Enter EL with no parameters to display current level. F FileReg File Register Display/Modify. Displays or modifies the contents of any FileReg (by absolute address or symbolic name). FI {filename,addr,FileReg[,n]|-} File Input. Inserts the next value from filename into file register when current PC=addr. Repeats n times. FM address1,address2,pattern Fill Memory. Fills program memory from address1 to address2 with specified HEX pattern. FW {MC|EM|MP|RC256|RC64|RC|OSC} Fuse Word. Select microcontroller, extended microcontroller, or microprocessor operating mode, and set the watchdog timer fuse for the PIC17CXX simulator. Type FW with no parameters to display current modes. GE filename Get Commands from an External file. Forces MPSIM to read and perform the MPSIM commands in the named ASCII external file. Upon reaching the end of file, control returns to the user. GO Reset and Execute. Resets the microcontroller, initializes all registers and executes from the start. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 49 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Alphabetic Summary of MPSIM Commands (Continued) GS symbol, value, type Generate Symbol. Generates a symbol with the value and type specified. type: F - File Register B - Bit L - Label K - Literal H|Help|? Help. The Help Command lists the syntax and gives a brief summary of each command available in MPSIM. Press the SPACEBAR to exit Help. Press any other key to display the next help screen. IA address Insert/Inspect Assembly Code (Symbolic Format). Displays or modifies program memory at address using symbolic format. IN address,instruction Insert instruction. Inserts instruction at address in symbolic format. IP [time|step] Injection Point. Injects a stimulus according to the time or step count. With no parameters, displays current mode. IR {ALL | RAM SFR} Initialize with Random Values. Loads random values into registers. LJ Load and Execute Journal File. LO filename[format] Load Hex File. Loads the hex file, filename, with format into program memory. MPSIM also loads the listing file and symbol file. Valid Formats: INHX8M (Default) INHX8S LR [filename] Load Registers. Loads contents of registers with data from a DOS text file. LS filename Load Symbol File. Load filename into internal symbol table. M address Display/Modify Program Memory at Address. The contents at the address display, and a colon (:) prompt follows. To change the value at address, enter a new value (in the current radix) after the prompt. Q End the command - Cause MPSIM to go back to the previous address Continue to the next address DS30027I - page 50 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands Alphabetic Summary of MPSIM Commands (Continued) NV No View Screen. Clear the view screen. The same effect can be achieved by redefining the view screen with V command. O filename [format] Output Modified Object Code. Writes contents of program memory, including modifications, to the specified file in the designated format. Valid Formats: INHX8M (Default) NHX8S INHX32 (for PIC17CXX) P device# Select Microcontroller. Choose the appropriate microcontroller device#. The default is 55 which represents PIC16C55. device# = XX where XX is a device suffix. Q Quit. Terminates the dialog. Prints one or two summary messages, overwrites the old journal file and exits to the opening system. RA Restore All. Restores patch table, clears symbol table and removes all breakpoints. RE Reset Elapsed Time and Step Count. RP Restore Patches. Restores all patches to original value and clears the patch table. RS Reset Chip. Simulates a power-on reset. SC [cyclelength] Display/Set Processor Cycle Time. Displays or modifies the microcontroller's simulated cycle time. SE [I/O_pin | port] Display/Modify I/O Pin. Displays or modifies an I/O_pin or port. SF address1,address2,register Search Program Memory for Register. Searches program memory from address1 to address2 for any instruction that accesses the specified file register. SI addr1,addr2,instruction Search Program Memory in Symbolic Format from address1 to address2 for any occurrence of instruction. SM addr1,addr2,instruction Search Program Memory in Radix Designated Format. (See SR command to set the radix.) Searches program memory from address1 to address2 for any occurrence of instruction. Specify instruction in the current radix. SR {0|x|D} Set Radix. Sets the input/output radix to octal, hexadecimal, or decimal. The radix will be used on all inputs and outputs with the exception of step counts. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 51 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Alphabetic Summary of MPSIM Commands (Continued) SS [address] Execute a Single Step. Executes a single instruction at the specified address or at the current PC if address is omitted. To single step through multiple instructions, enter SS once and press at the % prompt. Then continue pressing . ST filename Read Stimulus File. Loads stimulus file. TA [address1,address2] Trace Address. Sets the lower validation limit for address trace to address1 and the upper address validation limit to address2. With no arguments, MPSIM uses the full range of program memory. TC [#instructions] Trace Instructions. Trace the next #instructions. If you omit #instructions, execution continues until MPSIM encounters a breakpoint or until you press any key. TF [filename|PRN] Trace to File/Printer. Open/Close trace output file or write trace to printer. With no argument, TF closes file. TR register [,min_val,max_val] Trace Register. Sets the file register trace. With no arguments, traces any file register. To perform trace only when register value lies between min_val and max_val, specify the min_val and max_val. TY FileReg,radix,#digits Change View Screen. Change the formatting of the existing view screen. (If the designated signal isn't in the view screen, MPSIM gives a warning.) The radix can be x, o, d, or b. #digits is the number of spaces to reserve for this variable at display time. UR {ALL|RAM|SFR}[filename] Upload Registers. Uploads contents of registers into a DOS text file. V FileReg[,radix[,#digits]] View Screen. Sets up the view screen. Once set, the view screen remains active until either a NV command or a V command sets up a new view screen. FileReg displays in radix mode with #digits. Radix defaults to hexadecimal and #digits to 1. The radix can be hexadecimal, octal, decimal or binary (x, o, d, or b). Verbose [ON|OFF] Echo to View Screen. Prints a line to the view screen (and to the optional trace file) when a stimulus is injected into a pin. The command, without an argument, displays the current setting. W Work Register Display/Modify. Displays/modifies the contents of the W register. DS30027I - page 52 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands Alphabetic Summary of MPSIM Commands (Continued) WP {1 |...| 128} Watchdog Timer Period. Sets watchdog timer time-out period in ms. With no parameters, displays current setting. Check the device AC characteristics table for typical twdt ranges. ZM address1,address2 Zero the Program Memory from address1 to address2. ZP Zero the Patch Table. Clears patch table and resets to no patches made. Changes made to the object code are unaffected, and object code cannot be restored to the original. ZR Zero the Registers. Zeros all file registers. ZT Zero the Elapsed Time Counter. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 53 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE AB - Abort Session Syntax AB Description The abort command interrupts the MPSIM session and exits. It prints out one or two summary messages, and exits to the operating system. MPSIM retains the journal file. Examples MPSIM Command AB Result MPSIM exits and displays the following message: Elapsed CPU time: h:mm:ss Defaults None. AD - Add Item to View Screen Syntax AD FileReg[,radix[,#digits]] Description The Add command adds a signal or register to the view screen. Optionally, you may specify a radix different from the default and/or the number of digits. While this command's format is identical to View, it doesn't destroy the current contents of the view screen, but simply displays additional items as well as the current ones. DS30027I - page 54 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands Examples MPSIM Command Result AD TRISA Add Tris A to the screen. AD RA0,B Add the RA0 pin to the screen display with binary radix. AD MCLR,4 Add MCLR pin to the screen display with 4 digits. AD F3,B,8 Add the F3 register (status) to the screen display with binary radix and 8 digits. Defaults Digits defaults to 2. The radix ordinarily defaults to hexadecimal, but you can change this default with the SR command. Radix Digits X 2 B 8 O 3 D 2 Related Commands The V command displays the first signal or register you request. Subsequently, you can add display items with AD or delete them with DV. If you use a V command after AD, V replaces all previous display items on the screen with the named signal or register. The NV command wipes all display items off the screen. The GE command can load an initialization file that sets up the view screen. Thereafter, you can use AD and DV to modify it. Note: When referencing registers for the AD instruction use hex notation. For example, file register 10 would be written as "0A". Example: AD F0A, X, 2 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 55 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE B - Set Breakpoint Syntax B address B FileReg [operator value] Description This command sets a breakpoint at the specified address or at the location where the register matches the condition set by the operator and the value. You can designate the address either with the explicit numeric location or with a symbol. The operator can be any of the following: = equal > greater than < less than >= greater than or equal <= less than or equal != not equal Examples MPSIM Command Result B LOOP Set breakpoint at label LOOP. B F2 > 80 Break if F2 is greater than 80. Defaults None. Related Commands BC clears breakpoints previously set and DB displays them. Note: DS30027I - page 56 When referencing registers for relational instructions use decimal notation. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands BC - Clear Breakpoint Syntax BC [addr | FileReg] BC Description This command deletes a specified breakpoint, or all breakpoints if you don't specify one by address or file register. Examples MPSIM Command Result BC LOOP Cancel breakpoint at LOOP. BC F3 Cancel breakpoint involving the F3 register. BC Cancel all breakpoints. Defaults None. Related Commands B sets breakpoints and DB displays them. C - Continue Executing Syntax C [#breakpoints] Description This command continues execution from the current PC. If you specify #breakpoints, MPSIM ignores the first #breakpoints breakpoints encountered. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 57 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Examples MPSIM Command Result C Continue executing, break at the next breakpoint. C 3 Continue executing, skip the first three breakpoints found, but break at the fourth. Defaults n defaults to 0. Related Commands B sets the breakpoints, DB displays them and BC clears breakpoints previously set. CK - Clock Syntax CK [pin,{#hi,#low|-}] Description This command allows you to assign a clock to an I/O pin, defining the period of the clock by stating the number of cycles that the pin should be high, and the number of cycles that it should be low. No Argument Displays current clock assignment. #hi Defines the number of T-cycles that the pin should remain high #low Defines the number of T-cycles that the pin should remain low pin,- Disables clock on specified pin. Examples MPSIM Command Result % CK RC0, 5, 4 Assign a clock to RC0 with a 9 T-cycle period (5 high and 4 low cycles) % CK RC0, - Cancel clock on RC0 % CK Display current clock assignment Defaults None DS30027I - page 58 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands Related Commands None DB - Display All Active Breakpoints Syntax DB Description This command lists all active breakpoints. MPSIM allows only one conditional breakpoint per data area. Examples MPSIM Command Result B LOOP Sets a breakpoint at LOOP. B F2 > 80 Sets a breakpoint at the location where F2 >80. DB Displays all breakpoint locations via messages: INFO, Break when (F2 > 0080) INFO, Break on address LOOP Defaults None. Related Commands B sets the breakpoints, DB displays them and BC clears breakpoints previously set. DE - Delete Program Memory Syntax DE address1,address2 Description This command deletes the information stored between address1 and address2, inclusively. The DE command deletes memory within the given boundaries then shifts those locations in program memory that are greater than the upper bound down to the lower bound. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 59 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Examples MPSIM Command DE 0015, 0020 Result Removes the code from address 15 thru address 20, moving code from 21 to the end of code to address 16. Defaults None. Related Commands None. DI - Display Program Memory in Symbolic Format Syntax DI [address1[, address2]] Description This command displays program memory in symbolic format from address1 to address2. address1 must be less then address2 and both must be in the valid range of program memory. If no address2, then a screen full of lines displays from address1. You can terminate DI at any time by pressing any key at the terminal. Examples MPSIM Command DI 0, 3 Result The following messages display: 0000 0020 MOVWF 0 0001 0063 CLRF 3 0002 0080 SUBWF 0, 0 0003 0069 CLRF 9 Defaults None. Related Commands The DM command also displays memory between two specified addresses; however, DM displays the code in the format specified by the current radix rather than in symbolic format. DS30027I - page 60 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands DK - Define Key Syntax [AltFxKey#,[pin,event]|[-]] DK Description AltFxKey# is an integer value between 1 and 12. AltFxKey#- Cancels specified function. Pin is any valid I/O pin. Event is H, L, T or P (high, low, toggle or pulse) - Cancels all assignments. No Argument Displays assignments of all function keys. This command simulates an asynchronous event through an Alt-function keystroke and is very useful for simulating external interrupts or resets. This function is used after a "GO" or "E" command. If you want to inject a stimulus while stopped at a breakpoint, use the "SE" command. In addition to the stated syntax, the following sequences perform the indicated operations. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DK Displays assignment of all function keys DK AltFxKey Displays assignment of specified function key DK AltFxKey, - Cancels specified function DK - Cancels all assignments DS30027I - page 61 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Examples MPSIM Command Result % DK 1,RB0,L % E When MPSIM is executing, if Alt-F1 is hit, RB0 will be driven low. % DK 12, MCLR, P Define Alt-F12 to provide a one-cycle pulse on MCLR. % E Now during execution (with MCLR high) hitting Alt-F12 will simulate an external reset. % DK 3, T0CKI, T Define Alt-F3 to toggle T0CKI input. % E Now during execution, every time Alt-F3 is pressed RTCC input will toggle. % DK - Disable all assignments. Defaults None Related Commands SE, ST DL - Delete Symbol from Symbol Table Syntax DL symbol Description This command removes the specified symbol from the symbol table. Examples MPSIM Command DL MULPLR Result MPSIM removes "mulplr" from the symbol table. To provide to or obtain data from this data area, you must now use the actual register number, F10. The value on the view screen, since it reads "MULPLR" isn't updated. Defaults None. DS30027I - page 62 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands Related Commands GS creates a symbol and puts it into the symbol table, LS loads a new symbol table, DS displays the current symbol table and RA restores (clears) the symbol table. DM - Display Program Memory in Radix Designated Format Syntax DM [address1,address2] Description This command displays program memory from address1 to address2. The data stored displays in the format designated by the current radix address1 must be less than address2 and both must be in the valid range for program memory. You can terminate DM at any time by pressing any key on the terminal. Examples MPSIM Command DM 0, 3 Result MPSIM displays the memory between locations 0 and 3. The following messages display: 0000 0020 0001 0063 0002 0080 0003 0069 Defaults None. Related Commands The DI command also displays memory between two specified addresses; however, DI displays the code in symbolic format rather than in the format specified by the current radix. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 63 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE DP - Display All Patches Syntax DP Description This command displays all patches in symbolic format. Both the original object code and new object code display. Defaults None. Related Commands The M and IA commands modify the object code; .IN adds commands to the object code; DE removes object code; RA and RP restore the patches; and ZP zeros the patches. The command, O, writes the modified object code as a hex file. DR - Display All Registers Syntax DR Description This command displays the contents of all registers including the W and status registers, all flags and the stack. Defaults None. Related Commands The DP, DS, and DX commands display other MPSIM data areas and parameters. SE sets any data area's value. W displays and optionally modifies the W register. F displays and optionally modifies a register value. DS30027I - page 64 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands DS - Display Symbol Table Syntax DS Description This command displays the symbol table. Examples MPSIM Command DS Result The following messages display: Symbol Value Type START 0000 L Defaults None. Related Commands GS creates a symbol and puts it into the symbol table, LS loads a new symbol table, DL removes a symbol from the current symbol table and RA restores (clears) the symbol table. DV - Delete View Screen Item Syntax DV FileReg Description This command removes display items from the view screen while leaving the display formatting intact. This command deletes a signal or register from the view screen display. Examples MPSIM Command DV RTCC Result Deletes the RTCC from the view screen. Defaults None. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 65 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Related Commands The V command displays the first signal or register you request. Subsequently, you can add display items with AD or delete them with DV. If you use a V command after AD, V replaces all previous display items on the screen with the named signal or register. The NV command wipes all display items off the screen. The GE command can load an initialization file that sets up the view screen. Thereafter, you can use AD and DV to modify it. DW - Enable / Disable Watchdog Timer Syntax DW [E|D] Description This command enables or disables the watchdog timer, depending or the parameter specified. E enables it; D disables it. Examples MPSIM Command Result DW E Enables the watchdog timer. DW D Disables the watchdog timer. Defaults None. Related Commands RE resets the elapsed time and step count and ZT zeros the elapsed time. DX - Display Current Trace Parameters Syntax DX Description This command displays the current trace parameters. When in trace mode, the location, opcode, mnemonic, elapsed time, cycle steps, and any changed data areas display when the given conditions are met. DS30027I - page 66 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands Examples MPSIM Command DX Result The following message displays: Address 0000:01FF Defaults None. Related Commands The TA, TC and TR commands set the trace parameters. E - Execute Program Syntax E [address] Description This command executes the program from the optionally specified address or the PC. The E command begins execution at the specified address or at the current address if no address is specified. The program continues to execute until either reaching a breakpoint or until you press a key. Examples MPSIM Command E 0E Result MPSIM executes SAMPLE.HEX from the label START until reaching a breakpoint or until you press any key. Defaults None. Related Commands The GO command resets then executes from the start; SS executes the instruction at the current PC or at a specified address. C executes from the current PC to the specified breakpoint occurrence. TA traces execution between specified addresses, and TC traces execution from the current PC for a specified number of instructions. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 67 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE EE - Modify EE Memory Syntax EE address Description Manually Modify EE memory address on the PIC16C84. Examples MPSIM Command Result % EE 2 EEMEMORY[2]:00: 23 EE memory location 2 now contains value 0x23. Defaults None. EL - Error Level Syntax EL {0 | 1 | 2} Description This command sets the current level for displaying error messages and system warnings. 0= Display All Messages 1= Display Warnings and Errors Only 2= Display Error Messages Only Enter EL with no parameters to display current level. DS30027I - page 68 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands Examples MPSIM Command Result % EL 0 All messages will display. % EL 1 Only warnings and Error messages will display. % EL 2 Only error messages will display. % EL Current warning level will display. Defaults All messages are displayed (Error level of 0). Related Commands None F - File Register Display/Modify Syntax F FileReg Description This command displays and/or modifies the contents of the specified file register. The value of the register displays, followed by the prompt `:'. Place the new value after the prompt. Examples MPSIM Command % F 3 3: 20: % F 3 3: 20: 21 Result The following message displays: This message shows that file register 3 contains the value `20.' Change file register 3 to a value of `21.' Defaults None. Related Commands The SE command can give the same result. DR, TR and ZR display, trace and zero a specified register, respectively. M and IA modify the code at a specified address, which can affect the register's value. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 69 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE FI - File Input Syntax FI {filename,addr,FileReg[,n]|-} Description This command inserts the next value from filename into file register when current PC=addr. If n is not specified, when the last value in the file is read, the next retrieved value will be the first value in the file. This will continue until the command is cancelled. If n is specified then the file will be read n times only. FileName is any valid DOS file name. The file should be an ASCII file and should contain one hex value per line. PMemAddr is the point in program memory at which value should be injected. FRegAddr File register that receives the value. n Number of times to go through the file. If n is not specified, file is read continuously. FI - Closes file and cancels command. Examples MPSIM Command Result % FI ADVAL.TXT, 4,9 When the PC=4, insert the next value from ADVAL.TXT into register 9. % FI - Close file and cancel assignment. The FI command is useful when simulating devices such as the PIC16C71 and PIC16C74. Both of these devices have A/D converters (among other peripheral modules). MPSIM does not perform an A/D conversion, although the interrupt that can be generated upon its completion is supported in the software. The FI command allows you to inject values into a register when a certain point in program memory is reached. For example, if the target processor is the PIC16C71, you could set up your source code to branch to the interrupt vector at the end of conversion and inject a value into the ADRES register during the interrupt service routine (by using the FI command). DS30027I - page 70 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands The command could be set up as follows: FI ADVAL.TXT, 0x04 0x09 When the Program Counter equals the interrupt vector (program memory address 0x04), inject the next value in the file (ADVAL.TXT) into the ADRES register (file register address 0x09). org IntVct bcf movfw 0x04 INTCON, ADIE ;At this point, the next ADRES ;value in ADVAL.TXT will ;be in the ADRES register * * * The format of the ADVAL.TXT file is one HEX value on each line. For example: 0xAA 0X55 0XAA 0X55 and so on. Defaults None. Related Commands None. FM - Fill Memory Syntax FM address1,address2,pattern Description This command fills unused program memory between address1 and address2 with the specified HEX pattern. Examples MPSIM Commands % FM 0,30,0xFFF 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Result Fill unused program memory between 0 and 30 with 0xFFF. DS30027I - page 71 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Defaults None. Related Commands M FW - Fuse Word Syntax FW {MC|EM|MP|RC256|RC64|RC|OSC} Description This command selects the operation mode (Microcontroller Mode, Extended Microcontroller Mode, and Microprocessor Mode) or the WDT prescale option for processors in the PIC17CXX family only (these options are hardware fuseselectable only on the physical device). MC = Microcontroller Mode EM = Extended Microcontroller Mode MP = Microprocessor Mode Type FW with no parameters to display current modes. Examples MPSIM Command Result % FW MC Processor will run in Microcontroller Mode % FW RC64 WDT will have a prescale = 64 % FW Current operation mode and WDT prescale option are displayed. Defaults Operation mode = Microprocessor WDT Prescale = OSC Related Commands None. DS30027I - page 72 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands GE - Get Commands from an External File Syntax GE filename Description This command reads and performs the MPSIM commands in the named ASCII file. This command forces MPSIM to get its command stream from an external text file. After reaching the end of file, control returns to the user. Commands in the text file must conform to the same syntax as commands entered on-line. If MPSIM cannot locate the specified file, an error message displays. Examples MPSIM Command GE SAMPLE.INI Result Reads and performs commands in the file, SAMPLE.INI. Defaults None. Related Commands The V command displays the first signal or register you request. Subsequently, you can add display items with AD or delete them with DV. If you use a V command after AD, V replaces all previous display items on the screen with the named signal or register. The NV command wipes all display items off the screen. The GE command can load an initialization file that sets up the view screen. Thereafter, you can use AD and DV to modify it. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 73 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE GO - Reset and Execute Syntax GO Description This command performs a Power-On Reset and initializes all registers as specified in the microcontroller data sheet. The PIC16/17 Microcontroller then executes the loaded object code. Examples MPSIM Command GO Result Reset and execute. Defaults None. Related Commands The E command executes from a specified address or the current PC; SS executes the instruction at the current PC or at a specified address. C executes from the current PC to the specified breakpoint occurrence. TA traces execution between specified addresses, and TC traces execution from the current PC for a specifies number of instructions. GS - Generate Symbol Syntax GS symbol,value,type Description This command generates the specified symbol with the specified value and type. The type can be file(F), bit(B), label(L), or literal(K). If the type is bit, it is a bit in the specified file. DS30027I - page 74 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands Examples MPSIM Command Result % DS Symbol Value Type START 0000 L Symbol Value Type START 0000 L NEWSYM FF B % GS NEWSYM, FF, B % DS Defaults None. Related Commands DL removes a symbol from the current symbol table, LS loads a new symbol table, DS displays the current symbol table and RA restores (clears) the symbol table. H - Help Syntax H | Help | ? Description This command lists the syntax and gives a brief summary of each command available in MPSIM. Press the SPACEBAR to exit Help. Press any other key to display the next help screen. Examples MPSIM Command H Result The Help screen, containing command descriptions and syntax displays. Defaults None. Related Commands None. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 75 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE IA - Insert/Inspect Assembly Code Syntax IA address Description This command displays or modifies the program memory at address in symbolic format. The source code for the address displays, followed by the prompt `:' on the next line for the new command. Enter the new command as a mnemonic. It must be syntactically correct. Operands may contain only a single value or symbol; expressions are not allowed. Enter values in the current radix. Entering `Q' at the prompt ends the command; entering `-' causes MPSIM to go back and inspect and/or modify the previous address; entering continues to the next address. After changing the object code, MPSIM no longer displays the original source code. MPSIM replaces it with a disassembled source line. Examples MPSIM Command Result % IA 200 The instruction line at address 200 (in current radix) displays: 0020 : CLRF F5 : CLRF 6 MPSIM changes the instruction as specified and displays the next instruction line (address 201): 0201 : CLRF F7: : - MPSIM backs up and displays the modified instruction at address 200: 0200 : CLRF 6: : Q MPSIM exits the IA command. Defaults None. Related Commands DE, IN, M DS30027I - page 76 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands IN - Insert Instruction Syntax IN address,instruction Description This command inserts instruction at address. The instruction places an opcode at address then displaces each program memory value after address by one location. instruction must consist of a valid mnemonic followed by zero or more operands. Each operand must contain a single value or symbol, no expressions are allowed. Examples MPSIM Command % IN 200, NOP Result MPSIM inserts a NOP instruction at address 200 (in the current radix). Defaults None. Related Commands DE, IA, M IP - Injection Point Syntax IP [time|step] Description Inject stimulus according to time or step count. The "step" heading should remain labeled as "step" in the stimulus file, but IP TIME will override this setting. If IP is typed with no parameters, the current mode (TIME or STEP) will be shown. With no parameters, displays current mode. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 77 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Examples MPSIM Command % IP time Result Stimulus will now be injected according to time (integer values only). Defaults Default is "step" Related Commands None. IR - Initialize with Random Values Syntax IR {ALL | RAM SFR} Description Loads random values into registers. Will also load the power on reset values into those registers that have defined power on reset values defined in the data book. Examples MPSIM Command Result % IR ALL All registers will be initialized with random values, except those that have defined values for power on reset. % IR RAM Only general-purpose registers will be initialized with random values Defaults ALL file registers will be loaded with random values. Related Commands UR, LR DS30027I - page 78 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands LJ - Load and Execute Journal File Syntax LJ Description This command loads and executes the journal file commands. These commands are not stored in the journal file recorded from the current session; MPSIM enters only the LJ command. When the journal file contains a program execution command, you must press a key to stop program execution or wait until a breakpoint break occurs; the journal file doesn't record premature execution breaks or exits. Examples MPSIM Command % LJ Result All MPSIM commands entered during the previous MPSIM session execute. These commands are not stored in the journal file recorded from the current session. Defaults The default extension is `.JRN'. Related Commands GE, LJ, LO, ST LO - Load Object File Syntax LO filename {format} Description This command loads the specified file into program memory. If the selected assembler is MPASM, MPSIM will assume a .HEX extension. After loading the HEX file, MPSIM attempts to load the listing file using the same filename and the extension `.LST'. If MPSIM cannot find the listing file then all instruction displays will be a disassembly. When found, MPSIM uses the listing file for display throughout simulation. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 79 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE The following is a list of valid formats: INHX8M INHX8S Examples MPSIM Command Result % LO SAMPLE The HEX, listing and symbol file are loaded into MPSIM in INHX8M format. % LO SAMPLE INHX8S The HEX, listing and symbol file are loaded into MPSIM in INHX8S format. Defaults The default extension is `.HEX' and the default format is INHX8M. Related Commands GE, LJ, LS, ST LR - Load Registers Syntax LR filename Description This command loads the contents of registers with data from a DOS text file. This command loads each file register listed on each row of "filename" with the specified value. If no file name is supplied, MPSIM searches for a file called "ram.dat". Each line in the file should consist of the Bank Number, File Register Number, and Value as follows: BankNumber : FileRegisterNumber , Value This format is also used with the "UR - Upload Registers" command. The following sample is an excerpt from a "ram.dat" file: ;File register values for "myfile.asm" 0, 0x0F, 0x0F 0, 0x10, 0xAA 0, 0x17, 0xFF All values should be in hexadecimal radix and should begin in the first column of each row. Blank lines or lines beginning with ";" or "!" will be interpreted as comment lines and will be ignored. If an error is found in the file, a warning message will be displayed and the offending line will be ignored. DS30027I - page 80 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands Examples MPSIM Command Result % LR File registers in "RAM.DAT" will be loaded with specified value % LR myfile File registers in "myfile" will be loaded with specified value. Defaults Registers and values from "ram.dat" file are loaded. Related Commands UR, IR LS - Load Symbol File Syntax LS filename Description This command loads the specified symbol file into the internal symbol table. If symbolic debugging, the symbol file produced by the assembler must be loaded with the LS command or loaded through the LO command. Examples MPSIM Command % LS SAMPLE Result MPSIM reads in the symbol file SAMPLE. Defaults The default extension is `.SYM'. Related Commands GS, DL, DS, RA 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 81 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE M - Display / Modify Program Memory at Address Syntax M address Description This command displays and/or modifies program memory at address. The contents of the address display in the radix designated format, and are followed immediately by a prompt `:'. To change the value at address, place a new value after the prompt. Be sure to enter that value in the current radix. Entering `Q' at the prompt ends the command. Entering `-' causes MPSIM to go back and inspect and/or modify the previous address. Entering continues to the next address. Examples MPSIM Command % M 0005 Result MPSIM displays the instruction line at address 0005 (as determined by the current radix) in the current radix: % SR O % M 010 MPSIM sets the radix to octal, then displays the instruction line at the label MAIN in octal. % Q MPSIM exits the M command. % SR X % M 010 MPSIM sets the radix to hexadecimal, then displays the instruction line at the label MAIN in hexadecimal. : -- MPSIM redisplays the instruction line at MAIN. % SR D % M main MPSIM sets the radix to decimal, then displays the instruction line at the label MAIN in decimal. Defaults None. Related Commands IA DS30027I - page 82 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands NV - No View Screen Syntax NV Description This command deletes or clears all elements from the view screen. The same effect can be achieved by redefining the view screen. Examples MPSIM Command Result MPSIM removes all items from the view screen. % NV Defaults None. Related Commands AD, V O - Output Modified Object Code Syntax O filename [Format] Description This command writes the contents of program memory, including any modifications to the specified file in the specified format. The program memory contains object code. The following is a list of valid formats: INHX8M INHX8S INHX32 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 83 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Examples MPSIM Command Result % O SAMPLE1.HEX INHX8M MPSIM writes the object code, as modified, to the file SAMPLE1.HEX in the INHX16 format. Defaults Default output format is the same as the default input format, INHX8M. Related Commands None. P - Select Microcontroller Syntax P device# Description Use this command to choose the appropriate microcontroller device#. The default is 55 which represents PIC16C55. device# = XX where XX is a device suffix. Examples MPSIM Command % P 71 Result MPSIM sets the processor type. Defaults The simulated microcontroller defaults to 55. Related Commands None. DS30027I - page 84 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands Q - Quit Syntax Q Description This command exits from MPSIM and returns PC control to DOS. MPSIM stores all MPSIM commands entered during this session in the journal file, MPSIM.JRN. The old MPSIM.JRN, if present, is overwritten. Examples MPSIM Command % Q Result MPSIM exits and displays the following message: Elapsed CPU time: h:mm:ss. Defaults None. Related Commands AB RA - Restore All Syntax RA Description This command restores the patch table, clears the symbol table of user defined symbols and removes all breakpoints. Examples MPSIM Command % RA Result MPSIM restores the patch table, clears the symbol tables and removes all breakpoints. Defaults None. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 85 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Related Commands RP, DL, BC RE - Reset Elapsed Time and Step Count Syntax RE Description This command resets the elapsed time and the step count to zero. Examples MPSIM Command % RE Result MPSIM resets the elapsed time and the step count to zeros. Defaults None. Related Commands ZT RP - Restore Patches Syntax RP Description This command restores all patches to their original value and clears the patch table. Examples MPSIM Command % RP Result MPSIM restores all patches. Defaults None. DS30027I - page 86 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands Related Commands RA RS - Reset Chip Syntax RS Description Performs a Power-On Reset and initializes all registers as specified in the data sheet of the specified microcontroller. Examples MPSIM Command % RS Result Executes a Power-On-Reset. Defaults None. Related Commands GO SC - Display / Modify Processor Cycle Time Syntax SC [cyclelength] Description This command displays and/or modifies the microcontroller's simulated cycle time. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 87 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Examples MPSIM Command Result % SC MPSIM displays the current cycle in s: 2.0: 2.0:.2 The entry `.2' changes the cycle to .2s, or 200 ms. % SC 2000.0 The cycle length is changed to 2000.0s or 2.0 ms. Defaults The simulated cycle time defaults to 2 microseconds. Related Commands None. SE - Display / Modify I/O Pin Syntax SE [I/O_pin | port] Description This command displays or modifies an I/O_pin or port. Examples MPSIM Command Result % SE RA0 The following message displays: RA0=1: RA0:1:0 The value of I/O pin RA0 changes from 1 to 0. Defaults None. Related Commands F, W, ZR DS30027I - page 88 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands SF - Search Program Memory for Register Syntax SF address1,address2,register Description This command searches program memory from address1 to address 2 for any instruction that access the specified register. Register may be specified in literal, `F' syntax or as a symbol. Examples MPSIM Command SF 0, 22, portb Result MPSIM search all memory from 0 through 22 for instructions that reference the portb register, then displays the lines containing the specified instruction 0000 0000 0006 0000 main movf portb,W movf portb,W Defaults None. Related Commands SI, SM 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 89 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE SI - Search Program Memory in Symbolic Format Syntax SI address1,address2,instruction Description This command searches program memory from address1 to address2 for any occurrence of instruction. instruction is in symbolic format. Full or partial instructions may be specified. Examples MPSIM Command % SI 0, 20, CLRF Result MPSIM searches all memory from 0 through 20 for CLRF instructions, then displays the lines containing the specified instruction: 0000 mpy_S 0001 % SI 0, 20, clrf H_byte clrf L_byte MPSIM searches all movwf count memory from 0 through 20 for MOVWF COUNT instructions, then display the lines containing the specified instruction: 0003 movwf count Defaults None. Related Commands SF, SM SM - Search Program Memory in Radix Designated Format Syntax SM address1,address2,instruction Description This command searches program memory from address1 to address2 for instruction. Specify instruction in the format designated by the radix. DS30027I - page 90 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands Examples MPSIM Command % SM 0, 30, C08 Result MPSIM searches all memory from 0 through 20 for the specified instruction, then displays, in the current radix, the lines containing it: 0002 movlw 8 Defaults None. Related Commands SF, SI SR - Set Radix Syntax SR [O|X|D] Description This command sets the radix to octal, hexadecimal or decimal. Subsequently, MPSIM expects and uses this radix for all I/O including file register numbers and step counts. Examples MPSIM Command Result % SR O The radix becomes octal. % SR X The radix becomes hexadecimal. % SR D The radix becomes decimal. Defaults None. Related Commands None. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 91 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE SS - Execute A Single Step Syntax SS [address] Description This command executes a single step located at address. If you don't specify address, MPSIM executes the instruction at the current PC. Pressing at the % prompt re-executes the previous MPSIM command. Thus, by entering SS once and subsequently pressing simply , you can single step through multiple instructions easily. Examples MPSIM Command Result % SS 01FF MPSIM resets the simulator code by executing the reset address (PIC16C54 and PIC16C55). % SS MPSIM executes the line of code at the PCP. % SS 20 MPSIM executes the line of code at address 20 (in the current radix). % SS LOOP MPSIM executes the line of code at the label LOOP. Defaults None. Related Commands None. ST - Read Stimulus File Syntax ST filename Description This command inserts specified values into specified pins or registers at a specified simulation step or time. The specified values, pins/registers and steps are defined in a text file called a stimulus file. Stimulus can be injected either according to step or time. See instruction `IP' for details. The stimulus file allows you to schedule bit manipulation by forcing MPSIM to drive given pins to given values at a specified input step. DS30027I - page 92 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands The ST command reads the stimulus file into MPSIM. When you execute a file with the E command, each time it looks for input, it reads the next step in the stimulus file. The first line of stimulus file always consists of column headings. It lists first the word "STEP," followed by the pins that are to be manipulated. The data below STEP represents the object file's input request occurrence. The data below each pin name is the input value. You may enter comments at the end of a line by preceding it with an exclamation mark (!). The following example illustrates the stimulus file format: STEP RA0 RA1 8 1 0 16 0 1 24 1 1 ! These are I/O pin names ! followed by values Other notes on the format of stimulus file: * the number of spaces separating columns is irrelevant * the step count must be in decimal Examples MPSIM Command % ST SAMPLE.STI Result MPSIM reads the specified stimulus file. Upon execution, it will retrieve input as designated in this file. Defaults The default injection point is "step". The default file extension is `.STI'. Related Commands IP TA - Trace Address Syntax TA [address1,address2] Description This command sets the trace to print only those instructions located between address1 and address2. If you don't specify address1 and address2, MPSIM uses the full memory. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 93 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Examples MPSIM Command % TA main, call_m Result MPSIM will print/display only those instructions between main and call_m. Defaults Address range defaults to all of memory. Related Commands TC, TF, TR TC - Trace Instructions Syntax TC [#instructions] Description This command traces the next #instructions instructions, displaying the instructions if they are valid. If you don't supply the #instructions, the trace continues indefinitely until encountering a breakpoint or until you press any key. Examples MPSIM Command % TC 3 Result Trace the next three instructions. Defaults None. Related Commands TA, TF, TR DS30027I - page 94 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands TF - Trace to File/Printer Syntax TF [filename | Prn] Description This command opens or closes a file for writing the trace, or prints the trace. If you enter PRN as an argument, MPSIM prints the trace to the default printer. If you supply filename, MPSIM opens that file, if you don't, MPSIM closes any currently opened output trace file. You must use the TF command BEFORE starting the trace. Examples MPSIM Command Result % TF Close the output trace file. % TF PRN Print the trace to the default printer. % TF SAMPLE.TRC Open SAMPLE.TRC and write the trace to it. Defaults None. Related Commands TA, TC, TR TR - Trace Register Syntax TR register [,min_val,max_val] Description This command sets the file register trace. If you don't supply any parameters, MPSIM traces any file register. If you specify register, it traces that register. If you also specify min_val and max_val, it performs the trace only if the value of the specified register lies between min_val and max_val. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 95 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Examples MPSIM Command Result % TR Traces all registers. % TR W Traces the W register. % TR W, 2, 7 Traces the W register when its value falls between 2 and 7 (in the current radix). Defaults None. Related Commands TA, TC, TF TY - Change View Screen Syntax TY FileReg,radix,#digits Description This command changes the formatting of the existing viewscreen. (If the designated signal isn't in the viewscreen, MPSIM gives a warning.) The radix can be hexadecimal, octal, decimal or binary, designated by X, O, D or B, respectively. #digits is the number of spaces to reserve for this variable at display time. Examples MPSIM Command % TY RTCC,B,1 Result RTCC I/O pin displays in binary, using one digit. Defaults None. Related Commands AD, NV, V DS30027I - page 96 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands UR - Upload Registers Syntax UR {ALL|RAM|SFR}[filename] Description This command uploads the contents of registers into a DOS text file. This command uploads file registers to "filename" (or to the default file name RAM.DAT if no file name is specified). The file will be in ASCII format and will consist of multiple lines in the following format: BankNumber: FileRegisterNumber, Value All values will be in hexadecimal radix and will begin in column one. For example, if ALL registers are to be uploaded to a file, the special-function registers would be print first, then all of the general-purpose registers would be printed: ;Special Function Registers 0, 0x00, 0x00 0, 0x01, 0x09 0, 0x02, 0xB1 Examples MPSIM Command Result % UR ALL Upload all registers to file RAM.DAT % UR SFR t.out Upload all special-function registers to the file "t.out" Defaults File name default is RAM.DAT. Related Commands LR, IR 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 97 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE V - View Screen Syntax V FileReg[,radix[,#digits]] This command creates a new view screen that displays the named signal or register. Optionally, you may specify a radix different from the default and/or a number of digits. V sets up the view screen. This means that the View command defines the variables (and respective formats) to constantly display on the screen. Once the view screen is set, it remains active until either an NV command or a V command sets up a new view screen. The format of this command is relatively simple. FileReg displays in radix mode with #digits. Radix defaults to hexadecimal and #digits to 1. The radix can be B (binary), O (octal), X (hexadecimal) or D (decimal). Examples MPSIM Command Result A view screen element is created with the following format: % V F3,b,8 F3: 00000000 A view screen element is created with the following format: % V RB0 RB0: 00 Defaults The radix ordinarily defaults to hexadecimal, but you can change this default with the SR command. Digits defaults according to the table below: Table 5.1 radix default widths Radix Digits X 2 B 8 O 3 D 2 Related Commands AD, DV, NV, TY DS30027I - page 98 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands Verbose - Echo to Screen Syntax Verbose [ON|OFF] Description Prints a line to the screen (and to the optional trace file) when stimulus is injected into a pin. The command, without an argument, displays the current setting. Examples MPSIM Command % VERBOSE ON Result Print to screen when stimuli are simulated. Defaults None. W - Work Register Display / Modify Syntax W Description This command displays and/or modifies the contents of W register. Examples MPSIM Command Result % W W=44: The value of W is 44 as the following message shows. W=44:00 Change the value by entering a different value after the `:' prompt. The W register now has a value of 0. Defaults None. Related Commands None. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 99 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE WP - Watchdog Timer Period Syntax WP {1 | . . . | 128} Description Sets watchdog timer time-out period in milliseconds. With no parameters, displays current setting. Examples MPSIM Command Result % WP Display current period % WP 10 WDT period set to 10 ms. Defaults "Normal" period for selected Microcontroller. Related Commands None ZM - Zero the Program Memory Syntax ZM address1,address2 Description This command zeroes the program memory from address1 to address2. address1 must less than address2 and both must be valid program memory addresses. Examples MPSIM Command % ZM 0, 1F Result Program memory from 0 to 1F is zeroed. Defaults None. Related Commands None. DS30027I - page 100 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Chapter 5. MPSIM Commands ZP - Zero the Patch Table Syntax ZP Description This command clears the patch table. Clears the patch table and resets it to no patches made. Any changes made to the object code are unaffected. Thus, the object code cannot be restored to the original. Examples MPSIM Command % ZP Result Patch table cleared. Defaults None. Related Commands O, RA, RP ZR - Zero the Registers Syntax ZR Description This command sets all of the file registers to zero. Care should be taken with this instruction since it will zero the lower 8 bits of F2 (PC). An RS command should follow the ZR command to ensure the PC is set the expected reset value. Examples MPSIM Command % ZR Result All registers are zeroed. Defaults None. Related Commands DR, RS, SE 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 101 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE ZT - Zero the Elapsed Time Counter Syntax ZT Description This command zeros the elapsed time counter. Examples MPSIM Command % ZT Result The elapsed time counter resets to zero. Defaults None. Related Commands RE, RS DS30027I - page 102 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Appendix A. Troubleshooting Guide Introduction This Appendix consists of the following sections: * Solutions to common problems * The three types of messages generated by MPSIM, grouped by severity and their possible causes and solutions. Messages have been divided into the following groups: * Informative Messages * Warning Messages * Error Messages Solutions to Some Common Problems 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Problem 1: I keep getting strange error messages like "stack underflow" or "Illegal Opcode" when single-stepping through or executing my code. Solution 1: Check to make sure that the processor type you selected in MPSIM is the same as the processor type you selected when you assembled your code. This is especially important when simulating the members of the PIC16CXX or PIC17CXX family since the object code for them is different from the PIC16C5X, and the default processor type for the simulator is the PIC16C54. Problem 2: When I am trying to step through my code, MPSIM seems to execute an instruction different from the one that is displayed in the command area. Solution 2: Check to make sure that you loaded your code into the simulator in the same format that assembled it. For example, if you assembled your code and didn't specify an output format, your hex file will be in INHX8M format. If you then load your code into the simulator in INHX8S format, the simulator will behave strangely. Problem 3: MPSIM does not perform indirect addressing correctly. Solution 3: Check to make sure that you do not have your indirect addr register defined as the label "F0" in your source file. There is a symbol-table conflict when you define your label as such. Rename the "F0" label in your source file to "IND0" or any other label. DS30027I - page 103 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE DS30027I - page 104 Problem 4: The W register does not update on my screen. Solution 4: You have redefined W in your source file to be equal to zero, and MPSIM now treats W as file register 0. Change the label in your source file to "Wreg" or something similar. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix A. Troubleshooting Guide Messages Informative Messages Address Break After Cause: The breakpoint mode has been set to break after the instruction has been executed. Break at Address Cause: A breakpoint has been encountered and execution has stopped. Break at Register Cause: A break on register condition has been encountered and execution has stopped. Interrupt at Address Cause: Execution has stopped at the indicated address due to a user keyboard interrupt. Listing File Loaded Cause: MPSIM found and read filename.LST No Symbols Defined! Cause: The user has requested a list of all symbols when no symbols had been defined. Object Code Written to Disk Cause: MPSIM successfully dumped program memory to the named object file. Original Source Restored Cause: MPSIM has restored the source to its original form upon user request. Out of Memory, Not all Source Lines Loaded Cause: MPSIM has exhausted free memory while trying to load the listing file. Processor Reset Cause: MPSIM has reset the processor due to a user request. Symbol Table Loaded Cause: MPSIM has found and read filename.SYM. Trace File is Closed Cause: MPSIM has successfully closed the trace file. Trace File is Open Cause: MPSIM has successfully opened the trace file. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 105 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Verbose is OFF Cause: Verbose mode is currently OFF, extended user messages will not be displayed. Verbose is ON Cause: Verbose mode is currently ON, extended user messages will be displayed. Watchdog Timer Disabled Cause: MPSIM will not respond to watchdog timer time-outs. Watchdog Timer Enabled Cause: MPSIM will respond to watchdog timer time-outs. Warning Messages Address2 < Address1 Cause: When entering a starting and ending address for a command, the ending address is greater than the ending address. Cure: The starting address must be less than or equal to the ending address. Arg X out of Range LABEL Cause: You have entered a operand that is out of range of the specified instruction. Cure: Review the instruction syntax and re-enter. Attempt to Read Nonexistent File Register Cause: Your object code has attempted to read a file register that does not exist in the PIC16/17 Microcontroller you have specified. Cure: Set you PIC16/17 Microcontroller type accordingly. Attempt to Write Nonexistent File Register Cause: Your object code has attempted to read a file register that does not exist in the PIC16/17 Microcontroller you have specified. Cure: Set your PIC16/17 Microcontroller type accordingly. Bad Break Value Cause: While defining a register breakpoint, you have specified a break value that is either unrecognized in the default radix or is out of range for the file register. Cure: DS30027I - page 106 Ensure the value is valid in the current radix and not out of range of the file register. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix A. Troubleshooting Guide Bad Count Cause: You have entered a break count that is unrecognized in the current radix. Cure: Ensure that the value is correct in the current radix. Bad Cycle Length Cause: You have entered a cycle length that is invalid or unrecognizable. Cure: Re-enter the cycle length. Bad End Address Cause: You have entered an ending address that is out of memory bounds or unrecognizable in the current radix. Cure: Ensure that the value is valid in the current radix and re-enter. Bad Filename Cause: The file name you entered was not recognizable as a DOS file name. Cure: Ensure the file name conforms to DOS naming standards. Bad Max. Value Cause: This maximum value you entered is not recognizable in the current radix. Cure: Ensure the value is valid in the current radix and re-enter. Bad Min. Value Cause: This minimum value you entered is not recognizable in the current radix. Cure: Ensure the value is valid in the current radix and re-enter. Bad Opcode Cause: While attempting to search program memory for a specified opcode, the opcode you entered is unrecognizable in the current radix. Cure: Ensure the opcode is valid in the current radix and re-enter. Bad Option Cause: The option you supplied to the V command was not valid. Cure: Valid options are on and off. Use on of the valid options. Bad Signal Value Cause: While attempting to modify an I/O pin's value, you have entered a value that is unrecognizable in the current radix. Cure: 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Re-enter the value ensuring it is valid in the current radix. DS30027I - page 107 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Bad Value Cause: You have entered a value that is out of range of the file register or unrecognized in the current radix. Cure: Ensure the value is valid in the current radix and in range for the file register. Bad Width Cause: The number you specified as the width of a view screen element was not recognized. Cure: Ensure the width is a valid number in the current radix. Can only Break on File Registers or Addresses Cause: You have attempted to set a break point on an I/O pin. Cure: Break points on I/O pins are disallowed. Cannot Add Symbol to Symbol Table Cause: Due to memory constraints, MPSIM cannot add the specified symbol to the symbol table. Cure: Increase the amount of free memory before entering MPSIM. Cannot Find Command File Cause: MPSIM cannot find the command file you specified. Cure: Ensure that the file is present in the path that you specified in the command. Cannot Find Command File (MPSIM.jrn) Cause: MPSIM cannot find the old journal file. Cure: If MPSIM.jrn was not present in the current directory, this message is informational only. If the file is present, this may signal more serious errors with your disk. Cannot Find List File Cause: MPSIM cannot find the list file with the same name as the hex file plus the .LST extension. Cure: Ensure you have a list file in the same directory as the hex file you specified. Cannot Find Symbol File Cause: MPSIM cannot find the symbol file with the same name as the hex file plus the .SYM extension. Cure: Ensure you have a symbol file in the same directory as the hex file you specified. Cannot Open Trace File Cause: MPSIM cannot open the file you specified. This may be caused by any number of DOS errors. DS30027I - page 108 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix A. Troubleshooting Guide Cure: Ensure that the file you specified doesn't exist and is readonly, or you have exhausted the number of DOS file handles. Cannot Parse Filename Cause: The file name you entered was not recognizable as a DOS file name. Cure: Ensure the file name conforms to DOS naming standards. Cannot Search for an IO Pin or Status Bit Cause: You have attempted to search program memory for an instruction modifying an I/O pin or a status bit. Cure: This operation is not supported. Cannot Trace an IO Pin or Status Bit Cause: You have attempted to set a trace on an I/O pin or Status Bit. Cure: This operation is not supported. File Symbol does not Match Page at PC=XXX Cause: MPSIM has detected a page mismatch between the file symbol and the page select bits in the FSR. Cure: This is a software error, your code needs to be fixed. Invalid Filename Cause: The file name you entered was not recognizable as a DOS file name. Cure: Ensure the file name conforms to DOS naming standards. Illegal Number of Arguments Cause: You have entered the wrong number of arguments for the command. Cure: Supply all required arguments for the command. Illegal Radix Cause: You have given a radix modifier that is not recognized. Cure: Valid radix modifiers are X, D, O and B. Use one of the valid types. Missing Instruction Cause: You have told MPSIM to assemble an instruction, but did not supply the instruction. Cure: Re-enter the command with the desired instruction. No Breaks Found Involving Cause: While trying to delete a register breakpoint, you have specified a file register that has no associated break point. Cure: 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Ensure that a breakpoint for the specified file register has been defined via the DB command. DS30027I - page 109 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE No Object Code Loaded Cause: MPSIM cannot open the object file and as a result cannot load the object code. Cure: Ensure that the file name you specified is present in the directory you specified. Opcode can only be used in PIC16C55/57 Mode Cause: MPSIM has tried to execute an instruction that is valid only for the PIC16C55 or PIC16C57. Most likely a TRIS 7 instruction. Cure: Your Microcontroller type is not set properly. Refer to the P command. Out of Memory Cause: While defining a register breakpoint, MPSIM has exhausted free memory. Cure: Increase the amount of free memory before entering MPSIM or rename the list file so that MPSIM cannot find it. Stack Overflow Cause: You have executed one too many RETLW instructions for the contents of the Microcontroller stack. Cure: This is a software error, your code needs to be fixed. Stack Underflow Cause: You have executed one too many CALL instructions for the size of the Microcontroller stack. Cure: This is a software error, your code needs to be fixed. Start Address Exceeds End Address Cause: When entering a starting and ending address for a command, the ending address is greater than the ending address. Cure: The starting address must be less than or equal to the ending address. Symbol Already Exists Cause: You have attempted to define a symbol that already exists. Cure: Use a different symbol name. Too Many Arguments Cause: You have entered too many arguments for the command. Cure: Review the common syntax. Unable to Open Object File Cause: MPSIM cannot open the object file specified. Cure: DS30027I - page 110 Ensure that the file is present in the directory you specified. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix A. Troubleshooting Guide Undefined Symbol Cause: You have attempted to delete a nonexistent symbol. Cure: Ensure that the symbol is defined. Symbols are case sensitive. If you used the case insensitivity switch in the assembler, all symbols have been mapped to uppercase. Uninitialized Memory Location Executed Cause: MPSIM has attempted to execute a memory location that does not have any object code loaded. Cure: Ensure that there is object code loaded and your program is not running amuck. Unknown Break Mode Cause: You have specified a break mode that is unrecognized to MPSIM. Cure: Valid break modes are before and after. Use one of the valid break modes. Unknown File Format Cause: MPSIM has tried to read in an object file that is does not recognize. Cure: Ensure that the file you specified is a valid object file in the format you specified. Unknown Instruction XXX Cause: You have told MPSIM to assemble an instruction which is not a valid instruction. Cure: Re-enter the instruction in valid mnemonics. Unknown Opcode XXX Cause: There is an invalid opcode in your object file. Cure: Ensure that you have loaded your object file in the correct format. Default is INHX16. Unknown Operator Cause: While defining a register breakpoint, you have used an unrecognized logical operator. Cure: Valid operators are <, >, <=, >=, =, !=. Use one of the valid operators. Unknown Radix Cause: You have attempted to modify the default radix to a value that is unrecognized by MPSIM. Cure: 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Valid radix values are X, D and O. Use one of the valid values. DS30027I - page 111 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Unknown Symbol Type Cause: While attempting to define a new symbol, you have entered a symbol type that is unrecognized by MPSIM. Cure: Valid symbol types are F, L, K and B. Use one of the valid symbol types. Use SE Command to Modify IO Pins Cause: You have attempted to use the F command to modify an I/O pin. Cure: Use the SE command. Value Out of Range Cause: You have specified a value that is out of range or unrecognized in the current radix. Cure: Ensure that the value is valid in the current radix and valid for the current operation. View Item not Found Cause: You have attempted to delete or modify a nonexistent view screen element. Cure: Ensure that the element is present on the view screen. View screen elements are case-sensitive. ViewScreen is Full Cause: You have attempted to add an element to the view screen when there is no more room on the screen. Cure: Since the view screen is static in this version, there is no work-around. WDT Time-out Cause: The watchdog timer has timed out. Cure: Ensure the settings for the WDT are correct and your software resets the WDT appropriately. XXX is not an IO Pin Cause: You have tried to use the SE command to modify a label that is not an I/O pin. Cure: DS30027I - page 112 Use the F command to modify file registers, status bits and the stack. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix A. Troubleshooting Guide Error Messages Bad Stimulus (Line X) Cause: MPSIM has found a stimulus value other that zero or one. Cure: All pin stimuli must be either zero or one. Cannot Delete Old Journal File Cause: The file MPSIM.JRN has been read protected. Cure: If you intended for the file to be read protected then do not worry about this error otherwise read enable the file. Cannot Find Heading Line in Stimulus File Cause: MPSIM cannot find the heading line in the stimulus file. Cure: Ensure that there is a line in the file which begins with STEP. Cannot Map Stimulus, Symbol Conflict XXX Cause: MPSIM has encountered two column headings that are identical. Cure: Ensure your column headings are correct. Cannot Open File for Input XXX Cause: MPSIM cannot open the specified file for reading. Cure: Either the file does not exist or the file is read-only. Cannot Open Journal File Cause: MPSIM cannot open the old journal file. Cure: The file MPSIM.JRN has been read protected, change the DOS attribute. Cannot Update Journal File Cause: MPSIM cannot update the journal file with the new commands for this session. Cure: Either the old MPSIM.JRN cannot be deleted or the new journal file does not exist. Contact your local FAE. Duplicate Symbol in Symbol File Cause: MPSIM has encountered a symbol in the symbol file that has already been defined. Cure: Delete the duplicate reference. If MPSIM finds this error it will not continue to read the symbol file. First Heading in Stimulus File MUST be STEP Cause: The line that MPSIM interpreted as the heading line did not begin with STEP. Cure: 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Make sure all comment lines begin with `!' and the heading line begins with STEP. DS30027I - page 113 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Out of Memory, Cannot Create Event Calendar Cause: MPSIM exhausted free memory while trying to create the event calendar. Cure: Increase the amount of free memory before invoking MPSIM. Out of Memory, Cannot Create Event (Line X) Cause: MPSIM exhausted free memory while trying to create an event. Cure: Increase the amount of free memory before invoking MPSIM. Out of Memory During Build of Break Cause: MPSIM exhausted free memory while trying to define a file register breakpoint. Cure: Increase the amount of free memory before invoking MPSIM. Stimulus Data does not Match Headings (Line X) Cause: MPSIM has found a line that has too few or too many data points to match the column headings. Cure: Ensure each data line has one data point for each column heading. Symbol File does not Match Hex File Cause: You have tried to load a symbol file that was not generated for the current hex file. Cure: If you intended to load the symbol file, the embedded file name must match the file name of the symbol file. Symbol File is Corrupt Cause: MPSIM has encountered some unexpected formatting in the symbol file. Cure: Regenerate the symbol file. Symbol File Sync Error Cause: MPSIM has gotten lost while trying to parse the symbol file. Most likely the symbol file is corrupt. Cure: Regenerate the symbol file. Too Many Headings in Stimulus File (MAX=40) Cause: The stimulus file has a limit of 40 headings, enough for each I/O pin. Cure: If there is a need for more headings, contact your local FAE. Unknown Command Cause: MPSIM does not recognize the command you entered. Cure: DS30027I - page 114 Refer to the command summary for valid commands. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix A. Troubleshooting Guide Unexpected EOF in Stimulus File Cause: While reading the stimulus file, MPSIM encountered a line that did not have the proper number of data points. Cure: Ensure that all data lines have the correct number of data points. Unknown File Register X Cause: MPSIM does not recognize the file register as an argument to the instruction. Cure: Re-enter the mnemonic with a valid file register. Unknown Option X Cause: MPSIM does not recognize the command line option X. Cure: Refer to the section on command line arguments. Unknown Opcode (X) Cause: MPSIM tried to execute an opcode that is not a valid opcode. Cure: 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Ensure you loaded the object file in the correct format. INHX16 and INHX8M have different byte orders. DS30027I - page 115 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE DS30027I - page 116 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Appendix B. Sample File Listings MPSIM.INI SR X ZP ZR ZT RE V W,X,2 AD F1,X,2 AD F2,X,3 AD F3,X,2 AD F4,X,2 AD F5,X,2 AD F6,X,2 AD F7,X,2 RS PIC16C5X.INC LIST ; P16C5X.INC Standard Header File, Version 2.0 Microchip Technology, Inc. NOLIST ; This header file defines configurations, registers, and other useful bits of ; information for the 16C5X microcontrollers. These names are taken to match ; the data sheets as closely as possible. The microcontrollers included ; in this file are: ; 16C54 ; 16C54A ; 16C55 ; 16C56 ; 16C57 ; 16C58A ; There is one group of symbols that is valid for all microcontrollers. ; Each microcontroller in this family also has its own section of special ; symbols. Note that the processor must be selected before this file is ; included. The processor may be selected the following ways: ; 1. Command line switch: ; C:\ MPASM MYFILE.ASM /P16C54A ; 2. LIST directive in the source file ; LIST P=16C54A ; 3. Processor Type entry in the MPASM full-screen interface ;========================================================================== ; ; Generic Definitions ; ;========================================================================== W EQU H'0000' F EQU H'0001' ;----- Register Files ----------------------------------------------------CBLOCK H'0000' INDF TMR0 PCL STATUS FSR PORTA PORTB 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 117 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE ENDC ;----- STATUS Bits -------------------------------------------------------PA2 EQU H'0007' PA1 EQU H'0006' PA0 EQU H'0005' NOT_TO EQU H'0004' NOT_PD EQU H'0003' Z EQU H'0002' DC EQU H'0001' C EQU H'0000' ;----- OPTION Bits -------------------------------------------------------T0CS EQU H'0005' T0SE EQU H'0004' PSA EQU H'0003' PS2 EQU H'0002' PS1 EQU H'0001' PS0 EQU H'0000' ;========================================================================== ; ; Processor-dependent Definitions ; ;========================================================================== IFDEF __16C54 #define __CONFIG_0 ENDIF IFDEF __16C54A #define __CONFIG_0 ENDIF IFDEF __16C55 ; Register Files PORTC EQU H'0007' #define __CONFIG_0 ENDIF IFDEF __16C56 #define __CONFIG_0 ENDIF IFDEF __16C57 ; Register Files PORTC EQU H'0007' #define __CONFIG_0 ENDIF IFDEF __16C58A #define __CONFIG_1 ENDIF ;========================================================================== ; ; Configuration Bits ; ;========================================================================== IFDEF __CONFIG_0 _CP_ON EQU H'0FF7' _CP_OFF EQU H'0FFF' _WDT_ON EQU H'0FFF' _WDT_OFF EQU H'0FFB' _LP_OSC EQU H'0FFC' _XT_OSC EQU H'0FFD' _HS_OSC EQU H'0FFE' _RC_OSC EQU H'0FFF' ;#undefine __CONFIG_0 ENDIF IFDEF __CONFIG_1 _CP_ON _CP_OFF _WDT_ON DS30027I - page 118 EQU EQU EQU H'0007' H'0FFF' H'0FFF' 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix B. Sample File Listings _WDT_OFF _LP_OSC _XT_OSC _HS_OSC _RC_OSC ;#undefine __CONFIG_1 ENDIF LIST EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU H'0FFB' H'0FFC' H'0FFD' H'0FFE' H'0FFF' PIC16CXX.INC LIST ; P16CXX.INC Standard Header File, Version 2.0 Microchip Technology, Inc. NOLIST ; This header file defines configurations, registers, and other useful bits of ; information for the 16CXX microcontrollers. These names are taken to match ; the data sheets as closely as possible. The microcontrollers included ; in this file are: ; 16C61 ; 16C620 ; 16C621 ; 16C622 ; 16C64 ; 16C65 ; 16C71 ; 16C73 ; 16C74 ; 16C83 ; 16C84 ; 16C84A ; There is one group of defines that is valid for all microcontrollers. ; Each microcontroller in this family also has its own section of special ; defines. Note that the processor must be selected before this file is ; included. The processor may be selected the following ways: ; 1. Command line switch: ; C:\ MPASM MYFILE.ASM /P16C71 ; 2. LIST directive in the source file ; LIST P=16C71 ; 3. Processor Type entry in the MPASM full-screen interface ;========================================================================== ; ; Generic Definitions ; ;========================================================================== W EQU H'0000' F EQU H'0001' ;----- Register Files-----------------------------------------------------INDF EQU H'0000' TMR0 EQU H'0001' PCL EQU H'0002' STATUS EQU H'0003' FSR EQU H'0004' PORTA EQU H'0005' PORTB EQU H'0006' PCLATH EQU H'000A' INTCON EQU H'000B' OPTION_REG EQU H'0081' TRISA EQU H'0085' TRISB EQU H'0086' ;----- INTCON Bits (except ADC/Periph) -----------------------------------GIE EQU H'0007' T0IE EQU H'0005' INTE EQU H'0004' RBIE EQU H'0003' T0IF EQU H'0002' 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 119 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE INTF EQU H'0001' RBIF EQU H'0000' ;----- OPTION Bits -------------------------------------------------------NOT_RBPU EQU H'0007' INTEDG EQU H'0006' T0CS EQU H'0005' T0SE EQU H'0004' PSA EQU H'0003' PS2 EQU H'0002' PS1 EQU H'0001' PS0 EQU H'0000' ;----- STATUS Bits -------------------------------------------------------IRP EQU H'0007' RP1 EQU H'0006' RP0 EQU H'0005' NOT_TO EQU H'0004' NOT_PD EQU H'0003' Z EQU H'0002' DC EQU H'0001' C EQU H'0000' ;========================================================================== ; ; Processor-dependent Definitions ; ;========================================================================== IFDEF __16C61 #define __CONFIG_0 ENDIF IFDEF __16C620 ;----- Register Files -------------------------------------------------PIR1 EQU H'000C' CMCON EQU H'001F' PIE1 EQU H'008C' PCON EQU H'008E' VRCON EQU H'009F' #define __CONFIG_6 ENDIF IFDEF __16C621 ;----- Register Files -------------------------------------------------PIR1 EQU H'000C' CMCON EQU H'001F' PIE1 EQU H'008C' PCON EQU H'008E' VRCON EQU H'009F' #define __CONFIG_4 ENDIF IFDEF __16C622 ;----- Register Files -------------------------------------------------PIR1 EQU H'000C' CMCON EQU H'001F' PIE1 EQU H'008C' PCON EQU H'008E' VRCON EQU H'009F' #define __CONFIG_5 ENDIF IFDEF __16C63 ;----- Register Files -------------------------------------------------PORTC EQU H'0007' PIR1 EQU H'000C' TMR1L EQU H'000E' TMR1H EQU H'000F' T1CON EQU H'0010' TMR2 EQU H'0011' T2CON EQU H'0012' SSPBUF EQU H'0013' SSPCON EQU H'0014' CCPR1L EQU H'0015' DS30027I - page 120 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix B. Sample File Listings CCPR1H EQU H'0016' CCP1CON EQU H'0017' TRISC EQU H'0087' PIE1 EQU H'008C' PCON EQU H'008E' PR2 EQU H'0092' SSPADD EQU H'0093' SSPSTAT EQU H'0094' #define __CONFIG_2 ENDIF IFDEF __16C64 ;----- Register Files -------------------------------------------------PORTC EQU H'0007' PORTD EQU H'0008' PORTE EQU H'0009' PIR1 EQU H'000C' TMR1L EQU H'000E' TMR1H EQU H'000F' T1CON EQU H'0010' TMR2 EQU H'0011' T2CON EQU H'0012' SSPBUF EQU H'0013' SSPCON EQU H'0014' CCPR1L EQU H'0015' CCPR1H EQU H'0016' CCP1CON EQU H'0017' TRISC EQU H'0087' TRISD EQU H'0088' TRISE EQU H'0089' PIE1 EQU H'008C' PCON EQU H'008E' PR2 EQU H'0092' SSPADD EQU H'0093' SSPSTAT EQU H'0094' #define __CONFIG_2 ENDIF IFDEF __16C65 ;----- Register Files -------------------------------------------------PORTC EQU H'0007' PORTD EQU H'0008' PORTE EQU H'0009' PIR1 EQU H'000C' PIR2 EQU H'000D' TMR1L EQU H'000E' TMR1H EQU H'000F' T1CON EQU H'0010' TMR2 EQU H'0011' T2CON EQU H'0012' SSPBUF EQU H'0013' SSPCON EQU H'0014' CCPR1L EQU H'0015' CCPR1H EQU H'0016' CCP1CON EQU H'0017' RCSTA EQU H'0018' TXREG EQU H'0019' RCREG EQU H'001A' CCPR2L EQU H'001B' CCPR2H EQU H'001C' CCP2CON EQU H'001D' TRISC EQU H'0087' TRISD EQU H'0088' TRISE EQU H'0089' PIE1 EQU H'008C' PIE2 EQU H'008D' PCON EQU H'008E' PR2 EQU H'0092' SSPADD EQU H'0093' 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 121 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE SSPSTAT EQU H'0094' TXSTA EQU H'0098' SPBRG EQU H'0099' #define __CONFIG_2 ENDIF IFDEF __16C71 #define __ADC_CONFIG_0 #define __CONFIG_0 ENDIF IFDEF __16C73 ;----- Register Files -------------------------------------------------PORTC EQU H'0007' PIR1 EQU H'000C' PIR2 EQU H'000D' TMR1L EQU H'000E' TMR1H EQU H'000F' T1CON EQU H'0010' TMR2 EQU H'0011' T2CON EQU H'0012' SSPBUF EQU H'0013' SSPCON EQU H'0014' CCPR1L EQU H'0015' CCPR1H EQU H'0016' CCP1CON EQU H'0017' RCSTA EQU H'0018' TXREG EQU H'0019' RCREG EQU H'001A' CCPR2L EQU H'001B' CCPR2H EQU H'001C' CCP2CON EQU H'001D' TRISC EQU H'0087' PIE1 EQU H'008C' PIE2 EQU H'008D' PCON EQU H'008E' PR2 EQU H'0092' SSPADD EQU H'0093' SSPSTAT EQU H'0094' TXSTA EQU H'0098' SPBRG EQU H'0099' #define __ADC_CONFIG_1 #define __CONFIG_2 ENDIF IFDEF __16C74 ;----- Register Files -------------------------------------------------PORTC EQU H'0007' PORTD EQU H'0008' PORTE EQU H'0009' PIR1 EQU H'000C' PIR2 EQU H'000D' TMR1L EQU H'000E' TMR1H EQU H'000F' T1CON EQU H'0010' TMR2 EQU H'0011' T2CON EQU H'0012' SSPBUF EQU H'0013' SSPCON EQU H'0014' CCPR1L EQU H'0015' CCPR1H EQU H'0016' CCP1CON EQU H'0017' RCSTA EQU H'0018' TXREG EQU H'0019' RCREG EQU H'001A' CCPR2L EQU H'001B' CCPR2H EQU H'001C' CCP2CON EQU H'001D' TRISC EQU H'0087' TRISD EQU H'0088' DS30027I - page 122 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix B. Sample File Listings TRISE EQU H'0089' PIE1 EQU H'008C' PIE2 EQU H'008D' PCON EQU H'008E' PR2 EQU H'0092' SSPADD EQU H'0093' SSPSTAT EQU H'0094' TXSTA EQU H'0098' SPBRG EQU H'0099' #define __ADC_CONFIG_1 #define __CONFIG_2 ENDIF IFDEF __16C83 ;----- Register Files -------------------------------------------------EEDATA EQU H'0008' EEADR EQU H'0009' EECON1 EQU H'0088' EECON2 EQU H'0089' #define __CONFIG_3 ENDIF IFDEF __16C84 ;----- Register Files -------------------------------------------------EEDATA EQU H'0008' EEADR EQU H'0009' EECON1 EQU H'0088' EECON2 EQU H'0089' #define __CONFIG_0 ENDIF IFDEF __16C84A ;----- Register Files -------------------------------------------------EEDATA EQU H'0008' EEADR EQU H'0009' EECON1 EQU H'0088' EECON2 EQU H'0089' #define __CONFIG_3 ENDIF ;========================================================================== ; ; Configuration Bits ; ;========================================================================== IFDEF __CONFIG_0 _CP_ON EQU H'3FEF' _CP_OFF EQU H'3FFF' _PWRTE_ON EQU H'3FFF' _PWRTE_OFF EQU H'3FF7' _WDT_ON EQU H'3FFF' _WDT_OFF EQU H'3FFB' _LP_OSC EQU H'3FFC' _XT_OSC EQU H'3FFD' _HS_OSC EQU H'3FFE' _RC_OSC EQU H'3FFF' ;#undefine __CONFIG_0 ENDIF IFDEF __CONFIG_1 _BODEN_ON EQU H'3FFF' _BODEN_OFF EQU H'3FBF' _CP_ON EQU H'004F' _CP_OFF EQU H'3FFF' _PWRTE_ON EQU H'3FFF' _PWRTE_OFF EQU H'3FF7' _WDT_ON EQU H'3FFF' _WDT_OFF EQU H'3FFB' _LP_OSC EQU H'3FFC' _XT_OSC EQU H'3FFD' _HS_OSC EQU H'3FFE' _RC_OSC EQU H'3FFF' 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 123 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE ;#undefine __CONFIG_1 ENDIF IFDEF __CONFIG_2 _CP_ALL _CP_75 _CP_50 _CP_OFF _PWRTE_ON _PWRTE_OFF _WDT_ON _WDT_OFF _LP_OSC _XT_OSC _HS_OSC _RC_OSC ;#undefine __CONFIG_2 ENDIF IFDEF __CONFIG_3 _CP_ON _CP_OFF _PWRTE_ON _PWRTE_OFF _WDT_ON _WDT_OFF _LP_OSC _XT_OSC _HS_OSC _RC_OSC ;#undefine __CONFIG_3 ENDIF IFDEF __CONFIG_4 _BODEN_ON _BODEN_OFF _CP_ALL _CP_50 _CP_OFF _PWRTE_ON _PWRTE_OFF _WDT_ON _WDT_OFF _LP_OSC _XT_OSC _HS_OSC _RC_OSC ;#undefine __CONFIG_4 ENDIF IFDEF __CONFIG_5 _BODEN_ON _BODEN_OFF _CP_ALL _CP_75 _CP_50 _CP_OFF _PWRTE_ON _PWRTE_OFF _WDT_ON _WDT_OFF _LP_OSC _XT_OSC _HS_OSC _RC_OSC ;#undefine __CONFIG_5 ENDIF IFDEF __CONFIG_6 _BODEN_ON _BODEN_OFF _CP_ON DS30027I - page 124 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU H'3FCF' H'3FDF' H'3FEF' H'3FFF' H'3FFF' H'3FF7' H'3FFF' H'3FFB' H'3FFC' H'3FFD' H'3FFE' H'3FFF' EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU H'000F' H'3FFF' H'3FFF' H'3FF7' H'3FFF' H'3FFB' H'3FFC' H'3FFD' H'3FFE' H'3FFF' EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU H'3FFF' H'3FBF' H'00CF' H'15DF' H'3FFF' H'3FFF' H'3FF7' H'3FFF' H'3FFB' H'3FFC' H'3FFD' H'3FFE' H'3FFF' EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU H'3FFF' H'3FBF' H'00CF' H'15DF' H'2AEF' H'3FFF' H'3FFF' H'3FF7' H'3FFF' H'3FFB' H'3FFC' H'3FFD' H'3FFE' H'3FFF' EQU EQU EQU H'3FFF' H'3FBF' H'00CF' 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix B. Sample File Listings _CP_OFF EQU H'3FFF' _PWRTE_ON EQU H'3FFF' _PWRTE_OFF EQU H'3FF7' _WDT_ON EQU H'3FFF' _WDT_OFF EQU H'3FFB' _LP_OSC EQU H'3FFC' _XT_OSC EQU H'3FFD' _HS_OSC EQU H'3FFE' _RC_OSC EQU H'3FFF' ;#undefine __CONFIG_6 ENDIF ;========================================================================== ; ; More Bit Definitions ; ;========================================================================== IFDEF __ADC_CONFIG_0 ;---- Register Files --------------------------------------------------ADCON0 EQU H'0008' ADRES EQU H'0009' ADCON1 EQU H'0088' ;---- Finish INTCON Definition ----------------------------------------ADIE EQU H'0006' ;----- ADCON0 Bits ----------------------------------------------------ADCS1 EQU H'0007' ADCS0 EQU H'0006' CHS1 EQU H'0004' CHS0 EQU H'0003' GO EQU H'0002' NOT_DONE EQU H'0002' GO_DONE EQU H'0002' ADIF EQU H'0001' ADON EQU H'0000' ;----- ADCON1 Bits ----------------------------------------------------PCFG1 EQU H'0001' PCFG0 EQU H'0000' ;#undefine __ADC_CONFIG_0 ELSE ;---- Finish INTCON Definition ----------------------------------------PEIE EQU H'0006' ENDIF IFDEF __ADC_CONFIG_1 ;----- Register Files -------------------------------------------------ADRES EQU H'001E' ADCON0 EQU H'001F' ADCON1 EQU H'009F' ;----- ADCON0 Bits ----------------------------------------------------ADCS1 EQU H'0007' ADCS0 EQU H'0006' CHS2 EQU H'0005' CHS1 EQU H'0004' CHS0 EQU H'0003' GO EQU H'0002' NOT_DONE EQU H'0002' GO_DONE EQU H'0002' ADON EQU H'0000' ;----- ADCON1 Bits ----------------------------------------------------PCFG2 EQU H'0002' PCFG1 EQU H'0001' PCFG0 EQU H'0000' ;----- PIE1 and PIR1 ADC Bits -----------------------------------------ADIE EQU H'0006' ADIF EQU H'0006' ;#undefine __ADC_CONFIG_1 ENDIF IFDEF CCP1CON CCP1X EQU H'0005' 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 125 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE CCP1Y EQU H'0004' CCP1M3 EQU H'0003' CCP1M2 EQU H'0002' CCP1M1 EQU H'0001' CCP1M0 EQU H'0000' ENDIF IFDEF CCP2CON CCP2X EQU H'0005' CCP2Y EQU H'0004' CCP2M3 EQU H'0003' CCP2M2 EQU H'0002' CCP2M1 EQU H'0001' CCP2M0 EQU H'0000' ENDIF IFDEF CMCON C2OUT EQU H'0007' C1OUT EQU H'0006' CIS EQU H'0003' CM2 EQU H'0002' CM1 EQU H'0001' CM0 EQU H'0000' ;----- PIE1 and PIR1 ADC Bits and Short Cuts --------------------------CMIE EQU H'0006' CMIF EQU H'0006' ENDIF IFDEF EECON1 EEIF EQU H'0004' WRERR EQU H'0003' WREN EQU H'0002' WR EQU H'0001' RD EQU H'0000' ENDIF IFDEF PCON NOT_POR EQU H'0001' NOT_BO EQU H'0000' ENDIF IFDEF PIE1 PSPIE EQU H'0007' SSPIE EQU H'0003' CCP1IE EQU H'0002' TMR2IE EQU H'0001' TMR1IE EQU H'0000' ENDIF IFDEF PIR1 PSPIF EQU H'0007' SSPIF EQU H'0003' CCP1IF EQU H'0002' TMR2IF EQU H'0001' TMR1IF EQU H'0000' ENDIF IFDEF PIE2 ; Assumes PIE2 and PIR2 CCP2IE EQU H'0000' CCP2IF EQU H'0000' ENDIF IFDEF RCSTA SPEN EQU H'0007' RC9 EQU H'0006' NOT_RC8 EQU H'0006' RC8_9 EQU H'0006' SREN EQU H'0005' CREN EQU H'0004' FERR EQU H'0002' OERR EQU H'0001' RCD8 EQU H'0000' ;----- PIE1 and PIR1 RC Bits and Short Cuts --------------------------RCIE EQU H'0005' RBFL EQU H'0005' DS30027I - page 126 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix B. Sample File Listings ENDIF IFDEF SSPCON WCOL SSPOV SSPEN CKP SSPM3 SSPM2 SSPM1 SSPM0 ENDIF IFDEF SSPSTAT D I2C_DATA NOT_A NOT_ADDRESS D_A DATA_ADDRESS P I2C_STOP S I2C_START R I2C_READ NOT_W NOT_WRITE R_W READ_WRITE UA BF ENDIF IFDEF T1CON T1CKPS1 T1CKPS0 T1OSCEN T1INSYNC TMR1CS TMR1ON ENDIF IFDEF T2CON TOUTPS3 TOUTPS2 TOUTPS1 TOUTPS0 TMR2ON T2CKPS1 T2CKPS0 ENDIF IFDEF TRISE IBF OBF IBOV PSPMODE TRISE2 TRISE1 TRISE0 ENDIF IFDEF TXSTA CSRC TX9 NOT_TX8 TX8_9 TXEN SYNC BRGH TRMT TXD8 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU H'0007' H'0006' H'0005' H'0004' H'0003' H'0002' H'0001' H'0000' EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU H'0005' H'0005' H'0005' H'0005' H'0005' H'0005' H'0004' H'0004' H'0003' H'0003' H'0002' H'0002' H'0002' H'0002' H'0002' H'0002' H'0001' H'0000' EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU H'0005' H'0004' H'0003' H'0002' H'0001' H'0000' EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU H'0006' H'0005' H'0004' H'0003' H'0002' H'0001' H'0000' EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU H'0007' H'0006' H'0005' H'0004' H'0002' H'0001' H'0000' EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU H'0007' H'0006' H'0006' H'0006' H'0005' H'0004' H'0002' H'0001' H'0000' DS30027I - page 127 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE ;----- PIE1 and PIR1 TX Bits and Short Cuts --------------------------TXIE EQU H'0004' TXIF EQU H'0004' ENDIF IFDEF VRCON VREN EQU H'0007' VROE EQU H'0006' VRR EQU H'0005' VR3 EQU H'0003' VR2 EQU H'0002' VR1 EQU H'0001' VR0 EQU H'0000' ENDIF LIST PIC17CXX.INC LIST ; P17CXX.INC Standard Header File, Version 2.0 Microchip Technology, Inc. NOLIST ; This header file defines configurations, registers, and other useful bits of ; information for the 17CXX microcontrollers. These names are taken to match ; the data sheets as closely as possible. The microcontrollers included ; in this file are: ; 17C42 ; 17C43 ; 17C44 ; There is one group of defines that is valid for all microcontrollers. ; Each microcontroller in this family also has its own section of special ; defines. Note that the processor must be selected before this file is ; included. The processor may be selected the following ways: ; 1. Command line switch: ; C:\ MPASM MYFILE.ASM /P17C42 ; 2. LIST directive in the source file ; LIST P=17C42 ; 3. Processor Type entry in the MPASM full-screen interface ;========================================================================== ; ; Generic Definitions ; ;========================================================================== W EQU H'0000' F EQU H'0001' CBLOCK H'0000' BANK0 BANK1 BANK2 BANK3 ENDC ;----- Register Files ----------------------------------------------------CBLOCK H'0000' ; Bank 0 INDF0 FSR0 PCL PCLATH ALUSTA T0STA CPUSTA INTSTA INDF1 FSR1 WREG TMR0L TMR0H DS30027I - page 128 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix B. Sample File Listings TBLPTRL TBLPTRH BSR PORTA DDRB PORTB RCSTA RCREG TXSTA TXREG SPBRG ENDC CBLOCK H'0010' ; Bank 1 DDRC PORTC DDRD PORTD DDRE PORTE PIR PIE ENDC CBLOCK H'0010' ; Bank 2 TMR1 TMR2 TMR3L TMR3H PR1 PR2 PR3L PR3H ENDC CBLOCK H'0016' ; Bank 2 - alternate CAL1L CAL1H ENDC CBLOCK H'0010' ; Bank 3 PW1DCL PW2DCL PW1DCH PW2DCH CA2L CA2H TCON1 TCON2 ENDC ;----- ALUSTA Bits -------------------------------------------------------FS3 EQU H'0007' FS2 EQU H'0006' FS1 EQU H'0005' FS0 EQU H'0004' OV EQU H'0003' Z EQU H'0002' DC EQU H'0001' C EQU H'0000' ;----- CPUSTA Bits -------------------------------------------------------STKAV EQU H'0005' GLINTD EQU H'0004' NOT_TO EQU H'0003' NOT_PD EQU H'0002' ;----- INTSTA Bits -------------------------------------------------------PEIF EQU H'0007' T0CKIF EQU H'0006' T0IF EQU H'0005' INTF EQU H'0004' PEIE EQU H'0003' T0CKIE EQU H'0002' 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 129 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE T0IE EQU H'0001' INTE EQU H'0000' ;----- PIE Bits ----------------------------------------------------------RBIE EQU H'0007' TMR3IE EQU H'0006' TMR2IE EQU H'0005' TMR1IE EQU H'0004' CA2IE EQU H'0003' CA1IE EQU H'0002' TXIE EQU H'0001' RCIE EQU H'0000' ;----- PIR Bits ----------------------------------------------------------RBIF EQU H'0007' TMR3IF EQU H'0006' TMR2IF EQU H'0005' TMR1IF EQU H'0004' CA2IF EQU H'0003' CA1IF EQU H'0002' TXIF EQU H'0001' RCIF EQU H'0000' ;----- PORTA Bits --------------------------------------------------------NOT_RBPUEQUH'0007' T0CKIEQUH'0001' INTEQUH'0000' ;----- RCSTA Bits --------------------------------------------------------SPEN EQU H'0007' RC9 EQU H'0006' NOT_RC8 EQU H'0006' RC8_9 EQU H'0006' SREN EQU H'0005' CREN EQU H'0004' FERR EQU H'0002' OERR EQU H'0001' RCD8 EQU H'0000' ;----- T0STA Bits -------------------------------------------------------INTEDG EQU H'0007' T0SE EQU H'0006' T0CS EQU H'0005' T0PS3 EQU H'0004' T0PS2 EQU H'0003' T0PS1 EQU H'0002' T0PS0 EQU H'0001' ;----- TCON1 Bits --------------------------------------------------------CA2ED1 EQU H'0007' CA2ED0 EQU H'0006' CA1ED1 EQU H'0005' CA1ED0 EQU H'0004' T16 EQU H'0003' TMR3CS EQU H'0002' TMR2CS EQU H'0001' TMR1CS EQU H'0000' ;----- TCON2 Bits --------------------------------------------------------CA2OVF EQU H'0007' CA1OVF EQU H'0006' PWM2ON EQU H'0005' PWM1ON EQU H'0004' CA1 EQU H'0003' NOT_PR3 EQU H'0003' CA1_PR3 EQU H'0003' TMR3ON EQU H'0002' TMR2ON EQU H'0001' TMR1ON EQU H'0000' ;----- TXSTA Bits --------------------------------------------------------CSRC EQU H'0007' TX9 EQU H'0006' NOT_TX8 EQU H'0006' TX8_9 EQU H'0006' DS30027I - page 130 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix B. Sample File Listings TXEN EQU H'0005' SYNC EQU H'0004' TRMT EQU H'0001' TXD8 EQU H'0000' ;========================================================================== ; ; Configuration Bits - Generic ; ;========================================================================== _XMC_MODE EQU H'FFBF' _MC_MODE EQU H'FFEF' _MP_MODE EQU H'FFFF' _WDT_NORM EQU H'FFF3' _WDT_64 EQU H'FFF7' _WDT_256 EQU H'FFFB' _WDT_1 EQU H'FFFF' _LF_OSC EQU H'FFFC' _RC_OSC EQU H'FFFD' _XT_OSC EQU H'FFFE' _EC_OSC EQU H'FFFF' ;========================================================================== ; ; Processor-dependent Definitions ; ;========================================================================== IFDEF __17C42 ; Nothing else needs to be defined #define __CONFIG_0 ENDIF IFDEF __17C43 ;----- Register Files -------------------------------------------------PRODL EQU H'0018' PRODH EQU H'0019' #define __CONFIG_1 ENDIF IFDEF __17C44 ;----- Register Files -------------------------------------------------PRODL EQU H'0018' PRODH EQU H'0019' #define __CONFIG_1 ENDIF ;========================================================================== ; ; Configuration Bits - Specific ; ;========================================================================== IFDEF __CONFIG_0 _PMC_MODE EQU H'FFAF' ;#undefine __CONFIG_0 ENDIF IFDEF __CONFIG_1 _PMC_MODE EQU H'00AF' ;#undefine __CONFIG_1 ENDIF LIST 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 131 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE SAMPLE.ASM ;******************************************************************* ; SAMPLE.ASM ; 8x8 Software Multiplier ;******************************************************************* ; ; The 16 bit result is stored in 2 bytes ; ; Before calling the subroutine " mpy ", the multiplier should ; be loaded in location " mulplr ", and the multiplicand in ; " mulcnd " . The 16 bit result is stored in locations ; H_byte & L_byte. ; ; Performance : ; Program Memory : 15 locations ; # of cycles : 71 ; Scratch RAM : 0 locations ; ; This routine is optimized for code efficiency ( looped code ) ; For time efficiency code refer to "mult8x8F.asm" ( straight line code ) ;******************************************************************* ; LIST p=16C54 ; PIC16C54 is the target processor mulcnd equ 09 ; 8 bit multiplicand mulplr equ 10 ; 8 bit multiplier H_byte equ 12 ; High byte of the 16 bit result L_byte equ 13 ; Low byte of the 16 bit result count equ 14 ; loop counter portb equ 06 ; I/O register F6 STATUS equ 03 ; STATUS register F3 CARRY equ 0 ; Carry bit in status register Same equ 1 ; ; ; ; ***************************** Begin Multiplier Routine mpy_S clrf H_byte clrf L_byte movlw 8 movwf count movf mulcnd,w bcf STATUS,CARRY ; Clear the carry bit in the status Reg. loop rrf mulplr btfsc STATUS,CARRY addwf H_byte,Same rrf H_byte,Same rrf L_byte,Same decfsz count goto loop ; retlw 0 ; ;******************************************************************** ; Test Program ;********************************************************************* start clrw option main movf portb,w movwf mulplr ; multiplier (in mulplr) = 05 movf portb,w movwf mulcnd ; call_m call mpy_S ; The result is in locations F12 & F13 ; H_byte & L_byte ; goto main DS30027I - page 132 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix B. Sample File Listings ; org goto 01FFh start ; END list p=16C64,r=HEX org 0 symbol_name equ 010 symbol100_name equ 011 symbol1000_name equ 012 symbol123456789A equ 013 symbol123456789ABCDEF equ 014 device1 equ 032 statflag equ 02e movf 3,w ; set up Timer 0 iorlw 020 movwf 3 movlw 0df movwf 01 nop movf 3,w ; set up Timer 1 andlw 0df movwf 3 movlw 011 movwf 010 movlw 0fe movwf 0e nop movlw 04 ; set up Timer 2 movwf 012 movf 3,w iorlw 020 movwf 3 movlw 6 movwf 012 movf 3,w andlw 0df movwf 3 loop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop goto loop END SAMPLE.INI LO ST SR ZP ZR ZT RE P NV AD AD AD SAMPLE SAMPLE X 54 mulcnd mulplr H_byte 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 133 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD RS L_byte count portb RB7,B,1 RB6,B,1 RB5,B,1 RB4,B,1 RB3,B,1 RB2,B,1 RB1,B,1 RB0,B,1 SAMPLE.STI ! Stimulus file for SAMPLE.ASM STEP 3 5 65 67 127 129 191 193 253 255 DS30027I - page 134 RB7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RB6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 RB5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 RB4 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 RB3 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 RB2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 RB1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 RB0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 ! PortB Pins ! 9 x 5 ! 10 x 5 ! 27 x 3 ! 17 x 7 ! 64 x 63 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Appendix C. Customer Support Keeping Current with Microchip Systems This chapter provides a brief discussion of the Microchip BBS general services available. Because the Microchip BBS is an evolving product, details of its operation are not described here. This chapter also describes the Microchip software release numbering scheme. Microchip Technology supports the Microchip BBS as a service to its customers. The Microchip BBS contains the most recent information regarding Microchip systems products. Microchip endeavors at all times to provide quality service and fast responsiveness to users. To accomplish this, Microchip monitors the BBS several times a week for questions. Truly urgent issues should not be left with the BBS, but referred to your local distributor, sales office or FAE. Note: the best way to keep current with Microchip systems is to register. Highlights The highlighted points in this chapter include: * Keeping Current with Microchip Systems * Systems Information and Upgrade Hot Line * Connecting to Microchip BBS * Using the Bulletin Board * 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. * Special Interest Groups * Files * Mail Software Releases * Alpha Release * Intermediate Release * Beta Release * Production Release DS30027I - page 135 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Systems Information and Upgrade Hot Line The Systems Information And Upgrade Line provides system users a listing of the latest versions of all of Microchip's development systems software products. Plus, this line provides information on how customers can receive any currently available upgrade kits. The Hot Line Numbers are: 1-800-755-2345 for U.S. and most of Canada, and 1-602-786-7302 for the rest of the world. These phone numbers are also listed on the "Important Information" sheet that is shipped with all development systems. The hot line message is updated whenever a new software version is added to the Microchip BBS, or when a new upgrade kit becomes available. Connecting to Microchip BBS Connect worldwide to the Microchip BBS using the CompuServe communications network. In most cases, a local call is your only expense. The Microchip BBS connection does not use CompuServe membership services, therefore, you do not need CompuServe membership to join Microchip's BBS. There is no charge for connecting to the BBS, except for a toll charge to the CompuServe access number, where applicable. You do not need to be a CompuServe member to take advantage of this connection (you never actually log in to CompuServe). The procedure to connect will vary slightly from country to country. Please check with your local CompuServe agent for details if you have a problem. CompuServe service allow multiple users at baud rates up to 14400 bps. The following connect procedure applies in most locations. 1. Set your modem to 8-bit, No parity, and One stop (8N1). This is not the normal CompuServe setting which is 7E1. 2. Dial your local CompuServe access number. 3. Depress and a garbage string will appear because CompuServe is expecting a 7E1 setting. 4. Type +, depress and Host Name: will appear. 5. Type MCHIPBBS, depress and you will be connected to the Microchip BBS. 6. In the United States, to find CompuServe's phone number closest to you, set your modem to 7E1 and dial (800) 848-4480 for 300-2400 baud or (800) 331-7166 for 9600-14400 baud connection. After the system responds with Host Name:, type NETWORK, depress and follow CompuServe's directions. For voice information (or calling from overseas), you may call (614) 457-1550 for your local CompuServe number. DS30027I - page 136 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix C. Customer Support Using the Bulletin Board The bulletin board is a multifaceted tool. It can provide you with information on a number of different topics. * Special Interest Groups * Files * Mail * Bug Lists Special Interest Groups Special Interest Groups, or SIGs as they are commonly referred to, provide you with the opportunity to discuss issues and topics of interest with others that share your interest or questions. SIGs may provide you with information not available by any other method because of the broad background of the PIC16/17 user community. There are SIGs for most Microchip systems, including: * * * * * MPASM PICMASTER PRO MATE Utilities Bugs * * * * MPSIM TRUE GAUGE fuzzyTECH-MP ASSP These groups are monitored by the Microchip staff. Files Microchip regularly uses the Microchip BBS to distribute technical information, application notes, source code, errata sheets, bug reports, and interim patches for Microchip systems software products. Users can contribute files for distribution on the BBS. For each SIG, a moderator monitors, scans, and approves or disapproves files submitted to the SIG. No executable files are accepted from the user community in general to limit the spread of computer viruses. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 137 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Mail The BBS can be used to distribute mail to other users of the service. This is one way to get answers to your questions and problems from the Microchip staff, as well as keeping in touch with fellow Microchip users worldwide. Consider mailing the moderator of your SIG, or the SYSOP, if you have ideas or questions about Microchip products, or the operation of the BBS. Note: The SIGs provide you with the opportunity to discuss issues and exchange ideas. Technical support and urgent questions should be referred to your local distributor, sales representative or FAE. They are your first level of support. Software Releases Software products released by Microchip are referred to by version numbers. Version numbers use the form: xx.yy.zz Where xx is the major release number, yy is the minor number, and ZZ is the intermediate number. The status field displays one of the following categories: * Alpha * Intermediate * Beta * Released Production releases are numbered with major, and minor version numbers like: 3.04 Released Alpha, Beta and Intermediate releases are numbered with the major, minor and intermediate numbers: 3.04.01 Alpha Alpha Release Alpha designated software is engineering software that has not been submitted to any quality assurance testing. In general, this grade of software is intended for software development team access only, but may be sent to selected individuals for conceptual evaluation. Once Alpha grade software has passed quality assurance testing, it may be upgraded to Beta or Intermediate status. DS30027I - page 138 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix C. Customer Support Intermediate Release Intermediate released software represents changes to a released software system and is designated as such by adding an intermediate number to the version number. Intermediate changes are represented by: * Bug Fixes * Special Releases * Feature Experiments Intermediate released software does not represent our most tested and stable software. Typically, it will not have been subject to a thorough and rigorous test suite, unlike production released versions. Therefore, users should use these versions with care, and only in cases where the features provided by an intermediate release are required. Intermediate releases are primarily available through the BBS. Beta Release Preproduction software is designated as Beta. Beta software is sent to Applications Engineers and Consultants, FAEs, and select customers. The Beta Test period is limited to a few weeks. Software that passes Beta testing without having significant flaws, will be production released. Flawed software will be evaluated, repaired, and updated with a new revision number for a subsequent Beta trial. Production Release Production released software is software shipped with tool products. Example products are PRO MATE, PICSTART, and PICMASTER. The Major number is advanced when significant feature enhancements are made to the product. The minor version number is advanced for maintenance fixes and minor enhancements. Production released software represents Microchip's most stable and thoroughly tested software. There will always be a period of time when the Production Released software is not reflected by products being shipped until stocks are rotated. You should always check the BBS for the current production release. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 139 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE DS30027I - page 140 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Appendix D. Intel INTELLEC Hexadecimal Format INHX8M START INHX8S :(colon) CHARACTER START :(colon) START :(colon) CHARACTER WORD COUNT 2 Hex digits BYTE COUNT 2 Hex digits BYTE COUNT 2 Hex digits ADDRESS 4 Hex digits ADDRESS 2 Hex digits ADDRESS 4 Hex digits RECORD TYPE 2 Hex digits RECORD TYPE 2 Hex digits RECORD TYPE 2 Hex digits HIGH BYTE 2 Hex digits LOW or HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE 2 Hex digits CHECK SUM CHECK SUM 2 Hex digits Figure D.1a 2 Hex digits LOW BYTE 2 Hex digits HIGH BYTE 1 Hex digits CHECK SUM 2 Hex digits INHX8S and INHX8M File Formats : 10 0010 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF : 10 0020 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF : 10 0030 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF : 10 0040 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Figure D.1b 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. ck " he C " " " " " " " " " " " " Su m 10 0000 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF IN H St X8 ar M tC h By ara te c C ter ou nt Ad dr es R s ec or dT yp D at e aW or d " : INHX8M File Formats DS30027I - page 141 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE INHX8M This format produces one 8-bit hexadecimal file with a low-byte/high-byte combination. Since each address can only contain 8 bits in this format, all addresses are doubled. File extensions for the object code are ".OBJ." This format is useful for transferring PIC16C5X series object code to third party EPROM programmers. The difference between this format and Inhx16 is the word length and the high/low byte order. Inhx8m has 8-bit words (two hexadecimal digits) with the low byte first, rather than 16-bit words (four hexadecimal digits) with the high byte first. 8-Bit Hex Format: Each data record begins with a 9 character prefix and ends with a 2 character checksum. Each record has the following format: :BBAAAATTHHHH....HHHCC where, DS30027I - page 142 BB a two-digit hexadecimal byte count representing the number of data words that appear on the line. AAAA a four-digit hexadecimal address representing the starting address for the data record. TT a two-digit record type that will always be '00' except for the end-of-file record which is set to '01'. HH a two-digit hexadecimal data word. CC a two-digit hexadecimal checksum that's the two's compliment of the sum of all preceding bytes in the record including the prefix. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix D. Intel INTELLEC` Hexadecimal Format 32-Bit Hex Format (.HEX) The extended 32-bit address HEX format is similar to the Hex 8 format described above, except that the Intel extended linear address record is output also to establish the upper 16 bits of the data address. Each data record begins with a 9 character prefix and ends with a 2 character checksum. Each record has the following format: :BBAAAATTHHHH....HHHCC where BB - is a two digit hexadecimal byte count representing the number of data bytes that will appear on the line. AAAA - is a four digit hexadecimal address representing the starting address of the data record. TT - is a two digit record type record type: 00 - Data record 01 - End of File record 02 - Segment address record 04 - Linear address record HH - is a two digit hexadecimal data word. CC - is a two digit hexadecimal checksum that is the two's compliment of the sum of all preceding bytes in the record including the prefix. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 143 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE DS30027I - page 144 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Appendix E. PIC16C5X User's Guide Addendum Introduction MPSIM provides support for more than one family of Microchip microcontrollers. This section has been added as an addendum to the MPSIM user's guide to centralize PIC16C5X-specific simulator support. I/O Pins The PIC16C5X family consists of the PIC16C54, PIC16C55, PIC16C56, PIC16C57, and PIC16C58A. When modifying pins either manually (with the SE command) or via the stimulus file, use the following pin names only. These are the only ones that MPSIM recognizes as valid I/O pins. Because the pinout is device-specific, some pins (for example RC0 on a PIC16C54) will not be available on all parts in this family. * MCLR * T0CKI * RA0-RA3 * RB0-RB7 * RC0-RC7 CPU Model Reset Conditions All reset conditions are supported by MPSIM. A Power-On-Reset can be simulated by using the RS instruction. All specialpurpose registers will be initialized to the values specified in the data sheet. A MCLR reset during normal operation or during SLEEP can easily be simulated by driving the MCLR pin low (and then high) via the stimulus file or by using the SE command or by using DK command. A WDT time-out reset is simulated when WDT is enabled (see DW command) and proper prescaler is set (by initializing OPTION register appropriately) and WDT actually overflows. WDT time-out period (with prescale = 1) is approximated at 18 ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple). The Time-out (TO) and Power-down (PD) bits in the Status register reflect appropriate reset condition. This feature is useful for simulating various power-up and time out forks in the user code. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 145 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Sleep MPSIM simulates the SLEEP instruction, and will appear "asleep" until a wake-up from sleep condition occurs. For example, if the Watchdog timer has been enabled, it will wake the processor up from sleep when it times out (depending upon the prescaler setting in the OPTION register). WDT The Watchdog timer is fully simulated in the MPSIM simulator. Because it is fuse-selectable on the device, it must be enabled by a separate command (see the DW command) in MPSIM. The period of the WDT is determined by the prescaler settings in the OPTION register. The basic period (with prescaler = 1) is approximated at 18 ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple). Stack MPSIM presents an accurate simulation of the hardware stack on the PIC16C5X, and additionally provides warning messages if an underflow or overflow condition occurs. When a CALL instruction is encountered, or when an interrupt has occurred, the value of the PC+ 1 is pushed to the stack, and the stack is popped when a RETLW instruction is executed. If more than two values are pushed to the stack before it is popped, the value will be pushed to the stack, but a warning message will be issued, indicating a stack overflow condition. An error message will also be generated if the user attempts to pop an empty stack. Popping an empty stack will cause the last value popped to be put in the PC. Special Registers To aid in debugging this device, certain items that are normally not observable have been declared as "special" registers. For example, the W register is not directly-addressable, but can be added to the viewscreen, by adding the special label "W" or "w" with the AD command, just as any register. The following is a complete list of "special" registers that can be added to the viewscreen and observed or modified. You can add them as you normally would any other register declared in your code, specifying any radix to view them. * W (or w) * TRISA * TRISB * TRISC * OPT (the option register) It is important not to redefine these special labels. For example, do not define the label "W" to be equal to zero in your source code. This will cause the special label to be overridden, and "W" will now be the indirect-address register (INDF). DS30027I - page 146 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix E. PIC16C5X User's Guide Addendum Peripherals Peripherals Supported Along with providing core support, the RTCC timer/counter module is fully supported. It is fully supported in internal and external clock modes. The prescaler is made readable and writable as `RTCCPRE'' symbol. It is important to remember that because MPSIM executes on instruction cycle boundaries, resolutions below 1 Tcy cannot be simulated. MPSIM is a discrete-event simulator where all stimuli are evaluated and all response generated at instruction boundaries or Tcy. One Tcy = 4 Tosc (where Tosc is input clock). Therefore, there are several events that can not be accurately simulated in MPSIM. These fall into two categories: * Purely asynchronous events * Synchronous events that occur at Tosc clock boundaries Because of this, the following items are not supported in MPSIM: * Timer0 prescaler is capable of accepting clock pulse inputs smaller than Tcy, but this can not be simulated. In summary, the net result of instruction boundary simulation is that all events get synchronized at instruction boundary and events smaller than one instruction cycle get lost. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 147 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE DS30027I - page 148 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Appendix F. PIC16C64 User's Guide Addendum Introduction MPSIM provides support for more than one family of Microchip microcontrollers. This section has been added as an addendum to the MPSIM user's guide to centralize PIC16C64-specific simulator support. I/O Pins The PIC16C64 is a 40-pin device, with many of the I/O pins multiplexed with other peripherals (and therefore referred by more than one name). When modifying pins either manually (e.g. with the SE command) or via the stimulus file, use the following pin names only. These are the only ones that MPSIM recognizes as valid I/O pins: * MCLR * RA0-RA5 * RB0-RB7 * RC0-RC7 * RD0-RD7 * RE0-RE2 Interrupts MPSIM version 4.5 or greater supports all interrupts on the PIC16C64: 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. * Timer0 overflow * Timer1 overflow * Timer2 * CCP1 * SSP (in SPI mode ONLY) * Change on Port RB <7..4> * External interrupt from RB0/INT pin * Parallel Slave Port DS30027I - page 149 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE CPU Model Reset Conditions All reset conditions are supported by MPSIM. A Power-On-Reset can be simulated by using the RS instruction. All specialpurpose registers will be initialized to the values specified in the data sheet. A MCLR reset during normal operation or during SLEEP can easily be simulated by driving the MCLR pin low (and then high) via the stimulus file or by using the SE command or by using DK command. A WDT time-out reset is simulated when WDT is enabled (see DW command) and proper prescaler is set (by initializing OPTION register appropriately) and WDT actually overflows. WDT time-out period (with prescale = 1) is approximated at 18 ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple). The Time-out (TO) and Power-down (PD) bits in the Status register reflect appropriate reset condition. This feature is useful for simulating various power-up and time out forks in the user code. Sleep MPSIM simulates the SLEEP instruction, and will appear "asleep" until a wake-up from sleep condition occurs. For example, if the Watchdog timer has been enabled, it will wake the processor up from sleep when it times out (depending upon the prescaler setting in the OPTION register). Another example of a wake-up-from-sleep condition, would be Timer1 wake-up from sleep. In this case, when the processor is asleep, Timer1 would continue to increment until it overflows, and if the interrupt is enabled, will wake the processor on overflow and branch to the interrupt vector. WDT The Watchdog timer is fully simulated in the MPSIM simulator. Because it is fuse-selectable on the device, it must be enabled by a separate command (see the DW command) in MPSIM. The period of the WDT is determined by the prescaler settings in the OPTION register. The basic period (with prescaler = 1) is approximated at 18 ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple). Stack MPSIM presents an accurate simulation of the hardware stack on the PIC16CXX, and additionally provides warning messages if an underflow or overflow condition occurs. When a CALL instruction is encountered, or when an interrupt has occurred, the value of the PC+ 1 is pushed to the stack, and the stack is popped when a RETLW, RETURN, or RETFIE instruction is executed. If more than eight values are pushed to the stack before it is popped, the value will be pushed to the stack, but a warning message will be issued, indicating a stack overflow condition. An error message will also be DS30027I - page 150 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix F. PIC16C64 User's Guide Addendum generated if the user attempts to pop an empty stack. Popping an empty stack will cause the stack pointer to point to the top of a full stack, and will not generate an error message if another pop is initiated. Special Registers To aid in debugging this device, certain items that are normally not observable have been declared as "special" registers. Prescalers and postscalers cannot be declared in your code as "registers", so there are special labels that can be added to the view screen. You can add them as you normally would any other register declared in your code, specifying any radix to view them. The following are special items that can be added to the view screen when the PIC16C64 has been selected: * T0PRE - Prescaler for timer0 * T1PRE - Prescaler for timer1 * T2PRE - Prescaler for timer2 * T2POS - Postscaler for timer2 * CCP1PRE - Prescaler for CCP1 * SPIPRE - Prescaler for SPI * SSPSR - SSP Shift register Please remember that these labels are only available when the PIC16C64 is the target processor, and that they cannot be manually modified. Peripherals Peripherals Supported Along with providing core support, the following peripheral modules (in addition to general-purpose I/O) are supported: * Timer0 * Timer1 * Timer2 * CCP1 * Parallel Slave Port * SSP (in SPI Mode only) Tcycle Limitation It is important to remember that because MPSIM executes on instruction cycle boundaries, resolutions below 1 Tcy cannot be simulated. Please see the following section for more details concerning the limitations of T-cycle simulation. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 151 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE MPSIM is a discrete-event simulator where all stimuli are evaluated and all response generated at instruction boundaries or Tcy. One Tcy = 4 Tosc (where Tosc is input clock). Therefore, there are several events that can not be accurately simulated in MPSIM. These fall into two categories: * Purely asynchronous events * Synchronous events that occur at Tosc clock boundaries Because of this, the following items are not supported in MPSIM: * Timer0, Timer1, and Timer2 prescalers are capable of accepting clock pulse inputs smaller than Tcy, but these can not be simulated. * Capture input pulses can be smaller than one Tcy, but can not be simulated. * PWM output pulse resolution less than 1 Tcy is not supported. * 8-bit compare will not be supported since the output resolution is limited to T cycles * In unsynchronized counter mode, clock input smaller than Tcy is not supported * The oscillator on RC0/RC1 pins is not supported. The user can, how ever, simply use an external clock input for simulation purposes. In summary, the net result of instruction boundary simulation is that all events get synchronized at instruction boundary and events smaller than one instruction cycle get lost. TIMER0 Timer0 (and the interrupt it can generate on overflow) is fully supported by MPSIM, and will increment by the internal or external clock. Clock input must have a minimum high time of 1Tcy and a minimum low time of 1Tcy due to stimulus file requirements. The prescaler for Timer0 is made accessible as T0PRE. It can be watched and modified. TIMER1 Timer1 in its various modes is supported by MPSIM, except when running in counter mode by an external crystal. The interrupt it can be generated on overflow and wake-up from sleep through interrupt are both supported by MPSIM. The prescaler for Timer1 is viewable and modifiable as T1PRE. The external oscillator on RC0/RC1 is not simulated. The user can simply use a clock input (see CK command). TIMER2 Timer2 and the interrupt that can be generated on overflow are fully supported by MPSIM, and both the prescaler and postscaler for Timer2 are viewable and modifiable (T2PRE and T2POS). DS30027I - page 152 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix F. PIC16C64 User's Guide Addendum CCP1 CAPTURE MPSIM fully supports capture and the interrupt generated. The prescaler for the CCP module is viewable and modifiable (CCP1PRE). COMPARE Compare mode, its interrupt, and the special event trigger (resetting Timer1 by CCP1) are supported in this version of MPSIM. PWM PWM output (resolution greater than 1Tcy only) are supported in this version of MPSIM. SSP The Synchronous Serial Port is supported in SPI mode only. The shift register (SSPSR) can be added to the viewscreen, observed and modified. MPSIM currently does not support the I2C mode. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 153 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE DS30027I - page 154 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Appendix G. PIC16C65 User's Guide Addendum Introduction MPSIM provides support for more than one family of Microchip microcontrollers. This section has been added as an addendum to the MPSIM user's guide to centralize PIC16C65-specific simulator support. I/O Pins The PIC16C65 is a 40-pin device, with many of the I/O pins multiplexed with other peripherals (and therefore referred by more than one name). When modifying pins either manually (e.g. with the SE command) or via the stimulus file, use the following pin names only. These are the only ones that MPSIM recognizes as valid I/O pins: * MCLR * RA0-RA5 * RB0-RB7 * RC0-RC7 * RD0-RD7 * RE0-RE7 Interrupts MPSIM version 4.5 or greater supports all interrupts on the PIC16C65: 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. * Timer0 overflow * Timer1 overflow * Timer2 * CCP1 * CCP2 * SSP (in SPI mode ONLY) * Change on Port RB <7:4> * External interrupt from RB0/INT pin * USART * Parallel Slave Port DS30027I - page 155 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE CPU Model Reset Conditions All reset conditions are supported by MPSIM. A Power-On-Reset can be simulated by using the RS instruction. All specialpurpose registers will be initialized to the values specified in the data sheet. A MCLR reset during normal operation or during SLEEP can easily be simulated by driving the MCLR pin low (and then high) via the stimulus file or by using the SE command or by using DK command. A WDT time-out reset is simulated when WDT is enabled (see DW command) and proper prescaler is set (by initializing OPTION register appropriately) and WDT actually overflows. WDT time-out period (with prescale = 1) is approximated at 18 ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple). The Time-out (TO) and Power-down (PD) bits in the Status register reflect appropriate reset condition. This feature is useful for simulating various power-up and time out forks in the user code. Sleep MPSIM simulates the SLEEP instruction, and will appear "asleep" until a wake-up from sleep condition occurs. For example, if the Watchdog timer has been enabled, it will wake the processor up from sleep when it times out (depending upon the prescaler setting in the OPTION register). Another example of a wake-up-from-sleep condition, would be Timer1 wake-up from sleep. In this case, when the processor is asleep, Timer1 would continue to increment until it overflows, and if the interrupt is enabled, will wake the processor on overflow and branch to the interrupt vector. WDT The Watchdog timer is fully simulated in the MPSIM simulator. Because it is fuse-selectable on the device, it must be enabled by a separate command (see the DW command) in MPSIM. The period of the WDT is determined by the prescaler settings in the OPTION register. The basic period (with prescaler = 1) is approximated at 18 ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple). Stack MPSIM presents an accurate simulation of the hardware stack on the PIC16CXX, and additionally provides warning messages if an underflow or overflow condition occurs. When a CALL instruction is encountered, or when an interrupt has occurred, the value of the PC+ 1 is pushed to the stack, and the stack is popped when a RETLW, RETURN, or RETFIE instruction is executed. If more than eight values are pushed to the stack before it is popped, the value will be pushed to the stack, but a warning message will be issued, indicating a stack overflow condition. An error message will also be DS30027I - page 156 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix G. PIC16C65 User's Guide Addendum generated if the user attempts to pop an empty stack. Popping an empty stack will cause the stack pointer to point to the top of a full stack, and will not generate an error message if another pop is initiated. Special Registers To aid in debugging this device, certain items that are normally not observable have been declared as "special" registers. Prescalers and postscalers cannot be declared in your code as "registers", so there are special labels that can be added to the view screen. You can add them as you normally would any other register declared in your code, specifying any radix to view them. The following are special items that can be added to the view screen when the PIC16C65 has been selected: * T0PRE - Prescaler for timer0 * T1PRE - Prescaler for timer1 * T2PRE - Prescaler for timer2 * T2POS - Postscaler for timer2 * CCP1PRE - Prescaler for CCP1 * CCP2PRE - Prescaler for CCP2 * SPIPRE - Prescaler for SPI * SSPSR - SSP Shift register Please remember that these labels are only available when the PIC16C65 is the target processor, and that they cannot be manually modified. Peripherals Peripherals Supported Along with providing core support, the following peripheral modules (in addition to general-purpose I/O) are supported: 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. * Timer0 * Timer1 * Timer2 * CCP1 * CCP2 * Parallel Slave Port * SSP (in SPI Mode only) * USART (limited) DS30027I - page 157 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Tcycle Limitation It is important to remember that because MPSIM executes on instruction cycle boundaries, resolutions below 1 Tcy cannot be simulated. Please see the following section for more details concerning the limitations of T-cycle simulation. MPSIM is a discrete-event simulator where all stimuli are evaluated and all response generated at instruction boundaries or Tcy. One Tcy = 4 Tosc (where Tosc is input clock). Therefore, there are several events that can not be accurately simulated in MPSIM. These fall into two categories: * Purely asynchronous events * Synchronous events that occur at Tosc clock boundaries Because of this, the following items are not supported in MPSIM: * Timer0, Timer1, and Timer2 prescalers are capable of accepting clock pulse inputs smaller than Tcy, but these can not be simulated. * Capture input pulses can be smaller than one Tcy, but can not be simulated. * PWM output pulse resolution less than 1 Tcy is not supported. * 8-bit compare will not be supported since the output resolution is limited to T cycles * In unsynchronized counter mode, clock input smaller than Tcy is not supported * The oscillator on RC0/RC1 pins is not supported. The user can, how ever, simply use an external clock input for simulation purposes. In summary, the net result of instruction boundary simulation is that all events get synchronized at instruction boundary and events smaller than one instruction cycle get lost. TIMER0 Timer0 (and the interrupt it can generate on overflow) is fully supported by MPSIM, and will increment by the internal or external clock. Clock input must have a minimum high time of 1Tcy and a minimum low time of 1Tcy due to stimulus file requirements. The prescaler for Timer0 is made accessible as T0PRE. It can be watched and modified. TIMER1 Timer1 in its various modes is supported by MPSIM, except when running in counter mode by an external crystal. The interrupt it can be generated on overflow and wake-up from sleep through interrupt are both supported by MPSIM. The prescaler for Timer1 is viewable and modifiable as T1PRE. The external oscillator on RC0/RC1 is not simulated. The user can simply use a clock input (see CK command). DS30027I - page 158 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix G. PIC16C65 User's Guide Addendum TIMER2 Timer2 and the interrupt that can be generated on overflow are fully supported by MPSIM, and both the prescaler and postscaler for Timer2 are viewable and modifiable (T2PRE and T2POS). CCP1 and CCP2 CAPTURE MPSIM fully supports capture and the interrupt generated. The prescaler for the CCP module is viewable and modifiable (CCP1PRE). COMPARE Compare mode, its interrupt, and the special event trigger (resetting Timer1 with CCP1) are supported in this version of MPSIM. PWM PWM output (resolution greater than 1Tcy only) are supported in this version of MPSIM. SSP The Synchronous Serial Port is supported in SPI mode only. The shift register (SSPSR) can be added to the viewscreen, observed and modified. MPSIM currently does not support the I2C mode. USART Timing and interrupt generation is supported. Baud rate generator is supported. Reading and writing of the registers are supported but actual receive or transmit operation is not simulated. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 159 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE DS30027I - page 160 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Appendix H. PIC16C71 User's Guide Addendum Introduction MPSIM provides support for more than one family of Microchip microcontrollers. This section has been added as an addendum to the MPSIM user's guide to centralize PIC16C71-specific simulator support. I/O Pins The PIC16C71 is an 18-pin device, with some of the I/O pins multiplexed with other peripherals (and therefore referred by more than one name). When modifying pins either manually (e.g. with the SE command) or via the stimulus file, use the following pin names only. These are the only ones that MPSIM recognizes as valid I/O pins: * MCLR * RA0-RA4 * RB0-RB7 Additionally, RTCC is also recognized as Timer0 (previously RTCC) input, i.e. same as RA4. Interrupts MPSIM supports all interrupts on the PIC16C71: 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. * Timer0 overflow * Change on Port RB <7..4> * External interrupt from RB0/INT pin * A/D interrupt complete DS30027I - page 161 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE CPU Model Reset Conditions All reset conditions are supported by MPSIM. A Power-On-Reset can be simulated by using the RS instruction. All specialpurpose registers will be initialized to the values specified in the data sheet. A MCLR reset during normal operation or during SLEEP can easily be simulated by driving the MCLR pin low (and then high) via the stimulus file or by using the SE command or by using DK command. A WDT time-out reset is simulated when WDT is enabled (see DW command) and proper prescaler is set (by initializing OPTION register appropriately) and WDT actually overflows. WDT time-out period (with prescale = 1) is approximated at 18 ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple). The Time-out (TO) and Power-down (PD) bits in the Status register reflect appropriate reset condition. This feature is useful for simulating various power-up and time out forks in the user code. Sleep MPSIM simulates the SLEEP instruction, and will appear "asleep" until a wake-up from sleep condition occurs. For example, if the Watchdog timer has been enabled, it will wake the processor up from sleep when it times out (depending upon the prescaler setting in the OPTION register). Another example of a wake-up-from-sleep condition, would be wake-up due to RB0/ INT external interrupt. WDT The Watchdog timer is fully simulated in the MPSIM simulator. Because it is fuse-selectable on the device, it must be enabled by a separate command (see the DW command) in MPSIM. The period of the WDT is determined by the prescaler settings in the OPTION register. The basic period (with prescaler = 1) is approximated at 18 ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple). Stack MPSIM presents an accurate simulation of the hardware stack on the PIC16CXX, and additionally provides warning messages if an underflow or overflow condition occurs. When a CALL instruction is encountered, or when an interrupt has occurred, the value of the PC+ 1 is pushed to the stack, and the stack is popped when a RETLW, RETURN, or RETFIE instruction is executed. If more than eight values are pushed to the stack before it is popped, the value will be pushed to the stack, but a warning message will be issued, indicating a stack overflow condition. An error message will also be generated if the user attempts to pop an empty stack. Popping an empty stack will cause the stack pointer to point to the top of a full stack, and will not generate an error message if another pop is initiated. DS30027I - page 162 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix H. PIC16C71 User's Guide Addendum Special Registers To aid in debugging this device, certain items that are normally not observable have been declared as "special" registers. Prescalers and postscalers cannot be declared in your code as "registers", so there are special labels that can be added to the view screen. You can add them as you normally would any other register declared in your code, specifying any radix to view them. The following are special items that can be added to the view screen when the PIC16C71 has been selected: * T0PRE - Prescaler for timer0 Please remember that these labels are only available when the PIC16C71 is the target processor, and that they cannot be manually modified. Peripherals Peripherals Supported Along with providing core support, the following peripheral modules (in addition to general-purpose I/O) are supported: * Timer0 * A/D module (limited) Tcycle Limitation It is important to remember that because MPSIM executes on instruction cycle boundaries, resolutions below 1 Tcy cannot be simulated. Please see the following section for more details concerning the limitations of T-cycle simulation. MPSIM is a discrete-event simulator where all stimuli are evaluated and all response generated at instruction boundaries or Tcy. One Tcy = 4 Tosc (where Tosc is input clock). Therefore, there are several events that can not be accurately simulated in MPSIM. These fall into two categories: * Purely asynchronous events * Synchronous events that occur at Tosc clock boundaries Because of this, the following items are not supported in MPSIM: * Timer0 prescaler is capable of accepting clock pulse inputs smaller than Tcy, but this can not be simulated. In summary, the net result of instruction boundary simulation is that all events get synchronized at instruction boundary and events smaller than one instruction cycle get lost. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 163 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE TIMER0 Timer0 (and the interrupt it can generate on overflow) is fully supported by MPSIM, and will increment by the internal or external clock. Clock input must have a minimum high time of 1Tcy and a minimum low time of 1Tcy due to stimulus file requirements. The prescaler for Timer0 is made accessible as T0PRE. It can be watched and modified. A/D Converter All the registers, timing function and interrupt generation are implemented. The simulator, however, does not load any meaningful value into A/D result register (ADRES) at the end of a conversion. Use the FI command to load the ADRES register from a file for simulation purposes. DS30027I - page 164 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Appendix I. PIC16C73 User's Guide Addendum Introduction MPSIM provides support for more than one family of Microchip microcontrollers. This section has been added as an addendum to the MPSIM user's guide to centralize PIC16C73-specific simulator support. I/O Pins The PIC16C73 is a 28-pin device, with many of the I/O pins multiplexed with other peripherals (and therefore referred by more than one name). When modifying pins either manually (e.g. with the SE command) or via the stimulus file, use the following pin names only. These are the only ones that MPSIM recognizes as valid I/O pins: * MCLR * RA0-RA5 * RB0-RB7 * RC0-RC7 Interrupts MPSIM version 4.5 or greater supports all interrupts on the PIC16C73: Note: * Timer0 overflow * Timer1 overflow * Timer2 * CCP1 * CCP2 * SSP (in SPI mode ONLY) * Change on Port RB <7..4> * External interrupt from RB0/INT pin * A/D interrupt complete * USART Appendix O has been intentionally skipped in the numbering process. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 165 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE CPU Model Reset Conditions All reset conditions are supported by MPSIM. A Power-On-Reset can be simulated by using the RS instruction. All specialpurpose registers will be initialized to the values specified in the data sheet. A MCLR reset during normal operation or during SLEEP can easily be simulated by driving the MCLR pin low (and then high) via the stimulus file or by using the SE command or by using DK command. A WDT time-out reset is simulated when WDT is enabled (see DW command) and proper prescaler is set (by initializing OPTION register appropriately) and WDT actually overflows. WDT time-out period (with prescale = 1) is approximated at 18 ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple). The Time-out (TO) and Power-down (PD) bits in the Status register reflect appropriate reset condition. This feature is useful for simulating various power-up and time out forks in the user code. Sleep MPSIM simulates the SLEEP instruction, and will appear "asleep" until a wake-up from sleep condition occurs. For example, if the Watchdog timer has been enabled, it will wake the processor up from sleep when it times out (depending upon the prescaler setting in the OPTION register). Another example of a wake-up-from-sleep condition, would be Timer1 wake-up from sleep. In this case, when the processor is asleep, Timer1 would continue to increment until it overflows, and if the interrupt is enabled, will wake the processor on overflow and branch to the interrupt vector. WDT The Watchdog timer is fully simulated in the MPSIM simulator. Because it is fuse-selectable on the device, it must be enabled by a separate command (see the DW command) in MPSIM. The period of the WDT is determined by the prescaler settings in the OPTION register. The basic period (with prescaler = 1) is approximated at 18 ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple). Stack MPSIM presents an accurate simulation of the hardware stack on the PIC16CXX, and additionally provides warning messages if an underflow or overflow condition occurs. When a CALL instruction is encountered, or when an interrupt has occurred, the value of the PC+ 1 is pushed to the stack, and the stack is popped when a RETLW, RETURN, or RETFIE instruction is executed. If more than eight values are pushed to the stack before it is popped, the value will be pushed to the stack, but a warning message will be issued, indicating a stack overflow condition. An error message will also be DS30027I - page 166 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix I. PIC16C73 User's Guide Addendum generated if the user attempts to pop an empty stack. Popping an empty stack will cause the stack pointer to point to the top of a full stack, and will not generate an error message if another pop is initiated. Special Registers To aid in debugging this device, certain items that are normally not observable have been declared as "special" registers. Prescalers and postscalers cannot be declared in your code as "registers", so there are special labels that can be added to the view screen. You can add them as you normally would any other register declared in your code, specifying any radix to view them. The following are special items that can be added to the view screen when the PIC16C73 has been selected: * T0PRE - Prescaler for timer0 * T1PRE - Prescaler for timer1 * T2PRE - Prescaler for timer2 * T2POS - Postscaler for timer2 * CCP1PRE - Prescaler for CCP1 * CCP2PRE - Prescaler for CCP2 * SPIPRE - Prescaler for SPI * SSPSR - SSP Shift register Please remember that these labels are only available when the PIC16C73 is the target processor, and that they cannot be manually modified. Peripherals Peripherals Supported Along with providing core support, the following peripheral modules (in addition to general-purpose I/O) are supported: 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. * Timer0 * Timer1 * Timer2 * CCP1 * CCP2 * SSP (in SPI Mode only) * A/D module (limited) * USART (limited) DS30027I - page 167 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Tcycle Limitation It is important to remember that because MPSIM executes on instruction cycle boundaries, resolutions below 1 Tcy cannot be simulated. Please see the following section for more details concerning the limitations of T-cycle simulation. MPSIM is a discrete-event simulator where all stimuli are evaluated and all response generated at instruction boundaries or Tcy. One Tcy = 4 Tosc (where Tosc is input clock). Therefore, there are several events that can not be accurately simulated in MPSIM. These fall into two categories: * Purely asynchronous events * Synchronous events that occur at Tosc clock boundaries Because of this, the following items are not supported in MPSIM: * Timer0, Timer1, and Timer2 prescalers are capable of accepting clock pulse inputs smaller than Tcy, but these can not be simulated. * Capture input pulses can be smaller than one Tcy, but can not be simulated. * PWM output pulse resolution less than 1 Tcy is not supported. * 8-bit compare will not be supported since the output resolution is limited to T cycles * In unsynchronized counter mode, clock input smaller than Tcy is not supported * The oscillator on RC0/RC1 pins is not supported. The user can, how ever, simply use an external clock input for simulation purposes. In summary, the net result of instruction boundary simulation is that all events get synchronized at instruction boundary and events smaller than one instruction cycle get lost. TIMER0 Timer0 (and the interrupt it can generate on overflow) is fully supported by MPSIM, and will increment by the internal or external clock. Clock input must have a minimum high time of 1Tcy and a minimum low time of 1Tcy due to stimulus file requirements. The prescaler for Timer0 is made accessible as T0PRE. It can be watched and modified. TIMER1 Timer1 in its various modes is supported by MPSIM, except when running in counter mode by an external crystal. The interrupt it can be generated on overflow and wake-up from sleep through interrupt are both supported by MPSIM. The prescaler for Timer1 is viewable and modifiable as T1PRE. The external oscillator on RC0/RC1 is not simulated. The user can simply use a clock input (see CK command). DS30027I - page 168 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix I. PIC16C73 User's Guide Addendum TIMER2 Timer2 and the interrupt that can be generated on overflow are fully supported by MPSIM, and both the prescaler and postscaler for Timer2 are viewable and modifiable (T2PRE and T2POS). CCP1 and CCP2 CAPTURE MPSIM fully supports capture and the interrupt generated. The prescaler for the CCP module is viewable and modifiable (CCP1PRE). COMPARE Compare mode, its interrupt, and the special event trigger (resetting Timer1 if CCP1 and starting A/D Conversion if CCP2) are supported in this version of MPSIM. PWM PWM output (resolution greater than 1Tcy only) are supported in this version of MPSIM. SSP The Synchronous Serial Port is supported in SPI mode only. The shift register (SSPSR) can be added to the viewscreen, observed and modified. MPSIM currently does not support the I2C mode. USART Timing and interrupt generation is supported. Baud rate generator is supported. Reading and writing of the registers are supported but actual receive or transmit operation is not simulated. A/D Converter All the registers, timing function and interrupt generation are implemented. The simulator, however, does not load any meaningful value into A/D result register (ADRES) at the end of a conversion. Use the FI command to load the ADRES register from a file for simulation purposes. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 169 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE DS30027I - page 170 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Appendix J. PIC16C74 User's Guide Addendum Introduction MPSIM provides support for more than one family of Microchip microcontrollers. This section has been added as an addendum to the MPSIM user's guide to centralize PIC16C74-specific simulator support. I/O Pins The PIC16C74 is a 40-pin device, with many of the I/O pins multiplexed with other peripherals (and therefore referred by more than one name). When modifying pins either manually (e.g. with the SE command) or via the stimulus file, use the following pin names only. These are the only ones that MPSIM recognizes as valid I/O pins: * MCLR * RA0-RA5 * RB0-RB7 * RC0-RC7 * RD0-RD7 * RE0-RE2 Interrupts MPSIM supports all interrupts on the PIC16C74: 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. * Timer0 overflow * Timer1 overflow * Timer2 * CCP1 * CCP2 * SSP (in SPI mode ONLY) * Change on Port RB <7..4> * External interrupt from RB0/INT pin * A/D interrupt complete * USART * Parallel Slave Port DS30027I - page 171 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE CPU Model Reset Conditions All reset conditions are supported by MPSIM. A Power-On-Reset can be simulated by using the RS instruction. All specialpurpose registers will be initialized to the values specified in the data sheet. A MCLR reset during normal operation or during SLEEP can easily be simulated by driving the MCLR pin low (and then high) via the stimulus file or by using the SE command or by using DK command. A WDT time-out reset is simulated when WDT is enabled (see DW command) and proper prescaler is set (by initializing OPTION register appropriately) and WDT actually overflows. WDT time-out period (with prescale = 1) is approximated at 18 ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple). The Time-out (TO) and Power-down (PD) bits in the Status register reflect appropriate reset condition. This feature is useful for simulating various power-up and time out forks in the user code. Sleep MPSIM simulates the SLEEP instruction, and will appear "asleep" until a wake-up from sleep condition occurs. For example, if the Watchdog timer has been enabled, it will wake the processor up from sleep when it times out (depending upon the prescaler setting in the OPTION register). Another example of a wake-up-from-sleep condition, would be Timer1 wake-up from sleep. In this case, when the processor is asleep, Timer1 would continue to increment until it overflows, and if the interrupt is enabled, will wake the processor on overflow and branch to the interrupt vector. WDT The Watchdog timer is fully simulated in the MPSIM simulator. Because it is fuse-selectable on the device, it must be enabled by a separate command (see the DW command) in MPSIM. The period of the WDT is determined by the prescaler settings in the OPTION register. The basic period (with prescaler = 1) is approximated at 18 ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple). Stack MPSIM presents an accurate simulation of the hardware stack on the PIC16CXX, and additionally provides warning messages if an underflow or overflow condition occurs. When a CALL instruction is encountered, or when an interrupt has occurred, the value of the PC+ 1 is pushed to the stack, and the stack is popped when a RETLW, RETURN, or RETFIE instruction is executed. If more than eight values are pushed to the stack before it is popped, the value will be pushed to the stack, but a warning message will be issued, indicating a stack overflow condition. An error message will also be DS30027I - page 172 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix J. PIC16C74 User's Guide Addendum generated if the user attempts to pop an empty stack. Popping an empty stack will cause the stack pointer to point to the top of a full stack, and will not generate an error message if another pop is initiated. Special Registers To aid in debugging this device, certain items that are normally not observable have been declared as "special" registers. Prescalers and postscalers cannot be declared in your code as "registers", so there are special labels that can be added to the view screen. You can add them as you normally would any other register declared in your code, specifying any radix to view them. The following are special items that can be added to the view screen when the PIC16C74 has been selected: * T0PRE - Prescaler for timer0 * T1PRE - Prescaler for timer1 * T2PRE - Prescaler for timer2 * T2POS - Postscaler for timer2 * CCP1PRE - Prescaler for CCP1 * CCP2PRE - Prescaler for CCP2 * SPIPRE - Prescaler for SPI * SSPSR - SSP Shift register Please remember that these labels are only available when the PIC16C74 is the target processor, and that they cannot be manually modified. Peripherals Peripherals Supported Along with providing core support, the following peripheral modules (in addition to general-purpose I/O) are supported: 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. * Timer0 * Timer1 * Timer2 * CCP1 * CCP2 * Parallel Slave Port * SSP (in SPI Mode only) * A/D module (limited) * USART (limited) DS30027I - page 173 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Tcycle Limitation It is important to remember that because MPSIM executes on instruction cycle boundaries, resolutions below 1 Tcy cannot be simulated. Please see the following section for more details concerning the limitations of T-cycle simulation. MPSIM is a discrete-event simulator where all stimuli are evaluated and all response generated at instruction boundaries or Tcy. One Tcy = 4 Tosc (where Tosc is input clock). Therefore, there are several events that can not be accurately simulated in MPSIM. These fall into two categories: * Purely asynchronous events * Synchronous events that occur at Tosc clock boundaries Because of this, the following items are not supported in MPSIM: * Timer0, Timer1, and Timer2 prescalers are capable of accepting clock pulse inputs smaller than Tcy, but these can not be simulated. * Capture input pulses can be smaller than one Tcy, but can not be simulated. * PWM output pulse resolution less than 1 Tcy is not supported. * 8-bit compare will not be supported since the output resolution is limited to T cycles * In unsynchronized counter mode, clock input smaller than Tcy is not supported * The oscillator on RC0/RC1 pins is not supported. The user can, how ever, simply use an external clock input for simulation purposes. In summary, the net result of instruction boundary simulation is that all events get synchronized at instruction boundary and events smaller than one instruction cycle get lost. TIMER0 Timer0 (and the interrupt it can generate on overflow) is fully supported by MPSIM, and will increment by the internal or external clock. Clock input must have a minimum high time of 1Tcy and a minimum low time of 1Tcy due to stimulus file requirements. The prescaler for Timer0 is made accessible as T0PRE. It can be watched and modified. TIMER1 Timer1 in its various modes is supported by MPSIM, except when running in counter mode by an external crystal. The interrupt it can be generated on overflow and wake-up from sleep through interrupt are both supported by MPSIM. The prescaler for Timer1 is viewable and modifiable as T1PRE. The external oscillator on RC0/RC1 is not simulated. The user can simply use a clock input (see CK command). DS30027I - page 174 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix J. PIC16C74 User's Guide Addendum TIMER2 Timer2 and the interrupt that can be generated on overflow are fully supported by MPSIM, and both the prescaler and postscaler for Timer2 are viewable and modifiable (T2PRE and T2POS). CCP1 and CCP2 CAPTURE MPSIM fully supports capture and the interrupt generated. The prescaler for the CCP module is viewable and modifiable (CCP1PRE). COMPARE Compare mode, its interrupt, and the special event trigger (resetting Timer1 if CCP1 and starting A/D Conversion if CCP2) are supported in this version of MPSIM. PWM PWM output (resolution greater than 1Tcy only) are supported in this version of MPSIM. SSP The Synchronous Serial Port is supported in SPI mode only. The shift register (SSPSR) can be added to the viewscreen, observed and modified. MPSIM currently does not support the I2C mode. USART Timing and interrupt generation is supported. Baud rate generator is supported. Reading and writing of the registers are supported but actual receive or transmit operation is not simulated. A/D Converter All the registers, timing function and interrupt generation are implemented. The simulator, however, does not load any meaningful value into A/D result register (ADRES) at the end of a conversion. Use the FI command to load the ADRES register from a file for simulation purposes. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 175 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE DS30027I - page 176 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Appendix K. PIC16C84 User's Guide Addendum Introduction MPSIM provides support for more than one family of Microchip microcontrollers. This section has been added as an addendum to the MPSIM user's guide to centralize PIC16C74-specific simulator support. I/O Pins The PIC16C84 is an 18-pin device, with some of the I/O pins multiplexed with other peripherals (and therefore referred by more than one name). When modifying pins either manually (e.g. with the SE command) or via the stimulus file, use the following pin names only. These are the only ones that MPSIM recognizes as valid I/O pins: * MCLR * RA0-RA4 * RB0-RB7 Interrupts MPSIM supports all interrupts on the PIC16C71: * Timer0 overflow * Change on Port RB <7:4> * External interrupt from RB0/INT pin * EEPROM write complete CPU Model Reset Conditions All reset conditions are supported by MPSIM. A Power-On-Reset can be simulated by using the RS instruction. All specialpurpose registers will be initialized to the values specified in the data sheet. A MCLR reset during normal operation or during SLEEP can easily be simulated by driving the MCLR pin low (and then high) via the stimulus file or by using the SE command or by using DK command. A WDT time-out reset is simulated when WDT is enabled (see DW command) and proper prescaler is set (by initializing OPTION register appropriately) and WDT actually overflows. WDT time-out period (with prescale = 1) is approximated at 18 ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple). 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 177 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE The Time-out (TO) and Power-down (PD) bits in the Status register reflect appropriate reset condition. This feature is useful for simulating various power-up and time out forks in the user code. Sleep MPSIM simulates the SLEEP instruction, and will appear "asleep" until a wake-up from sleep condition occurs. For example, if the Watchdog timer has been enabled, it will wake the processor up from sleep when it times out (depending upon the prescaler setting in the OPTION register). Another example of a wake-up-from-sleep condition, would be due to RB0/INT interrupt wake-up. WDT The Watchdog timer is fully simulated in the MPSIM simulator. Because it is fuse-selectable on the device, it must be enabled by a separate command (see the DW command) in MPSIM. The period of the WDT is determined by the prescaler settings in the OPTION register. The basic period (with prescaler = 1) is approximated at 18 ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple). Stack MPSIM presents an accurate simulation of the hardware stack on the PIC16CXX, and additionally provides warning messages if an underflow or overflow condition occurs. When a CALL instruction is encountered, or when an interrupt has occurred, the value of the PC+ 1 is pushed to the stack, and the stack is popped when a RETLW, RETURN, or RETFIE instruction is executed. If more than eight values are pushed to the stack before it is popped, the value will be pushed to the stack, but a warning message will be issued, indicating a stack overflow condition. An error message will also be generated if the user attempts to pop an empty stack. Popping an empty stack will cause the stack pointer to point to the top of a full stack, and will not generate an error message if another pop is initiated. Special Registers To aid in debugging this device, certain items that are normally not observable have been declared as "special" registers. Prescalers and postscalers cannot be declared in your code as "registers", so there are special labels that can be added to the view screen. You can add them as you normally would any other register declared in your code, specifying any radix to view them. The following are special items that can be added to the view screen when the PIC16C84 has been selected: * T0PRE - Prescaler for timer0 Please remember that these labels are only available when the PIC16C84 is the target processor, and that they cannot be manually modified. DS30027I - page 178 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix K. PIC16C84 User's Guide Addendum Peripherals Peripherals Supported Along with providing core support, the following peripheral modules (in addition to general-purpose I/O) are supported: * Timer0 * EEPROM data memory Tcycle Limitation It is important to remember that because MPSIM executes on instruction cycle boundaries, resolutions below 1 Tcy cannot be simulated. Please see the following section for more details concerning the limitations of T-cycle simulation. MPSIM is a discrete-event simulator where all stimuli are evaluated and all response generated at instruction boundaries or Tcy. One Tcy = 4 Tosc (where Tosc is input clock). Therefore, there are several events that can not be accurately simulated in MPSIM. These fall into two categories: * Purely asynchronous events * Synchronous events that occur at Tosc clock boundaries Because of this, the following items are not supported in MPSIM: * Timer0 prescaler is capable of accepting clock pulse inputs smaller than Tcy, but this can not be simulated. In summary, the net result of instruction boundary simulation is that all events get synchronized at instruction boundary and events smaller than one instruction cycle get lost. TIMER0 Timer0 (and the interrupt it can generate on overflow) is fully supported by MPSIM, and will increment by the internal or external clock. Clock input must have a minimum high time of 1Tcy and a minimum low time of 1Tcy due to stimulus file requirements. The prescaler for Timer0 is made accessible as T0PRE. It can be watched and modified. EEPROM Data Memory The EEPROM data memory is fully simulated. The registers and the read/ write cycles are fully implemented. The write cycle time is approximated to 10 ms (to nearest instruction cycle multiple). Please note that whereas the write to EEPROM is supported, the simulator does not check for "the valid instruction sequence". The simulator does, however, simulate functions of WRERR and WREN control bits in the EECON1 register. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 179 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE DS30027I - page 180 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Appendix L. PIC17C42 Support Introduction MPSIM provides support for more than one family of Microchip microcontrollers. This section has been added as an addendum to the MPSIM user's guide to centralize PIC17C42-specific simulator support. I/O Pins The PIC17C42 is a 40-pin device, with many of the I/O pins multiplexed with other peripherals (and therefore referred by more than one name). When modifying pins either manually (with the SE command) or via the stimulus file, use the following pin names only. These are the only ones that MPSIM recognizes as valid I/O pins: 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. * MCLR * RA0-RA5 * RB0-RB7 * RC0-RC7 * RD0-RD7 * RE0-RE2 DS30027I - page 181 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Special Function Registers Many special-function registers in the PIC17CXX family (specifically the "peripheral registers") are located in register banks other than bank zero. To access these registers in your program, you must first select the desired bank and then specify the address within that bank (0x10 - 0x17). Because of this, the "porta" register (address 0x10 in bank 0), for example, and the "ddrc" (address 0x10 in bank 1) registers would both be defined in your source code as addresses 0x10. In order to distinguish between labels that have the same address, MPSIM has pre-defined the following labels with file register addresses and has added them to its internal symbol table: DDRC TMR1 PW1DCL PORTC TMR2 PW2DCL DDRD TMR3L PW1DCH PORTD TMR3H PW2DCH DDRE PR1 CA2L PORTE PR2 CA2H PIR PR3L TCON1 PIE PR3H TCON2 If you want to view the contents of any of these registers during your simulation session, you can add them to the viewscreen by using the "AD" command. DS30027I - page 182 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix L. PIC17C42 Support Interrupts MPSIM Version 5.0 or greater supports all interrupts on the PIC17C42: * External interrupt on INT pin * TMR0 overflow interrupt * External interrupt on RA0 pin * Port B input change interrupt * Timer/Counter1 interrupt * Timer/Counter2 interrupt * Timer/Counter3 interrupt * Capture1 interrupt * Capture2 Interrupt * Serial port transmit interrupt* * Serial port receive interrupt* *Serial port timing only CPU Model Reset Conditions All reset conditions are supported by MPSIM A Power-On-Reset can be simulated by using the RS instruction. all specialpurpose registers will be initialized to the values specified in the data sheet. A MCLR reset during normal operation or during SLEEP can easily be simulated by driving the MCLR pin low (and then high) via the stimulus file, by using the SE command, or by using the DK command. A WDT time-out reset is simulated when the WDT is enabled (see DW command) and the proper prescaler is set (see the FW command) and the WDT actually overflows. WDT time-out period is approximated at 12 ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple) but can be changed by using the WP command. The Time out (TO) and Power-Down (PD) bits in the ALUSTA register reflect appropriate reset condition. This feature is useful for simulating various power-up and time-out forks in the user code. Sleep MPSIM simulates the SLEEP instruction and will appear "asleep" until a wake-up from sleep condition occurs. For example, if the Watchdog timer has been enabled, it will wake the processor up from sleep when it times out (depending on the fuse setting by the FW command). Another example of a wake-up-from-sleep condition, would be an input change on PORTB. If the 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 183 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE interrupt is enabled and the GLINTD bit is set, the processor will wake-up and will resume executing from the instruction following the SLEEP command. If the GLINTD = 0, the normal interrupt response will take place. WDT The Watchdog timer is fully simulated in the MPSIM simulator. Because it is fuse-selectable and fuse-configurable on the device, it must be enabled and configured by separate commands (see the DW and the FW commands) in MPSIM. The basic period of the WDT (with prescaler = 1) is approximated at 12ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple) but can also be changed via the WP command. Stack MPSIM presents an accurate simulation of the hardware stack on the PIC17CXX, and additionally provides warning messages if an underflow or overflow condition occurs. When a CALL or LCALL instruction is encountered or when an interrupt has occurred, the value of the PC+ 1 is pushed to the stack. The stack is popped when a RETLW, RETURN, or RETFIE instruction is executed. If more than sixteen values are pushed to the stack before it is popped, the value will be pushed to the stack, a warning message will be issued indicating a stack overflow condition, and the STAKAVL bit will be cleared until a reset condition occurs Instruction Set The entire PIC17CXX instruction set is supported, including pre-increment and post-increment of indirect-address registers (according to their configuration). The TABLRD and TABLWT instructions are also fully supported, including long writes for the TABLWT instruction. Special Registers To aid in debugging this device, certain items that are normally not observable have been declared as "special" registers. Prescalers cannot be declared in user code as "registers", so there ar special labels that can be added to the view screen. You can add them as you normally would any other register declared in your code, specifying any radix to view them. The following special items can be added to the view screen when the PIC17C42 has been selected: T0PRE (Prescaler for Timer 0) WDTPRE (Prescaler for WDT) DS30027I - page 184 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix L. PIC17C42 Support Peripherals Along with providing core support, the following peripheral modules (in addition to general-purpose I/O) are supported: * Timer 0 in both internal and external clock modes * Timer1 and Timer2 (and their respective period registers) * Timer3 * Two Capture Modules * Two PWM Modules * USART (limited) Tcycle Limitation It is important to remember that because MPSIM executes on instruction cycle boundaries, resolutions below 1Tcy cannot be simulated. Please see the following section for more details concerning the limitations of T-cycle simulation. MPSIM is a discrete-event simulator where all stimuli are evaluated an all response generated at instruction boundaries or Tcy. One Tcy = 4 Tosc (where Tosc is input clock). Therefor, there are several events that can not be accurately simulated in MPSIM. These fall into two categories: * Purely asynchronous events * Synchronous events that occur at Tosc clock boundaries Because of this, the following items are not supported in MPSIM: * Timer0 prescaler is capable of accepting clock pulse inputs smaller than Tcy, but these can not be simulated. * Capture input pulses can be smaller than one Tcy, but can not be simulated. * PWM output pulse resolution less than 1Tcy is not supported * In unsynchronized counter mode, clock input smaller than Tcy is not supported. In summary, the net result of instruction boundary simulation is that all events get synchronized at instruction boundary and events smaller than one instruction cycle get lost. TIMER0 Timer0 (and the interrupt it can generate on overflow) is fully supported by MPSIM, and will increment by the internal or external clock. Delay from external clock edge to timer increment has also been simulated, as well as the interrupt latency period. Clock input must have a minimum high time of 1Tcy and a minimum low time of 1Tcy due to the stimulus file requirements. The prescaler for Timer0 is made accessible as T0PRE. It can be watched and modified. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 185 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE TIMER1 and TIMER2 Timer1 and Timer2 in its various modes is fully supported by MPSIM. Delays from clock edge to increment (when configured to increment from rising or falling edge of external clock) is simulated as well as the interrupt latency periods. Clock input must have a minimum high time of 1Tcy and a minimum low time of 1Tcy due to the stimulus file requirements. TIMER3 and Capture MPSIM fully supports Timer3 and the Capture module in all of its modes. Delays from clock edge to increment (when configured in external mode), delay for capture and interrupt latency periods are fully supported. Clock input must have a minimum high time of 1Tcy and a minimum low time of 1Tcy due to the stimulus file requirements. PWM Both PWM outputs are supported (resolution greater than 1Tcy only) are supported in this version of MPSIM. USART Timing and interrupt generation is supported. Baud rate generator is supported. Reading and writing of the registers are supported but actual receive or transmit operation is not simulated. Memory Modes The following memory modes are supported by MPSIM: * Microcontroller Mode * Extended Microcontroller Mode * Microprocessor Mode The default is Microcontroller mode, which has 2K of program-memory on-chip. If you would like to use any of the other modes, you must use the FW command (since this option is fuse-selectable on-chip). DS30027I - page 186 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Appendix M. PIC17C43 Support Introduction MPSIM provides support for more than one family of Microchip microcontrollers. This section has been added as an addendum to the MPSIM user's guide to centralize PIC17C43-specific simulator support. I/O Pins The PIC17C43 is a 40-pin device, with many of the I/O pins multiplexed with other peripherals (and therefore referred by more than one name). When modifying pins either manually (with the SE command) or via the stimulus file, use the following pin names only. These are the only ones that MPSIM recognizes as valid I/O pins: * MCLR * RA0-RA5 * RB0-RB7 * RC0-RC7 * RD0-RD7 * RE0-RE2 Special Function Registers Many special-function registers in the 17CXX family (specifically the "peripheral registers") are located in register banks other than bank zero. To access these registers in your program, you must first select the desired bank and then specify the address within that bank (0x10 - 0x17). Because of this, the "porta" register (address 0x10 in bank 0), for example, and the "ddrc" (address 0x10 in bank 1) registers would both be defined in your source code as addresses 0x10. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 187 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE In order to distinguish between labels that have the same address, MPSIM has pre-defined the following labels with file register addresses and has added them to its internal symbol table: DDRC TMR1 PW1DCL PORTC TMR2 PW2DCL DDRD TMR3L PW1DCH PORTD TMR3H PW2DCH DDRE PR1 CA2L PORTE PR2 CA2H PIR PR3L TCON1 PIE PR3H TCON2 If you want to view the contents of any of these registers during your simulation session, you can add them to the viewscreen by using the "AD" command. Interrupts MPSIM Version 5.0 or greater supports all interrupts on the PIC17C43: * External interrupt on INT pin * TMR0 overflow interrupt * External interrupt on RA0 pin * Port B input change interrupt * Timer/Counter1 interrupt * Timer/Counter2 interrupt * Timer/Counter3 interrupt * Capture1 interrupt * Capture2 Interrupt * Serial port transmit interrupt* * Serial port receive interrupt* *Serial port timing only DS30027I - page 188 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix M. PIC17C43 Support CPU Model Reset Conditions All reset conditions are supported by MPSIM A Power-On-Reset can be simulated by using the RS instruction. all specialpurpose registers will be initialized to the values specified in the data sheet. A MCLR reset during normal operation or during SLEEP can easily be simulated by driving the MCLR pin low (and then high) via the stimulus file, by using the SE command, or by using the DK command. A WDT time-out reset is simulated when the WDT is enabled (see DW command) and the proper prescaler is set (see the FW command) and the WDT actually overflows. WDT time-out period is approximated at 12 ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple) but can be changed by using the WP command. The Time out (TO) and Power-Down (PD) bits in the ALUSTA register reflect appropriate reset condition. This feature is useful for simulating various power-up and time-out forks in the user code. Sleep MPSIM simulates the SLEEP instruction and will appear "asleep" until a wake-up from sleep condition occurs. For example, if the Watchdog timer has been enabled, it will wake the processor up from sleep when it times out (depending on the fuse setting by the FW command). Another example of a wake-up-from-sleep condition, would be an input change on PORT B. If the interrupt is enabled and the GLINTD bit is set, the processor will wake-up and will resume executing from the instruction following the SLEEP command. If the GLINTD = 0, the normal interrupt response will take place. WDT The Watchdog timer is fully simulated in the MPSIM simulator. Because it is fuse-selectable and fuse-configurable on the device, it must be enabled and configured by separate commands (see the DW and the FW commands) in MPSIM. The basic period of the WDT (with prescaler = 1) is approximated at 12ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple) but can also be changed via the WP command. Stack MPSIM presents an accurate simulation of the hardware stack on the PIC17CXX, and additionally provides warning messages if an underflow or overflow condition occurs. When a CALL or LCALL instruction is encountered or when an interrupt has occurred, the value of the PC+ 1 is pushed to the stack. The stack is popped when a RETLW, RETURN, or RETFIE instruction is executed. If more than sixteen values are pushed to the stack before it is 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 189 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE popped, the value will be pushed to the stack, a warning message will be issued indicating a stack overflow condition, and the STAKAVL bit will be cleared until a reset condition occurs Instruction Set The entire PIC17CXX instruction set is supported, including pre-increment and post-increment of indirect-address registers (according to their configuration). The TABLRD and TABLWT instructions are also fully supported, including long writes for the TABLWT instruction. The hardware multiply instructions, MULLW and MULLWF are both fully supported as is the MOVLP instruction. Special Registers To aid in debugging this device, certain items that are normally not observable have been declared as "special" registers. Prescalers cannot be declared in user code as "registers", so there ar special labels that can be added to the view screen. You can add them as you normally would any other register declared in your code, specifying any radix to view them. The following special item can be added to the view screen when the PIC17C43 has been selected: T0PRE (Prescaler for Timer 0) WDTPRE (Prescaler for WDT) Peripherals Along with providing core support, the following peripheral modules (in addition to general-purpose I/O) are supported: DS30027I - page 190 * Timer 0 in both internal and external clock modes * Timer1 and Timer2 (and their respective period registers) * Timer3 * Two Capture Modules * Two PWM Modules * USART (limited) 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix M. PIC17C43 Support Tcycle Limitation It is important to remember that because MPSIM executes on instruction cycle boundaries, resolutions below 1Tcy cannot be simulated. Please see the following section for more details concerning the limitations of T-cycle simulation. MPSIM is a discrete-event simulator where all stimuli are evaluated an all response generated at instruction boundaries or Tcy. One Tcy = 4 Tosc (where Tosc is input clock). Therefore, there are several events that can not be accurately simulated in MPSIM. These fall into two categories: * Purely asynchronous events * Synchronous events that occur at Tosc clock boundaries Because of this, the following items are not supported in MPSIM: * Timer0 prescaler is capable of accepting clock pulse inputs smaller than Tcy, but these can not be simulated. * Capture input pulses can be smaller than one Tcy, but can not be simulated. * PWM output pulse resolution less than 1Tcy is not supported * In unsynchronized counter mode, clock input smaller than Tcy is not supported. In summary, the net result of instruction boundary simulation is that all events get synchronized at instruction boundary and events smaller than one instruction cycle get lost. TIMER0 Timer0 (and the interrupt it can generate on overflow) is fully supported by MPSIM, and will increment by the internal or external clock. Delay from external clock edge to timer increment has also been simulated, as well as the interrupt latency period. Clock input must have a minimum high time of 1Tcy and a minimum low time of 1Tcy due to the stimulus file requirements. The prescaler for Timer0 is made accessible as T0PRE. It can be watched and modified. TIMER1 and TIMER2 Timer1 and Timer2 in its various modes is fully supported by MPSIM. Delays from clock edge to increment (when configured to increment from rising or falling edge of external clock) is simulated as well as the interrupt latency periods. Clock input must have a minimum high time of 1Tcy and a minimum low time of 1Tcy due to the stimulus file requirements. 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 191 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE TIMER3 and Capture MPSIM fully supports Timer3 and the Capture module in all of its modes. Delays from clock edge to increment (when configured in external mode), delay for capture and interrupt latency periods are fully supported. Clock input must have a minimum high time of 1Tcy and a minimum low time of 1Tcy due to the stimulus file requirements. PWM Both PWM outputs are supported (resolution greater than 1Tcy only) are supported in this version of MPSIM. USART Timing and interrupt generation is supported. Baud rate generator is supported. Reading and writing of the registers are supported but actual receive or transmit operation is not simulated. Memory Modes The following memory modes are supported by MPSIM: * Microcontroller Mode * Extended Microcontroller Mode * Microprocessor Mode The default is Microcontroller mode, which has 4K of program-memory on-chip. If you would like to use any of the other modes, you must use the FW command (since this option is fuse-selectable on-chip). DS30027I - page 192 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Appendix N. PIC17C44 Support Introduction MPSIM provides support for more than one family of Microchip microcontrollers. This section has been added as an addendum to the MPSIM user's guide to centralize PIC17C44-specific simulator support. I/O Pins The PIC17C44 is a 40-pin device, with many of the I/O pins multiplexed with other peripherals (and therefore referred by more than one name). When modifying pins either manually (with the SE command) or via the stimulus file, use the following pin names only. These are the only ones that MPSIM recognizes as valid I/O pins: * * * * * * MCLR RA0-RA5 RB0-RB7 RC0-RC7 RD0-RD7 RE0-RE2 Special Function Registers Many special-function registers in the PIC17CXX family (specifically the "peripheral registers") are located in register banks other than bank zero. To access these registers in your program, you must first select the desired bank and then specify the address within that bank (0x10 - 0x17). Because of this, the "porta" register (address 0x10 in bank 0), for example, and the "ddrc" (address 0x10 in bank 1) registers would both be defined in your source code as addresses 0x10. In order to distinguish between labels that have the same address, MPSIM has pre-defined the following labels with file register addresses and has added them to its internal symbol table: DDRC PORTC DDRD PORTD DDRE PORTE PIR PIE 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. TMR1 TMR2 TMR3L TMR3H PR1 PR2 PR3L PR3H PW1DCL PW2DCL PW1DCH PW2DCH CA2L CA2H TCON1 TCON2 DS30027I - page 193 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE If you want to view the contents of any of these registers during your simulation session, you can add them to the viewscreen by using the "AD" command. Interrupts MPSIM Version 5.0 or greater supports all interrupts on the PIC17C44: * * * * * * * * * * * External interrupt on INT pin TMR0 overflow interrupt External interrupt on RT pin Port B input change interrupt Timer/Counter1 interrupt Timer/Counter2 interrupt Timer/Counter3 interrupt Capture1 interrupt Capture2 Interrupt Serial port transmit interrupt* Serial port receive interrupt* *Serial port timing only CPU Model Reset Conditions All reset conditions are supported by MPSIM A Power-On-Reset can be simulated by using the RS instruction. all specialpurpose registers will be initialized to the values specified in the data sheet. A MCLR reset during normal operation or during SLEEP can easily be simulated by driving the MCLR pin low (and then high) via the stimulus file, by using the SE command, or by using the DK command. A WDT time-out reset is simulated when the WDT is enabled (see DW command) and the proper prescaler is set (see the FW command) and the WDT actually overflows. WDT time-out period is approximated at 12 ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple) but can be changed by using the WP command. The Time out (TO) and Power-Down (PD) bits in the ALUSTA register reflect appropriate reset condition. This feature is useful for simulating various power-up and time-out forks in the user code. Sleep MPSIM simulates the SLEEP instruction and will appear "asleep" until a wakeup from sleep condition occurs. For example, if the Watchdog timer has been enabled, it will wake the processor up from sleep when it times out (depending on the fuse setting by the FW command). Another example of a DS30027I - page 194 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix N. PIC17C44 Support wake-up-from-sleep condition, would be an input change on PORT B. If the interrupt is enabled and the GLINTD bit is set, the processor will wake-up and will resume executing from the instruction following the SLEEP command. If the GLINTD = 0, the normal interrupt response will take place. WDT The Watchdog timer is fully simulated in the MPSIM simulator. Because it is fuse-selectable and fuse-configurable on the device, it must be enabled and configured by separate commands (see the DW and the FW commands) in MPSIM. The basic period of the WDT (with prescaler = 1) is approximated at 12ms (to closest instruction cycle multiple) but can also be changed via the WP command. Stack MPSIM presents an accurate simulation of the hardware stack on the PIC17CXX, and additionally provides warning messages if an underflow or overflow condition occurs. When a CALL or LCALL instruction is encountered or when an interrupt has occurred, the value of the PC+ 1 is pushed to the stack. The stack is popped when a RETLW, RETURN, or RETFIE instruction is executed. If more than sixteen values are pushed to the stack before it is popped, the value will be pushed to the stack, a warning message will be issued indicating a stack overflow condition, and the STAKAVL bit will be cleared until a reset condition occurs Instruction Set The entire PIC17CXX instruction set is supported, including pre-increment and post-increment of indirect-address registers (according to their configuration). The TABLRD and TABLWT instructions are also fully supported, including long writes for the TABLWT instruction. The hardware multiply instructions, MULLW and MULLWF are both fully supported as is the MOVLP instruction. Special Registers To aid in debugging this device, certain items that are normally not observable have been declared as "special" registers. Prescalers cannot be declared in user code as "registers", so there ar special labels that can be added to the view screen. You can add them as you normally would any other register declared in your code, specifying any radix to view them. The following special item can be added to the view screen when the PIC17C44 has been selected: T0PRE (Prescaler for Timer 0) WDTPRE (Prescaler for WDT) 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 195 MPSIM USER'S GUIDE Peripherals Along with providing core support, the following peripheral modules (in addition to general-purpose I/O) are supported: * * * * * * Timer 0 in both internal and external clock modes Timer1 and Timer2 (and their respective period registers) Timer3 Two Capture Modules Two PWM Modules USART (limited) Tcycle Limitation It is important to remember that because MPSIM executes on instruction cycle boundaries, resolutions below 1Tcy cannot be simulated. Please see the following section for more details concerning the limitations of T-cycle simulation. MPSIM is a discrete-event simulator where all stimuli are evaluated an all response generated at instruction boundaries or Tcy. One Tcy = 4 Tosc (where Tosc is input clock). Therefor, there are several events that can not be accurately simulated in MPSIM. These fall into two categories: * * Purely asynchronous events Synchronous events that occur at Tosc clock boundaries Because of this, the following items are not supported in MPSIM: * * * * Timer0 prescaler is capable of accepting clock pulse inputs smaller than Tcy, but these can not be simulated. Capture input pulses can be smaller than one Tcy, but can not be simulated. PWM output pulse resolution less than 1Tcy is not supported In unsynchronized counter mode, clock input smaller than Tcy is not supported. In summary, the net result of instruction boundary simulation is that all events get synchronized at instruction boundary and events smaller than one instruction cycle get lost. TIMER0 Timer0 (and the interrupt it can generate on overflow) is fully supported by MPSIM, and will increment by the internal or external clock. Delay from external clock edge to timer increment has also been simulated, as well as the interrupt latency period. Clock input must have a minimum high time of 1Tcy and a minimum low time of 1Tcy due to the stimulus file requirements. The prescaler for Timer0 is made accessible as T0PRE. It can be watched and modified. DS30027I - page 196 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. Appendix N. PIC17C44 Support TIMER1 and TIMER2 Timer1 and Timer2 in its various modes is fully supported by MPSIM. Delays from clock edge to increment (when configured to increment from rising or falling edge of external clock) is simulated as well as the interrupt latency periods. Clock input must have a minimum high time of 1Tcy and a minimum low time of 1Tcy due to the stimulus file requirements. TIMER3 and Capture MPSIM fully supports Timer3 and the Capture module in all of its modes. Delays from clock edge to increment (when configured in external mode), delay for capture and interrupt latency periods are fully supported. Clock input must have a minimum high time of 1Tcy and a minimum low time of 1Tcy due to the stimulus file requirements. PWM Both PWM outputs are supported (resolution greater than 1Tcy only) are supported in this version of MPSIM. USART Timing and interrupt generation is supported. Baud rate generator is supported. Reading and writing of the registers are supported but actual receive or transmit operation is not simulated. Memory Modes The following memory modes are supported by MPSIM: * * * Microcontroller Mode Extended Microcontroller Mode Microprocessor Mode The default is Microcontroller mode, which has 8K of program-memory onchip. If you would like to use any of the other modes, you must use the FW command (since this option is fuse-selectable on chip). 1995 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30027I - page 197 WORLDWIDE SALES & SERVICE AMERICAS AMERICAS (continued) EUROPE Corporate Office Microchip Technology Inc. 2355 West Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85224-6199 Tel: 602 786-7200 Fax: 602 786-7277 Technical Support: 602 786-7627 Web: Atlanta Microchip Technology Inc. 500 Sugar Mill Road, Suite 200B Atlanta, GA 30350 Tel: 770 640-0034 Fax: 770 640-0307 Boston Microchip Technology Inc. 5 Mount Royal Avenue Marlborough, MA 01752 Tel: 508 480-9990 Fax: 508 480-8575 Chicago Microchip Technology Inc. 333 Pierce Road, Suite 180 Itasca, IL 60143 Tel: 708 285-0071 Fax: 708 285-0075 Dallas Microchip Technology Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 816 Dallas, TX 75240-8809 Tel: 214 991-7177 Fax: 214 991-8588 Dayton Microchip Technology Inc. 35 Rockridge Road Englewood, OH 45322 Tel: 513 832-2543 Fax: 513 832-2841 Los Angeles Microchip Technology Inc. 18201 Von Karman, Suite 455 Irvine, CA 92715 Tel: 714 263-1888 Fax: 714 263-1338 New York Microchip Technology Inc. 150 Motor Parkway, Suite 416 Hauppauge, NY 11788 Tel: 516 273-5305 Fax: 516 273-5335 San Jose Microchip Technology Inc. 2107 North First Street, Suite 590 San Jose, CA 95131 Tel: 408 436-7950 Fax: 408 436-7955 United Kingdom Arizona Microchip Technology Ltd. Unit 6, The Courtyard Meadow Bank, Furlong Road Bourne End, Buckinghamshire SL8 5AJ Tel: 44 0 1628 851077 Fax: 44 0 1628 850259 France Arizona Microchip Technology SARL 2 Rue du Buisson aux Fraises 91300 Massy - France Tel: 33 1 69 53 63 20 Fax: 33 1 69 30 90 79 Germany Arizona Microchip Technology GmbH Gustav-Heinemann-Ring 125 D-81739 Muenchen, Germany Tel: 49 89 627 144 0 Fax: 49 89 627 144 44 Italy Arizona Microchip Technology SRL Centro Direzionale Colleoni Palazzo Pegaso Ingresso No. 2 Via Paracelso 23, 20041 Agrate Brianza (MI) Italy Tel: 39 039 689 9939 Fax: 39 039 689 9883 ASIA/PACIFIC Hong Kong Microchip Technology Unit No. 3002-3004, Tower 1 Metroplaza 223 Hing Fong Road Kwai Fong, N.T. Hong Kong Tel: 852 2 401 1200 Fax: 852 2 401 3431 Korea Microchip Technology 168-1, Youngbo Bldg. 3 Floor Samsung-Dong, Kangnam-Ku, Seoul, Korea Tel: 82 2 554 7200 Fax: 82 2 558 5934 Singapore Microchip Technology 200 Middle Road #10-03 Prime Centre Singapore 188980 Tel: 65 334 8870 Fax: 65 334 8850 Taiwan Microchip Technology 10F-1C 207 Tung Hua North Road Taipei, Taiwan, ROC Tel: 886 2 717 7175 Fax: 886 2 545 0139 JAPAN Microchip Technology Intl. Inc. Benex S-1 6F 3-18-20, Shin Yokohama Kohoku-Ku, Yokohama Kanagawa 222 Japan Tel: 81 45 471 6166 Fax: 81 45 471 6122 9/22/95 All rights reserved. 1995, Microchip Technology Incorporated, USA. Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is intended through suggestion only and may be superseded by updates. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed by Microchip Technology Incorporated with respect to the accuracy or use of such information, or infringement of patents or other intellectual property rights arising from such use or otherwise. Use of Microchip's products as critical components in life support systems is not authorized except with express written approval by Microchip. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any intellectual property rights. The Microchip logo and name are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective companies.