Micro Crystal
Development Board RV-3028-C7
Clock Output; push-pull; Normal and Interrupt driven clock output can be activated concurrently.
1. Normal clock output is controlled by the CLKOE bit. When CLKOE is set to 1 (default), the CLKOUT pin
drives the square wave on the CLKOUT pin. When CLKOE bit is set to 0, the CLKOUT pin is LOW.
2. Interrupt driven clock output is controlled by an interrupt event. When CLKIE is set to 1 the occurrence of
the interrupt selected in the Clock Interrupt Mask Register (12h) allows the square wave output on the
CLKOUT pin. Writing 0 to CLKIE will disable new interrupts from driving square wave on CLKOUT. When
CLKF flag is cleared, the CLKOUT pin is LOW.
Depending of the settings in the FD field, the CLKOUT pin can drive the square wave of 32.768 kHz
(default), 8192 Hz, 1024 Hz, 64 Hz, 32 Hz or 1 Hz, or the predefined periodic countdown timer interrupt.
When FD field is 111 the CLKOUT pin is LOW.
Interrupt Output; open-drain; active LOW; requires pull-up resistor; used to output Alarm, Periodic
Countdown Timer, Periodic Time Update and External Event Interrupt signals. Interrupt output also in
VBACKUP Power state.
I2C Serial Clock Input; requires pull-up resistor. In VBACKUP Power state, the SCL pin is disabled.
I2C Serial Data Input-Output; open-drain; requires pull-up resistor. In VBACKUP Power state, the SDA pin is
disabled (high impedance)
Backup Supply Voltage. When the backup switchover function is not needed, VBACKUP must be tied to VSS
with a 10 kΩ resistor
Positive supply voltage; positive or negative steps in supply voltage may affect oscillator performance,
recommend 10 nF decoupling capacitor close to the device
External Event Input; used for interrupt generation, interrupt driven clock output and time stamp function.
Remains active also in VBACKUP Power state. This pin should not be left floating
Datasheet and Application-Manual are available for download under: www.microcrystal.com