01 de ff se7soa1 ooizsan s 3875081 G E SOLID STATE 1129 O1E 17586 oDT-33-/ Pro Electron Power Transistors File Number 1199 High-Current, Silicon N-P-N VERSAWATT Transistors Switching Applications Features; Fast switching speed at temperatures up to 125C a Low Vex(sat) s VERSAWATT plastic package RCA-BUW64A, BUW64B, and BUW64C are epitaxial-base sillcon n-p-n power transistors which feature fast switching speeds, low saturation voltages, and high safe-operating- area (SOA) ratings. They are spacially designed for converters, invertors, pulse-width-modulated regulators and a variety of power switching circuits. The BUW64A, BUW64B, and BUW64C transistors are supplied In the JEDEC TO-220AB (RCA VERSAWATT) plastic packages. MAXIMUM RATINGS, Absolute-Maximum Values: Veev To UP tO 25C vi scccssececetenesaerese ote Te above 26C... At distance = 1/8 in. (3.16 mm) from seating plane tor 10s max.... i BUW64A, BUW64B, BUW64C TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS UN cl : (FLANGE) OC O TOP VIEW 9208-39969 JEDEC TO-220AB BUWE4A BuwesB Buwesc 140 180 180 v 80 110 190 v 7 v - 5 5 _4 A 7 A 10 A 5 A 50 WwW 0.4 wre 65 to 150 C 235 C 591 0-04Ob de pas7soan oor7saz 7 [3876081 GE SOLID STATE O1e 17587 OT-337)/ Pro Electron Power Transistors BUW64A, BUW64B, BUW64C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS, at Case Temperature Tg = 25C Unless Otherwise Specified TEST CONDITIONS LIMITS CHARAG- VOLTAGE| CURRENT TERISTIC Vide Ade BUW64A | BUW64B | BUWESC |UNiTs Vce] Vee | Ic Ig | Min.|Max.]Min.| Max.jMin. |Max, 140 }-1.5 - |} too] -| - | - | - logy 160 |~1.5 ~{|- |-] 100] ~ | - | wa 180 | -1.5 -~|-{|- | - | {100 140 |1.5 - 1J-]|-]-|- To = 125C 160 |-1.6 -{-j|{- wy-|e- 180 |~1.6 -{|-j]-|-]- 1] mA lego -7} 0 | 100] | 100] | 100] ya Vee [susib po } Oj} g0 } {110) | 130] - Vv 2 0.28 30 | | 30] | 30] - KFE 2 4a -]|]- {[-[ - | 20] - 2 2 20 | | 20j - | - j - 4joa4{/-j-]-|]-]- | 14 Vee (sat) sifos | | 1.5} -] 1.5} | - 4 ioa4|-]/- }|-|- ]- | 07] VY Voglsat) 52105 | - | os - |] oa} | 7aio74,- | 15] - |] 15] - | 1.5 Isib 20 2.5 1} - w-] at $ Ihe 10 0.5 10 | 401 10] 40] 10] 40 f= 5 MHz fy 10 0.5 50 | 200] 60 | 200| 50] 200 | MHz Cobo ic fe 0.1 Mite 10 50 | 150| 50 | 150] 50| 150 | pF 4jo4}-/-y7-/]- |- Jor d - d 4] 5 los |-|o1]-| orf - | - 1d -al 4 [94 ]- [= ]- | - [- [0.25 5 {05 | - j0.28] - |0.25)- | - | us 4 lose] -]- |-[- [- 1 td ~ . s 41 5 lose| 1] - t}- }- 4 jose} -]| - |- | - | - | os td - . f *| 5 |ose| - | o5]- | 05] - | - Rose 4 5 - | 25) - | 26] - | 25 |cw 4 Pulsed: pulse duration = 300 ps, duty factor 2%, e Vop value, } CAUTION: The sustaining voltage Veggisus) MUST NOT 4 Veg = 70 V, ty = 20 us be measured on a curve tracer. e 'B, = Ig,- 592 1130 D-05O1 DE 3475041 0017588 4 7, 3875081 G E SOLID STATE ~ O1E 17588 ro 07% 33-y ~ ctron Power Transistors BUW64A, BUW64B, BUW64C OO. CASE TEMPERATURE(Tc )2 25C (CURVES MUST BE DERATED LINEARLY WITH INCREASE IN TEMPERATURE} 2 {tHe ea # s oe HERES THEEEE PULSE OPERATION Ic (MAX,) PULSED) eee COLLECTOR CURRENT {(I)-A 100, t 4 10 z ; oe afiic (MAX.) CONT = e = 4 : HAD, > 65 4, UA, bE % ,GaHEe : : OC OPERATION ae 3 s DISSIPATION: LIMITED itn, 7 oS 2 TE bet at ase fi S + *FOR SINGLE 5 ; NONREPETITIVE Thin, vA Boek PULSE 2 aw cl os 3 c 8 tenet S a ae : a : Voce (MAX }* 90 V (BUW64A} Veo (MAX.)* 110 V(BUW64B) Vogo(MAX.}= 130 ViBUWE4C) 2 4 6 4 2 4 6 8 2 4 668 t 10 100 tooo COLLECTOR-TO-EMITTER VOLTAGE (Ve _) v 9265-31945 Fig. t= Maximum operating areas for all types (To= 25C). CASE TEMPERATURE (Te )s100%C 10 ef * For SINGLE gt NONREPETITIVE . LSE 4 2 Voeg (MAX) = 90 v (AUW64A) Hate! Voeo (MAX ) 110 Vv (BUWE4B) Fee VoEO (MAX.) #130 V(BUWwE64) 2 4 6 6 2 4 co COLLECTOR -TO- EMITTER VOLTAGE (Voe) -V 92CS~31946 Fig. 2 ~- Maximum operating areas for all types (To= 100 Pcl. 593 1131 D=063875081 GE SOLID STATE L Pro Electron Power Transistors ~O1E 17589 2b T+ BB-I! y . BUW64A, BUW64B, BUW64C OF RATED CURRENT. o 25 30 (78 CASE c Q2CS-31837 Fig. 2 Dissipation and Igy, derating curves for all types. RATIO (hep COLLECTOR CURRENT (Ic)A. sitt-ressm Fig. Typical de beta characteristics for all types, ao g o4 12 Le 2 24 BASE-TO- EMITTER SATURATION VOLTAGE [Meetsol]- O2CS-31e4t Fig. 7 Typical base-to-emitter saturation voltage characteristic for all types. 594 $ 5 4 0.004 o 1 t PULSE (plo sacs-siese Fig. 4 Typical thermal-response characteristic for all types, a a COLLECTOR CURRENT (Ig)}-A a oa ft 4 1 COLLECTOR-T0-EMITTER SATURATION VOLTAGE [Weetsari]-v 9208 = 31840 Fig. 6 Typical collector-to-emitter saturation voltage characteristics for all types. CASE TEMPERATURE (Te }= 25C COLLECTOR - TO-EMITTER VOLTAGE [Vp_]#10 FREQUENCY (f)s5 MHz 2 (TelA gacs-aieaz Fig. 8 Typical small-signal forward-current transfer ratio characteristic for all types (f = 5 MHz), 1132 0-07OL DEM 3875081 oo17550 3 T 3875081 GE SOLID STATE O1e 17690 o7-33)1 - Pro Electron Power Transistors BUW64A, BUW64B, BUW64C CASE TEMPERATURE {1)* 25C Xg *Ic/10,1p,*l gy Veet TOV, tp 20 nt COLLECTOR CURRENT (I}-& Oo 2 6 10 a o 2 3 4 6 ~ v ceLLECTOR-TO- cuter VOLTAGE (Wop)- COLLECTOR CURRENT (te)-a ores-siecs V2ES~ 31043 Fig. 10 Typical saturated-switching-time charac- teristics as a function of collector current for all types (Tq = 26 C). Fig. 9 Typical output charecteristics for all types. C fasec "Igf/lO, Tg co" 70, Ig shops lo to? ie COLLECTOR-TO- BASE VOLTAGE [VgglV OR EMITTER-TO-BASE VOLTAGE (Veg)V g2eg-sieas COLLECTOR CURRENT {Icl-A oees31045 Fig. 11 Typical saturated-switching-time charac- teristics as a function of collector currant for all types (To= 125 C). Fig. {2 Typical common-base input (Cj, q) or output (Cobo! capacitance characteristic for all types, ADJ FOR Tal 15n,2w Yel Rot 15-200 ,1ow NON IND Ql, 02 2N6354 Q3 8 eN3s762 04, 25, 06,07 CA3725 QUAD TRANSISTOR , ARRAY. THIS CONNECTION . SHOULD BE MADE AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO COLLECTOR OF TRANSISTOR UNDER TEST # KELVIN SENSING NECTION NOTE: BATTERY SYMBOLS Voc, V5; Vea: Va(cLaMp) INDICATE RIGOROUSLY FILTERED VOLTAGE SOURCES AT THE CIRCUIT TERMINALS TO ACCOMODATE THE FAST t, AND ts TIMES AND HIGH CURRENTS PRESENT IN THE CIRCUIT. 50n = LES ns Veo = 920M- 31847 IN ADJ FOR Igo FREQs 500Hz Fig, 13 Circuit for measuing switching times, 595 1133 D-08a De 2a7s0e1 ooi7sa 9 ff | 3875081 GE SOLID STATE 9 SESE oe eR i Pro Electron Power Transistors TE O1E 17591 D T- 33 | } | BUW64A, BUW64B, BUW64C Igo ose I _, 1 Cp90% 9 90 % | I 8610 % ZQ0% tg A-B ox~- 92CS~-3038IRI 7 GC tye Y-2 {wansition X-W NOTE: TRANSITION TIME FROM 80% la, TO 9% 's, MUST BE LESS THAN 0.5 ys. Fig, 14 Phase relationship between input and output currents showing reference points for specification of switching times.