S-8241 Series BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK www.ablicinc.com N Rev.9.2_01 DE SI G (c) ABLIC Inc., 1999-2013 The S-8241 Series is a series of lithium ion/lithium polymer rechargeable battery protection ICs incorporating high-accuracy voltage detection circuits and delay circuits. These ICs are suitable for protection of 1-cell lithium ion/lithium polymer rechargeable battery packs from overcharge, overdischarge and overcurrent. Features Internal high-accuracy voltage detection circuit Overcharge detection voltage: 3.9 V to 4.4 V (5 mV-step) Accuracy of 25 mV (+25C) and 30 mV (5 to +55C) Overcharge release voltage: 3.8 V to 4.4 V*1 Accuracy of 50 mV Overdischarge detection voltage: 2.0 V to 3.0 V (100 mV-step) Accuracy of 80 mV *2 Overdischarge release voltage: 2.0 V to 3.4 V Accuracy of 100 mV Overcurrent 1 detection voltage: 0.05 V to 0.32 V (5 mV-step) Accuracy of 20 mV Overcurrent 2 detection voltage: 0.5 V (fixed) Accuracy of 100 mV (2) A high voltage withstand device is used for charger connection pins (VM and CO pins: Absolute maximum rating = 26 V) (3) Delay times (overcharge: tCU; overdischarge: tDL; overcurrent 1: tlOV1; overcurrent 2: tlOV2) are generated by an internal circuit. (External capacitors are unnecessary.) Accuracy of 30% (4) Internal three-step overcurrent detection circuit (overcurrent 1, overcurrent 2, and load short-circuiting) (5) Either the 0 V battery charging function or 0 V battery charge inhibiting function can be selected. (6) Products with and without a power-down function can be selected. (7) Charger detection function and abnormal charge current detection function The overdischarge hysteresis is released by detecting a negative VM pin voltage (typ. 1.3 V) (Charger detection function). If the output voltage at DO pin is high and the VM pin voltage becomes equal to or lower than the charger detection voltage (typ. 1.3 V), the output voltage at CO pin goes low (Abnormal charge current detection function). (8) Low current consumption Operation: 3.0 A typ. 5.0 A max. Power-down mode: 0.1 A max. (9) Wide operation temperature range: 40C to +85C (10) Lead-free, Sn 100%, halogen-free*3 CO MM EN DE D FO R NE W (1) NO T RE *1. Overcharge release voltage = Overcharge detection voltage - Overcharge hysteresis The overcharge hysteresis can be selected in the range 0.0 V, or 0.1 V to 0.4 V in 50 mV steps. (However, selection "Overcharge release voltage<3.8 V" is enabled.) *2. Overdischarge release voltage = Overdischarge detection voltage + Overdischarge hysteresis The overdischarge hysteresis can be selected in the range 0.0 V to 0.7 V in 100 mV steps. (However, selection "Overdischarge release voltage3.4 V" is enabled.) *3. Refer to " Product Name Structure" for details. Applications Lithium-ion rechargeable battery pack Lithium- polymer rechargeable battery pack Packages SOT-23-5 SNT-6A 1 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 N Block Diagram DE SI G Delay circuit Clock generation circuit VDD Counter circuit DO Load shortcircuiting detection circuit Level conversion circuit 0V battery charging circuit 0V battery charge inhibition circuit Overdischarge detection comparator D DE Remark The diodes in the IC are parasitic diodes. CO MM EN Figure 1 RE Overcurrent 1 detection comparator RVMS FO Charger detection circuit The overdischarge hysterisis is released when a charger is detected. NO T RVMD R 2 RCOL + + VSS CO W Overcharge detection comparator NE + + Overcurrent 2 detection comparator VM BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 Product Name Structure 1. Product Name N S-8241A xx xx - xxx xx x DE SI G Environmental code U: Lead-free (Sn 100%), halogen-free G : Lead-free (for details, please contact our sales office) *1 IC direction in tape specifications T2 : SOT-23-5 TF : SNT-6A 2 W Product name (abbreviation) NE Package name (abbreviation) MC : SOT-23-5 PG : SNT-6A FO R Serial code Sequentially set from BA to ZZ *1. Refer to the tape specifications. DE D *2. Refer to the "3. Product Name List". Drawing code Tape Reel MP005-A-C-SD MP005-A-R-SD PG006-A-C-SD PG006-A-R-SD MM EN 2. Package Package name Package MP005-A-P-SD PG006-A-P-SD Land PG006-A-L-SD NO T RE CO SOT-23-5 SNT-6A 3 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 3. Product Name List N (1) SOT-23-5 Overcharge detection voltage [VCU] Overcharge release voltage [VCL] Overdischarge detection voltage [VDL] Overdischarge release voltage [VDU] Overcurrent 1 detection voltage [VIOV1] S-8241ABAMC-GBAT2x 4.275 V 4.075 V 2.30 V 2.90 V 0.100 V S-8241ABBMC-GBBT2x 4.280 V 3.980 V 2.30 V 2.40 V 0.125 V S-8241ABCMC-GBCT2x 4.350 V 4.100 V 2.30 V 2.80 V 0.075 V S-8241ABDMC-GBDT2x 4.275 V 4.175 V 2.30 V 2.40 V 0.100 V Available (1) Yes S-8241ABEMC-GBET2x 4.295 V 4.095 V 2.30 V 3.00 V 0.200 V Unavailable Yes S-8241ABFMC-GBFT2x 4.325 V 4.075 V 2.50 V 2.90 V 0.100 V Unavailable (1) Yes S-8241ABGMC-GBGT2x 4.200 V 4.100 V 2.30 V 3.00 V 0.100 V Unavailable (1) Yes S-8241ABHMC-GBHT2x 4.325 V 4.125 V 2.30 V 2.30 V NE (1) 0.100 V Available (1) Yes S-8241ABIMC-GBIT2x 4.280 V 4.080 V 2.30 V 2.30 V 0.160 V Unavailable (1) Yes S-8241ABKMC-GBKT2x 4.325 V 4.075 V 2.50 V 2.90 V Unavailable (1) Yes S-8241ABLMC-GBLT2x 4.320 V 4.070 V 2.50 V 2.90 V 0.100 V Unavailable (1) Yes S-8241ABOMC-GBOT2x 4.350 V 4.150 V 2.30 V 3.00 V 0.150 V Available (2) Yes S-8241ABPMC-GBPT2x 4.350 V 4.150 V 2.30 V FO 0.150 V 3.00 V 0.200 V Available (2) Yes S-8241ABQMC-GBQT2x 4.280 V 4.080 V 2.30 V 2.30 V 0.130 V Unavailable (1) Yes S-8241ABRMC-GBRT2x 4.325 V 4.075 V 2.50 V 2.90 V 0.100 V Unavailable (4) Yes S-8241ABTMC-GBTT2x 4.300 V 4.100 V 2.30 V 2.30 V 0.100 V Available (1) Yes S-8241ABUMC-GBUT2x 4.200 V 4.100 V 2.30 V 2.30 V 0.150 V Unavailable (1) Yes S-8241ABVMC-GBVT2x 4.295 V 4.095 V DE DE SI G Table 1 (1 / 2) 2.30 V 2.30 V 0.130 V Available (1) Yes S-8241ABWMC-GBWT2x 4.280 V 4.080 V 2.30 V 2.30 V 0.130 V Unavailable (3) Yes S-8241ABXMC-GBXT2x 4.350 V 4.000 V 2.60 V 3.30 V 0.200 V Unavailable (1) Yes S-8241ABYMC-GBYT2x 4.220 V 4.220 V 2.30 V 2.30 V 0.200 V Available (3) Yes S-8241ACAMC-GCAT2x 4.280 V 4.080 V 2.30 V 2.30 V 0.200 V Available (1) Yes S-8241ACBMC-GCBT2x 4.300 V 4.100 V 2.30 V 2.30 V 0.150 V Available (1) Yes S-8241ACDMC-GCDT2x 4.275 V 4.075 V 2.30 V 2.30 V 0.100 V Unavailable (4) Yes S-8241ACEMC-GCET2x 4.295 V 4.095 V 2.30 V 0.080 V Available (1) Yes 4.295 V 4.095 V 2.30 V 2.30 V 0.090 V Available (1) Yes 4.295 V 4.095 V 2.30 V 2.30 V 0.060 V Available (1) Yes Power down function Unavailable (1) Yes Available (2) Yes Unavailable (1) Yes W R D Delay time combination*1 CO MM EN Product Name 0 V battery charging function 2.30 V 4.280 V 4.080 V 2.60 V 2.60 V 0.200 V Available (1) Yes S-8241ACIMC-GCIT2x 4.350 V 4.150 V 2.05 V 2.75 V 0.200 V Available (2) Yes S-8241ACKMC-GCKT2x 4.350 V 4.150 V 2.00 V 2.00 V 0.200 V Available (2) Yes S-8241ACLMC-GCLT2x S-8241ACFMC-GCFT2x S-8241ACGMC-GCGT2x RE S-8241ACHMC-GCHT2x 4.200 V 2.50 V 3.00 V 0.100 V Available (1) Yes 4.350 V 4.150 V 2.10 V 2.20 V 0.200 V Available (2) Yes S-8241ACOMC-GCOT2x 4.100 V 3.850 V 2.50 V 2.90 V 0.150 V Unavailable (1) No S-8241ACPMC-GCPT2x 4.325 V 4.075 V 2.50 V 2.90 V 0.150 V Unavailable (1) No S-8241ACQMC-GCQT2x 4.275 V 4.175 V 2.30 V 2.40 V 0.100 V Available (1) No S-8241ACRMC-GCRT2x 4.350 V 4.150 V 2.30 V 3.00 V 0.100 V Available (1) No S-8241ACSMC-GCST2x 4.180 V 3.930 V 2.50 V 2.90 V 0.150 V Unavailable (1) No S-8241ACTMC-GCTT2x 4.100 V 4.000 V 2.50 V 2.90 V 0.150 V Unavailable (1) No S-8241ACUMC-GCUT2x 4.180 V 4.080 V 2.50 V 2.90 V 0.150 V Unavailable (1) No S-8241ACXMC-GCXT2x 4.275 V 4.075 V 2.50 V 2.90 V 0.150 V Unavailable (1) No S-8241ACYMC-GCYT2x 4.275 V 4.075 V 2.60 V 2.90 V 0.100 V Unavailable (1) No NO T 4.200 V S-8241ACNMC-GCNT2x 4 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 S-8241ADAMC-GDAT2x 4.350 V 4.150 V 2.30 V 3.00 V 0.100 V S-8241ADDMC-GDDT2x 4.185 V 4.085 V 2.80 V 2.90 V 0.150 V S-8241ADEMC-GDET2x 4.350 V 4.150 V 2.10 V 2.20 V 0.150 V S-8241ADFMC-GDFT2x 4.350 V 4.150 V 2.10 V 2.10 V 0.150 V S-8241ADGMC-GDGT2x S-8241ADHMC-GDHT2x S-8241ADIMC-GDIT2x S-8241ADJMC-GDJT2x S-8241ADKMC-GDKT2x S-8241ADLMC-GDLT2x 4.275 V 4.250 V 4.280 V 4.350 V 4.275 V 4.075 V 4.050 V 4.280 V 4.350 V 4.275 V 2.10 V 2.40 V 2.30 V 2.10 V 2.10 V 2.10 V 2.90 V 2.30 V 2.10 V 2.10 V 0.150 V 0.100 V 0.100 V 0.100 V 0.100 V 4.220 V 4.070 V 2.70 V 3.00 V S-8241ADMMC-GDMT2x 4.230 V 4.080 V 2.70 V 3.00 V S-8241ADNMC-GDNT2x 4.250 V 4.100 V 2.70 V 3.00 V 0.300 V S-8241ADOMC-GDOT2x 4.275 V 4.175 V 2.30 V 2.40 V S-8241ADQMC-GDQT2x 4.250 V 4.100 V 2.00 V 2.70 V 0.150 V S-8241ADSMC-GDST2x 4.250 V 4.150 V 2.00 V 2.70 V 0.150 V S-8241ADTMC-GDTT2x 4.180 V 4.180 V 2.50 V S-8241ADVMC-GDVT2x 3.900 V 3.900 V 2.00 V 2.30 V S-8241ADWMC-GDWT2x S-8241ADXMC-GDXT2x S-8241ADYMC-GDYT2x S-8241ADZMC-GDZT2x S-8241AEAMC-GEAT2x S-8241AEBMC-GEBT2x S-8241AECMC-GECT2x 4.100 V 4.275 V 4.000 V 4.175 V 2.50 V 2.60 V 4.100 V 4.150 V 4.180 V 4.280 V 4.000 V 4.050 V 4.080 V 4.130 V 4.100 V 4.000 V Overdischarge release voltage [VDU] Overcurrent 1 detection voltage [VIOV1] 0 V battery charging function Delay time combination*1 Power down function Available (1) Yes Unavailable (1) Yes (2) Yes (5) Yes Unavailable Available Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable (5) (1) (5) (5) (5) Yes No Yes Yes Yes 0.300 V Available (1) Yes 0.300 V Available (1) Yes Available (1) Yes 0.100 V Unavailable (1) No Available (1) Yes Available (1) Yes 3.00 V 0.100 V Available (1) Yes 0.150 V Available (1) Yes 2.70 V 2.70 V 0.300 V 0.100 V Unavailable Available (1) (1) Yes No 2.00 V 2.00 V 2.00 V 3.00 V 2.20 V 2.70 V 2.70 V 3.20 V 0.300 V 0.150 V 0.150 V 0.150 V Unavailable Available Available Unavailable (1) (1) (1) (1) Yes Yes Yes Yes 2.00 V 2.70 V 0.300 V Unavailable (1) Yes S-8241AEEMC-GEET2x 4.200 V 4.200 V 2.50 V 3.00 V 0.320 V S-8241AEFMC-GEFT2x 4.200 V 4.100 V 2.00 V 2.70 V 0.150 V S-8241AEHMC-GEHT2x 4.350 V 4.150 V 2.10 V 2.20 V 0.250 V S-8241AEIMC-GEIT2x 4.350 V 4.000 V 2.40 V 3.00 V 0.270 V S-8241AEJMC-GEJT2x 4.350 V 4.000 V 2.40 V 3.00 V 0.300 V S-8241AEKMC-GEKT2x 4.350 V 4.000 V 2.40 V 3.00 V 0.280 V S-8241AEMMC-GEMT2x 4.350 V 4.150 V 2.30 V 3.00 V 0.320 V S-8241AENMC-GENT2x 4.300 V 4.100 V 2.50 V 3.00 V 0.060 V S-8241AEOMC-GEOT2x 4.190 V 4.190 V 2.50 V 3.00 V 0.100 V S-8241AEPMC-GEPT2x 4.215 V 4.115 V 2.80 V 3.00 V 0.100 V S-8241AEQMC-GEQT2x 4.190 V 4.190 V 2.80 V 3.00 V 0.100 V S-8241AETMC-GETT2x 4.220 V 4.070 V 2.70 V 3.00 V 0.200 V S-8241AEUMC-GEUT2x 4.350 V 4.150 V 2.30 V 3.00 V 0.200 V S-8241AEWMC-GEWT2x 4.325 V 4.075 V 2.50 V 2.90 V 0.125 V *1. Refer to the Table 3 about the details of the delay time combinations (1) to (7). Available Available Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Available Available Available Available Available Unavailable Unavailable (6) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes R D DE MM EN CO RE NO T W Available Unavailable NE Overdischarge detection voltage [VDL] FO Overcharge release voltage [VCL] DE SI G Product Name Overcharge detection voltage [VCU] N Table 1 (2 /2) Remark 1. Please contact our sales office for the products with detection voltage value other than those specified above. 2. x: G or U 3. Please select products of environmental code = U for Sn 100%, halogen-free products. 5 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 (2) SNT-6A Overdischarge detection voltage [VDL] Overdischarge release voltage [VDU] Overcurrent 1 detection voltage [VIOV1] 4.275 V 4.280 V 4.175 V 4.080 V 2.30 V 2.30 V 2.40 V 2.30 V 0.100 V 0.160 V 4.325 V 4.350 V 4.075 V 4.150 V 2.50 V 2.30 V 2.90 V 3.00 V 0.150 V 0.200 V 4.350 V 4.350 V 4.150 V 4.000 V 2.35 V 2.60 V 2.65 V 3.30 V 4.275 V 0 V battery charging function Delay time combination*1 Power down function Available Unavailable (1) (1) Yes Yes Unavailable Available (1) (2) Yes Yes 0.200 V 0.200 V Available Unavailable (2) (1) Yes Yes 0.140 V 0.090 V Available (1) Yes Available (1) Yes 0.200 V Unavailable (2) Yes 0.150 V Unavailable (5) Yes Available Available Available Unavailable Available Available Available Available Unavailable No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DE SI G S-8241ABDPG-KBDTFx S-8241ABIPG-KBITFx S-8241ABKPG-KBKTFx S-8241ABPPG-KBPTFx S-8241ABSPG-KBSTFx S-8241ABXPG-KBXTFx S-8241ABZPG-KBZTFx Overcharge release voltage [VCL] W Product Name Overcharge detection voltage [VCU] N Table 2 4.295 V 4.075 V 4.095 V 2.30 V 2.30 V 2.40 V 2.30 V S-8241ACZPG-KCZTFx 4.350 V 4.150 V 2.70 V 2.70 V S-8241ADFPG-KDFTFx 4.350 V 4.150 V 2.10 V 2.10 V S-8241ADHPG-KDHTFx S-8241ADNPG-KDNTFx S-8241ADRPG-KDRTFx S-8241AEDPG-KEDTFx S-8241AEGPG-KEGTFx S-8241AENPG-KENTFx S-8241AERPG-KERTFx S-8241AESPG-KESTFx S-8241AEVPG-KEVTFx S-8241AEXPG-KEXTFU 4.250 V 4.250 V 4.280 V 4.180 V 4.000 V 4.300 V 4.300 V 4.350 V 4.350 V 4.350 V 4.050 V 4.100 V 4.080 V 3.980 V 3.900 V 4.100 V 4.100 V 4.150 V 4.100 V 4.100 V 2.40 V 2.70 V 3.00 V 2.50 V 2.35 V 2.50 V 2.40 V 2.70 V 2.30 V 2.10 V 2.90 V 3.00 V 3.20 V 2.80 V 2.65 V 3.00 V 3.00 V 2.70 V 2.80 V 2.20 V 0.100 V 0.300 V 0.100 V 0.100 V 0.220 V 0.060 V 0.060 V 0.200 V 0.100 V 0.180 V Unavailable (1) (1) (1) (1) (7) (2) (2) (2) (5) (1) S-8241AEYPG-KEYTFU 4.350 V 4.100 V 2.10 V 2.20 V 0.190 V Unavailable (1) Yes S-8241AFAPG-KFATFU 4.350 V 4.100 V 2.10 V 2.20 V 0.200 V Unavailable (1) Yes S-8241AFBPG-KFBTFU 4.350 V 4.100 V 2.10 V 2.20 V 0.220 V Unavailable (1) Yes R FO D DE MM EN NE S-8241ACFPG-KCFTFx *1. Refer to the Table 3 about the details of the delay time combinations (1) to (7). NO T RE CO Remark 1. Please contact our sales office for the products with detection voltage value other than those specified above. 2. x: G or U 3. Please select products of environmental code = U for Sn 100%, halogen-free products. 6 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 Table 3 Overdischarge detection delay time [tDL] (1) (2) 1.0 s 0.125 s 125 ms 31 ms (3) 0.25 s 125 ms (4) 2.0 s 125 ms (5) 0.25 s 31 ms (6) 1.0 s 125 ms (7) 0.5 s 125 ms Overcurrent 1 detection delay time [tlOV1] N Overcharge detection delay time [tCU] DE SI G Delay time combination 8 ms 16 ms 8 ms 8 ms 16 ms 16 ms W 8 ms Table 4 Delay time Symbol NE Remark The delay times can be changed within the range listed Table 4. For details, please contact our sales office. Selection range Remarks Select a value from the left. Select a value from the left. Select a value from the left. NO T RE CO MM EN DE D FO R Overcharge detection delay time tCU 0.25 s 0.5 s 1.0 s 2.0 s Overdischarge detection delay time tDL 31 ms 62.5 ms 125 ms Overcurrent 1 detection delay time tlOV1 4 ms 8 ms 16 ms Remark The value surrounded by bold lines is the delay time of the standard products. 7 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 Pin Configurations SOT-23-5 Top view 1 2 Description Symbol 1 VM 2 VDD Voltage detection pin between VM and VSS (Overcurrent detection pin) Positive power input pin 3 VSS Negative power input pin 4 DO 5 CO FET gate connection pin for discharge control (CMOS output) FET gate connection pin for charge control (CMOS output) 3 NE Figure 2 Pin No. 2 5 3 4 1 NC NO T RE CO MM EN Figure 3 Description No connection FET gate connection pin for charge control 2 CO (CMOS output) FET gate connection pin for discharge control 3 DO (CMOS output) 4 VSS Negative power input pin 5 VDD Positive power input pin Voltage detection pin between VM and VSS 6 VM (Overcurrent detection pin) *1. The NC pin is electrically open. The NC pin can be connected to VDD or VSS. D 6 *1 DE 1 Symbol FO Top view R Table 6 SNT-6A 8 N Pin No. DE SI G 4 W 5 Table 5 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 7 SOT-23-5 Power dissipation SNT-6A Operation ambient temperature V V V V mW mW mW C 40 to +125 C PD Topr NE The absolute maximum ratings are rated values exceeding which the product could suffer physical damage. These values must therefore not be exceeded under any conditions. R Caution VSS 0.3 to VSS +12 VDD 26 to VDD +0.3 VVM 0.3 to VDD +0.3 VSS 0.3 to VDD +0.3 250 (When not mounted on board) 600*1 400*1 40 to +85 VDD VM CO DO Storage temperature Tstg *1. When mounted on board [Mounted board] (1) Board size: 114.3 mm 76.2 mm t1.6 mm (2) Board name: JEDEC STANDARD51-7 N Applicable pin DE SI G Symbol VDS VVM VCO VDO W Item Input voltage between VDD and VSS VM input pin voltage CO output pin voltage DO output pin voltage (Ta = 25C unless otherwise specified) Rating Unit FO 600 SOT-23-5 D 500 300 200 SNT-6A DE 400 MM EN Power Disspation (PD ) [mW] 700 100 0 0 100 150 50 Ambient Temperature (Ta) [C] NO T RE CO Figure 4 Power Dissipation of Package (When Mounted on Board) 9 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 Electrical Characteristics 1. Other than detection delay time (25C) Symbol Condition Min. Typ. (Ta = 25C unless otherwise specified) Test Test Max. Unit Condition Circuit DE SI G Item N Table 8 NO T RE CO MM EN DE D FO R NE W DETECTION VOLTAGE VCU-0.025 VCU VCU+0.025 Overcharge detection voltage VCU V 1 1 VCU = 3.9 V to 4.4 V, 5 mV Step VCU-0.030 VCU VCU+0.030 Ta = -5C to +55C*1 VCL-0.050 VCL VCL+0.050 Overcharge release voltage When VCL VCU VCL V 1 1 VCUVCL = 0.0 V to 0.4 V, 50 mV Step When VCL = VCU VCL-0.025 VCL VCL+0.025 Overdischarge detection voltage V VDL-0.080 VDL VDL+0.080 V 1 1 VDL = 2.0 V to 3.0 V, 100 mV Step DL VDU-0.100 VDU VDU+0.100 Overdischarge release voltage When VDU VDL V V 1 1 VDUVDL = 0.0 V to 0.7 V, 100 mV Step DU When VDU = VDL VDU-0.080 VDU VDU+0.080 Overcurrent 1 detection voltage V VIOV1-0.020 VIOV1 VIOV1+0.020 V 2 1 VIOV1 = 0.05 V to 0.32 V, 5 mV Step IOV1 Overcurrent 2 detection voltage VIOV2 0.4 0.5 0.6 V 2 1 Load short-circuiting detection VSHORT VM voltage based on VDD -1.7 -1.3 -0.9 V 2 1 voltage Charger detection voltage VCHA -2.0 -1.3 -0.6 V 3 1 Overcharge detection voltage TCOE1 Ta = -5C to +55C -0.5 0 0.5 mV/C temperature factor *1 Overcurrent 1 detection voltage TCOE2 Ta = -5C to +55C -0.1 0 0.1 mV/C *1 temperature factor INPUT VOLTAGE, OPERATING VOLTAGE Input voltage between VDD and VDS1 absolute maximum rating -0.3 12 V VSS Input voltage between VDD and VM VDS2 absolute maximum rating -0.3 26 V Operating voltage between VDD VDSOP1 Internal circuit operating voltage 1.5 8 V and VSS Operating voltage between VDD 24 VDSOP2 Internal circuit operating voltage 1.5 V and VM CURRENT CONSUMPTION Power-down function available Current consumption during normal IOPE VDD = 3.5 V, VVM = 0 V 1.0 3.0 5.0 4 1 A operation Current consumption at power IPDN VDD = VVM = 1.5 V 0.1 4 1 A down CURRENT CONSUMPTION Power-down function unavailable Current consumption during normal IOPE VDD = 3.5 V, VVM = 0 V 1.0 3.0 5.0 4 1 A operation Overdischarge current IOPED VDD = VVM = 1.5 V 1.0 2.0 3.5 4 1 A consumption OUTPUT RESISTANCE CO pin H resistance RCOH VCO = 3.0 V, VDD = 3.5 V, VVM = 0 V 0.1 2 10 6 1 k CO pin L resistance RCOL VCO = 0.5 V, VDD = 4.5 V, VVM = 0 V 150 600 2400 6 1 k DO pin H resistance RDOH VDO = 3.0 V, VDD = 3.5 V, VVM = 0 V 0.1 1.3 6.0 7 1 k DO pin L resistance RDOL VDO = 0.5 V, VDD = VVM = 1.8 V 0.1 0.5 2.0 7 1 k VM INTERNAL RESISTANCE Internal resistance between VM RVMD VDD = 1.8 V, VVM = 0 V 100 300 900 5 1 k and VDD Internal resistance between VM RVMS VDD = VVM = 3.5 V 50 100 150 5 1 k and VSS 0 V BATTERY CHARGING FUNCTION The 0 V battery function is either "0 V battery charging function" or "0 V battery charge inhibiting function" depending upon the product type. 0 V battery charge starting charger V0CHA 0 V battery charging Available 0.0 0.8 1.5 V 10 1 voltage 0 V battery charge inhibiting V0INH 0 V battery charging Unavailable 0.6 0.9 1.2 V 11 1 battery voltage *1. Since products are not screened at high and low temperatures, the specification for this temperature range is guaranteed by design, not tested in production. 10 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 2. Other than detection delay time (-40C to +85C*1) Table 9 N Symbol Condition DE SI G Item (Ta = -40C to +85C*1 unless otherwise specified) Test Test Min. Typ. Max. Unit Condition Circuit NO T RE CO MM EN DE D FO R NE W DETECTION VOLTAGE Overcharge detection voltage VCU VCU-0.055 VCU VCU+0.040 V 1 1 VCU = 3.9 V to 4.4 V, 5 mV Step VCL-0.095 VCL VCL+0.060 Overcharge release voltage When VCL VCU VCL V 1 1 VCU VCL = 0.0 V to 0.4 V, 50 mV Step When VCL = VCU VCL-0.055 VCL VCL+0.040 Overdischarge detection voltage VDL VDL-0.120 VDL VDL+0.120 V 1 1 VDL = 2.0 V to 3.0 V, 100 mV Step VDU-0.140 VDU VDU+0.140 Overdischarge release voltage When VDU VDL VDU V 1 1 VDUVDL = 0.0 V to 0.7 V, 100 mV Step When VDU = VDL VDU-0.120 VDU VDU+0.120 Overcurrent 1 detection voltage V VIOV1-0.026 VIOV1 VIOV1+0.026 V 2 1 VIOV1 = 0.05 V to 0.32 V, 5 mV Step IOV1 Overcurrent 2 detection voltage VIOV2 0.37 0.5 0.63 V 2 1 Load short-circuiting detection VSHORT VM voltage based on VDD -1.9 -1.3 -0.7 V 2 1 voltage Charger detection voltage VCHA -2.2 -1.3 -0.4 V 3 1 Overcharge detection voltage TCOE1 Ta = -40C to +85C -0.7 0 0.7 mV/C *1 temperature factor Overcurrent 1 detection voltage TCOE2 Ta = -40C to +85C -0.2 0 0.2 mV/C temperature factor *1 INPUT VOLTAGE, OPERATING VOLTAGE Input voltage between VDD and VDS1 absolute maximum rating -0.3 12 V VSS 26 Input voltage between VDD and VM VDS2 absolute maximum rating -0.3 V Operating voltage between VDD VDSOP1 Internal circuit operating voltage 1.5 8 V and VSS Operating voltage between VDD VDSOP2 Internal circuit operating voltage 1.5 24 V and VM CURRENT CONSUMPTION Power-down function available Current consumption during normal 4 1 IOPE VDD = 3.5 V, VVM = 0 V 0.7 3.0 6.0 A operation 0.1 4 1 Current consumption at power down IPDN VDD = VVM = 1.5 V A CURRENT CONSUMPTION Power-down function unavailable Current consumption during normal IOPE VDD = 3.5 V, VVM = 0 V 0.7 3.0 6.0 4 1 A operation 4 1 Overdischarge current consumption IOPED VDD = VVM = 1.5 V 0.6 2.0 4.5 A OUTPUT RESISTANCE CO pin H resistance RCOH VCO = 3.0 V, VDD = 3.5 V, VVM = 0 V 0.07 2 13 6 1 k CO pin L resistance RCOL VCO = 0.5 V, VDD = 4.5 V, VVM = 0 V 100 600 3500 6 1 k 7 1 DO pin H resistance RDOH VDO = 3.0 V, VDD = 3.5 V, VVM = 0 V 0.07 1.3 7.3 k DO pin L resistance RDOL VDO = 0.5 V, VDD = VVM = 1.8 V 0.07 0.5 2.5 7 1 k VM INTERNAL RESISTANCE Internal resistance between VM and 5 1 RVMD VDD = 1.8 V, VVM = 0 V 78 300 1310 k VDD Internal resistance between VM and RVMS VDD = VVM = 3.5 V 39 100 220 5 1 k VSS 0 V BATTERY CHARGING FUNCTION The 0 V battery function is either "0 V battery charging function" or "0 V battery charge inhibiting function" depending upon the product type. 0 V battery charge starting charger V0CHA 0 V battery charging Available 0.0 0.8 1.7 V 10 1 voltage 0 V battery charge inhibiting V0INH 0 V battery charging Unavailable 0.4 0.9 1.4 V 11 1 battery voltage *1. Since products are not screened at high and low temperatures, the specification for this temperature range is guaranteed by design, not tested in production. 11 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 3. Detection delay time DE SI G N (1) S-8241ABA, S-8241ABC, S-8241ABD, S-8241ABE, S-8241ABF, S-8241ABG, S-8241ABH, S-8241ABI, S-8241ABK, S-8241ABL, S-8241ABQ, S-8241ABT, S-8241ABU, S-8241ABV, S-8241ABX, S-8241ABZ, S-8241ACA, S-8241ACB, S-8241ACE, S-8241ACF, S-8241ACG, S-8241ACH, S-8241ACL, S-8241ACO, S-8241ACP, S-8241ACQ, S-8241ACR, S-8241ACS, S-8241ACT, S-8241ACU, S-8241ACX, S-8241ACY, S-8241ADA, S-8241ADD, S-8241ADH, S-8241ADL, S-8241ADM, S-8241ADN, S-8241ADO, S-8241ADQ, S-8241ADR, S-8241ADS, S-8241ADT, S-8241ADV, S-8241ADW, S-8241ADX, S-8241ADY, S-8241ADZ, S-8241AEA, S-8241AEB, S-8241AEC, S-8241AED, S-8241AEF, S-8241AEI, S-8241AEJ, S-8241AEK, S-8241AEM, S-8241AEO, S-8241AEP, S-8241AEQ, S-8241AET, S-8241AEW, S-8241AEX, S-8241AEY, S-8241AFA, S-8241AFB DELAY TIME (Ta = 25C) Overcharge detection delay time Condition tCU Overdischarge detection delay time tDL Overcurrent 1 detection delay time tlOV1 Overcurrent 2 detection delay time tlOV2 Load short-circuiting detection delay time tSHORT Overdischarge detection delay time tDL Overcurrent 1 detection delay time tIOV1 Overcurrent 2 detection delay time tIOV2 Load short-circuiting detection delay time tSHORT Max. Unit Test Test Condition Circuit 0.7 1.0 1.3 s 8 1 125 162.5 ms 8 1 5.6 8 10.4 ms 9 1 1.4 2 2.6 ms 9 1 10 50 s 9 1 0.55 1.0 1.7 s 8 1 69 125 212 ms 8 1 4.4 8 14 ms 9 1 1.1 2 3.4 ms 9 1 73 s 9 1 FO DE tCU Typ. 87.5 D DELAY TIME (Ta = 40C to 85C) *1 Overcharge detection delay time Min. NE Symbol R Item W Table 10 10 MM EN *1. Since products are not screened at high and low temperature, the specification for this temperature range is guaranteed by design, not tested in production. Table 11 Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Item CO (2) S-8241ABB, S-8241ABO, S-8241ABP, S-8241ABS, S-8241ACI, S-8241ACK, S-8241ACN, S-8241ACZ, S-8241ADE, S-8241AEH, S-8241AEN, S-8241AER, S-8241AES, S-8241AEU RE DELAY TIME (Ta = 25C) Overcharge detection delay time Test Test Condition Circuit 87.5 125 162.5 ms 8 1 tDL 21 31 41 ms 8 1 Overcurrent 1 detection delay time tlOV1 11 16 21 ms 9 1 tlOV2 1.4 2 2.6 ms 9 1 tSHORT 10 50 s 9 1 Overcharge detection delay time tCU 69 125 212 ms 8 1 Overdischarge detection delay time tDL 17 31 53 ms 8 1 Overcurrent 1 detection delay time tIOV1 9 16 27 ms 9 1 Overcurrent 2 detection delay time tIOV2 1.1 2 3.4 ms 9 1 Load short-circuiting detection delay time tSHORT 10 73 s 9 1 NO T tCU Overdischarge detection delay time Overcurrent 2 detection delay time Load short-circuiting detection delay time DELAY TIME (Ta = 40C to 85C) *1 *1. Since products are not screened at high and low temperature, the specification for this temperature range is guaranteed by design, not tested in production. 12 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 (3) S-8241ABW, S-8241ABY Min. Typ. tCU 0.175 0.25 0.325 s 8 1 Overdischarge detection delay time tDL 87.5 125 162.5 ms 8 1 Overcurrent 1 detection delay time tlOV1 5.6 8 10.4 ms 9 1 Overcurrent 2 detection delay time tlOV2 1.4 2 2.6 ms 9 1 tSHORT 10 50 s 9 1 tCU 0.138 0.25 0.425 s 8 1 Overdischarge detection delay time tDL 69 125 212 ms 8 1 Overcurrent 1 detection delay time tIOV1 8 14 ms 9 1 Overcurrent 2 detection delay time tIOV2 1.1 2 3.4 ms 9 1 Load short-circuiting detection delay time tSHORT 10 73 s 9 1 DELAY TIME (Ta = 25C) Overcharge detection delay time Load short-circuiting detection delay time 4.4 Unit R Overcharge detection delay time NE DELAY TIME (Ta = 40C to 85C) *1 Max. Test Test Condition Circuit Condition DE SI G Symbol W Item N Table 12 FO *1. Since products are not screened at high and low temperature, the specification for this temperature range is guaranteed by design, not tested in production. D (4) S-8241ABR, S-8241ACD Symbol Test Test Condition Circuit Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit tCU 1.4 2.0 2.6 s 8 1 Overdischarge detection delay time tDL 87.5 125 162.5 ms 8 1 Overcurrent 1 detection delay time tlOV1 5.6 9 1 tlOV2 tSHORT tCU Overdischarge detection delay time tDL Overcurrent 1 detection delay time tIOV1 Overcurrent 2 detection delay time Load short-circuiting detection delay time DELAY TIME (Ta = 25C) Overcharge detection delay time Overcurrent 2 detection delay time MM EN Item DE Table 13 Load short-circuiting detection delay time DELAY TIME (Ta = 40C to 85C) 10.4 ms 1.4 2 2.6 ms 9 1 10 50 s 9 1 1.1 2.0 3.4 s 8 1 69 125 212 ms 8 1 4.4 8 14 ms 9 1 tIOV2 1.1 2 3.4 ms 9 1 tSHORT 10 73 s 9 1 *1 RE CO Overcharge detection delay time 8 NO T *1. Since products are not screened at high and low temperature, the specification for this temperature range is guaranteed by design, not tested in production. 13 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 Table 14 Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Test Condition Circuit DE SI G Item N (5) S-8241ADF, S-8241ADG, S-8241ADI, S-8241ADJ, S-8241ADK, S-8241AEV FO R NE W DELAY TIME (Ta = 25C) Overcharge detection delay time tCU 0.175 0.25 0.325 ms 8 1 Overdischarge detection delay time tDL 21 31 41 ms 8 1 Overcurrent 1 detection delay time tlOV1 11 16 21 ms 9 1 Overcurrent 2 detection delay time tlOV2 1.4 2 2.6 ms 9 1 Load short-circuiting detection delay time tSHORT 10 50 s 9 1 DELAY TIME (Ta = 40C to 85C) *1 Overcharge detection delay time tCU 0.138 0.25 0.425 s 8 1 Overdischarge detection delay time tDL 17 31 53 ms 8 1 Overcurrent 1 detection delay time tIOV1 9 16 27 ms 9 1 Overcurrent 2 detection delay time tIOV2 1.1 2 3.4 ms 9 1 Load short-circuiting detection delay time tSHORT 10 73 s 9 1 *1. Since products are not screened at high and low temperature, the specification for this temperature range is guaranteed by design, not tested in production. (6) S-8241AEE Symbol DELAY TIME (Ta = 25C) Overcharge detection delay time Typ. Max. Unit Test Test Condition Circuit 0.7 1.0 1.3 s 8 1 87.5 125 162.5 ms 8 1 11 16 21 ms 9 1 1.4 2 2.6 ms 9 1 tSHORT 10 50 s 9 1 Overcurrent 1 detection delay time tlOV1 tlOV2 MM EN tDL Load short-circuiting detection delay time Min. tCU Overdischarge detection delay time Overcurrent 2 detection delay time Condition DE Item D Table 15 DELAY TIME (Ta = 40C to 85C) *1 Overcharge detection delay time Overdischarge detection delay time 0.55 1.0 1.7 s 8 1 69 125 212 ms 8 1 tIOV1 9 16 27 ms 9 1 tIOV2 1.1 2 3.4 ms 9 1 tSHORT 73 s 9 1 CO Overcurrent 1 detection delay time tCU tDL Overcurrent 2 detection delay time Load short-circuiting detection delay time 10 NO T RE *1. Since products are not screened at high and low temperature, the specification for this temperature range is guaranteed by design, not tested in production. 14 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 (7) S-8241AEG Table 16 DELAY TIME (Ta = 25C) Overcharge detection delay time Condition Min. Typ. Max. Test Test Condition Circuit N Symbol Unit DE SI G Item tCU 0.35 0.5 0.65 s 8 1 Overdischarge detection delay time tDL 87.5 125 162.5 ms 8 1 Overcurrent 1 detection delay time tlOV1 5.6 8 10.4 ms 9 1 Overcurrent 2 detection delay time tlOV2 1.4 2 2.6 ms 9 1 Load short-circuiting detection delay time tSHORT 10 50 s 9 1 Overcharge detection delay time tCU 0.275 0.5 0.85 s 8 1 Overdischarge detection delay time tDL 69 125 ms 8 1 Overcurrent 1 detection delay time tIOV1 4.4 1 Overcurrent 2 detection delay time tIOV2 tSHORT 212 8 14 ms 9 2 3.4 ms 9 1 73 s 9 1 NE Load short-circuiting detection delay time W DELAY TIME (Ta = 40C to 85C) *1 1.1 10 NO T RE CO MM EN DE D FO R *1. Since products are not screened at high and low temperature, the specification for this temperature range is guaranteed by design, not tested in production. 15 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 Test Circuits Unless otherwise specified, the output voltage levels "H" and "L" at CO pin (VCO) and DO pin (VDO) are judged by the threshold voltage (1.0 V) of the N-channel FET. Judge the CO pin level with respect to VVM and the DO pin level with respect to VSS. DE SI G N Caution (1) Test Condition 1, Test Circuit 1 (Overcharge detection voltage, Overcharge release voltage, Overdischarge detection voltage, Overdischarge release voltage) W The overcharge detection voltage (VCU) is defined by the voltage between VDD and VSS at which VCO goes "L" from "H" when the voltage V1 is gradually increased from the normal condition V1 = 3.5 V and V2 = 0 V. The overcharge release voltage (VCL) is defined by the voltage between VDD and VSS at which VCO goes "H" from "L" when the voltage V1 is then gradually decreased. NE Gradually decreasing the voltage V1, the overdischarge detection voltage (VDL) is defined by the voltage between VDD and VSS at which VDO goes "L" from "H". The overdischarge release voltage (VDU) is defined by the voltage between VDD and VSS at which VDO goes "H" from "L" when the voltage V1 is then gradually increased. R (2) Test Condition 2, Test Circuit 1 (Overcurrent 1 detection voltage, Overcurrent 2 detection voltage, Load short-circuiting detection voltage) DE D FO The overcurrent 1 detection voltage (VIOV1) is defined by the voltage between VDD and VSS at which VDO goes "L" from "H" when the voltage V2 is gradually increased from the normal condition V1 = 3.5 V and V2 = 0 V. The overcurrent 2 detection voltage (VIOV2) is defined by the voltage between VDD and VSS at which VDO goes "L" from "H" when the voltage V2 is increased at the speed between 1 ms and 4 ms from the normal condition V1 = 3.5 V and V2 = 0 V. The load short-circuiting detection voltage (VSHORT) is defined by the voltage between VDD and VSS at which VDO goes "L" from "H" when the voltage V2 is increased at the speed between 1 s and 50 s from the normal condition V1 = 3.5 V and V2 = 0 V. MM EN (3) Test Condition 3, Test Circuit 1 (Charger detection voltage, ( = abnormal charge current detection voltage) ) CO Applied only for products with overdischarge hysteresis Set V1 = 1.8 V and V2 = 0 V under overdischarge condition. Increase V1 gradually, set V1 = (VDU+VDL) / 2 (within overdischarge hysteresis, overdischarge condition), then decrease V2 from 0 V gradually. The voltage between VM and VSS at which VDO goes "H" from "L" is the charger detection voltage (VCHA). Applied only for products without overdischarge hysteresis Set V1 = 3.5 V and V2 = 0 V under normal condition. Decrease V2 from 0 V gradually. The voltage between VM and VSS at which VCO goes "L" from "H" is the abnormal charge current detection voltage. The abnormal charge current detection voltage has the same value as the charger detection voltage (VCHA). RE (4) Test Condition 4, Test Circuit 1 (Normal operation current consumption, Power-down current consumption, Overdischarge current consumption) NO T Set V1 = 3.5 V and V2 = 0 V under normal condition. The current IDD flowing through VDD pin is the normal operation consumption current (IOPE). For products with power-down function Set V1 = V2 = 1.5 V under overdischarge condition. The current IDD flowing through VDD pin is the power-down current consumption (IPDN). For products without power-down function Set V1 = V2 = 1.5 V under overdischarge condition. The current IDD flowing through VDD pin is the overdischarge current consumption (IOPED). 16 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 (5) Test Condition 5, Test Circuit 1 (Internal resistance between VM and VDD, Internal resistance between VM and VSS) DE SI G N Set V1 = 1.8 V and V2 = 0 V under overdischarge condition. Measure current IVM flowing through VM pin. 1.8V / |IVM| gives the internal resistance (RVMD) between VM and VDD. Set V1 = V2 = 3.5 V under overcurrent condition. Measure current IVM flowing through VM pin. 3.5 V / |IVM| gives the internal resistance (RVMS) between VM and VSS. (6) Test Condition 6, Test Circuit 1 (CO pin H resistance, CO pin L resistance) W Set V1 = 3.5 V, V2 = 0 V and V3 = 3.0 V under normal condition. Measure current ICO flowing through CO pin. 0.5 V / |ICO| is the CO pin H resistance (RCOH). Set V1 = 4.5 V, V2 = 0 V and V3 = 0.5 V under overcharge condition. Measure current ICO flowing through CO pin. 0.5 V / |ICO| is the CO pin L resistance (RCOL). NE (7) Test Condition 7, Test Circuit 1 (DO pin H resistance, DO pin L resistance) FO R Set V1 = 3.5 V, V2 = 0 V and V4 = 3.0 V under normal condition. Measure current IDO flowing through DO pin. 0.5 V / |IDO| gives the DO pin H resistance (RDOH). Set V1 = 1.8 V, V2 = 0 V and V4 = 0.5 V under overdischarge condition. Measure current IDO flowing through DO pin. 0.5 V / |IDO| gives the DO pin L resistance (RDOL). (8) Test Condition 8, Test Circuit 1 (Overcharge detection delay time, Overdischarge detection delay time) MM EN DE D Set V1 = 3.5 V and V2 = 0 V under normal condition. Increase V1 gradually to overcharge detection voltage VCU - 0.2 V and increase V1 to the overcharge detection voltage VCU + 0.2 V momentarily (within 10 s). The time after V1 becomes the overcharge detection voltage until VCO goes "L" is the overcharge detection delay time (tCU). Set V1 = 3.5 V and V2 = 0 V under normal condition. Decrease V1 gradually to overdischarge detection voltage VDL + 0.2 V and decrease V1 to the overdischarge detection voltage VDL - 0.2 V momentarily (within 10 s). The time after V1 becomes the overdischarge detection voltage VDL until VDO goes "L" is the overdischarge detection delay time (tDL). (9) Test Condition 9, Test Circuit 1 (Overcurrent 1 detection delay time, Overcurrent 2 detection delay time, Load short-circuiting detection delay time, Abnormal charge current detection delay time) Caution RE CO Set V1 = 3.5 V and V2 = 0 V under normal condition. Increase V2 from 0 V to 0.35 V momentarily (within 10 s). The time after V2 becomes overcurrent 1 detection voltage (VIOV1) until VDO goes "L" is overcurrent 1 detection delay time (tIOV1). Set V1 = 3.5 V and V2 = 0 V under normal condition. Increase V2 from 0 V to 0.7 V momentarily (within 1 s). The time after V2 becomes overcurrent 1 detection voltage (VIOV1) until VDO goes "L" is overcurrent 2 detection delay time (tIOV2). The overcurrent 2 detection delay time starts when the overcurrent 1 is detected, since the delay circuit is common. NO T Set V1 = 3.5 V and V2 = 0 V under normal condition. Increase V2 from 0 V to 3.0 V momentarily (within 1 s). The time after V2 becomes the load short-circuiting detection voltage (VSHORT) until VDO goes "L" is the load short-circuiting detection delay time (tSHORT). Set V1 = 3.5 V and V2 = 0 V under normal condition. Decrease V2 from 0 V to -2.5 V momentarily (within 10 s). The time after V2 becomes the charger detection voltage (VCHA) until VCO goes "L" is the abnormal charge current detection delay time. The abnormal charge current detection delay time has the same value as the overcharge detection delay time. 17 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 (10) Test Condition 10, Test Circuit 1 (Product with 0 V battery charging function) (0 V battery charge start charger voltage) DE SI G N Set V1 = V2 = 0 V and decrease V2 gradually. The voltage between VDD and VM at which VCO goes "H" (VVM + 0.1 V or higher) is the 0 V battery charge starting charger voltage (V0CHA). (11) Test Condition 11, Test Circuit 1 (Product with 0 V battery charge inhibiting function) (0 V battery charge inhibiting battery voltage) Set V1 = 0 V and V2 = -4 V. Increase V1 gradually. The voltage between VDD and VSS at which VCO goes "H" (VVM + 0.1 V or higher) is the 0 V battery charge inhibiting battery voltage (V0INH). IDD NE S-8241 Series V1 W VDD A VM CO DO V4 V VDO VCO Test circuit 1 DE COM A D IDO FO R VSS NO T RE CO MM EN Figure 5 18 V A ICO V3 A IVM V2 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 Operation Remark Refer to the " Battery Protection IC Connection Example". N 1. Normal Status DE SI G The S-8241 monitors the voltage of the battery connected to VDD and VSS pins and the voltage difference between VM and VSS pins to control charging and discharging. When the battery voltage is in the range from the overdischarge detection voltage (VDL) to the overcharge detection voltage (VCU), and the VM pin voltage is in the range from the charger detection voltage (VCHA) to the overcurrent 1 detection voltage (VIOV1) (the current flowing through the battery is equal to or lower than a specified value), the IC turns both the charging and discharging control FETs on. This status is called normal status and in this status charging and discharging can be carried out freely. W 2. Overcurrent Status FO R NE When the discharging current becomes equal to or higher than a specified value (the VM pin voltage is equal to or higher than the overcurrent detection voltage) during discharging under normal status and the state continues for the overcurrent detection delay time or longer, the S-8241 turns the discharging control FET off to stop discharging. This status is called overcurrent status. (The overcurrent includes overcurrent 1, overcurrent 2, or load short-circuiting.) The VM and VSS pins are shorted internally by the RVMS resistor under the overcurrent status. When a load is connected, the VM pin voltage equals the VDD voltage due to the load. The overcurrent status returns to the normal status when the load is released and the impedance between the EB+ and EB- pins (see the Figure 12 for a connection example) becomes higher than the automatic recoverable impedance (see the equation [1] below). When the load is removed, the VM pin goes back to the VSS potential since the VM pin is shorted the VSS pin with the RVMS resistor. Detecting that the VM pin potential is lower than the overcurrent 1 detection voltage (VIOV1), the IC returns to the normal status. DE D Automatic recoverable impedance = {Battery voltage / (Minimum value of overcurrent 1 detection voltage) 1} x (RVMS maximum value) --- [1] MM EN Example: Battery voltage = 3.5 V and overcurrent 1 detection voltage (VIOV1) = 0.1 V Automatic recoverable impedance = (3.5 V / 0.07 V 1) x 200 k = 9.8 M NO T RE CO Remark The automatic recoverable impedance varies with the battery voltage and overcurrent 1 detection voltage settings. Determine the minimum value of the open load using the above equation [1] to have automatic recovery from the overcurrent status work after checking the overcurrent 1 detection voltage setting for the IC. 19 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 3. Overcharge Status DE SI G N When the battery voltage becomes higher than the overcharge detection voltage (VCU) during charging under normal status and the state continues for the overcharge detection delay time (tCU) or longer, the S-8241 turns the charging control FET off to stop charging. This status is called the overcharge status. The overcharge status is released in the following two cases ((1) and (2)) depending on the products with and without overcharge hysteresis: FO R NE W Products with overcharge hysteresis (overcharge detection voltage (VCU) > overcharge release voltage (VCL)) (1) When the battery voltage drops below the overcharge release voltage (VCL), the S-8241 turns the charging control FET on and returns to the normal status. (2) When a load is connected and discharging starts, the S-8241 turns the charging control FET on and returns to the normal status. The release mechanism is as follows: the discharging current flows through an internal parasitic diode of the charging FET immediately after a load is connected and discharging starts, and the VM pin voltage increases about 0.7 V (Vf voltage of the diode) from the VSS pin voltage momentarily. The IC detects this voltage (being higher than the overcurrent 1 detection voltage) and releases the overcharge status. Consequently, in the case that the battery voltage is equal to or lower than the overcharge detection voltage (VCU), the IC returns to the normal status immediately, but in the case the battery voltage is higher than the overcharge detection voltage (VCU), the IC does not return to the normal status until the battery voltage drops below the overcharge detection voltage (VCU) even if the load is connected. In addition if the VM pin voltage is equal to or lower than the overcurrent 1 detection voltage when a load is connected and discharging starts, the IC does not return to the normal status. DE D Remark If the battery is charged to a voltage higher than the overcharge detection voltage (VCU) and the battery voltage does not drop below the overcharge detection voltage (VCU) even when a heavy load, which causes an overcurrent, is connected, the overcurrent 1 and overcurrent 2 do not work until the battery voltage drops below the overcharge detection voltage (VCU). Since an actual battery has, however, an internal impedance of several dozens of m, and the battery voltage drops immediately after a heavy load which causes an overcurrent is connected, the overcurrent 1 and overcurrent 2 work. Detection of load short-circuiting works regardless of the battery voltage. RE CO MM EN Products without overcharge hysteresis (Overcharge detection voltage (VCU) = Overcharge release voltage (VCL)) (1) When the battery voltage drops below the overcharge release voltage (VCL), the S-8241 turn the charging control FET on and returns to the normal status. (2) When a load is connected and discharging starts, the S-8241 turns the charging control FET on and returns to the normal status. The release mechanism is explained as follows : the discharging current flows through an internal parasitic diode of the charging FET immediately after a load is connected and discharging starts, and the VM pin voltage increases about 0.7 V (Vf voltage of the diode) from the VSS pin voltage momentarily. Detecting this voltage (being higher than the overcurrent 1 detection voltage), the IC increases the overcharge detection voltage about 50 mV, and releases the overcharge status. Consequently, when the battery voltage is equal to or lower than the overcharge detection voltage (VCU) + 50 mV, the S-8241 immediately returns to the normal status. But the battery voltage is higher than the overcharge detection voltage (VCU) + 50 mV, the S-8241 does not return to the normal status until the battery voltage drops below the overcharge detection voltage (VCU) + 50 mV even if a load is connected. If the VM pin voltage is equal to or lower than the overcurrent 1 detection voltage when a load is connected and discharging starts, the S-8241 does not return to the normal status. NO T Remark If the battery is charged to a voltage higher than the overcharge detection voltage (VCU) and the battery voltage does not drop below the overcharge detection voltage (VCU) + 50 mV even when a heavy load, which causes an overcurrent, is connected, the overcurrent 1 and overcurrent 2 do not work until the battery voltage drops bellow the overcharge detection voltage (VCU) + 50 mV. Since an actual battery has, however, an internal impedance of several dozens of m, and the battery voltage drops immediately after a heavy load which causes an overcurrent is connected, the overcurrent 1 and overcurrent 2 work. Detection of load short-circuiting works regardless of the battery voltage. 20 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 4. Overdischarge Status W DE SI G N With power-down function When the battery voltage drops below the overdischarge detection voltage (VDL) during discharging under normal status and it continues for the overdischarge detection delay time (tDL) or longer, the S-8241 turns the discharging control FET off and stops discharging. This status is called overdischarge status. After the discharging control FET is turned off, the VM pin is pulled up by the RVMD resistor between VM and VDD in the IC. Meanwhile the potential difference between VM and VDD drops below 1.3 V (typ.) (the load short-circuiting detection voltage), current consumption of the IC is reduced to the power-down current consumption (IPDN). This status is called power-down status. The VM and VDD pins are shorted by the RVMD resistor in the IC under the overdischarge and power-down statuses. The power-down status is released when a charger is connected and the potential difference between VM and VDD becomes 1.3 V (typ.) or higher (load short-circuiting detection voltage). At this time, the FET is still off. When the battery voltage becomes the overdischarge detection voltage (VDL) or higher*1, the S-8241 turns the FET on and changes to the normal status from the overdischarge status. NE *1. If the VM pin voltage is no less than the charger detection voltage (VCHA), when the battery under overdischarge status is connected to a charger, the overdischarge status is released (the discharging control FET is turned on) as usual, provided that the battery voltage reaches the overdischarge release voltage (VDU) or higher. 5. Charger Detection MM EN DE D FO R Without power-down function When the battery voltage drops below the overdischarge detection voltage (VDL) during discharging under normal status and it continues for the overdischarge detection delay time (tDL) or longer, the S-8241 turns the discharging control FET off and stops discharging. When the discharging control FET is turned off, the VM pin is pulled up by the RVMD resistor between VM and VDD in the IC. Meanwhile the potential difference between VM and VDD drops below 1.3 V (typ.) (the load short-circuiting detection voltage), current consumption of the IC is reduced to the overdischarge current consumption (IOPED). This status is called overdischarge status. The VM and VDD pins are shorted by the RVMD resistor in the IC under the overdischarge status. When a charger is connected, the overdischarge status is released in the same way as explained above in respect to products having the power-down function. For products without the power-down function, in addition, even if the charger is not connected, the S-8241 turns the discharging control FET on and changes to the normal status from the overdischarge status provided that the load is disconnected and that the potential difference between VM and VSS drops below the overcurrent 1 detection voltage (VIOV1), since the VM pin is pulled down by the RVMS resistor between VM and VSS in the IC when the battery voltage reaches the overdischarge release voltage (VDU) or higher. NO T RE CO If the VM pin voltage is lower than the charger detection voltage (VCHA) when a battery in overdischarge status is connected to a charger, overdischarge hysteresis is released, and when the battery voltage becomes equal to or higher than the overdischarge detection voltage (VDL), the overdischarge status is released (the discharging control FET is turned on). This action is called charger detection. (The charger detection reduces the time for charging in which charging current flows through the internal parasitic diode in the discharging control FET) . If the VM pin voltage is not lower than the charger detection voltage (VCHA) when a battery in overdischarge status is connected to a charger, the overdischarge status is released (the discharging control FET is turned on) as usual, when the battery voltage reaches the overdischarge release voltage (VDU) or higher. 21 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 6. Abnormal Charge Current Detection NE W DE SI G N If the VM pin voltage drops below the charger detection voltage (VCHA) during charging under the normal status and it continues for the overcharge detection delay time (tCU) or longer, the S-8241 turns the charging control FET off and stops charging. This action is called abnormal charge current detection. Abnormal charge current detection works when the discharging control FET is on (DO pin voltage is "H") and the VM pin voltage drops below the charger detection voltage (VCHA). When an abnormal charge current flows into a battery in the overdischarge status, the S-8241 consequently turns the charging control FET off and stops charging after the battery voltage becomes the overdischarge detection voltage or higher (DO pin voltage becomes "H") and the overcharge detection delay time (tCU) elapses. Abnormal charge current detection is released when the voltage difference between VM pin and VSS pin becomes lower than the charger detection voltage (VCHA) by separating the charger. Since the 0 V battery charging function has higher priority than the abnormal charge current detection function, abnormal charge current may not be detected by the product with the 0 V battery charging function while the battery voltage is low. 7. Delay Circuits FO R The detection delay times are determined by dividing a clock of approximately 2 kHz by the counter. [Example] Overcharge detection delay time (= abnormal charge current detection delay time): 1.0 s Overdischarge detection delay time: 125 ms Overcurrent 1 detection delay time: 8 ms Overcurrent 2 detection delay time: 2 ms MM EN DE D Caution 1. Counting for the overcurrent 2 detection delay time starts when the overcurrent 1 is detected. Having detected the overcurrent 1, if the overcurrent 2 is detected after the overcurrent 2 detection delay time, the S-8241 Series turns the discharging control FET off as shown in the Figure 6. In this case, the overcurrent 2 detection delay time may seem to be longer or overcurrent 1 detection delay time may seem to be shorter than expected. VDD DO pin CO VSS VDD Time Overcurrent 2 detection delay time (tIOV2) VIOV2 RE VM pin VIOV1 NO T VSS 22 Time Figure 6 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 DE SI G N 2. <For products with power-down function> After having detected an overcurrent (overcurrent 1, overcurrent 2, short-circuiting), the state is held for the overdischarge detection delay time or longer without releasing the load, the status changes to the power-down status when the battery voltage drops below the overdischarge detection voltage. If the battery voltage drops below the overdischarge detection voltage due to overcurrent, the discharging control FET is turned off when the overcurrent is detected. If the battery voltage recovers slowly and if the battery voltage after the overdischarge detection delay time is equal to or lower than the overdischarge detection voltage, the S-8241 changes to the power-down status. NE W <For products without power-down function> After having detected an overcurrent (overcurrent 1, overcurrent 2, short-circuiting), the state is held for the overdischarge detection delay time or longer without releasing the load, the status changes to the overdischarge status when the battery voltage drops below the overdischarge detection voltage. If the battery voltage drops below the overdischarge detection voltage due to overcurrent, the discharging control FET is turned off when the overcurrent is detected. If the battery voltage recovers slowly and if the battery voltage after the overdischarge detection delay time is equal to or lower than the overdischarge detection voltage, the S-8241 changes to the overdischarge status. R 8. 0 V Battery Charging Function DE D FO This function enables the charging of a connected battery whose voltage is 0 V by self-discharge. When a charger having 0 V battery start charging charger voltage (V0CHA) or higher is connected between EB+ and EB- pins, the charging control FET gate is fixed to VDD potential. When the voltage between the gate and the source of the charging control FET becomes equal to or higher than the turn-on voltage by the charger voltage, the charging control FET is turned on to start charging. At this time, the discharging control FET is off and the charging current flows through the internal parasitic diode in the discharging control FET. If the battery voltage becomes equal to or higher than the overdischarge release voltage (VDU), the normal status returns. MM EN Caution 1. Some battery providers do not recommend charging of completely discharged batteries. Please refer to battery providers before the selection of 0 V battery charging function. 2. The 0 V battery charging function has higher priority than the abnormal charge current detection function. Consequently, a product with the 0 V battery charging function charges a battery and abnormal charge current cannot be detected during the battery voltage is low (at most 1.8 V or lower). CO 3. When a battery is connected to the IC for the first time, the IC may not enter the normal status in which discharging is possible. In this case, set the VM pin voltage equal to the VSS voltage (short the VM and VSS pins or connect a charger) to enter the normal status. 9. 0 V Battery Charge Inhibiting Function RE This function forbids the charging of a connected battery which is short-circuited internally (0 V battery). When the battery voltage becomes 0.9 V (typ.) or lower, the charging control FET gate is fixed to EB- potential to forbid charging. Charging can be performed, when the battery voltage is the 0 V battery charge inhibiting voltage (V0INH) or higher. NO T Caution 1. Some battery providers do not recommend charging of completely discharged batteries. Please refer to battery providers before the selection of 0 V battery charging function. 2. When a battery is connected to the IC for the first time, the IC may not enter the normal status in which discharging is possible. In this case, set the VM pin voltage equal to the VSS voltage (short the VM and VSS pins or connect a charger) to enter the normal status. 23 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 Timing Chart VCU VCL DE SI G Battery voltage N (1) Overcharge and overdischarge detection (for products with power-down function) VDU VDL VDD DO pin VSS W VDD CO pin NE VSS VDD R VM pin VIOV1 VSS VCHA FO Charger connection Load connection Overcharge detection delay time (tCU) Overdischarge detection delay time (tDL) Status (2) (1) D (1) (1) (3) DE Remark (1) : Normal status, (2) : Overcharge status, (3) : Overdischarge status, (4) : Overcurrent status The charger is assumed to charge with a constant current. Figure 7 Battery voltage VCU VCL VDU VDL CO VDD DO pin MM EN (2) Overcharge and overdischarge detection (for products without power-down function) VSS RE VDD CO pin VSS NO T VDD VM pin VIOV1 VSS VCHA Charger connection Load connection Overcharge detection delay time (tCU) Overdischarge detection delay time (tDL) Overdischarge detection delay time (tDL) Status (1) (2) (1) (3) (1) Remark (1) : Normal status, (2) : Overcharge status, (3) : Overdischarge status, (4) : Overcurrent status The charger is assumed to charge with a constant current. Figure 8 24 (3) (1) BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 (3) Overcurrent detection VDU VDL DE SI G Battery voltage N VCU VCL VDD DO pin VSS CO pin VDD VDD VSHORT VIOV2 VIOV1 VSS NE VM pin W VSS Charger connection R Load connection (1) FO Overcurrent 1 detection delay time (tIOV1) Overcurrent 2 detection delay time (tIOV2) Load short-circuiting detection delay time (t SHORT) Status (1) (4) (4) (1) (1) (4) D Remark (1) : Normal status, (2) : Overcharge status, (3) : Overdischarge status, (4) : Overcurrent status The charger is assumed to charge with constant current. DE Figure 9 Battery voltage DO pin VCU VCL VDU VDL VDD VDD RE CO pin CO VSS MM EN (4) Charger detection VSS VDD NO T VM pin VSS VCHA Charger connection Load connection Overdischarge detection delay time (tDL) If VM pin voltage VCHA Overdischarge is released at overdischarge detection voltage (VDL) Status Mode (1) (3) (1) Note: (1) mode, (4)(4)Overcurrent mode Remark (1) Normal : Normalmode, status,(2) (2)Overcharge : Overchargemode, status,(3) (3)Overdischarge : Overdischarge status, : Overcurrent status The charger isisassumed assumedtotocharge chargewith with constant current. The charger constant current. Figure 10 25 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 (5) Abnormal charge current detection DE SI G Battery voltage N VCU VCL VDU VDL VDD DO pin W VSS VDD CO pin VDD R VM pin NE VSS FO VSS VCHA Charger connection D Load connection (1) DE Status Mode (3) Abnormal charging current detection delay time ( = Overcharge detection delay time (tCU)) Overdischarge detection delay time (tDL) (1) (2) NO T RE CO MM EN Remark (1) : Normal status, : Overcharge status, : Overdischargemode, status,(4) (4) Overcurrent : Overcurrent mode status Note: (1) Normal mode, (2) (2) Overcharge mode, (3)(3) Overdischarge charger assumedto to charge charge with current. TheThe charger is is assumed withconstant constant current. 26 Figure 11 (1) BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 Battery Protection IC Connection Example EB R1 : 470 Battery C1 : 0.1 F DE SI G N VDD S-8241 Series VSS DO CO VM R2 : 1 k Figure 12 W FET2 EB NE FET1 Table 17 Constants for External Components Parts Purpose Min. Typ. Max. Remarks 0.4 V Threshold voltage Nch overdischarge detection voltage.*1 FET1 Discharge control MOS_FET Withstand voltage between gate and *2 source Charger voltage 0.4 V Threshold voltage Nch overdischarge detection voltage.*1 FET2 Charge control MOS_FET Withstand voltage between gate and *2 source Charger voltage Protection for ESD and Relation R1 R2 should be R1 Resistor R2 value 300 470 power fluctuation maintained.*3 Protection for power Install a capacitor of 0.01 F or C1 Capacitor 0.01 F 0.1 F 1.0 F fluctuation higher between VDD and VSS.*4 To suppress current flow caused by reverse connection of a charger, set the Protection for charger R2 Resistor 300 1 k 1.3 k reverse connection resistance within the range from 300 to *5 1.3 k. *1. If an FET with a threshold voltage of 0.4 V or lower is used, the FET may fail to cut the charging current. If an FET with a threshold voltage equal to or higher than the overdischarge detection voltage is used, discharging may stop before overdischarge is detected. *2. If the withstand voltage between the gate and source is lower than the charger voltage, the FET may break. *3. If R1 has a higher resistance than R2 and if a charger is connected reversely, current flows from the charger to the IC and the voltage between VDD and VSS may exceed the absolute maximum rating. Install a resistor of 300 or higher as R1 for ESD protection. If R1 has a high resistance, the overcharge detection voltage increases by IC current consumption. *4. If a capacitor C1 is less than 0.01 F, DO may oscillate when load short-circuiting is detected, a charger is connected reversely, or overcurrent 1 or 2 is detected. A capacitor of 0.01 F or higher as C1 should be installed. In some types of batteries DO oscillation may not stop unless the C1 capacity is increased. Set the C1 capacity by evaluating the actual application. *5. If R2 is set to less than 300 , a current which is bigger than the power dissipation flows through the IC and the IC may break when a charger is connected reversely. If a resistor bigger than 1.3 k is installed as R2, the charging current may not be cut when a high-voltage charger is connected. NO T RE CO MM EN DE D FO R Symbol Caution 1. The above constants may be changed without notice. 2. It has not been confirmed whether the operation is normal or not in circuits other than the above example of connection. In addition, the example of connection shown above and the constant do not guarantee proper operation. Perform thorough evaluation using the actual application to set the constant. 27 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 Precautions N Pay attention to the operating conditions for input/output voltage and load current so that the power loss in the IC does not exceed the power dissipation of the package. DE SI G Do not apply an electrostatic discharge to this IC that exceeds the performance ratings of the built-in electrostatic protection circuit. NO T RE CO MM EN DE D FO R NE W ABLIC Inc. claims no responsibility for any and all disputes arising out of or in connection with any infringement by products including this IC of patents owned by a third party. 28 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 Characteristics (Typical Data) 4.23 4.31 4.21 4.29 4.19 4.17 4.15 4.23 -50 4.13 -50 -25 0 25 Ta(C) 50 75 100 25 50 75 100 Ta(C) 2.50 2.36 2.46 2.32 R VDU (V) 2.40 2.42 FO VDL (V) 0 Overdischarge release voltage vs. temperature Overdischarge detection voltage vs. temperature 2.28 2.38 2.34 2.20 -50 -25 0 25 50 2.30 100 DE Ta(C) 75 D 2.24 Overcurrent 1 detection voltage vs. temperature 0.105 0.100 0.090 -50 -25 CO 0.095 0 25 50 75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 Ta(C) Overcurrent 2 detection voltage vs. temperature 0.60 0.55 VIOV2 (V) MM EN 0.110 VIOV1 (V) -25 NE 4.25 W 4.27 DE SI G Overcharge release voltage vs. temperature 4.33 VCL (V) VCU (V) Overcharge detection voltage vs. temperature N 1. Detection/release voltage temperature characteristics 0.50 0.45 0.40 -50 100 -25 0 Ta(C) 25 50 75 100 Ta(C) RE 2. Current consumption temperature characteristics Current consumption vs. Temperature in normal mode 6 0.10 0.08 4 IPDN (A) IOPE (A) NO T 5 3 2 1 -25 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -50 Current consumption vs. Temperature in power-down mode 0 25 50 Ta(C) 75 100 0.00 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 Ta(C) 29 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series Rev.9.2_01 3. Current consumption Power voltage characteristics (Ta = 25C) Current consumption power supply volatge dependency N VM = VSS DE SI G IOPE (A) 20 15 10 5 0 2 4 6 8 W 0 10 NE VDD(V) 4. Detection/release delay time temperature characteristics Overcharge release delay time vs. temperature 1.5 0.8 FO R 1.0 tCL (ms) tCU (s) Overcharge detection delay time vs. temperature 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 MM EN Ta(C) DE D 0.2 0.0 -50 100 50 -50 -25 0 RE 0 25 50 75 tCU (s) 150 CO tDL (ms) 200 0 25 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 100 -50 -25 0 25 tIOV1 (s) Release NO T tIOV1 (ms) 75 100 500 12 8 4 0 25 Ta(C) 30 50 Overcurrent 1 release delay time vs. temperature 16 -25 100 Ta(C) Overcurrent 1 detection delay time vs. temperature -50 75 Overdischarge release delay time vs. temperature Ta(C) 0 50 Ta(C) Overdischarge detection delay time vs. temperature 250 -25 50 75 100 400 300 200 100 0 -50 -25 0 25 Ta(C) 50 75 100 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-CELL PACK S-8241 Series 50 3 40 2 1 N Load short-circuiting delay time vs. temperature tSHORT (s) tIOV2 (ms) Overcurrent 2 detection delay time vs. temperature 4 30 20 10 0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 0 100 -50 -25 Ta(C) 0 25 50 75 100 Ta(C) W 5. Delay time power-voltage characteristics (Ta = 25C) Overcurrent 2 detection delay time vs. power supply voltage dependency 12 3 2 FO 8 R 4 tIOV2 (ms) 16 NE Overcurrent 1 detection delay time vs. power supply voltage dependency tIOV1 (ms) DE SI G Rev.9.2_01 4 1 0 2.5 3.0 3.5 VDD(V) 4.0 4.5 5.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 VDD(V) DE 2.0 D 0 6. CO pin/DO pin output current characteristics (Ta = 25C) MM EN -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 2 8 6 4 2 0 3 0 4 1 2 3 4 5 VCO(V) VCO(V) DO pin source current characteristics VDD = 3.5 V, VSS = VM = 0 V 2.5 DO pin sink current characteristics VDD = 1.8 V, VSS = VM = 0 V 2.0 IDO (mA) IDO (mA) CO pin sink current characteristics VDD = 4.5 V, VSS = VM = 0 V 10 NO T -1.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 1 RE 0 CO ICO (mA) -1.2 12 ICO (A) -1.4 CO pin source current characteristics VDD = 3.5 V, VSS = VM = 0 V 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 1 2 VDO(V) 3 4 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 VDO(V) 31 N 2.90.2 DE SI G 1.90.2 4 2 3 +0.1 0.16 -0.06 D 0.950.1 FO R NE 1 W 5 MM EN DE 0.40.1 NO T RE CO No. MP005-A-P-SD-1.3 TITLE SOT235-A-PKG Dimensions No. MP005-A-P-SD-1.3 ANGLE UNIT mm ABLIC Inc. 4.00.1(10 pitches:40.00.2) +0.1 2.00.05 0.250.1 +0.2 W DE SI G N o1.5 -0 4.00.1 1.40.2 R NE o1.0 -0 5 Feed direction CO 4 MM EN 3 2 1 DE D FO 3.20.2 NO T RE No. MP005-A-C-SD-2.1 TITLE SOT235-A-Carrier Tape No. MP005-A-C-SD-2.1 ANGLE UNIT mm ABLIC Inc. D FO R NE W DE SI G N 12.5max. 9.00.3 DE MM EN Enlarged drawing in the central part (60) CO (60) o130.2 NO T RE No. MP005-A-R-SD-1.1 SOT235-A-Reel TITLE No. MP005-A-R-SD-1.1 ANGLE QTY. UNIT mm ABLIC Inc. 3,000 5 4 2 3 +0.05 0.08 -0.02 NE 1 W DE SI G 6 N 1.570.03 0.5 DE D FO R 0.480.02 MM EN 0.20.05 NO T RE CO No. PG006-A-P-SD-2.1 TITLE SNT-6A-A-PKG Dimensions No. PG006-A-P-SD-2.1 ANGLE UNIT mm ABLIC Inc. N 4.00.1 0.250.05 +0.1 4.00.1 0.650.05 4 MM EN 3 2 1 DE D FO R 1.850.05 o0.5 -0 NE W 2.00.05 DE SI G +0.1 o1.5 -0 5 6 CO Feed direction NO T RE No. PG006-A-C-SD-2.0 TITLE SNT-6A-A-Carrier Tape No. PG006-A-C-SD-2.0 ANGLE UNIT mm ABLIC Inc. FO R NE W DE SI G N 12.5max. D 9.00.3 DE Enlarged drawing in the central part MM EN o130.2 (60) No. PG006-A-R-SD-1.0 NO T RE CO (60) SNT-6A-A-Reel TITLE No. PG006-A-R-SD-1.0 ANGLE QTY. UNIT mm ABLIC Inc. 5,000 1 R 0.2 0.3 NE W 0.52 2 DE SI G 1.36 N 0.52 (0.25 mm min. / 0.30 mm typ.) (1.30 mm ~ 1.40 mm) FO 1. 2. D 0.03 mm DE SNT 1. Pay attention to the land pattern width (0.25 mm min. / 0.30 mm typ.). 2. Do not widen the land pattern to the center of the package ( 1.30 mm ~ 1.40 mm ). MM EN Caution 1. Do not do silkscreen printing and solder printing under the mold resin of the package. 2. The thickness of the solder resist on the wire pattern under the package should be 0.03 mm or less from the land pattern surface. 3. Match the mask aperture size and aperture position with the land pattern. 4. Refer to "SNT Package User's Guide" for details. (0.25 mm min. / 0.30 mm typ.) (1.30 mm ~ 1.40 mm) NO T RE CO 1. 2. No. PG006-A-L-SD-4.1 TITLE SNT-6A-A -Land Recommendation No. PG006-A-L-SD-4.1 ANGLE UNIT mm ABLIC Inc. Disclaimers (Handling Precautions) All the information described herein (product data, specifications, figures, tables, programs, algorithms and application circuit examples, etc.) is current as of publishing date of this document and is subject to change without notice. 2. The circuit examples and the usages described herein are for reference only, and do not guarantee the success of any specific mass-production design. ABLIC Inc. is not responsible for damages caused by the reasons other than the products described herein (hereinafter "the products") or infringement of third-party intellectual property right and any other right due to the use of the information described herein. 3. ABLIC Inc. is not responsible for damages caused by the incorrect information described herein. 4. Be careful to use the products within their specified ranges. Pay special attention to the absolute maximum ratings, operation voltage range and electrical characteristics, etc. ABLIC Inc. is not responsible for damages caused by failures and / or accidents, etc. that occur due to the use of the products outside their specified ranges. 5. When using the products, confirm their applications, and the laws and regulations of the region or country where they are used and verify suitability, safety and other factors for the intended use. 6. When exporting the products, comply with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act and all other export-related laws, and follow the required procedures. 7. The products must not be used or provided (exported) for the purposes of the development of weapons of mass destruction or military use. ABLIC Inc. is not responsible for any provision (export) to those whose purpose is to develop, manufacture, use or store nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, missiles, or other military use. 8. The products are not designed to be used as part of any device or equipment that may affect the human body, human life, or assets (such as medical equipment, disaster prevention systems, security systems, combustion control systems, infrastructure control systems, vehicle equipment, traffic systems, in-vehicle equipment, aviation equipment, aerospace equipment, and nuclear-related equipment), excluding when specified for in-vehicle use or other uses. Do not apply the products to the above listed devices and equipments without prior written permission by ABLIC Inc. Especially, the products cannot be used for life support devices, devices implanted in the human body and devices that directly affect human life, etc. Prior consultation with our sales office is required when considering the above uses. ABLIC Inc. is not responsible for damages caused by unauthorized or unspecified use of our products. 9. Semiconductor products may fail or malfunction with some probability. The user of the products should therefore take responsibility to give thorough consideration to safety design including redundancy, fire spread prevention measures, and malfunction prevention to prevent accidents causing injury or death, fires and social damage, etc. that may ensue from the products' failure or malfunction. The entire system must be sufficiently evaluated and applied on customer's own responsibility. MM EN DE D FO R NE W DE SI G N 1. 10. The products are not designed to be radiation-proof. The necessary radiation measures should be taken in the product design by the customer depending on the intended use. CO 11. The products do not affect human health under normal use. However, they contain chemical substances and heavy metals and should therefore not be put in the mouth. The fracture surfaces of wafers and chips may be sharp. Be careful when handling these with the bare hands to prevent injuries, etc. 12. When disposing of the products, comply with the laws and ordinances of the country or region where they are used. RE 13. The information described herein contains copyright information and know-how of ABLIC Inc. The information described herein does not convey any license under any intellectual property rights or any other rights belonging to ABLIC Inc. or a third party. Reproduction or copying of the information from this document or any part of this document described herein for the purpose of disclosing it to a third-party without the express permission of ABLIC Inc. is strictly prohibited. NO T 14. For more details on the information described herein, contact our sales office. 2.0-2018.01 www.ablicinc.com