LF412 (AV national Semiconductor LF412 Low Offset, Low Drift Dual JFET Input Operational Amplifier General Description These devices are low cost, high speed, JFET input opera- tional amplifiers with very low input offset voltage and guar- anteed input offset voltage drift. They require low supply current yet maintain a large gain bandwidth product and fast slew rate. In addition, well matched high voltage JFET input devices provide very low input bias and oftset currents. LF 412 dual is pin compatible with the LM1558, allowing de- signers to immediately upgrade the overall performance of existing designs. These amplifiers may be used in applications such as high speed integrators, fast D/A converters, sample and hold circuits and many other circuits requiring low input offset voltage and drift, low input bias current, high input imped- ance, high slew rate and wide bandwidth. Features Internally trimmed offset voltage 1 mV (max) Input offset voltage drift 10 wV/C (max) Low input bias current 50 pA Low input noise current 0.01 pA/VHz 3 MHz (min) High slew rate Low supply current 10V/us (min) a o 2 s @ Wide gain bandwidth . a 1.8 mA/Amplifier a a High input impedance 10120 Low total harmonic distortion Ay = 10, S0.02% R= 10k, Vo= 20 Vp-p, BW= 20 Hz-20 kHz Bm Low 1/f noise corner 50 Hz m Fast settling time to 0.01% 2 ps Typical Connection Ordering Information Connection Diagrams a LF412XYZ oy X indicates electrical grade Y indicates temperature range M" for military Metal Can Package C for commercial ve Z_ indicates package type HY op NN DUTPUTA r OurpurB Ne INVERTING INVERTING INPUT A INPUT & NOW INVERTING NON. INVERTING -Vee (WPUT A INPUT & Y Simplified Schematic Note. Pin 4 comected to case 1/2 Dual Order Number LF412AMH, LF412MH, LF412CH or LF412MH/883* Yer O See NS Package Number HO8A Dual-In-Line Package Vo guTeuT A vt ~ + INVERTING INPUT A OUTPUT B NONANVERTING _3 ' INPUT A INVERTING INPUT B ve 4 NOWINVERTING INPUT B INTERNALLY INTERNALLY TRIMMED TOP VIEW TRIMME D TL/H/5656-1 Vee O= Available per JM38510/11905 Order Number LF412ACN, LF412CN or LF412MJ/883* See NS Package Number JO8A or NOSE 1-70Absolute Maximum Ratings If Mliitary/Aerospace specified devices are required, Distributors for availability and specifications. (Note 9) please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ LF412A LF412 H Package N Package Supply Voltage +22V +18V Power Dissipation (Note 10) (Note 3) 670 mW Differential input Voltage +38V +30V. = Tj max 150C 115C {nput voltage Range 8jq (Typical) 152C/W 115C/W (Note 1) +19V +15V Operating Temp. Range (Note 4) (Note 4) Output Short Circuit Storage Temp. 65C w -~ wo on 3 2.5 -50-25 0 0.2 1M 10k Gain Bandwidth 2 50 75 100 125 TEMPERATURE (C) Distortion vs Frequency Vex t15 | | h=2ee tt 100 10 100 1k 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) 100k Common-Mode Rejection Ratio Vs= + 15V RL =2k Tas 25C ba CMAR = 20 LOG + + 0 | ~ OPEN LOOP VOLTAGE: - Ya NN GAIN [ Vom 2k tL 10 100 1k 10k 100K 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) Open Loop Voltage Gain RL = 2k 58C s Tas 125C 5 10 18 2 SUPPLY VOLTAGE ( + V) DUTPUT VOLFAGE SWANG (Vp-p) OUTPUT IMPEDANCE (12) Bode Plot 01 10 FREQUENCY (MHz) Undistorted Output Voltage Swing x0 3 10 [s= +15 A =2k Ta= 28C Ay=? < 1% DIST 10k 100k 1M FREQUENCY {Hz} Power Supply Rejection Ratio Vg= + 15 W=2sre 10-100 tk Ss 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) 100k 14 Output impedance 100 1k 10 FREQUENCY (Hz) 100k 1 Slew Rate rs) a4 2 a 18 16 at te 12 | R aah 10 L ll -580~258 0 25 SO 75 100 125 TEMPERATURE (C) Open Loop Frequency 10 Response OPEN LOOP VOLTAGE GAIN (dB) 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz} Equivalent Input Nolse Voltage 2 22 5: zy 33 Ss ~ = 1 100k 10K FREQUENCY {Hz} 100% Inverter Settling Time OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING FROM OV () 01 1 10 SETTLING TIME (us) TL/H/566-3LF412 Pulse Response pF, = 2 ko, c, = 10 pF Small Signal Inverting OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING (50 av/DIV) TIME (0.2 us /DtV) Large Signal Inverting OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING (5/01) nn TIME (2 us/DIV) Small Signal Non-Inverting Z f ae 25 E ws ME O.2 870M) Large Signal Non-Inverting OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING (6v/0Ny) TIME (2 us/DIV) Current Limit (Ay = 1002) OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING (VOY) Application Hints The LF412 series of JFET input dual op amps are internally trimmed (BI-FET IITM) providing very low input offset volt- ages and guaranteed input offset voltage drift. These JFETs have large reverse breakdown voltages from gate to source and drain eliminating the need for clamps across the inputs. Therefore, large differential input voltages can easily be ac- commodated without a large increase in input current. The maximum differential input voltage is independent of the supply voltages. However, neither of the input voltages should be allowed to exceed the negative supply as this will cause large currents to flow which can result in a destroyed unit. Exceeding the negative common-mode limit on either input will cause a reversal of the phase to the output and force the amplifier output to the corresponding high or low state. TIME (5 8 /O1V) TL/H/5656~4 Exceeding the negative common-mode limit on both inputs will force the amplifier output to a high state. in neither case does a latch occur since raising the input back within the common-mode range again puts the input stage and thus the amplifier in a normal operating mode. Exceeding the positive common-mode limit on a single input will not change the phase of the output, however, if both inputs exceed the limit, the output of the amplifier may be forced to a high state. The amplifiers will operate with a common-mode input volt- age equal to the positive supply; however, the gain band- width and slew rate may be decreased in this condition. When the negative common-mode voltage swings to within 3V of the negative supply, an increase in input offset voltage may occur, 1-74Application Hints (Continues) Each amplifier is individually biased by a zener reference which allows normal circuit operation on +6.0V power sup- plies. Supply voltages less than these may result in lower gain bandwidth and slew rate. The amplifiers will drive a 2 kf. load resistance to +10V over the full temperature range. If the amplifier is forced to drive heavier load currents, however, an increase in input offset voltage may occur on the negative voltage swing and finally reach an active current limit on both positive and neg- ative swings. Precautions should be taken to ensure that the power sup- ply for the integrated circuit never becomes reversed in po- larity or that the unit is not inadvertently installed backwards in a socket as an unlimited current surge through the result- ing forward diode within the IC could cause fusing of the internal conductors and result in a destroyed unit. As with most amplifiers, care should be taken with lead dress, component placement and supply decoupling in or- der to ensure stability. For example, resistors from the out- put to an input should be placed with the body close to the input to minimize pick-up and maximize the frequency of the feedback pole by minimizing the capacitance from the input to ground. A feedback pole is created when the feedback around any amplifier is resistive. The parallel rasistance and capaci- tance from the input of the device (usually the inverting in- put) to AC ground set the frequency of the pole. In many instances the frequancy of this pole is much greater than the expected 3 dB frequency of the closed loop gain and consequently there is negligible effect on stability margin. However, if the feedback pole is less than approximately 6 times the expected 3 dB frequency a lead capacitor should be placed from the output to the input of the op amp. The value of the added capacitor should be such that the RC time constant of this capacitor and the resistance it parallels is greater than or equal to the original feedback pole time constant. 1-75 Zales)LF412 Typical Application Single Supply Sample and Hold INVERTER Vc 1=HOLO oH O=SAMPLE Detailed Schematic vec Om + - 13 4 arz as a4 au eT as } 5 RS | q 2 2 a 4 an a? J On fc a6 | pF 3 Re 1 } ea 33 7, Sas Pa avo oe > 20x yar au A 1, ay e 3 a ex Re " 52 no 4 o- TL/H/5656-9