Alpha Wire | www.alphawire.com | 1-800-52 ALPHA
Specifications subject to change. For complete specifications and availability, visit www.alphawire.com.
FIT® Heat-Shrink Tubing
Whether your concerns are
mechanical strain relief,
environmental sealing,
or organizing wires, Alpha Wire’s
FIT heat-shrink tubing is ideal for
solving many challenges in electrical
and electronic wiring:
• Protect substrates from
moisture, UV light, corrosion,
oxidation, dust, chemicals,
abrasion, environmental
conditions, solder joints, and
• Insulate wire terminations
and connections, entire printed
circuit boards, from electrical
and environmental conditions
• Repair cable splices, insulation
damage and cuts, cable
jackets, and connections,
with permanent or temporary
quick fixes
• Relieve strain on cables and
connectors to prevent harmful
flexing or bending
• Bundle and organize wire
harness, cable, tubing, and hose
dressing on OEM equipment,
breakouts, bundle in small
spaces, conform to odd shapes
• Seal connections, backshells,
and other gaps from moisture
and other contaminants
• Identify circuits through color
coding, grouping, and labeling
FIT heat-shrink products
Our FIT heat-shrink tubing oers
a reliable way to protect and
seal terminations or add additional
mechanical ruggedness. FIT
preferred heat-shrink products are
made from premium compounds
under the tightest manufacturing
controls. This means FIT tubing
consistently provides excellent
physical characteristics such as
low longitudinal shrinkage and
wide temperature ranges while
providing an elegant appearance
when used alone or on OEM
The FIT line consists of various
tubing types, each designed
with unique attributes that oer
tubing solutions for the broadest
possible range of applications
and environments. FIT products
are always in stock and come
in an unprecedented variety of
package sizes.
Beyond the widely used polyolefin
tubing that is suited to the
broadest range of general-purpose
needs, we oer a number of other
materials for higher or lower shrink
temperatures, wider operating
temperatures, and such special
needs as outstanding chemical
resistance or increased flexibility.