Extensive Cell Library
The UT0.6µ family of gate arrays is supported by an extensive
cell library that includes SSI, MSI, and 54XX-equivalent func-
tions, as well as, RAM and other library functions. User-
selectable options for cell configurations include scan for all reg-
ister elements, as well as output drive strength. UTMC’s core
library includes the following functions:
•Intel® 80C31 equivalent
•Intel® 80C196 equivalent
•MIL-STD-1553 functions (BCRTM, RTI, RTMP)
•MIL-STD-1750 microprocessor
•Standard microprocessor peripheral functions
•Configurable RAM
•RISC Microcontroller
Refer to UTMC’s UT0.6µ Design Manual for complete cell list-
ing and details.
I/O Buffers
The UT0.6µ gate array family offers up to 442 signal I/O loca-
tions (note: device signal I/O availability is affected by package
selection and pinout.) The I/O cells can be configured by the user
to serve as input, output, bidirectional, three-state, or additional
power and ground pads. Output drive options range from 2 to
16mA. To drive larger off-chip loads, output drivers may be com-
bined in parallel to provide additional drive up to 32mA.
Other I/O buffer features and options include:
• Slew rate control
• Pull-up and pull-down resistors
•TTL, CMOS, and Schmitt levels
•Cold sparing
•Voltage translation
- 5V bus to 3.3V bus
- 3.3V bus to 5V bus
JTAG Boundary-Scan
The UT0.6µ arrays provide for a test access port and boundary-
scan that conforms to the IEEE Standard 1149.1 (JTAG). Some
of the benefits this capability offers include the following:
•Allows easy test of complex assembled printed circuit
•Can be used to gain access to and control internal
scan paths
• Can be used to initiate Built-In Self Test
Clock Driver Distribution
UTMC design tools provide methods for balanced clock distri-
bution that maximize drive capability and minimize relative
clock skew between clocked devices.
Speed and Performance
UTMC specializes in high-performance circuits designed to op-
erate in high reliability environments. Table 3 presents a
sampling of typical cell delays.
Note that the propagation delay for a CMOS device is a function
of its fanout loading, supply voltage, operating temperature, and
processing tolerance. The UT0.6µ array family simulation mod-
els account for all of these effects to accurately determine circuit
performance for its particular set of use conditions.
Power Dissipation
Each internal gate or I/O driver has an average power consump-
tion based on its switching frequency and capacitive loading. For
a rigorous power estimating methodology, refer to the UTMC
UT0.6µ Design Manual or consult with a UTMC Applications
Typical Power Dissipation
1.1µW/Gate-MHz@5.0V 0.4µW/Gate-MHz@3.3V