POWER TRANSISTORS 2 Amp, 80V, Planar NPN FEATURES @ Meets MIL-S-19500/277 Collector-Base Voltage: up to 150V @ D.C. Collector Current: 2A Beta Guaranteed at 3 Current Levels Characterized for Safe Operating Area ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Collector-Base Voltage, Vega Collector-Emitter Voltage, Vero - Emitter-Base Voltage, Vigo . D.C. Collector Current, |e oi.ccccccnccccscce minenctessnestimenerccescnnniameeccenenttinnssctearcasnsenie 2A Base Current, |, 2A Power Dissipation OBES CASO oo cccccecccccecccsesecsessseeesesteeseneesennresesseeeteserssrentasseneassenteeenses 30W Operating Temperature Range . 55C to 175C -65C to 200C Storage Temperature Range MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS JAN & JANTX 2N2151 DESCRIPTION Unitrode power transistors provide a unique combination of low saturation voltage, high gain and fast switching. They are ideally suited for power supply pulse amplifier and similar high efficiency power switching applications. JAN & JANTX2N2151 INCHES MILLIMETERS i At 400-455 10.16-11.56 | B | .090-.150 2.28-3.81 Cc | _320-.468 13-1188 D | 570-763 14,48-19.38 3 | 318-380 8.07-9.65 36 O THREAD F| 055+ B10 1.40 + 334 G] 424-437 10.77-11.10 H | _385- 218 470-546 TO-59 56 [Lt] aoe UNITRODEJAN & JANTX 2N2151 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (at 25C unless noted) 1277 MIL-STD-750 Test Symbol Min. | Max. | Units group Method Test Conditions 25C Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage BVcso | 150 | | Vde | A-2 | 3001 Iq = 100uAdc, Cond. D Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage (Note 1) BVceq | 100 | | Vde | A-2 | 3011 | Io = 50mAdc, Cond. D Collector-Emitter Cutoff Current lees _ 5 |uAde! A-2 3041 | Vo_ = 120Vde, V,_ = 0, Cond. C Collector-Emitter Cutoff Current leex _- 5 |uAdc| A-2 3041 | Vo_ = 120Vde, Veg = 1Vde, Cond. A Collector-Emitter Cutoff Current let 10 JuAdc} A-2 3041 | Vee = 80Vdc, Cond. D Collector-Base Cutoff Current loo _ 5 juAde|] A2 | 3036 | Vc, = 120Vdc, Cond. D Emitter-Base Cutoff Current lego - 2 juAdc|] A-2 3061 | Vig = 8Vdc, Cond. D D.C. Current Gain (Note 1) hee 40) 120 | A-3 3076 Io = 1Ade, Veg = SVde D.C. Current Gain (Note 1) Hee 40 | 120 | A3 | 3076 lo = O0.5Ade, Vo, = 5Vde D.C, Current Gain (Note 1) Hee 40 | | A 3076 I, = 0.1Ade, Voz = 5Vde Collector Saturation Voltage (Note 1) Vee (sat)| OL | 10 | Vde} A-3 | 3071 | I, = 1Ade, |; = 0.1Adc Base Saturation Voltage (Note 1) Vee (sat}| ~ | 12 | Vdc} A-3 | 3066 | I, =1Adc, |, = 0.1Adc, Cond. A Base-Emitter Voltage (Note 1) Vee 12 Vde | A-3 3066 Io = 1Adc, Vcg = 5Vde, Cond. B A.C. Current Gain fe 40 | 160 | AS | 3206 I, = O.1Ade, Veg = 30Vde, f = 1kHz Gain-Bandwidth Product f; 10 | 70 | MHz] AS | 3306 | I, =O.1Ade, Vo, = 30Vdc, f = 10MHz Output Capacitance Cor | 160 pf | A-5 3236 | Veg = 20Vdc, I, = 0, f = IMH, Thermal Resistance Bh.6 | 25 | Oly} C-1 3151 . 100C Forward-Biased Second Breakdown Isfp 2 | | Ade} 8-9 Vog = 15Vde, t = 60 sec, see curve Forward-Biased Second Breakdown Isfg 200 | | mAdc| B-9 _ Vee = 57Vde, t = 60 sec, see curve Forward-Biased Second Breakdown Ife 25 | |mAdc] B-9 _ Vez = 100Vdc, t = 60 sec, see curve Unclamped Inductive Sweep Es/s 20 mj B-5 _ I. = 2Adc, L = 10mh Clamped Inductive Sweep Esp so; mj | B-6 Ic = 2Ade, L = 40M, Viiamp = 150V 150C Collector-Emitter Cutoff Current lees | 100 | uAdc| A-4 3041 Veg = 120Vde, Vee = 0, Cond. C Collector-Emitter Cutoff Current loex | 100 | uAdc} A4 | 3041 | Vo_ = 120Vde, Veg = 1Vde Emitter-Base Cutoff Current leso 20 | uAdc! A-4 3061 Veg = 8Vde, Cond. D 55C D.C. Current Gain (Note 1) Mee 2} ~ | A4 | 3076 lq = 0.5Adc, Veg = SVde Note: 1. Pulse width = 300s; duty cycle < 2%. UNITRODE CORPORATION + 5 FORBES ROAD LEXINGTON, MA 02173 + TEL. (617) 861-6540 TWX (710) 326-6509 TELEX 95-1064 57 PRINTED IN U.S.A.Forward Bias Safe Operating Area 10 T. = 100C 5 c = = 2 bE z e 1 a a) 5 e t,=1 Qo 2 Duty cycie = 10% a o al t, =5 ; Duty cycle = 50% 5 .02 .01 2 5 10 50 80 100 200 Veg GOLLECTOR TO EMITTER VOLTAGE (V} Reverse Bias Safe Operating Area Clamped Inductive Switching 10 7 5 < b 2 a Ey 3 T, < 200C el oO e oO Ww a 5 a oO | a 2 al 2 5 10020 50 100 150 200 Veg COLLECTOR TO EMITTER VOLTAGE (V) Saturation Voltages 10 T, = 25C i =10 nN Vig (sat) e iw SATURATION VOLTAGE (V) 05 a 2 5 1 2 5 1. COLLECTOR CURRENT (A) UNITRODE CORPORATION * 5 FORBES ROAD LEXINGTON, MA 02173 TEL. (617) 861-6540 TWX (710) 326-6509 TELEX 95-1064 58 L INDUCTANCE (millihenries} hy, D.C. CURRENT GAIN AV TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS (MV/C) 200 100 wa o ny my JAN & JANTX 2N2151 Unclamped Reverse Bias Second Breakdown Ip = ly = 38 a= lB = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 I, COLLECTOR CURRENT (A) D.C. Current Gain T Veg = SY ee wore T a ac | be co Po 55C 4 0s 1 2 5 L 2 5 Ig COLLECTOR CURRENT (A) Saturation Voltage Temperature Coefficients 05 A 2 5 1 2 5 I, COLLECTOR CURRENT (A) PRINTED IN U.S.A.Switching Speed Characteristics TIME (microseconds) ah Se 02 "Ce J 01 5 1 2 3 4 5 tp + COLLECTOR CURRENT (A) Thermai Response Duty cycle = 0.5 2 al a 05 02 o a o & Single Pulse Osc) FF iy? Pc o = 86 =3.3C/W ly) NORMALIZED TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE 2 o a 2 So 8 > o 2 01 02.05 1 2 5 2 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 5001000 TIME (milliseconds) UNITRODE CORPORATION 5 FORBES ROAD LEXINGTON, MA 02173 TEL. (617) 861-6540 TWX (710) 326-6509 + TELEX 95-1064 59 JAN & JANTX 2N2151 Switching Speed Characteristics Veg = 20V le Na = le = To a Z Cc oO 3 2 E = 150C aa Fall time 25C 5 1 2 3 4 5 Ig- COLLECTOR CURRENT (A) Switching Speed Circuit Vg = 40VDC le te = le = to 25V 24v R,= ta + lez Pulse width = 2us R, R,= 5V Duty cycle = <2% Source Impedance 502 Veg = 4VDC PRINTED IN U.S.A.