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Preliminary Information
•Supply voltage up to 40 V
•RDSon typ. 0.5 Ω @ 25°C, max. 1 Ω @ 150°C
•Up to 1.5 A output current
•Three half-bridge outputs formed by three high-side and three low-side drivers
•Capable to switch all kinds of loads such as DC motors, bulbs, resistors, capacitors
and inductors
•No crossover current
•Very low quiescent current Is < 10 µA in stand-by mode vs. total temperature range
•Outputs short-circuit protected
•Overtemperature protection for each switch and overtemperature prewarning
•Undervoltage protection
•Various diagnosis functions such as shorted output, open load, overtemperature and
power-supply fail
•Serial data interface, daisy chain capable, up to 2 MHz clock frequency
•SO14 power packag e
T6818 / T682 8 are fully protected dr iver interfaces designed in 0.8-µm BCDMOS
technology. It is used to control up to 3 different loads by a microcontroller in auto-
motive and industrial applications.
Each of the 3 high-side and 3 low-si de dr i vers is capable to drive currents up to 1. 5 A .
The dri vers are i nte rnally con nec te d to for m 3 h alf -b ridges and c an be c ontrol le d s ep-
arately from a standar d serial da ta interface. Therefore all k inds of load s such as
bulbs, resisto rs, capac i tor s and ind uc tor s can be combined . The IC des ign especial ly
supports the applications of H-bridges to drive DC motors.
Protec tion is g uarante ed in terms o f short-circuit conditions, overtemp erature
and undervoltage. Various diagnosis functions and a ver y low quiescent current in
stand -by-mode o pens a wid e range of applica tions. Automo tive qualific ation referring
to conducted interferences, EMC protection and 2 kV ESD protection gives added
value and enhanced quality for demanding up-market applications .
Ordering Information
Extended Type Numbe r Package Remarks
T6818-TBS SO14 Power package, tubed
T6818-TBQ SO14 Power package with head slug, taped and
T6828-TBS SO14 Power package, tubed
T6828-TBQ SO14 Power package with head slug, taped and
Triple Half
Bridg e DMOS
Output Driver
with Serial Input
Rev. A1, 07-Nov-01