LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide Version 1.0 2/4/10 Page 1 of 25 LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide INTRODUCTION The LMH1983 Evaluation Kit (EVK) allows for the evaluation of the LMH1983 3G/HD/SD Video Clock Generator with Audio Clock. The LMH1983 device is configured and controlled using National Semiconductor's Analog Launch Pad (ALP) software graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI with the LMH1983 profile runs on Windows PC and can be used to program the device's control registers through the I2C interface. The Serial Peripheral Adapter (SPA) board included in the kit provides I2C read/write control via the USB port of the PC with the GUI. For more information about the GUI software and device register descriptions and programming, please refer to the GUI software manual and LMH1983 datasheet. Overview of LMH1983 The LMH1983 clock generator generates four video specific clocks. The device has four PLLs in it. PLL1 uses an external 27 MHz VCXO, and always generates a 27MHz reference clock. This clock may be locked to an input reference which can be any of a number of different types of reference - from video specific references to single frequency reference signals. PLL2 is dedicated to generating a 148.5 MHz clock (27 MHz * 5.5) , and is locked to PLL1. PLL3 is dedicated to generating a clock at 148.35 MHz (27 MHz * 5500/1001) PLL4, by default is locked to PLL1, and generates a 24.576MHz clock which can be used as an audio clock. PLL4 has a lot of versatility built in to it and can be used for a broad variety of applications. Page 2 of 25 LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide LMH1983 EVALUATION BOARD OVERVIEW The following block diagram shows an overview of the LMH1983 evaluation board and general location of the main features, which will be discussed in the following sections of this manual. Power Header Power LEDs J8 LP 3878 CLKout1 SMA LPF Analog Ref. In BNC J1 LMH 1981 J2 Syncs Quad 2:1 MUX VCXO X1 J4 HVF inputs CLKout2 SMA J5 LMH1983 CLKout3 SMA J6 EXT.HVF VCXO X2 CLK In SMA CLK (VCXO or SMA) CLKout4 SMAs USB Port J7 J9 Status LEDs J3 Applying power to the board: The default configuration to apply power is to apply +5V across the top two pins on J8. With a jumper on JP17, and on board LDO is used to generate the 3.3V rail that powers the circuits on the evaluation board. Alternately, JP17 may be removed, and a 3.3V rail may be applied directly to the bottom two pins of J8. Page 3 of 25 LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide Installing the software: The evaluation kit contains a CD which has the control software on it. Running the program on the CD will install the software on your computer. Apply power to the Evaluation Board, and then attach a USB cable between the computer and the board. Windows will recognize the board and pop up the When this window comes up, select `No, not this time' and `Next>' Page 4 of 25 LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide Select "Install from a list or specific location" Page 5 of 25 LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide Page 6 of 25 LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide For the location, enter "C:\Program Files\National Semiconductor Corp\Analog Launchpad Vxxx\DRIVERS" This directory was installed on your computer during the ALP software installation. The computer will warn you that the software has not passed Windows Logo Testing. Go ahead and Continue Anyway. The driver for the LMH1983 evaluation board will now be installed, and you can start the ALP software. When you start the Analog LaunchPAD software, it should recognize the evaluation board and the screen will look like the figure below. If the board is not connected properly, or not powered up, the ALP software will start up in a demo mode which will look like the normal mode, but will not control the board. Once the startup screen appears, click on the LMH1983 icon on the left side of the window, and this will bring up the GUI: Page 7 of 25 LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide The status indications on the GUI are only updated when the Read Controls/Status button is clicked. To have continuous updates, click the checkbox `Auto Refresh Status', I also like to check the `Perform ReadAll after write' box - this will update all of the status controls whenever something is written. In some cases, writing to one register will result in multiple things changing, and checking this button will make sure that everything is kept updated. There are several panels in the GUI - the first is the main control panel and allows for basic control over the board. Also very useful is the Registers tab, which will allow for detailed manipulation of the various registers in the LMH1983. Page 8 of 25 LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide I2C SLAVE ADDRESS The I2C address select jumper JP9 (3-way) can be configured as follows to select one of the three I2C slave addresses offered by the LMH1983. The default for the board, and for the ALP software is address `66h which corresponds to no jumper installed. Table 1: LMH1983 I2C Slave Address Selection 7-bit I C Slave Address JP1 Jumper Setting LMH1983 Address Input State 65'h (hex) Short Pins 1-2 Externally tied low 66'h Open Pins Internally biased to mid-supply 67'h Short Pins 2-3 Externally tied high 2 Observing the Outputs The LMH1983 generates four clock signals (CLKout1, CLKout2, CLKout3, CLKout4) and four timing signals (TOF1, TOF2, TOF3, TOF4). The LMH1983 outputs are differential outputs, and can be observed directly at JP13, JP14, JP15 and JP16. There are 100 termination resistors situated near the connectors (R60,R66, R73 and R78). If the differential signals are to be observed with a high impedance differential scope probe, it can be attached directly to the pins. If it is desired that the differential outputs drive a load, the load resistor should be moved to be adjacent to the final load. In addition to the differential outputs, there are 50Ohm single ended outputs as well. These are provided by using LMH0302 SDI cable drivers. On the initial version of the evaluation board these outputs exhibit some undershoot and ringing at 4GHz which degrades the jitter performance of these outputs. Configuring the board for operation with an analog video reference signal The LMH1983 Evaluation board includes an LMH1981 sync separator which is able to extract the timing signals from a broad range of analog sync signals. To use this feature, install a jumper on JP4 (MUX ENABLE), and one on JP3 (Input Select). Supply the reference signal to J1 (analog Ref In), and you can monitor the extracted H, V and F signals at the yellow test points just to the left of the LMH1983. The GUI will display what format is being detected under the PLL1 The LMH1983 can automatically detect and synchronize to the following reference input formats received at its input pins: HVF Sync timing from SMPTE standard video formats o 525i/29.97/30 o 525p/59.94/60 Page 9 of 25 LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide o 625i/25 o 625p/50 o 720p/23.98/24/25/29.97/30/50/59.94/60 o 1080i/25/29.97/30 o 1080p/23.98/24/25/29.97/30/50/59.94/60 o 1080pSf/23.98/24/25/29.97/30 Audio Word Clock o 32 kHz, 48 kHz, 96 kHz, 44.1 kHz System Clock o 27 MHz o 10 MHz Configuring the board for operation with a digital video reference signal An external digital reference signal, consisting of H,V and F may be applied to J2, a jumper should installed on JP5, and the jumper on JP3 should be removed. The GUI will display what format is being detected under the PLL1 For a comprehensive list of formats that can be detected, please refer to the LMH1983 datasheet. To determine format, the device measures the period of the Hsync input by counting 27MHz clock pulses over several Hsync periods. There are some standards where Hsync may be the same, in which case V and F are examined to determine if the reference is an interlaced or progressive format before format detection is complete. Configuring the board for operation in free-run mode, using the on board reference oscillator To operate the board in `stand-alone mode', remove the jumper for JP3, make sure that the jumper is removed from JP5, and in this mode, the frequency can be trimmed via R20 - the trim pot near the lower left corner of the board. Configuring the board for operation, locked to an external clock oscillator. To operate the board locked to an external clock, supply the reference signal through the SMA connector `J3', remove the jumper form JP3 and install a jumper on JP5. The automatic format detect algorithm in the LMH1983 will recognize reference clocks of 27MHz or 10MHz. Other reference rates can be manually programmed. Page 10 of 25 LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide Page 11 of 25 LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide PLL1 LOOP FILTER AND VCXO The LMH1983's primary phase lock loop, PLL1, provides the following key functions: Synchronizes the 27 MHz VCXO clock to the reference input Attenuates (cleans) input jitter Provides a stable, low-jitter 27 MHz clock for PLLs 2, 3, 4 The external loop filter and 27 MHz VCXO are essential to the performance of PLL1, which dominates the overall loop response of the LMH1983. The loop response of PLL1 is influenced by the external loop components and can be characterized by its loop bandwidth and damping factor. PLL1 is designed for a nominal loop bandwidth of about 3 Hz (min) and damping factor of 0.70 (min). These were calculated using the approximations below, which assume nominal ICP1 = 250uA and DIV_N1 = 1716 for the NTSC input format: Loop Bandwidth (BW) = R47*ICP1*KVCO / DIV_N1 Damping Factor (DF) = 0.5*R47*sqrt[ (C33 || C39)*ICP1*KVCO / DIV_N1 ] Loop Filter The loop filter components include R47, C39 || C40, and C33. It's recommended to avoid use of ceramic capacitors in the loop filter since they exhibit piezoelectric properties that can cause electrical noise when the board/component is subjected to vibration or shock. This "shock noise" in the loop filter circuit can result in lowfrequency phase modulation on the VCXO output clock and thus on the downstream PLL output clocks. Tantalum and film capacitors are used for the loop filter since they do not exhibit piezo effects. Page 12 of 25 LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide Figure 1: Loop Filter and LMP7711 Buffer Schematic Op Amp Buffer The LMP7711 Precision, Low-Noise Op Amp (U4) is used as a buffer to isolate the relatively low input impedance of the VCXO, which would otherwise be the dominant source of leakage current for loop filter circuit. The op amp offers very high input impedance to minimize this leakage current and high slew rate to ensure proper loop operation. The VCXO input control voltage input can be measured at TP29 (VC_BUF). Note that when the LMH1983 is operating in free run mode, the VC_LPF output set by the user-defined free run voltage control register may be limited by the output voltage range of the LMP7711, as it is not a rail-to-rail op amp. Page 13 of 25 LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide VCXO The 27 MHz VCXO (X2) is specified for 50 ppm APR (min) and 50 ppm frequency stability. The calculated VCXO gain is 1000 Hz/V (min). The VCXO gain parameter (KVCO) affects the PLL1 loop response, so it must be considered when designing the nominal loop bandwidth and damping factor. The VCXO's single-ended output clock can be measured at TP26 (XOclk+). The VCXO clock is received at the XOin+ input of the LMH1983. XOin+ (pin 34) and XOin- (pin 33) are differential inputs for the internal op amp that drives the clock signal to the PLL blocks. Because XOin is a differential input, the XOin- pin is biased to about 1.25V using a voltage divider formed by R52 and R56. This input configuration presents a pseudo-differential signal to the XOin pins. Alternatively, the single-ended VCXO may be replaced with a different 27 MHz VCXO with differential clock outputs (e.g. LVDS); in this case, R52, R56, and C48 should be removed, R54 should be populated with 49.9R to match R55, and R37 should be populated with a 100R differential load. Using a true differential input signal can provide more common-mode rejection and reduce noise/crosstalk, and thus reduce sources of deterministic jitter. INDEPENDENT AUDIO CLOCK GENERATION By default, the audio clock generated from PLL4 is phase-locked to the 27 MHz VCXO clock reference from PLL1, and in turn, is synchronized to the reference input. It is possible to have the audio clock independently generated from an external 27 MHz clock source by changing the PLL4 input mux mode via register programming. Once the PLL4 input mode is properly programmed, pin 17 (normally Fout4) is switched to an input pin (OSCin) and can be driven with an external 27 MHz clock. There are two options for an independent 27 MHz clock source. The first option is to use an on-board 27 MHz VCXO in the footprint X2. The second option is to receive an external 27 MHz via the SMA clock input, J3. Either one of the options can be used as long as it's not being used to drive the Hin reference of the LMH1983. To make use of this option, populate R21 and R28, then to use the on board oscillator, enable it by removing the jumper on JP5, and to use the external SMA, disable the oscillator with a jumper on JP5 and provide the reference on J3. Page 14 of 25 LMH1983 Evaluation Kit Users Guide Appendix A Schematics Page 15 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 A A VDD_CLK1 VDD_CLK2 VDD_CLK3 VDD_PLL34 Layout Note: Unless otherwise noted, label all ICs, Test Points, Jumpers and Headers per the component comment. For jumpers and headers, label pins according to the pin legend noted. All labels should be present on top and bottom silk screen (except for ICs). VDD_CLK4 PIC20 1 VDD_PLL2 PIC210 COC20 C20 PIC20 2 COC21 C21 PIC2102 1uF COTP12 TP12 B PIC2 01 Layout Note: On Fout* pins and pins 11, 12, 13, place direct components as close to LMH1983 as possible. 0.1uF VDD_PLL1 Fout4 COTP13 TP13 Fout3 COTP14 TP14 Fout2 COTP15 TP15 Fout1 PITP1201 PITP1301 PITP1401 PITP1501 B PIC2301 COC22 C22 PIC2 02 COC23 C23 PIC2302 1uF 0.1uF VDD PIC2401 H_IN V_IN F_IN PITP1601 PITP1701 PITP1801 INIT R32 OPEN PIR3201 PITP1901 R33 OPEN PIR3 01 R34 OPEN PIR3401 R35 OPEN PIR3501 R36 OPEN PIR3601 PIC2802 OPEN LMH1983SQ SDA ADDR 34 PIU3034 XOin+ 33 PIU3033 XOin- OPEN PIC2702 PIU3013 VC_LPF PIU3040 NLCLKout40P CLKout4_P NLCLKout40N CLKout4_N PIU3015 PIU3014 CLKout4_P CLKout4_N COC30 C30 OPEN PIC3401 PIR4602 PIC3402 COC34 C34 OPEN PIC3501 PIC3502 XOclk+ COC35 C35 Layout Note: TP Legend is "XO_CLK" OPEN PITP2601 Layout Note: Place JP3 near edge of PCB. COC33 C33 PIC3302 Layout Note: JP Legend is "Disable XO" PIR4701 PIC4002 17.4k C41 COC41 PIR5201 1uF R52 COR52 3.0k PIC4201 PIC4202 C42 COC42 0.1uF PIC4301 PIC4302 NLXOin0N XOin_N PIR5402 PIR5401 0.01uF 5 R54 OPEN COR54 XOin_P PIR5502 COR55 R55 PIR5602 PIC4802 PIR5601 PIC4801 R56 COR56 LMH1983 Evaluation Board Rev. 1 C43 COC43 PIR5202 PIX206 1.82k COC48 C48 0.1uF PIX205 COTP29 TP29 VC_BUF PIC3702 COC37 C37 OPEN PIC3801 PIC3802 COJP8 JP8 2 PIJP1002 COTP24 COTP25 TP24 TP25 NO_ALIGN NO_REF Layout Note: Pin 17 is a programmable I/O pin. When the pin is an output, the resistor should be populated for net "Fout4" (default). When the pin is an input, the other resistor should be populated for net "OSCin". Minimize trace stubs on this pin. PITP2401 PITP2501 C COR40 R40 NLNOLOCK NOLOCK PIR4001 PIR4002 NOLOCK PIR4302 PIR4502 NLNOALIGN NOALIGN NLNOREF NOREF NOALIGN NOREF 33 COC38 C38 OPEN VDD_XO VDD_XO PIR4801 COR48 R48 10.0k PIR4802 PIR4902 PIR50 1 PIU405 PIU403 PIU40 COU4 U4 LMP7711MK PIU401 COR50 R50 OPEN PIR50 2 6 PIU406 PIC4602 PIC4601 OUTA VC 4 2 PIJP802 1 PIJP801 COC29 C29 OPEN COR51 PIR5102 R51 0 COC46 C46 0.1uF PIR5101 PITP2901 R53 COR53 1 PIX201 PIR5501PIX204 OUT PIR5501PIX204 49.9 PIC3701 PITP2701 PIR4901 PIX20 COC36 C36 OPEN PIC4001 OPEN PIJ120 PIJ120 2 PIC4101 PIC4102 "Fout1" (inline w/ JP11.2) "Fout2" (inline w/ JP12.2) "Fout3" (inline w/ JP13.2) "Fout4" (inline w/ JP14.2) "GND" (inline w/ pin 1 of JP11, JP12, JP13, JP14) COTP27 TP27 VC PIC3901 PIU402 1uF 1 PIJP701 COR45 R45 2 6 COC45 C45 2 PIJP702 Layout Note: Pin Legend is 33 PIC3601 COR49 R49 OPEN EN PIC4502 10uF Fout2 OPEN PIR4501 PIC3301 PIL402 VCC PIC4501 COC44 C44 COJP6 JP6 COC27 C27 PIR4 01 47uF C40 COC40 COR47 R47 PIR4702 GND PIC4 02 2 PIJP602 1 PIJP601 COR43 R43 COC39 C39 PIR5302 PIC4701 PIC4702 C47 COC47 OPEN X2 COX2 PIX203 3 PIC4 01 250mA 220 ohm Fout1 PIR4301 PIC3602 PIC3902 VDD_XO NLOSCin OPEN OSCin PIR2801 COC26 C26 OPEN PIR4 02COR44 1uF PITP2801 NLFout4 Fout4 COR28 R28 PIR2802 1 PIJP1001 R44 0 L4 COL4 33 Fout4 PIU3018 PIU3021 PIU30 9 PIU3041 COJP12 JP12 PIL401 PIR2701 33 VDD_XO 3V3 PIC2902 PITP2301 COTP28 TP28 Layout Note: TP Legend is "VDD_XO" PIC30 1 PIC30 2 COTP23 TP23 1 PIR4601COR46 NLFout3 Fout3 COR27 R27 PIR2702 40 4 COTP26 TP26 NLFout2 Fout2 33 COJP10 JP10 13 12 11 PIU3011 3 NLXOin0P PIR4202 33 33 PIR2601 PIU3012 2 1 PIR4201 PIR2501 COR26 R26 PIR2602 COJP7 JP7 18 21 39 PIR4102 4.75k COR25 R25 PIR2502 Fout3 NO_LOCK XOin_N XOin_P COR42 R42 PIJP1104 Pin Legend is: "GND" (pin 1) "N/C" (pin 2) "SCL" (pin 3) "SDA" (pin 4) NO_REF NO_ALIGN NO_LOCK PIR3702 OPEN PIJP1103 R46 OPEN 17 15 14 PIU3017 NLFout1 Fout1 CLKout3_N CLKout3_P PIC2901 5 PIR3701 PIJP1102 COJP11 JP11 PIC2701 PIU3022 COR37 R37 PITP2 01 PIR3802 33 COR41 R41 PIR4101 PIJP1101 SCL COC31 C31 100 OHM DIFF. IMPEDANCE 1 2 3 4 0.1uF PIR3801 4.75k COC32 C32 PIC3202 PITP210 COR38 R38 COR39 R39PIR3901 PIC3102 PIC3101 COTP22 TP22 SDA 3V3 PIC3201 PIU3023 PIC2602 CLKout2_N CLKout2_P NLCLKout30N CLKout3_N NLCLKout30P CLKout3_P 24 23 22 PIU3024 Fout4/OSCin CLKout4+ CLKout4- GND GND GND DAP COTP21 TP21 PIR3902 NLCLKout20N CLKout2_N NLCLKout20P CLKout2_P 33 PIR2401 PIC2601 CLKout1_P CLKout1_N SCL PITP20 1 C NLCLKout10P CLKout1_P NLCLKout10N CLKout1_N 30 Fout2 29 CLKout2- PIU3029 28 CLKout2+ PIU3028 VV+ 3 PIJP903 2 PIJP902 1 PIJP901 37 Fout1 PIU3037 36 CLKout1+ PIU3036 35 CLKout1- PIU3035 CLKout3CLKout3+ Fout3 U3 COU3 PIU308 0.1uF 27 26 25 38 31 20 16 7 ADDR 8 SDA 9 PIU309 SCL PIU307 COC28 C28 COC25 C25 PIC2502 1uF PIU3030 COTP20 TP20 3V3 D 1 32 19 3 Hin 4 PIU304 Vin 5 PIU305 Fin 6 PIU306 INIT PIU303 PIR3 02COR33 PIR3402COR34 PIR3502COR35 PIR3602COR36 PIC2801 COJP9 JP9 I2C CONN R31 OPEN PIR3101 HIN VIN FIN INIT Layout Note: Pin legend is: "65h = Pin 1-2" "66h = Float Pin 2" "67h = Pin 2-3" I2C ADDR SEL R30 OPEN PIR30 2 PIC2402 PIU3027 PIU3026 PIU3025 Cbyp2 Cbyp4 Cbyp3 R29 OPEN PIR2902 PIU30 8 PIU30 1 PIU302 PIU3016 VDD_CLK1 VDD_CLK2 VDD_CLK3 VDD_CLK4 PIR2901COR29 PIR30 1COR30 PIR3102COR31 PIR320 COR32 VDD_IO VDD_IO COTP16 TP16 COTP17 TP17 COTP18 TP18 COTP19 TP19 PIU301 PIU30 2 PIU3019 VDD_PLL1 VDD_PLL2 VDD_PLL34 2 10 PIU302 PIU301 VDD PIC2501 COC24 C24 COR24 R24 PIR2402 357LB3I027M0000 Layout Note: XO Legend is "27MHz VCXO" PLL1 Loop Filter and VCXO PIR5301 0 Note: XOin pair can be driven by a VCXO with LVCMOS clock or LVDS clock. D -LVCMOS (default): XOin+: Connect to VCXO's single-ended output. XOin-: Bias to 1.65VDC via 1.00k divider resistors using the VCXO's supply (VDD_XO) and local ground for optimal CMR. OUTA (VCXO pin 5): No connect (N/C) Title -LVDS: XOin+/-: Connect to VCXO's LVDS output and terminated with 100R differential. OUTA: Complementary LVDS output pin. Remove 1k resistors and 0.1uF cap and install series resistor. LMH1983 Eval Board - LMH1983 Size Date: File: 1 2 3 4 Number Revision B C 5 11/3/2009 Sheet 4 of 5 C:\Projects\..\LMH1983 Demo Board.SchDocDrawn By: Sauerwald 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 VDD A CLKout1_P COC49 C49 NLCLKout10P CLKout1_P PIC4901 PIC4902 COR60 R60 PIR6001 6 PIU506 COJP13 JP13 10 PIU5010 PIR6002 100 ENABLE SD/HD 1 PIU501 SDI 2 PIU502 SDI COC50 C50 NLCLKout10N CLKout1_N 4 PIU504 PIC5301 COC53 C53 PIC5302 0.1uF 9 PIU509 PIR5702 PIR5802 PIR5902 COR61 R61 PIR6101 PIR6102 2 1 PIJP1401 PIC5401 PIC5402 PIR6601 0 ohm (10nF) 3V3 17 PIU5017 3 PIU503 B CLKout2_P 6 10 PIU6010 PIR6602 ENABLE SD/HD PIC5701 PIC5702 PIC5801 PIC5802 C57 COC57 1uF 9 0.1uF PIU609 PIR6402 49.9 PIC11902 PIR6701 1 PIJ50 PIJ504 PIJ503 PIJ502 PIR6702 PIC5 01 PIC5 02 750 16 PIU6016 PIR70 1 PIC6001 PIC6002 2 1 PIJP1501 15 PIU6015 14 PIU6014 13 PIU6013 8 PIU608 7 PIU607 5 PIU605 NLCLKout30P CLKout3_P C61 COC61 PIC6101 PIC6102 COU7 U7 6 10 PIU706 COJP15 JP15 R73 COR73 PIR7301 PIU7010 PIR7302 100 ENABLE SD/HD 1 PIU701 SDI 2 PIU702 SDI 0 ohm (10nF) C COR70 R70 49.9 SDO SDO RREF CLKout4_P NLCLKout40P CLKout4_P C62 COC62 1uF PIC6301 PIC6302 C63 COC63 9 PIU709 0.1uF 12 11 3V3 PIR7102 PIC5901 PIC5902 PIR7201 COR72 R72 49.9 4 PIU704 PIC11602 PIR7401 COC59 D3 COD3 C59 0.1uF PID301 1 COR68 R68 PIR6801 NOREF Layout Note: Place LEDs nearby status flag pins. LED Legend 'LOCK' LG M670-J2M1-1-0-10-R18-Z COR69 R69 150 PIR6901 NOLOCK CLKout3 PIC11601 PIJ601 PIR7402 B LG M670-J2M1-1-0-10-R18-Z PIR6902 0.1uF COR74 R74 PID302 COJ6 J6 COC116 C116 PIR7202 PIU7011 PIJ605 PIJ604 PIJ603 PIJ602 750 C 17 3 PIU7017 VDD PIU703 2 1 PIJP1602 JP16 COJP16 R78 COR78 COC65 C65 PIR7801 PIC6501 PIC6502 PIR7802 100 6 PIU806 ENABLE 10 PIU8010 SD/HD 12 SDO PIU8012 11 SDO PIU8011 1 SDI 2 PIU802 SDI RREF PIU801 VDD C66 COC66 1uF PIC6701 PIC6702 C67 COC67 0.1uF 9 PIU809 DAP VEE VCC LMH0302SQ 2 4 PIU804 16 NC PIU8016 15 NC PIU8015 14 NC PIU8014 13 NC PIU8013 8 NC PIU808 7 NC PIU807 5 PIU805 NC D PIC6 01 PIC6 02 PIR7501 PIR7601 PIR7 01 PIR7502 PIR7602 PIR7 02 COR75 COR76 R75 R76 49.9 49.9 COU8 U8 PIJP1601 0 ohm (10nF) 1 COR71 R71 49.9 PID201 150 PIC6401 PIC6402 100 OHM DIFF. IMPEDANCE CLKout4_N NLCLKout40N COC55 D2 COD2 C55 0.1uF Layout Note: Place LEDs nearby status flag pins. LED Legend 'REF' LMH0302SQ C64 COC64 0 ohm (10nF) CLKout4_N DAP VEE VCC PID20 PIR6802 PIU7012 16 NC PIU7016 15 NC PIU7015 14 NC PIU7014 13 NC PIU7013 8 PIU708 NC 7 NC PIU707 5 NC PIU705 VDD PIC6201 PIC6202 PIR70 2 PIR7101 NOALIGN 3 17 3 PIU8017 PIU803 COR77 R77 49.9 0.1uF COR79 R79 PIR7901 PIR7902 COJ7 J7 COC117 C117 PIC11702 1 PIC11701 PIJ701 CLKout4 PIJ705 PIJ704 PIJ703 PIJ702 5 4 3 2 100 OHM DIFF. IMPEDANCE CLKout3_P PIJP1502 3V3 CLKout2 PIC11901 PIJ501 0.1uF COR67 R67 4 PIU604 PIR6201 COJ5 J5 COC119 C119 PIR6502 17 DAP PIU6017 3 VEE PIU603 VCC COC60 C60 0 ohm (10nF) COR62 R62 5 4 3 2 CLKout3_N LG M670-J2M1-1-0-10-R18-Z COR65 R65 49.9 LMH0302SQ VDD NLCLKout30N CLKout3_N PID101 PIR6501 COR64 R64 11 PIU6011 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC C58 COC58 PIR6401 PIU6012 RREF VDD PIR6302 12 SDO SDO PIC5601 PIC5602 0 ohm (10nF) COC51 D1 COD1 C51 0.1uF Layout Note: Place LEDs nearby status flag pins. LED Legend 'ALIGN' 150 COR63 R63 49.9 1 PIU601 SDI 2 PIU602 SDI 100 OHM DIFF. IMPEDANCE COC56 C56 NLCLKout20P CLKout2_P PIC5101 PIC5102 PID102 PIR6202 PIU606 100 A Layout note: Place termination resistor, two pin header and LMH0302 inputs as close together as possible. Place LMH0302 close to the board edge and the SMA connector connected to it's output. Label SMAs on Silkscreen with CLKout1, CLKout 2 etc.. COU6 U6 COJP14 JP14 COR66 R66 LED Indicators for LMH1983 Status Flags 750 PIR6301 NLCLKout20N CLKout2_N CLKout1 PIJ405 PIJ40 PIJ403 PIJ402 VDD PIJP1402 CLKout2_N 1 PIC11801 PIJ401 0.1uF LMH0302SQ COC54 C54 COJ4 J4 COC118 C118 15 PIU5015 14 PIU5014 13 PIU5013 8 PIU508 7 PIU507 5 PIU505 DAP VEE VCC COR59 R59 49.9 PIC11802 16 PIU5016 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 0 ohm (10nF) PIC5201 COC52 C52 PIC5202 1uF PIR5901 COR58 R58 49.9 11 PIU5011 RREF VDD PIC5001 PIC5002 12 PIU5012 SDO SDO 100 OHM DIFF. IMPEDANCE CLKout1_N PIR5801 5 4 3 2 0 ohm (10nF) PIR5701 COR57 R57 49.9 COU5 U5 1 PIJP1301 5 4 3 2 2 PIJP1302 750 D National Semiconductor and/or its licensors do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of this specification or any information contained therein. National and/or its licensors do not warrant that this design will meet the specifications, will be suitable for your application or fit for any particular purpose, or will operate in an implementation. National and/or its licensors do not warrant that the design is production worthy. You should completely validate and test your design implementation to confirm the system functionality for your application. 4 Designed for: PRJ_Customer Mod. Date: 11/3/2009 Project: PRJ_Title Sheet Title: Output Sheet: 1 of 1 Size: B Schematic: 870PRJ_BasePN Rev: SCH_Rev Assembly Variant: variantName: No Variant Selected File: Output.SchDoc PADC: PRJ_PADC http://www.national.com Contact: TechSupport (c) Copyright, National Semiconductor, 2009 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Analog Input and LMH1981 Sync Separator COU1 U1 COR1 R1 PIR102 COTP1 TP1 COC1 C1 VIDEO IN A COJ1 J1 COR3 R3 PIJ101 Ref. In PIJ1032 COJP1 JP1 PIR302 2 PIJP102 PIC102 PITP101 PIR301 0 2 PIJP202 1 PIJP101 PIC202 PIC702 PIC901 PIC902 LPF ENAB 75.0 2 PIU102 VCC 3 PIU103 PIC201 0.1uF PIC701 COC8 C8 1 PIJP201 COR4 R4 75R TERM PIR402 PIU101 COC2 C2 PIC101 1uF COC7 C7 COJP2 JP2 PIR401 1 PIR101 10.0k 1% OPEN PIC802 COC9 C9 0.1uF 560pF OEOUT COR2 R2 14 PIU1014 GND BPOUT 13 PIU1013 VCC CSOUT 12 PIU1012 PIR202 PIR201 33 NLFSYNC0A FSYNC_A COTP2 TP2 VCC 4 PIU104 Video In VCC 11 PIU1011 5 PIU105 GND GND 10 PIU1010 VCC PIC801 Rext 6 PIU106 VCC VFOUT 9 PIU109 7 PIU107 HSOUT VSOUT 8 PIU108 PIC301 PIC302 COR5 R5 PIR502 3V3 VCC COL1 L1 PITP201 PIC401 PIC402 COC3 C3 0.1uF PIR501 A PIL102 COC4 C4 1uF PIL101 PIC501 PIC502 220 ohm 250mA PIC601 PIC602 COC5 C5 1uF COC6 C6 10uF Layout Note: Unless otherwise noted, label all ICs, Test Points, Jumpers and Headers per the component comment. For jumpers and headers, label pins according to the pin legend noted. All labels should be present on top and bottom silk screen (except for ICs). NLVSYNC0A VSYNC_A 33 LMH1981MT Layout Note: IC Legend is "LMH1981 Sync Separator" COR6 R6 PIR602 NLHSYNC0A HSYNC_A PIR601 33 3V3 External HVF+INIT Input Header COSW1 1 SW1 Quad SPDT Input MUX with Output Hi-Z 3 PISW101 Layout Note: JP Legend is "Short = LMH1981" "Open = 27M/EXT HVF" PISW103 B 2 COJ2 J2 1 PIJ201 1 Layout Note: Pin Legend is 8 PIR802 3V3 PISW104 COJP3 JP3 FSM2JSMA COR8 R8 8 PIJ208 PIR801 NLINIT INIT 2 PIJ202 2 7 COR10 R10 7 PIJ207 PIR1002 3 3 PIJ203 "EXT H" (inline w/ pin 5) 6 PIR1001 COR13 R13 6 PIJ206 PIR1302 NLFSYNC0B FSYNC_B PIR1301 Note: If U4 is not populated, shorts can be installed to directly connect the HVF signals to the LMH1983 inputs. NLVSYNC0B VSYNC_B 33 "GND" (inline w/ pins 1-4) 4 4 PIJ204 5 COR15 R15 5 PIJ205 PIR1502 PIR1501 COR16 R16 OPEN GND VIN COR18 R18 5K PIR20 3 PIC1401 PIC1402 6 VCC 2 EN VC PIX103 OUT C19 COC19 1 PIJ301 2 3 4 5 PIJ302 PIJ30 PIJ304 PIJ305 PIC1902 PIC1901 50-OHM CONTROLLED IMPEDANCE 0.1uF PIL302 C15 COC15 1uF NLHSYNC0B HSYNC_B PIR1901 33 R21 COR21 3 27MHz SMA In NO4 VSYNC_APIU205 5 NLVIN VIN 7 PIU207 NC2 COM4 13 PIU2013 NC3 PIU2010 COM3 PIU209 PIL201 PIC1201 PIC1202 220 ohm 250mA COC13 C13 10uF Note: Short = Enable Open = Hi-Z 10 FSYNC_B 9 NLFIN FIN PIR1702 COR17 R17 OPEN PIR1701 FIN C PIR2102 NLOSCin OSCin PIR2101 OPEN 3V3 PIR2 01 PIL301 220 ohm 250mA PIC1601 PIC1602 C16 COC16 1uF PIC1701 PIC1702 C17 COC17 10uF Layout Note: Distribute GND test points around the PCB. TP4 COTP4 TP5 COTP5 GND TP6 COTP6 GND PITP501 TP7 COTP7 GND PITP601 TP8 COTP8 GND PITP701 TP9 COTP9 GND PITP801 TP10 COTP10 GND PITP901 TP11 COTP11 GND PITP10 1 GND PITP1 01 Note: 27 MHz Clock Source can come from either the on-board VCXO or the SMA Input. If the SMA Input is used, the VCXO output should be disabled. The SMA input signal can be AC or DC coupled, and terminated and.or biased as needed using the available resistor options. Layout Note: Minimize stub length of the traces on 27M net. OPEN NL27M PIR2 02 27M D Title PIR2301 LMH1983 Eval Board - LMH1981 COR23 R23 OPEN Size PIR2302 Number Revision B B Date: File: 1 PIC1301 PIC1302 COC12 C12 1uF MUX ENAB PIJP401 PIR1401 OPEN 11 FSYNC_A PIU2011 NO3 GND PIR1101 COR14 R14 COM2 PIL202 COC11 C11 1uF OPEN 12 PIU2012 PIR1402 NO2 PIC1 01 PIC1 02 COJP4 JP4 2 1 PIJP402 COR11 R11 14 PITP401 COR19 R19 4 R22 COR22 COJ3 J3 PIC1501 PIC1502 C14 COC14 0.1uF PIX104 PIR1902 ASVV-27.000MHZ-N152-T Layout Note: XO Legend is "27 MHz VCXO Source" D COM1 NLHINPIU204 HIN 4 15 PIU2014 PIR1102 0.1uF COL3 L3 PIX102 PIX106 GND COR20 R20 NC4 PIR902 COC10 C10 3V3 PIR1801 OPEN PITP301 1 PIX101 PIC1802 COC18 C18 PIC1801 C0G/NP0: 0.1uF EN NO1 PIC10 1 PIC10 2 Layout Note: Place U4 on bottom side of PCB, and do not label IC. 1 2 PIJP502 PIR1802 PIR2002 PIU2015 NC1 VSYNC_BPIU206 6 PIR1601 V+ COR9 R9 10.0k TS3A5018PW PIJP501 COX1 X1 PIR1201 IN 16 PIU2016 HSYNC_BPIU203 3 8 COJP5 JP5 Layout Note: Pot Legend is "VCXO TUNE" PIR901 HSYNC_APIU202 2 PIU208 27 MHz Clock Source from VCXO or SMA Input TP3 COTP3 HIN PIR1602 Layout Note: Minimize stub length of HSYNC_B EXT HVF IN PIR1202 COR12 R12 OPEN HSYNC_B OPEN PIR20 1 PIR701 10.0k 1 PIU201 33 "EXT V" (inline w/ pin 6) Vtune PIR702 PIJP301 COU2 U2 "EXT F " (inline w/ pin 7) XO DISAB COL2 L2 COR7 R7 2 1 PIJP302 INPUT SEL INIT 33 "EXT INIT" (inline w/ pin 8) C B 4 PISW102 2 3 4 5 11/3/2009 C:\Projects\..\LMH1981.SchDoc Sheet 4 of 5 Drawn By: Sauerwald 6 1 2 3 4 Power Supply Input and Low-Noise 3.3V LDO Regulator A COD4 D4 Layout Note: Unless otherwise noted, label all ICs, Test Points, Jumpers and Headers per the component comment. For jumpers and headers, label pins according to the pin legend noted. All labels should be present on top and bottom silk screen (except for ICs). COJ8 J8 PID402 5V 1 8 PIR8101 COR81 R81 PIC6802 PIR8102 8 PIJ808 4 PIU904 PIC6801 COC68 C68 10uF 16V PIR8401 PID502 2 7 7 PIJ807 LDO_3V3 3 PIJ803 3 6 6 PIJ806 4 PIJ804 4 5 PIC7601 PIC7602 COC92 C92 PIC8201 COC81 C81 PIC8102 COC82 C82 PIC8202 1uF 0.01uF PIC80 1 COC80 C80 1uF PIC80 2 1uF 250mA 220 ohm PIC105 2 1uF PIC10602 PIC10701 0.1uF COTP31 TP31 VDD PIL802 VDD PIC9301 PIC9302 PIR8201 COC72 C72 1uF PIC7202 COR82 R82 150 PIR8202 PID602 COD6 D6 PIR8502 PID601 LG M670-J2M1-1-0-10-R18-Z Layout Note: LED Legend is "3.3V" COC93 C93 1uF PIC9401 PIC9402 COC94 C94 10uF PIC9501 PIC9502 PITP3101 COC95 C95 10uF VDD VDD_PLL1 COL7 L7 PIL602 PIL701 PIC7 01 PIC7 02 PIC8301 COC77 C77 1uF COC83 C83 PIC8302 0.01uF COC75 C75 1uF PIC9601 PIC9602 COC96 C96 10uF PIC9701 PIC9702 COC97 C97 10uF PIC9801 PIC9802 COC84 C84 1uF COC98 C98 10uF PIC8401 PIC8402 PIL702 PIC7501 PIC7502 PIC7801 PIC7802 250mA 220 ohm COC78 C78 1uF VDD PIC7901 PIC7902 1uF VDD_PLL2 COL9 L9 PIL801 250mA 220 ohm PIL902 PIC8501 PIC8502 COC85 C85 1uF VDD PIC8602 PIC8601 COC86 C86 0.01uF VDD_CLK1 PIL901 250mA 220 ohm COC87 C87 1uF PIC8701 PIC8702 PIC8 01 PIC8 02 VDD COL10 L10 COC88 C88 1uF PIC8901 PIC8902 C VDD_PLL34 COL11 L11 PIL1002 PIL1102 PIC9 01 PIC9 02 250mA 220 ohm COC99 C99 1uF PIC10101 PIC102 1 COC101 C101 PIC10102 0.01uF PIC102 PIL1101 250mA 220 ohm COC102 C102 1uF PIC10301 PIC10302 PIC10401 COC103 C103 1uF PIC10402 COC104 C104 0.01uF 0.1uF Title D LMH1983 Eval Board - Power Pin 10 Size Number Revision B A Date: File: 1 COC89 C89 0.01uF COC108 C108 PIC108 2 D Pin 2 COC79 C79 0.01uF PIC108 1 COC107 C107 PIC10702 PIC7102 10uF PIC7201 COC71 C71 1uF COR85 R85 COC74 C74 475 C0G/NP0: 0.01uF PIC7402 VDD_CLK2 PIL1001 COC106 C106 COC70 C70 PIR8302 VDD_CLK3 PIL601 PIC8101 PIC10 01 COC100 C100 1uF PIC10 02 PIC10601 PIC70 2 PITP30 1 PIC7101 COL8 L8 VDD COC105 C105 PIC7401 VDD PIL501 Layout Note: Distribute caps around the 4 sides of LMH1983 for decoupling the VDD power supply plane. PIC105 1 PIC70 1 COL6 L6 250mA COC76 C76 220 ohm 1uF 2 1 10uF COC91 C91 10uF PIC6902 PIR8001 COC69 0 C69 10uF PIR8501 VDD PIJ1802 PIJP1801 COC90 C90 PIC7302 1800pF PIR8002 Note: LDO output voltage Vout 1V*(1+R_hi/R_lo) = 3.30V COJP18 JP18 IDD(U1) PIC9201 PIC9202 3 PIU903 GND COR83 R83 1.10k COC73 C73 1 PIC6901 PIR8301 PIU901 LP3878MR-ADJ VDD_CLK4 PIL502 PIC9101 PIC9102 PIC7301 6 PIU906 BYP COL5 L5 Layout Note: Pin Legend is "5V IN" (pin 8) "N/C" (pin 7) "LDO 3.3V" (pin 6) "3.3V" (pin 5) "GND" (pins 1-4) PIC90 1 PIC90 2 A B VDD C 3V3 5 PIJ805 POWER 3V3 PIU905 ADJ COJP17 JP17 LDO ENAB Layout Note: LED Legend is "5V IN" 3V3 B PIJP1701 PIJP1702 PID501 SD COR80 R80 5 OUT 1 2 2 COD5 D5 8 PIU908 IN COR84 2 R84 PIU902 NC 10K PIU907 7 NC PIR8402 PIU909 9 DAP LG M670-J2M1-1-0-10-R18-Z PIJ802 COTP30 TP30 3V3 COU9 U9 5V 1 Note: Remove 0R resistor when applying an external 3.3V power supply to the 3V3 input. LDO_3V3 0.34V 348 PIJ801 PID401 2 3 11/3/2009 C:\Projects\..\POWER SUPPLY.SchDoc Sheet 5of 5 Drawn By: Sauerwald 4 1 2 3 4 A A VDD COU10 U10 COP2 P2 COP1 P1 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 11 PIU10011 12 PIU10012 13 PIU10013 14 PIU10014 15 PIU10015 16 PIU10016 17 PIU10017 PIP206 PIU10010 PIP205 PIP204 PIP203 PIP202 PIP201 Header 6 GND SCL SDA B VDD PIR8602 COJ9 J9 0.22uF PID801 1 PISW203 COD7 D7 2 2 4 PISW202 PISW204 COD8 D8 PID802 2 PID702 GND PD0 (SCL/INT0) PD1 (SDA/INT1) PD2 (RXD1/INT2) PD3 (TXD1/INT3) PD4 (IC1) PD5 (XCK1) PD6 (T1) PD7 (T0) 2 3 4 PIU1004 5 PIU1005 6 PIU1006 7 PIU1007 8 PIU1008 9 PIU1009 PE7 (INT.7/AIN.1/UVcon) PF0 (ADC0) UVcc PF1 (ADC1) DPF2 (ADC2) D+ PF3 (ADC3) UGnd PF4 (ADC4/TCK) UCap PF5 (ADC5/TMS) VBus PF6 (ADC6/TDO) PE3 (IUID) PF7 (ADC7/TDI) 33 34 PIU10034 43 PIU10043 18 PIU10018 19 PIU10019 PE0 (WR) PE1 (RD) PE2 (ALE / HWB) PE4 PE5 PIU1003 1 PID701 3 PISW201 PIJ901 PIU10033 HWB C 20 1 PIU10020 VDD 535-9103-1-ND PIU1001 COY1 Y1 16 MHz XTAL Osc. PIY102 PIR8702 COC113 C113 PIC11302 PIC11301 SW3 1 COSW3 PISW301 23 24 PIY101 PIU10023 PIU10024 COR87 R87 47k PIC1 401 PIR8701 PIC1 402 PIC1 501 COC114 C114 15pF PIC1 502 PA0 (AD0) PA1 (AD1) PA2 (AD2) PA3 (AD3) PA4 (AD4) PA5 (AD5) PA6 (AD6) PA7 (AD7) 25 PIU10025 26 PIU10026 27 PIU10027 28 PIU10028 29 PIU10029 30 PIU10030 31 PIU10031 32 PIU10032 PIU1002 1 2 PIJ902 3 PIJ905 PIJ903 4 PIJ906 PIJ904 F2594CT-ND 1-1470156-2 VBUS DD+ GND PIR8601 PIC10902 PIC10901 SW2 1 COSW2 COR86 R86 47k COC109 C109 PB0 (SS) PB1 (SCK) PB2 (MOSI) PB3 (MISO) PB4 (OC0) PB5 (OC1A) PB6 (OC1B) PB7 (OC2/OC1C) PC0 (A8) PC1 (A9) PC2 (A10 PC3 (A11) PC4 (A12) PC5 (A13) PC6 (A14) PC7 (A15) 51 50 PIU10050 49 PIU10049 48 PIU10048 47 PIU10047 46 PIU10046 45 PIU10045 44 PIU10044 PIU10051 PIP103 PIP105 PIP107 PIP109 PIP1011 PIP1013 PIP1015 35 PIU10035 36 PIU10036 37 PIU10037 38 PIU10038 39 PIU10039 40 PIU10040 41 PIU10041 42 PIU10042 61 60 59 PIU10059 58 PIU10058 57 PIU10057 56 PIU10056 55 PIU10055 54 PIU10054 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 PIP102 PIP104 PIP106 PIP108 PIP1010 PIP1012 PIP1014 PIP1016 Header 8X2 GND B PIU10061 PIU10060 VDD 52 21 64 PIU10064 62 PIU10062 VCC VCC AVCC AREF PIU10052 GND GND GND PIU10022 RESET PE6 (INT.6/AIN.0) PIP101 PIU10021 PIC1 201 PIC1 202 22 53 63 PIU10063 PIU10053 PIC1 0 1 PIC1 0 2 COC110 C110 0.1uF PIC1 101 PIC1 102 C COC111 C111 1uF COC112 C112 0.1uF XTAL2 XTAL1 AT90USB128/64 COC115 C115 15pF GND 0.22uF 3 PISW303 GND 2 4 PISW302 PISW304 Title RESET Interface D LMH1983 Eval Board - USB Interface Size D Number Revision B A GND Date: File: 1 2 3 11/3/2009 C:\Projects\..\USB Interface.SchDoc Sheet 4 of 5 Drawn By: Sauerwald 4 CODesignator1 COJP17 PAJP1701 PAJP1702 COC74 COU9 PAU901 PAU902 COC68 PAU908 PAU909 PAU904 PAR8501 PAR8502 PAC9001 PAC9002 COTP30 PAC7102 PAC7101 COJP18 PAJP201 PAJP202 PAR302 PAR301 COR3 COJP3 COC2 PATP101 PAC102 PAC9301 PAC9302 PAC9401 PAC9402 COTP28 COTP29 COC42 COC43 PATP3101 PATP2901 PAC202 PAC201 PAC101 PAC801 PAC802 PAL302 PAC1501 PAL301 PAC1502 PAC1701 PAC1601 PAC1702 PAC1602 COC16 COJ2 PASW102 COTP3 COSW1 PATP301 PAR2002 COR20 PAR2001 PAR2003 PAC1401 PAC1402 PAU1014 PAU1013 PAU103 PAU104 PAU105 PAU106 PAU1012 PAU1011 PAU1010 PAU109 PAU107 COR12 COR16 PAR1202 PAR1201 PAR1602 PAR1601 COTP18 COR19 PAR1502 PAR1501 PAX101 PAX102 PAX103 PAR1901 PAR1902 PAJP1302 PAR60 1 PAJP1301 PAR60 2 COJP12 PAJP602 PAC7902 PAC7901 PAU301 PAU302 PAU303 PAU304 PAU305 PAU3041 PAU306 PAU307 PAU308 PAU309 PAU3010 PATP1801 PATP1901 PAJP601 COTP11 PAC2301PAC2302 PAU3025 PAU3024 PAU3023 PAU3022 PAU3021 PATP801 COR40 COR43COR45 PATP2001 PATP2101 PATP2201 COTP23 PAR4301 PAR4501 PAR4302 PAR4502 PAR2702 PAR2701 PATP2301 PATP2401 PATP2501 PATP1201 PAJP1402 PAJP1401 PAR6601 PAR6602 PAR1801 PAR1802 COC18 COR65 PAR6501 PAR6502 PAU6016PAU6015PAU6014 PAU6013 PAU601 PAU602 PAU603 PAU604 PAU6017 COTP14 PATP1401 COTP13 PATP1301 COC58 COC57 PAR2602 PAR2601 COC25 COR26 COTP10 COTP12 PAJP1502 COR72 PAU7016PAU7015PAU7014 PAR7301 PAJP1501 PAR7302 PATP1001 PAU701 PAU702 PAU703 PAU704 PAD201 PAD102 PAD202 PAJP1102 PAJP1101 COP2 PAU7012 PAU7011 PAU7010 PAU709 PAC6202 PAC6201 COD3 PAP206 PAP205 COD1 COD2 PAJP1002 PAJP10 1 PAJP801 PAJP802 COR78 PAJP1602 PAJP1601 PAR7801 PAR7802 COC116 COJP8 COR7 COU8 PAR7701 PAR7702 PAU8016PAU8015PAU8014 PAU8013 PAU801 PAU802 PAU803 PAU804 PAU8017 COSW3 PASW201 PASW203 PASW301 PASW202 PASW204 PASW302 COC67 COC66 PASW303 PAU8012 PAU8011 PAU8010 PAU809 PAC11702 PAC11701 PAR7502 PAR7501 PAC6702 PAC6701 COR75 PAC6602 PAC6601 COC117 PAR8601 PAR8602 COP1 PAP202 PAP102 PAP104 PAP106 PAP108 PAP1010 PAP1012 PAP1014 PAP1016 PAP201 PAP101 PAP103 PAP105 PAP107 PAP109 PAP1011 PAP1013 PAP1015 PAJ903 PAJ904 PAJ906 PAR8701 PAR8702 COR87 COJ9 PAJ902 PAJ901 PASW304 PAP204 PAP203 PAC11602 PAC11601 COR70 PATP901 COSW2 COR86 PAR7002 PAR7001 PAC6302 PAC6301 PAU805PAU806PAU807 PAU80 PAD101 PAJP1103 COJP11 PAR7201 PAR7202 PAU7013 PAU7017 COC63 COC62 COTP9 COJP16 PAD302 COR63 COC119 PAU705PAU706PAU707 PAU706 PAU708 COJP10 PAD301 PAC11902 PAC11901 PAR6302 PAR6301 PAC5702 PAC5701 COR73 COU7 COJP15 PAJP902 PAJP1104 PAU6012 PAU6011 PAU6010 PAU609 COC23 COJP9 COJP5 PAJP501 PAJP502 COJP7 PAC5802 PAC5801 PAJP901 COR18 PAJP701 PAJP903 PASW101 PAC11802 PAC11801 COR57 COC118 PAU605PAU606PAU607 PAU608 COR27 COTP24 COTP25 PAC1801 PAC5202 PAC5201 COR66 COU6 COJP14 PAC2501PAC2502 COC82 PAC8201 PAC8202 COTP20 COTP21 COTP2 PAU5012 PAU5011 PAU5010 PAR5702 PAU509 PAU505PAU506PAU507 PAU508 PAR5701 PAC5302 PAC5301 PAJP702 PATP1101 PAC2101PAC2102 PAU3030 PAU3029 PAU3028 PAU3027 PAU3026 PAU301 PAU3012PAU3013PAU3014PAU30U153P0A1U63P0A1U73P0A1U83P0A1U93020 PAR4001 PAR4002 PAR5901 PAR5902 PAU5013 PAU5017 COJP6 COU3 COC19 PAU504 PAR3701 PAR3702 PAR2102 PAR2101 PAC1902 PAU5016PAU5015PAU5014 PAU501 PAU502 PAU503 COC53 COC52 PAR5201 COR47 COR24 COTP15 COC3 COR4 PPAARR44 0012 COR37 COR25 PATP1601 COC21 COTP17 COC79 PAU304 PAU30 9PAU30 8PAU30 7PAU30U63P0A3U53P0A3U43P0A3U3P0A3U23031 PAR2502 PAR2501 PATP1701 COTP19 COR21 PAR2 02 PAR2301 PAC1901 PAR2 01 PAR2302 COTP8COR2 COR23 PAC1802 PAR1702 PAR1701 COR17 COR5 PAX106 PAX105 PAX104 PAX100 PAR202 PAR201 COR2 PAC301 PAC302 COC3 PAR5601 PAC4801 PAX206 PAR5602 PAC4802 PAR5202 PAJP1201 PAX205 PAR5401 PAR5402 COR54 PAJP1202 PAX204 PAR5501PAR5502 COR55 COX2 PATP2601 COTP26 PATP1501 PAR2401 PAR2402 PAC3301 PAR502 PAR501 PAU108 COR15 COX1 PAC4302 PAC4301 COR60COU5 COR59 PAX200 PAX201 COTP16 COR6 COL3 COC15COC14 COC17 PAJ202 PAJ207 PAJ203 PAJ206 PAJ204 PAJ205 PAR5301 PAR5302 PAU401 PAU406 PAR5101 PAC4701 PAU402 PAU405 PAU403 PAU404 PAR5102 PAC4702 PAC3902 PAR4701PAR4702 PAX202 PAX203 COC39 PAC3302 COC40 PAC40 1 PAC40 2 COR14 COR1 PAR602PAR601 PAR602 PAR601 PAJ201 PAJ208 PAR4901 PAR4902 COR56 COC48 COR52 PAC4202 PAC4201 PATP2701 PAC3901 COTP27 PAR101 PAR102 PAU101 PAU102 COC8 COR53 COR49 COU4 COR51COC47 PAJP301 PAJP302 COU1 COC1 COTP1 COC4 PAC401PAC402 COJP2 PATP2801 COC70 COC71 COC72 PATP3001 COTP5 COC93 COC94 PATP501 PAC7202 PAC7201 PAC9101 PAC9201 PAJP1802 PAJP1801 PAC9102 PAC9202 PAR1401 PAR1402 PATP201 PAC901 PAJ102 PATP701 PATP601 COJP13 COD6 COTP31 PAJP102 COTP7 COTP6 COR82 PAR8202 PAR8201 PATP401 PAJP101 PASW103 PAD601 COJP4 COTP4COC6 PAJP401 PAJP402 PAC602PAC601 PAC602 PAC601 COC5 PAR901 PAR902 PAC502 PAC501 COL1 COR9 PAR1101 PAR1102 PAL102 PAL101 COTP2 COR11 PAC902 PAR402 PAR401 PASW104 PAD602 PAD501 COR83 COC90 COC91 COC92 PAR8302 COJP1 COR4 COC9 PAJ101 PAD502 COR80 PAC7002 PAR8002 PAR8001 PAC7001 PAC6902 PAC6901 PAU905 COR85 COJ8 PAJ103 PAU907 PAC6802 PAU903 PAU906 PAC7302 PAC6801 PAC7301 COD4 PAD402 PAD401 PAR8301 PAJ801 PAJ808 PAJ802 PAJ807 PAJ803 PAJ806 PAJ804 PAJ805 COJ1 COR81 COC73 COC69 COD5 PAR8102 PAR8101 PAC7401 PAC7402 PAJ905 PAR8401 PAR8402 COR84 COC49 COR50 COR48 PAR5002 PAR5001 PAL402PAL401 PAL402 PAL401 PAC4501 PAC4502 PAC4901 PAC4902 PAR5802 PAR5801 COC50 PAC50 1 PAC50 2 PAC4 01 PAC4402 COC44 COL4 PAR4801 PAR4802 COR58 PAR6102PAR6101 COR61 COC45 PAC4102 PAC4101 COC41 PAC4602 PAC4601 COC46 COR7 COC13 PAC1302PAC1301 COC12 PAC1202 PAC1201 COL2 COC11 PAC1101 PAC1102 COC10 PAC1001 PAC1002 COC7 PAU2016 PAU2015 PAU2014 PAU2013 COR29 PAU2012 PAU2011 PAU2010 PAU209 PAU205 PAU206 PAU207 PAU208 COU2 COR33 COC75 PAR2901PAR2902 PAR2901 PAR2902 PAU201 PAU202 PAU203 PAU204 COR30 PAR3302 PAR3301 COR34 PAR3001PAR3002 PAR3001 PAR3002 PAR3402 PAR3401 COR31 COR35 PAR3102 PAR3101 PAR3502 PAR3501 COR32 PAR802 PAR801 PAC2802 PAC2801 CO 106 PAR3602 PAR3601 COR36 COC31 COC28 PAR1002 PAR1001 PAC10602 PAC10601 PAC10502 PAC10501 COC105 PAR3202 PAR3201 COR8 COR10 COC98 PAR1302 PAR1301 PAR3802 COR39 PAR3801 PAR3902 PAR3901 PAC3502 PAC3501 PAR4202 PAR4201 PAC3102 PAC3101 COC101 COC108 PAC10802 PAC10701 PAC10801 COC81 PAC8102PAC8101 PAC8102 PAC8101 PAL502 PAL501 COC107 COC76 COC104 PAC8302 PAC8301 PAC10301 PAC10302 PAC9802 PAC3801 PAC3802 PAC3701 PAC3601 PAC3702 PAC3602 PAC3001 PAC3002 COL9 COC86 COC83 PAL1 01 PAL1 02 COR42 PAC8502 PAC8501 PAC9601 COL8 PAC8402 PAL801PAL802 PAC8401 COC84 COC54 PAC5401 PAC5402 COC56 PAC5601 PAC5602 PAR6402 PAR6401 COR64 PAR6702PAR6701 COR67 COC27 COC20 PAC2201PAC2202 PAC2201 PAC2202 COC22 COC24 PAC2401PAC2402 PAC2401 PAC2402 PAC2901 PAC2902 COC29 PAC7701 PAL602PAL601 PAL602 PAL601 COL6 PAC7702 PAC8002 PAC8001 COC80 PAC10201 COC60 PAC60 1 PAC60 2 PAC10202 PAC9701 PAC2001PAC2002 PAC2701 PAC2702 COL11 COC7 PAR2802 PAR2801 COC102 COC38 COC37 COC36COC30 COR28 COC103 PAC9702 COC61 PAC6101 PAC6102 COC97 PAR7102 PAR7101 COR71 PAR7402PAR7401 COR74 COR41 PAR4102PAR4101 PAC3201 PAC3401PAC3402 PAC3401 PAC3402 PAC3202 COC32 PAR6901 PAR6201 PAR6801 PAR6902 PAR6202 PAR6802 COR69 COR62 COR68 PAC5902 PAC5901 COR46 PAL901 PAL902 PAC8902 PAC8901 PAC8602 COC89 PAC8601 PAC7601 COL5 PAC10401 PAC7602 PAC10402 COC35 COC34 PAR4601 PAR4602 PAC8702 PAC8701 PAC8802 PAC8801 PAC10102 PAC10101 PAC10702 PAC9801 COR13 COR38 PAC10002PAC10001 PAL10 1 PAC9902 PAL10 2 PAC9901 PAC7502PAC7501 PAC7802 COL7 PAL701 PAL702 PAC7801 COC96 PAC9602 PAC2602 PAC2601 COC100 COC95 PAC9502PAC9501 PAL202PAL201 PAL202 PAL201 PAC702 PAC701 COC26 COC87 COC85 COC78 COL10 COC9 COC8 PAR701 PAR702 COC59 PAC5102 PAC5101 COC51 COC111 PAC11101 PAC11102 COC110 PAC11001 PAC11002 COC112COC64 PAC11201 PAC11202 COC65 PAC6401 PAC6402 PAU10048 COC5 COC109 PAU1001 PAU10047 PAU10046 PAU10045 PAU10044 PAU10043 PAU10042 PAU10041 PAC10901 PAU10040 PAU10039 PAC10902 PAU1002 PAU1004 PAU1005 PAU1006 PAU1007 PAU1008 PAU1009 PAU10010 PAU1003 PAU10038 PAU10011 PAU10037 PAU10036 PAU10012 PAU10013 PAU10035 COD8 COR79 PAD701 PAD702 COD7 PAU10015 PAU10033 PAU10016 COU10 PAU10 32PAU10 31PAU10 30PAU10 29PAU10 28PAU10 27PAU10 26PAU10 25PAU10 24PAU10 23 PAU10 2 PAU10 21 PAU10 20PAU10 19 PAU10 18PAU10 17 COY1 COC114 PAC11301PAC11302 PAC11301 PAC11302 COC113 PAY102 PAY101 PAC11402 PAC11401 PAC11501 PAC11502 PAR7902 PAR7901 PAD802 PAD801 PAU10014 PAU10034 PAR7602 PAR7601 PAC6501 PAC6502 PAU10 49PAU10 5 PAU10 51PAU10 52PAU10 53PAU10 54PAU10 5 PAU10 56PAU10 57PAU10 58 PAU10 59PAU10 6 PAU10 61PAU10 62 PAU10 63PAU10 64 PAC5502 PAC5501 COC115 COR76 CODesignator1 COJP17 PAJP1701 PAJP1702 COC74 COR81 COC73 COC69 COD5 COR84 PAC7401 PAC7402 COU9 PAU901 PAU902 COC68 PAR8102 PAR8101 PAD602 PAD501 PAD601 COTP6 COR82 PAR8202 PAR8201 PAU909 PAU907 PAU904 PAU905 COR83 COC90 COC91 COC92 PAR8302 COR85 COR80 PAC7002 PAR8002 PAR8001 PAC7001 PAC6902 PAC6901 PATP601 PAR8501 PAR8502 PAC9001 PAC9002 COTP30 PATP2801 COC70 COC71 COC72 PATP3001 COTP5 COJP18 COC93 COC94 PATP501 PAC7102 PAC7101 PAC7202 PAC7201 PAC9101 PAC9201 PAJP1802 PAJP1801 PAC9102 PAC9202 PAC9301 PAC9401 PAC9402 PAC9302 COJP3 COTP28 COR50 COR48 COR53 COR49 COU4 COR51COC47 PAJP301 PAJP302 PATP2901 PAC4501 PAC4502 PAJP1302 PAR60 1 COC50 PAC50 1 PAC50 2 PAJP1301 PAR60 2 COC41 PAC4302 PAC4301 PAU5016PAU5015PAU5014 PAC4901 PAC4902 COR61 COC45 COR56 COC48 COR52 PAC4202 PAC4101 PAC4102 PAC4201 PAU501 PAU502 PAU503 PAU504 PAR6102PAR6101 PAR5601 PAC4801 PAR5201 PAX206 PAR5602 PAC4802 PAR5202 PAJP1201 PAX205 PAR5401 PAR5402 COR54 PAJP1202 PAX204 PAR5501PAR5502 COR55 COX2 PATP2601 COTP26PAC9602 PATP1501 PAC9601 COC95 PAR101 PAR102 COJP2 PAC40 1 PAC40 2 COC26 COC87 COC85 COC78COR47 COL10COR4 COC9 COCRO2C48 PAR1401 PAR1402 PATP201 PAC901 PAL202PAL201 PAL202 PAL201 COC2 PAC702 PAC101 PAC102 PAC701 PAU101 PAU102 PAU1014 PAU1013 PAU103 PAU104 PAU105 PAU106 PAU1012 PAU1011 PAU1010 PAU109 PAU107 PAU108 PAU2016 PAU2015 PAU2014 PAU2013 PATP1601 PAU201 PAU202 PAU203 PAU204 PAU2012 PAU2011 PAU2010 PAU209 CO 106 PAU205 PAU206 PAU207 PAU208 COR19 COC16 COC98 COR40 COR43COR45 PAJP602 PAJP601 PAJP702 PAR2002 COR20 PAR2001 PAR2003 COR38 PAC1801 COC18 PAJP902 PASW101 PAJP901 COTP7 COR18 PATP701 COJP5 PAJP501 PAJP502 PAR3802 PAR3801 PAJP903COR39 PAR3902 PAR3901 PAR1801 PAR1802 PAC3502 PAC3501 PAR4202 PAR4201 PAJP701 COC32 PAJP1104 PAD301 PAC5902 PAC5901PAD302 PAJP1103 PAR4601 PAR4602 PAJP1101 COR46 COJP11 PAP206 COP2 PAP205 COJ3 PAJ303 PAJ302 PAJ305 PAJ301 PAJ304 PAC5102 PAC5101 COC59 COC51 COD3 COD1 COC84 PAR6901 PAR6201 PAR6801 PAR6902 PAR6202 PAR6802 PAD101 PAD102 PAR6501 PAR6502 PAU6017 PAU6012 COJ5 PAR6402 PAR6302 PAR6401 PAR6301 PAU605PAU606PAU607 PAU608 PAJ502 PAJ504 COR64 COR63 PAJ503 PAJ505 PAC11902 PAC11901 PAJ501 PAU6011 PAU6010 PAU609 PAC5801 PAC5701 COC82 COJP15 PAC11101 PAC11102 COC110 PAC11001 PAC11002 PAC5502 PAC5501PAD202 COR86 COC5 PAU704 PAJP1002 PAC11201 PAC11202 COC65 PAU1001 PAU10046 PAU1003 PAU10044 PAU1005 PAU1006 PAU1007 PAU1008 PAU1009 PAU10010 PAU10037 PAU10036 PAU10012 PAU10013 PASW204 PASW302 PASW304 PAU10033 PAP102 PAP104 PAP106 PAP108 PAP1010 PAP1012 PAP1014 PAP1016 PAP101 PAP103 PAP105 PAP107 PAP109 PAP1011 PAP1013 PAP1015 COJP16 COR78 PAC6401 PAC6402 PAJP1602 PAC6501 PAC6502 PAJP1601 PAR7801 PAR7802 PAR7002 PAR7102 PAR7101 PAR7001 PAC6301 PAC6201 PAU801 PAU8017 PAR7902 PAR7901 COD8 COR79COC67 PAD701 PAD702 COD7 COC66 PAU8012 PAC11501 PAC11502 COC115 PAJ704 PAC11702 PAC11701 PAJ701 PAC6702 PAC6701 COR76 COR75 PAJ703 PAJ705 PAC6602 PAC6601 COC117 PAU8011 PAU8010 PAU809 PAR7502 PAR7602 PAR7601 PAR7501 COJ9 PAJ903 PAJ904 PAY102 PAY101 PAC11402 PAC11401 COJ7 PAJ702 PAR7701 PAR7702 PAJ902 PAJ901 PAJ906 COR71 COR70 PAJ603 PAJ605 COR7 PAU8016PAU8015PAU8014 PAU8013 PAU802 PAU803 PAU804 PAJ604 COC116 COU8 PAD802 PAD801 PAC11301PAC11302 PAC11301 PAR8701PAC11302 PAR8702 COR87 COC113 PAJ602 PAC11602 PAC11601 PAJ601 COJP8 PAU805PAU806PAU807 PAU80 PAU10015 PAU10016 COY1 COC114 PAJP801 PAJP802 PAU10014 COU10 PAU10 32PAU10 31PAU10 30PAU10 29PAU10 28PAU10 27PAU10 26PAU10 25PAU10 24PAU10 23 PAU10 2 PAU10 21 PAU10 20PAU10 19 PAU10 18PAU10 17 PAP201 PAU709 PAU10011 COP1 PAP202 PAJP10 1 COC112COC64 PAU10048 PASW202 PAU7017 PAU7012 PAU7011 PAU7010 PAU705PAU706PAU707 PAU706 PAU708 PAU10043 PAU10042 PAU10041 PAC10901 PAU10040 PAR8601 PAR8602 PAU10039 PAU10038 PAC10902 PAU10034 PAR7201 PAR7202 PAU7013 PATP1001 PAU10 49PAU10 5 PAU10 51PAU10 52PAU10 53PAU10 54PAU10 5 PAU10 56PAU1COSW3 0 57PAU10 58 PAU10 59PAU10 6 PAU10 61PAU10 62 PAU10 63PAU10 64 COSW2 PAU10047 PAU1002 PASW201 PASW203 PASW301 PASW303 PAU1004 PAU10045 PAU10035 PAU7016PAU7015PAU7014 PAU701 PAU702 PAU703 COJ6 COR72 COR73 COL11 COC7 COC111 PAD201 COD2 COC119 COC86 COC83 COC109 PAP204 PAP203 COJP14 PAU601 PAU602 PAU603 PAU604 PAU3024 COR69 COR62 COR68 COJP9 PAJP1102 COC108 PAU3041 COC107 COC76 COC104 COC35 COC34 COC118 COJP7 COR65 COR66 COR41 PAR4102PAR4101 PAC3201 PAC3401PAC3402 PAC3401 PAC3402 PAC3202 COR5C7OR58PAJ403 PAJ405 PAC5202 PAC5201 COJP6 COC96 COR27 COC102 COC97 COC38 COC37 COC36COC30 COR28 COC103 COR42 COTP23 PATP2301 PATP2401 PATP2501 PATP1201 COTP12 PATP901 COJP10 COTP20 COTP21 COTP2 PATP801 COSW1 PASW103 COC19 COR2 COR23 PASW102 PAJ404 PAC11802 PAC11801 PAJ401 PAL901 PAL902 PAU3030 PAU3029 PAU3028 PAU3027 PAU3026 PAL502 PAL501 COC31 PAL301 COC101 PAU301 PAU302 PAU303 PAU304 PAU305 PAU307 COC15COC14 COC17 PASW104 COC3 COC79 PAU5012 PAU5011 PAU5010 PAR5802 PAR5702 PAU509 PAU505PAU506PAU507 PAU508 PAR5801 PAR5701 PAC5302 PAC5301 COR7 PAR701 PAR702 COC39 COTP11 PATP1101 PAC3302 COU6 COC13 PAC1302PAC1301 COC40 COR14 PAR2401 PAC2602 COC100 COC54 PAC5401 PAC5402 PAJP1402 PAR6601 PAU6016PAU6015PAU6014 PAU6013 PAC9502 COR1 COC12 PAC1202 PAC1201 PAC3301 PAC2601 PAR2402 COC4 COTP15 PAR6602 PAC9501 PAC401PAC402 PAJP101 PAJP201 COL2 COC56 PAC5601 PAC5602 PAJP1401 PAC8702 PAJ103 COTP16 PAR4 01 PAC9902 PAC8802 PAC8701 COC11 PAC1101 PAC1102 PAJP102 PAJP202 COU1 COR29 COR33 COC75 PAC10002PAC10001 PPPAAALL11R00 412 02 PAC9901 PAR3701 PAR3702 PAC8502 COL8 PAC8402 PAR6702 PAR6701 PAC5802 COR67 COC10 PAC1001 PAC1002 PAC202 PAC8801 COR37 COL9 PAC8501 PAL801PAL802 COR25 COC58 PAC5702 PAR2901PAR2902 PAR2901 PAR2902 PAR3302 PAR3301 PAC8401 PAR202 PAR201 COR2 PAC7502PAC7501 PAC7802 PAC7902 COC21 PAC201 PAR1202 PAR1201 COR12COR30 COR34 COTP14 PATP1401 PAC10102 PAC10101 COTP17 COL7 PAL701 PAL702 PAC7801 PAU304 PAU30 9PAU30 8PAU30 7PAC8902 PAU30U63P0A3U53P0A3U43PPAC8901 0A3U3P0A3U23031PAC8602 PARC257021 PACR275021 COC27 COC57 PAR302 PAR301 PATP101 PAC301 PAC302 COC3 PAC7901 PAC2001 PAJ101 PAC2101PAC2002 PAC2102 PAR3001PAR3002 PAR3001 PAR3002 PATP1701 PAR3402 PAR3401 PAR1601 COR16 PAR1602 PAC801 PAR1702 PAR1701 COR3 COC89 PAC8601 COC20 PAR502 PAR501 PAC10602 PAC10601 COR31 COR35 COC22 COC1 PAC2201PAC2202 PAC2301 PAC2201 PAC2302 PAC2202 COTP1 COC7 COC23 PAC802 PAU306 PAU3025 PAC10502 PAC10501 COR17 PAC10802 COC24 PAR602PAR601 PAR602 PAR601 PAR3102 PAR3101 PAR3502 PAR3501 PAU308 PAU3023 COR5 PAU309 COC81PAU3022 PAC2501 PAC2502 COU2 COTP18 PATP1801 PAU3021 PAC2401PAC2402 PAC2401 PAC2402 PAC2901 PAJ102 PAC10701 PAU3010 PAC10801 PAU301 PPAC8102 COC29 PAC8102PAC8101 PAR2602 PAC2902 PAR2601 COC8 COR6 COR32 COC105 AU3012PAU3013PAU3014PPAC8101 AU30U153P0A1U63P0A1U73P0A1U83P0A1U93020 PAC8302 COTP13 PATP1301 COC25 PAR3202 PAR3201 PATP1901 PAR3602 PAR3601 PAC3102 PAC10702 PAC8301 PAC7701 PAL602PAL601 PAL602 PAL601 COR26 COL6 COR8 COR15 PAC3101 PAC7601 COL5PAC8201PAC10401 PAC10301 PAL1 01 PAC7702 PAC8002 PAC8001 COTP19 PAC2802 PAC2801 COR36 COC80 PAJ201 PAJ208 PAR802 PAR801 PAR1502 PAR1501 PAR1901 COR21 PAC7602 PAL1 02 PAC10201 COL3 COU7 COX1 PAC8202 PAC10402 PAC10302 COC28 COU3 PAC9801 COC60 PAC60 1 PAC60 2 PAJP1502 PAR7301 PAC10202 PAJ202 PAJ207 PAR1002 PAR1001 COR10 PAL302 PAC1501 PAC1401 PAX106 PAX105 PAX104 PAR1902 PAR2102 PAR2101 PAC9701 PAC9802 PAR2 02 PAR2301 PAC1901 PAC1502 PAC1402 PAC9702 COC61 PAC6101 PAC6102 PAJP1501 PAR7302 PAR4001 PAC3701 PAC3801 PAR4301 PAC3601 PAR4501 PAR2702 PAR2802 PAC3001 PAJ203 PAJ206 PAR1302 PAR1301 PAC1701 PAC1601 PAR2 01 PAR2302 PAC3802 PAR4302 PAR4002 PAC3702 PAR4502 PAC3602 PAR2701 PAR2801 PAC3002 COR13 PAC1702 PAC1602 PAC1902 COTP10 PAX100PAX101 PAX102 PAX103 PAR7402PAR7401 PAC6302 PAJ204 PAJ205 COTP8 COTP24 COTP25 COTP9 COR74 COC63 PAC6202 COJ2 COC62 PATP2001 PATP2101 PATP2201 COTP3 PATP301 PAC1802 PAR402 PAR401 COJ1 PAJ402 PAR5901 PAR5902 PAU5013 PAU5017 COC53 COC52 COJP12 COJ4 COR60COU5 COR59 PAX200 PAX201 PAC3902 PAR4701PAR4702 PAX202 PAX203 PATP2701 PAC3O90C146 COTP27 PATP401 COJP1 COR4 COC9 PAL402PAL401 PAL402 PAL401 PAR4802 PAR5301 PAR5302 PAU401PAC4602PAU406 PAR5101 PAC4701 PAU402PAC4601PAU405 PAU403 PAU404 PAR5102 PAC4702 PAR4901 PAR4902 COC49 PAC4 01 PAC4402 COC44 COTP29 COC42 COL4 PAR4801 COC43 PAR5002 PAR5001 PATP3101 COTP31 COJP4 COTP4COC6 PAJP401 PAJP402 PAC602PAC601 PAC602 PAC601 COC5 PAR901 PAR902 PAC502 PAC501 COL1 COR9 PAR1101 PAR1102 PAL102 PAL101 COTP2 COR11 PAC902 COJ8 COJP13 COD6 PAU908 PAC6802 PAU903 PAU906 PAC7302 PAC6801 PAC7301 COD4 PAD402 PAD401 PAR8301 PAJ801 PAJ808 PAJ802 PAJ807 PAJ803 PAJ806 PAJ804 PAJ805 PAD502 PAR8401 PAR8402 PAJ905 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. 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